HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-22, Page 6;4.e Nrusstio Vat
(lb limo for the early wails) at
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Business Cards, eight linea end under, 58
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Instructions to ohmage or discontinue an
advertisement must be left at the eouutieS
roam of Tam POST not later than Tuesday
of eaoh week. This 1e imperative.
n.. Ii i i
Editor and Proprietor.
Its Horrors are These oro Living Death—
The VIctim. Helpless. Ills Torture In-
tense—Loses Control of Rowels and.
Dlndder and is a Source or Constant
Worry. to Family and Friends—A
Remedy for the Disease Discovered.
Mr. Jas. McLean, a resident of Lefroy,
Simooe County, Ont., is known to every
man, woman and child for miles around
the vicinity of hie home, and all know of
the long years during whish his condition
has been that of a living death. Mr. Mc-
Lean tells of his injury, his years of tor-
ture, and his subsequent release from the
agonies of locomotor ataxia, in thefollow-
ing vivid language :—
In the year 1880 I was thrown from
a scaffold, falling on my bask on a stone
pile. I was badly hurt and narrowly es-
caped death. Plasters and liniments
were applied, and I seemed to get some.
what better. But the apparent Improve-
ment was short lived, rdy feet began to
get cold, and nothing that could be done
would warm them. The trouble then
spread to my legs, and from the waist
down I was attacked with shooting pains
flying along the nerves in thousands, and
causing the most terrible torture for days
and nights at a time. I could get no
relief save from the injections of mor-
phine. Six physicians treated me at
different times, but appeared only to
faintly understand my trouble, and could
do nothing for my relief. Some of the
doctors declared my trouble was rheuma-
tism, but two of them said it was a
disease of the spinal cord, that the trouble
would get worse and that sooner or later
my arms would become affected. This
prediction proved true. My left hand
dropped at the wrist joint and hung dead
and cold, and I had no more control of it
than if the hand were not on me. Fly
blisters and electricity were resorted to
without avail. My stomach was next At-
tacked with a burning, aching, nauseating
pain, causing the most distressing vomit-
ing and I often thought I would not see
morning. I have vomited almost con-
tinually for thirty six hours, and nothing
but morphine or chloroform could deaden
the anguish I suffered. But worse
• trouble was in store for me. I lost con-
trol of my bowels and water, and my
condition became most horrible, neces-
sitation constantly the greatest care and
watchfulness. I was now suffering from
the top of my head to the point of my
toes. I saw double, and had to keep my
eyes fixed steadily on the ground to make
a step at all, and the moment I raised my
eyes I would stagger and fall if I were
not grasping something. I could not
take a single step in the dark. For nine
long years I suffered all the horrors of a
living death. In 1889 I was admitted to
the Toronto General Hospital, where I
was treated for four months. I was told
that my trouble was locomotor ataxia,
and incurable, and I returned home no
better. After returning home I had
further medical treatment, but with no
better results than before, Finally I was
given the following certificate of iuour-
CHusclant, July 27th, 1898.
McLean has a disease of the spinal cord
(incurable) that renders him unfit to ob-
tain a living.
�.r A. T. LITTLE, M, D.
About this time I was strongly urged
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and oh
how I wish I had known of this great
remedy years ago 1 What anguish and
torture I would have been spared 1 Soon
after beginning the use of Pink Pills I
found myself improving. The pains left
me and I was able to discontinue the use
of the morphine. I regained control of
both bowels and bladder and gradually a
feeling of life returned to my logs and
arms. 1 can now walk without the aid of
either crutches or sticks and can take long
stridee. My stomach trouble has all left
me, and I can eat as heartily as ever in
my life. My friende, who never expected
to see me about again, are astonished at
the wonder Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
wrought in me. When I began theme of
the pills my weight was reduced' to 136
pounds, and it has now increased to 186.
I am a new man and it ie now impossible
for me to say enough praise of your mar-
vellous medioine. My wife also joins me
in thanks, and says it was a happy day
for her when I began the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, as since then she
has been able to get rest at night which
she had not done for so many long years
before. I hope Heaven may direct this
into the hands of some other poor suffer-
er, who may find lys I did, release from a
living death through your greatlife-saving'
remedy. Yours very gratefully.
JAorme McLeue.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a certain
cure. for all diseases such as St. Vitus'
dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism,
paralysis,' sciatica, the after effect of la
grippe, lose of appetite, headace, dizziness,
chronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They
are also a specific for the troubles peculiar
8Q 8110 female systems o0rroatingfrregular,
i1ios, nuppxe8slons and all forms of female
weakness, building ;anew the'1Iooc'l, i61Id
Teetering the glow of health to pale and
enliew cheeks Wifh.,glon they shoot. Ru
radi0al Ore In all ":cases ariexng from
Mental wgrly, ovr-work, or exoossos 4f
guy nature, Sold•'only in boxes bearing
the firm's Uredo nark and wrapper (print-
ed in rod ink!) and may he had of all
druggists or direst by mail froth' Dr.
William's Medicine 'Company, Broclr.
ville, Ont., or Sollenootaay, N. X., at 50
cents a bots, or six boxes for $2.50.
Ni xoxeter.
A, Paulin got kicked on the head by a
horse one day recently,
Mies Aggie Edgar, of Ayr, is visiting
her cousin, J. E. Black,.,
R. Black shipped a oar load of flour
and oatmeal bo Toronto last week.
W, R. Belden, photographer, of wing.
gam, talks of opening a breachoffice in
John Barnard has a fine incubator he
recently porehased in the States. Min-
oroae and Langshane are hie speoialbies
in fowl.
° John Murchison, the distriot.deputy of
the Sone of Scotland, has been on an of.
ficial visit tp lodges in his district.
Henry Mabbers, of Kinloss, had his
left hand broken by getting it jammed
in the door way of the barn by a colt he
bad lust unhitched from the sleigh.
Fred. Grundy and family had a very
narrow escape from sufioeation by gas
from the coal stove on Tuesday night of
last week. Nearly every member of the
family was more or less affected by the
poisonous gas.
The books for the new Division Court
at Lunknow are in the possession of Mr.
Gould, County Clerk, and will be for-
warded to the proper officials. Jas.
Sommerville bee been appointed Clerk
and W. J. Little bailiff of the Luoknow
While Thos. Burns, of the MoOarrol
survey, w8e away from home, some
scoundrel entered his barn, and with 'a
knife or other sharp instrument, inflict-
ed a deep wound full five inches long in
the shoulder of hie mare, a valuable
There is no "industry" in the village
that has prospered more by the oold,
stormy blizzardy weather than the curl-
ing club, and if the local lovers of the
"besom" are not proficient in the art of
"pot lids" (right on the button) out and
in winks, draws, runners, hogs, drives,
etc., it is not for the lack of practice.
The Royal Templars Lodge is booming.
The Baptist church is now lighted by
Oantelon Bros. shipped over 400 dozen
of eggs last week.
A meeting was held last week for• the
formation of a Young Liberal Clab.
It is said that a branch office of Cam-
eron, Holt & Holmes will shortly' be op.
ened here.
The Oddfellowe of town purpose bold-
ing a supper at the Hotel Clarendon
shortly, when some of the grand officers
will be present.
His Lordship, the Bishop of Huron,
has kindly promised to return to Clinton
at an early date and give bis well known
lecture on Palestine and Egypt.
Councillors Searle and Overberry have
been busy on the streets superintending
the men who are cutting down the tress
where too thickly planted.
Robb. Brown returned from Luckoow
having secured an artificial leg while
there. Hs expresses himself as mach
pleased with it, being able to move about
mach more easily than heretofore.
The following gentlemen were planed
in office in connection with the Glee
Club :—Pres„ H. C. Brewer ; Vice -Pres.,
Dr. Bruoe ; Sec., T. Jackson, jr. ; Treas.,
N. Yellowlees ; Conductor, Mr. Sibley ;
Accompanists, Mies Boles and Mise
Jackson. The olub meets for practice
once a week, and is engaged in some very
heavy work.
The following officers were elected for
1895 base ball club :—G. D. DoTaggarb,
President ; John Wiseman, Vice -Pres.
F. R. Hodgens, Treasurer • J. -Hoover,
Dr. Shaw, Geo. Armour, Managers ; B.
J. Gibbings, Beaty. Property Commit
tee, W. Harland, R. Agnew, B. Herr,
Mr. Soovell and ItIr. Stoneham ; Ground
Com., W. P. Spalding, A. Seruton, G.
McCrae, G. Haxby and F. Clendening.
A number of citizens have secured their
Winter supply of wood by purchasing
several acres of standing timber in the
Hay swamp.
Roes & Taylor have purchased a new
engine whioh will be set in the place of
their old one whioh is not -strong enough
to drive their machinery.
Workman are engaged in tearing down
the remains of Wm. Grigg's old tailor
shop which was recently gutted by fire.
The verandah has been placed in front
of Mr. Broderiok's store.
J. D. Atkinson is making considerable
improvements to his furniture factory.
A new engine and boiler will replaoe the
old ones and are to be set in one story
brink addition at the rear of ware rooms.
William Wends, Exeter South, has a
little girl, Violet by name, that a younger
man might feel a pardonable pride to call
his daughter. This little lady was jest
six years old last week, and has already
patched a quilt oontaining 420 pieces.
The Epworth League Conveution of
the Exeter District was held on Wednes-
day, Marsh 20th. The morning and
afternoon sessions, were held in the
James street Methodist oburoh, and the
evening session in the Main street M, bho.
dist ehuroh.
DEATH or Mns. MAxDfue.—As eaoh day
and week plisses by, death lays its cold
band upon one or more of our old settlers
and respected citizens. This week it is
our sad duty to chronicle the death of
one who is well known and beloved by
everybody through this section of the
country. We refer to Mrs. Richard
Manning wile was called to her long
home on Thursday, March 7th, at the
nee of 88 years and 28 days, after a long
'lingua and patient Buffering. The
funeral took place from the family resi-
dence, on Main street on Saturday, fol.
lowed by a large ooncouree of sorrowing
friends and relatives to the Exeter come-
tery, where the last sad rites of the
Methodist Aural) were performed by
Rev, Looke, of whose congregation she
was a devout member. The deceased
has been a resident of Exeter for 15 years
or more, having moved here with her
husband from the old homestead, on the
1,00400 road -1 mild Sont14 et bore nevi.
owned by ThQtrois flue. She loaves a
tangly of five sons And oleo ilang,h8er,-,,.
Charles, in Olove104, Jobn, 1 uthor,
Wilbur, Ressell and Harriett, 'I.'we pone
.--Samnoi and Albert died some
Years ago. AU the family were pr°oent
at the last sad rites except 1auther, who
resldes in 'Manitoba,
God() Irleljt,
The trout fishing through the loo out
on the lake is very pleuttful this oeaeon,
and some of the fish caught are of enol,
mons size, from 20 to 40 lbs. eaoh.
The indications are that the timing
season in Goderioh will be a livelier one
than ever in bioyoling. Several 110e naw
wheels are on the way and the splendid
sport will be enjoyed by an increased
number of people, '
Mro. Thomas Diokeon, an old and re.
epeoted resident living on St, .Andrew's
street, was found dead in her bed on
Tuesday morning of last week. She had
complained to some friends on llfondey,
that she wan feeling•unwell, but it was
not thought that the great messenger was
eo near.., She apparently passed away
during the night, after taking some medi.
sine. She had lived alone for. Some years
and was very comfortably situated.
Two children of D. MoGilliouddy were
taken down with diphtheria, and in the
case of the oldest boy the disease made
such progress that death seemed inevit-
able, The medical attendants procured
a supply of antitoxins, and although it
was not administered until the third da
of the illness in one case and the fifth i
the other, both children improved rapid•
ly under the treatment and are now out
of danger.
The efforts to seoure a first,oless Tid-
ing and skating; rink for Goderioh bid
fair to succeed even to the highest wishes
of the promoters. It is the intention to
buy the vaoant'late on West street, near-
ly opposite the present rink, and erect a
substantial building 70x168 feet with all
modern a000mmodatione and improve.
menta, to be used in Winter as a curling
and'skating,rink, and in the Summer as
p public hall, or for assemi)lies or ' other
Targe gatherings. Ohe of the lots, 60x106
feet, will be laid out for lawn bowling,
tennis, and other genies in Summer, rand
an outside rink in, Whiter. Subscrip-
tions aril now being made for stock, and
there ie.nq doubt that ample capital for
all purppeee will be easily obtained.
.x-4! 11'0SIaEYIQ7�„r THE
Lob 0, Con. Gey, the been uhgster
White boar, "illinolve gblei” -Pedigree may
1J° 05551 00 a Iloatiee. Terme, $IAO to be
paid at the tpme of servloe with privilege
010sbprnf a 1f n5s0a0ary.
80 2im Proprietor,
The undersigned will keep for service en
North Half Lot 10, Goo, 7, Barrie, a bhoro'
bred Tamworth Boar, recently purshaoed
from the
well known 'oem. A]aOheWhiteBar. Tee,
el.00 to be paid at time of Beryls° with prix
liege of returning if neepeesaryy.
110.81 8, WALISIOJ,,Proprletor,
Vnt4ereigned. wilt keep 107 sorvloo, 0“
lot 18, con, 10. Grey the thorn' bred im-
proved. Wbite Yorkshire boar, "Oranbrook
Duke,' purchased fern John. %%uslns &
tons, Ha of service
Terme-11,50 to b5 paid at
the time of sorvloo wltb rrtvilege of -
ing if. necessary, Pedigree and stookok May
be seen on application.
12.8in Proprietor,
Undersigned will keep for oervloe on
Lot 20, Con. 0, Morrie, the there' bred lin-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
y bred from J. Al, Brotnour's swespgetakee sow
n at Chicago Pair, Terms, $1,00 to be paid
at the time of service with privilege of re-
turning if mammary, Pedigree may be Been
on application,
General 1V o Weo.
Chas, Prederiok Worth, the Paris dress-
maker, is dead.,
The governing body of the Trinity
College School has decided'to-,rebuild on
the present eite. •
At Rat Portage the Sultana mine took
fire. Eight,miner's were rescued and
only one Life lost.
At Minneapolis,` Minn., Harry, Hay-
ward, the murderer of Miss Ging,, was
eenten0ed'to be hanged on Jane 11th.
P. J. Slater, the well.known city pas-
senger agent of the Grand Trunk :rail.
way, died suddenly Monday morning at
Clarence and Sadie Robinson were put
on trial at Buffalo for the murder of
Montgomery Gibbs, on the evening of
April 18th last.
Gen. Harrison, ex.President of the
United States, who has been i11, is en.
tirely'out of danger, and the doctors say
he will be able to be out in a few days.
At Norwalk, Coon., Mrs. Peter Mo.
Cnakey celebrated the I05th anniversary
of her birthday. With the exception of
sight she possesses all ger faculties.
Josephine Begin, who is on trial for
the shooting of Joseph Herbert at- Sher.
broke, testified in her own defense Mon-
day. Her aged father was also examined.
The sufferers by accidenton the Inter.
colonial near Levis, Que., four yearn ago
have been granted $12,000 by an otder in
Council. Thirty-seven claimants will
divide the grant.
The machinery and stock of the
Crescent Chemical Works,. 'Montrea'l,
owned by Harry P. Hymans, who is
under arrest on a charge of murder,
were sold by the sheriff for $86.
A steel rail was found lyingon the
Grand Trunk traok about 6 miles east of
Windsor shortly after midnight Satur-
day morning. It is thought to have
been placed there with the 'intention of
wrecking the east bound express, and
footsteps were traced for about a mile
from that point. Railroad detectives are
investigating. •
Remise ix Six Hones.—Distressing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidoey Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately.' If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist,
Wm. Curry and John Crawford, young
men who have been spending the winter
in Juno, Florida, hunting, were attacked
by a panther Sunday eveuing. Curry
reoeived wounds which are thought to be
fatal, while Crawford will lose an eye.,
The young men were out hunting, and
the dug treed a young panther, which
they shot, not seeing the mother panther.
The young men laid down their guns and
began to skin the animal. They had
hardly begun work when the mother
panther, who was crouching on a limb of
a tree overhead, sprang upon them. The
hunters were crushed t0 the ground, and
for a few moments were at the enraged
beast's maroy. The animal planted its
slaws in the left side of Currie's face and
Coro it open. The unfortunate man rol-
led over, only to receive another blow
from the razor like claws of the savage
brute. In the meantime Crawford tried
to rise, but the panther wrath him in
the right eye, almost tearing the ball
from the socket. Crawford, although in
agony and half blinded, began to strike
the beast with his hunting knife. He
dealt it blow after blow, the fight taking
place over Curry's body. Finally the
knife reached the panther's heart, and
it dropped dead on the unnonsdous body
of Curry, Crawford was so exhausted
that he could not go for assistance, and
the mangled men lay there till they
were rammed by another party of hunters
and brought to Juno, Curry was found
to be frigbtfuily injured, and the physi-
cians say that a blow whioh the panther
dealt across the abdomen will likely
prove fatal. Crawford's principal injury
ie to his right eye, which will have to be
removed. Curry came to Juno from
Illinois and Crawford is from Pennsyl-
vania. The panther is the largest ever
killed on Lake Worth,
send 0 canto in stamps, or 10 oente silver,
and wo will send you by return mail the
A neat little Book, being a peHopb Guide in
the art of Letterritin t• contains L
W g I et.
tore of Love, Friendship, Shalee°°, eco., with
valuable instructionsand advice. Ever
young man and woman should have this
13005. Address,
White Star Luse.
Between New York and Liverpool, via.
Queenstown, every Wednesday,
As the steamers of this line (tarry only a
strictly limited number in the Finn and
snore Dents a000mmodations, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths is necessary at this sea-
son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
SPr� G.aods.
1'have just received my
First Shipment of
Spring Prints
Dress Goods. Cottons,
Cottonades, Flannelettes and
Shirtings are Complete.
Be wise and Economize gonr
Time, Husband your Strength,
and increase your Pleasure by
Skene's Teas & Coffees
Whish are the Best and Per
est in the Market.
011 the best Brands of Canned
Goode and Pure Spices. '
We will not be Undersold.
t'Butter and Eggs Wanted.
Certain in its effects and never blister..
Read proofs,
Beztt carman Henderson Co., 111, reb.81,'04.
Dr. 13. 3. *000.400 80.
Dear Blre—Piaoee send mo ono of your. Horse
Rooke and oblige. I have used n great deal oftyour
Kendall,. Hearin Cure with good mean; a Is a
wobdorfm mcdloln,. 5 once h d a mora that end
aa000,dt Epnvin and are bo5tlas our51 hon 1
keep a tdtt a Y0urodBrs1 J 0 • 051le. 1'owsrt..
04")04110" Apr.0,'01.
D. D. J. IIafineaL Co. •
Dear 5400—I have need nevem! battle, of your
think It too 0005 LOdolent I 0V0riland. '8aue ri
mewl one Curb, ane Mood Hearin and mesa
too How. epavin.. Have recammendod It to
maveral of my friend/710W ate mn011. pleased with
and keep lt. RCepcot6olI ,
p. li. RAY, P. C, ifpz919,
For sale by all Druggists, or addrses
D5'. 13, J, ICII11`.D4Z1 t70hi:Z'Azrr,
IINOSannOH rabbi, VT.
Mo. 4, 11$05
C4t000. PS!' ..StO*6-.-
Opposite rho Queen's Roteii - Brussels.
A FuII Stock of Fresh Groceries, Flour, Broad,
Crockery awl GlassWare always ort band,
Produce` taken at Highest „Market Prices in
Exchange, but no Credit 4iven,
Commissions of all kinds
.mbar the Bread and Mu Prices I>4 Proportion.
Special Bargains TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS of eaoh week.
100, 200 and ;360 Pages.
Great Values in Bibles,
Albums and Toy Books.
The balance of our stock
of Hand -sleighs at a Cut.
Price to clear them out.
Post Bookstore.
New Wall Papers.
10,000 Rolls to Choose from.
Prices to Suit Purchaser.
Lovely Patterns from 5c. up.
Elegant Borders to match
at Half the usual Price.
Beautiful sets in Sintelare and Embossed
Silks suitable for Drawing Rooms, &c.
Call in and see them. .A. discount of
10 per cent. ,on all goods purchased
between now and March 1st.
W. Roddick.
JE312.,TJ SSMI.J. S.
"Footprints .
On the Sands
Of Time.71 .
Looking at them closely it is not hard to be-
lieve that some of them might have been made by
ants, so very small their step and so crooked their
way ; excitable little creatures that with all their
flurry never seem to get anywhere in particular,
and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn-
ing aside from obstacles. Others again, in the
great length of their stride, remind one of, the
mighty jump of the kangaroo. They are evidently
getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to
the observer that these must be the tracks of those
shrewd merchants who 'got there' by jumping from
one advertisement in Time Buussfats PosT to anoth-
er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides, these
beautiful lines of the pont come to mind
Footprints tliat.perhaps another
Sailing o'er life's troubled main,
Some forlorn and shipwrecked brothel
Seeing may take heart again.