The Brussels Post, 1895-4-12, Page 3APRIL 2, 1895 OT32 Directory. MismantE Cnaaon.—Sabbath Ser'v'o*, at 11 a M. and 6:30 p.111, Sunday School at 2:80 p m. Rey. John Rose, B A, astor. ENox Cngetan,—Sabbath Sereleee at 1 a In and 6:80 p m• Sunday Sobool a 2:30 p m, Rev, D. Millar, Pastor. Sa. Jo 1 's Cuuaon.—Sabbath, Service at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohoo at 2:80 p. m, Rev. A. K, Griffin, imam. bent. METHODIST Onunoti,—Sabbath S t,vioee at 10:80 a to wed 6;30 p m, Sunday Sabool at 2:00 p m. Rev. G, 11. Cobble. dick, M .8., B D, pastor. ROMAN O wrzoLfo 0u0000. -Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10;30 a In. Rev Joseph Kennedy, ptiest. SALVATION Altar,—Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 se m on Sunday and every evening in the week et 8 o'clock, at the earraoks. Onn FELLows' Loners every TItursday evening, in Graham's bloah. Meseta° Loon Tuesday at or before fall moon, in Garfield block. .A 0 IJ W LODGE an bho 'Srd Friday evening of eaoh month, in BIaa• hill's block. 0 0 F Lowe: 2nd and last Monday. evsuings of eaoh month, in B1ashili's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L O L leb Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Sows Or' SCOTLAND, 1st and Srd Tues- days of each month, in Odd .Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Loners, let and 3rd Thurs. daya of eaoh month, in Vanetone block. Home Ofnone, 2nd efld 4th Friday even- ings in Blaebill'e Hall. POST OPPIOE.—Ofiice Moura from 8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. Mammas' INSTITU'TE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from, 6 to 8 o'clools p. m. Wednesdays and 3:0 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Towe Oouvoxn.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. MoOraekeo, Robert Graham, R, Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors; F. S. Scotts Clerk Clerk ; Thotnas Belly-, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the lab Monday iueach month. SOnooL BoeaD: —Rev, Rose, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., R. Rose. Meetings 208 Friday evening in eaoh month. PUBLIC S0HO0L TEAonEne.—J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Mies Downey and Bliss Cooper. Boman or HEALTU.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Soott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Headall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. yin AtWOOQ, 8 8131ytte. 0an1mnnion in Trinity elters10 on Sunday morning next. On Friday Mies Mary Cash retuened'; from a lengthy visit amongst Mende in Stratford, On Friday the remains of the young. est child of S. 11. • Gidley, tailor, was taken to the Uoion cemetery for inter. Ment. James' lSmigb 'intends leaving thie week for Manitoba and the North-weet to seek his fortune, On Sunday morning mese was gale - hotted in the Roma° Catholic &arch and the following Monday :and Tuesday mornings, On Monday morning owing to the roads end,eide•walks being covered with Me, pedeetraine had a hard job to keep their feet is travelling, On Saturday the funeral of the late John McGregor tools plane from the feel: dense of his brother.in.law, John Mo. Milian, Morris, where be had been stay, ing for several years until his demise, through this village to the Union Deme• tery for interment. On Friday Philip Willows, our pump maker, whilst splitting wood, was noticed to fall down in an unconscious state. He was taken into the houeewlasn medical aid was sent for. We are glad to say that he has regained himself and is able to be out again. TH1 iiRUSSELS PUSS' matomiloommtamtmwooteummoutommanceignimeorotwonom at home, Illies Adams pf Miteholl, von. trihuted 03001, 80 the evening entertain. Ment by a number of pleasing solve, The young eeeple were the reeipiente of many metal end valuable preeents, fol. !awed by the best wiehoe of a Mtge chole of friande and aegnaletanpee. Mr. and Mrs. Denyer will take up their reeidenco Wince brt.n- A. Roe, F. Kormalin and J. E. Stsarts were in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Outario License Holders' Association. Rev. Dr. Fraser, of Hamilton, isexpect- ea to deliver a lecture in thePresbyterlan church, on • Monday evening, Auris 80, subject : "From Jerusalem to Damascus on a pony." A couple of boys, named Frank Cur- rie and Fred. Melvin, were before Mayor Brookenshire, charged with entering and stealing goods from Geo. Good's shoe store, They were oominitted for trial and taken to Goderiob. They eleoted to be tried without a jury, and were brought before Judge Tema, when they both plead. ed guilty and were remanded to jail. A. warrant was issued for a young lad about 19 years of age, named Frank Wil- liams, for theft: It appears that he had been sl p ung at Beattie Bros'. livery for a few 'Flays, being out of work, and the young men working there were paying for hi board. On Wednesday night of last u•Milc he left, but before going he went through the 'trunks of those who had befriended him, and took from one a suit of blothee, and from the other sever- al articles of wearing apparel. Word was also,u'8ut out to constables in surrounding towns, and on Saturday evening word was received from Auburn that Williams was there.' Chief Bullard drone over and brought him back.. 1 -le also Beograd all , the stelae articles. Williams wet planed in the lookup, but when the Chief went to bring him before the Mayor, on Mon• day evening, the Dell was empty, the prisoner having loosened one end of one of the iron rods over the door of the oell, and pushing it to one side, had crowded through the aperture and made his escape. .A:C%yuoti. J. A. Klump purchased a fine Jersey Dew and calf the other day near Berlin, for whiuh be paid a fancy price. John Pelton'e little boy, Lemuel, tools 0e8e8e attack of oingeetion of the lungs and the little fellow has since been under the Dr's care. Principal Anderson is nursing a felon 011 his right thumb. Although very pain- ful, he manages to attend to his sobool duties as usual The (menet lately purohased by the E. L. of 0. E. of the Methodist 0hhroh for the choir has added greatly to the etli. eiuney of the choir. 0. 111. Stewart plays the cornet very nicely. Mise Mamie Harvey, who has been at- tending Toronto University, came home on Tuesday, of last week, Miss Harvey has lied au attack of le, grippe and has retaread to her home in order to recruit her health. The Patrons of Industry for North Perth held a oo0ventiol at Motikton on March 28,to reconsider the question of planing a candidate in the field at the ap. ptooehing Donieio0 election. The only name brought forward was that of Rubt. Smith, a young farmer o&Elutatownship, Hie nomination wee unanimous. The electors of North Perth will hare four candidates to choose iron :—James Grieve, M. P., Liberal ; Alex. F. Mo. Laren, Coneervetive ; Wm. Freeborq, P. P. A,.01oOea'thyite, ,and tate latest shun inee, Robert Smith, Patron. ' The home of Mrs. Richard Patterson, 4th eon., was the assets of la pretty wed ding bd the evening of the 20th tilt, Many friends were assembled to witness. the h1arrinee of her daughter, Sarah M, to Edward De ,yet, of Morningtou. 'L'110 ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. S. Fisher. The bride was prettily attired in °ream, while' her bridesmaid, Alias Jennie Lindsay, wore a pretty dress of fawn. Theeveni0g was spent very pleaeantl,y with music and games, the se hospitality of the hostess making all feel De The Presbyterial W. F. nl'. S. The eleventh annual meeting of this sooiety was held on the 19th ult. in the Preebyterian church, Wingham. An un- usually full program of business was transacted. There was a large attendance of dele- gates and friends from the various auxili- aries within the bounds of the Presbytery. The meeting was opened by Mre. Mur- ray, President of the Society, conducting devotional exercises, assisted by Mre. Sutherland, Ripley. Mre. Petrie gave a very cordial welco w to the delegates and friends. To this ad- dress Mrs. Chadwick made a most ,suit- able reply. The President then gave a most in- teresting address on the "Progress of Missions." - The following is a resume of the work of the year ending Maroh 10th, 1895, as shown from the reports of the Secretary and Treasurer. Auxiliaries 22 Mission Bands ' 5 Mission Bands added this year 2 Auxiliary membership Mission Band membership 493 129 Total membership ....622 Contributed by auxiliaries $1432 80 Contributed by Bands 79 78 Total contribution ..$1512 56 In September a large quantity of cloth. ing was sent to the North West Indians, valued ab $592.94. The contribution was dedicated to the Lord by solemn prayer led by Mrs. Barn- hill, Brussels. Mrs. J. Fraser Campbell, of Britlam, Central India, in her address, gave ranch interesting information regarding missions among women in the Yonanrs. Her ad- dress was listened to with intenseinterest as she spoke of what she knew from close observation for years. A discussion on the subject "What is the method of conducting auxiliary meet- ings 7" was opened. by. Mathieson Armow. The following ladies took part :—Mrs. Thurtell, Teoewater ; Mies .Anderson, Wroxeter ; Mrs. Dickson, Wingham. The discission brought out many import- aut points in connection with our work. Two very practical papers were read, one by Miss McNabb, Whitechurch, and the other by Mrs. Thurtell, Teeswater. A most pleasant feature of the after- noon proceedings WES the reception of delegates from sister societies. Those representatives were Mrs Gifford, from the Methodist chards, Mre. Graham from the Congregational church, Mrs. Pocoolk from the Baptist church, all of whom expressed themselves in such a manner as to show how deeply interested they were in the common work, and how inspiring to them that work had become. The reports from auxiliaries and mis- sion bands were presented in order by their respective Seeretariee. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows :—President, Mrs. Murray, Kincardine ; 1st Vioo, Mrs. Ross, Brussels ; 2ud Vico, Mrs. Perri°, Wingham ; 3rd Vice, Mre. Malcolm, 'seawater ; 4311 Vice, Mies Anderson, Wroxeter ; Secretary, 111rs, McNabb, Luoknow ; Treasurer, Mrs. Graham, Brussels ; Secretary of Supply, Mrs. Carruth, Wfngham. The place for holaini,* next meeting was considered. Cordial invitations were given from. Brussels and Luckuow, and a vote being taken it was resolved to bold the meeting in Lucicnow. The thanks of the Society were tendered to the ladies of Wingham for their oner- ous hospitality and to the organist and chafe for Mum excellent music. Tho delegates and other menibors of the Presbytery were most hospitably entertained to tea in the basement of the church. This gave the members of the society and their friends an opportunity for social intercourse, Tho ladies of Wingham congregation 0p08ed n0 Paine.iu their kindness a11t1 at toutiou to their guests. The Society's annual report was pre - embed to the Presbytery ab the evening soderunt, and was read by the Rev. A. McKay. A large 000grogation was pres- ent, 1n eouneotion wibh the preseuta• Mon of the report, missionary addresses were delivered by Rawls. A. McNabb, Murray. McLennan and W. H. Hender- 000. OA5AnRAtl nenieven 1N 10 T060 towonse — One short puff t,8 the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's 0rtiarreth Powder, diffeses,this Powder over the surface of the hoes! passages. Bahama and delightful to. dee, lb eelievee inetautly,: ani permanent. ly curse Catarraln, . Hay .Fever, Onlds, eadaohes, Sore Throat, loneilitis and airless. 60 dents at G. A, Duadmau'e, POUT/GAL,, flan, A, 1, Dickey, the new Minister of Militia, hag been sworn in. The Calgary Herald says that D. Davie, 130. P. for Alberta, is to r00e the appofntninnb of oolleeter of oueto in the Yukon district, The Dominion Government some ti ago tock action in the Exoheiaer Oo against the Montreal Wallen (lo. about 010,000 damages done to the shine Canal through the erection of their• mill. The company pub in a °punter - claim for $12,000 for damage caused by the canal to the mill. Juetioe Burbidge threw out the connter.alaim on the, ground that he had no jnriedictiou unlese the company obtained a fiat from the Crown permitting them to sue. ire 018 Ae the ebeanlera of t1115 line parry "only a me strictly limited ntlulber in the renew and art 6EOu80 00111'0 a00ommodatlone, intentliug paeatien85 are reminded ebat as 0arly nP• for pupation for bombe ie neoetenry ab 31110 0011• La. SOI, FOP plane, rates, Oto„apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Broeeels. Waite Sfax .Lae% HOW. ifl,1.[4 STECIESUPS. llotween New 'York and Liverpool, vitt Queenatown, every Wodeon3ay, A oorreepondent furnishes the follow., ing catalogue in parallel columns of what the Conservatives promised in 1878 and. what we have got 00100 TO OET, WHAT WPI HAVE GOD, 1, Protection, 1. Protection at 2 Work for every public' expense, body, 8, !dome market 3. Great home mar. fake. hob, all our butte!', O, Low prioos for tgglaambe,o,m wsuWl1e .E, 4 CIP.It• nob run by door's at very high Canadians, :prioos.. Meat lower in 4. Forest. of Chim mise logy in•'grouto nays on Grand itiver than in Buiralo. in Baldimnnd leo. A 0, No week• Davlutaulligh proprlee mise. Por Grand River. 7, No chimneys on 5, wh0eNato, com0etiffon ofefmeaanadllsn prior) in minket with Tan. 0, Low prlee for all kee beef, farmer's produce. 7. Canadian Pacific - 10, Gerrymander, Railways for Cana. 11. Franchise 13111, dians, only. 13. Steams 13111. 8.011111oneotsettlere 13. Boundary dts- in.Northwt, - thane. nadaee108Oaea• note. 14.1 McGreevy scan. 10. Retention of 30, Curran bridge, population, 1e. Caron soandal. 11. All the ami• 17.Cattleseheduled, grouts. 18. Two -rowed. bar- 12,Reciprooity with led fake, 'United States. 19. Seat -sealing. 13, Trade with Aas- 20. Washington visit bralia, Jugglery. 14, 'Pratte with West 21. MsKinleyAot: Iudfes, 22. Loyalty cry. tioa 15, . Pare admidstra- 29. Northwest rebel - 10. Equal rights. 04,. Lole.ss of 1,000,000 peopl 25. Increase of na- tional debt by 3100, 000,000. 20, Increase the an- nual expenses by SA - 000,000, 27. 101gb taxes. lets.29. Pattereon'e bul- F. P. Hughes, of Strathroy, who went to New Mexico in search of the bank clerk Patterson, has retuned home with the intelligenoe that the company hall ar- rested the wrong man at Las Vegas. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 Atm uTEs.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinoee. Sold by G. A. Deadman, RHEUtfAT1801 O1311ED IN A DAV.— South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheurna• tiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Wm. J. Farr, of the township of Thor. old, was arrested last week charged with stealing a letter containing a .post office order for $13 50 out of the Niagara Falls post office. The letter was addressed to one Wm. Faro. It seems the accused told the postmaster that the letter was intended for him. Farr then opened it and had the order oashe3, HAVE A GnEAT REPUTATION HIntE.—J, B. Taylor, Esq., merchant, Welland, says : "Stark's Powders have a great reputation about here as an immediate, as well as a permanent pure for Head. sole, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Liver and Stomach Complaints, Costiveness. I know of people who have been long and greet sufferers, who have tried almost everything, and have been ouredby them. We have used, them in onr own family with remarkable succeee,” Two prepar- ations in each box. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25e a box, 5 boxes $1. Nice to take. Sta rk 'e Powders, earth package of which contains two preparations, oneina round wooden box, the onver of which forme a measure for one dose, and immediate re. lief for Costiveness, Siok Headache and Stomach, also Neuralgia and all kinds of nervous pane, and another in capsules, (from j• to of one is an ordinary dose) which a0te on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach, forming a. never failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach com- plaints. They do not, as most pills and SO many other medicines dc, lose their effect or prodnoe after constipation, they are nine to tape. 25 cents a box at all medicine dealers. The attention of the Stratford Assize Court on Friday of last week was one - pied with a charge of sheep stealing afainatJames Shain, of Logan. John Whyte & Son, of Mitchell, awn a farm opposite to that occupied by Shain, used principally for grazing sheep. Toward the °lose of last year a unmber of ani- mals were missed from time to time, and suspicion fell on Shain, and, his premie. ss being searcher!, ,several sheep were found, as well as the pelts of others, whiuh had been killed, which Mr. Whyte claimed to be his. Shain is in the 'titbit of bridging mutton aed sheep series to Stratford Jnr sale, and an in, esti eation revealed among the stiles shins bearing Whyte's private mark. The total num. bar of sheep olaimerl to have been lost was 55. These facts led to Shein'n ar- rest, The jney brought: in a verdict of guilty, and Chief ;Justice Armour sentence ed Shain to five years in Kingston Pen- ite fiery. pL, €,tom CLEAR T+6 ate•SKIN, f',i ES 'C,Otv'ST(PATIO bb INDIOESTION,b1Za;INESS... •CRUPTIONS ON TiiE -8* /Kt. ` B.EEAUTIFIES.Ot' COMPI:E,XION,;. T0' A'CAS+'TWILL NOT GUIT An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. 11110 Roman, Art1StS' Can. by Druggists or sent by Mall, 200., OOo., and 81.00 per package, gamplos free, Vita 111 Stook.• K0 N( Tho Toothto TOOTH POWDER forthei)ri eit,and Westee ,, A. I"ilLINTER. 8e11I•Uyy,li.t,.y. cox. .1►niteelat,.(tlwsa°18• ALLAN LINE. inter Sailings 1895. PORTLAND, HALIFAX & LIV- 1+aRPOOL SERVICE. From Prom From Liverpa'I STItAM/MIPS. Portland. Ea If ex. Mar. 7 Mongolian ,. " 28 " 80 21 Laurentian .. 0111.11 Apt. 18 Apl. 14. Nttmidian 00 27 Steamers will sail from Portland about 1p. m. Thursdays, and 'from Halifax about 1 p, m. Saturdays, after arrival of Western Trains. For further information ae to rates, &o., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. M'cLEOD'S System Ilenov ltor ND OTHER TESTED REt1ZEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata. tion of theHeo,rt, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De• bilitg. LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JADES FOS. Druggist, Brussels. SHINGLES tisli Columbia. Red Cedar Shingles AND— North Shore Pirie and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat- terns on hold or made to order at Short Notion. Estimates Furnished for ell kinds of Buildiege, Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT Wheel you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware, Pain is & Oils, —o,11:L Al— HU TER'S Hardware Store • whom jou will, from this date, get a DISCOID of. FIVE 11B CENT, Offal! Cash Purchases. BJeotria Light Plant FOR SALE. The undersigned has decided to offer for sale the Brussels Electric Light Plant, A first., Blass investment can lie shown. Easy tel'Ins ; good reason for selling ; full particulars cheer- fully furnished on application. w. M. SINCLAIR, ioLvET TO LOAN. Any Amount of Morley to Loupe on Eaxes or Village Pro.. petty at 6 6. 6ii Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans With privilege of repaying when. rogiiit'ad, Apply to A. Hunter, Proprietor. Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Long- a,ll alst, Correct Shape, e. ,, Best Materiel, Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the " Featherbone Corset " unequalled. PI I E 1e «r ►c New Wall Papers. IMMENSE STOCK. 10,000 Rolls to Choose from. Prices to Suit Purchaser.. Lovely Patterns from 5o. up. Elegant Borders to match at Half the usual Price. Beautiful sets in Sintelare and Embossed Silks suitable for Drawing Rooms, &c. Call in and see them. A discount of 10 per cent. on all goods purchased between now and March 1st, W.".Odd1C q 131-I.7 SS I -+ ;L8• AT J. NEATLY, CHEAPLiY and EXPEDITIOUSLY 4 1G'S Boot & Shoe Store, Rips cued Free of Quare, Aggas,0 S H a at Opposite the Qieen's Rotel, - Brussels, A. Mall Stock of Fresh Groceries, Floats, Broad, Crockery and (I a,ssware always on hand .' CHEAPEST IN TOWN FOR CASH. Produce taken, at Highest Market I'r'ises ifs Exchange, but no Credit 0,17,veli. Commissions of all hinds GOODS DELIVERED Promptly Executed. IF REQUIRED. Ram* aha Bread and Oho r Plicas in Prapryrtlorl Special Bargains TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS of each wtlek, a_ -POTATOES WANTED_,,y TAYLOR & SMILLiEO