HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-29, Page 7MA'11GIL O9, i8,9f THE NEWS S IN A NUTSHELL TRU VERY LATEST FROM ALL" OVER - THE WORLD. 'Mere:OW hems .hent One Own Ceuta try, Lreiti Britain, the United Siatea, and All Parte et the Went e, elondenee4. and Assorted tor Easy heading. e4NAP . Bishop Bond's'dote of health le again causing his friends some alarm. The City Council of Hamilton has fixed the rate of taxation at 20 nails, Senator Drummond has returned to Montreol from Europe, much improved in health. The governing body of Trinity College School has decided to rebuild on the present silo, At Rab Portage the Sultana mine took fire. Eight miners were needed and only one life lo't, ' Thieves ransacked the etreet letter -boxes et Ottawa and scattered the °entente on the streets. A ten -year-old old girl named Lyles. Haines was fatally burned at'London while lighting a fire. Mr. Thomas Lee, baker of 'St. dant, ariuee, was probably fatally injured in a runaway accident. The members of the Toronto Caledonian Society propose erecting a monument to the memory of Burns. A -Swede named Glove Christianson, ono of the first eebblers of West Selkirk, nom. milted auioide by hanging. Mr. Hugh Wilson, of Valleyfield, who eras wounded three times by Shortie, is nowconsidered to be out of danger. John W. Patterson, acting teller of the Traders Bank at Strathroy, has dis- appeared with $4,000 of the bank's mon- ey. Three street -car drivers were found guilty of cruelty to horses in the London Police Court and fined $5 or five days each. The London Board of Education aro asking a grant of $26,000 from the City Council to relieve overorowding in the city' schools. The Methodiete of London are having plans prepared for a $65,000 building, to replace the church burned on Queen'a avenue recently. A strike has been declared in the Spring field mines, the largesb collieries in Nova Socha. A large number of men will be thrown out of work. The date for the opening of the Territor- ial Exhibition at Regina, to which the Dominion Parliament gave a liberal grant, has beenfixed for July 29th.. Activere oration are being mad" for P P commencing instruction on the continuation of the Bae des Chaleurs railway at the earliest possible moment. Mr. Cornelius White, a preaoher in the Society of Friends, fell dead on Sunday while preaching in the Friends' meeting- house at Bloomfield, Ont. Immense fields of petroleum have been discovered seventy miles north of Fort Saskatchewan, mud the Dominion Govern- irient has promised to assist in their de. velopment. The sufferers by an accident on the Intercnlonial near Levis, Que., four years ago have been granted $12,000 by an order in Council. Thirty.aeven claimants will divide the grant. The machinery and stock of the Crescent Chemical Works, Montreal, owned by Harry P. Hyams, who is wader arrest on s oharge of murder, were sold by the Sheriff r for $36. Mr. O'Brien, junior member of the firm yt..of Meredith & O'Brien, Montreal, was arrested on a charge of false pretences pre. ferred by the Manager of the Quebec Bank. Mr. O'Brien was baited. Senator Warner Miller, ofeNew York, who was in Montreal recently, was very warm in his advocacy ofa ahip-canel connecting New York and the great lakes for the cheap earring" of wheat to tide- water. • Mr. Joseph H. Stiles, who is promoting the holding of an Internetionmf Exposition -,` in Montreal next year, has just returned ,' from Europe, and states that during his visit he met with very encouraging euccese. • !' The Rev. Robert Johnston, B. A., B.D., pastor of St. Andrew's church, Lindsay, tline accepted a call to a Presbyterian church, !. in London, Ont., and will sever hie eoane°- > tion with the Lindsay pastorate on the 10th of April. It is Lieut. -Col. Otter's intention to go to England in about a ioetuight with several of his brother officers, with the purpose of adding to their military knowledge by a ;;..special coarse. Lieut. -Col. Otter will be about abou0;fi,ve months. The•Maasey-Harris Manufacturing Com - piney contemplates moving its Brantford eatabliaement to the other side of the line, and is asking, for special inducements from , Niagara Falls, N. Y., to settle there. The Princeea Louise has written a letter of thanks to Mr. Henry .1. Morgan, of ' i• Ottawa, thanking him for a copy of his In Memoriam recolleotiooe of Father Dawson, who was often a welcome guest at Rideau hall when ` Her Royal Highness waa in Canada. Sergeant Redmond of the Quebec city police force, who was mosey killed some time ago while distilling illicit whiskey, haa been condemned in the Police Court , on two different chargee to $100 fine' and done mouth's imprisonment, or, failing td pay the fine, six months' imprisonment in each case. The trade returns for February show that the exports for the month were $3,653,401, entered for consumption $1,709,237, and duty collected $1,479,319. Compared with the same month last yeas thio shows a de. crease of 589,115 in exports, an increase of ," $709,877 in geode entered for consumption, ' and a deotease of $18,948 in duty collected. Friday afternoon a special meeting of the Wentworth County Council waa held in Hamilton to take motion on the report of the auditors, who had discovered that County Treasurer Stook had applied 58,898 . of the County's funds to his own nee., Mr. Stook'' sureties have made good the amount to the county. After hearing a statement ' from Mr. Stook the Council decided to re- tain him in lila position as treasurer. GREAT ,BRITAIN. Prof, Huxley, the seienbiab, is }suffering serioualy;from influenza, Great , diifioulty atill exists in English parliamentary circlet in seleabing a oandl. date to, strewed Mr. Speaker Peel who will be aeceptable to all emotions of the Hotted.' Ib is rumored in London theb Sir William Harcourt will accept abs Speakership if hie election la uooppoeed, The looderahipof the House would then go to Mr. Campbell* Bannerman.. The Britian Incorporated Seelety of Au, there will present o largely -signed petition to the Marquis of Ripon praying that the Queen will withold her turnout bo the Cana. dials Copyright bill. The Duke of Fife, aon-in.law of the ]?rinse of Wales, ie teaming bicycle riding, and goo out pracbisiog In Brighton with it footman on ono aide of the wheel and a page in buttons on the other, In the Oscar Wilde libel suit against the Marquie of Queenaberry,the two sone of the Marquis eepoueo Mr, Witde'a oauee. They say their father is of uneound mind, but that there is a good deal of viae in hie mad - Sono of the Radical membare of Parlia- ment intend to urge on the British Govern.' Inoue that both the Weigh Dis.eatablislitnent hill and the Irish Land bill shall be referred to grand committeee,in'which the nationali- ties concerned ahall be granted special representation. UNITED ETATS9. The Nebraska Senate bas passed the hill abolishing the death penalty. Harry T. Hayward, convicted of the murder of Katharine Ging, of Minneapolis, Minn., has been sentenced to be hanged. The New York Aseembly has passed the concurrent resolution submitting to a vote, of the people the queation ofwoman's suf- frage. Thomas Wilson, of Toronto, an expert diamond cutter, • committed auioide in Chicago on Friday evening by taking oar. belie acid. Mr. Erastus Wiaian has been granted a new trial, thejudgment ofthe lower court being reversed by the Supreme Court of New York. The roundhouse of the Wabash Rail' road at Toledo was burned. Threeperaoue were killed, nine injured, and the lose amounts to $75,000. Gen, Harriaon,ex•Preeident of the United States, who has been ill, is entirely out of danger, and the doctor soya he will be able to be out in a few days. At Norwalk, Conn., Mrs. Peter MoClus. key recently celebrated the 105 anniversary of her birthday. With the exception of sight, she possesses all her faculties. The bill providing the whipping •posbfor men criminally assaulting children under sixteen has been defeated by a small major- ity in the New York Aaeembly. The dynamite factory of the Bancock Chemical Co. at Dollar Bay, Mich., blew up. Telephone and telegraph wires were broken by the exploeion. A number of men are missing. The United States steamer Alliancia, while proceeding from Colon to New York was fired upon by a Spanish man-of-war, The outrage has been reported, and may lead to diplomatic troubles. The Sabbath Association of St. Louie,Mo., has begun its crusade against tradesmen who keep open on Sunday, proceeding under an old statute, which has for a long time been a dead letter. A Chicago despatch says Thomaa Wilson an expert diamond -cutter from Toronto, committed suicide in a low drinking place by taking carbolic acid. He came of a well connected family in Canada, and left a wife and two children in Toronto. As a result of the row which disgraced the closing session of the Indiana Legislature Myron D. King, the Governor's private secretary, is not expected to live. A rib waa broken and it is pressing upon the heart. ging was the centre of a rueh made by bhe Republicans to prevent .him from delivering a vetoedbill to the House. On Saturday last Mre. Colinaky and her daughter started to walk from Mammoth Mine, Pa„ to Mt. Planaant, where they intended to purchase tickets for Hungary, They had $500 in their possession. The bodies of mother and daughter were found concealed to a brush heap at the road aide . four days after. They had been robbed and frightfully beaten. - A special committee of the Illinois State Aaeembly is iaveatigatiog the treatment of girls in the Chicago Home for Juvenile Offenders. It appears that some of the cul- prits who were 000ficed in the dark room were fastened face downwards on the floor by a heavy chain round their waists pad- locked to staples, with their heeds strapped behind their backs. Edward Gorman, a Canadian, was fat- ally shot by Police Officer lifainefert at Chitlago on Sunday at 59th and Halsted streets. The officer eves so brutally beaten that his condition ie critical. He interfered in a quarrel between four mon, who kicked him into ineenaibility. Before losing ooneeioueneae Mninefert fired two shote, one of which entered Gorman'' body: A desperate attempt was made to murder and: rob the Greek Catholic priest, Rev. Galovich,at Freeland, Pa. Hie housekeeper and her companion were beaten into' In enaibility. -The eafe in the priest's house waa blown open with dynamite, but the attacking party was frightened oft. The priest made a fight for his life. He eeoaped with a few alight wounds: Revolvers were used freely, and the doore and walls were Perforated. Advices from the United States are some. what more favourable with regard to the general trade outlook. Railway earnings have alightly improved, and farm product° are higher, but there is little improvement in the industrial situation. The money market ie steady, and exports of gold have ceaaed. Still trade le not by any means in a satisfactory condition. There haa been an advance in cotton, en a rather doubtful estimate of decrease acreage, The dry geode trade continues depressed, and pro- duction ie much in exoeae of requirement's ; cotton goods aro only moving at concea- siona. The total bank clearings at 84 cities of the United States showed an increase, compared with laab year, of over five per cent,, and outside of Now York City the increase was a shade over 8 per cent. GENERAL, Cesar Cantu, of Milan, the historian is dead. Emperor William daily presides at the sessionsof the State Council. Tho Queen arrived at Nice on Friday and drove to the Hotel Cimiez. Snow fell in Tangier, Morocco, on Sun- day night, for the first time in many years.' A reciprocal trade treaty has been enter- ed into between $outhAustralia and New South Wales, Sir Robert Duff, Governor of New South Wake, died in Sydney on Friday. He was sixty yearn 01 age. There was an explosion of firedamp in a Silesian noel ming on Saturday by which fifty lives haveteen lest. TOE BBUSSBLEy. POOT,• The Chinese and Japanese Treace mime are to meet to Simonoacki, on rho extreme eolith -west 00051 of Japan, The Government of the `8'rensvaal Re, penile hats decided Go sariotly prohibit the importatiou of foreign silver coins, The remain§ of 'Victor Hugo, the French pont, who died iu 1888, were plated in the ,L'antheon in Paris the other day. Henry Cook, ex.Manager of the defunct Commercial Bank of St, John's, Ned., was erreeted on friday evening and lodged in sol g Prince ,loaohipm, the Meth eon of Emperor WiJliam,whe le four yearn of age issuffering from lull ammation of the, bowels, The peak of Orizaba, the'apolent volcano in Corodoba,Stabe of Vera Cruz,is in estate of eruption and the surrounding country is blu'sateued. SlatinBey has arrived at Aaeouan, having stumped from rho Mandi'e camp at Omdurman, Khartoum, after eleven years of captivity. The Armenians have sent, through Kars, an address to .Mr. Gladstone, imploring liis aesietanoe, and, presenting him with a very ancient Armenian Coepel. The prima captured by the Japanese et Yieng Now include several gunboats, two steamers, one hundred junks and a large quantity of munitions of war. As a result of demands made upon' the Spanish Government by army officers in connection with the newspaper troubles at Madrid the whole Cabinet have resign- ed. A conference of Australian Premiers at Hobart, Tasmania, adopted a resolution favoring the apportionment of the cost of a Pacific cable among Englend,Canada,and the colonies of Australia. A terrible hurricane swept over the PI j Islands a few weeks ego. Great damage was done in Suva, the capital of Fiji, and the cocoanut and banana plantations were almost entirely destroyed. Mustapha, the Turkish soldier who, while intoxicated, recently ran amuck through thestreetsof Conatantiuopole, killing two men and wounding ten others, has been found guilty of murder and sent- enced to death. The remains of Ishmael Pasha were buried on Thursday in Cario. The funeral procession which followed the remains was composed of the chief European and Egyptian officials, the members of the diplomatic corps, the religious notabilities, etc. The Khedive led the way on foot and the crowded streets were lined by British and Egyptian troops` SAILORS FIGHTING FIRE. A Very Destructive Blaze at Port of Scala, Trinidad, Conquered by Blue Jackets —Loss Four Mttllous. AaPecial from Port of Speen, Trinidad, says :—This city has narrowly escaped total destruction by fire. The loss will amount to nearly $4,000,000, the chief busi- ness section having been the oentre of the conflagration. Nearly 20,000 people would have been homeless had it not been for the assistance, given by the United States North Atlantic squadron and H. M. S. Buzzard in extinguishing the flames. The facilities for fighting fire are very unsatie. factory, the Maravel waterworks, which lie several miles distant, being ample for ordinarypurposes, but not sufficient for a great emergency. Soon after the flames began to get hold in the town Rear Admir- al Meade signalled from the New York to the Raleigh and the Cincinnati to land as many men as could be spared, and simul- taneously the flagship's boat went into the water. There was lively RIVALRY AMION0 VIE LIEN from each ship to reach the scene of the fire first, especially as the British cruiser Buzzard, having a nearer anchorage, was also bestirring herself to land aparty. From the United States vesaele more than 250 men were sent ashore, while the Buzzard landed about 50, Eel boat's crew was supplied with fire buckets, axes and ropes, and the plan of action was quickly laid down and. carried out. Chains or bucket - passers were formed,and a steady stream of water was thus conveyed to the lee aide of the fire to prevent its spread as much as cos. eible. To extinguish the fire in the buildings already burning, or in olose proximity to the flames, was impossible, and all efforts were concentrated in tearing down the buildioge around the main conflagration, and wetting down everything upon which sparks and burning fragments might fall. Organized and determined fighting of the flame at last had a good effect, and the advance of the fire was checked, though not until the sailormen as weilas the towns. people were thoroughly exhausted. Every- thing is in confusion, and it will bake several days to determine whether there was any lose of life. The blow to the city is overwhelming, and it will be many years before it recovers form it. CHINA AND JAPAN. Retreat of the Japanese to Totten Wan— Chlna Must Cede Territory and Pays Indemnity: A despatch to The Pall Mall Gazette from Ohe Foo says the Japanese have evacuated Ring Hai and the advanced positions at Wei, Hai Wei, and have mostly gone to Talieu Wan. A despatch from Berlin says :—Viscount Aoki, Japanese Minister to Germany, said to -day in an interviewwith a reporter of Tlie; Lokal Anzeiger :—Without a cessation of territory China cannot reokoa on the termination of the war. While it is fully understood that China meat in. demnify us for our expenses in the war, I am aware that the European powers may interfere to prevent a cession of territory,. but ib is to be hoped that the Japanese Goverment will maintain its position that the conclusion tf the peace equally with the conflict concerto Japan and China alone,. Foreseeing thab the war would involve the risk of complications with the powers, Japan did everything to avert hostilities, and tried to mettle the Comae question peaceably. China made this impossible. Japan is willing at any moment co agree to terms which are in any way acceptable and honest. A Superior Article, Housekeeper—Are you sure this baking powder has the moat raising power? Dealer --Raising power ? Well, madame, about ten years ago a, baker in this town waa se near ruin that he had only one bar- rel of flour loft. He Mogan using this baking powder, and to day ,lie's a rink man, and the and of flour isn't quite gone yet, BROTHER (ABDNRR' "Doe' I involve Brnddet' Sunflower Bates ober day Gy de woedbox?" naked Brother Gardner ire he arose and ehaded hie opus with his hand .end peered in rho dhow, tion indicated. "Yee, aah, I was "perceived," answered the member ON lie rose up, "Worry well, I3rndder Bates. Yo' will please step die way, au' stead on dat chalk mark while I ax yo' a few queehune. • De odder night, whoa yo' war game home wid Sarnuel Shin, yo' got up a dispute 'pont de garden of Eden ?" "It waa Brudder Slain who (Reputed, nab." "Yo' told Brudder Shin dat ye' had seen a cucumber nine feet long whichgrowed n dal garden of Eden, an' when be said he didn't believe it yo' punched his head." "Yee, soh, but Pee sorry," "A few days ago yo' wenb ober to see Elder Toots. Yo' found de elder hoein' out hle tatera, and yo' at once set out an' told hint yo' didn't believe de whale sweltered Jenne. De elder differed wid yo', of Wee, and' what did yo' dor "Took him down an' sot on him, soh." "Exactly—sot on him most all de arter- noon—an' he's had aich a lame back eber since lie couldn't git outdoors. One day last week yo' called at de cabin of Brudder Seabee. Yo' didn't seem to hev anything on yo'r mind fur a few mimes, but all of a sudden yo' axed I3rudder Beebe' if he believed in dreams. He said de didn't, an yo' gob up a dispute an' knocked most of his right eyebrow ober de bask fence." "But lie nailed' me a fool nigger, aah 1" protested Brother Bates. "Yes, I a'peot he did, an' nobody blames him 1 One arternoon last month yo' peeled to meet Shindig Watkins in a grocery store. Ile was dor eater clothes- pins an' codfish, an' he greeted yo' in de most fraternal speerit. It waen't five minks befo' yo' put yo'r fiat under his nose an' declar'd yo'r belief dat de sun move's around de aireh an' added dat yo' could Holt any man who says it don't. Yo' was atrikin' out to hit him on de chin when he run away." "Ise bin seek.' de sun move around de airth all my life," replied Brother Bates in extenuation. "Two or three weeks ago," continued the President, "yo' goea ober to nee Brudder Whalebone Howker. Fur de last fo'ty y'ars Brudder Howker has bin firmly believin dal Cain killed Abel wid a hickory club. He has axed me 'bout it seberal times as as I dean' know nether it W was hickory or oak I comforted him by eayin dat it was probably hickory. Yo' purtend. ed to him dat yo' wanted to borry a shovel, but yo' begun talkin round an finally got to dat club bizness and said yo' thoug6dic it was an elm club, Brudder Howker got excited ap begun to holler, mo yo' hit him on the nose and knocked dat organ half an inoh outer plumb." ' He was clawin fur me, cab 1" "Yes, 1 know. Oce mo' case, an dal happened only to -day. Yo' met Brudder Sundown Judaea on de street an talked 'bout de hard times an de weather fur a few minite. Den yo' suddenly axed him if he believed dal de fleein children of Israel passed frew de Red Sea dry shod. He said he -did, of co'ee, an yo' thumped him on de jaw, an he ' pears here to -night wid a towel tied around his head to hold a poultice on de swellin," "He was reachin fur my ear, aah 1 " replied Brother Bates. • Yes, mebbe he waa, an he hrter be fined $10,000 dat he didn't get thar 1 Brudder Bates, yo' sorter slipped inter die club. W henyo' had gotin an'Ioum tolook yo' ober, I made up my mind dat yo' wa pore timber. We hev rules and regulaehune to govern our conduct. One ob de strictest rules am datno one shall diaputeober Biblical gnesh- ene. Disputirs would be bad 'nuff, but in yo'r caseyo' go round thumpin folks knee day won't agree wid yo'. Izefeelin mighty bad Muse yo' didn't cum ober to my house an try to git up a dispute 'bent Noah's ark. Had yo' done so yo' would hev had reason to believe dat de ark and all de animals in it had suddenly bumped up agin de bank o' yo'r head 1 As yo' didn't cum, I want to say to yo' dal yo' am no longer a member of die olub. Yo'r name has bin acretalled. off de rolls, yo'r account balanced, an' you can take an yo'r hat an walk downstairs!" Ex -Brother Bates was evidently surpris- ed and pained, but he neither protested nor apuealed from the seminary proceedings. When he had disappeared Brother Gardner quietly said:— If dar am any member of die club who oan't quite believe dat Lot's wife was turn- ed to a pillar of salt, and who has got a burnin' desire to orgy an dispute ober it, let him oum to me in de anterrom arter de' meeting adjourns 1 I hain't nuffin agin a man gwine back to de y'ar 1 to git real knowledge, but when' he picks up dis p'Int and dal p'int fur de sake of argyment, an den stand ready to thump de pusaon who can't agree wid him,he's de gem, ran I want to see alone fur 'bout five minite!" BRITISH ULTIMATUM. Nicaragua Must Pay for Ike Expulsion of Mr. hatch and for Damages tofritiah Residents. A despatch from Managua, Nicaragua, Bays :—The ?3ritieh Government, through its Minister here, has submitted tun ultima- tum to Nicaragua. It demands a cash in- demnity of X15,000 as aniart•moneyto pay foe the expulsion of Mr. Hatch, the British Consular Agent at Blnefielda during the troublea there last year, and also the appointment of a commission to adjudicate the damages suetained by the persona and property of British subjects who were ex - palled from the Moequtto reservation about the same time. By the forms of the ulti- matum Great Britain is to name one of the cominiasionere and Nicaragua the other, and these two are to choose a third, who shall not be a citizen of the United States. It waa also made known that a British warship is now on her way to Nicaragua to enforce those domanda,whioh must be complied with within seven weeks from the 25th of February loot, the date of the ultimatum. A despatch from London says :—Lord Kimberley, Secretary: of State for Foreign Affairs, today personally handed to the Nicaraguan Minister at the Foreign Office the ultimatum of the British Government demanding reparation for the expulsion from Bluefields.of Mr. Hatch, the British Consular Agent, A copy, of the document wee gabled bo the Britiph Minister resident in Nicaragua. Lord Kimberly empiati- rally demands adequate Satisfaction from Nicaragua. in ofhotal Circles the belie is general that the matter will be amicably settled and that no dOmonetrabion by a Britian squadron will be neeeseary to en. force the demands of Great Britain, THE QUEEN'S VISIT, Preparations for tierSoulonr,t at Nice— Extraordinary P0C illoas Tairen Or lose safety, A despatch from London says —The Queen will leave on Wednesday for Nice. The hotels and villas at Cornice hired ler the Queen and her suite having been turned 'Haid° out, and, in fact, almost rebuilt, it le now announced that the place ie a fit habits - tion for England'e sovereign. A poses of English and Freud' detectives are already on the spot, on the lookout foe prowling strangers. The precautions taken exceed anything hitherto considered necessary in the Queens' Continental' journeys, and people are wondering whether there ie any special need for them. As far as can be, ascertained, however, they are almost en- tirely due bo President Faure'a nervousness at having a foreign monarch on french soil, and his determination that nothing shall he allowed to imperil her safety in the remotest degree or mar her pleasure. If Monsieur Faure be nob careful he will overshoot the mark, for there is nothing1 the Queen detests iso meolt as making a fuse, Up With the Times. Old Hen—No more domestic drudgery for me 1 I'd have you know that I'm an emancipated hen, I am. Old Rooster—" You still lay eggs. Old Hen—Yes ; but they ars hatched in an incubator. For Twenty -Five Years BAKING POWDER D E THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALEINCANADA. • FRAKK) ' "ktel E Oshawa, Ont. lir Paris in the Joints Caused by Inflammatory Swelling A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarna".,, purifier.. "It a5ords me much pleasure to recommetue flood's. Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted witlt great pain in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that he could not get up stairs to bed wltheet crawling on hands and knees. I was very auxiouS about him, and having read, HooSts axilla � � Gurui so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I deter, Mined to try it, and got a hal`-dozen bottles, four of chilli entirely cured Min." MRS. G.A. LARY:. Oshawa, Ontario.. T.B. 11e sureto get flood's Sarsaparilla, Hood's Pills net easily. yet promptly and emen:idly, 00 the liver and basals. 280, Never Lost a Battle. Lord Napier won the Abyssinian war in 1867 without a single reverse, and Lord Wolseley conducted the Soudan campaign with equally unbroken success. BENE F, v vi,eitr"' Hon. Reuben, E. Truax, one of Canada's ablest thinkers and states- men, a man so highly esteemed by the people of his district that he was honored with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes ue for publication the following statement, which will be most welcome to the public, inasmuch as it is one in which all will place implicit confidence. Kr, Truax says: " I have been for about ten years very much troubled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent medicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. I was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I obtained a bottle, and I must say I found very great relief, and have since taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and would strongly recommend all my fellow -sufferers from the disease to give South American Nervine an immediate trial. It will cure you. "REUBEN E. TRUAX, " Walkerton, ant." It has lately been discovered that certain Nerve Centres, located near the base of the brain, control and supply the stomach with the neces- sary nerve force to properly digest the food. When these Nerve Oen- tree are in any way deranged tile, supply of nerve force is at once diminished, and as a result the food taken into the stomach is only partially digested, and Chronic Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia soon make their appearance. South American Nervine is so prepared that it acts directly on the nerves, It will absolutely cure every case of Indigestion and Dyspepsia,' and is an absolute speciSo for all nervous diseases and ailments, It usually gives relief in one day. Its powers to build up the whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It cures the old, the young, and the middle-aged. It is a great friend to the aged and j lfirm. Do not nested to use this precious boon ; if you do, yon may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and very pleasent to the taste. Delicate ladies, do not fail to use this great cure, because it will put the bloom of freshness and beauty upon your lipe and in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your dieabilitiea and weaknesses. Dr. W. Washburn, of Neil' Richmond, Indiana, writes; "I hayb i used South American Nervine ltd my family and preseribed it is my practice. It is a most excellent remedy." A. DBA011141g Wholesale au4 Retail ,'Bosh t'e>t' Brussels