HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-8, Page 511 AR. 8, 1S9 THE 13 LS POST 4'3tuelr John felemon returra$'d from Trout Creek twat week,, C, Debacle, of Sourie, ) anitoba, visited friends here last wook, Will. Routley is ceuilned to thol house this week with rheumatism, Swor meat was dispensed n the Pr esbyterlan church last Sabbath. fir The Mechanists' Institute intends par- ohesipg more new books this month. 4, Thanksgiving eervioe woe held iA the x'reabyyberiat church last Sabbath evening. J. 0. Heffernan }tae purchased a hotel in Muskoka end will wi remove thorn with his family at once, The special serviooe in the Methodist ohuroh are still in progress. The result est far hoe been very aatiafaotory. "WIn rhnon. A horse feir will be held in Wingham op Friday, March l5th. Rev. D. Perris and Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Harrieton, exchanged pulpits on Sun- day. ohn and David Cargill, of Duluth, eons of John Cargill, of this pleas, are home, Their father oontinuee in exceed- . ingly ill health, and the boys came home' en this account. Between the culvert at the foot of Ourrie'e hill on the road to Whiteohuroh, and the crossing between the Kent block end Exchange hotel, Wingham, there are 205 pitoh.holes. 9 stage from Port Elgin brought the mail from that point, Tiverton, Kin. sardine, and intermediate pointe on Mon. day of last week. It kept the olerke in the Wingham olSoe busy until 4 o'olook, Tuesday morning sorting the mase of lettere and papere. Leadburw. A good number qt the youth and beauty of the surrounding country spent a very pleaeant time at a dancing party at Arch. Clark's on Monday evening. Everything Wae favorable for a, good dance, a new floor in the house, good music, pretty girls and mannerly young men. Things went along briskly antil about 4 in the morning, when all prepared for home feeling well satisfied with the night's amusement. • MAri rortm .—A. large number of peo ple assembled at the reeidenoe of Mre. J. Stimobr, 12th con„ on Wednesday, 27th ult., to witness the marriageofher dangh- ter, Mies Mary. James Bell, jr„ a high• ly reepeoted young farmer of the same neighborhood, was the man in question. The Lutheran minister of Broadhagen performed the necessary ceremony at o'- olook in: the evening. When all had par- taken of a well prepared supper, every• thing was soon put in readiness for the entertainment of the company, and Bev. era! hours were spent very enjoyably by both old and young. A.e a customary sign of respect, the bride was made the recipient of a great many presents, useful and ornamental. It may be' of interest to mention that among some of the most conspicuous guests present were R. A. McKee, J. J. Irvine, Robb. Gray and others. Assuming that another event of this nature will ooeur close by in the near future, the party all left for their respect. ive homes about 8 o'clock in the morning, after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Bell a long. happy life together. Lila towel. A Young Men's Liberal Club has been organized here. The well known Emerald Trio held a series of very suoceesfal meetings in town last week in the interests of the Royal Tempters of Temperanoe. Miss Aitobeson has purchased the stook and plant of Weleh'e restaurant and fruit stand on Wallace street and removed her stook of fruits and groceries to the new stand. The father of Rev. J. H. Fairlie, the new incumbent of Christ ohuroh, Listo- wel, died near Brantford on Feb. 18th. Rev. ?Jr. Fairlie was in attendance at the funeral previous to his arrival in town. Convenient knd oommodioue Liberal committee rooms have been fitted tip in a variant store on Wallace street formerly oconpied by Wm. Buck ae a furniture store and these will be the Liberal head. quarters for the town during the cam- H paten. The officers of the Christian Workers Congregational ohuroh are :—President, Her. Mr. Hopkin ; Viae. -Pres, the Pres', denteof all aseooiatione ; Reo.•Seo., S. I{ilgour; Oor..Seo•, W. J. Benniug; Treas., Geo. Buswell About 12 o'clock on Tuesday 25th, nit„ ae Chris. Clemente, well known about town, was about to descend from thi'a roof above McKenzie Bros. tailor shop land wan looking down, intending to jump, the ice gave way. taking him along. He fell about 20 feet striking his aide on a large piece of sharp edge ice. He was helped into McKenzie's shop when every. thing was done for his comfort. In about half an hour he was aaaieted borne where he was well attended to. Dan. MoDenald bee token the position of stark in W. Wood's store for a Abort time, another Beeson. tsAeea eet ing Wag bore d laet.Satnrdav evening when shares were tellien and other errangeeneute made. The poelponed entertainment in con, Petition with the lnveniie Temple hero Will bo held on li'rid*Y. March 8th, 411 are w al o 0 ma. The h program i p gi m w ll consist of mueip, recitations and speeohee, I31,1'ttr, Inepgotor Paisley, of Clinton, wee in town on Saturday. Holy Oemmunion waa administered in Trinity oburo n h o Sunday u morning. knee Annie Hamilton of Bruefield, was visiting under the parental roof on Sunday, Owing to the bad state of the roads, business of all kinde is very dull In this burg at preaent. 4.t the nomination held in Industry hall for another councillor, Jag. MoGee was elected by acclamation, Our monthly cattle and horse fair wee held en Tuesday. Owing to the bed roads the attendanoe was not vary large. Chas. Howe, of Morrie, purchased the private residenee of ex -banker, J. E. Tanner, (ideated on Diosley street, for over 51200. Our merchants are complying with the agreement which they signed by glueing their shops at 8 o'olopk in the evening except Saturdays. On Friday a railway detective was here bunting up some property whish was stolen out of one of the oars at the station lately, but could get no track of it. On. Thursday of last week the remains of the late Wm. Tucker, formerly of this team, bah latterly a resident n£ Wingbam, passed through here to be deposited in the family plot in the Union cemetery, eras nbrook. Mre, Fred. Price returned to the Queen's city last Friday. A. McNair ppnrohased a Sne driving horse from G. K. Matheson, of Mitchell, last week. Francis Ennis, who bas been visiting at home for the past. two months, left on Monday for Neepawa. There was no service in Knox ohnr last Sabbath on account of sacrament b ing dispensed at Ethel. Mies Annie Slemmon, having $niche her. College education, returned home from Toronto last week. Faizwzrm.—A large party of young people of the village assembled at the residence of Valentine Siemon, on Tue day evening of this week, to bid adieu t Wm. Siemon, who is about to take h departure from us, having received a situ ation at Fallarton Corners. The evenin was very pleasantly spent playing gam and other amusements, this program b ing interspersed with songs from differ ant members of the party, selections the dulcimer by Jake Siemon, .recitation and an address by Henry Siemon, and short address and sentimental solo Otto Schnook. The party broke u about 4:80 a. m. and after bidding far well to Wm. all returned to their respect ive homes well pleased with the evening' fun. Wm, will be greatly missed by th young ladies of this vicinity, with whom be was a general favorite. Smoot, RDronv,—The following report of S. S. No. 7, Grey, contains the names of four pupils in each class obtaining the bighest percentage in written and oral work for the month o£ February, 1895 : ROOM 1, A magio lahtero exhibition of Sal rotten Army work for the benefit of Toronto Iteepue name waa given in the Town Hall .Friday evening A fair audionoe wee in attendance, The enterDaicme,tt waa pronounced good, The Ladies' Literary of theBowLeague wag attended with the gram enporse of any League gather ing yet h The Leagues Of Bgimore and Salem w largely r a ge y epre anted. An exoolleut gram waa rendered by the 'Adige of Society, Mise Leckieopcupyine the ch At the conclusion of the program company was favored with an abund lunch. A hearty vote of thanks was dared the ladles. Mrd, Wblte and daughter purpoee re - Molting to Brussels. They field their farm stook, 40., last weak. porelbr oIllurltamth lbull 4 if atdths ale of +Toho Andoradn, P'iaeb Wawanoeh. orth harry Jaokepn bad a bee laet Mondry test hauling brink hem Breseole for the new old, 'reeidenoe he purposes emoting. ere CLOSE Don ,,-.As James M. Martin was pros going to Bruseele last Monday morning the with a load of wood lie mune nearly being air, naught by the accommodation train going the North while creating the traok at George ant Kerr'''. Tide road has been in use this tea- winter to avoid the pitch holes on the gravel and an there are high snow betake where the roadway hoe been shovelled out Mr, Martin did not know hie danger be mobil he got on the crossing when to his dismay he saw the rapidly npproaobipg 11, train not more than six rode away, rm With' all baste he put for the gate and hie sleigh oleared the trapk just in time was to avoid a smash. ray RDsOnT 8, 8, No. 5Feb, in .-,Standinof g of pep. h ng Claeila s—Robb. Curry, asSenioor 4th --Alton a Wheeler, Ann Speir, Margaret Yuiil, Herbert Wheeler, Joe. Parker, Sam, Mo- es ()molten, Wm. Knox. Junior 4th—Fred. er Keilington, Jos. Yuill, Willie Wilson, Henry Wheeler, Regie •Watson, Ann ,n Davis, Minnie Cameron, Gilbert Speir, v. Allan Miller, Lottie Wateon, Ann Cantlon, Fred. Stephenson, Kate Blank, Mary la Michie, Milton Curry. Third Cbtse— at Russell Wheeler, Bert Watson; Ernie Wheeler, Jae. Miller, Nellie Wilson, Alice n,, Douglas, Willie Oantlon. Senior 2nd— ea Aggie Spain, Wesley Stephenson, Joe. be Hanna, Jno. Oloakey, Annie Speir, Stan• ley Wheeler. Junior 2nd—Louie Onle, John Douglas, Robt. Douelae, Willie be Douglas. Senior let—Andy Miller, Alex. the Stewart, Guetie Wheeler. Junior let— es• Lennie Wheeler, Ernie Cole. M. Sono=L RDPORT,—Theffollow following Teacher. the t); standing of the pupils. in 8, S. No.. 4, ,o. Morris, s000rding to number of marks er obtained during the month of February : 5th class—Taylor Pipe, Frank Oloakey ; le Sr. 4th, A.--Ettfe Davie, Robt. Maun. a, dere, Lyon Pipe, Millard Cardiff ; Sr. a 4th, B.—Simon Forsythe, Walter Barrie, t John Sharpe ; Jr. 4th—Norah Maunders, ✓ Jae. Sharpe, Jas. Donnelly, Ida Mooney, Earnest Maunders, Lillie Sharpe, Maggie a MoOntoheon, Harry Mooney, Geo. Can diff, Geo. Barrie, Willie Cloakey, Lulu A, Davis, Hugh Forsythe, Maud Hoggerd, h Lillian Mooney ; Jr. 3rd—John Petah, d John Cloakey, Joe Petah, Willie Jobns- a ton, Geo. Innes, Jas. Innes, Bertie Mose; Sr. 2nd—Rlohard• Cardiff, David Mo- • Cntoheon, Earnest Mooney, Milton Sharpe, Myrtle Nichol, Joh Moss ; Jr. o 2nd --Joe Mo0utobeoo, Pearl Pipe, Bar- e the Niobol, Geo. Davis, Jimmy Hogaard; of Sr. Part 2nd—Nelson Maunders, David Walker, Charlie Barrie, Mabel Niohol, Willie Ames, Willie Flatt, Lizzie Davie ; Jr. Part 2nd—Carrie Speir, Minnie Walker, Mabel Pipe. Mrae HALLroAY, Teacher. Owen Sound Times :—"Arrested at 9 a. m., tried, oonvicted, committed, Maar- aerated, given haircut, shave and bath, clothed in prison garb and breaking stone before 11:15 was the experience of a pris- oner yesterday morning. "Jnatioe dis- patched with dispatch" would be a good Grey township Council meeting will held next Tuesday,l26h inst. Henry Smelldon has leased the W liem Wilson farm, Oth eon., for a to of years. Mise Emma Rozell, of Atwood, visiting her uncle, Chas. Rozell, of G township. Gideon Perry has been undergoi treatment for ,nueoular rheainatiem by Chicago specialist, Mise Dolly Beaker, of Brussels, w vieiting Mies Caroline Ziegler and oth aoquaintancee last week. A milk route has keen arranged fro Morriebank looality to Breesels factor Robert Rae will do the hauling. A little bird Celle us that everything not running as smoothly aa is might Turnbull's school, 16th concession. Mise Raohel Roe's health does not i prove ae guiokly as her many frien would desire but we hope she will Boon oonvalesoent, Teacher Stewart footed it from Bin vale last Sunday evening fearing. that t storm would saute the cancellation of trains on Monday, He's quite a ped train. We regret to bear that Tlioe. Oalde 12th con., is in a very poor state othegl and his triode are anxious about hi It ie to be hoped a change for the bett will goon set in, Mre. Duncan Taylor and Mies Nogg are in Toronto where the former is u dergoing treatment fora tumor at th nide of her neck. We hope the bene& expected will be attained. Mr. Taylo went to the oity on Thursday. ah Bert. Hill left this weak for Oriltf e. Simooe Co., where he will learn the tin emitbiog. His brother -in law, H. d Slater, ie a resident of that town, whio by the way, is one of the nicest situate places in the Province of Ontario. To PoeT wiehee Mr. Hill success. Smoot Rzzroitr.—The following is th s. report for the month of February in 8 O S. No. f, Grey. Names are given i is order of merit :—Primary—Maggi Switzer, Tesaie Switzer,; Publio Sohoo Leaving—Nellie Switzer, Maggie Calder, game • Samuel Orerar, Jamee Calder, Bella Mo- e- Nabb ; 4th class—Peter Ritchie, John Blake, Duncan Meet/Dem, Daniel Glee. on Bier, Jamee Ritchie, Percy Mitchell, e Maggie Cardiff ; 8rd olase—L. Blake, E. a Cardiff, 8ggie Calder, • W. MOKay, R. by Davidson, W. Armstrong, M. Cardiff, J. p Davidson, J. Hollinger, L. Hollinger, R. a. Ellis, A. Switzer ; 2nd olase-0. Arm. - strong, E. Resell, J. Crerar,D. Devideon, s F. Blake. A. McKay, E. Rozell ; let e titans—Willie Glassier, W. Switzer, Geo. Sr. 2nd—Willie Alderson, Roy Small. don, Lynn Mitchell, Minerva Ennis ; Jr. 2nd—Russell Zimmer, TdaFulton, Cover- dale McDonald, Minnie Cameron ; Sr. Part 2nd—Willie Seel, Nelson Knight, Effie Fox, Janie Love ; Jr. Part 2nd— Minnie Smalldon, Mina MoRae, Etta Smalldou. Willie Forrest ; Sr, lab—Jas. McNichol, N of Flossy a seal. Alfred i y M tohell Jr. lst—Willie Long, James Carter. Average attendance for the month of February, 26. MIee ELLA MOLocrn , Teacher. ROOtt 2. Sr. 5th—Chao. Bothwell, Robert Brown, David MoNair, Tilde McRae ; Jr. 5th— Harvey Hunter, Dan, Steias ; Sr. 4th— Joe Its mann, Thomas McRae, Simon itchell, Wm. Cameron ; Jr. 4th—Dan. uetlier, Wm. Dohme, Maggie Brown, John Kreuter ; • Sr. 8rd—Alvin Cameron, izzie MoKay, Christina /Nether, Albert Foereter ; Jr. 8rd—Mabel Zimmer, Min. tie Buttery, Edith Mitchell and Minnie Knight, equal, Susan McNeil. Average attendance for the month of February, 41. A. W. WYNw, Principal. Mole,aworth. Mra. Jamee Brown is improving in health. Mr. Fraser, of Ethel, spent Sunday in our village. Bob, Steveneou, of Listowel, wag in town this week. Mise Lily' Ainley, of Brume's, was the guest of Mre. W. T. McKee. Itev. lir, Robinson purposes commenc- ing a aeries of .sermons on the seven cherishes of Asia. • WxAT Tina SAT :—The roade are int. proving both North and South.—Our' village proving, dangerously near Sodom. Don't forget the lecture in the Presby. terienchurch this Friday, Maroh 815, Musio, readings, and recitations will be given. 0olleetion will be taken up. The communion service was held in the Presbyterian ohuroh lust Sabbath and a large congregation listened to the pastor's addrete taken from the story of the Jewish paeeover. (IN2'Dxnion Pon LAST wmmx.) Mae Maggie Sangster is spending a couple of weeks in Listowel, bur Mies A. Glass, of Seaforth, is visiting r 13ra her tansin, Mre. A, McKee. Geo. Wood, of Neepawa, Manitoba, ie the guest of his obtain, W. Wood. Alex. Campbell wan visiting his uncle, Sam. Loughoad, foo it few days this Week. It. 0. Annie, of Neepawa, called on 'a few old Manitoba Monde here thie week. The new store in our Village will goon be in full working order as new geode aro arriving daily, 4�1•oxerter. Mre. W.E. Kerr and son returned from a visit to Oakville on Saturday evening. Mise Jeanie Mo'grove and Mise Effie Reid, of Essex Co., are Visiting, friends in this vicinity. Mre. Sanderson, of Mill street, ie hav- ing stone hauled to put a oellar and atone foundationunder her House. Oliver' Smith le oompleting his rest. donne on Howiok avenue. It will be a unique establishment when finished. Wm. Westley has moved his tam* to Thomas Evans' farm. Conrad Straw, the former occupant, has removed to Clifford. The Epworth League of Salem Metho- dist nhurob are arranging for a grand tea meeting to be held Thursday, March 1.4t13. A good time le expected. The Missionary anniversary of the Methodist ohuroh is announced for Son. day, March 24th. Rev, J, H, Hazlewood, of King Street, Ingersoll, will of elate. Consecration meeting was held Sunday evening in connection with the 'Epworth League, Mre. John Bray having charge. A large gathering and great enthusiasm gives promise of good work for the future, R. McMichael, John McTavish and "Rise Christina MoTavieb left on Friday for the Canadian Northwest. Mies Mc• Tavieh will spend some time visiting her Meter, Mrs. Hamilton, of Dolphin Lalte, A quiet wedding was solemnized at the reeidenoe of Toa. Hall, Beltnore, on Thnreday, Feb. 2815, the oontraoting parties being 1tobt. McRae, of 'warrens, g, N. Y., and Mise Emma Hall, of ntford. Rev. W. E. Kerr omoiated. A painfui aooident bald Wrn. Sebert, a young man employed at Mre, Gallaher's, on Wednesday of last week. He waa en. deev0ring to split e, tough block .when the axe glanced and struck his foot a little in front of the ankle, 'A terrible wound was initiated which will make him a prisoner to the house for some weeks to come, Five etitobee were needed to draw the gaping Wound together. Blake, Nina Armstrong, Bessie Davidson Robt. Elliott, Willie Farquharson, Elton Rozell, Willie Clark, Annie Dickson, Edith Blake. 1?. H. STswam, Teacher. D1413.—Last Friday morning an old resident of the lath aon., in the person of Thomas Teller, paeeed away to his long home, at the ripe age of nearly 82 years. His wife, one eon, (William.) and one daughter (Mrs. Jas. McDonald) survive him. Deceased was a native of Roxboro - shire, Scotian ";and was united in mar- riage to Mise.i. ibella Cowan, his now bereft partner, over 50 years ago. In 1855 Mr. Telfer and family oame-to Can- ada, living for a year in McKillop town. ehip and then moving to the 16th of Grey, where they have etnae resided. The subject of this notice was a Presbyterian in religion, a staunch Liberal in politics and a worthy and highly esteemed citi- zen. He had been ill for about four months from paralysis, but previous to that had enjoyed the vary best of health. Mre. Telfer ie about 76 years of age and is suite hearty. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, Rev. David For- rest, of Walton, conducting the service. Tire interment was made at Brussels oemetery. Mrs. Telfer is deeply sympa- thised with in her loneliness, Morris'. Win. Michie er., ie oonfiaed to the house by a severe cold. Jamee Forrest is still very low. His many friends are anxious about him. Will. Tnrvey injured his knee with a saw. We hope to see him around soon. Mies Minnie Sitters has returned home after a week's visit with friends in Blyth. Sam. Irvine will not require a obore boy after this Winter as the 2nd Samuel has arrived. A, G. Easom has moved an to Mr. Baines' farm, which he has rented for a term of years. A. K. MaAllieter had a party on Friday eveeiug and all enjoyed themselves with taffy, stove polish, sto. Robert J. Cantlon, of Winnipeg, son of P. Gentian, of this township, is visiting' friends in old Huroo at present. An illustrated lecture was given in the Methodist ohuroh, Belgrave, on Monday night of I.hie week, by Mr. Sooboll, in aid of Salvation Army mieeione. We ere informed that James Kelly, 7th line, ban purohaaed the old Gorman farm on the 8th line. The price le said to be 54,200, the farm eontaining 100 agree, Lizzie Michie, who is staying with her grandparents in Turnberry, spent a few days at home this week. She wee ac- companied by her unole, Jobe Kirton. Chris. Mollie has reoeived a liberal offer for his serviooe as herdsman et Suneyeide Farm, the property of James Hunter, Alma, Ont. Re has, however, declined the offer. The rumor that James Hall had sold his farm is entirely without foundation, Robbie Cantlon, of Petrolea, is visiting hie uncle, Peter Camden, and other' riends in this township. Geo. Parker left with a number of fine horses for the Old Country on Thursday of this week. Robert Young, jr., also went as an assistant. We wish Mr, Parker nooses in tide hie new venture, On Saturday evening of last week as Will. Brooch was returning home from Bruaseis along the 8rd lino he got off the sleigh to Welk and the team went off on the trot which aeon brought them into oonteet with another sleigh in the swamp at the railway track. No damage done aegn to stiok up over the police court doors here." CHANGE BUSINESS ! 1 HAVE REMOVED To the Store South of the Wooden Factory Where T have opened out a Nicely AssorteStock of very Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds, Series, Cheviots, Overcoatings t;bnd Pantinfs, Which are all Extra Choice and will be sold at as close a margin as pos- sible. Note a few of the Prices :— All Wool Suits from $10 00 to $20 00 " Pants from 3 00 to 6 00 " Overcoats 12 00 to 18 00 All Garments Cut in the very Latest Style, or in any manner you may desire, and Trimmed and made in such a way as will give complete satisfaction, The Patronage of the Public solicited. Jn0 1VIeBi sn, Fashionable Tailor. Store South of Woollen Factory, BRUSSELS. ONLY 2 WEEKS MORE Gr2a1 Cbi111 Sale of Wiillu Goods A. McGowan & Co's In addition to the Goods Already Advertised we have passed into stock New Prints, fast colors, at 5c per yard worth. 8c and 1.Oc. Pure• Indigo Prints, 32 inches wide, at 100 per yard worth 121c. LACE CURTAINS. It is not too early, to talk of New Lace Curtains for Spring. We have an immense assortment ranging from 28c per pair. New Carpets in limps, Unions and Tapestry. We have them so cheap the wonder is how they are manufactured for the money. you want a Carpet for Spring call and inspect them. It will pay you. NEW SHOES. See the line of Glove Grain Ladies' Bals. we are selling for $1.00 worth $1.50. Ladies' Tan Oxfords, .whole stook at 95c., worth $1.25. Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, Turned, for $11.55, worth $1.60. Compare our Prices with others and you will find that you can save looney by dealing with us. If �. NoGOWAN & CO., Garfield Block Brussels. UTAt Highest Price paid for Farm Produce._,_,'