HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-29, Page 8'H4 i .S ' POST MAR. 29, 1805' Great Bo6.uotion IN a1! Paper! 1 cl oilld be wise on your part to see our stook and prices if you pur- pose doing any Pap- er Hanging. G. A. DEADMAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & 0. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; Gorse SCUTE. Go300 NoOTn. Mair 0:64 a,m. Mixed 0:45 a.m. Expl'06a 11:59 a.m. flail 8:19 p.m, OSlsod:........ 9:00 pan.I Express ,,.,,, 9:48 p.m, Tal' lets Pins. A ehiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. CRusansna. MAPLE sugar. Oooxom meeting next Monday evening. SEE District news on page 8 of this iesne. THE electric light is now run from the Ronald Engine Works. Tan plate glass in I. C. Mallard's store was cracked last Friday. A UR of cattle was shipped on Mol,day by Messrs. Scott & Jones. A. OODeLEY disposed of a Brantford bicycle this week to a Brusselite. MILLINERY opening at Mrs. E. Rogers neat Thursday, Friday and Saturday. NEx2 Monday will be the let of A , ril. Don't pink up all the parcels you see on the street. Peogonoa examinations are in p•ng- rese in the various sobools in this Riding this week. HORSE Fair in Brussels on Thursday of next week. This will be the closing Fair for this season. Tun rush of new advertisements has crowded out a couple of columns of matter in type this week. J. Fox's drug store had a close call from fire last Monday evening from the upsetting of a candle in the cellar. Tan ladies will remember the Spring millinery opening at Misses Roddick & Smith's on Thursday, Friday and Satur• day of next week. PEssoxs who have Band instruments or other property are asked to take them to the Town Hall next Monday evening between. 7 and 8 o'clock. NEARLY every weeks brings additional applicants for the position of Caretaker and Matron for the Huron County House of Refuge and Iuduatrial Farm. FIRE BRIGADE. -A meeting of the Fire 'Brigade will be held Tuesday evening of next week, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of electing officers and attending to other necessary business. IN the "Chariot Race" Annie Louise White surpassed herself, and at the end of her description the audience was al- most too interested to applaud. -Toronto Empire. Town Hall, Brussels, Monday, April 8111. J. W. DRaru, of Windsor, will give to; the parents of the first twins born from now in Windsor a baby carriage of the double -seated pattern. The Amherst. burg Echo says :-The offer is safe. It's n thousand to one it will never be taken. Throw it open to the oonnty and we will go you. Mres WHITE is an elocutionist of the highest class. Her expression, modulo. lion of voice, phonetio laughter, and im- personation are splendid. Her imposition of the "hoe•down" fiddler calling off the dance was 5o realistic that the house was in one continuous roar of laughter th rough on b. -Ottawa Citizen. Town Hall, Brussels, April 8111. GEORGE Fox's OPPORTUNITY. -He is ap- parently one of the few artists who can bring himself into complete sympathy with the composition in hand, whether it be gay, sorrowful or dramatic. Mr. Fox is yet a very young man, and if I mistake not he will yet become one of the greatest of the world's violinists. -Detroit Sunday News • Tribune. Town Hall, Brussels, Monday, April 8011. OODNTV 'Cannon, NoTEs.-Government Inspeod=r, Chamberlain and Architect Fowler will meet the Floss of Refuge Building Obmmittee at Clinton on Tues- day, April 9th, to attend to some ne0e9• vary work. -'Valentine Ratz, of Shipka, the Reform candidate for . the House of Commons, and the worthy Reeve of his townsbip, was working at hie saw mill in Stephen townehip when the chain whioh runs the oars loaded with logs broke and the oar wheel ran over one of Mr. Katz' legs, cutting into the bone. Mr, Satz will be confined to his home for several days. Tan ST. LAWRENdT ROUTE. -On May 4 the Allan Royal mail steamship Sardin- ian will leave Montreal for Liverpool, calling at Derry, to be followed by the Laurentian May 11, 'Pnrisien May 18, Mongolian 25th and N 'midian June 1. Passengers will emba„t on the Friday evening. First cabin , ales will be from $50 and upwards, With a good rednetion on return tickets. The second cabin 980 single and 955 return. The 'steerage through rate from Toronto at present is 1110.15. Ibis undecided 04 to whether it will remain at this. Steerage passengers are now furnished with beds bedding and everything necessary, without extra Charge, and are booked for Glasgow, Bel - last, Londonderry, Queenstown and Lon - 'Con at the same rate as to Liverpool. tS'iret and nomad cabin berths can now be matured at the office of the 'Allan Line, Posr Publiebing house, Brussels, where plans of the steamers may be seen. AwoiNoe once more make their appear, ansa, a harbinger of Spring, Now ie the time for people to prepare to clean op their back yarde.. GST the enpw and IOC ofl ypur share sof the sidewalk if you have not already done so, Annx, 5T9455AN'9 change of edvt, Dame to hand too lobe for this issue, Waboll for it next week. Bnusesps Sall Works are turning out an extra line grade of Dairy salt whioh ie having a big run. Bros Lown announces her millinery opening on Thursday, Friday, and Sat- urday of next week. isretorted that Frank LeBon, Bol of IT re a lis ie C all am disposed of his house and h 1. i n lob on Mill las tnto William Jewitt for the sum of 9450, Firoii growers around fiamiiton say that the peaob buds have all been des•, troyed and many of the trees severely in- jured by the oold. THE man who advertieee has to buy more goods and hire more help than the MAD who doesn't advertise. Ib is a nils. an= to be pot to the empanel° of buying and hiring, Don't advertise and you won't have bo do business. auto APPEAR AOAIN,-Responding to an encore, Geo. Fax gave "Auld Robip Gray." The audience was not satisfied, and again the brilliant young violiuiet had to appear. --Brantford-- Courier. Hear him in Town Hall on 8th April. EXAMINATIONS --At the noxb mid -sum. mer examinations, in East Huron, it is estimated that 145 candidates will write on the Primary, 87 on Junior Leaving, 18 on Senior Leaving, 18 on Paas Matri- culation and 9 on Honor Matriculation. About 400 will write on Entrance and 150 on Public Sobool Leaving. This week about 600 pupils are writing on Junior and Senior Second Bok papers, and 650 on Junior and Senior Third Book papers. HYMENEAL. -A quiet wedding took plane at the residence of aohn Cousley, Ann street, last Tuesday evening, when his eldest daughter, Miss Maggie J., was united in marriage to Neil B. MoLanoh lin, of Brubsele cheese factory. Rev. John Ross, B. A., performed the ceremony in the presence of the relatives of the con. tracting parties. Mr. and Mre. Afo. Lanoblin went to their own home follow. ed by sincerely expressed wishes for their future prosperity and happiness. Tan POST says "so mote it be." BETTER No Do IT AGAIN. -Some youths took improper and iinpsrtinent liberties with a •young man named. J. Howard Cole last Friday evening. A pair of plow lines were looped around bis body and be was taken up Main street at the will of the company. As to the names of the persons interested in the, So called, spore we do not know but we beard there were to be a number of sum- monses issnei. Whether there is any thing further done about it or not we wish to say that it was a foolish and high handed proceeding that should never be repeated unless people are looking for trouble. Personal liberty and rights are too dear a thing to be trifled with. STOOK NOTES. -Mr. Deadman informs us that he has made a valuable addition to his herd of Jareeys, having purchased a Ane young Jersey bull, "Rose Signet," American Jersey cattle club register No. 88,458. His grandsire is the prize win- ning bull "Mighty Dollar" and closely related to the famous cow "Mary Anne of St. Lambert," which has a record of 86 lbs. 12 oz. butter in one week. The dam of this young hull is "Rose of Wil- low Lodge," a grand cow owned by Mrs. Jones, the great breeder of Jerseys, at Brockville, Ont. His grandam is the first prize cow at Toronto Industrial, 1894, which speaks for itself. CARD or THANKS. -Prom Robert Ander. son to the Brussels Knightsof Maccabees, for kindness daring his late illness :- "Dear friends I wish to thank you here For help so freely given, For kindness in this sad new year When Ito bed was driven. When from the salt-blook I was brought And loved ones thought me dying, Your generous aid was all unsought, Although our need was trying. And while sonic Providential hand In dreariest gloom was near, Your presence like some magic wand, Was closer yet to cheer. So finally I say farewell And thank the God of heaven That I am able now to tell Of blessings felt and given." MARRIED Lames' OoxoEET.-This en- tertainment was held as announced in the Methodist ohuroh and while unique in its character, a very enjoyable program was well rendered and the interest mani- fested at the opening well sustained until the alone. The musical and literary bill of fare presented was as follows :-Open• ing hymn, "Rook of Ages" ; prayer by Mrs. Ball ; chorus, "Home," by the company ; solo, "When you and I were young Maggie," Mrs. W. F. Stewart ; reading, Mrs. John Tait ; solo, Mrs. W. H. Willis, Seaforth, "The hand that rooks the cradle" ; encore "Love must come to all" ; solo and chorus, Dreaming of Home," by Company ; recitation, •'A voice from the Poor House," Mrs. S, H. Jackson ; solo, "The old house at Home," Mrs. T. Fletcher ; reading, "A wife's wages," Mrs. Watson Ainley ; duett, "No hope beyond," Mrs. Fletcher and Mre. Willis; solo, with guitar accompaniment by Mrs. II. L. Jackson, "Darling I am growing old,' Mrs. W. F. Stewart ; recitation, "The old mac in the stylish dwelt," Mrs. S. H. Jackson ; reading, ".6. women of the World," Mrs. H, Ball ; solo, "Gaide us, guard as," Mrs. W. H. Willis ; chorus, "Membered," by company ; National anthem, Where all did so well we have no desire to specialize and yet mention should be made of the excellent servioe rendered by Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. 'Willis. All the offices of the evening were capably filled by ladies, Mre. J. L. Kerr presiding ; Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Downing, door keepers ; Mrs. Geo. Lowry and Mrs. J. W. Blaehill, ushers; and Mrs, Gilpin, Mre. Fletcher and Mrs. Jackson accompanists. The platform was neatly carpeted and ourtained while beautiful house planta, oil paintings, fanny tables, &o., added their ad- ornment to the soene. The performers peopled easy Oahe and appeared to be quite at home. A vote of thanks wee passed to the ladies on motion of W. H. Herr and Postmaster ,Farrow and pre- sented by Rev, G. 13, Cabblediok. Pro. coeds amounted to about' 918.00 with an admission free of 10 cents, The married ladies oconp the front plans at the present and deserve: the honor. AT a epeeist meeting of the Sons of Sootland, last Tuseday evening, James 'M.'oAlnine was appointed to attend the Gland Camp, whiob will meet at Niagara Falls pn `4.'uesday,16th April. Tows Bubo,,-.-Opmmonpiug with nexb Monday the bell at the Town Ball will be rung at 7, a. m„ 12 o'clock, 1 and 6, p. m„sb.sa011 day ereepbing Sunday, by 0010• taker Wright, whose term begins on April l CnasApsna...-Next Sabbath afternoon, at 4 o'olpek, the Orusaders begin a series oR Clospel. Temperance meetings in the Town Hall, Brussels, Meetings will be held every evening until Satarday and the e Pro ram will consist of vocal and tna r tn utaltousle, addresses, li s light views, &o, The publie cordially invibed. Silver oolleotion, The Crusaders are highly eommeuded by those who have beard them. Erman LaAoun,-A literary program was rendered in the League on Monday evening, Mies Braden, Vioe-President of this department, preelding. The follow- ing is an pabline :-Singing, "Tbere shall be ebowore of blessing" ; singing, "When the mists have rolled away" ; prayer ;. recitation, Roy Brydges ; solo, "The rainy day," Miss Lizzie Sample ; reoita- tion, "The little' cloud," Beatrice Howe l e,ilo, "If the waters could speak as they flow," W. Wake ; recitation, Franoes Brydges ; paper on "Rain" by James Blashiil ; duett, the Misses Moore. DEDATE.-Friday evening of this week a joint public debate will be held in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Brussels, oommenoiog at 8 o'clock, between the Liberal and Conservative clubs of the town. The subjeoted to, be debated • will be "Resolved that the Do- minion Government is unworthy of the continued support of. the Canadian eleotorate." The speakers for the affirm- ative will be G. F. Blair, W. H. Kerr and A. Hislop and for the negative T. Farrow, ex-M.P., R. L. Taylor and Jae, Moore. A good program of music will be rendered by the Young Liberal Glee Club.' An admission fee of 10 cents will be made to Dover expenses. DIED. -Wednesday night the spirit of Alex. W., eldest son of Rev. Jno. Ross, was beokoned away. His decease was expeoted as he had been in an noon - actions condition for a few days previous. Alex. had been a great sufferer for several years and from the nature of bis disease very little could be done to relieve him. Be was a bright, intelligent boy up to the tiros of his illness and beloved by his Companions at eohool. He was in his 15th v,•m'. The funeral will take place at 4 u'ulucl: on Friday afternoon, the service commencing at 3:80 o'olook. Mr. and Mre. Ross are deeply sympathised with in the death of their first born. BIusesIs BReooa,-The following are the contributions for this year in connec- tion with Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society :- Brussels East, Mrs. Dennis & Miss Sh 9 16 60 Brusselsaw West, Miaees Pelton & Boss 22 65 Brussels North, Misses Menzies & McNaughton 10 30 Morris, con. 7, Miss E. A. MoOoll, 1 05 " 6, Miss Smith 8 89 5, Malcolm Blaoir'. 1 75 " 4, Misses Stook & Currie 3 65 " 3, Misses Ireland & Armstrong 4 20 2, Misses Caldbick & Wilson. 1 25 1, Mre. L. Rattan2 75 Grey, cons. 1 & 2, Misses Rae & Simpson 8 70 " 3 &-4, Misses Stroh - an & Taylor 6 85 5 & 6, Miss MoArthur 1 45 " " 7 & 8, Misses Cardiff &Smith . 3 60 9 & 10, Misses Mc- Quarrie & Crerar 5 10 " 11 & 12, J. T. Davidson, 28 85 " 18 & 14, Misses Ritchie &McNabb 4 90 Cranbrook Royal Templars of Temperance grant 33 00 Ethel, Miesee Holloway & Elliott, 25 35 Eepository sales for year 9 22 Total $ 184 81 This amount was equally divided be. tween the British and Foreign and the Upper Canada Societies. This Branch contributed 8155.28 last year. Business Locals. Enna garden seeds, clover and timo- thy at MoOraoken's. Fon beet value in boots and shoes come to us. I. 0. Richards. $PMNG bats made over cheaper than ever by Mrs, Hindes, Mill street. HARNESS greatly reduced in prices at H. Dennis', Bruesele. TIP-TOP stook of children's wagons at THE POST Bookstore. HenNEss, trunks and valises very low in price. I. 0. Richards. WATER oart and tank for sale. Apply to R. Henderson, Brussels. Webb Paper 1 Wall Paper l Cheaper than ever at Roddiok's. See advt. Luton stook of Horse Blankets and Robes at low prides at H. D'eunis', Bras• eels. Banco your repairs in boots and shoes to ns. We do them cheap and good. I C. Richards, Jams Wenann offers 20 990 buggies for 685 ; 2 985 bnggieb for $80 ; 1 980 buggy for 975 ; 1965 buggy for 960, WHITE BONANZA OATS for seed at Tay• ler & Smillie'°. The earliest in the market, as tested at the Model Farm last year. Loox HnnE.-The largest stook, hand. someet patterns and lowest prices in wall papers and window shades in the aunty at Roddiok's. Coma and see our immense stook of beautiful wall papers in full sets, also window shades in endless patterns and colors. Very cheap at Roddick'°. SHILOn'S ours. is Bold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one dent a dose.. 25 ole., 60 obs. and 91.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brnssels. A Corr of any photo taken by Messrs. Perry, Burgess, or Strong may be had by applying at our photo. gallery. Our negatives are laid by with the greatest care, therefore photo's ban be had first Masa. H. R. Brewer. Doo Enrourou,-The undersigned begs leave to return thanks to the publio for past patronage and to notify them that he has removed to the McCaughey blook next door to Blaobill's butcher shop, where he is prepared to pay the highest market price, in Cosa, for any quantity of eggs. Call in. JOHN Tear, Bruesele, ST4X734BD B4XJC Q.Z' Cy4Xr4D4, Attenti0111, Mf1E1'X',e.8817-4740 4:1aa 0e93,, • 1 -IAD OFFiCE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, • • (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 ,fApITATJ (Authorized) •. • $9,000,000 elpenafeein allprinuipalpoints in Ontario, Quebec,lifattitebp, Milted Steles r8.Bn91004. N SWRIOO Daal.70011. A General Banking Busiueee Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Colleotions made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Inter,* aIlowad o depositsosits'of $1. P anda vardefrom dat of dePos ib to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPEOLw ATTANTION GIVEN TO THn 001,1,00MON of FaRtoion9' BALE NowEa. Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietenoe. • J. A, STEWART Mimosa. MLL ES W SMXTII, .'6doGm i r i9CS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold'on all points 1n Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARIIIBOOS NOTES DIEK.OUNTED. BALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Intsrost Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards abCn rent Rates. Intereeb Com- pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal ab the end of the Months of October and April Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. we effect to write lneuranec In old English or Canadian Companies. or la ISSut.: nal Companies as may be deair•ed. AGENTS 000 CANADA 4300 UNITED STATES: THE CANADIAN BANE OP COMMERCE KAnL's Clover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and olearnese to thecomplexion and oures constipation. 25 rate, 60 rate and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Penna. -Parties desiring good pasture and water the coming season kindly loave their names with us as early as poa• Bible. Only a limited number of head of stook can be taken. Stewart & Graham, Brussels. HEED THE WARNING. ---The common and ever-present warning of kidney trouble,baok-aobe and weakness in bank, are quiokly relieved by Dr. Chase's Pills, the original and only 25. cent Kidney - Liver Pills. When ell others fail they 01105. Mus. T. S. Hewxms, Chattanooga, Tenn.; says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed system I ever need." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it exoels. Price 75 ots. Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. C. Donnelly, prop. of the popular dud well.known Windsor hotel, Alliston, Ont., was troubled for years with honing piles. He was persuaded by Jae. MoGarvey, Alliston, livery man, to no Chase's Oint- ment, whioh he did, was cured and bad no return of them and highly room.. me nds this Ointment as a soverign cure for piles. WDLL-Draenso eco Dzs anro.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and 15 prepar- ed to attend' to all work entrusted to him n a _way that will insure satisfaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-tf FAH AHEAD or ANYTIME% I HAVE EVER Usnn.-John Ritzer, merchant, Water- loo, says :-"I have given Starks Powders for headache, costiveness, bil- iousness and neuralgia an extensive trial and find them to give the greatest satis- faction in my family. I can very high- ly recommend them. They are far ahead of anything I have ever used, and I have tried many remedies." Sold by all druggists at 25 cents a box ; 5 boxes for $1. Nice to take, immediate and permanent. MORN. Hoon. -In Kincardine, on February 18th, the wife of Mr. Alex. G. Hood of a daughter. PAalcnousn,-In Ethel, on March 24tb, the wife of Mr. J. Parkhouse of a , daughter. MARRIFIa. THO5NDYNE-FLEnT: At the Methodist parsonage, Brussels, on March 22nd, 1895, by Rev. G. 13. Cobbledick, M. A., B. D., Mr. James H. Thorndyke, of Elma, Perth Co., to Miss Harriet Fleet, of Glenallen, Wellington Co. MASON-JOHNSTON.-Ab the residenoe of the bride's parents, on Maroh 27th, by Rev. J. W. Pring, Mr. Ashton Mason to Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. Geo. Jobneton, all of Morris. M0LAU0HLIN - Oonsncx,-At the resi. denoe of the bride's parents, Ann street, Brussels, on March 26th, by Rev. John Rose, B. A., Mr. Neil S. MoLanohlin, of Brussels cheese foo. tory, to Miss Maggie J., eldest daughter of Mr. John Coueley. axFta. MOCon5nmerm.-In Belgrave, on the 24th March, Mrs. Robert Mo0orkindale, aged 66 years. Ross. -In Brussels, on Maroh 27th, Alex. W., eldest eon of Rev. Jno. Ross, aged 14 years and 18 days. ATTCTS0IS SAZ,17F>. BATnanks, April 6th. -Farm stook, im- plements, &o. Lot 24, Oon.12, McKillop, Sale unreserved at 1 p. to. Wm. Hewitt, Prop, Geo. Kirkby, aura. :7RV'mmrn.,t3 1\4AR=MITli3. Fall Wheat 60 60 Spring Wheat 57 68 Barley 40 42 Peas 58 60 Oats .... 33 84 Batter, tuba and rolls ... 18 00 Eggs per dozen 0 00 Flour per barrel8 00 8 50 Potatoes, :... 80 00 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Hides trimmed 8 00 Hides rough 2 2i Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep eking, eaoh ,r,.., 20 40 Lamb skins eaoh 15 40 Apples per bbt 1 52 1 25 Hoge, Live 4 00 4 10 Hoge, Dragged 5 25 6 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. We have this week reoeived into stook the following excellent preparations;.--= Wooilward's Celery Cpmppund. Syrup of Turpentine, Idaniey's Celery Compound, With Beef, Iron .& Wine. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. Kiokapoo Oil, Kiokapoo Saive. Kiokapoo Worm Killer. Kieka oo Cough du re p, Kiokapoo Sagwa. McLeod'e System Renovator.. South American Nervine Tonic. South American Rheumatic Cure, Fox's Drug Store, Opposite Queen's Hotel. LEGAL AND .CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor and Oonveyanser, Oolleo. tions made. Oilloo-Vaustone'sBlock, Brus• sale. 21 -Sm M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer ,No taryPub• lie, &o. Omoe-'Vanstone's Block,.1 door n0000 of Ceutral Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER • Solicitor; &o, (late of Gamow & Proudfoot'aOlfsa, Godarioh.) OfSes over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 • BRUSSELS- POST OFFICE Savings Bank talc= Deposita from 91.00 to 51,000 and allows -8t per caul. interest. T. FARROW, 37.8m Postmaster. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND lot for sale' in Brussels. For further _particulars apply at THE. PosT Publishing /douse. MISS MOORE, FORMERLY mnntlemaker for Mre. E. Rogers le prepared to do mantlemaking, or (tutting. for the public. Entrance to room by the stair leading to Mechanics' Institute. EBSONS HAVING ANY UN - A. 50TTIEn business with Chas. Rozeil, who removed this week 00 Mlohigau,oaa have it attended to by J. G. Skene, merchant, Brussels, who has been authorized by Mr.. Rozoll to do so. DRESS]vIAKING.--MISS RENA BAWTINHEIMER is prepared to at- tend to dressmaking either at the home of her customers or at the rooms lately :vacated • by the Misses Sample. Child- ren's sewing a speoialby. LOST.—LAST FRIDAY ON OR near John Curries' lane close to the railroad, a lady's black silk shopping bag containing fancy work. The finder whl greatly obligeby leaving game at Tan POST Public hisg House AOR SALE.—THE UNDER - "HONED oilers his comfortable and eonveniently situated- cottage now occupied by him at a bargain to a cash purchaser. Full particulars on appltoatlon. W. M. SINCLAIR, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The snbsetiber offers her house and lot on John Street for sale. There are 8 rooms in the house, woodshed, hard and soft water ,&c. There is } acre of land with fruit trues and currant bushes, also a good stable.` For terms and conditions of sale apply to MRs. TH08. HAYOROFr, 87-2m Brussels. STONE ! STONE ! Any quantity of -Building, Corner, Rubble. Sill and Bridge Stone for Sate Quarried and ready for loading at Brussels Quarry. For prise and terms apply to JN O. MITCHELL, 8741 Box 100 Brussels. rn RRE SIIIN G OUTFIT FOR .1. Sale, -The undersigned offers for sale his Abel Engine and separator, both in good :working order. He will also dispose of his shingle mill. Reason for selling, ill health. A bargain will be given. For further partioulare as to price, terms, &a., apply to RICHARD 1MITCHSLL, 5.11 Lot 15, Con. 9, Grey, or Cranbrook P 0 1' A Bbm.—s ORLatSALE 2o o n� 6, Olt TOu S. t of N. b Lots 26 and 20, containing 000 acres. On the premises are a tlrst•ctass barn with stone stabling and implement house, also log dwelling house and orchard. Good for grain or stook farm, -plenty of water. For terms apply at once to F. 5, SCOTT, Bruesele, 00 R. H. TOMLINNSON, Mgr. British Canadian Loan Co„ Toronto. WHITE FLINT SEEP) CORN. We have secured a limited Supply of this popular variety for the :use of our pat. rouse= others who desire it. This corn is pronouncedthe best in the market by all ex- tensive growers and sspeeially by Robt, Cleland, of Enna, in whose factory 50 tone of cheese were made by 27 patrons last season, using this variety exclusively. Orders left at THomson's Grocer will be duly attend- ed to, Order early before the stook le all taken up. NEIL S. MoLAUGHLIN, Cheesemaker. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Robert Mc- Donald, late of the Township of Gray, in the County of Huron and Prov- ince of Ontario, farmer, deceased. Pursuant to Soo. 88 of Chapter 11010, S. 0. notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having: claims against the estate of the said Robert McDonald, who died of or about the ;month day of March, A.; 0. 1890, are requested to wind by posh pre. paid to Brussels or deliver to Walter Ihnae or Mark Cardiff, of the township of Morrie in said County, the animators of the will of the said Robert McDonald, on or before the Sth day of April • now next ensuing a statement of their names, addresses and doecrilitions and the full partioulare and proof of their cloime or demands upon the said estate and of the eeouritiee (if any) hold by them and that after the said lith day of April the said Executors will preened to administer the estate and distribute the assets ofthe said Robert Mananald amongst theparties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the aide Ereoutore aliall then have notiee and the saidExsontors will not be liable for the said Assets or any part thereof so distributed to cul 700805 or persona of who= claim the shall not have notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at brussels this 20thday of Mareh, A, D., 1801, G. F, mare, Solicitor loathe said Executors. DENTAL. DR,.: DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Lieentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a speolalty, Moder- ate Fees. - Satiefaotlon Assured: OM= over Barrett's barber ebop, Turnberry St., Brus- sels. - - VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, !J • Honor -Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all dieeasee of demestioated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentietry. Calto promptly at- tended to. Odlae and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge "urnberry et., Brusee,s. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. i --C. M., L. R. C.P., Edinburgh, Yd. 0. P. S. Ont. Residence and 00100 in Wilson's Block, corner of 111311 and Turnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physician, Surgeon, Aeoouolier,eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Playsieiens and Surgeons, Out. - OFn'IOE-Neat door to McDonald & Co., Walton Out. • BUSINESS CARDS. MT H. MoORAOXEN, • Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels. laielp N. BARRETT, ▪ Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. M. Mollay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and childrous haircutting a specialty ROBERT•CUNNINGHAM INBUHANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- sWOANOE Co. Established 1840. - In- surances effected on all. Town and Farm Property at. very IoW rates. J. A. ClREIGHTON, 16.3m Agent, Brussels. CILEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division poor Co. Huron.. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Evade. invested and to loan. Oollectione made Office in Smalo's Block, Brussels ISS O'CONNOR, R. T., 11r1 Teacher of - instrumental music on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of each week. Reai- dance on Princess Street, Brussels, A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. • organist in St, John's Church, Bras Osla, and pupil, intim Art of Teaching of A. W. Thayer, NUS. Doa„New York, will give lessons to pupils either on piano or organ, at his paler over A.R. Smith's atore,Brus- sels. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod. erste. REAL ESTATE. HARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN•. DERBIGNED has several good Faring for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 8.' SO OTT. Brussels. FARM TO RENT. -THAT DE em4300. grass farm on the 7th Oon. of Morris, Lot 15, eerrnttghttspring orkuniinghuhe farm. Apply to JAMES Si6ALE, of the Olinton Marble Works, or JOHN DOUGLAS on adjoining farm, 97.0 T ARM FOR SALE.—TIIE UN • DBEs/ONE° offerable 100 mere farm for sale,being lot 18, Oon,.7, Grey, There am about 90 "eros oleared, balance bush, Agood . Wok -Veneer house, barn 40x09, stable. .arty- lug bonne, good bearing orchard, &o.,on tbo premises. . About 28 sores seeded' down. Po: Masion can be given at once. For pride, 'berme, &a, apply to E. 11ATEMAN, Proprietor, Ethel P. 0. 12 or 16 tone of timothy hay for sale, 88.4 '7 OUNG JERSEY BULL FOR • SL,avron.-I have purchased a fine young.Jereey Boll from first-class butter toa, I expect to keep my other Jersey Bell also, Per further partioulare enquire at any Drug and Book Store Brussels, e. �. 1)E4DMA14. ,B OAR FOR SERVICE, -THE Undersigned will keep fOr gervioo on 5,06 8, 0 on. 7, Grey, the thorn -brad improved Large White Yortehire boar,"Mollington Model,'bred from importedotook,byJ.E, Brethour, Burford, Ont, Terme-51.00'to be. paid at time of service with privilege of returning if neseseary, Pedigree and Stook may be seen on applioatiou, 37 4 HUGH LAPrpriie`tor,