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W. 1.1. KERB,
Editor and Proprietor.
jegislators at the 0. A. C.
Ontario's Farmer General, John Dry-
den, gave some fifty members of the
Legislature and a few of their frieode a
trip up to Guelph Agricultural College
Wednesday. Among the prominent
agriculturalists who went there were T.
S. Hobbs, London ; Oliver A. Howland,
ex -mayor Fleming, Jim Comae and
Dr. Willoughby. Then the Patron
were there in force headed by J. L. Hay
eook, John Caven, and Archie Currie.
The fourth party had its full voting force
on the train, Peter McCallum and A. T.
Good both turning up.
Then the fifth party was also on band
in the person of James Haggerty.
"You see," said Mr. Haggerty, "Big-
gar and I are the only independent mem-
bers in the House. Biggar is leader, and
I'm whip. If he happens to stray from
the path of independence I'll have to act
as both.
"It's this way. I expected when I
came down here to find a cross bench to
sit ou, but it seems third, fourth and
fifth parties were not calculated upon
when the House was designed. Now,
though I'm located among the Govern-
ment seats as I told the electors, I am
going to be strictly independent and do
the beet I can for them and the Pfovince.
a The party took in the other depart-
ments, finding everything in the same
excellent condition: Afterwards they
had lunoh. This concluded, President
Mille oalled for speeches. In doing so
he explained bow the college was run,
how students were not only eduoated in
theory, but given praotioal work to do
and paid for doing it.
Speeches followed from 0.4.. Howland,
J. L. Haydock, E. J. Davis, Dr. Willough-
by, John Cavan, Hon. James Young, D.
M. MoPhereon and Hon. John Dryden.
apt* bellow him a compatriot ; they
cheered lustily, frightened the horeeo a
showed other evldonoes Of their gop�
"Singe tnberculosia compelled us 00
elaughtor most of our thoroughbred
stook,". said Prof. Mille iu leading the
way through the stables, "We have been
compelled to replace them With good
grade animals until auoh time as we oa
gaoure othareal
px-14&Y0E IB1010010 ON JERSEYS.
Cl)mtpletoly Paralyzed,
A Young Caundlan Mahlon With Poral.
n yals While In Now' York—Betwrnc,t to
IIi8 Homo at Loudon, Qnt„ AS He He.
novo, toitis--TJtelltenns or It0flewed
Health Pointed Out by a Utergywau
who Visited Hilo.
Stricken with Landry'% Paralyeia and
yet cured, That means but little to the ,
average layman, but it means a miracle
'to a phyeioian. Snell is the experience of
0, E. Dallimore, at present a resident of
Madison, N. J., and a rare experience it
'Yes, its true that I had I,andry'e
paralysis,' Bald Mr. Dallimore to the re.
porter, "or else the moot celebrated phy-
eioiane of London were mistaken,That
I bave been cured io clearly apparent."
With thio be straightened up as sturdy
and promising a son of Britain as ever
trod American soil.
"It wee on the 15th of March last he
oontinved, "when I was in New York
city, that I first felt symptoms of my
trouble. I experienced di ;Lenity in going
np-stairs, my lege failing to . support me
I consulted a physician who informed
me that I had every sympton of l000mot-
or ataxia, but as the case developed he
pronounoed it a case of Landry's paralys-
is wad knowing the nature of the disease
advised me to start for my home and
friends. I gave up my work and on
April 1st started for Loudon, Ont. A.
well known phyeioian was consulted but,
I grew rapidly worse and on laturday,
April 7th, several pbyeioiane held a con-
sultation on my case and informed me
that I was at death's door, having but
three to six days to live, still I lingered
on, by thia time oompletely paralyzed
my bands and feet being dead, I could
hardly whisper my wants and could only
swallow liquids. Ob, the misery of those
momenta are beyond all deaoription and
death would really have been a welcome
visitor. - -
"Now comae the part that has astound-
ed the physicians. Rev. Air. Gundy, a
clergyman who visited me in my, last
boars, as he supposed, told me of the
marvellous cures of paralysis that had
been performed by Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People. I started to take
the pills about April 28 and a week after
that felt au improvement in my condi-
tion, There Was a warm, tingling senea
tion in the limbs that had been entirely
dead and I soon began to move my feet
and hands. The improvement continued
until May 28, when I was taken out of
bed 'for a drive and drove the horse my.
self. By the beginning of July I was
able to walk upstairs alone and paid a
visit to Niagara.
Slowly but surely I gained my old
health and strength, leaving London for
New York on October 11 and beginning
my work again on Ootober 28, 1894.
Cured of Landry's Paralysis in eight
To confirm his story beyond all doubt,
Mr. Dallimore made the following affi-
However there were some Jerseys and
iiurhama to be seen and also a number
of calves without 'ought'. Ex -Mayor
Fleming ow0s.a Jersey end was therefore
able to identify that close. By judicious
eileaoe when he Was at sea and expansive
eloquence when be dleoovered a Jersey,
he 89008eded in convincing Dave MoNioh-
el, of South Grey, and Tom Magwood, of
North Perth, that when he quit the farm
he was a deoided loos to agrioultpre.
In the dairy department about fifty
young men and women were at work
making butter and cheese. Tho expedi•
Mon with whioh milk just from the 00928
could be turned into butter and o11eeoe
before itwas even cold astonished even
that imperturbable Patron, Dan. Mo.
Naughton, of North Bruce.
The poultry department is under Mr.
Jarvis, formerly of London. It has only
been in operation about six weeks. The
arrangement of the pens la very simple,
and very complete. They oan be copied
inexpensively by almost any fancier.
"I. got those fowl at less than $6 each,"
sail Mr. Jarvis. "That was a wonderfally
low figure. For one pair alone we have
beam offered $50. I got some from Wm.
McNeil, of London, who is the greatest
breeders in Canada ; Boma from Allan
Bogue, of Weetmioieter, and others I
picked up wherever I could between here
New York.
"Geese, dunks and turkeys we intend to
breach out into later," he said.
But to return to the excursion. Mr.
Dryden had secured two Grand Trunk
cars and they were both comfortably fil.
led. Promptly the train polled out of the
Union station five minotee late and the
conductorcame around for the tickets.
"We're travelling on principle," said
Leader Haycock.
"It's no good on this train, said the
oondnotor, you'll have to have tickets."
Mr. Dryden produced a bundle and all
those who didn't want to ride on passes
at the company's expense, rode on tickets
at the Provinces. Both modes were
equally popular and effective.
The way up was mostly passed in
conversation of a political character.
Mr. Paton, the member for Center
Simcoe, predicted that Stewart, the
Liberal nominee, would win in the three -
cornered figbt, which is imminent, beat-
ing both McCarthy and the straight Con-
"I can't see it," said Archie Currie,
who is from West Simcoe. "I think
that McCarthy in North Simcoe. can
beat any men in Canada."
Somebody else said the real expressions
of admiration ex -Mayor Essery addres•
sed to Sir John Carling at the recent con-
vention in London bad Dever been made
public. The anxiety whioh Mr. Pssery
showed to have Sir John' go to the con.
vention was only equalled by the prompt.
nese with which the ex•Mayor oleo with-
drew his name when he found that his
old friend and leader would insist on
The Minister of Agriculture drifted
round and stook hands with everybody,
giving them information about agrionl-
tural affairs generally. .
"My chief aim," be said to the News
has always been to keep politics out of
the college. We want to make it as use-
ful as possible to the farmers, at as small
a coat as possible.
"Thio year, for instance, webave added
poultry and will enlarge on other linea
from 'time to time a8 we can.
"It'¢ .,praatioal work we want to teach
in the moat efficient way. We are going
to send out this summer three parties to
spray orchards. In some sections the
grubs are very destructive and we want
to show the farmers the scientific way to
protect their trees."
"What about the muoh•talked•of ex.
perimental fruit farm ?"
"Well, it is thio way. In Ontario what
will suit one section will not suit another.
Give one locality a fruit farm and others
would oleo have to get them. That would
entail an enormous expenditure, To
avoid this I am thinking of selecting a
good farm bere and there and getting the
owner to experiment with the fruit trees
we furnish him. For doing that we
oonld pay him a email amount, and for a
trifling expenditure get the best results
from the different localities. There is
no nae, with the many varieties of oll-
mate we have, experimenting only in one
When the party arrived at Guelph tbey
were driven out to the College. The
only mishap was an upset, by which ex -
Mayor Fleming tumbled over Themes
Gibecn, and both got up looking as if
they had been Bleeping is their hats and
clothes all night. Nobody wag hurt.
Immediately on arrival everybody
caked for the calf' with the dough, and
the party were taken to the dairy farm
to gee the place where that nofortenate
juvenile contracted the disease which
led co' so much notoriety.
Both at the college proper and at the
dairy buildings the.2tudente turned out
en tnacrae, as John Loughran would say
in trying to make his .French constita-,�
"What I like about this institution,"
said the Patron leader," is that every-
thing is plain and practical. That
comes of having a practical farmer at
the head of the agricultural department.
At the head of the same department at
Ottawa we have a praotioal lawyer, who
can neither speak Engliah not hoe pota-
toes in French. (Laughter.)
"I'm pleased at what I have seen bere.
Why, the Kingston Military College for
the pursuits of war costa us more to keep
up than this institution for the pursuits
of peace."
John Cavan, the deputy Patron, was
also very complimentary to President
Mille and the college.
Dr. Willoughby concluded some of the
speakers had been tramping on his corns,
and when he got up he said the insinn•
ation that the Conservatives were hostile
to the college was untrue,
"Because we criticize certain things
about its management does not chow we
are against," ha said. "Vire criticize the
college for the college's good. Criticism
is not hostility."
The doctor was soon appeased, the
speeches finished and another hour or so
spent around the building before the start
back to Toronto was made.
Among the London visitors there were
WLllian MoNeil and Allan Bogota the
well known poultry fanciers.
Testimony of Great Men.
opinions et Value on a 1alnnbie
Sin Wm. HARconar-."I _believe' in -
runtime to he One of the very beat ways
of Raving that a mannan select."
RrenT Hos. G. J. GosrEN—"The
enbjeot is one of great importance, I
should like to see the existing number of
policies largely extended. The praotioal
value of life assurance has been folly
reoognized by members of the House of
Commons, and I think it difficult to
over-estimate the enormous advantages
the system offers to the community. In-
come tax has never been levied on any ,
income required for the payment of a
life insurance,"
Ray. PHILIP$ BBooxe—"I know no
man who ought not to have his life in-
sured except it be the wandering Jew.l
And perhaps foe him some sort of an 1
endowment policy would not be a bad
thing, something that might lead him to
lay aside for fatore use a little of that
moss that such a rolling stone as he had
been must have accumulated, If I may
speak of my own profession, I fanny
there is none that profits so mach by
the great work that you are constantly
doing, as the profession of the ministry.
Miniatere, almost all of them, exist on
starving salaries. Just as soon as they
begin life, and moat of them begin early,
families ammo/ate and anxietiee in-
crease ; perhaps they are not thrifty ;
they trust too largely in a gracious
Providence ; their whole life becomes
hampered. The work that they are
doing, the truth that they are preaching,
the relations in which they stand, begin
to be burdened and weighted down by
the awful question as to what ie to become
of those for whom they are responsible,
when they themselves are passed away."
These opinions may all ba put' into
praotioal operation by taking oat one
of the unconditional, non -forfeitable
policies of the Confederation Life Aa.
eooiation, which company 00 represented
in Bruaeela by W. H. Kerr and in the
county by W. Taylor,
RELIEF IN SIx Froua8.—Diotreaoing kid-
ney and bladder diaoases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on aocouot of
iia exooeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary pas*ages in
male er female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If yon want quick relief and
cure this ie your remedy. Sold by G, A,
headman, druggist,
Olave Dallimore being duly sworn on
Hie oath said that the foregoing statement
is just and true.
Sworn and subscribed before me De-
cember 3, 1804. Amos C. RATHBUN,
[sash l Notary Public.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple are an unfailing speoiflo for auoh die.
eases as locomotor ataxia, paralysis, St.
Vitas dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheum•
atiam, nervous headache, the after effects
of la grippe, palpitation of the heart,
that tired feeling resulting from nervous
prostration ; all diseases resulting from
vitiated humors in the blood, snob as
sccolula, chronic eryoipelae, etc. They
are also a specific for troubles peculiar to
females, such as suppressions, irregular-
ities and all forms of weakness. They
build up the blood, and restore the glow
of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In
men they effect a radical cure in all oases
arising from mental worry, overwork or
enemies of whatever nature. There are
no ill effects following the nee of this
wonderful medicine, and it can be given
o children with perfect safety.
These pills are mannfaetnred by the
Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Brook.
vi11e, Ont., and are sold only in boxes
bearing the firm's trade mark and wrap-
per, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50. They may be bad of all druggists
or direct by mail from Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company.
Genera( Nevvra.
The King of Spain has recovered from
his recent illness.
Several prominent members of the Eng.
liah Parliament are at present suffering
from influenza,
Mrs. Hoarce E. Pope, and William
Bruaeeau were both held for murder of
Dr. Pops in Detroit.
Frederiok Douglas, the noted freedman
orator, died on Wednesday night in Ana.
ooetia, a suburb of Washington.
The bill to repeal the anti -Jesuit law
pasted the German Reichstag amid
cheers from the Catholic party.
Five witnesses before the commission
at Moosh testify that they saw the roma
ram of children dating the Armenian
There were launched on the Clyde duk-
ing January eight vessels of 16,025 tone,
as compared with eleven vessels of 16,845
tons to January last year.
A stranger who was shown round Pe.
terborough oathedral, England, the other
day gave tite dean a cheque for twenty
thousand dollars toward the fund for a
new organ.
One of the former directors of the ill.
fated Bank of Wales has intimated bis
williugnees to pay one hundred and twerp
ty.five thousand dollars in order to be
relieved of any possible liability.
James B. Gentry, the murderer of
Madge Yorke, the entrees, was arrested
the other day in Philadelphia, He had
attempted to commit l uiaido and was
found unconsoiono on a doorstep.
A despatch from Cairo says that friend-
ly natives assert that a rising of the na-
tivee against foreigoara will take plane
during the Ramadan fast, whioh begins
on the 20111 alt, and lasts a month.
The general opinion in Pekin is that
Li•Hung•Ohd,ng has only boon reinstated'
in favour in order to make him an ad.
ceptabie envoy to Japan, and that he Will
be made a scapegoat when the mission
is ended, whether he is audcooefnl or nut.
The undersigned will troop tar st' ee on
North T> elf bot 20, Son, 7, Morris, a thorn'
bred 'teamworth' Boar, recently pamatured
from the well known breeder, ado, Bell, Am-
ber. Aloe a Ol Deter white Soar. Terme,
01.00 00 be paid at time of service with priv-
i1eg ff41360101 n0 if n00eesary,
8. WALKER,Proprietor,
undersigned w111 keep for sexmlea, at
Lot 10, Oon,10, Grey, a tboro' bred young
Pericahire boar. Pedigree may be aeon on
a plioatton, Terme 21,00 t0 be paid at tim .
of eorvioo wibis privil JN of returning 1f noo-
020817, JNO, BROWN',
Mani . Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for eervi08,, on
lot le, non, 10, Grey, the Otero' bred un-
proved White :Yorkshire boar, "Cranbrook
Puke," purchased from John Cousins
Bons, Harrleton. Terme-21.00 to be paid at
the time of service with privilege of return•
fag if necessary, Pedigree. and stook may
he seen on applleation,
12.801 - Proprietor, •
Underetgued will keep for 8erviee on
Lot 26 Con, 6, Morris, the thoro' bred. im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from J. E. Drothour's 'sweepstakes 8oW
at Chicago Pair. Terms, 01.00.. to be paid
at the t,me of service with privilege ofre-
turning if necessary, Pedigree may be seen
on application.
Sprillg Goods.
1 have jnst received my
First Shipment of
Spring Prints
Dress Goods. Cottons,
Cottonades, Flannelettes and
Shirtings are Complete.
Be wise, and Economize your
Time, Husband your Strength,
and increase your Pleasure by
Skene's Teas & Coffees
Which are the Best and Par
est in the Market.
All the beet Brands of Canned
Goods and Pure Spices.
We will not be Undersold.
r'Butter and Eggs Wanted.
. 'Certain in its a0'ects and never blisters.
Bead proofs below:
Dr.DorbO, CarmaaLHea501a0n 0o:, lit, Fo0.24,'50.
Dear Sire—Please send mo ono or your Horse
Kendaandll'sSh ShamaEurocess of your
Kondall's SOavrn Cure with good success • It is a
wonderful medicine. I five bottles a mare her.
liners It Spavin n h and ova betties oared her, 1
10005) a bottle on liana all the time,
Youretruly, Clue, POWELL.
Dr. B, J Rraadr�Oo, 00,208,Ho., Apr.; '90,
Dear Sire—I have used several bottles or your,
think 1t tb boot Liniment I toverr 8884, Success. e re
mooedone Curb, uno Brood Sparc" and Wiled
two Bono Spnvine. Have recommended it to
several of my Wends who are much pleased with
and keep it. Beapeothllty,
S. It, RAT, P. 0, Boxrts,
Por Sale by all Druggists, or address
Dr. 13. J. IC.DNDAZZ OO>t£P.NT,
Interest the young people at ]tome in the
long evenings by procuring one or
more of the Following
Popular Games:
Catapult, Croquet,
Whirlpool, Halms,
Flips, Lotto,
Checkers, Fish Pond,
Dominoes, Authors,
Bagatelle, farmers at the Fair
Cut up Punic Pictures, &e.
All of these may
be had at
P ST Bookstore,
Post Bookstore,
I1t'Aa, 8, 18.96
Groce Stc?�
Cppooito tea Queon'o Hotel, Brussels,
A Pull Stock of Fresh Groceries, Flour, Bread,
(Crockery and Glassware always on hand
Produce taken .at.
cid •�ILglvest Market Prices ars
Exchc ,,e, but no Credit gbven.
Commissions of all kinds
Promptly 1tly Exe GOODS DELIVERED
omombor the Bread. C osl.ioa
pp to the Life of billing'
Special Bargains TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS of each week,
Poultry Wanted when the weather is • '
'stead DryPicked laked n
and not Drawn.'
100, 200 and 300 Pages.
Great Values in Bibles,
Albums and Toy Books.
The balance of our stock
of Hand -sleighs at a Out
Price to clear them out.
Post Bookstore.
New Wall Papers.
10,000 Rolls to Choose from,
Prices to Suit Purchaser.
Lovely Patterns from 5o. up.
Elegant Borders to match
at Half the usual Price.
Beautiful sets in Sintelare and Embossed
Silks suitable for Drawing Rooms, &c.
Call in and see them. A discount of
10 per cent. on all goods purchased
between now and March,lst.
W. Roddick,
B±USS ] S.
"Footprints .
On the Sands
Of Time.". .
Looking at them closely it is not hard to be-
lieve that some of them might have been made by
ants, so very small their stop and so crooked their
way ; excitable little creatures that with all their
flurry never seem to get anywhere in particular,
and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn-
ing aside from obstacles. Others again, in the
great length of their stride, remind one , of the
mighty jump of the kangaroo. They are evidently.
getting somewhere, and on reflection it oceurs,to
the observer that these must be the tracks of those
shrewd merchants who 'got there' by jumping from
one advertisement in Tun I313ussl;,z,s Post to anoth-
er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides, these
beautiful lines of the poet come to minds
Footprints that perhaps another
Sailing o'er life's troubled main,
Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother
Seeing may take heart again.