HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-15, Page 311I4s, 15, 1895 THE BRUSSELS POST
Town Dirocto y,
' Wit r
Hard .Times at Port 'Huron..
afeavrang £Jaomen.—Sabpath Serviees Wbe story told by several railroad mein
at ll a m and 6;80 p. m. Sunday Sobool wbo have just returned from the Wed in
at 2;80 p m, Rev, John Rose, B A, the vain Denroh o£ employment is a teuoli.
setor, ing
IKeox OHAnon,.--•Sebbabb 8erY am at 11 J.onS. Or'awfora, a former trusted flee..
a m and 6:80 p m, Sunday Sohool at man on the Chiango & Grand Trpnk,
2t8O p m, Rev. D, Millar, pastor. says he went to Detroit in company with
Sr, Jout's Cnunan,—Sabbath Sgrvioes several other : ex•empleyses to and out
at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Soheol from I. Rebeito, or J, Fl, Stook, of the
bent,at 0 p. m. Rev, A, K. Griffin, inoum. Grand Trunk system, if the company
would stand in the way of the bort getting
MitmngDlsm Oiloltmri,—Sabbath Services
at 10•$0 a ea and 6:30 m. Sunday a job on another road. Tbey bad been
p out of employment ever since the strike
School at 2;30 p m. Rey. G. H. Cobble- of Met Summer. Mr, Roberta wee not in,
dick, M A, B A, pastor, but tie olarkaaaured them that the Grand
Rouen OAmuo4ao Cnoamn. —Sabbath 'Trunk officials would do nothing to hurt
Service third Sunday in evory month, at their changes of getting employment.
10;80 a m. Rev Joseph Kenpedy, The men went to Danville, IlI., and an,
priest, plied for jobs on the Central & Eastern
SAWA-Mon Aatrs.--Servioo at 7 and 11 Illinois railroad, Asked to give referenoee,
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and they referred the 0, & E. L offioiale to
every evening in the week at 8 o'olook, at their former employers, Some of them
the barraoks. went to work. Charles P. Fitzgerald, an
CDD Fermowe' LovuE evory Thursday engineer,: well known in Port Huron, and
evening, in Graham's block. a competent man, took out an engine and
Mminexo LopezTuesday et or before learned' the road at his own expense•
lull moon, in Garfield blook. 'When he returned he wee told his Derv!
A 0 If .W Lonen en the 3rd nee were no longer required, because the
Friday , evening of aaob month, In Blas. references he had given were nob euitahle,
hill's blook. or, rather, the Chioago & Grand Trunk's
C 0 IP Lonen 2nd end last Monday references' were adverse. The company
evening's of eaoh month, in Blaehill's acknowledged Fitzgerald was a oompetenb
blook man. He bad no marks against him
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd with the 0. & G. T., except that he did
Fellows' Hall. not stand by that corporation during the
L 0 L Id Monday in every 'month strike.
in Orange Hall. Rosa Burrows, another engineer from
SONS or SCOTLAND, let and 3rd Tees-, the 0. & G. T., and one of thetrtfsby men
days of eaoh mouth,' in Odd Fellows' took out an engine on: the 0. & E. L He
Flalt. Lomawas given a brand newlocomotive and
K. 0. T. M. Lo, let end Srd Thurs. made a splendid trip. Oue of the
days of email month, in Vanstone block. o3llaials told him he was the best engine -
HOME Cancan, 2nd and 4th Friday even er they had. He, too, welted for his
nags in Blashill'e Hall. references. They name, and the C. E.
POST Oranna—Ofaoe hours from 8 a. & I. gave him notice to quit at once.
01.10 6;30 p. m. Steve Miner, another engineer from the
MEcnexxas' INsmimooE.—Library in 0. & G. T., spent considerable money
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 learning the road. He was out ten days.
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5 The fatal "references" got him bis walk.
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, ing papers. also. James Smith had a like
Librarian. fate. Four men, with Orawford, who
Town Cousan,.—W, H. Kerr, Reeve ; had been out on the . strike, all got
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. the same medicine.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; Besides these men. Crawford says he
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thrones /Kelly, met on Christmas day 14 old 0. & G. T.
Treasurer ; D, Stewart, Assessor and J. employees, engineers, firemen, conductors
T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let and brakemen, who had been in eearoh of
Monday in each month. work 00 different roads, and all had the
Samoa BOARD.—Rev. Ross, (chairman,) same story to tell. Besides those men.
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. tioned he met J. Smith, engineer, Mike
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo.-Treas., Egan, engineer, and M: Fogarty, of Port
h. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening Huron ; S. 0. Kendall, firemen, and W.
in each month. Miller, engineer, of Battle Creek, and
Pumalm Sanwa Tatonsns.—J. H. Cam. several who were at tbat time awaiting
eron, Principal, Mise Braden, Miss the same fate the others had received.
Downey and Mies Cooper. In' Chioago Crawford and $ome of the
BOARD or HEALT0.: Reeve Kerr, Clerk other boye met Fred. Eastman and W.
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Haagen, both firemen, and W. Brown,
Kendall. Dr. MoNsughton, Medical engineer, all of Port Huron. Added to
Health Officer. these they ran aoross many switchmen
and brakemen, who had the same sad
experience to relate.
Forward Epworth Leagcers,
Quit yourselves like moo ;
Wielding Gospel weapons,
Force the fight again I
Summoned strength and daring,
Confident and free ;
Rouse to splendid action,
Fervid loyalty 1
Chorus :—Onward Epworth Leaguers,
Raise your babble-ory ;
Looking up to Jesus,
Lift His standard high 1
Mighty reinforcements
Thrill the Oharoli with•aheer ;
Freshly press the vet'rane,
Not a sign of fear I
Thinned by age and death -stroke,
Ranks fill up with youth ;
Sons in fathers' places
Stand defending truth I
Trusting in your prowess,
Borne and nation rest ;
Future ages signal
Rech to do bis best.
Hasten earth's redemption,
Bring the perfect law,
Speed millennial glories,
Visions prophets saw.
Rout and panic seize them—
All the hosts of wrong ;
Now for you the oontest,
Soon the victor's song 1
What are tolls' and dangers,
Mambas, woundeor pain ?
Christ is near bis triumph,
You with him shall reign 1
'I am the queerest sort of a boy the world
bas ever seen—
In fact I don't suppose before, my like
has ever been,
Because,. from early dawning 11111 the set.
ting of the sun,
I always want to do the thinge that real.
ly can't be done.
For instance, in the summer time, I sit
down by the gate
And almost tear my hair with rage be-
cause I oanuot skate.
And through the heated August nights I
often lie in bred
And moan and groan became I can't go
coasting on my sled.
Then when the frigid winter's here, and
things begin to freeze,
I feel as though I'd like to climb up in
the apple trees,
And plunk the blossoms from the twigs
but btostome, none are there
When winter' winds are blowing and the
apple boughs are bare.
At breakfast time I sit me down and
often deeply sigh
Beonnse there's toast and beaky/heat
calces instead of pumpkin pie ;
Yet, when at dinner time we've pia, my
tears come down like lakes
Beoauee by that time I've a taste for
toast and buokwheet ,cakes.
And I would say to other boys who think
it's fan to be
Oontrawise, that they would best take
warning now from me,
Boutin I and the habit Ieaves me ale
ways dell and sad
And makes of me a very drear, illuatured
sort of lad,
A valentine social was held in Nor-
REAM Drsseoj RELIEVED ria 80 MoN-
uTss.—A11 (aseg of orgenio or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 30 minutia and
quickly oured, by Dr. Agnew'a Cure for
the Heart. One d ta) oonvfnmee. Sold
by G. A, Deadtnan.
The 0. & G. T. disobarged about 300
men in Port Huron and Battle Creak,
who, Crawford says, have been pursued
by the same blacklisting.
Crawford says he observes the same
thing all over the country. The officials
simply say, after getting an answer bo
the references, "Your' servicesare not
needed. References are no good." They
absolutely refuse to show what the replies
aro to their letters of enquiry, Ll Dans-
ville, Crawford relates, there were three
men employed as oity firemen and two
employed in the police department of
thatoity, who had been former employees
of the 0. & E. I. railroad. The officials
beard, that these men had jobs on the
polies and fire forces of the city. They
wrote to the mayor of Daasville and re-
quested that he take steps to get rid of
these men, because, they said, in case of
a strike, the property of the company
would not be safe in their hands if the
company ebould have to oall on the oity
for protection.
Crawford had met men who had been,
fireb.olaes engineers and firemen, receiving
good pay, travelling in box oars with no powers at Ottawa. This should be re.
shoes to wear or a crust of bread to eat. membered by the member for Toronto,
Some bad thought of applying for jobs on Mr. Howland, and the Opposition when
the lakes, but are afraid that a black- they accused this Government of run•
list will be applied to them through the ning away with the resources of the
railroads' influence with vessel owners.
"What is to become of ns ?" asks Hr.
Crawford. "The general managers'
association of the railroads seam to have
entered into a combine to eterv°, kill or
oursa the men whom they used to non-
sider good men. Laying aside the quos.
tion of who was to blame for the late
terrible strike, basit cornet to such a pass
in this country that an American citizen
cannot go into the labor market of his
country and get a job without being
prosoripted, cursed and bounded to star-
vation by a corporation or a combine of
corporations ?"
I have not overdrawn tbispioture, and
I doubt if the railroads in many oases
have any personal dislike ageing the
men they treat thus. They have evident.
ly entered into a0 agreement not to em.
ploy any man, no matter how capable
',Ohs budget debate was opened on
Marob 6th, by 'p, Gibson, the veteran
member for Eosb Huron, who wee given
a hearty round of applaues upon rising.,
Speaking with hie deliberate Scotch
The f;ubeoription prion of Tnr1 Pan, it
aid sbrfotly Madvance, is „Gam„Gamalp.
amen, lie said that ;s was with ammo y el eu de not renew within three
tree dation that h
e followed the spawn,
or dieserbatlon (by Mr, Howland), to
wbioh the House had listened for eueb a
length of time the day before. With re.
pard tq that spaaoh, he would venture to
recall what wee gold by a Frenob General
of the cherge at Balaclava. "Ib ie mag,
Mamma” the General deelared, "but it
is nob wax," The speech of the bon,
member (Mr. Howland) was eobolarly,
and smolt of the lamp, bat it was not
snotty a budget speech. A diseertation
on constitutional law it might be called,
or a chapter of Hallam, or perhaps of
Todd. With the first hour of it, with
that pert which defined the duties and
responsibilities of an Opposition, Mr.
Gibson said he agreed. Turning from
the member for South Toronto to the
member for the North division of the
city, he congratulated Me. Marten upon
his elevation to the leadership of the. Op.
position. Mr. Gibson hoped lie would
fill it—("Long," suggested a member)—
as long aa his predeoessor filled it, Mr.
Gibson said, accepting the suggestion,
amid the laughter of the Liberals. As
at the criticism of Mr. Marber's speech
whish had been made, Mr. Gibson re'
marked, sympathetically, that it was
difiioult to preach eight or nine sermons
from the same text and make them all
different. Members opposite were ao•
crammed to refer frequently to the John
Samdfield Macdonald' Government, the
member' for Huron continued. Bat he
recalled that on one occasion NKr. Mac-
donald had said to him that he was as
good a Liberal as Hon. George Brown.
(Applauoe.) Members opposite should
remember this when' they claimed the
Government of John Sendfield Maodoa.
ald as a Conservative Government. Re.
plying to the criticism wbioh bad been
made of extravagance on the part of the
present Administration, the cost of the
various departments in 1878 was corn -
pared with the most last year. In 3873
the expenditure for the civil service
amounted to $188,000. Since then there
had been added the Lioense Department,
the Bareaa of Industries, Departments
of Agriculture and Insurance, and the
Bureau of Minas. " These cost $41,000,
which amount, added to 9183,000, gave
$224,000. Deduct that from the estim-
ates now before the House and it would
be seen that the inorease was only 1.1 per
cent. while during the same period there
bad been an inorease of the population of
the Province of at least 25 per cent.
Comparing that showing with the in.
crease at Ottawa, hedeolared that 10 1879,
when the present Government name to
office, the annual expenditure for civil
government was 9823,000. Now it was
$1,400,000, or an increase of 70 per cent..
Judged by that, the Provincial Govern•
ment mast surely be vindicated in the
eyes of the members of the Opposition
to whom the men at Ottawa were ex.
emplars. By the same kind of oompar•
alive logic he answered the statements
so often repeated, that the Ontario Gov-
ernment has been wasting the reeouraes
of the Province. Contrasting the
administration of public lands
by the two Governments, he sbowed that
the total amount reoeived by the Domin.
ion Government from public lands was
94,275,000, while there bad been expend.
ad upon capital acoopnt for land 93,419,-
000, and out of consolidated revenue 92,-
119,000. If to this wee added the annual
amount paid the Manitoba Government
for the lands taken from that Province, a
defloit of $2,000,000 appeared as the re-
sult of the Dominion Government's ad-
ministration of the public lands. With
the way the public domain had been pan
oelled out by the Ottawa Government
among its camp -followers the country
was familiar—the operations of J. C. Ry.
kerb and other fortunate supporters of the
Provinoe. He was afraid it was because
Mr. Howland had got into bad company
that he repeated these charges. Mr.
Howland in bis speech had claimed thab
if the majority obtained in the recent
elections by the Conservative candidates
in Toronto had been spread over the
Province it would haus given a majority
of Conservative members. Mr. Howland
lied seemed to desire the House to infer
that all the wealth and intelligence of the
Province was centred in Toronto. But a
little later he argued in favor of planing
the government of that city, the centre
of wealth and intelligence, in the halide
of a committee of this House because it
bad shown itself incapable to menrtge
prudently and wisely its own affairs.
Mr. Howland had reflected very severely
upon hie predecessors in this House and
on the members of the Oity Council. Mr.
trustworthy or honest he may have been, Gibson said he remembered that if it had
if he was a striker or in sympathy with not been for the Opposition which the de-
arly strike during the labor agitation in .putittions of citizens had met with from
this country. Is there no way this may the country members of the Private Bilis
be remedied? Have good mon, capable Committee the condition of Toronto
of emrrling good wages, all of them got to would now be much worse. It seemed to
starve Nicotine, granting they made a him, Mr. Gibson remarked, that ;fir.
mistake once in Maine, therefore they Howland, wben he came to the Legiaia-
must be refused employment in Califor. tare, found, litre Hamlet, that
nim," "The time is out of joint. 05 nursed
"Have the railroads resolved that we (pito,
cannot and must not live any longer ? That ever I was born to ad it right."
months of the date on your label the pries
will be 91.28; if you do n'ot ronow within
six months of the date on your label the
price will be 91.50, No paper will be eenb'
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Order up to 94 pasta only two manta.
The ohamge on your label will notify
you of our receipt of the money. If not
changed in throe weeks drop us a oard
and we will trace the matter up.
Address all letters and make all cheques
end orders payable to W. H„Derr, Brus.
When remitting money do not fail to
give post office address.
When notifying no of change of address
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Look at Your Label.
"Free Facts, Fame and Sleepers.”
Winter Sailings,
From From From
Liverpo'1 STEAMSHIPS. Portland. Ha lfax.
Mar. 7 Mongolian •• 28 " SO
' 01 Laurentian Art. 11 Apt. 13
Ap1.13 740013S/AD2e 27
Steamers will sail from Portland about
1 p. m. Thursdays, and from Halifax
about 1 p. m. Saturdays, after arrival of
'Western Trains.
For further information as to rates,
&o., apply to
Bystem renovator
For Impure, Weak anti Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.
sumption, Gall Stones, Janndiop, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Dm
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist, Brussels.
sl 1111111 m 6 ,d e 4 .r -t:�. 0
o l
g.Y.14. gra PO
,.Pgmam"i wrj
aidd'oa6 C.R ,i
°,..°,, i . y
hi •tl •,6T a rot
A�p's+�°µi do3S° \ .n rt
a g,e rn (r1 0
qPs who -.uw,.exTo� i90�0
Whab MR honest 11100 do under such air. Mr. Howland might have set them right o F �' ° m a w a ^ -8 b N ; ° $ F ro
onmmiama? I can give you instances' if he had Dome lip here sooner. It roe o O i'�t<+ po gpP1'aC y311;, it�l'rtlO
gfneers rand otpo la s now
w emplloyi were n. easy to be wise miter the event, but not 3o g°* b d d w , S $ °, K ; ° A b S 0
y i easy before, unless one had the gift of o a io t ° -, S s ° gg m b
previously disobarged for having been prophecy. (Applause and laughter.) Af- & 1 ° ; o a "' d u y p b
responsible for collisions, for drunken- ter peeling with the coat of maintenance anoe 6.dd " " °, g d i m . " n o °
nese, and other serious offenses, These of public iustitutidns and the surplus, '1° . g• C W f g c
ntwo tthey
h n moow n vee jobs to o willingly, vet Mr. Gibson eoncluded by declaring his Rohl iu Brussels by
f f fi fl °
y Y opinion that it was the sentiment of the t>thtN, Druggist.listed all over the country just because membere on the Government side df the t , ,1, a>na
they were in sympathy with the strike." House, and the sentiment, he believed, of
the country, that the present Govern.
meat had administered the affairs of the
Province fairly, wisely and prudently.
Byeonrsmis>c CURED IN a Dar. -South
American Rbonmabio Cure for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically aures in 1
to 0 days. Its notion upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re.
moves et orae the cause and the disarm After several days assessing Geo. Bis.
immediately diaappaare. The first done sett repute the deg crop very spares.
greatly benefits. 75 cants. Warranted A. E. Tennant, V. S., loaded the Agri.
by G. A., Deadman, onitural grouode for the season, payiug
Cowman nnx.mvet IN- 10 TO 60 sxINOTae.-- therefor the sum of 9100.
One short puff of the breath through the Dr. Sweet, our old and cunt respeoted
Blower, Applied with each bottle of Dr. friend and format citizen, has arrival in
Agnew's Catarrah Fowdet, diffuses thin town with his family and intends again
Powdef over the surface of the need making Exeter his Home, .
passages. Painl.se and delightful to While working in tike hay crow on
use, it relieves instantly, ,awe potmanent. Tuesday of last week, Jas. Dignan noel.
ly Duras Oatattah, Hay Fever, Colds, dentally got the tine of a piboh•forlr run
Headapbes, Sore Throat, Tonsilitig and intohis wrist and as a result is unable 10
Deafness. 60 onto at G. A. Doadmaa's,
When you ou want a St
OVe, Ti]]
or Granite -ware, or Rawl -
ware, Paints 4 Oils,
—?Aril. AT --
Hardware Store
Where you will, from
this date, get a
Offal! Cash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Can-
vas in Stook.
!Electric Light Plant
The undersigned 1388 deeided
to offer for sale the Brussels
Electric Light' Plant, A first-
class investment e871 be shown,
Easy terms ; good reason for
; ftili particulars cheer,.s
fully furnished on application.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 c' 62 Per Cent., Y.early,
Straight Ldans with privilege of .
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Oourt Clerk, Brussels.
New Spring
A. S trach an's.
I have just received some New Prints, Shillings, Flannelettes,
Victoria Lawns, Ginghams, &c. I have a Bordered Gingham at
11e, 36 in. wide, worth 12zo ; Bindings from 5c a yard up to 14e ;
Suspenders at 25o, worth 40e ; Turkish Bath Towels at 40c each
or 3 for $1.00.
In Groceries I am now giving 25 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar
for $1.00. Other Sugars in proportion. An excellent Japan Tea
4 lbs. for $1.50 ; Sulphur 3e a lb. in large quantities.
In Medicines I keep a larger variety than
is found in any other General Store.
A Large and Well Assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes.
In Hardware I keep Out and Wire Nails, Hinges, Cow Chains, Rope,
Axes, Cross -Cut Saws, Fence Wirer &c.
have the best Washing Machine in the market
Highest Cash Price paid for Hides,
Sheep Pelts and Raw Furs.
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