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Lace - ,
1 A Cart s
Locale --•.71X. Chase,
Attention James VOX,
Lopal-W, IT, 51eCraoken,
•W411 Paper -G, A. Dendma?r,
Boar for Service -Jae, Pliliott.
Bull for ServjPe-john crown,.
Seed Corn -Stewart de Graham..
Locomotor Ataxia -Dr.
Hoots Shoes -Smith ib •A'fo?raren,
Millinery-Miesos Roddick to Smith,
Local-Tue PORT Publishing Ileuso,
lJJ1 e $ t ssttG.n •rst,
X RTDAY, iI2A it. 15, 1895.
WHEN will the Dominion election be 7
AN extended report of the political
meeting recently 'held in Listowel may
be read on page 6 of this iesue., Read
Sir Rlohard Cartwright'e speech.
TICE Wingham Advance has cot yet
produced the reaults of the recent Courts
of Revision verifying his contention that
the figures published by Tns Poor were
incorrect. Don't be backward, Mr. Ad-
vance, but let us see your majority by
municipalities for hast Huron.
THE Manitoba Separate Schools quee-
tion has the platform in the meantime
and is stirring up considerable feeling.
A. public meeting was held in Toronto on
Monday evening at which speeohes were
made by D'Alton McCarthy, E. Douglae
Armour, P. Ryan, W. T. R. Preston and
others. The Mayor preeided. No inter.
fereuoe was the decision of the meeting.
ZereNEsn troops are slowly but appar-
ently surely making their way to Pekin,
the capital of China. While the Chinese
have given an occasional hard battle to
the invaders, their cowardly retreats have
inspired the Zaps with the feeling of
victory every time they meet. The peace
negotiations proceed slowly and very
little value appears to be placed upon
human life by the tedious delays in ar-
ranging terms.
Tun campaign is on in East Huron.
Dr. MoDonald and Jae. McMullen, M.P.,
for Wellington, held a rousing meeting at
Molesworth last Tuesday evening at
which the building was crowded to the
door, E. L. Dickenson addresses a meet-
ing at Gerrie on Friday evening of this
week. It would be more generally inter-
esting if the candidates held joint meet-
ings where both sides of the political
questions could be debated.
CoNsmEcAure feeling has been engend-
ngendered in the Local Legislature over the
bitter attack made on the Patrons of In-
dustry by Messrs. Master, Howland and
others during the debate on the budget.
The Newe gives as a reason that it was so
planned to whip Conservative Patrons
into line for the coming Dominion elec-
tion. Mr. Haycock, the leader of the
Patrons, dose not appear to be discomfit -
ted, but openly states that they are not
there to upset the Government so long as
they get the legislation their platform de-
Premier Greenway is still very weak
and looks frail yet.
Major Thomas Beattie was nominated
as the Conservative candidate in London
last week.
The Winnipeg Free Press advisee that
the schools of that provinoe be made
entirely eeoular,
Hon. Wilfred Laurier, the eloquent
Liberal leader, speaks .atthe Grand Opera
House, London, on March 27.
Mr. Tarte aeeerte that the Liberal
majority from Quebec, after next Do-
minion election will be from 15 to 20.
Gains are reported everywhere.
The city of Winnipeg and the Provin•
oial Government purpose spending 9200,•
000 in making the Red River navit+able
irom'Lake Winnipeg to the oity.
The Dominion Government has de-
cided not to interfere with the Manitoba
School Act of 1894, emending its aot of
1890. The time for dieallowauce expired
last week.
Premier Bowel!, the Conservative
leader in the Dominion, has written a
letter to 0. W. Sowers, of Peterboro' in-
dignantly denying that he ever voted for
Home Rule.
I believe the great mass of the people
do not believe that the way to alleviate
disirese le to impose taxation. The idea
is illogical, and cannot commend iteeif to
any reasonable mind. -Hon. Alexander
Maokenzie in 1877.
The latest decision of the Privy Coun-
cil does not say the Federal Parliament
must, but that it may, grant remedial
legislation. This ie the exact position of
affairs, and the fact canuot be expreeeed
too clearly or too often.
Sir Donald Smith declines to be a
Conservative candidate in Montreal,
though elected as such in the elections of
1887 and 1891. The country needs a
change, and Sir Donald is wise enough to
see that it will be decreed. Re will run
as an independent.
Canadian barley le !voted at 48 to 50
Penta a bushel at Ontario shipping pointe,
and at 63 to 66 Penta a bushel here. The
difference of 15 cents a bushel is due to
the United States duty of 80 per cent ad
valorem. -New York Soottieh Amerioan,
Hon. N. C. Wallace Bays it would be
the basest ingratitude on the part of
Canada to dieeriminate against the
Mother Country. Why, then doee not
,the Cnmtroller of Customs insist upon a
oltange in the present tariff in which
there is discriminatiou, as ie shown by
the foot that we
t nine
million dollars in
0 00 0
worth of British goods, and only seven
and a half millions in duty on 58j• mil.'
lion dollars worth of imports from the.
United States.
)Tgit.-Mee Aa'tdet detelrui a,G'll,"ereebotir
flint by was air ;ilrivooitte of Godle
eche*, Ile chid �tiatt his friends in
Wig a P wore men like H'
? e fr Oliver Maven
who Lad to light the P, P. A. and 1
adder} 'Ghat it caused hint grief to se
Treece prescribing the pante pf God i
its seboule, because a people who din
into atheism are Iver, In all he said f
Parliament, he hod endeavored to assie
the • Ailnlstors to ,settle • the Macaque
'eobool question.
While Mr. tle(artbe was fighting I
Ottawa for the edugationel freedom f
Atanitoba a section of hie gonatlttleet, a
home were endeavoring to bring out
straight Uomeervative candidate for th
purpoeeof depriving him of -a eeat i
the douse. The attempt to destroy th
member for North Siutcoe, iii savored in
any ogee„ could not have beep made al It
Mae inappropriate time or under olr.
eumetanees better oatouleted to bring
the whole Province of OOlario to hie supe
The. Toronto World, o(Cooservetive,)
assorts that the politioal eituetion at
Ottawa is critical. It says the Cabinet
is divided, and the men iu power o meet
agree among themaelvee whether to dis-
solve and go to the count -y or !told an
ocher eeesion of Pariiameut-whethe
they will grant immediate a merii 1
legislation in oouueciioa with the Man
Hobe school case, or • at le rat make
definite declaration of their inteetions i
regard thereto, or shall take the whol
matter into further consideration 7
The Opposition party of St. Johns,
Nfld., has deoided to pub h a letter iu.
forming the public that the party does
not intend contesting the impending bye,
elections. Mr. Morrison, ex-Atttaney
Geuerat, and leader of the Opposirion
says that the roae,,e for this course ie. A
desire not to add to the present troubles
of the colony by parte warfare, and that
men of all politioal shades should stand
shoulder to shoulder to extrioate the
colony from its present unhappy midi.
tion. The deoision .meets general ap-
proval, the best elements among the
people feeling that the bitltsr contest
at this-junoture would be fatal to the
colocy's future.
The prevent constitovien of the Senate
is inconsistent with the Pelmet principle
in our system of government, and is in
other respects defective, as it maker, the
Senate independent of the people and un-
controlled by the pabtio opinion of the
country, end should be so amended as to
bring it into harmony with the principle.;
of popular government." Tee experieuoe
of twenty-seven years has clearly demon
Witted that Ibe Canadian Senate,. ender
the present mode of appointment, is an
mterly useless appendage to the Iegiela
five machinery of Canada. It does not
command popular confidence; it soarnely
receives public reeognition. Appointed
by the Crown in theory, it was no doubt
expected by the fathers of Confederation
that dignity, impartially and a lofty
sense of duty would be the oharaoterietios
of the body. The login of facts lays rude
bands upon these pleasant anticipations
The appointments ate for life. They
are made by a partizan ministry. They
are bestowed as a rule upon old political
time -servers. No regard is made to the
propriety of having all shades of political
sentiment fairly represented in the body.
The Tory Party has been in power since
1878. Since that date, with possibly
one or two exceptions, none but Tories
have been appointed to the position.
When a Liberal senator dies his place is
filled straightway by a Tory. Tbie
process has gone on till oat of a body
of 78. members not more than 12 Liberate
are left, and were the present Govern•
meat to remain in ofiine a few years
longer the Liberal element in the Senate
would become extinct. The body costs
the country 9133,000 per annum. It does
pot render that many Dente' worth of
service. It offers little cheek to haety
or vigorous legislation, and it ooatents
itself with saying "Amen" to the decrees
of the Government and etrengliog, or
impeding for years, the passage of any
moral legislation that manatee from the
Opposition side of the House of Commons.
As the Canadian senator is. never called
upon to present himself to a constituency
for re-election,he ie naturally totally in.
different to publie opinion or popular
demand. Perched upon its serene height
of irreeponaible authority, the Senate has
the power to thwart popular deelre for
reform or defy pnblie sentiment, how-
ever overwhelming the expre+cion may
be. Its action might easily be made
meet disastrous to the pnblio weal
If it poeeesese any power for good itwonld
be difficult to say when that power has
been exercised. It certainly poseessee
vast power for misohief,for death is the
only potentate, aside from a constitution-
al amendment, that can change its coin.
pterion. The Liberal party very proper.
ly demands a change of the oonstltution
that shall make the Senate a body in
harmony with the principles of popular
government. Details as to mode of
election, length of term, vaunting seat
upon dissolution of Parliament and cog-
nate questions are left for full dieouesion
and mature, well -considered aotion, but
the prinoiple of responsibility to the
electorate and harmony in oouetituting
and working with the requirements of a
popular form of Government, is clearly
asserted and has become a cardinal point
in the policy of the Liberal Party.
e I The Advent .'0ltriatian ••Oberst is ap
a0 plying f5rinout oration, '
to i Tice 7,°ublio Accounts Committee'ap,
t o ' i la x a'
luted l a s v chairman,
Nta � i
A at a.
, P Y mn
fp Air. Stratton has a bill' bo give towns
p power to abolish the ward system,
u The Liberal members of the Legie-
k lature held a caucus Saturday at whtoh
u it was depided to push the work of the
t ` 85881011 in order that they might be tree
a to help Xi.. Laurier in theaomingDomin-
ion ottmpaign.
t W, B. Lawson, Reeve of Cheeteryille,
ofand A. McArthur, ex -Warden of Storm,
1 ont, were introduced to the Commission.
a er of Public Werke by Messrs. Bennett,
o Maopherson apd Whitney. They want
n assistance towards the Beaudelle and
9 Butternut °reek drainage schemes in
Glengarry and Stormont.
Among the petitions is one from the
Hamilton Radial Illectrio Company ask-
ing for an amendment to their act of in-
ogrporatioA which will enable them to
operate their lines to Guelph, Mount
Forest, apd Berlin bystsamer, electriotty,
or beet, and also to moreas° their bond-
ing powers o. these brauohee from 920,-
000 to 990,000 a mile. The desire to lap
the G. T. R, at or near Guelph, and
therefore to have a solid road bed, is the,
cause assigned, for the request.
The Advent Christian Conference is
seeking. an act of incorporation.
A private bill has been introduced by
Mr. Middleton to repeal a clause making
the charter of the Hamilton Gaslight
Company perpetual.
51 15 upderstood that about 9110,000
will go to the Ontario Government as its
share of the fortune -91,100,000 -left by
the late Col. Alan Gilmour. •
The Villages of International Bridge
and Niagra have been incorporated by
their County Council and are. seeking.
ratification by the Legislature.
Lady Aberdeen visited the Ontario
House on Wednesday evening of last
week. She was met by Sergeant-at•Arme
Glackmeyer, and by him conducted to the
Chamber, where she listened to the de-
Andrew Pattullo, President of the Good
Roads Assooiation of Ontario, and 3E. W.
McNay, Secretary, waited upon the Gov-
ernment Thursday afternoon and asked
for a grant of $500 towards the expenses
of the organization.
Mr. Crawford bas given notice of the
following inquiry of the Ministry: -((1
Have municipalities in this Province the
power to regulate the hours for the retail
sale of liquors by the'license-holders
therein 7 (2) What body has such
powers if not the municipalities 7
The Printing Committee has been or.
ganized, with J. R. Stratton, as Chair-
man. Lud. It. Cameron, Queen's Printer,
is Secretary. In connection with the
printing of returns, upon the Secretary's
suggestion, the cost of printing will be
reduced by having returns written by
sessional writers where only a few copies
are required.
The brewers and maletere Bent a de-
putation to the Government Friday after.
noon, beaded by James Lottridge, the
president of their association. Their re.
quest was in effect thata system of five
year's linen e be established. Sir Oliver
Mowat's reply was not very comforting,
he telling them that it was unlikely that
any legislation dealing with the matter
would be introduced.
1 •
There is not now a ease of smallpox in
Ontario said Dr. Bryce. The last patient
at Guelph has been lot loose. The dis-
ease 1s still fashionable in six planes in
The people of Ontario will hear of no
compromise on the Government House
question, They want thewhole insti-
tution, look, ?took and barrel, abolished.
They desire tome the Governor of On.
toxic provide hie own !louse and meet.
hie own household expenses just as the
Governors of adjoining States do 0n half
the eatery. And Petrone and old-line
Oppositioniete should compel the Minis.
try to give effect to the popular will.
In asking that a close season be vital).
liebed for cranberries the Patron mem
bare are not trifling with the Legielature.
Tbeee are eeotione in south-eastern,
eon h•
t western and northern Ontario par-
ticularly spited to the growth of this
fruit, and In which the picking of orae -
berries ie .becoming a great industry.'
The development of the businese is,
0ver, interfered with bythe gatheringof
norm() Leiria?w h'obspbit almost
as snob
as the
to oesu
r9 the Y o mar's
sellar. It
is to prevent this too early gathering that
the Patrons ask for legislation and the
request should be granted by the Assam.
Four deaths of old people were record.
ed in Galt last week. The oldest was
83 and the voungent 73. The aggregate
is about 334 years.
Two residents of Ditto Township nam•
ed August Pei,k and John Stook venti-
lated a horse trade in the Division Court
the other day. They met each other one
night last fall and traded horses in the
dark. The roads were very :muddy, end
between the mud and the da,kness the
blemishes were prettty well covered up.
Next day Peiok deoided he had been
worsted, Stook's horse being a kicker
and, of very little use. He therefore
brought action to recover damages Stook
filed a counter claim on the score that
Patch's horse was blind in one eye and
otherwise badly blemished. A large
number of witneseee were examined on
both sides, and Judge Woods, of Strat.
ford, left the case with a jury, who, after
due deliberation, returned a verdict for
the defendant.
BR, 7501 Ir6 3h2...9..R.g9Te,
Pall Wheat 57 68
Spring Wheat 57 68
Barley....... 37 40
Peas 56 57
Oats .,,, 32 88
Butter, tube and rolls ... 18 00
Eggs per dozen 12 110
Flour per barrel......,8 00 8 50
Potatoes 30 00.
Hay per ton............ 7 00 00
Hides trimmed 8
Hides rough.. 2 2i
Sait per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 20 40
Lamb skins each 15 40.
Apples per bbl=..........,1 52 1 25
Hoge, Live 4 00 4 10
Hoge, Dressed 5 25. 5 50
EAU Boroen°, N.Y., iltaroh 12,-oattle
-Receipts, 20 head ; market quiet, with
none 00 sale. Hogs -Receipts, 8,800
head ; market 50. lower for light grades
and pigs ; good mediums and heavy,
etroug and firm ; good Yorkers 94.40 to
94.45 ; light, 94.35 to 94 40 ; pigs, 94,25
to e4.80 ; mediums and mixed, 94.50 to
$4.55 ; good heavy, 94.60 to 94.66 ;
roughs, $8.60 to 94. Sheep and limbs
Receipts, 7,000 head ; market Blow; good
sheep, 98.25 to $4 wethere, 94.25 to 94.70;'
lambs, $3.50 to 95 85.
Tonogso, March 12. -Market genet.
Wheat -Our lots of winter on northern
sold at 60o, and GOo, bid for more ; oar
lots 0. P.. R. West quoted at 60e. on the
G. T. R. at 590. Manitoba No. 1 hard
quiet and eteady at 79o. west, and al 82o.
grinding in transit via Sarnia. Flour-
A sale of Ontario patents, middle freights
west, at 92.80 reported. Peas -oar Iota
for local account sold at GOa. west, Oats
--White sold west at 8}o. to 35a. Barley
-Feed wanted west at 440, and east at
45e. ; heavy No. 2 quoted at48o, and No.
1 at 510. to 52o.
Tonouxo, Ont,, March 12. -There was
a better market at the Western .oattle
yards to.day,than for some Limo. In
Liegerides were Orme but in
g P r b meet other
nes there was hardly hadi any
There were $9 carloads of stuff on the
market today, which included 243 sheep
and iambs, 893 hogs and 40 Calves, In
bntohere cattle offerings wet@ not quite
go liberal, which bad the tendency to hold
the ,ataiankat',l'rnl, Thera •wen alightly
bettor .tame/rout ilfantreal, Buymg for
t was e
modsratbly" A9tive, Lpopl
bU sre
era aleo P ekAt
n fairly Prwobmiop Melted cattle taoed
bestpbp;nlaor a, but ekwasafrom no to ,1130
per pound. Some pretty good Pattie Bold
for Ito per pound. Cowmen cattle brought
from no to no per pound, In export
Pattie there were a few head brought from
4o to 410, One nr two belle brought 8to
per pound. Only :for lambs was there
much demand. Time wore firmer, rang.
Ing in pride from 8j:o to 6o per pound.
Shipping sheep are quiet. Not many are
being taken for export because dealers are
buying to frill here, and giving better
prices than shippers Pau afford to pay,
The range is from 3 to 3¢o per pound,
In Boge offerings were high, and the
market firmer. Good, choice, long, lean.
hose, weighed off the Care,• sold at from
*4,35 to 94,40 perbwt. Other kinds were
firm. Ohoioe hogs are %vented,
A11 parties indebted to MRS.
E. ROGERS will please call and
settle up at once, she having dis-
posed of the Dry Goods portion
of her business to MR. JAMES
IRWIN, who will continue on in
the same store as usual, Mrs.
Rogers carrying on the Millinery
and Mantle Department . in the
same premises,
BRvssELS, Feb. 20, 1895.
We are unloading this week
one car load of Giant Prolific
Sweet Early Dent Ensilage Corn.
Farmers and others requiring a•
good, reliable Seed, for either
Green Feed or Ensilage purposes,
eau be supplied at once either at
our Mill or at Storeh ouse No, 1,
at Lowest Possible Price.
Stewart & Graham,
Millers and Grain Dealers,
Grand Trunk
Depot Ticket Office.
Settlers' Trains
With Colonist Sleeper Attached,
And the Canadian Northwest.
Leaving Toronto at 9 p. m. every Tues-
day during March and April.
G. T. R. Agent, Bruseels,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat-
terns on hand or made to order
at Sbort Notice.
Eetimates Punished for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
D R.
T, Dewoos, Manager Standard Rank, Brad-
ford, Ont„ ese Chase's Kidney -Liver ills
Y iv are s
rrned medicine for the Kidneys and Liven
,r W. F. CARania, r115 McCaul St,, Toronto, re.
presenting Montreal Star nye, Chase's Pills act
Lke maria for the relief of head.aehe, bilious attack
and constipation. Sold ererywher., or by mail da
taeipt of price, 10 EDMANSONI BATES & CO..
• IOAIIA/D /i5 1160660. //To
C11P i11inery
ANU ---,,.-
MAIL 7 5. 1815
Misses Roddfok ct Smith,
Have just returned from the City
where they have inspected all the
Latest Styles and Shades, and
have madelarge and very select
We are in a position to cater
to the Wants of the most Fastid-
ious Tastes. Bring along your
old Straw and Felt and have it
done over to loop like new 'tat a
small cost.
ENO Roddick & Smith,
Two Doors South el Standard Bank,
Just what you
have been wait-
ing for. They are
here. Smith 8c
McLaren's New
Spring Boots 8c
Shoes have JMust
arrived. We are
now prepared to
show you the fin-
est and most
License District carefully Select -
_at•. SHE- ed stock of Boots
8c Shoes for Men
East Riding of Huron. Women & Childs
To the Tavern -Keepers and Shop- ren ever shown
Keepers and Others whom in Brussels. No
it may Concern.
matter what size
NOTICn is hereby efven that °
or shape you de -
for the sale of Ilquorin the East' Ridlua' of
Huron for .the License Year 1895.98, whteh
oommeaoee on theist day of May neat, win
be received by the underelguod from Wee
present date up to
Monday,April is
t, 1895,
inclusive. Applloante must furnish the
names of two good and sudiolent sureties as
bondemea at t12o Wm0 0f making application.
Any, appplieant for a new lieeneemnet furnish
a certificate signed by a majority of the oleo
tore entitled to vote at elections for the
Legislative Aesemblyiu-the Polling Bub -div -
woe in which the premleea sought to be
lioeosed are situated, sed the said majority
must include at least one-third of the said
electors who are at the time of such applica-
tion residents within the. said Polling 8ub-
March est,1805. Inaneotor.
sire we can suit
you and your
purse won't look
as if it had . been
stepped on after
you make your
D. '. Ross'
We have just Received
a large Consignment of Hats and Caps inall
the leading Shapes and Shades. for Spring
and Summer wear.
Call and see our Balmoral
Cap, the Newest thing in the Market,
Prices Better than . Ever Before.
Spring Suitings
Are also coming to Hand.
Prices Right ! -:- Styles Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed !
it_. sse1s and. 'Wrozetern •'