HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-4-5, Page 5A.ramL 6, 1895
I/soki Nom
Ente ew, tat l ra,
Mre. MoGeo ie on the Sieg list,
John Farrow inlaid up with a very bad
Renee cleaning ie the order for this
Mre, John Geddee was calling op her
old friends last week,
Mrs, Budd, 2nd line, was visiting Mrs,
McPherson on Wedneeday,
George Laokio, of Wroxeter, was visit.
ing Jos. Pugh's on Tuseday,
William Pngh.moved into his newly
bought raeidenee on Tuesday.
Mre, William Messer was visiting her,
parents, at. wingham, this week.
Rev. Geo. Beech was visiting hie broth-
ers, Joseph and Edward, title week.
Seorge McDonald, of,Moleewortb, paid
our town a flying visit oil
Mise Mary Bloomfield.of Brussels, s is
visiting Mrs. John Muponuld this weak.
Rev. J. Pring intends preaching on
danoing and the Sioltapuo'e on Sunday
Mies Sate Wilson, or Atwood, has been,
the guest of Miss Bell Hie for the past
few weeks.
At the wood bee at Someway. Paul's last
week Joe Pugh and Bob Garnees done
them all np,
Alex. McGee is very sick at present
with a severe gold whfob has settled in
his head pausing it to bield,
William Jewitt has sold hie beautiful
farm on the 2nd to hie eon, 'Lewis, for a
good figure. Well done. Lew.
Was, Thyne had a very good wood bee
last Friday.
Mies Julia Sharp has gone to 'St.
Thomas to Visit her sister. -
Mise Cora Saudi, of the 8rd, is visit,
ing friends at Bowmaoville. We wieh
her a p'easanb visit.
On Wednesday afternoon of last week
Mrs. Wm. Bray bad a mat bee and a
good big dance at night.
Mies Mary Errington is home
Kincardine but we are sorry to hear ehe
is not enjoying the beat of health, moo o
We hear that a certain young f
the 2nd will have an increased a
of statute labor to do next Su.
How are the roads J- ?
Harry Beeman arrived home from
Manitoba last week. His many friende
are glad to see that the climat
agreed with him so well.
H. J. Burkholder has been enga
oheeemaker in Riverbank faotory,
Drayton, for the Doming season.
Burkholder is a first -Claes maker and
will, no donbt, give satietttotion.
Tenders are asked for the brio
eeriep of Sunshine Methodist c
Partianlars may be obtained from
Clegg or Wm. Watson, members of the
Trust Board. The material is al
on the ground.
On Tuesday evening of last week a few
young people spent a very enj
evening at the residence of Joel S
2nd line, where they posited the hooks
away in the merry mazes of the
It was Wednesday when they returned
to their different homes.
Early last Tuesday morning William,
the infant son of James McCall, of
rood, Brace County,, died at the ho
Mrs. MoGali's father in this township,
aged 3 months and 10 days. The parents
were visiting in thie locality whe
little one took i11. The funeral
plane ou Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs
Call are sympathized with in the loss of
their tittle son.
e has
ged as
k ven-
Holy -
0 the
, Mo-
Sen:ooL RzroaT.-The following is the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 8, for
March, in order of merit ;-5th olaee-
Robt. Carry ; Sr. 4th -Alton Wheeler,
Maggie Yuill, Ann Speir, Wm. Knox,
Herb. Wheeler, Sem. McCracken, Jos.
Parker ; Jr. 40b -Jae Ypill, Fred. Kel-
liogton, Reg. Natoon, :Minnie Cameron,
Henry Wheeler, Willie Wilson, Gilberb
Spelt, Kate Blank, Ann Citation, Allan
Miller, Milton Curry, Mary Miohie ; 3rd
olase--IEnseell Wheeler, Bert. Watson,
Ernie, Wheeler, Aline Douglas, Nellie
Wilson, Jae. Miller, Willie Caatloa ; Sr,
2nd--Aggie Speir, Wesley Stephenson,
Joe Hanna, Stanley Wheeler, A.nnie
Speir - Jr. 2nd -Louie Cole, John Doug-
las, Robt, Douglas, Willie Douglas ; Sr.
let -Atex. Stewart, Andy Miller, Gusty
Wheeler ; Jr. 1st -Ernie Cole, Alex.
Speir 1st class -Lennie Wheeler, Bee. d
eio Watson. to
Salmon REronr: The following is the
standing of the pupils in S No.4,Mor- to
ria a000rding to marks obtained during
the month of Marsh :-Fifth class,- w
Taylor Pipe, Frank Monkey. Sr. 4th o
olass.--A. Lyon Pipe, Robb. Maunders, B
Ettie Davis, Millard Cardiff. Sr. 4th
ola0e, B. -John Sharpe, Simon Forsythe.
Jr. 4th olaes.-Ida Mooney, Nora Maun-
ders,'Jae. Sharpe, Maud Hoggard, Jas. ab
Donnelly, Maggie Mo0utohoon, Willie th
Oloekey, Lulu Davis, Geo. Cardiff, T
Harry Mooney, Geo. Barrie. Jr, 8rd bo
alasa-John Oloakey, Joe Petah, Jae. ei
Innes, John Petah, Willie Johnston,
Geo, Innes. be. 2nd. -Milton Sherpa, W
Richard Cardiff, Earnest Mooney, David H
Mocutoheon, John Mose, Myrtle Nichol. pr
Jr. 2nd,-Olara Mooney, Pearl Pipe, Foe Oe
MoOntehson, Bertha Moho', Geo. Davie ha
Jimmy Hoggard. Sr. Pt. 2nd. --Mabel fo
Nichol, Nelson Maunders, David Walker, to
Willie Platt, Willie Amite, Charlie 13ta- ho
rig, Lizzie Davie. Jr. Pt. 2n0.-Oerrie ag
Speir, Minnie Walker, Mabel Pipe. to
Mose HALLIDAY, Teacher. K
WEDDING BELLS -One of those happy be
events took plane at the residence of Mr. al
and Mre, Geo. Johnston, let onn„ Morris, D.
on Wednesday evening of last week, it a o
being the tnarriage of their second daugh- vi
ter, Mary Agnes, to Ashton G. 0. Mason, 111
of Wawanosh. The ceremony was ably pa
performed by Rev. J. W. Pring, of Blue• ye
vale. The bride, was attended by Miss
Mason, eisIer of the groom, while Mr. rep
Mason wascomported
Noble aS,
in No. 1 style. The bride was beautifully 189
attived in brown cashmere, with the Ma
usual veil and trimmings. After the -
marriaae 31Uoet ninety invited guests eat N.
down to a very sumptuous wedding feast, Or
to which all seamed to do ample justice Ilio
to the good things spread so abundantly 'BI
before them. The presents were unmet 321
nae, costly and ueefat. After supper en' 246
excellent program was gone through with, -
Jos. Leech, of Bluevale, as okairman, Bia
when epeeohee were given by W, H, Mo Da
°molten, Joseph Clegg, Geo. Johnston .Cal
and Rev. J. W. Pring, interspersed with, Da
vary choice music, songs and recitations, Eii
which lusted until about 2 o'olook, when ole
thin large assembly, being well pleased air
with the eve8ieg's entettalnmenb, broke 180
up, wishing Mr. and Mrs, Mason much -Y
soy and snows in tbeibnew rolatiohship W.
and a bright and happy futuret Sw
Wr•t PDX eller,
Mee Maggie Miller horned her hand
severely last week,
Mies Johnetou, of Orangevills,10 Spend•
ing a week With friends in town,
Mise klIdo Hatlewobd is vieiling Mise
Miss Minnie Staples, of Telemeter,
Our smiiers enjoyed efew ,hours with
the "atone" on Tuesday, Lute curling,
"Wif," Andrews ie the guest of hie
brother, 0. W., at the G,1. R. Stwtiaa.
Solomon 1tinglet has been donfined to
the house with a aevsre wound from an
Mre, W. M, Robineon crushed her.
thumb severely last week and is giving it
spode] nursing,
'Phe boys" have the rink in their own
bands now and are running a free show
for the bounce of the season,
Our football juniors visited Belmore en
their enhool examination day and de,
feated them by four goals to a "goose
Rev. R. n
S. G. r
And B renal
6 n VB
cablegram Monday announcing the death
of his halter. The Bad event occurred in
Glasgow, Scotland, Mr, Anderoon is now
in Toronto communicating with the sor-
rowing friends in the old land,
The beset/lent of the Methodist ohuroh
was filled Monday evening', the 000asion
being the Missionary Literary meeting
of the Epworth Leanne. A splendid
program was rendered by the young
people. 0. W. Andrews occupied the
chair effioiently.
Thos. Hemphill, er. closed the bargain
Monday for the ereotion of a two story
brick block at the South Met corner of
Front and Mill streets, It will oomprise
three epaoioue stores with halls and lodge
rooms on the second fiat. The specifica-
tions gall for the completion of the work
by the middle of September. Thos.
Ramehaw, Wroxeter, has the °entreat
for the carpentering; Robt. Blow, Gerrie,
the brickwork and Arthur Wells the
painting. 'When completed it will be a
great addition to our village and with
the Ferguson building, which is to be
moved beside the MoKeroher property,
will make a solid front from the corner
Southward. Mr. Hemphill certainly
displaye great business enterprise.
The parlor concert and social given at
the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday
evening under the auspices of the Lediee'
Aid Society, is pronounced by all the best
Booial for years past. By 7.80 p. m. the
house was filled with as agreeable and
happy a convene, as ever met between
four walls. A sumptuous tea waseerved
in the dining room and the sitting room
and parlor were filled to listen to the pro-
gram all was so excellent, as to deserve
special mention. We append the pro-
gram satire Instrumental, oroues-
era, Messrs. Gibson, Hemphill and Gib.
son, and Mies Miller ; eolo, "The White
Squall," Thoe. Gibson; quartette, "Don't
Fret," Gerrie Quartette ; recitation,
selected, J. Neilson ; piano instrumental,
selected, Mies Alberta Small ; solo,
"Castles in the Air," J. R. Gibson ;
recitation, "Woman's might," Rev. W. E.
Kerr; trio, "Dame Darden," Messrs.
Gibson, Thompson and Gibson ; piano
instrumental, 'Chapel among the moun-
tains," Mies Letts Hazlewood ; solo,
"The Bong that reached my heart," Mise
Jessie Gibson ; quartette, "Endeavor,"
Gerrie quartette ; reoitation, A. guilty
conscience," John Koine ; solo, "The.
afllage Blacksmith," Thee. Gibson ;. in-
strumental, orchestra, Messrs, Gibson,
Hemphill and Gibson and Miss Miller.
The receipts were nearly 317.00. •
�-,rrtil v.
The made are bad.
Taffy palls are getting common.
Mre. John McTaggart is somewhat ins -
roved in health.
Some of oar residents are getting ready
for maple anger making,
B. Hislop gave the lade and. lasses a
taffy pull one night last week.
D. Lowry has sublet the stonework
for school No. 4 to A. Pollock.
Lide Jaaklin line moved to his new
farm in Grey. We wonder when he is
going to move Morriebank ?
Albert Oakley, wife and daughter, ar-
rived here last week, Mr. Oakley will
work the bomestead"South of Brussels.
Two young men who attended a taffy
pull had a dispute over one of the fair
sex. Donald Dame out ahead by seeing
her home,
FARM BOLD -This week F. S. Scott
isposed of the Harbottle 100 sore farm,
t32, non 14,to P 0.Ross, of Elms,.
The pride paid was $2,775. Mr. Ross
kgs immediate possession.
MATnittoOIAL,-The banns of marriage
ere solemnized at the manse, Oranbroolr,
n Wednesday of this week by Rev, D.
,McRae, between Richard Cox and Mies
Sarah, second eldest daughter of Conrad
Miohel, of the 12th non. Mr. and Mrs.
Dox commenoe married life under favor -
le au -pines and their many friends wish
em many joys in their new relationship.
he happy couple wilt likely make their
we in Manitoba where Mr. Cox has re•
ded for several years.
Onrr.-Thursday alter0040 of last
veek, Maggie, eldest daughter of the late
enry Keys, parsed away to the rest
spared for God's children, The do•
a.ed was well known in this locality,
viag kept a dressmaking shop in Ethel
e some time. She afterward removed
Hespeler, from which Owe she dame
me feeling quite poorly, a few months
0, and elm gradually failed until the
per of life was extinguished, Mies
Ke lived a moat exemplary life and was
loved by all who knew ber. The tuner -
took plana on Saturday afternoon, Rev.
B. McRae, of whose church ehe was
'insistent member, conduotiiag the ser-
ae. The declaimed wee 28 years of age,
re. Keys and family are deeply sytn-
thized with. Mr. Keye died several
Ire aro.
Stamm, REron,-The following is the
ort of the standing of the pupils of S.
Na 1,re far themonth O out of Matadi,
5 :-Primary Marks obtainable, 000,
ggie Switzer, 460 T`essie Switzer, 398,
P.'S, Leaving -900.-M. Calder, 652 ;
Switzer, 642 ; 13. 1M1aNab, 601 ; S.
czar, 482, Fourth class -786. 5).
Callum 664; P, Rftohie, 521; J.
aka 481 ; M. Cardiff, 334 ; D. Glaesier,
; J. ltitohie, 262 ; J, Richardson,
P. Mitchell, 169, Thi,tl class ---646
4V. MoKay, 526 ; A. Calder, 45S ; L
ke, 421 ; W. Armstrong, 417 ; R
vidvon, 335 ; B. ,Cardiff, 868 ; G.
dor, 819 ; L. Hollinger, 311 ; J.
vidson, 305 ; A, Switzer, 305 ; R.
is, 288; M. Cardiff, 270. Second
se -835,-3. Creme, 814 ; C. Arm-
ou", 247 ; F. Books, 198 ; A. MoKay,
; D. Davideoit, 154, 1st Claes-220,
. Armstrong, 189 ; G. Blake, 103 ;
Glasser, 188 ; W. Clarlt, 133 ; W.
itzer, 129 ; B. Davideon, 114 ; A.
Diekeou, 112 W. Farquharson, 99 ; It,
Elliott, 00 10.Blake, 82 ; L, Blokaon,
72. W. ld. STowMET, Woodier,
Oc',rzttio r'ilt0rlg.
Spring, beautiful Spring,
A week from Sunday will be Dasher
Jno Cameron returned from a month's
Inspector Rabb paid 'en ofiieial visit
to the..Public) School on Tuesday,
Joseph Oster returned from Toronto on.
Monday. RS was accompanied by hie
eonoin, Mr, Keye.
A number of the young people of the
village attended the box eooial in Whit -
field's church on Wednesday peening
and report an excellent time,
The people of this vicinity were very
sorry to bear of the sudden illness of
Mise Rile McNeil, teaoher in Molesworth
school, but hope she may soon be reetored
to her
usual health.,
Drwonrn Ln4oun,-A literary and mus-
ical program was rendered in the League
an Friday evening, Alex, McDougall, vice-
Prreideot of this department presiding.
It wee well attended and was interepere-
ed with readings, recitations and singing.
The following is an outline :-Ohorue by
oboir, "Obrist receiveth sinful men," ;
quartette, Misses Knight and McDougall
and Messrs. Knight and Gaetz ;' recita-
tion, "The Signboard," Miss Nellie Swit-
zer ; daett, Missile Raymann and MoDou.
gall ; reading, "How Nellie kept her
pledge," Mies Annie Hunter • reeitation,
Miss Maggie Knight ; quartette, Misses
McDougall and McNair, and Messrs. Me.
Dougall and Knight.; recitation, Simon
Mitchell ; reading, John F. Hnight; Bolo,
Mise Etta McNair ; reading, Miss Ida
Raddatz ; quartette, Misses Reymann
and Mies McDougall, and Messrs. Cam-
eros end Knight ; recitation, "A voice
from a prison door," Mise Lizzie McKay;
reading, Mies Teeeie Switzer ; chorus by
(their, "The beet friend to have is Jesus."
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 7,
Grey, as determined by oral answering,
and general attention given to work dor.
ing the month of March, 1895, the names
of three pupils in caoh elites appearing
in order of merit
nootr 1.
Sr. 2nd. -Roy Smaildon, Willie Aide*
son, Lynn Mitchell, Minerva Ennis.
Jr. 2nd.-Ituseell' Zimmer, Coverdale
McDonald, Ida Fulton, Minnie Cameron,
Sr. Pt. 2nd.-Suoie Reymann, Willie
Seel, Effie Fox, Janie Love. Jr. Pt. 2nd.
-Etta Smalldon, Minnie Smalldon,
Willie Forrest, Mina McCrae. Sr. 1st.
-Jas. McNiobol, Flossy Seel, Ernest
Hunter, Alfred Mitchell. Jr. let. -Wil.
lie Long, Jame Carter, Maggie Fox.
almost 2.
5th class, -Chas. Bothwell, Robb.
Brown, David McNair. Sr. 400 olase,-
Thos. McRae, Simon Mitchell, Wm,
Oamerdn, Jr. 4th class. -Wm, Hunter,
Daniel Huether, Maggie Brown, Sr,
8rd class. -Lizzie McKay, Alvin Camer-
on, Albert Foerster. Jr. Ord olaee--
Edith Mitchell, Clara Hunter, Beatrice
McNair. Average attendance for the
month, 39, A. W. WYNN, Principal.
Ottawa will send a delegation to the
Provincial Government to ask for aid
towards the inter -provincial bridge.
Robert Smith, of Elms, is the fourth
candidate for the Commons in North
Perth, lie was nominated by a aonven•
tion of Patrons held at Monkton.
The Best is the Cheapest,
JAMES WALKEIL offers 20 $90.00 buggies
at $85.00 saoh; 2 $80.00 buggies at $75.00
each ; 1 375.00 buggy for 165.00 ; 1 $65.00
buggy for $55. The balance of this space
FREE to any party to explain bow they
can sell firet-olass Baggiest, Carts and
Waggons' cheaper than Jae. Walker, or do
Repairing, Tops, Trimming or Painting,
I have the largest stook in the County.
Can't be Undersold
Fergus, Apr11 0,11354
, /ToRobertPhillips,
`l i ,)1 Druggist, Fergus.
30 jiy17.
This is to certify
that 1 bave suffered from
phos for a longtim 1
tried several rticlens rat
=mantled for this emu -
plaint, but noire of utero
benefitted me till I tried
Chaea'aOintment, which
lens completely cured me,
Mast SWAN 0BRB1130
• R. Phillips, jr. Druggist
"ldy nlx•yesr-old r nut1rrht0)' Bdlo.waa al8leted
NO 1111020,na for 04no,tb0, the 'nineties sent or
urn rattan being bob mi bar ears, 3 tried almost
00) ry remml I saw advertised, bought Jimmie.
era do m401301i es an 1 seats, and tools pie child
to medical se'eelalists in skit disenees, but with.
out 110011,CIuaO,v, a week ago, I purchased
oo, of Dr, 010100 Ointment, and ahe110.81 uphill.
00Wrnt ntiowod the en ret ci0ect of. the Bemeclyy.
\V h ivo a-111 only nnc-slxth. of the lox, but the
ch. age Ll vta•y toarkrtl ; the eruption bas all;lis•
031roeel, an4 I ow ennildm,tlyy env my 311(081 lo
soled, (Signed) IUAXWI,IILo.3011N8'1'oN
118 Anne 8t„ Toronto
Sohl by all de tler0, or on receipt of price, coo.
•7R+ 'a
Price is the Poser IDat Oras 1
Compare our Prices with any others, We don't care what reason may
be given for low Prices elsewhere, you must see ours before you are
right. So called sales of various names are merely the salvation of
merchants who are not able to win your trade in a Fair Fight.
Compa=re these Prices
And others of any name and we are Satisfied.
13 pieces pure wool Dress Berge, all shades, the very kind we have been selling at 25; price for
Spring 20c.
20. pieces extra heavy Cotton Shirting, all new patterns, sold elsewhere at 121c, our new priee ilc.
2 pieces 72 inch Unbleached Twill Sheeting, regular price 25; price for Spring 18e.
10 pieced extra Vine and Heavy Factory Cotton, regular price 8c, new price bat.
5 pieces fine Scotch Wool Tartans, the kind we have been selling at 85o, reduced to 50c.
3 pieces Fancy Dress Tweed, very desirable for Spring, and something you will find nowhere else for
less than 75c, our price 500.
10 pieces extra Heavy and very Wide Flannelette, sold elsewhere at 10c, our Spring price 8c.
1 piece only 22 inch Black Duchess Silk, worth anywhere $1,35, our price $1.00.
5 pieces Shot Silk, nice new goods, worth 60; our price for Spring 40c.
13.000 05.411004.._
This season as in former you will find our Dress Goods Department to be the Largest in
Brussels and we specially invite all the Ladies to call and see the many new
styles shown by us which at all times we take pleasure in showing.
Just what you
have been wait-
ing for. They are
here. Smith &
McLaren's New
Spring Boots &
Shoes have just
arrived. We are
now prepared to
show you the fin-
est and. most
carefully Select-
ed stook of Boots
& Shoes for Men
Women & Child-
ren ever shown
in Brussels. No
matter what size
or shape you we de-
sire can. suit
you and your
purse won't look
as if it had been
stepped on after
you make your
Hello ello John!
Hello I Say I
Have you seen the new Stock of
A. McGO%YitN &Co's?
Well I tell you they have them all kinds to
fit little and big, and Cheap too. If you
want a Suit for yourself or boys you had bet-
ter see them before you buy elsewhere.
The Men's Pants they have for $1,15
are a wonder, fit to go to
Church on Sunday
Such is the verdict of all who have seen our
stock of Readymades. They are bought at
the Closest possible Prices from the Best
Manufacturers in Canada and we guarantee
Values the very best.
We aro Sole Agents for the Famous
Sth C1eii TES
Every pound guaranteed. If not' satis-
factory we return you year money.
Highest price paid for farm produce
A. McGowan