HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-15, Page 8T'JEF BRUS 4 Groat Reduction IN Wall Paper I it would be wise on your part to see our stock and prices if you pur- pose doing any Pap- er Hanging. G. A. DEADMAN, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 80UTIIERN EYTEN0I0N W. G. & 9. Trains leave Brueaels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorge SOUTH, GOING 1401011. Mail 6:54 a.m. Mixed... ...... 9:45 a.m. S4xp,ess 1,1:59 a.m. Mail 8:18p.m. Waxed ,..,.,.,, 9.09 p,1'1, nxpresa 9:48 p.m. Pat N.e1DS c Jtem . A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith 110'11 prent it, A awe Ronald steamer was tested this week. Mourn= Horse Fair, the last of this thereon, will be held on Thursday, April 4th. A. LAR0R number of bogs were alan. tared by Messrs, Beaker & Vanatone 01.10 week. BRuss9Ls Curling Club was defeated at Wroxeter on Wedoeeday of this week by 21 shots, WRDNEBDAY night was a stinger. 711e oold was said to be from 15 to 20 deg: see below zero. J. O'LEARY's colt stirred up a little ex- citement on Wednesday forenoon by in- dulging in a runaway, Tim infant son of Jobs M000119en, of Ethel, was buried in Brussele cemetery on Saturday of last week. THoasos o'a morning train was °apcel. led again this week owing to the cuts near Ripley being badly drifted. Tire joint debate, annouuoed for next , Tuesday evening in the Town Hall, baa been postponed on account of the Liberal mase meeting. REAR Mr. Charlton, M. P., John McMillan, M. P., and Dr. McDonald, M. P., next Tuesday in Brae- sele Town Hall. JAUEs O'Dea/ix was presented with a photographic group of last year's Foot- ball team. Mr. O'Leary was an entbns- iaetio supporter of the club. We regret 00 hear that Good Bros., boot & shoe dealers at Wingham, have bad to make an assignment. It is to be hoped a settlement will soon be arranged. THE residence of J. A, Stewart, of the Standard Bank, had a close call from; fire Thursday morning from the soot -taking fire in the etovepipee and threatening the floor through wbicll the pipe ran. Mr. Stewart bad both bands burned. MATRIMONIAL. -B. W. Scott, of Auburn, and Mies Emily Jones, daughter of Prof. Jones, formerly of Seaforth, were united in marrirge, at the reotory, Brussels, by Rev. A. K. Griffin, last Tuesday evening. James Belden and Miss Annie Smith were the assistants. Tan Orangemen had a proposition on band to organize a file and drum Band in this place to be ready for the next 12th of July. The time was considered too short to prepare for a public parade so a committee was appointed to arrange for eueb an organization. BAUD. -The expectations are that the town Band will be reorganized at Once, under the joint leaderehip of Jas. Jones and W. Grewar. If so a grant will be made by the Council on condition of a weekly open air concert being given dar- ing the Summer menthe and the Band being maintained in an effedent state, both as to numbers and quality of music. The Sommer ooneerts were always very popular. Practice will likely begin at Once so as to be ready for duty in May. HONORABLY AnQUITTaD.-Laet Friday at Belleville the oa0e against Jno. D. Ronald, cbarged with offering to bribe members of the Tweed village Council in connection with a proposed fire engine purchase, was heard. After the evidence was given add the charges made by the lawyers and judge the jury retired and Boon brought in a verdict of "not guilty,' Mr. Ronald may make it warm for some of the leaders in the proceedings against him. A Ronald steamer )tae been ship. ped to Tweed, at the request of a number of the citizens, to give an exhibition of its powers. If the residents of that place were wise they would purchase nothing but a first.olaee machine snob as the Ronald has proven itself to be. DIUD.-Joseph Wateon, s former Bras- eelite, died in Winnipeg last month. The Free Press of that city, February 277th, Bays :--A large number of people gathered at Zion ohoroh yesterday •after noon to attend the funeral services of the late Joseph Watson, who for many years was a faithful employee of the 0. P.R. Cartage company. Rev. W. G. Header - eon, assisted by Rev. Alex. Grant, had Charge of the services and the centre por- tion of the edifies was °coupled by North Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. r., members and their brethren from on, •e lodges. The casket rested 8n front d the altar and placed upon it were nuu,eroue beautiful floral offerings. During the service Mies Morris presided at the organ and as the •mournere left the church ebe played the "Dead March in Sant,' The interment took plane in 81. James. The pallbearers were : 0. R, McLaughlin, A, Town, John Cameron, 0. H. Dingman, J. W. Morley andJag, Taylor. A memorial service wag concluded in Zion church Sunday evening, Thos. Watson, of Belleville, Massey.Harrie agent, in that chariot, 10 in the city, He arrived from the: Bast Monday to attend the fsneral of his broth- er., the late Joeoph Watson. ' dull copper, IT it hinted that George proolca, who bee purobaeed the Robt, Blokeoa farm, Thumbs Weat, will go int) the dairy bust. Mum. A Nuo,ena et Brueeelitee attended the funeral of the late Alexander Brum, formerly of Brussels, Iaet Monday after, 01000. A zarreg from Port Huron, in which rine Or more former Brueaelitea are in• tereeted, may be read on page e. of this Mier. A sspofin photo' gallery is to be started in Brpesels, It will be operated, probab. ly by R, 33'. or W, W, Burgeee, 1n the Smith block. Gentlemen L EAII A A Fhas disposed of his fancy bl aokdrt her,pTo p Y,+, at o good figura to a gentleman at Galt. The mare was delivered last week. WANl'ED.-W.11 theperson who wrote a letter of eympatby to D, Frain, firma Bele, about a year ago, signed"., Friend;' kindly melte themselves known. A colleen by the ]Harried ladies of the 'Methodist church, Bruesels;.aided by other talent, is on the program. The date le said to be Tuesday, 26th, inst. 1'ne large plate glass in 3. Downing's elide store was praoked from Bide to Bide. The glass in Jas.Irwin's store also suffer- ed. Frost is supposedto, be the canoe. 3. W. GREEN, travelling agent for the Toronto World, was in bown on Thursday booming that journal: Mr. Green was formerly editor of the Gerrie Vidette, also the Gazette of the same village. Ke to as genial as ever, Soon CORN. -Messrs. Stewart & Gra- ham have received a oar of Giant Proli- fic Sweet Early Dent Ensilage seed oorn, for either green feed or ensilage purposes. Corn will be given out either at their mill or storehouse. D. A. LowIlY AND L. Doweuso disposed of a pair of Black Samatra, game fowl ; 2 Black African hens; 2 Buff Pekin hens; and 1 Japanese hen, to S. Tillson, of Blenheim, Kent County. Fewpeople ate aware, perhaps, that any Bruseelites were top notch poultry fanciers. IT ie stated that a brick block will be built between the stores of D. 0. Rose and A. M. McKay next Summer, the new building to be divided into two stores. There ie not a vacant store or shop on Turnberry Street at the present tithe. HYamwnox,-On Wednesday of this week John McMartin, of Paisley, former- ly of Brussels, and Miss Brame Norton, of Listowel, were united in marriage at the latter town by Rev. Mt. Doak. They will make their home in Paisley where Mr. McMartin has a' situation as stone mitter. We wish them success. MILLINERY. --Miss Lowry, an experienc- ed milliner, has leased a shop in the Stratton block, Bruseele, end next Mon- day expects to open up a new, first-olass fashionable emelt of Spring and Sommer millinery. Aline Lowry has just come from the millinery openings, so will present the latest styles. MAncz,-there is quite a contrast be- tween this month and that of 1894. Maroh of last year was the warmest, as a whole, of any in 22 years, the aver being 44Q. The coldest March, aga was in 1872, when the average was 29 During this long period, the aver rainfall in March was 4 feet, 10 inch the average clear days, 7 ; the pa cloudy days, 13 and the cloudy days 10 PRlaraa- .Exam. -Brussels School Bo has made application to Inspector R to make this place a centre for held the mid -Summer Primary Examinati guaranteeing a sufficient number of e didates to cover expenses of preeid examiner, &c. If arranged satiefaotor it will be a great convenience to a is number in this locality who have b obliged to go to other towns to wri Intending candidates• from adjacent schools should bear this feat in mind and write et Brussels, SooP'Ez IIP. -Friday afternoon two rinks of Wroxeter stone twirlers same over to Brussels to have a friendly match with the town olub and show our boys how curling was done at the Tankard competition. It was an enjoyable game, resulting in a victory for the borne team by 4 shote. The thou was as follows : RINE NO. 1. wROxETER. nBUeeELB, J. Paulin, F. S. Scott, T. Brook, H, Dennis, A. Paulin, Wm. Thompson,, T.ldiller,ekip ..9 J. Ross, skip 21 max No. 2. R. Black, J. Hewitt, R. Roes, 3. Stewart, W. Robinson, W. F. Scott, T. Rae, akin ,.18 P. Scott, skip 10 Total 27 Total 31 THE EOLLBBE.-rte eolipse of the moon arrived on schedule time Sunday night, and a good many saw the veil drawn over Luna'e face, which was parbioularly bright and lovely. Astronomy was of practical benefit for once. People knew it was coming, and the electric lights were not turned off, as is the custom when the moon is full. It is good that they were not, bemuse when the queen of night withdrew the Tight of her wanton.anoe things were pretty black down here. However, the celestial charmer was merciful, and shortly after midnight was smiting am sweetly and serenely as ever on her old sweetheart, the earth. It was a pretty sight. At 8:53 tbeenoroaobment of the black shadow was perceived, which extended over the lunar surface, until, at 9:51, the eclipse was total, remaining so until 11:27, when the moon began to emerge from the vale of darkness, oom- plating her exit at 21 minutes after 12. As the movement of the moon ie ever Eastward, the shadow came on from the Beet, warping swiftly over the bright dis0, touching alike the great plains which still bear 'their early misnomer of "seas" and towering mountain peaks, which, when the moon is waxing, catch the sunlight long before the valleys at their foot. The black shadow engulfed the whole of the magnificent scenery of the rugged globe, the brilliant Arietar- ohue, the fortress -like Copernicus, the conspicuous Tycho and the other craters, Large and small, numbered by thousands, among which are needle shafts, which look down upon the aigailles of the ter- restiat Aloe as both coarse and lillipu- tian, It fa natural to inquire why the moon was at all visible when the sun- light was out off, and singe ehe herself is not self -loon ooue, The answer is simple and beautifully illustrates the levee of refraction, for the rim of atmosphere eurroonding the earth, Whioh, Been from the moon, would be color brilliant with sunshine, beaded, around the earth the diffused sunlight and refloated it upon the moon, minus,. however, the rays which were absorbed in the Wert of transmission, thus tingeing bbe moon t< Rhaogexc LtonT,-.,•In Mr, Sinclair's no- tice in this inane he oherges the Connell with unfairness in levying 08.00 per week for power. We just wish to state that be was paying Mr. 'dews 0161,00 per year and 10 cents a night for oil, in addition to supplying Itis own man and fuel. Mr. Sinclair has had the sae of the power free 01n00 Mr, Howe vacated the factory, doing any necessary repairs, of course, 0. 0. F, -W, DI/what and wife; Jos, Blaehill and wife; W. 3, McCracken Itnd Mr. llfoKenzie attended a Ji'oreeter's social at Walton on Wednesday even- ing and had a good time. The program consisted of speeches by l3,evde, ?bum1 Forrest and Donne, of Walton, and 3.. 5, McKinnon, Blyth. Music by the Sage faintly, M, of Mnilapzie and others. . Rolm von Worm,- Thos, Newsome, of Ulla place, has a busy season's work ahead of Min in barn building as follows; -Hugh Fulton, Boundary Grey and fdoliillop, new bank barn, 48x69 feet ; McDonald Bros., Walton, extending and improving bare ; Jae. Smillie, 17th cots., Grey, extending and improving barn ; Wm. Taylor, No line, Morris, improve.' msute to barn ; John Ewen, 16th owl,Grey, splittingbarn and adding 20 feet ; Robb, Carrie, 401] line, Morris, extending and improving barn ; Oliphant Smith, 4th eon., Grey, new bank barn, 50x84 feet; Harry Speriail,10th cos„ Gray, extend. ing and improving barn; Geo..Battin, Logan, new bank ,barn, 50106 feet ; Richard and Tboe. Al000k, 14th con., Grey, impr0Vemente to barns ; Jas. Walker's carriage shop, Brnesole, new front. Mr.. Newsome has the timber ready for nearly all the buildings. ere n.td ia,tl 1N a The Toeontp City Clerk's return of taxes remitted on account of vaoauoies, shows a roduobioo of 12a per sent. from the vacancies of last year. The Dominion Government have pas. sed an order -in council authorizing the free entry into Canada of booms and chains employed in log towing, The Berlin Record is informed on good authority that the Berlin -Waterloo Street Rrilway Company will introduce electricity on their eystem as soon as weather will permit. This has been de0nitely settled upon. A very large oak tree was cut recently on the farm of D. Demery, lot 11, eon. 9, East Niesouri, which measured at the butt 38 inches and at the top 18 inches. From the batt to the top it measured 82 feet and four cords of 20 inch wood were out teem the brunches and top, the A1uu'rs. Natl.. whose fishing am. plianoee wars seized in the Georgian Bay last Summer for violation of the Ashery laws, have been notified that upon furnishing bonds to the neoeseary amount, their tugs and boats will be re- leased in time for the opening of the fishing season, • Business i.oc..als. age D, 5,000 cedar fence poets for sale. B. ' Gerry. age SAP pails and spiles now ready at B. an, Gerry's. par Mims pails and pans by thousands at • 33. Gerry's. and 1 REBH garden ends, clover and timo- obb thy at McCracken's. ing TRUNEs and valises very cheap and on, harness down in priest at I. 0. Rieharde. an- Fon boots and shoes try as. We also ing repair boots, shoes and rubbers cheap. sly I. C. Richards. rge esu te. NU ST M;Au, Th, 189$ ST4,1Y'D4R,D B4XJ 01' C4X4,tarR, nallaaWaitariZasxXX47117 lag72e HEAD OFFi.CE, - TORONTO. ASSET'S, - (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000 CA>I'>;'1;ATi (A.nthorized) - . • 02,000,000 Agencies in cif principal points in Ontario, Quebe4, Mavtitoba, Milted States t0 Enpland, ICIAgs' !ZS litaaMrff. A General .Banking Buoiness Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Isaned and Collections! made on all points, SAVINGS q IN4S BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest es allowed w d o u deposits!t o $1,00 .and upwards from dat of d � i withdrawal and compounded half yearly. epos t to date of SPAM/. ATTENTION aIVL'N TO ran QonneorfoN DP rAnaiona' SALE NOT1Ca, Every faoility afforded Caetomere living at a distance. 3. A. STEWA1IT MANAGER. QILLIES Sa �,x�T' , AIT EFS, ^��rry Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points In Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARME.1SR NOTES DISI,OIJIITED. • SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. &al' aw/-s Nome faspezenzawt, Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Po'inoipal at the end of the Months of Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. Wo effect to write Insurance in old English or Canadian Companies., or in Mint - nal Companies as may bo desired. Actions Fon CANADA AND UNITED STATAB : THe CANADIAN BANE op COamIDEOE Loox HERR,-The largest stock, band - gamest patterns and lowest prices in well papers and window shades inthecounty at Roddick's. BREAD 1 BREAD 11 BREAD 111 We thank most heartily our old and many new customers for their increased liberal patronage which is extremely gratifying to us, as we believe in encouraging the home mauura:tura of flour, naturally promoting the interests of the town. We use exclusively flour manufactured by Stewart do Graham, of the "National Roller Mills," Brussele, whose reliable brands require no recommendation from us, The quality of bread speaks for it- self. TAYLOR & Smarm. FAR AHEAD OF ANYTHING I HAVE Evan UsDD,-John Ritter, merchant, Water- loo, says :-"I r have given Stark's Powders for headache, costiveness, bil- iousness and neuralgia an extensive trial and find them to give the greatest eetie. faction in my family. I can very high- ly recommend them. They are far a bead of anything I have ever need, and I bave tried many remedies" Sold by all dragglete at 25 cents a box ; 5 boxes for $1. Nice to take, immediate and permanent. $osaxl . Hachure. In Listowel, on the 411 inst., the wife of Mr. Cyrus Hacking, of a son. .e.RRS}09, SCOTT -JONES.-.In Brussele, on Marsh 12th, by Rev. A. K. Griffin, Mr. S. 13AngEss greatly reduced in prices at H. W. Soott, of Auburn, to Mies Emma Dennis', Brussels. A. Jones, of Walkerton. Tann pruners and pruning saws now in MoMARTnv-Nolcrolv.-In Listowel, on stook at B. Gerry's. WATER part and tank for sale, Apply to R. Henderson, Brussels. WALL Paper 1 Wall Paper 1 Cheaper than ever at Roddiok's. See advt. LAnon stook of Horse Blankets' and Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Bruce osis. DweLLmo to lot over my store. Pea. session oaa be given April 1st. I. 0. Riobarda. iI The Newfoundland Government has written to the Minister of Marine and Fisheries for a supply of white fish. COME and see our .immense stook of beautiful wall papers in full sets, also window shades in endless patterns and colors. Very cheap at Roddick'e. 55.00 GOLD piece loot with short chain and pin attached, in Brussels. The find- er will be suitably rewarded by return- ing it to THE POST Publishing Hoose. H. R. Bnowzn, Photo, artist, is now prepared to enlarge any photo. banded to him, either in Crayon, Indian Ink or Water Colors. Call and see samples at the Gallery, Brussels. A cors of any photo taken by Messrs. Perry, Burgess, or Strong may be had by applying at our photo. gallery. Our negatives are laid by with the greatest care, therefore photo's can be had first clone, H. R. Brewer. BICYOLES 900 BALE. -1 Brantford, new, wood rime, $80.00, worth $109.00 ; 1. Brantford, new, steel rims, $75.00, worth 00,60.. worth $80.00 Brantford, INewnRad pid second band, 80 pounds, 545.00, worth 560,00. Call and examine them. A. CousLRY, Eoo Eurontura-The undersigned begs leave to return thanks to the public for past patronage and to notify them that ho has removed to the McCaughey block next door to Blasbill's botcher shop, where he is prepared to pay the highest market price, in CASH, for any quantity of eggs. Call in. Jona TAM, Brussels, Burning ; Buggies ; 'Buggies ; rook bottom prices. Can't be beaten for material and will be sold for $65.00. Call and the etook before dealing elee. where. Beet value on the market. Wag - gone and all kinds of repairing away down in price. Can't make money ensier than by galling at H. Williams & Sons old stand, now occupied by W, A. Mo. Guire. A gall solicited. I3ANns AND 4110005 RAw.-For yearn I have been a great sufferer from itchy ekin trouble and Balt rheum, My hands and ankles were literally raw, The flret application of Dr. Chase's Ointment al- layed the burning, itching. sensation. One box and a half entirely cured me. It is aleo instant relief for chilblains. Henry A. Parmenter, St. Catharines, Ont, Km= Faxes 1 -In Jan„ 1892 my flan was taken with kidney disease. Though attended by three,phyeioiano and change. of climate 119 grew woree and by '93 had llen from 105 to 95 pounds, In 10 daysfrom starting to nee Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills we were able to move him home, In four menthe ho gained 50 pounds and was fully restored to health by the seg of this nledioine, J. S. Hat. Inge, 28 St. Pahl et., Montreal. e • March 13tH, by Bev. Mr. Dock, Mr. John McMartin, of Paisley, for- merly of Brussels, to Mise Emma Norton, of Listowel. RozzLL-ORAn'ronn.-In Stratford, on the 201,1] Feby., by Rev. I. B. Wall - win, B. A., paetor of the Waterloo street Methodist church, Mr. Howard Rozelt, of Elnan, to Mies Bose Craw- ford, of Listowel. 172f7a. BRIIOE.-In Biuevale, on March 8'11, Alexander Bruce, aged 62 years. Ponrzn01ELm,-In Atwood, on Saturday, March 2, 1895, Clara J. Porterfield. aged 26 yearn, 8 months, and 23 days. INonxe,-Ia MoNab township, Addington Co., on March 7011, David, brother of Mr. Robt. Inglis, Grey, aged 62 years. s 0-CWTOiv sa.zcsle. FRIDAY, Milton lb/h.-Farm Stock, im- plements, •&o. Lot 16, Con. 16, Grey, Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. dao. Stewart, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Ana. WEDNESDAY, Meroh 20th. -Lot 5, eons, 10 & 11, Grey. Farm stock, implements, &c. Sale unreserved, at 10 a. in. Ohas. Raze'', Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auo, FRIDAY, March 22nd. -Farm stock, ire. plemente, &o. Lot 4, eon. 15, Grey. Sale, unreserved' at 1 o'clock. Duncan Milers, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auc, TUESDAY, March 26th. -.Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 27, con. 5, Morris. Sale Unreserved, as proprietor is giving up farming, at 1 o'clock, sharp. Samuel oggard, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, inc. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WOOD WANTED. - THIRTY twenty-two Mob, at the Methodist Parson- age, Brussels, JERSEY BULL FOR SER- vxnn,-Tba undersigned win hemp a Con, 1D Grey. Jersey to insure Pe19, 1 Pedi- gree may be sten on apnlieeaten, ee.4 Proprietor, BULL FOR SERVICE, -THE Undersigned will keep for service on N t Lot 20, Con. 7 Morrie, the thorn' -brow Pedigree may 'herds en Vous'applintion. Terme, $1.28 t0 insure. 2G•em JOHN ROBB, ,Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Unders limed will keep for service on Lot 0, Con. 8, Grey, the imported Chester White boar, "Illinois Ohitf." Pedigree may be Seen on applioatfon. Terms, 81.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of returning if ntcooea��ryy.� 2G 2 JAMBS l2Lt1OT'T, lm Pro prieter. B ULL FOR SERVIOE.-TiiE undersigned Mac will he tri for b054%ream, on Let 80,O," 0, Onee,", the Pedigree bun haat bull, at oa. Te -Pedigree may be idea on application. movie. Terms SL00 to be aid at tlme,of movie.) with privilege of returning ssay, Also a young bull ter sale, 8! 4 JAMY8. SPEIR, Proprietor. C O MFORTABLE HOUSE AND i, t for sale !n tSyo cele. 205, further pard talars apply at Tmo Po0T l0ubliebiug suss. VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR 5ALE =THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS That well known, commodious and very prettily situated property on Turnberry St., now and for many years past in the °coupe- tion of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ro ers, is now of- fered for sale. Anybody wishing a nice, com- fortable home wilt find this all that San be desired. Tile property can be seen at any time, and all partioulare obtained from Feb. 2501,1895. Mlt nnSG.'CRS. • WILL BUY MICRO . to see living creatures in atdr p ofawater,t or impurities in Timothy seed, or unseen beau- ties in the animal and vegetable kingdom. Come quick if you want one, G. A. D3OADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller,: and Graduate Optician. rr FIRE SHIN G OUTFIT FOR Bale. -The undersigned offers for sale his Abel Engine and Separator, both in good working order, Be will also dispose of his shingle mill. Beasonfor selling, 01 health. A -bargain will be given. For further particulars as to price, terms, 4o., app1Y to R10 BARD MITUHTLL, 3.50 tot 15, Con.9, Grey, or Cranbrook 9 0 SAW GUM10IING.—THE UN- DEn0IONED has his emery grinder in or- der for gumming rows at. &.P.Ament'sfec- tory where be will be pleased to attend to the requirmente of the public. All sorts of edge tools ca•fully ground and sharpened Anything from a pen -knife to a broadaxe dan be put in order in a Work-man•iike manner. 0hurge always reasonable, D. STEWART. ►11 HORO' BRED BULLS FOR 11 SALE. -The undersigned has three thorn' -bred bulls for sale, at Lotti, con.12,W• H. MOORAOIS:EN, Grey. The animals are deborned and aro -, g aged6 months, yearling and 2 years, respect-. at his Grocery, L'nrnberrystreet, smash,. ively. W111 be sold °neap. A bull is also kept for service at the same place. 88.4 J. MOLAtIORLAN, Proprietor, Oranbrook P. 0. 911 ttt®ntioiz , We have this week received it stook the following micelle preparations ;--, Woodward'a Celery compound, syrup of Turpentine, Manloy'a Celery Compound,, With $001, Iron & Wine. Karl's Clover Root Tea, . Kiokapoo Qih a Kiokp ao o vS Sl. Kik o apooWorm Killer. Eiokapoo Cough Cure. Kiokapoo Sagwa, McLeod's System Renovator, Soutb American Nervine Tonic: South Amorioan Rheumatic Cute, Fox's Drug Star Opposite Queens Hotel. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCIN( RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTj * Solicitor and Conveyancer. Co Mons made, Office-Vanatone'o Bleak, AS gels. - 31=2m 0- ��% M. SINCLAIR, Soliei'tor, Conveyancer ,Notary. lie, &e. Qiileo-'9atietone'e Bloolc, 1 north of Central Betel, Private Fund Loan. b. Or' to & or G• F. BLAIR, 13ARRIST • Solicitor, -&5. date of Garr. Proudfoot's Mee, Goderiah.) Offices Gilboa & Smith's Bank,Brneeels. Money to Loan. 47' DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto Vulvar: By, Lieentiate Royal College Dental Sitr(F,.,00. Drown and Bridge work a epeotaltyy. Iift, or- ate Pees. Satisfaction Assured, Office ver Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St„ 3rus- eels 1 VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, ' f • t! • Honor Graduate of the .Ontario Veterinary Oollege, is prepared to treat all diseases of domeetioatod animals In, a oom- patent manner. Partroular attention paid' to veterinary dentistry. Calle promoWy at - north of to, a Vu nandb rdry st., Brussels. 8 sore MEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGHTON : O.M., L. R. O,P., EdInbarph If. O. P, S. Ont. Residence and office 1n Vilson'e Bloc k, corner of Mill and Turnberry ; Ste. J M. ARMSTRONG, M. E. • Grads teyof 1Torontog Untversibyu 4te,lkai Faculty. Member of College of Pli'eiciana and Surgeons,. Ont, 01%70E-•Nestlioor to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS., W' HITE FLINT SEED CORN. this popular variety for the limited 0111'' pat- rune and others who desire it. This corn is Pronounced the beet in the market by all ex- tensive growers and oepcoially by Robt. Cleland, of Elma, in whose factory 80 tone 0f cheese were exoluetvely s last left at Damson's Grocery will be duly attend- ed to. Order early before thestock is all taken op. ABM S. MoLAUGHLIN, Cheesenraker. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.-'PHE UN - sale ad to rens, easy terms,, in T w ohip�et. of Morris and Grey. F 8. SOOTT.Bruaeele. FARM TO RENT. -THE UN- DnR0r0Nitn wish to'reat their 200 eCre tar i in the towosbip of Grey, for a term of years. The farm is 14 miles from Brussels and onlydin Ile from good. school, 107 aures are sores ' all plc wingsdsone. Good young or- chard. I'or further particulars as to runt, terms, &o., apply to or to FERGUSON 183508„ ter, JAB. F am:mon, Brussels P.O. 883.2 FARM FOR SALE.—TEUN- egope7iroeYerere5016,bn1b1B n Gey,Tha about 90 acres cleared,balancebutb- Agood brink veneer house, barn 40z00, atab,e, driv- ing hoose, goodbearing orchard, dm. on the Premises. About 23 acres needed down, ossession can be givon at once. Far price, terms, Sum amply to E.pBATSMAN, 13 or 3.$ tons of timothy I1ay for Proprietor, 4 I.i'ARM. FOR SALE. -I WILL Boll or axcbange a 820 aore farm all re ady for crop, situatedinRed River Volley, the He hest in the World, with or without the ek and machinery. Sufficient tocultivate the cam e. With stook and machinery,$20,00 p5r acre ; without Stook and. machinery, 810 .00 per sore. 81,010 te bo paid ab time of Salo, balance at 7 per cant, per annum. viz its for particulars. Ialeo have 150 acres ofterms. improved land for lease and a large quantity of unimproved lend for Bale on easy (3720. W. ARMRT10ONG North Dakota. Dissolution of Partnership, We, Joseph Ballantyne auil Samuel Wil- t rmerly the members of the firm of Ballast ne & Wilton, carrying Wiriness iness 50 0he Village of Brothels, 10 the e County .of Oren, as tinsmiths, do hereby Sort,lyy that the said partnership was on the fifteenth day of Pebruar 3003,, dissolved by mutual consent, Mr, Witton will continuo the bust- hese, to whom all debts and accounts meat be mad at once, and who aaeumes all tirm Liabilities, and Mr, Ballantyne retires from the arm, Dated at Brusgele this 15611 day of Fobru- ary, A, D. lees. Without],J08. BALLANTYNIO W. M. $morAxn, 8A13711171. WILTON, R N. BARRETT, 000th of el Ai MolIay,, co't. s hardware store. Ladloe'and obildrena hair nutting a 850010119 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM merata302, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. EjLINGTON MUTUAL 00. saIn. effected on Tonnd Fa Property at very low rotes. 15-31n Agent, A, CREIGHTON, Agent, Brussele. A HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Ooileotione made Mee In Bmale's Block, Brueeole MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental muee on Plano or Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of 00511 weak. Regi. deuce on Princess Street, Brneae's. TA, HAWKINS, M. 0. 8. M. • Organist in 8t. John's Church, Bros sole, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A. W. Thayer,Mus, Doo., Now York, Wilt give Seasons to pupilseither on piano or organ; at his parlor over A.R. Smith's etoro,Brua. Bele. Vocal lessons also given, Tama Mod- erato. AUCTIONEERS. V...1 1 ! ORGE KIRKBY, Lioented Auctioneer, $ales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms, and farm stools a specialty. Orders left at Toe Poem Publishing House,Brass010, or sent to'Walton P, 0,, will reedy° prompt attention, S S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - JL' • nun, will 0511 for better9 rioos to bettor mon in less time and 1000chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything Dates and orders can always be arrangedst thio Mike or by personal application, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN Tn0 /MUTE O$ PM9011,.5fA8RTON JR., 09 TBI' Tow sme ea' Y10nme,DEOEABRD, All persons baying elaime agaleet the 40 tato of Promote Ashton, ir., late of the Town. ship of Morrie, who diad on or about Deeem- her 20th 1894, aro required to send partiotc- fare of the Baffle to ono of the. executors of Said deceased on or before SATURDAY, tate loth Day of MAROH,1885, after whit% date the exeoutore will distribute the eotato ameba thepartle9 entitled thereto, baying; referencia only to the elatme of which notice 01!011 theft have been given, and after shell distribution the ezooutore will notbe res. ppmtaibla for any part of WO ascots of the we tato to any person of whose claim they shall not have re0olVed dire trotloe,/'. Dated Moron 5511, 1800. MATTHEW neenuu8030, 8 cue of the Ekeout*rs, Walton P. 0.