HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-4-5, Page 3Pli1T 5, 1896
TOWEL Directory.,
Mrtexa0Lr1 Ouueou.–,Sabbath fiervioee
at 11 a m and 6:30 P.m. Sunday Sohool
at 2,30 p rn. Rev. John Rorie, 13 A,
K$OX Cupnou.—Sabbatil ServJoes at 11
m and 6;80 p on. Sunday School at
2:30 p m, Bev. 3), Millar, pastor.
JoIN's 0Uun011.-...Sabbath, Servioes
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School
at 2;60 p. m. Rev, A. K. Gjrilfin, ineum.
METuonxaT Coonan,—Sabbath Servioes
at 10:30 a m and 6:30 P m. Sunday
Sobool at 2;30 p m, Rey. G. II. Cobble.
dick, M 4, B D, pastor.
ROME GATuoraa Ounaon,-Sabbath
Servide third Sunday in every month, at
10;80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVAmro-y Annrx.—Sorviee at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
evening .i.
every the h vekab80000lt
the arrack1 at
Oyu loneLows' Donee every Thureday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAsoxxc LOnae Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 U W Donee on the 8rd
Fridayevening of each month, in Blas.
hill's block.
C 0 F.LopWE 2nd end last Monday
evenings of sash month, in Blashill's
0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L lst Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
SONS o8 Ii00TLAND, lab and 8rd. Tees -
days of each month, in Odd Fellows'
JL 0. T. M. Donau, 1st and 3rdThurs-
days of each month, in Vanebone block,
Hone OIROLE, 2nd: and 4th Friday even.
ings in Blashill's Ball.
Post Ooeeom.—Office hours from. 8 a.
m. to 6:80 p. m.
MEOHANI08' Insmeec00.—Library in.
Holmes' block, will be open from 8 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw,
Tome Couxom.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. B. McCraoken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the lab
Monday in each month.
Somme BoAun. Bev. Ross, (obairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall Sea..Treas.,
11. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
Pomo Simon TEAonens.—J. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, Mise Braden, Mies
Downey andMiss Gooper.
BoARD ox HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Soots, A. Stewart, T, Farrow and J. N.
Bendall. Dr. MoNaughtou, Medical
Health Officer,
Either Reed and Patience Grey,
Gracie Wells and Joel Day,
Jotbam Sly and Charity Drew,
Hope McGregor and brother Lew,
Faith Myoarver and Johnnie Cleve,
All went to ohuroh on New Year'eEve.
The snow was deep, the drifts were long,
Tbe girls were young, the boys were
strong ;
And they used their strength—as boys
will do—
In oarrying the girls the bi,; drifts
And the words they heard the preacher
As they entered the ohuroh was, "Let us
The "old folks" gazed with an ominous
At the tardy youths ; then all knelt
While the pastor plead with our Father
in Heaven
That the sins of the "Old Year" be for-
given ;
And he prayed for strength to carry them
Temptation and danger.in the New.
He took for his text the "new command"
That the Saviour gave to His little band,
"My dearest friends, my sister, my
This oommand I give you : "Love ono
The whispering boys to the young girls
"That oommand can easily be obeyed."
The Pastor said "for Faith we long."
"]tights," whispered John, "that's none
too strong."
"Hope, like a star, shines bright and
Lew whispered, "I am with you ,hare."
"Hope, Faith and Charity, of these
The greatest of these is Charity."
"The sweetest, he means," said Jotham
Ae he tried to oaten young Charity's eye.
"The earipbural Charity meanoth Love,"
The good man said, as he looked above.
Young Sly looked down at Charity Drew
And whispered, "That's ,sty meaning,
"The cares of life, and its sorrows, too,
Tbe coming year will bring to you ;'
Let us lay aside the weight and sin,
And run with patience the race to win.
Ye have need of patienoe"-"Yes, indeed
The Qddfeilawo of town Perpoee line;
fag an At Horne about bhe 26th of April,
named Friday,oAprl1 30t I, 5 ,tine dates of
the annual military ball, to be held in
Clinton Mlle year,
Mr. and Mrs. A, 0, Patterson were in
Buffalo, where they Went to oslebrate
the 80th birthday anniversary of kfre..
Patterson's father,
The two•year.old son of 111r.' MoOoil,
Albert street, had the misfortune to
break its arm and dielopate the elbow
joint. Be wag standing up on a chair
when he fell' backwards with . the above
The following are the °Teens of the
'Young Liberal Club:—Hon, Pres., A.
Meal urabio; Pres., R. Holmes Vice.
Peesidenbe, Wilber Manning, Dr,
Shaw and Jas Scott: Reo,.Seo., F. R.
Bodgens; Cor. Sao:, W. Brydone ; Trees,
3. Wiseman ; Executive Com., Mesers,'
Coats, Kennedy, Coombs, Walter Man-
ning, F. MacPherson.
.donees.—A meeting of the Junior
Laeroese Club of Clinton, was held to
re -organize, when the following officers
were appointed :-Pres,, N. Fair ; vice.
pros 13.3. Gibbings : sea., H. R. Read ;
tress Ogle Cooper ; aapbain, F, R. Beat-
ide; nom., S. H. FTanlon,Robb, Twitchell,
J. Kennedy ; bon. members, Gen. Me.
Taggart, Allen Turnbull, 4F'. Doherty,
Geo. Morrison, J, Pair jr., John 0. Mil.
4Mr. Blair, son of the late Stratford
postmaster,has been engaged' as assistant
for Clinton post Moo. Mr. Porter has
related the dwelling house and office at
present occupied as a postoffroe. R.
Porter, jr., who has been in the olfioe for
a short time, expeobs to go back bo his
position in Vancouver as 5000' as his
health will allow. W. D. Fair and sister,
so long oonneoted with Clinton poet of-
fice, severed their connection therewith
Saturday. Mr. Fair has bought Ranee
& Spalding's bookstore.
Some time ago the Ontario Govern-
ment decided to institute Fruit Experi-
mental stations ab different points, and
lest week, 4. H. Petits, of Grimsby, was
here in this connection. Clinton will be
the Experimental station in Huron, and
in about three week's time a repeesenta.
tive will be here to give instructions in
fruit spraying. Some farm adjacent to
town will be selected, and with the own.
er's 0000850 a certain part of the orchard
set aside for experimental purposes.
General New,'.
The village of Bollara, near Rome, was
overwhelmed Friday by a landslide ex-
tending over two-thirds of a mile. It is
believed many were kilted. Troops were
summoned to help search the ruins for
uTEs.—All cases of organio or sympabhetiq
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the. Heart. One do=e convinces.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
Rowland Frenoh, a young man Benton.
oed at Chatham to the Central Prison
for burglary, was released by order of the
Ottawa Government, with several months
of his term uncompleted. The boy be-
longs to a respeotable family.
An order in Council has been passed
for a Government loan of $2,500,000 to
the Hndson Bay Railway Company, the
Government to take as security the Bret
mortgage bonds of the company, and to
return the land subsidy,
RlexmrATlsar OnnED TN A Day.—South
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheums.
tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 8 days. Its notion upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. lb re-
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose.
greatly benefits. 75 Dents. Warranted
by G. A. headman.
While one of the girls employed by the
Square Match Company, Chiango, was
pulling out a orate of matches one of the
matches ignited, setting lire to the boxes,
and in a moment the factory was in
flamee. The employees, mostly girls, be.
eeene panio.ebrioken, and a number of
them jumped from a second story window.
Four were injured. The fire was ex-
tinguished before much damage was done,
One short puff of the breath throuelr the
Blower. supplied with each bottle of Dr,
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent.
iv sures Catarrah. Hay Fever, Colds,
Headaches, Sore Throne, Tonsilitis and
Deafnsse. 60 soots at G. A. Deadmau's.
B. Taylor, Esq., merchant, Welland,
says : "Stark's Powders bays a great
reputation about here as an immediate,
as well as a permanent Dura for Bead-
aohe, Bilionsness, Neuralgia, Liver and
Stomach Complaints, Costiveness. I
know of people wbo have been long and
great sufferers, who have tried almost
everything, and have been cured by them.
We have need them in our own family
with remarkable success." Two prepar•
ations in each box. Sold by Eli melloine
dealers at 25o a box, 5 boxes 31. Nice to
take. April 5th
Melons have been received at Hong
Kong stating that two of Her Majostv'e
ar ships recently had a narrow escape
rom dienster. While the British quad -
mu was weighing anchor in the harbor
f Wei Hai•Wei during a florae gale n
eavv sea swept over the forecastle of
the flagship Centnrion, drowning a sea.
an: named Edwards. Da,ing the con-
ssion whish followed the Alacrity same
nto onllision with the Oentnrion, serious.
y damaging her bow plates, Both ships
rifted dangerously near the lee shote
et managed to get okay and steam out
o sea,
A fatal gasoline expiosion oeourted
Friday morning at No. 265, Third street,
Detroit, where Mrs. Edwards and her
son Robert, need 2 years lived with the
former's mother, Mrs. Reading. Mrs.
oading left a two quart pail filled with
Gasoline on the kitchen table. While her
colt was. turfed Mrs,_ Edwards Dame in.
the room. Supposing the' pail contain -
d water, she carried it to the stove,
lead the lid of the tea kettle and pour.
the gasoline into it. An instant later
exploded, rendin+ the kettle and throw-
ing the blazing liquid ail over the room.
Little Robert wee standing near the stove
and was drenched from head to foot.
,Although he was blazing from head to
I am sure I need her," said Elihu Reed. f
The maiden frowned and changed tier 8
And the prairie said, "I still repeat
Ye have need of patience In the race of
'Tis patience that carries you through
the strife
Yo must follow after, ye need her still,"
Reed moved his seat and whispered, "I
"This year will never come again,
For time misspent we mourn in vain, to
To serve our God with hearts of love
May grace be given tie from above." ra
Then Joel whispered, with laughing face, ed
"I'll thank Him foe. Elie earthly "Grace." 11
"As the old year passes," the pastor told,
"In silent prayer we will bow the head.
The Old is gone, the New is here,
Dear ftiends I wish you a Happy New
Love ono another, I repent it again."
The roguish bays whispered, "Amen and. ed
amen," ab
of hie mother succeeded in bearing off
u clothes and smothering the &Alma,
ub nob until the child wan fatally burn.
Mrs, Edwards woe terribly burned
out the arms, hands end face.
Ex.Warden Lavohletto, the herr] of the
oonvlets'revolt in St, Vincent do Paul
Peultentiary, died Tuesday morning in
John O'Shea, a professional swimmer,
died St Mingsbon, aged 85 years. During
his life he saved about one hundred per,
sous from ;drowning, besides reeoverini;
many bathos.
The annual closing exercises of tile On
tario Veterinary College were held Friday
morning,, and 150 etudents, representing
different parts of the United States, Can..
ada and Great Britain, were graduated,
John Flynn, a resident of Shallow
Lake, was found in an unconscious state
in a shed, after having left Owen Sound
for home, There were bruises onhie
head and body. He died anon after and
au inquest be being held.
25 dem vs, Runner TRormee.-For 2
years I was dosed, pilled and plastered
for weals bank, scalding urine and con-
stipation, without benefit, One box ef.
Cbass a Kidney Liver Pills relieved, 3
boxes oared. R, 3. Smith, Toronto.
Mrs. James Vaughan, of Vintia, I. T.,
was sewing on her machine Friday after.
noon, when a needle snapped and a part
of it atm* in the table. Sire pub in a
new needle and continued her work.
About ten minutes later she noticed her
2 year-old daughter sat rather quiet on
the floor and called to her, but received
no answer. She picked the child np and
found that she was dead. A physician
found that the cause of death was a small
part of the needle, which had struck the
eye and penetrated the brain.
15 ream ow ITonrNo.—Wm. Golding,
commercial traveller, 180 Esther et.,
Toronto, says :— For fifteen years I suf.
feted untold misery from Itching Piles,
sometimes called pin worms. Many and
many weeks have I had to lay off the
road from tbis trouble. I tried eight
other pile ointments and so called reme-
dies, with no permanent relief to the in.
tense itching and stinging, which irritat
by scratching, would bleed and
ulcerate. Half a box of Chase's Oint.
mens cured me completely.
A bill to tax bachelors and establish an
"01d Maids' Home" at Springfield, I11.,
when the tax fund shall have reached
350,000 was introduced in the House
Friday by Representative Walleok. The
hill defines bachelors as single men of 82
years or over who have never been mar-
ried, and exempts men who have reached
85 who are phyeioally unfit. or who can
prove to a board of unmarried women
over 60 years, that they have proposed
marriage at least three times' to marriage.
able females and been refused each time.
Stark's Powders, each package of which
oontnins two preparations, one in a round
wooden box, the cover of which forms a
measure for one dose, and immediate re-
lief for Covtiveness, Siok Headache and
Stomach, also Neuralgia and all kinds of
nervous pains, and another in capsules,
(from to .4 of one is an ordinary dose)
which acts on the Bowels, Liver and
Stomach, forming a never failing perfect
treatment for all Head and Stomach oom-
plaints. They do not, as most pills and
so many other medicines do, lone their
effect or produce after constipation, they
are nice to take. 25 cents a box at all
medicine dealers.
The report of the fees commission bas
been placed in the bands of members.
The report is very voluminous, covering
nearly 800 pages. The net results of the
investigation ore concisely stated in the
following summary :
"No change should be made in appoint-
ing the officers by handing over the
oboioe to local authorities.
"The fee system should be continued as
to all administrative offroes, e. e., Reg.
latrine of Deeds, Clerks and Registrars
of Courts, Sheriffs and Bailiffs.
"Salaries should be paid to all judicial
or gaasi.judinial officers, e. g., Local
Masters, County Attorneys, and (for con.
venienoe) (Herta of the Peace (as a con-
joint office).
'The expenses connected with clerical
and other aseistauae in the offices should
be systematized so that uniformity and
not diversity may characterize the ser.
'A limit should be placed upon the re-
ceipts of fee paid officers, to be fixed by
the Legislature, having regard to the kat
means between scanty and excessive com-
pensation. •
"These results' are responsive to all
the matters with whioh the commission•
era are directly charged ; incidental sug-
gestions have been made on germane or
collateral subjects in the course of the re-
port, whioh are not here specifically enu-
The Ontario Government has appoint-
ed the following pentlemen a commission
to investigate the affairs of the Univer-
sity :-0hief Justice T. W. Taylor, of
Manitoba, ex Judge Kingsmill, Judge
Senkler, B. M. Britton, Q. 0., and Prof.
Oampbell, of Montreal.
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware. or hard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
Hardware Store
Where you will, from
this date, got a
MOM of' fin pE CENT,
Orel) Cash Purchases.
:C. fit, y
ry� FOBF Airxou1,A118
"Free Facts, Farina and Sleepers.
Winter Sailings,
1i'rom. From From
Liverpa'1 STEAntsmi's. Portland. Half ax.
Mar, Moa(;olfar3 " 39 " s0
017. Laurontfaa ApI. 11 Apt. 18
Apl.14 Numidian, • 2e1 2y
Steamers will sail from'Portland about
1 p. m. Thursdays, and from Halifax
about 1 p. m. Saturdays, after arrival of
Western Trains.
For further information as to rates,
ceo., apply to
System Pienovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danes,
Female Irregularities and General De-
J. 1\2. 11'IoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufaotnre1r.
Sold by JAMES FOX.
Druggist, Brussels.
G -rand Trunk
I>; > I3.`VA .
Depot Ticket Office
Settlers' Trains
With Colonist Sleeper Attached,
.And the Lanae ian Narthwast,
Leaving Toronto at 0 p, m. every Tues-
day duringMarch mid Aprri'.
J. N ICE'1sT A.LL,
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat -
Maths on hand or made to order
ab Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
Fine Boman, Artists' Can- shin and Material Guaranteed.
vas i n Stook.
cT. & P. AME N'I'
.Jlectrlc Light Plaut
Tho lindersignea bas decided
to offer kr sale the Brussels
Electric Light Plant. A first.
class investment can bo shown.
Easy terms ;. good reason for
selling ; full particulars cheer.
fully furnished on application.
Any Amount of Money to ,L0411
on Farm, or Village Pro-
perty at
6 0 04 Per Cot, X.oelrly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required, :.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Can only be obtained by wearing
No. 391 " Improved A11 -Feather -
bone Corsets." No side steels to
break, hurt or rust.
All First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell Them,
New Wall Papers®
10,000 Rohs to Choose from.
Prices to Suit Purchaser.
Lovely Patterns from 5c. up.
Elegant Borders to match
at Half the usual Price.
Beautiful sets in Sintelare and Embossed
Silks suitable for Drawing Rooms, &c.
Call in and see them. A discount of
10 per cent, on all goods purchased
between now and March 1st,
W. `:oddick,
I have just received some New Prints, Shnsings, Flannelettes,
Victoria Lawns, Gingbams, &c. 1 have a Bordered Gingham at
11e, 36 in. wide, worth 12i'e ; Skirtings from 50 a yard up to 14o ;
Suspenders at 25c, worth 40e ; Turkish Bath Towels at 40c each
or 3 for $1.00.
In Groceries I am now giving 25 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar
for $1.00. Other Sugars in proportion. An excellent Japan Tea
4.lbs. for $1.00 ; Sulphur Be a Ib. in large quantities.
In Medicines I keep a larger variety than
is found in any other General Store.
A Large and Well Assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes.
In Hardware I keep Cut and. Wire Nails, Hinges, Cow Chains, Rope,
Axes, Cross -Out Saws, Fence Wire, &c.
have the best Washing Machine in the market
Highest Cash Price paid for Hides,
Sheep Pelts and Raw Furs.
�.,�. H. T HO S N5
Ei H;Tp±•?;MT.
We are second to none and intend to keep up to date.
Welcan make Photos. any size you want them from the
Sunbeam to the Life Size Photo. Copying Pictures is
done on the shortest Notice, making them any 8i1a
you wish. We are prepared to enlarge any Photo. to
Life Size in
Crayon, India Ink or Colored
In the most Artistic Manner.
All our work is from Finely Finished Negatives, is
of the Bost and Latest Styles and is Warranted First-
elass. No Photos. made that are not satisfactory.
Give us a call. Always welcome at the old Reliable
Photo. Studio. Gallery over Standard Bank, Brussels.
H. R. BRE i V EF',
Photo Artist.