HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-4-5, Page 4TIDE BRLTSSI LIS POST New Advertisements. Locale—B, Gerry. Karl's Clover Root.. Towels—VV. Roddiok. Loral--7ghn Walker. 1ooal•—Geo, Thomson. Wall Paper—Jae, FOX. L0sa1—Dr. ASolirelvsy.. Ointment—Dr. Chase, Rueter Visits—O. P. R. Locale—Roddick & Wake, Repairing John Downing. Eater Holidays—G T. R. Call and See—A. Strachan. T,00al—Baeker & Vanstone. Tenders Weuted—Joe Ologg, License District --S R. Miller. Local—Posx Publishing house. • Spring Suitinge Jobe MoBaiu. A Miller's Story—Dr, Williams, Boots and Shoes—l. 0, Riobards. The Last Chance -0e A, Deadman, Seed Oate and Barley—Sohn Knight. The Beat is the Oheapest—Sae. Walker, Oheeeemaher.'s Assistant—H. J, Burk. holder. u Jb.0 xnsse.ts 9ost. FRIDAY, MAR. 29, 1895. DOMINION Parliament is summoned for Thursday, April 18th. The election will not likely come off until after harvest now. Wn hope the School Board will see its way clear to, unanimously, support the erection of a 6 room school building. In the building of each a structure, at con- siderable expense, permanency and the possibilities of the future should be taken into account. There ie already on the school register more pupils than the law allots to five departments so that to build no larger is to run the °hence of defeat. ing the object aimed at by having to add another building later on. If the Board can't agree on this question a meeting of the ratepayers should be celled to prove that a six room building is the size de- sired. Figures asked for will show the estimated cost for both five and six de- partmente, llD th et 1. W. K. Whaley spent Sunday here. The slippery streets on Monday made walking very difficult. Mr. Mather- will occupy the bonne lately vacated by Mr. Watt. It is said that J. Faulkner will return to his farm here Shia Spring. About 75 new books were placed in the Mechanics' Institute thio week. T. %eye, of Toronto, attended the fon• eral of his eonsin last Saturday, Andrew Eekmier has engaged for the Summer with Robert McKelvey. The Presbyterians of this place are having a vote taken on the advisability of having an organ in'the cherub. The dressmakers who Opened a shop a few weeks ago over MoAllister'e store, finding work in their line rather soarers, left last week. Edward Fletcher, who has been em- ployed with D. Milne for the past two years, will remove to Dr. McKelvey' - farm this week, which place he will work for the proprietor. Zack McKee will take the Cober farm for the next two years, the balance of Mr. Mime's lease. The latter will hold an auction sale of all the stock kept on this farm on Tues. day afternoon, 181h inst., including a number of grade Short Horn cows and heifers, some-thoro'brede, Leicester sheep and working horses. During the past three months D. Milne, the well-known stockman, has sold one thoro'bred Short Horn bull to each of the following;—Albert Carter, Walton ; There. Fear, Clinton ; Wm. Barbour, Whiteohnrch ; D. M. Campbell, Poplar Hill, Middlesex Co, ; D. M. Thompson, Cowal, Elgin Co. ; A. McLellan, D.ub- lin ; Wm. McNabb, Cranbrnok and Peter J. Bishop, Ethel. Mr. Milne is build- ing up a fine herd of thoro'breds again after his stock sale of last year, having more confidence in Short Horns than ever. He purchased a fine, red 2 -year. old heifer, "Marobioneae X" and a heifer calf at the big sale recently held by Thos. Ballantyne & Sons, Stratford. 27 head brought 527,000 at thie sale. Scaonx, Rnronr.—Tbe following report shows the standing of the pupils in the senior department of the Ethel Public school for the months of ban., Feb. and March :—Sr. 2nd—Maximum, 480— Susie Mannino, 427 ; Carl McAllister, 355 ; Willie Dowdell, 297 ; Emma Im- lay, 289; Willie Lindsay 274 ; Mary McBlain, 256 ; Maud Badgely, 235 ; Adam Fletcher, 154' ; Geo. Sharp, 148*., 3rd ola's--480—Howard McAllister, 380 ; Edna Raynard, 374 ; Annie Bateman, 250'; Willie Echmier, 92*, Jr. 4th- 545—Lillie Dobson, 440 ; Edith Milne, 098 ; May Milne, 245 ; Alvin Barr, 213* ; Willie Milne, 103* ; Zack. i12oAllam, 194* ; Cora Sanders, 181 ; Chris, Quer• ria, 156* ; Lney Oameron, 130" ; Oliver Qnerrin, 1.33* ; Maggie Davies, 107* ; Mabel Bokmier, 93* ; Eliza RfcAllum, 780 ; C. Batvtinheimer, 80*, Sr. 4th- 560—Charlotte Savage, 859* ; Geo. Greensides, 351 ; Willie Spence, 320 ; A'ioo Davies, 304 ; Ed. Holloway, 280 ; Jas. Leishman, 277 ; Herb. Fogel, 258' ; Sara Manning, 171* ; John Lindsay, 168' ; Wilbur Lindsay, 154' ; Dave ' Sanders' I33' ; John Cameron, 90' ; Erna Baynard. 55' ; Nora Dowdell, 32" ; Ethel Me adzes, 30'. Those marked thea * were absent during part of the axe mination . Geo. DonsoN, Principal. 6V et.J ton. D. Johnston, of Knox College, Toronto, is holidaying under the parental roof. The many Mende of F. Wiltsie will be sorry to learn that he ie still very low. A foot ball match was played at Lettd- bury between Walton and Harloek. The seer° was 1 be 1, Rae. R. Paul, of Bresssle, oconpiod the pulpit of Doff's church, Sunday, Mr. Forrest heing absent owing to the death of his brother -in -haw. Mr. Paul will preach next Sabbath also. The Ladiee' Aid of buff's ohuroh have purchased an organ for the use of the Sunday School and Church. It was put in Wednesday by Scott Bros,, of Seaforth, HrustntAL,—Ons of Cupid's darts re. ecntly took effect in the township of Grey, where they have oft been shot be. fora, This particular instatln8 is the marriage, on the 3rd inst., of JohnFe- 550, of uott, 17, to Miss ,1! lora, third daughter'of David Campbell of the came line. The geremony wee performed at the residence of the bride's father, lot 3, 000.17, At four p, m. about 7Q invited friends had arrived. The idnpreasive marriage service of the Metlrodiet ghureh was duly rendered by Rev, T. W. Ooaepe, of Walton, and after the couple had been deglared man and wife they received the congratulations of the assembled guests end friends The supper following wee of the beet that the land affords and the table groaned cinder the weight of all ob. tainable deligaoiee and luxuries and was clone ample justice to by the assembled guests. The health and prosperity of the bride and groom were proposed in fslioi• lona speeches and terms and all went merry as a marriage bell, The fair and blushing bride looked very charming in- deed in a lovely and tasty costume of fawn colored eloth, trimmed with valen• nioiee in- the lateet mode and looked more than charming. The hrideemaid, Mies Chambers, looked charming and petite in a gown of Bilk and was ably auppnrted by Jae. Barrie, brother of the groom. The responses were made clear- ly and distinctly by the parties and the happy groom seemed to realize the blies of hie position. The presents were many and valuable and bore tangible testimony of the esteem in which the bride is Held by her friends and acquaintances. After the ceremony and supper were concluded the evening was occupied in music, sing. ing and cheerful converse till the "wee sma' hours ayont the twee" when the guests went to their respective homes, after wishing the newly married couple all the happiness that tan be derived from their new estate. The music and singing for the occasion were of the most artistic quality, being rendered by Mies George, of Listowel, and Miss Sutherland, of Seaforth, whooontribnted largely to the pleasure of the guests, and the ladies were highly eulogised therefor. May the bride and groom have a pleasant voyage in their future lives is the earnest wish of your correspondent. Invitatione have been Wetted by Lieut.. Governor Mackintosh to the Governors of several States to be present at the opening of the Territorial Exhibition at Regina as his guests. (rand Trani( RA.ILWA.V. FASTER HOLIDAYS, SINGLE FIRST- CLAss FARE -40 FOR r - ROUND TRiP Between all Station. in Canada, includ- ing Detroit and Port liuroq, Mich. TICKETS 11011 SALE APRIL 11, 12 ANTI 13 ONLV, good going ou and date between April 11 and 15, both dates inclusive, valid for return on or before April 1010. SCHOOL VACATIONS—Tickets iesued to Teachers and Students at FIRST•CLASS FAIRE AND ONE -TRIED for round trip be. tween all Stations in Canada, including De- troit and Port Huron, on presenting of certi- ficate signed by Prinoipal, good going March 2815 to April 1251i, inclusive, valid for return on or before April 22nd, J. N KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. FIRE ! FIRE ! The undersigned is prepared to Insure all kinds of Village property at the lowest rates in the following first•clasa companies, vlz.:— "Lancasbire," of Manchester, Capital 9 Million Pounds Stirling, "Sun," of London, Established A, D. 1710. - Capital 7 Million Dollars. "Wellington Mutual," of Guelph, Established 1040, Also 020,003 to Loan on good Farm security at 00 and 6 per cent. for 5 Or 10 yeans. 30.4 J. A. Creighton 1895 -FLA z - 1895 ' CAMERON BROS. Have a limited number of bushels' of tbo -+ BEST DUTCH SEED do - For Farmers in -the vicinity of Creobrook who intend raising Flax during the coming season, which they are prepared to deliver in quantitios to suit flax growers. Can bo got at the CnAunnooa FLAN MILL. Seed given out on the usual terms. Order Early and ensure a supply, For Flas grown from this sped $10 Per Ton will be paid, if of good growth, harveet- od in proper season, and delivered at the Flax Mill as awn as at for threshing. `No wi11 tont a number of good sod fields for the purpose of growing flax. CAMERON BROS-, 1"roprieters Crai broelt Flax 01111. aster Visits toHOME or FRIENDS TRAVEL. BY THE Who will Sell Itonnd Trip Tickets at SINGI-E aft FARE Going April 11. 12,19, 14, 10, Returning un - 111 A01116, 105. Tickets must bo purchased on or before April l0, FARE AND ONE,TI#hili, to TEACHERS and STUDENTS. Going March 28 to April12 inolnsive, turning until April 22,1800, on on cif 'Wendell form of Certificate signed by Prin. elect. 7. FARROW, AGioNT, BRUSSELS, SPRING Sommer Soi111s f You want a New Suit this Spring Of course you do. The one , you have been wearing for the last year or two is beginning to look just a little bit seedy. When you decide to buy call in and inspect what, we have in SCOTCH, IRISH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, SERGE and WORSTED SUITINGS. If Good, Honest Values count for anything we think .you will buy from us; Perfect Fit and First -Class Work Guaranteed in Every case. Ornco MMIcBain, MERCHANT TAILOR, BRUSSELS. ootsa es ALL SIZES C ALL STYLES VERY CHEAP* Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Repaired Cheap and Neat. Rips Sewn FREE..,, One Price Shoe Store liti"'Eggs taken same as Cas7a, Naruess DeartMelli I A Fine Stock of Light and Heavy Harness and Prices VERY LOW. Trunks and Valises All Work Guaranteed, The Terms in this Depart -. „e m ment the same as usual, I. C. RICHARDS AX'BJL 5, 1896 Millin. ry MILLINERY. MRS. E. ROCEF8, Having now completed her purchases for the Spring and Summer Season, is now prepared to show, an entire New Stock of all the leading Novelties in the mar- ket. We have arranged to have our 1Vlillin�ery Opening ON •--- THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, April 4th, 5th and 6th. 1VliSS L. MoLACHLAN, who has had many years experience both in Canada and the States, will have charge for the Season, and we feel confid- ent, from her well known ability, that our Millinery this Season will be fully equal if not better than any previous Season. We invite every lady to our Opening so that they may judge for themselves, MRS. E. ROGERS. BRUSSELS, March 2(i, 1895. Pa chin AT _DONE NEATLY, CHEAPLY and EXPEDITIOUSLY J. DOWNING'S Boot & Shoe Store, I3RUSSELS. Rips Sewed Free of Charge, 1,11P27111569,1.901116..5_007111 _.X1.1/080111509(103- 1 and �-- The best $1,00 Corset in the Market. TRAQE re Every Pair Guaran- teed. New Spring Dress Goods, Prints and Ducks. A. Strachan.