HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-22, Page 5,MAR, 2 U39
Ek.tC rt''' o od
there a nob uoMeantoetere orttut
WoOd ahop op
Main Street, _.
Douglas & Oa, proyured for the Band
lamb week three new instrlhmentn—two
altos and a cornet, They coat the Band
Time. Douglas and family moved to
town from Harr•ioton and will reside over
the store Mr, Douglas reeently pare/owed
Loom R,, L Ballantyne,
Pasonag vs. Diageo0.—Last Fall Robb,
Peebles, mon of Andrew Peebiee, 8th poo.,
and two other young men were driving
home from Trowbridge. Felton/UM them
Was James W. Diokeon, sou of Wm..
Diokeon, of the 8th (an„ and Mr, Dio15•
eon Paned Peebles on the road. Shortly
afterwards Peebles endeavored to pave
Diokeon, but was ditched in the attempt,
causing bis (Peebles) horse to ran away
and smash the buggy. The father en;
tered an action against
soli Dieiceon and the
case was tried before Judge Woods, at
the Division Court in Listowel, Met week,
The defence argued that ft wag both Up-
. mammary and foolhardy for Peebles to
try and pass Diokeon, and that the at-
tempt was made to annoy defendant.
His Honor concurred with the defendant
and dismissed the case with costa.
Miss B. 1!dgal's health le improving.
Ex -Reeve Milne is home from Muskoka.
Sphere was quite an emigration to Mus.
koka this week.
There seems to 130 a great demand for
saw -duet just now.
H. F. McAllister intends pushing the
sale of bicycles this Spring,,.
Mr. Watt moved into the house vacated
by Mr. Heffernan *hie weak.
The tea -meeting at Bethel on Monday
evening attracted some of our young peo•
It is reported that J. Cober intends
ereotiug a handsome brick residence this
Rev. J. Greene, of Gorrie, monied the
pulpit of the Methodist ohore% last Sala.
bath evening. "
Our enterprising hardware merchant,
John Iianenld, intends adding a brick
kitoben to his bougie.
The regular service in the Presbyterian
ohuroh last Sabbath was withdrawn on
account of the sacrament at Cranbrook.
Owing to the traine being blookel on
Thursday of Last week Mrs. Kelly and
Mies Willis did nob go to Muskoka.
They left on Tuesday of this week.
Mre. A. McKee has been on the sick
Mrs. M. Howe lies in a very critical
Mise Lynn, of Listowel, is visiting her
sister, Mro. H. R. Spence.
A. Mitchell is home from Musgrove's
Boeineae College, Toronto.
Mrs. 0. Mitohell spent a few days with
friends in Turnberry last week,
Miss King, of Bluevale, was the guest
of Miss Lizzie McKee for a few days this
A. small load of Molesworthites spent a
few days with friends in Pinkerton last
The Juvenile entertainment last Friday
evening was a very interesting affair.
The recitations and songs by the children
were listened to with interest. Mr. Wil-
son spoke in his usual able and convinc-
ing style.
Marvin Bowe crossed over the line from
time to eternity last Sunday morning,
The deceased had been in poor health at
times for years, but death, resulting,from
congestion of the lungs and bronchitis,
Came very unexpeotedly. The bereaved
family have the aincore sympathy of all
in their loss. The funeral took plaoe on
Tuesday afternoon and was largely at=
VV en ton.
Chas. Sillera has returned from Mich-
Jonathan Moore is very ill with an
attack of sciatica.
The saw mill is running full blast now,
making things more lively.
A disease called Pink -eye is effecting a
great number of young people to the
Lea bar
y eobool section.
O. Knapp, Evangelist, preaobed his
farewellsermon on Sunday evening last.
He goes to Bloomingfield, Ont.
Mrs. Miller, of London, who has been
visiting relatives and friends in this lo.
oality, has returned to her home.'
Rev. Mr, Rosa, B. A,, of Brussels, gave
a very eloquent talk on the objeots and
methods of the Christian Endeavor So-
ciety, oh Sunday evening, in Duff's
Robert Boreland, who has been with
Wirt Pollard feeding cattle during the
Winter, has made an engagement with
Robert Armstrong, of the gold medal
, HuJlett.,
Mee. Wm. Otlawell, wife of the former
pastor of the Walton ciroait Methodist
church, ie visiting among her many
friends here. We are- glad to see" her
familiar face again.
J. P. Fiedler has made an asainnment
for the benefit' of his creditors. His lia-
bilities are said to be $1,750, with assets
of $800. It ie said he has made an offer
of 25 cents on the dollar in settlement.
M. Flannery has removed from the
!'Morrison" farm in this locality to hie
recently purchased 150 acres near Beath -
wood. 'Ivlr. Reid, hie successor, who
bought the farm last Fall, ie moving in.
of Braeoele, also gave an inetrpetve
epoethPalate,of thegOF err,ttfolloowed byyyRede
Mesare. Forrest and Cosens, both 0110
latter giving telling, 1300351055 and ".propri.ate epeeobee. All enjoyed ti
evening wolf, and the crowd dlspereed.
their homes dt a lets hour. poor* Wait
la prospering tool many new membe
are being added to their number.
11.111,te OR,
Charles Howe, of Morris, maxed bo
boron lot weak,
Ipspeobor Faieley, of Clinton, 95185 !n
Own on Saturday.
or Johto n Bar
1115 frarm rem00in Hu51 llott1115, alnily this
on Mrs, McNally and Mrs, N. r"I, 'Young,
r0 , of town, are indiepoeed at pre05nt,
The Crusaders give en*er1ainman1e
every (tight this week in the tempeotoce
Mre, J, G.,Eoigh, of rho Commercial,
entertained the (11101r of 'Trinity ohnrob
on Friday evening,
Samuel Flukey has purohaoed from A,
Sulith a lot and frame louse on Dineley
street and bas moved into it,
On Sunday the Crusaders sang in the
Presbyterian ohuroh in the morning and
in the Methodist ohuroh in the evening,
biles Martha Howard returned to her
home in Goderiob on Saturday after
having spout a week's holidays 'with tela
Mrs, (Ibex,) Higley and Mre, MoQum-
fn s
a tend
g k ed a
sting of Sha
Ladies True Blue Lodge in Sulgrave on
Mr. Wllaon, of Dungannon, has rented
and ()coupled the building South of Bells
harness depot for carrying on the butter
and egg bnafness,
Jame Montgomery has converted' the
building 00 Dineley etree*, formerly used
for pork packing,into a cooper shop,
where he fntende carrying on his bust -
nem in future.
On Monday evening word was brought
here that John Cloakey, an old and re=
epectsd resident of Morrie, had suddenly
expired in the morning in the barnyard,
The funeral took plaoe Wednesday, the
remains being taken to the Union ceme-
tery for interment,
Oa Friday Robert Howard, jr,, a lllyth
boy, returned from the Northwest, where
he has been sojourning for the past 6
years. Ea epeakehighly of that country
but says times have been terribly dull out
there for the past year.
Or -at vsI'vroof(.
A .wedding on the twin,
Mies Aggie irulton ie home on a visit,
All the material le now, on the ground
for the new eobool,
Miss E11a Mob7ei1, oR Mnlaawortb,
(pent Sunday at home.
People had better prepare for a flood
if the snow disappears tr ulokly,
A1f. Huggins, of Monkton, was visiting
at J. Long's one day this week,
Wm, Welsh le having a shock of ice
stored up for the ooming Summer.
Our merchants are preparing for their
now atm* of I tspring and Summer goods,
i said a
E, L. Dickinson will hold a
political meeting hero on Tuesday evening
Sacrament wee dispensed do Kncg
ohuroh on Sabbath last and was well at-
Miss Jennie McNair has gone to Brus-
sels to learn millinery in the store of Mrs.
Last 'Tuesday Rev. D. B. McRae at.
tended a meeting of Maitland Presbytery
in Wingham
The Epworth Lea5gers purpose hold-
ing a minimal and literary program on
Friday 29th, inst.
Wm. Cameron was in .Toronto this
week as delegate to the Grand Home
Circle from the Brussels district.
QuitBrussels on Tuesda number ay evening f oar and ers listen-
ed with pleasure to the interesting ad-
dresses delivered by Mr. Charlton and
Dr. McDonald.
Revthe pulpit off n Knox of hurohlson oSaturd-
day last and preached a very appropriate
di000urse, taking hie text from Rev. 2nd
ohap, 13th verse,
CameronMrs. James
to 4. McNair'sstCranbroa ok, which
weighed 3 oz, and measured 7x6 inches
in circumference. She would like to hear
if any one ran beat that.
A number of the young people of the
village visited the residence of Wm.
Smith, 12111 con,, MaKiIlop, on Monday
evening of this week and spent one of
those enjoyable evenings mot soon to be
forgotten by all who attended. Games
and other social amusements were played
until early in the morning when the com-
pany, after thanking Mr, and Mrs. Smith
for their kind hospitality, and receiving a
)rind invitation to return in the near fut-
ure, left for home enjoying a sleigh -drive
which added greatly to the evening's
amusement, A few who were invited
and did not attend missed no .small
amount of pleasure but We hope that they.
good time at home,
Alex, McKay, jr., hoe gone to Muskoka.
Grey farmers say the Brussels flouring
mills do first-olass work.
The Anditore Abstract may be found
in this issue of TEO POST.
The Star Mills commenced work Met
week with Thomas St. Amour as sawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Barth, of Acton, were
visiting at 0. Rozell's this week, They
are relatives.
The auction sale at Chas. Rozell'e, on
Wednesday, was very largely attended.
Prices were good.
Blies Maggie Taylor, who has been
visiting for some time a1James MoNair's,
has gone to the Q,een pity.
John Irwin, of Newry, has rented the
farm and stook of James Cummings, of
Grey townsbip, and has taken possession.
The anniversary services at Bethel
were successful and the treasury was en.
riohed by about $60 which goes to build-
ing fund,
A jolly oompany of young people visit.
ed J. T. Davidson's, 12111 yon., on Thurs-
day evening of last week and spent a very
enjoyable time.
Mies Bell, Straoban has gone to
Shakespeare this week to bar millinery
situation. She was at London foroeveral
weeks assisting in the preparation of pity
Ferguson aon Broa.
g Teaswater,
have leaa.
ed their fine 150 acre farm, cons. yl 6t 12,
to D. McDougall, of Cranbrook, for a
term of five years. The new tenant
takes possession on April let.
George F. Speiran, of this township,
and Miss Mina Watts, of Walkerton,
formerly of ]3enfryn, wore united in
marriage. Rev. ,41r. Watts, father of the
bride, performed the ceremony on Wed-
nesday of last week. May happiness and
prosperity be their lot.
Times must be Making up with the
hardware and furniture dealers, judging
from the loade of their wares that are
being distributed along the 16113 con, at
present. From the appearance of things
we should surmise theta couple of wed-
dings are likely to come oft shortly, At
any ratedaok is doing things up pretty
The "little bird" must have been
wrongly informed about school matters
at Tnrnbull's eobool, as the fact is
"things" at and in the eobool are getting
along smoothly and well. The "bird," to
bmazolired chirping about the 16th, ie not
a'nittle" one but a large gray bird of a
wet l•known epeoieo,
U na= in bronco,—The comfortable
od commodious residence' of Deputy-
eeve Turnbull, 3rd yon„ was a scene of
otiviby and jollity on Wednesday even.
ng of last week, when upwards of 125
ueets assembled to celebrate the mar.
iage of Mies Mary 'E , the eldest dough-.
r of the host and hostess, to George
are Mote, a well.to•do young gentleman
f the 2nd con. Rev. D. Millar, of Brus.
Ma, performed the osremaay atO 0 utootr.
he bride was attended by her sister,
les Aggie, both of whom wore very he.
ming costumes of cream cashmere,
oe McDonald steadied the groom. A
ountiful spread was prepared by the
osbess,.to which ample iustioe was done.
he wedding gifts were numerous, hand.
me, costly and useful and afforded
mple evidence of the popularity of the
noipele. To say the guests enjoyed
emeelves is stating the ease very mild-
, The evening was spent in social that,
nide, vocal and instrumental, .and not a
w "tripped the light fantaetio." ' Mee.
rs. Sanderson and Doig manipulated the
(tine. Mr. and Wire. MoFarione left
r their own home Wednesday night, fol.
wed by many hearty wishes for their
tore prosperity, Tug Boar wishes Blain
u voyage over the matrimonial sea.
He lyes his rye on a bouselteepei•, we hear,
-On Monday evening the young people g
of Walton Presbyterian oho= met for r
the purpose of ooueideriog the advisabil-
ity of organizina a branch of the 0hrish-
fan. Endeavor Society in oonneetion with
the congregation. Rev.
g g Mr. Forrest.,pastor, occupied the their. Reeds. Mort-
ara Covens, Walton, and Millar, Broseeie
wore prevent, and explained lbs working
of the Sooiety. A committee was &a -
pointed to find out the feeling of the
young people and to report to a subset
queht meeting,
Ar Hotta.—Court Walton O. O. F. held so
an oyster supper at the residence of Dr, a
Armstrong, on Wednesday evening, 18th p •
inst. There were upwards of 175 sat th
down to a rich repast prepared by, Elle ly;
ladies of the.membera of the Court, after m
whioh they repaired to the Orange: Hall fs
to Hetet to a leugthy program of speech• e
ea, tousle, eonge, tke., Dr. Armbtroug, vi
Chief Bangor, tri robe 0118.10. J. 9. trio. fo
Rinnon, of Blyth, D. D. tr, O. R.; gave a 70
neat address ahowing forth the programs . fu
and merits of the order: Wm, Blaehill, bo
1010I• r1188,
Oonnoil meeting on Monday, 25th fust,'
Mina Ida Burkholder was visiting at.
II. Mo$euzie's last week,
Miss Mary Errington is spending a
week with frieode in Kincardine,
Alex. Mustard fs home from Algoma,
where he has been oe a six months' tour.
The brick for veneering the Methodist
eharch at Sunshine is already on the
Geo. Mulholland, of Rippon, was oall-
ing on old acgoaiotanoes on the 6111 line
last week.
John Roseau, of Saginaw City, Mich.,
is visiting bis many friends in this town.
ship at present.
Issao Farrand is storing away a supply
of ice for the coming Summer. A bot
Summer surely.
Wm. Michie, sr., who has been on the
sick list during the last two weeks, is lin-
proving in health.
Wm. Michie lost a valuable cow this
week from the .effects of a nail which she
bad got into her stomaoh.
Gso. Armstrong hasgobnicely settled
down on his new farm which be recently
purchased from 0. A. Howe, 9th line,
Henry Hawthorn, of the 3rd, has rent-
ed the vacant house belonging to George
W. Torvey and will move there in the
course of a week.
A couple of sleigh loads of young folks
from the filth line spent an enjoyable time
at the reeidenoe of T. Farrand, Ord line,
one night recently.
Miss Jennie Sellers, who for the past
five years bas been living in Chicago, is
tome on a visit to her parents on the
2nd. Her many friends are pleased to
see her,
Adam Soott, er., who bas been danger-
ously 111, is improving. He and his
daughters will likely remove to Brussels.
Mrs. Harris, of Petrolea, who was visiting
Mr. Scott, her father, bas returned to her
A sleigh load of young people drove to
Wingham on Friday night and enjoyed
themselves in a social bop at the resi-
dence of Mr. Hamilton until early in the
morning, getting home in time to see the
sun rise.
The pupils of Shine's school, Grey,
played a game of football at Barrie's
school house, on Tuesday, against a sec-
eation team, and was sunoessful in beating
them by 3 goals to 1. Wm. Gaetz, of
ok refereed ,them a e '
in a ver
satisfactory manner. A return mato%'
will likely be played shortly,
Foam Soon.—James MoArter, Brussels,
has disposed of his 115 sore farm, being
lot 17, North half yon, 8, to Deputy -Reeve
George Kirkby, for $4,000. There are
good buildings •on the premises and a
large clearance. Angus and Gilbert Mc-
Callum have the farm rented for a term
of years.
OEM—John Oloakey, an old and well
known resident of the 5th line, died very
suddenly on Monday forenoon of this
week. While in the aot of watering the
stook in the yard be dropped down and
expired almost instantly. Deceased was
72 years of age and was never known to
Complain of anything through life. A
widow, four daughters and two sons sor-
vive him. The funeral on Weduesday
afternoon was one of the largest ever seen
in the township.
VV'itsv kaon.
J. G. Stewart was attending the tweet.
ing of the Orange Grand Lodge of On-
tario West in Si. Catharines last week.
A branch of the Canadian Home Oirole
was instituted in Wingham to be known
as Wingham Oirola No. 259. The of-
lioere °hymen ware as follows :—Past
Leader, D. L.. . Dickinson ; Leader, H.
Park ; Vice Leader, Mrs. J. Dodd ; Rao,Sea., M. Park ; Fin.•Seo., A, Robineoo ;
:Treas., J. Dodd ; Obap., Mrs, 11. Park ;
Marahall, A. E. Simmons ; Warden,
Mrs.( (Dr,) Y ,
Kennedy Guard, d Mrs. A. E.
:tone Sentinel, Dr Kennedy, who
to also medical examiner ; trustees, H.
Park E, L. Dickinson; J. Dodd, Mr.
Paris as leader watt appototed delegate to
the Supreme Cdrole, which meets in To-
ronto this week.
The pupils of the Wingham Methodist
Sabbath Sohool aseisted by its orchestra,
will perform • the Juvenile Operetta,
Little Red Riding Hood, at the Town
Hall, Wingham, so Friday, March, 22nd.
An exhibition of Dumb•Bell Drill and
the 0eledoniaa by a elves of young ladies
under the superintendence of Mr. Ido•
Bain, late of the Artillery 0, B„ under
Whose command,Oompany No. 1, Wing`
kam Boya' Brigade, will also give an
exhibition in Musioal Drill and Indian
Club Exoroiae, A class of 11 younger
lade will ciao give proof of what they can
do in lDmb boll Drill
Male irarn fetowel afore ho is
eye ,for bone of whla4 hoe bfor eeentvorytba for
thine time.
A panel 10 to bo played In the chariot
window of the Bpleeepal (hurt% here, in
memory of the late Rev, W. Pavia, who
wait for 811(5 yore pastor of tble erish.
The rxcense ie to be beetle by the line
sous of the deceased,
,Warners Attention.
Haas hoe nushels of the Best Autah Seed for
Farmers In the Vicinity of Brussels who in.
tend raising Max during the coming 8e0eo0,.
ivirtoh they are prepared to deliver In Baan.
titles 8 to atilt l ax Growers non be gut at
the eery, abs Flax Mi a ; W. 8. inoaras torGroe.
Walton, Seed and W0, 53 Neaper besh1 ,1
Walton, fined given out at EtL,Gy per busuol
andsnre 018a theupple ueriudI terms, Order early and en -
010 pEit TON
Willbe paid tor Mx grown from thin Seed
if of good growth,' harvested to the proper
00000n, and delivered at the Max 31111 es
soon as lit for threshing,
Wo will rent a numberoCood Sod Fields
for the purpose of growing Flax,
N, R, --Farmers are strongly advised to sow
their Flax on good land, weir plowed and
harrowed, net on low lauds,and the yield
will be from u ton to a ton and a half more
per acre, 101ax grown on low land Will not
grow there to give the weight.
W. Bright, J.& J. Livingston,
MANAfirli1, PRROPRlit'Tons,
T. ford, Ont.. says,' Chases Kid eStay L vera Pills Aare a
grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver.
I W. F. CARRIER, 115 McCaul St., Toronto, re-
presenting Montreal Star, says, Chase's Pills act
like memo for the relief of bend -ache, bilious attack
and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by mail o0
receipt of price, to EOMANSON, BATES & CO.
48 LOMBARD 8L 1050518, BNT
Just what you
have been wait-
ing for. They are
here. Smith &
McLaren's New
• Spring Boots Bc
Shoes have just
arrived. We are
now prepared to
show you the fin-
est and most
carefully Select-
ed stook of Boots
& Shoes for Mtn
Women & Child-
ren ever shown
in Brussels. No
matter what size
or shape you de-
we e
Can suit
you and your
purse won't look
as if it had been
stepped onafter
you make your
A. Co -partnership has been formed between S. WILTON,
of )3v -time's, and J, TURNBULL, of Mitchell,
under the title of
Wholwill carry on the Stove and Tinware
Business in Brussels in the old stand of
Messrs. Ballantyne 8e Wilton.
They have a First -Class Stoeh of .Dairy Cans,
t1l2risZl fails, ,Milk Parts, 'e. Sap
Buckets and Spites -
S T O E S OF the Best Manufacture
and at Close Prices,
Graniteware, Shelf Goods, Whips, Brusbes
and a tip-top• range of Cutlery always kept.
coal 0i1 and Machine Oil of Purest Quality.
A Specialty made of Eve Troughing
and iron Roofing.
As both members of the firm are practical Tinsmiths they
feel assured they can give satisfaction in every
Department of their work.
- The Patronage of the :Public Solicited._,,,,`
- •- BRUSSEL$5
Hello : ": k ello John!
Hello I Sad
Have you seen the new Stock of
A. McGOAN &Co's?
Well I tell you they have them all kinds to
lit little and big, and Cheap too. If you
want a Suit for yourself or boys you had bet-
ter see,,them before you buy elsewhere.
The Men's Pants they have for $1,15
are a wonder, fit to go to
Church on Sunday.
Such is the verdict of all who have seed our
stock of Ready wades. They are bought at
the Closest possible Prices from. the Best
Manufacturers in Canada and we guarantee
Values the very best.
We are Sole Agents for the Famous
Salail Ceyloll Tea,
Every pound guaranteed. If not satis-
factory we return you your money.
Highest price paid for farm produce,.
McGowan &