HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-22, Page 4New Advertisements. Grey Abstract. l.4eal—Er. Chase. Laaal- ltfxs. 1:11ncten, Flax—J, & J.,Givingeton, Nantleinaking—Miss I800re, Rube Stolon—Amerioan Hotel. Native to Oreditare—G. la Blair. Feethorbene Coraeta•-.A, McKim & Oo, BeadYmade Clothing• -A. McGowan d (Jo. Ready for Businaee—Walton & Turn• bail, Nratostio Most, FRIDAY, MAR, 2 1895. 4xey Council Meeting. Council met at the Township Hal March 12112, 3.895, pursuant to adjo Ment ; members were all preeent, Reeve in the ohair ; minutes of last in ing were reed and passed. Several o munieations were read by the Reeve f Mears. Garrow & Proudfoot re Broughton v. Grey, also from Geo, ver, contractor of Government drain 2 and outlet ; also 0. letter from Reeve of Rowlok, regarding a young by the naree of George Docket, a resit of Grey, who was Wok and in indi elm/instances and who was driven o to Howfok and left at the residence o Jaques, who boarded and attended to during hie illness until his death, which Mr. Jaques claims the sum of 9 00, and reque.ting the Grey Council bear a portion of the expense. Moved Wm. Brown, seconded by James Tu bull that this Counoil pay to C. Jag the sum of 316.00, being half the expe ea claimed by him. Car, fed. F.S. Sc applied for the payment of 319,75 Mary Ann Bizerman, said sum haw been assigned over to the said Mary A Eizerman by 11. O. Armebroeg. Th being another order in the hands of t Council the matter was laid over f further consideration. Alex. Hied a plied for an outlet into Silver Corn drain at lot 34, con. 12. The Audito report for receipts and expenditures f the year 1894 was laid on the table e was read over and finally audited by t Council. Moved by Arch. Hislop„ se ended by Wm. Brown that the Auditor report be adopted, that the Clerk be i struoted to publish the Abatracb in Tg Baoeszrs Pose. Carried, Mrs. Livin ston applied for aid to get some olothi for Maggie Niobol, an indigent. lllov by Arch. Hislop, seconded by Jae. Lin say that the sum of 34,00 be graote Carried. Robert Docket presented a account for 39.00 for keeping Geo. Docke a sink indigent, three weeks. Moved Wm. Brown, seconded by James Lindell that the sum of 35.00 be granted. Oa ried. A joint petition of five ratepayer from the Townships of Grey and Elm praying that a Union School Section b formed out of that part of the Townshi of Elm. oonstitutiug S. S. No. 4, Elm and that part of the Township of Gre lying adjacent to said S. S. No. 4, Elm being lot 35, con, 6, lots 34 and 35, con 7, lots 33 and 85 and Ni lot 34, oon. 8, o the Township of Grey. lloved by Aroh Hislop, seconded by Wm. Brown the Charles Mitchell be appointed arbitrate in the matter 00 behalf of this Township Carried. Moved by James Lindsay, se onded by James Turnbull that Mese Garrow & Proudfot'e ledger account 0 $14.21 up to 314 Deo., 1894, be paid Carried. Wm. Work applied for aid t construct 80 rods of wire fence on bound ary Grey and Morris. Moved by Jame Lindsay, aeoonded by Jas. Turnbull the, this Council agree to pay for half of th wire used for said 80 rods of wire fence Carried. Petition of. Adam Turnbnll an 27 others praying for aid to Mrs. E. Fox who is left in indigent :circumstance with six small children to support. Mov ed by Arch. Hislop, seconded by Wm Brown that the sum of $5.00 per moat be granted, that the Treasurer be in str t uo d e to pay said sum be Mrs. E. Fo inou1hiy, eommeooing on the 12th day o March, 1895, until further notice. Car ried. The following Pathmasters, Pound keepers and Fence Viewere were appoint ed, viz.: --Con. 1st boundary, John Poi lock, Wm. Beooett, Samuel Brown, Joh Elliot, Hance Clamming and Ada Meczies ; cons. 1st and 2nd, Wm. Mo Kelvey, Thos. Smith, Jas. Lynn, Josep McDonald, John MoDonald, Geo. Brown Thos. Elliot and Daniel Buyers . none 3rd and 4117, Duncan Taylor, A. It. Mc Donald, Lorenzo Frain, Thos. Savage Jas. Pearson, Samuel Matthews, Dania Spillett and Wm. Duke ; cone. 5th and 811, Simon Grant, Wm. Eloy, E. J. Me. Arthur, John Bishop, Marley Hutohin. son, John Kellner, Henry Ames, Petrie Beirnes and Wm. Anuett ; cons. 7th and 8111, Marsden Smith, Jae. Elliot, RObt, McKay, Peter Keifer, Moses Henry, Robt. Dilworth, Max. Baynard, Edward Oollia, David Milne and O. Baynard ; cons. 9th and 10th, Henry Ball, John Crerar, Dan. McQuarrie, Pas. Knight, Wm. Slemmon, Isaac Lake, and Wm. Baker ; cons. llth and 12th, John McFadden, Ben. Dark, Jas, Perrie, Wm, Perrie, John Brown, Conrad Micheal, Jas.061olongh Donald McDougall and Wm Dark cone. 13th and 14th, Jae. Oakley Wm. Blake, John Askin, Thomas Learmont, Loose Steins, Andrew i13olnnes, Chas. Williamson, Joseph Whitfield, Ieaao Matthews and Edward Armstrong ; eons. 15th and' 111th, Wm, Smith, Wm. Teller, Jae, Harris, Henry Woods, Dougald McTaggart, Jas. Livingston and Marshall Harrison ; none. 17th and 1815, Andrew Johnston, Thos, MoFadzean, Daniel McMillan, Duooan McKenzie, Jas. A. Smith, Robt. Meehan and Jae, Kendall ; Graham's survey, Wm. Ellis ; Walton village, Matthew Morrison ; gravel road, Jas. Simpson, Jas, Strachan, Duncan MiLauohlio, Jas. Ireland, Sae, Kelly and John Bennett, Fence Viewers, Alex, Rose, Duncan Tay. lot, Hance Cumming, D. W. Dunbar, Malcolm Lamont, Robt, Bowen, George Welsh, James Ferguson, Peter Sinclair, jr., Wm. Fulton, jr., Hartwell Speiran, John Stewart, John Whitfield, Jas. Oliver and John &tithe. Pound -keepers, Thos. MoJwan, Thoe. McDonald, Joseph Quer- tin, Jacob Long, Hartwell Speirao, Wm. Bawtinhecmer, James Harris and George McKim, The following accounts were d presented, to Geo. Dooket,sa sickdind gent, 316.06; A. McNair, salary as Troae- ure r for 1894, 380.00 Wm. S.• er,' , S MoKer oh inentanoe on Township i b 1! p iTa for 1894, 32.10 ; Jas.Livingston and Alex. Stew. art, each $10.00, galary as Auditors; W neon 11toBay, gravelling at lot 84; eons. I on oro. the get. out. rum 5011 011• No. the man lent Kent Ver 10. him for 32.. to by 1. tn. 035 US - Ott to ing nn ere he or ere re' or nd be 0. n n g - ng ed d - d. n 1, b y r - a, p a, y a, er Mew • • • • • 5 d circumstance x John • THE 13RUSSgLS POST 5 and 0, 518.90 ; 3.4 s, Livingston, for clothing to Maggie Nichol, an iodigenf, $d 00 „ i+aini Docket; keeping ileo, Peek.' ot, ez'lok indigent, 'brae weeks, 35,90 Carrow a Drourlfootiaccount up to 83et Deo., 3894, 91444 ; Q, Rutohineon, gravels . ravel amt o easing nut dibolll a let 84,erd oon, 6, $5,00. Sieved by -d James Turnbull, seconded by ante L jamas In s ya y that silo .foregoing ac.. mutate un g be paid, Carried. Thu Counoit thenadjourned, to meet again' at Long's hotel, Oranbrook, on Monday, the 27th day of May, at Court of Revision, Wet, Sconce, Clerk. The Hendershott Murderers, William D. Welter and John Bender. ,bothwere found guilty at 81, Thomas on Friday of the murder of William H. Hendershott, and eoteneed to be hang. ed June 18111, It is said a new trial will be applied for.. Its oonneetion with the case Welter is said to have made a confession, telling the story of the Mur; der, wbioh was committed by himself and John Hendershott in the meet areal manner. The oondemned men, Welter and Hendershobt, have not alept a soli. tary moment since the awful word which will send them The jail affiniaelshe have been oallowe on tai er ednt• ly with them. They are confined in ad. joining rills, in the east eide en the up- per story of the jail, and Monday night the death watch, Richard Dinner,the man who will watch over them till the fast, assumed his duties, They are, however, getting more reoonolled to their fate. There is much speculation as to how, and to whom, the insurance will revert. The $5,000 in the Covenant Mutual, of Galesburg, I11., will, it is understood, be paid, bet the New York Motiel Life Association, who bolds the 36,000 risk,it is understood, will fight the matte"r out in court before paying the amount. David Rendershott, deeeaeed's fatber,'has already stopped payment, and there is ncolleoe the amt ou tof the risk, he will and there is no doubt the matter will be fought ont in the coins. ,Li liltowetl. The young Grit and Tory Clubs are getting on their war paint. A quarter of best was stolen from A. Boil', residenoe a few nlghte ago. Rev. W. a. blinoks, L. L. B., of Owen Sound, and a very clever speaker, will preeob educational sermons here Sunday, March 24th. The Evangelical shuroh, Wallace street, the interior of which has reoeotly bean papered and otherwise improved, was re -opened on Sbnday, Chas. Lee bas rented from J. W. Scott, the store on Main street, next to the tele- graph office, lately occupied as a barber shop, and is having a gallery erected in the rear. From a letter received from Mrs. Payne, at Maxweltown, Dumfries, Scot- land, another sister of J. G. Anderson, the mankilled at the Imperial, it is learn- ed that Anderson's mother ie still living at Maxweltown. Sheriff Hoseie was in town again last week in connection with the Ohatteile murder case, which comes up for trial at the Assizes on the 26th inst. The rumor that Cliattelle may escape the gallows on the plea of insanity is not given much credit in this neighborhood. Charles Runge has rented from W. G. Hay and is fitting up a part of the second flat of the old Hess factory and intends to carry on a line of special manufactur- es in wood -work. He will make a line of ornamental wood mantles which are so extensively used at the present. The Listowel tannery bas a' larger quantity of tanbark in its yards at the present time than ever before. Besides buying all the bark that is offered locally, the Breithaup Leather Co., have had up- wards of 200 oars shipped in this Winter, and expect to receive about 300 oars al• together. Nearly forty men have been employed around the tannery this Winter, a considerable portion of whom have been engaged unloading and piling bark. Mr. Taylor sharpened a pair of razors for a mac whose name be does not know, but who called for them on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Taylor showed him the razors and told him he could have tbom as soon as he paid for having them sharpened. The man asked to see them and evidently found the inspection satis- factory for after studying over them to few minutes he put them in his pocket and, withoht paying for them, started oft at full speed with "Taylor after him sheeting "Stop thief 1" The old man's wind, however, was not good enough to stand the pace, but he declares that the next time he runs aoross him be will have the matter settled or know the reason why. POLITICAL.. The Patrons of South Oxford meet en Maroc 27 to Dominate a candidate for the Commons. Dr. Baxter was sleeted in Haldimand Co. over Mr. Senn, Patron, last Tuesday by nearly 300, The value of imports from Ontario and Quebec at the Buffalo Customs house last year was 32,672,851. D, R. Rose, of Embro, last week sent in his resignation as prohibition candi- date for North Oxford. The Newfoundland Government bas written to the Minister' of Marine and Fisheries for a supply of white fish. The Kingston News gives ourreooy to a rumor that Sir Ihlaclreotie Bowell will be the Conservative candidate in Kingston for the Commons. Mr. Lander has written a letter an- nouncing that he will accept., nomin- ation as the opposition candidate in Sas- lratehewan, provided that no local man enters the field. It is announced that the 33,000 called for by Mr. Buchanan, the prohibition candidate in Hamiltoo, hag been sub- aoribed, and that he fa now in the field. Mr. Watkins, a dry geode merchant, pat up 6900. Mrs: H. Bostnok, wife of Liberal oan• dictate for the Yale.Cariboo division, B. C., has taken a leaf from the last British election and is accumpanying her bright/Aid on his campaign, apeaking and working quite as mush as he himself. The Ottawa. Free Press says that the. men now in po,Ifer at Ottawa have no o1i op y hating, ng, undecided, ,restless beging, fearing, they have no idea how to adt. Never was lush a Government scan before. The policy is; one prolonged "moment of weakness," T. ii, .1henetosa, 3egtetrar of Braes, died Friday evening at 11t•aiitlerd. Jae, Laidlaw; grain dealer, if 841- bourne,pommitted Suicide by banging,'" Thee, Lse, halter, of St, Oabherines, was probably fatally injured In w run. 440912$0 tll Si}, ,0t • away 400140,nPr4 v A ten.year.old,girinamedLytes 110$000. lass fatally bareed at Lcndpn while lighting a lire, t5os, Arnold, Toronto, on Thursday, gave birth to triplets, all boys, She arid, the three little fellows are doing wall, Titers is a peculiar diseageamong the sheep le Nasagaweya. They seem to be affected in the bead, become bilnd and AUDITORS' REPORT —OP TED— TOWNSHIP of .CRAY For the Year 1894. RI1IOEIPTS. Cash ou band at haat audit. ..6 172 08 Silver Corner drain for cash ad- vahced21 00 Rent for Twp Hall fox 13`94.... , 13 60 Collection' of back taxes from Co. Treasurer 109 05 Treas. of Ont, Land Imp. Fund 65 20 J. R. Miller, License Insp., bal. license year end'g ApI00,'94 44 82 J. R. Miller, license collected from May 1 to May 18,'94 90 00 Co. Treas., boundary line grant 181 48 Government school grant 448 00 R. Spence, for note for 6 mos at 6 per Dent..... , 000 00 Co. Treas. for County wards 128 00 Wm. Spence, engineer's expert's 14 00 Standard Bank for note 3 mos., due Nov. 7 500 00 Wm. Spence, part pay't Eng'r certificate Lot 18, Con. 13 86 00 Standard Bank for note 8 maths, due Jan. 8, 1894. ... 700 00 Treasurer of Elmo, Silver Cor- ' ner drain for 1893 99 81 Treasurer of Elmo, Silver Cor- ner drain for 1894 99 81 Drain, con. 6 5 54 Municipal Corp. of Elms, refund of Surp. on Silver Corner4 12 Grey share, refund of Surp. on Silver Corner A, Hunter, J. P. fines 5 15 1 00 County sobobl grant ........... 448 00 Wm. Spence, ditches and water course act 14 50 Jacob Krauter, collector 8. div7288 77 A. McGeorge, " N. div6007 69 Total $17806 16 EXPENDITURE. Roads and Bridges 3 Gravel Salaries of officials Charity, 3128.00 from county for wards Award ditches Silver Cor. drain, 3281.10 for '98 0 " 3274 85 for '94 Local Government Election, for polling booths Municipal Election Engineer's expenses under the ditches & water course act Wm. Spence, expenses, ditches & water course act Printing Selecting Jurors Paid part money borrowed . , . Interest Wire Fence Postage and stationery, Clerk $26.50, Treas. $5.99 County Rate, Wm. Holmes Government drain No. 1 & 2, 6k years to run Side Iran, 1 debenture, 5 coup's Drain, cons. 5 & 6,1 deb. 1 coup. Drain, con. 1, last payment Amount paid for Government No. 2 and outlet, 1894 Griggdrain, lot 85, con: 12 Wm. Spence, regia gbirths mar. riages & deaths, $14.80, '98 311.60,'94 Medical examin'n of Co, wards Remission of taxes Cost of Township Hall in 1894 Trees. Brussels, rent for Hall, holding Div. court, 1898 Arr ears of tax collected or sent to County Trhasurer Uneoi'd taxes sent to Co. Treas Garrow & Proudfoot, legal exp's Matheson suit Fence Viewers' fees Wm. Spence, taking pound -keep- ers' declaraotiou35.00, post- ing financial atatem'ts 35.00 Miscellaneous Trustees school tax Twp school tax, 8.10 mill on 3 Government school grant County school grant Balance on hand 1607 51 898 41 065 00 620 15 258 80 281 10 274 85 24 00 29 98 221 50 •--os awns...• East .hiding of &roll: to the Tavern -Beepers and Shop, :Keepers and Others whom it may 'Concerti. 1OTh3P is hereby riven boat APPI1CATIM FOR LrCPNSES for tee sale of liquor bit the Dant ltidhtg n3 ninon u for 1100 Leos t d Year iy no which be 000 1,5 an Me 1st day of M1 rte Hoyt, will be received by the. undersigned from the present date un to Monday, April 1'st, 1895, ipeluelve; App)leants must • furnish the names of two good anal amliefent sureties as bondsmen at the time of maIiag a•p0licatlou. Any applicant for a new lioecme must furnieb' a certificate signed by a majority of the Glee - tors entitled to vote at eleotione for the Legislative Assembly in the polling Bub -div- ision In wbieb tits premises sought to be licensed are situated, and the said majority moat include at least one-third of the sal elootors who are at the time of such applioe- tion residents within, the said Polling Sub- division, March 186,1805. 3240, li, AIILX,Pli, Ineneetor, SEED CORN We are unloading this week one car loacl of Giant Prolific. Sweet Early Dent Ensilage Corn. Farmers and others requiring a good, reliable Seed, for either Green Feed or Ensilage purposes, can be supplied at once either at our Mill or at Storehouse No: 1, at Lowest Possible Price. Stewart & Graham Millers and Grain Dealers, BRUSSELS. G -rand Trunk 7SAIL WAY, Depot Ticket Office, Settlers' Trains With Colonist Sleeper Attached, MAN1TOBA 8000 65 00 And the Callahan Northwest, 12 00 1200 00 Leaving Toronto at 9 p. m. every Tiles. 86 80 day duriog March and April. 7 00 32 49 J, N KENDALL, 9860 08 G. T. R. Agent, Brussels. 607 84 12696 SHINGLES loft o0 20 64 390 86 198 70 25 90 15 00 7 89 22 50. 12 00 12 17 30 09 161 21 1800 10 00 81 04 3654 52 1309 50 448 00 448 00 527 74 Total 31780616 ASSETS. Cash on hand Bills receivable Ain't paid on Gov. drain No. 2, and outlet in '98, out of Tp funds Ain't paid on Gov. drain No. 2, and outlet in '94, out of Tp funds 800 86 Bal, Engineer's exp's uncollec'd 100 00 Non-resident tax collected sent to Co, Treasurer 12 17 Non-resident tax -uncollected 115 00 Tp. of Elmo for Silver Cornet drain for 18 years 99 81 LIABILITIES. Gov, drain No. 1 & 2, annual rent 6i years 3 Side drain, Cone 16 and 17 Mrs. R. Spence for note Standard Bank, Brussels, to contractor 2576 80 Silver Corner drain, 18 paym'ts, diminishes 36.25 per year,. 268 60 British Columbia , Red Cedar Shingles Aub -- North: Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THA Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat- terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. Je & P. AMENT, 527 74 1 1 140 62 1 l.111e1 64 75 507 84 400 00 1400 00 wE, the undersigned, Auditors of the Township we have examined the Treasurej£s ac on is for the past year and the Vouchers be- longing thereto and fled the tame correct, We are pleased to report on the correct and satisfactory manner in width the Treasurer's rel e books have beentr opt• We aro also of the info that a n P this security is perfeotlygood all of tyhich is submitted, 7Asrzs•Invfoiosrogie, f Auditors, Anex, S2nwAnee, February, 1895. --AND--_. Fancy Goods. Misses Roddlok cl Smith, Have just returned from the City where they have inspected all the Latest Styles and Shades, and have made large and very select purchases. t We are in a position to cater to the wants of the most Fastid- ious Tastes. Bring along your old Straw and Felt and have it done over to look like new at a small cost. Misses Roddick & Smith, Two Deere South of Standard Bank, BRUSSELS,Brussels and, Wrozetors CHANGE BUSINESS 1 HAVE 1EMOVED To the Store. South of the 'Woollen Factory a Gory Where 1 have opened out a Assorted very Nicely sorted Stock; of Scotch, and Cana Worsteds,- Series Canadian, Tweeds, > Cheviots, Overeoatings and Pantings, Which are all Extra Choice' and will be sold at as close a margin as• pos- sible. Note a few of the Prices All Wool Suits from $10 00'to $20 00 `r Pants from 3 00 to 6 00 `r Overcoats 12 00 to 18 00 All Garments Cut in the very Latest Style, or in any manner you may desire, and Trimmed and made in such a way as will give complete satisfaction. The Patronage of the Public solicited, J'no. M Bain, Fashionable Tailor. Store South of Woollen Factory, BRUSSELS, Pring HATS & CAPS ' A T Do Ross' We have just Received a large Consignment of Hats and Caps in all the leading Shapes and Shades for Spring and Summer wear. Call and see our Balmoral Cap, the Newest thing in the Market, Frites Better than, Ever Before. OUR ring Suitings Are also coming to Hand. Prices Right l It Stiles Right Satisfaction Guaranteed G aranteed l D. C. ROSS, The & Clover,