HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-4-5, Page 7i, war 1iIiII, a, 1895 THE 1VEU INA NUTRIE IHI; YgIny LATEST FR0111 AI, 0 THE WORLD, frttereutlag limos About oar own Copa. Brent Metalu, the United Htntp0,i Ml Parts of the t,ltfbo tioudeuaed _ A0aorted for Boal ltendhttt, OANA'PA, Parliament will meet on April 1$, Alberta le asking for Provincial aur way. Hen. John Costigan Wes banqueted friends et Kingston. Mr, John G. Lynn, 0,P,R. baggage et Guelph, died suddenly. The Premier bee denoted $1,000 to Albert College ezteneion fund. A very rioh find of gold ie reported he Reidy Lake Piotrigt of Monitobe. The estimated expenditures for blto L don School Board this year are 592,890 Winnipeg Sootohmen propose to erect monument to the memory of Robert Bur It has been decided that the Torot Civic holiday shall take plane on Augi 19th. A boy of twelve years, named . Char Morrie, wag killed by an electric oar Montreal. Mr. John Kerr of Mints Township, popular young farmer, was killed by failing tree. Mr, William Birkett,a well-known Ha Ilton business man, died suddenly on Si day morning. Mr. William Swartz, the Guelph ams pox patient, has been discharged from t lir^pital out°d, At a meeting in Montreal it was deoid to carry out the proposal for.an intern Monet exposition this year. Ogilvie's elevator at Methvon, Ma with fifteen thousand bushels of wheat,w burned Friday morning. Importation of cattle into England fro all European countries, Morocco, Nat Portugal, Africa and Zululand, is prohi ited. Two farmers named Corbell, living. Black River, Quebec, were fatally injur by an electric car. Otte died very so after. The Falls of Foyers, one of the mo picturesque spots of Looh Nese, have be sold to a company' for the manufacture aluminum - Insanity will be the defence in the ea of Berrie Shortie, the Valleyfield homioid Several of hie relatives have euffered fro the malady. It is suggested that the thousand della surplus from the Ottawa carnival devoted to the funds of the proposed fr publio Iibrary. The Civic Finance Committee of Mon real have decided to out • off the Mayor annual allowance of $9,000 on the alleg ground of economy. To replace the wooden bridges on tl Port Stanley R. R. with iron, the 01 Counoil of London will ask the Legislate for power to issue debentures. On Monday night the City Council Chatham, Ont„ by a vote of 10 to 1, d Glared against the proposal to petition t Legislature for power to tax cher property. An order -in -Council has been passe sanctioning the .retirement of Mr. Samu Wilmott, superintendent of fish eulrur. He will be succeeded by Prof. Prince, tl Commissioner of Fisheries. Steps are being taken by the Dominio Department of Trade and Commerce ascertain the terms on which a dire steamship service can be maintained b tween Canada and France and Belgian). The First Methodist ohuroh at St Thomas, Ont., was almost completel; destroyed by fire on Thursday afternoon only the walls and the tower remaining The loss is estimated at 525,000, on whin there was $15,000 insurance. ' Owing to the report that some America vessels had been wrecked on Sable island the Dominion Government sent the eteame Newfield there last week. She returns the other morning, and report° that then were no wrecks there thie winter. A special train of Chinaman passe: through Ottawa on Poesday on their wit to Bermuda and the West lndiee. The• are the advance guard of a large numbe who are to pass over the Canadian Pacid railway from the 1Vest this year. The Ontario Government has appointee the following gentlemen a commission ti investigate the affairs of the University :- Chief Juetioe T. W. Taylor of Manitoba ex -Judge Kingsmill, Judge Senkler, B. M. Britton, Q. C., sad Prof. Campbell e Montreal Permission has heen granted by th Governor-General to the Chippewa Indian to sue the Dominion Government for th recovery of 2,468 acres of land in Cared° township, and a sum of money, alleged t have been wrongfully taken from them. Th whole osse involves more than $100,000. Mr. J. 8. Lecke, the Canadian Comm er tial Agent in Australia, reports to th Dominion Government that trade betwee Canada and Australia may be develop° very considerably if proper representable are made, and suitable goods shipped, though, as he points out, peices are very close. A valuable deposit of hematio iron ore has been discovered in Belle Tole, Coneep- tionBay, Newfoundland, which 1e practi- cally on the aurfaoe, and is five feet deep. A n arrangement has been made with the New Glasgow Iron and Coal. Company for the working of the property during the coming enmmer. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Henderson, who live near the village of Hepworth, Onh, have been arrested on the charge of mal- treating their daughter, who is 13 years of. age by tying the child's hands, tied suspend. ing her from a beam, and then beating her. with a black snake whip and a leather strap to which a buckle is attaohed. It is understood that Newfoundland will demand as the price of her entering Coe. federation that Canada build a. tunnel under the Straits of Belle Islet so an to give the island all rail connection with the Dominion, or falling that, the completion of the island railway to Belle Isle, and a ferry' on the. straits to make oonnectiln with a railway to Quebec, The Veto, with the barge Pilot be tow, left Viotorie, B. C., on Friday evening to procure a carggo of stone for ,the new Parliament buildings, The Vele, when passing Trial Telan4,'which is a barren rock about two miles from the harbor of Victoria, broke her rudder chain, mid drove on tc the roclts at full speed, Tho barge Pilot drifted an shore, all °u hoard, 2G stone -cutters and laborers, being .1:4 Sri S t+7 .J:,t L J. L �R try. Ind aid on• by Ian the . iiia on, t a na• ate tab lee at .. u m. ,n, 11.; he ed a, 0.erect l, m al, b- it id 'n st n of se e. be 58 1. 'e ed ie y ,y ,i 8 h d Ed in i. se n to et e- Y I, h the not n textile , still r nese. d Such ° especially 1 centres / w ( waukee, r and o money, Bank 1 over t tom year. i Lippe-Detmold, yher I Do ' West. ° the ° the - whelmed r two-thirds nday d sy prohibited and of evening Irene Padre, who to Prague. Saturday bill religion. to he Biemarok, discovered quarters be of Livadia, for arrangement ter any ponce, Russian plates Mohammedan fiesta. caved, Of those on board the Woe ell were drgwnod except Capt, Andersen, Who swam ashore. Among tltoee who perished Fred, Adams, a Well known. was Mr,r, cnatragto Lord O clew ARMIN, Clarence Pa et,unolepf file Marquis Of Anglesey, it dee., !, have died at Mentons. l reported to Tile el'1tieMip o L8lnttez q of inNuen a, *blob has been' oaneirig se may death, throughout g Groat Britain, ie daaraaetn In etran th. g g The Ii athorbieo of the United Kingdom and America have placed a slab of marble overthe grave of Katherine, of Arrngon in dug cathedral. Much surprise is expreaeed In oe thin circles he London that the Prince of Wee should have permitted his yacht Britannia to be raced on Sunday. Y , Commander Ballipgtoa Booth ie orggni. zing a brigade of the Salvation Army nom- posed of eoholarly and refined membere, who will hold meetings fey the rich and educated cies... . Mr. Gladstone has shortened hie stay on the gvottnoat, and is in England again, it is Said to be becoming daily more probable' that he may for a abort time &gam lead the Liberal'pgrty, Y Gen, Negi llo 'e ninety-first heringa of was honoured bya largeLine temperance sooiettee in London on Tuesday evening. Congratulatory messages were sentThe oliritieh he veteran. ank steamer Delaware t w has arrived in the River Mersey, having on board the crew of the steamer Donau,whioh was abandoned in mid•ooean after havinggp been oc fire for thirty-six hours. •. A monster exhibition of colonial re. sources will a opened in Agricultural HMI, London, next July. General Booth of the Salvation Army, will organize the Waite of Canadian produce. The bfebxework l'ar the monument to be d in Montreal to the memory of Sir John 1 aedenold has been completed, and is ready to be shipped from London on the first steamer after the opening of naviga• Dr. Barnardo has sailed from England for Canada with two' hundred and fifty lads ander his ,care. One hundred children from the StrangewayHome ,itManchester, and one hundred and forty Scottish orphan lade will leave in a short time for Canada. 'UNITED STATES. The Spanish Minister in Washington has resigned. Cleveland was 58 years of age on Monday. dohs Koster of Koster Rc Bial, the Newthe York music hall managers, is dead,young Itie stated that the a enses of the Lex- ow Committee investi ation in New York g amount to about $75,000. Senator Frye hopes Spain will not apol„- sthe ooze en account of the Alliance thatthe United States may bedadord an excuse for seizing Cube, The steamer Decants., from Liverpool at New York on Saturday, brought 4262,000 in gold bars, and the steamer Gasoogne, from Havre, brought 4,000,000 franca, It is announced that negotiations are on foot between the General Electric, Westing- house Electric, Western Electric and other electric companies for the pooling of inter- este. The New York grand jury has returned indictments for manslaughter against the owner of the house which recently collapsed Orchard attest, and against the contract- ora and district inspector. lion. Richard Vaux died at Philadelphia, aged 74. He achieved social fame by dancing with Queen Victoria ae a court g Q ball, being the only American, it is said, Who ever had that distinguished honor. The indications of improvement in the trade situation across the line, if not very definite, are moreencouraging. The wee- then is better, hands are being en• gaged, and money is in larger business demand. Cotton pods are in more active g demand, and prams have advanced in South for coarse grades of goods, but for the choice kinds. Strikes in the milia and in other riareotlons are hampering th e development of beat. The demand for wool has lessened. advance as titers is in trade is noticeable in the cities of New York, Boston, Pittsburg, and g , along the Ohio river, even so far est1 as the city of $ansae, Chicago, ,1.1.11- and St. Paul tell a similar stor report an increase is the rates for a growing demand for locos. clearings in the States show a gain last week, and a gain of 13per cent. aced with the corresponding eak last P P g GENERAL. Prince Waldemar, reigning Prince of is dead,- Abu three h hundred seSwedes will shortly G the iu the North- It reported that the insurgents entered nit of Lima on Sundayalter heavy nig Y The Village of Bollara, Italy, was over- by a, landslide extending over els mile,fisted The Danish Minister of the Interior has the imporbation of cattle, sheep, goats from the Netherlands. The Duke of Amite, Ital ,ivas formally betrothed on Mondahew of the y to Princess Helene of Orleans, The report of the sinking of the sohooner byar Gibanish hag gunboat een confirmed. Puerto An equestrian statue of St. Wenceslaus, was Duke of Bohemia, and was put t.overnment death. in 941, has been erected in ing The Austrian House of Magnates of should passed the third reading of the providing for the free exercise bf von Weeder, German Ambassador Ruaela, has been reualled. It la reported French will be succeeded by (leant Herbert further ie A °angularly perfect black pearl has been bhe in Tasmania. It fa three- of an iuoh long, and will ehortl Department Y exhibited in London, of Grand Duke George of Russia, broths eyxttakent the Czar, has arrived at Algiers from obligations where he will remain' some time the benefit of his health, thereFore claimed It is reported that China has a secret of with Russia wherebythe Int- ing be to ins ervene if Japan insists upon at territorial session ae the. prlee of A despatch from Tillie states that the military administration centaur. forming sponial rogfinente cue of the this volunteoro in Traesoau• - mention 4 deputetiett of Newfqundlnnd ohuroh. mon have gone to En�gfaed with a view of raising funds to meet the needs of the Cliuroh and the geuerel poverty of the people, Ata made meeting held on r+rfday nigh at St, John's, NeWteundland, the eon ed. ,ration movement Woe Qoni Roya, and GreatBritain was naked fur a Royal Com. Letters fnupd nppn the rebels Treed at the repent attack a on Boeas del Torg dieolose the foot that high wale to Plicate ua contributed funds end arms to g the rebels, The Pall Mall Gazette says that the reeigeatiou of the Spanish Cabinet arose from a difference of opinion among the Ministers as to the method of proceeding P g a nisei the newspapers which have attack- ell the army: Advioea have been received at Calcutta that the British detachment which ie' marching to Ohitrai has been attacked by the natives and defeated. One officer and several privates were killed, There ie reason,. to expect that Belgium soon will remove its prohibition of Canadian cattle, tie the results of Consular inquiries disproving the existence of disease have been oommunioated by the British Govern•will mast to the Belgian Cabinet g passengers at New York ont the sWardte who arrived steamer Seguaranea, from` Havana, were several prominentOuban planters, who were forced, raga perpetrated perto a f ated by Goveee the rnment to escape troo t• o P p in the dieaffeoted districts of Cuba. • The Government of New Zealand has agreed to be represented at the suggested gg international monetary conference, and has also decided to accept the proposal to send delegates to the commission which ie 30 ogpeider the plane for laying the Pacific °able, ' Fridaywas'the anniversary of the birth of William the First of Germany, and the present Emperor addressed a decree to the Chancellor of the Exchequer hoping 'that provision would be made for the vetetus ofethe Franco.Prussian war w ho are in To unpin pi L ORBER1 11 u u t.i "" TEE RIGHTS OF THE MANITOBA NIINOR:ITY emeiroRue ^I iretelatemit Win Meet OR April refit fiennterneuttre' Aot Urllored•,.Tue Or. film Signed by the GOVerner•GDrterai•-' The Hearing or the !reitlttire-stab the f/ec1 i Arrived Atl TxE GIiDER. "At the Government House et Ottawa Thuredey the 216t day of March, 1895 Present, -Hie Excellency the Governor, i Geperal m otnb r,l1 Whereas, on the 28th day of Novel -nicer? 1892 a ,tit n way P toby of appeal under the rov1e1op of section 2'L P of chapter 3 of the acts of 'the Parliament of Canada, pained in the 33rd year of her Majesty's reign, and intituled ' An' to amend and goutinge the not 32.33 Victoria, chap 3, and to eatablieh and provide for the government of't he Pi'ovinoe of Manito, bee''ogmmonly called {ilia Manitoba Aot,' and oonttnued by the British North Amor- ion Aot of 1871, was presented to hie Excel- 'env the Governor-General of Canada in Y Council by and on behalf of the Roman .Catholio minority of herMajeety's eubje°te In the Province of Manitoba, petition, among other things, alleged fn effect that by certain oats o1 the Legislature of bhe Province of , p Manitoba passed after the union, and by an act passed by the said Legislature in the forty-fourth year of Her Majesty's reign, chapter 4, which may be cited 'as'the Manitoba School Act,' and by g ,the Roman Catholic minority of Her Majesty s sub- jests in Manitoba acquired the rights and privileges in relation to education thereby eonferrod upon them, including the rightDUs to build, maintain, equip, manage, con.K duct and se pnert Roman Catholic schools in the manner provided by the said statutes, the right to. a proportionate share of any grant made out of the public funds- for the purpose of educa tion, and the right of exemption of such members of the Roman Catholio church aa on. tribute to such Roman Catholio schools from all payments or contributions to the bse- qu ntly,ort ofinn thehfifty third year er wheels. tofu her Majesty's reign, two etatutes were passeda,m bq the Legislature of the Povince of \fent cobarelating to education, which etaMay,xP came into force on the first da of Ma v 1''Tnfly 1890, and are intituled, respectively, 'An aotrespeotingthe Department ofllduoation and 'An not respecting Public Schools: effect of the two last-named yet ttutesnd twas to repeal the previous acts of the Province of Manitoba in relating to educetion,and to deprive the Roman ritho• lie minority of the rights and privileges which it had noqufred underd such previoustUl le said Roman and at the smi ret pr ed said Roman Catholic' minority prayed among other things thatit might be dealer - ed that the said last mentioned acts did affect the rights and privileged of the said Roman Catholio minority of the Queen's subjeuta in relation to education. That it might be declared thee to his Excellency the Governor-General in Council it seems requisite that the provisions of the statutes in force in the Province of Manitoba prior to the passage of the said act ehould be re enacted in so far, at leaat, as may be necessary to secure co the Roman Catholics an the said Province the right to build 8 maintain, equip, menage, conduct and cup• port their sohoole in the manner provided for by said statutes, to secure to them their Proportionate share of any grant made out the public funds for the u cation ad ro relieve such purposes of Lion the Roman Catholic Church aa contribute to such Roman Catholic echoole, from all pay moat or contribution to the support pp°rt of any other schools, or that the said arta of 1800 should be so modified or amended as to effect such purposes •; and that such further or other declaration ororder might be made as Excellencyg to the Governor-General in Counoil ehould, undo the ofr°umataucae seem proper, and thatauoh direotaona might be given, provisions made, and all things d0ua in the remises for the purpose of Pr P P affording relief to the said Roman Catholic minority in the said Province as to his Excellency in Counoil might seem meet.%iw' ArrEAL ALLowEn, „ And whereas the 26th day of Februar 1806, having been appointed for the hearing of the said appeal, and the •same coming on to be beard on that day, and on the 5th,, Oth and 7th days of March 1895, in the Presence of counsel for the petitioners (the Bald Roman Catholic minority of her Majesty's subjects in the Province of Manitoba), and as well for the Province of Manitoba, upon reading the said petition and the statutes therein referred to,and acts hearing what was alleged by counsel on both sides, hie Excellency the Governor- Genera] in Oounoil was pleased to order and adjudge, and it is hereby ordered and adjudged, that the said appeal be and the PP same 10 hereby allowed in so far as it relates to rights acquired by the Roman Catholic minority under legislation of the Pro- virtue of iManitobe, passed subsequent to the union of that Province with the Dom- Mien of Goveruor•Ge oral°indhis Council wasnpleased the to adjudge and declared, and it is hereby adjudged ani declared, that by the two Mauteobad ny hei1st uday of May,i 1800, respectively ' An act reepeoting Department of Education' and ' An not Public Scheele,' the rights and of the Roman Cabholio minority the said Province in relation to eduoa. prior to the let day of May, 1890, hove aileoted by depriving the Raman minority of the following rights privileges, which previous to and until 1st day of May, 1890, yuoh manority viz.: - RIGHTS RESTORE)]. "(a) The right co build, maintain, equip, oonduot'sad sepporb Roman tho1' eh le in the manner provided by the said statutes which were repealedg the two mote of 1890 aforesaid. "fib) •the right to share proportionately any grant made out of the public+ funds the purposes of eduoataon; tqc) The right of exemption of such Catholic °ohoole from all payment P Y contribution to the support of any other SilreLstiar rdnr ACT ohnEEED. +� And his Excellency the Governor. in Connell was further pleased to end decide, and it is hereby de. that it ee0ma requisite that the i educatiiontembodied in the two Y eon a bye Provincial a to the Roman rights andprivilege(' bee been sm deprived Will modify the egfer enly,as to the pt'ovialene Rl� -,,, oef0 le m8ent in "" Whereof Prgyinco of a d the Legielahuro a .d all Woes eq tape notice cordis 1 . g Y" Signed t ( " Clerk actoraitswbioh wlllreetore Catholio minority the of whiQh such minorityY. as aforesaid, acid Whfoh aaid eats of .1$90 to far,gnd mayboneeeeaery to give effect restoring the rights aragraplie a, h and 0 herein, the Liaut.•Goverpor of Manitoba for the time bels of the aaid Proviuee whom it mA gonaorn and c Meru themeelvea l JOHN J. M'GRE, of the Privy Counoil,t' sefd and the g tire ac- to oe• r " v ' d°' \e. � o aq MR PAC v After Taking king Cured „ prlghwas a d1 Suffer/14f s lime i have been up, Iwas in time I had ]eecliosappled tit. Seeing Hood's the papers i decided YYII ■■ Sar relief before 1 tie. Igotso oottle that defined Lakin the s°sand l did innaylife," 1 �,/� , ;,.• `.-/,--7-- ! . par `t ,it .` tR+\ ;"- `�'" >» .... �� •GtO+MSRRE'iY,. Toronto i ,. i 1 'PA [ :.$• v y,!, r'/. i 1 r' y a Z'''.• t9. Ai/I/ '. ire ° • !"''Nr% a %'li'i ,111,11, ;;,;r'r t -••;e1?.. r �/ f ' Eve* known a: days sea myself duringthat no Deno it I (cone of a hot - the first and since as ever Ont. Seed Grain for the North-West• A deepateh from Ottawa eve ;--Coir, Y time ago a petition was presented to the Government rapresenting that in certain distriote of the ing h North Watt Terrltoriee,ow- to crop (ailuro due to drought, there was no grain for seeding, In consequence of illi, an ordervin•Counojl has been passed authorizing, the banister of the interior extend aseistnnce in the way of seed grain to tbooe partes who are t• o peed, The be dope in the same manner aa wqs dope by the Government on previous oaaione of a similar never,. Ohtario. ' Sarsaparilla Disease. : s +fur derived advertised bottle. p it` 6 Ak half t ltiag vs well -�_ • �+A� as }lend -. of a Starker i•ont f eve unable bed for three Sarsaparilla to 0 * f had finished much help to bottle OEc.;4innit0Tt.loronto, n ; : year,- to str'ilsht°n list::;• and try a 5s ani ?,j u taking from try seeder, 13 lilt An Advantage, n think He -Well, if men couldn't fool Little Brother Hostess -I wonder er erLitt esEthel so 15 olefin. After • they know wasn't for them, _ All. everrything, that the wo• little broth- roth• hie hands 111 Misery. why your 8I guess it's cause g - - For Twenty -Five p, i ' t +, ". #NC ipowDER + TH E COOK'S BEST LARGEST SALE. IN CANADA. --, _ -:.eoe Years ` 9 FRIEND Mood's pills --tro promptend ofeelent.ye*, Gass of suites. ut•!P r+•, +lel-'p;ts. 21o. do My bill SHOCKING TRAGEDY. -- Charles Kirby Shoots His Sister's Beau and Thou Kills IllniselG Schuyler Falls, alittlahamlet itt Clinton aounty,N.Y„was the scene of unattempted murder and suicide on Sunday night,whiah resulted in the death of Charles Kirby and fatal wounding of Fred Case, both men, The cause which led up t the crimes began about a year ago, when Case be an "ken h3 nom an with Mies g P g company” Zannah Kirby, a sister of Charles Kirby, Thie did not please Charles, and he told bis slater that unless Case stopped coming to the house he would kill him. She though lean idle threat and paid no attention to him. On Sunday, March 3, Kirby and hie stater had another row about Case, and he again threatened to kill him, On Sunday Case called at the Kirby house, and young Kirby quickly went to his room and. loaded his revolver. He then went mit of the house and hid itisashed near the Methodist ohuroh, In the evening Case and blisaTiirbyattended the \iatho• diet church and Kilby did the same, it being theSrsttime he had been therein Yearn. After the service Case and blase Kirby started for home in company with a number of young people. Kirby anon joined the party,and, going up to his sister said : ' Zannah, are you going to do as I told you?" She replied " No.". He then' left them, and in a few momenta naught up to them again, in the meantime having secured his revolver. Stepping close up to Case he fired, the bullet going clear to the victim's neck. Case fell Cothe ground and Kirby stooped down andlooked at him. Supposing that be was dead he arose, placed the revolver to his heart, and shot himself dead. Caen is still alive, but ca snot recover. Since Kirby's death his bodyhas lain on aboard in his widowed mohers house, and nota thing has been done in any way regarding his interment. One tender• hearted citizen remarked theta hole ought to be dug and the remains thrown in. The minister has refused a Christian burial and it began to look as if the old mother would have to turn grave digger for her misguided boy, Fortunately, he belonged to Stetson Camp,Sone, of Veterans, of this village, and they will see that he isprimer. g iy buried, Many members of the camp maintain that Kirby's mind was not rightly balanced., Miss Kirby, the innocent, eaves of the tragedy is indeed to be pitied. Har brei- is dead, her lover is dying, and her mother in her anger has turned her out of doors. . Done With. Artist -I sold a picture yeatarday. Friend -Ah ? What are you going to with the money ? Artist -It's already done with. landlady bought it for half the board I owe her. 1:, tfVe^S'dirt,'.-•':o Postmaster, Hartford ' x+ r ixplCwy ,r ate,. xjin a,.,,a '' `V'"`�r• t Yom' r � fit s���,' r r 'S'"+t) of jM1 A,r c , r s elf i ti ;wf ' 1- ?„ ' '.r ' , "'• `ds "t'h",:rl:a of . 1 ,:..w r ./(j ,Ixi+,+, °d!• . d. ", .' t lL •� , 1,$ii ;+ F P3.�. a{ ti t , t « E +, u ] •? ��. ff rp ,4'`' F ff n l i(, ittf . ., t rtAETFonD CITY, Indiana, South American Gentlemen : from on May had heard of ere from a spell years duration, ..409TH AtrsnIcut for netestimonial. yg thirty-five years down with nervous Tamil h sician y p Y nut benefitting nervous system shattered, and severe shaking to this I would During the years had an eminent ton, Ohio, and Ohio, tG sOn1e They all said got to having spells would 1,0 r.,;id after each, At my boil •-could a sl St. ' i _# 1.1,, F�� it �y �J + � ° Ii the ©x' Citizen .. I�+ i ;, iii w.1� f f i k " s?1 ,.::f �. r.7� t�i�sl � am? > ww: + F y r 9 {.t' 2 , �' 1 X t>nu<5 m t �^• itc s� ,x r� + zt .• and had Part of and of to try Gallen could rise by being five The and I my it was the best my life, so they live as me and helping P g ills T.,LLEN which cure :•...ti Mayor, ?,,, y t X •' •n i;i;�; �l a t., t i�11i ' ,y(ySi�:%' k,�•4r, rqt t.. vtt: ti t ti t, INN 'u ar ` + in ` to the one your one bottle. one up helped, bottles shaking could friends I. T in the I that if can or anycitisFtm, with years long do the enfFerirlg. can as the -< , iha� sit 4 'Tl'r ;I: .d •; ,i 1 lilt ,t "' ir�?�} it °'"` r §�iy,N be lifted time day medicine and and in eat could am world. give anyone.. writer my case,, of as all STOLTZ. effect abuv�, of • l,a;;..• ii°+ ' n. ; 0. � ,fj?�•, 4,f- „r ', k ; ; . Tg1 r, 4f tri i'�1� 1+ • I saw By one-. take, and, all I. went:: and: sure my ages the the ' 1, , it, by Writing any pity', Indiana. �.,l,, ..,• -•w:=-----` "^ ^w�'°'= "^ o- � r r`' r? ` a """: a� t rh ywf r t „„,,,,,4i to Minister " eac� "'+'• 1 ^ "" ' '` ., c '•1 r s tt+ fly r . r -b "; K .y4„ a S; P lit '; tiv:45w., r •y".�'v, $a•,"J kt+ F'rt. r1 t .r i�h "tt In ,q yt > ri' ',� is �• &�F 'V n n ts,i * r 1 '"""" el �1 ^ +fit, n r �. k r t tali ,o gibu s' k ` = s's• or walk a step, like a child. Could read a little, an advertisement and oonclnded the time I had half bottles I a step or two after I had taken felt real well. away gradually, sleep good, and scarcely believe this medicine is 1 belive it saved name and address, doubts my statement me,or our postmaster p as all are acquainted I am now fortyone and aspect to Lord Las use for good I can in Will a gemsdy such a marvellous cure you 4 _,. .�.-_ r l " • .• r ti a ,+ ••w err `f : � 1 �� t• e R `;i °� E: .k � f.,••'s. * ra... ,.o -a, _ ;t ;'S i •lY • .,r y,. „} + ��.a,, flan t : ' e °' ,v ':np as r °.a r: t• A ., ;, . ':)'�`" $''tr: ! s yx p t ft '' yx 't't, ,i+ . ¢.,I,13YM!�7t17' s4 t • ,Ay9, }t r" kirydh ' sq ,7 } w a r v TMrG / `i y '+•!,q�ds�IkTCPyt • `�+r rtW• ��+el 1 + r m , y�yit rFf hip Blackford County, June 8111, 1898. Medicine Co. I received a letter 27th, stating that you my wonderful reaov- of sickness of six through g the use of NEavnin, and asking 1 was near old when I took prostration. Our treated me but with. me,but me in the least. My seemed to be entirely I constantly had very spells. In addition have- sells. p Ila sick nayfolks physician from P y Om Day. two from Columbus, an examine 1116, I could not live, 1 like spasms, and and. stili for a bine last I lost the use of n0t.rise from my bed -..h I ..1.. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. -- Payment or Members ;Rill to be Intro- "when Practicable "-No Doll- on nay Day. A dee atoh from London says :-In the P i' House of Commons on Friday James Kier ttrardie roduceaa blltf the makinggvernment would in- May Day a general holiday, or whether they could grant a holidayto Uovernmentem to ees that do , Sir Wlliam Harcourt saidtheGovernment mush answer both questions in the nags• intituled alive. Sir William intimated that the the would introduce a bill provid. respecting for the payment of members of the privileges House of Commons when audh a measure of become pratloabje. tion bean The French Treaty. Catholic and 1118 understood now that before the the tr0aty atm be brought into operation had, legislation on the part of Canada considered neaeaeary. It is held that treaty does not confer upon the Customs manage, 0 authority to reduce the scala for ditties upon the articles nomad to the by nebyioned act ofn its a nthoritfeesthathe view treat Y fn erg superior to the tariff, and for that act soon ae the treaty i° pro- its provislone will become bhe law Roman the loud. To settle this doubt. an enabl• or e l will T all probability bt, an ° rte- schools. the coming session of Parliament. He Was on to himself. General. Bid your mole remember you is making declare will ? elated, Charlie -.Ile mast have, for there is no syette+it of my name in it. - O tISCO a 001815 IOCL dor ATrlissets