HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-1, Page 5Alt. 1, 1895 '1' l!', l3 R. II !aid ictus, Wa n. lbo Jae, , McDonald reprseented the A, 0. U W, of hie place at the Grand Lodge. held in Toronto last week, Lle has quite an experience getting home on account of the unow blooltttde. The saoranteut of the Lord's supper Will he dispensed in Duff's oburob next Sabbath. Rev, T, W. Dorene, of Walton. Methodist ohuroh, will preach at the pre. Watery rervioe op Friday at 2.300'0100k, Wood is getting source in toy/ and Borne are goidg out after it. You bad better reit up the track next time, though it is po use for feel, but it looks bad in "the morning, Why not send the boys out to out Borne 7. (%ratan roo li. John Cameron left this week on a visit to relatives at Relnbeok, Iowa. He will be away for a month or eo. Some folks are wondering if John has gone aftera wife, The funeral of the late. Mrs. Wanner, of Ethel, pulsed through Oranbrook on Wednesday afternoon on the way to Brus- sels cemetery. It came this way to avoid the pith!) boles on the gravel road North and South of Brussels. It is reported that an effort will. be made to arrange telephonic connection between bare and Brussels. At one time it was stated that the Telepbooe Com. pony would put up the wire and plane an instrument Here if the people in this sea Minn would supply the necessary posts required to their lino on the 10th oonoe- sion. It would certainly be a great con- venience to our citizens and the residents of this locality to have an oleos in Oran - brook -and the coat of doing our share of the 'work would".not amount' to much. Somebody ought'" to take hold of this question and boom it. Ex -Deputy Dames would make a good leader. Bluevalse. A. Bruce ie on the eiok list this week. Rev, J. Pring is able to be out again. Cutting and drawing lee is the order this week. Mrs. McPherson was visiting in Wing - ham this week. George Bugg, of Harriaton, is visiting friends in town. Mies Emma Jones lett for her home in Walkerton on Thursday. Mrs. Hof3nrdy, we are sorry to report, fe very poorly at present, There was a Salvation Army soldier in the village on Wednesday. Mr, Viner is conducting revival servi- ces in the Methodist oburob. Mr. Timmins and his son, Fulton, were calling on old friends this week. John McDonald, hotel keeper, bas t rented the hotel for another year. A. B. Jackson was visiting his Baugh - ter, Mrs. Charlie Leech, of Detroit, last week. Mrs. Joe Pagh arrived home on Satur- day, being storm.steyed for several days in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. White, of Glenalleo, were the gueste'of F. Scott last week, also Mr. and Mrs. Coteford and Mr. Scott, of Clinton. IKoleLaworth. H. Bonnett is slowly recovering. Miss M. Soott has returned to her home in Jamestown. May Reynolds is renewing aogoaiat. armans in ehia vicinity. Azad 0 of Ethelgpeoplesun epa nt as Y evening our village. in A. P. McKee is rejoicing in the intro- duction of a young son into his family. Another pall has been accepted by the Gladstone Carry All Troupe, this time to• Listowel; Mre. Hennessey, daughter of James Vance, left moan* for her home in British Columbia. On Tuesday evening at the Manse, Molesworth, by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, George Gibson to Mrs. P, Morrin. A. public meeting was held in the Orange Hall, Molesworth, last week, for the purpose of ascertaining the minds of the people with regard to telephone con. motion with Listowel. P. Crerar, captain of the Eastern Checker Club, challenged W. T. McKee, captain of the Western Club, to play on Monday evening, Feb. 11, at Fernedale Cottage. The challenge was accepted and the following is the result of game :— won won drawn W.T. MoKee 5 A.M•Pattereon 0 0 S. Brown 8 H. R. Spence 2 0 J'no. Sharpin 0 J. L. McKee 4 1 G. 17. McKee 3 Peter Crerar 2 0 11 8 1 Atwood. Mre. Aaron Jones has been very ill and little encouragement is entertained for her recovery. J. G. Robertson has leased his store and bake oven to a Mr. Kirkwood, of Loudon, who will engage in the bakery business, commsnoing March let. Mrs. Wm. Lineham and children left for,horne, at Dewdney, N. W. T., last week. Mire Nettie Hummaeon moons - panted her. J. A. Klump hoe pnrohaeed the babel). er shop and slaughter house from Henry Smith for a consideration. The Messrs. Brown, tbs present teoants, will ivied up I their basher 'Vm. Wilson, 8th 000., was driving a load of loge to the Gotham milts, when one of his horses stumbled and broke one of its front loge. The animal being worthless with the broken limb, it was destroyed. It was aged beast and will prove a serious loss to Mr. Wilson. Mise Ida Pelton, of Wingham, deliver. ed an address before the 'Baptist Young People's Union on "Missionary Work among the Indians of our Northwoet.". Mies Pelton, who labored among the In- diane last Sumrnor, spoke with consider- able authority, and her address was listened to with interest and profit. Some of our exchanges are indulging in more or less tall talk of late over big trees Alleged to have been cut in their respect• ive neighborhoods, bub none of them oan equal the tree Alex, Thompson and brother Will out up on their father's farm, on the 0th con, of Elms. The trunk meaeured three feet in diameter, and the top out was one foot through. The big hemlock was nut into six lengths, three of which were fourteen feet, two twelve feet, and one ten feet long, making a total of 76 feet in log lengths. The tree measures over 100 feet in height. There %as six feet of waste at the butt end, which is not taken into consider• ation in the abovb measurement. The loge represent 1,682 feet of lurcher. It hoe 00 turned out that the Meek mare and buggy withal .h'. 0. Blakely eold to Mr. grubber, of I7lmft, is the property of t til aD n o wld the t t 1 t. , r rn� Grand y d 'Palley Blakely had hued the hone and rig, but had forgotten to return it, Mr, lkioDpnald oerne op and took the MOM home with him. It was a oath of taking law by the forelock, 8,0 there was a suit pending between Grubber and Blakely reepeoting the ownership of the stoles property, and Mr, MuDonald'e Notion will relieve both parties of further trouble and expense, Thor. Gibson, 111.', P, P., wife and daughter, are in Toronto, the former at. tending W. E to �Iijprr and wife adutiee in the ttended the Epworth League TYConvention at Toronto at week, k a Visit to Mrs. Kerr's former .home, Oak• villa. Wroxeter ourlere take a front seat on records this year, as out of 75 games played they were winnerein 51. The boys' were treated to a complimentary supper lust week, at which a program of impromptu addresses, music, ,2o., was given. 4. select and enthnsiastio audience at- tended the meeting of the Geologioal Section of the Canadian Institute this Friday evening in Toronto to listen to a of Wroxeter, upon "TheGibson, of On. tario," The may dwelt exhotustively with that vast stretolx' of land lying be. tween the great lakes and Radiant Bay, and covering an area of 140,000 equate miles, with its illimitable resources of amber and mineral and extensive tracts of excellent agricultural land. The geographioal, agrioultural, and geological aspeote of the subjects were dealt with in concise form, the essayist presenting all that is at present known of that interest. ing part of the Province. The paper was disowned by many members present and M. Gibson was warmly congratu- lated on the ability it displayed. Ethel. J. Rernsworah and E. Cober spent Sun- day at Clinton. Mise Peacock, of Jamestown, is visiting bar eider, Mre. Patterson. Will. Newcombe is somewhat dieebled this week by a boil on bis neck. Rev. W. J. Waddell attended the Ep. worth League Convention in Toronto this week. The milk router have been let for the Ethel factory and the proepsote for the coming season are good. It is expected that at next Conference Ethel and Henfryn will be separated and made two district charges as formerly, only that the latter will become salt. sustaining. Eaob pastor will have three appointments constituting two very com- fortable oirouits. One of our young men was delayed by the storm one night last week and did nob make his return trip until the next morning. We suppose he would rather like being storm -stayed. Why not have' a snow plow of your own Bob and not have to depend on the railway company. Gem.—Early Monday morning the silent boatman conveyed the spirit of Irs. was not Henry Wanner e nun xpeoted event to the r ash she had hovered very close to the border land for several days. Deceased was a daugh- ter of the late Henry Green ; wee born in Grey township, and was united in mar- riage to her e now bereft t husband about 14 ' .yeare ago. For over a year she had been troubled with dyspepsia, followed by stomach fever, pleurisy and inflammation. During her illness of four and a half weeks she was very patient and was con- soione to the last, fearing not to put her whole trust in the Saviour. Mrs. Wan- ner leaves, in addition to her partner in life, three children. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon Rev. D. B. MoRes, of whose church deoeaeed was a consistent and faithful member, con. ducted the service. Mr. Wanner and relatives are deeply eympabhized with in their bereavement. W. Knowles, the trapper, has been on the Mak list. Afro. John Smith, 6th line, bas been seriously ill during the past week. Mise Lizzie Maunders is attending the millinery openings at Toronto this week, In a number of places in the township the badly drifted roads have been given the go by and a switch off made through the fields. John Forsyth, who has been poorly for some =lathe, is not regaining hie strength as quickly as hie many friends would wisb. Mies Scott is borne.. from Saginaw, where she was visiting, Mrs. Barrie is also here from Petrolea visiting her fatb• er, who is ill. Chris. Miohie, of this township, gave an excellent paper last Tuesday at the Par• mere' Institute, Gerrie, on "Breeding and Feeding Sheep." Ilia week John Robb, 6th line, par- chased a thoro' bred young bull from the well known breeder, Jamas Broadtoot, Tuoksrsmith, Mr. Robb got the animal home on Wednesday of this week. Singe the gravel road became so full of pitoh.boles a road .bas been made through the fields from the 8rd line to mese s, going through Geo. Hender- son's, Robb; and Mao. aurrfs's, and Geo, Kerr's. Those who travel Ibis road bonld not forget to leave 5 cents on the gate post. HvataNa.u. A correspondent from E3oward, Kansas, writes :—Tbere was married at her father's residence here on ebruary 5th, Bessie H. Leer, to the ev. D. IYToLeod„ M. A„ Viotoria Bal. oral, Manitoba. Mier Lees is the laird daughter of Andrew Lees, for many ears a resident in Morris, but removed o Kansas about ten years ago. Rev. r. McLeod is a native of Ross -shire, ootland, and a graduate of Aberdeen nivereity. He came to Canada about ghteen months since and did some miesion work in the territoriee, but is ow settled over the congregation of the reahyterian ohuroh at Victoria and mules, Manitoba, The wedding was a nisi one, only the family and a few in- mate friends were present. After the remony, gracefully performed by Mr, eel, Preebyterian minister of Howard, e guests were entertained to a splendid, most,a sumptuous supper, Mies Lees bared herself to all her Mende here her kindly ways and her loving, rietian dieposition, and ie followed to r new home by the best wisher of all o know her. Mr. and Mrs, lffoLeod t for Manitoba on Monday, 11th alt. F 11 M S U el P D ti as- St th al en by Oh he wh lef John Parhios, of Seefarth, vent Iasi/ week vielting at' Ton. ,ireleudl'b ou the Urd line.. M erre m k n ^- x, Onal rf t atm. as dfRita). and Rands, of Smith Dakotay , formpr erly of this township, wee married to Mies Cat•. rib Moggb,•of that locality, and they have , ret uphpuekeeping on their own nn. coast, It is 15 yegre ei.105 Mr, 'Mande went West. ' We send our egngratcla. tions, Although a little late, they are none the 1eo omen. , Wsnnrno Barrs,—Tice oorlmodione residence of George greening, of 'Mar. tie, was the scene of a very happy gather. ing on Wednesday evening, 15th inst., when his eeeond daughter, Mise Johanna, was united in marriage to Thomas Sloan, an estimable young farmer of the tame township. Rev. Geo. Beggin, of Blyth, was the officiating olorgymen. The bride was aeeieted by Mire Maggie Sloan, sister of the groom, while the groom wag supported by Ed, Hraehling, brother of the bride. The bride was beautifully attired in ()roam sae hmere, trimmed with lane the bridesmaid also wore cream cashmere. After the sere. mony, the wedding party and the in. vited guests, to the number of about 60, partook of a sumptuous wedding supper. The remainder of the evening was devoted to games and aooial amuse- ment and a /lost enjoyable time was spent by all. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents, testifyingto the esteem in which the is held by a large Wrote of friends, Sha was a member of the Methodist ohuroh choir, who were all present, and one of the most pleasing incidents of the even- ing was the, presentation by the choir of a magnificent Bible, accompanied by the SBLS PST Gaal Cleriug She for 30 Days McGowan &Via's GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSETaS. We do not believe in carrying a Dollar of Winter Goods over and in order to clear fore arrival of Spring purchases we have decided to offer all Prices that are sure lo clear them out, Note some of ourlPri Winter sGoods at MEN'S UNDERWEAR. lie - 3 doz. Men's all wool Scotch Knit Shirts and Drawers, regular price $1.25 to clear 17 doz. Men's all wool Sco%ch Knit Shirts and Drawers,r ' fL �1.1p' to clear at 85o.81.20, $1.15, $1.10 and $1,00, qdoz. Mens' Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 90e., 85c., 80c. and 75c. to eta7 r doz. Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 75c. fund G5c„ to clear at 55c. a at 65e. 6 doz. Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 55c., 50c. and 45o., to clear at 42ic. following addreee;—"Dear Friend and MEN'S TOP SHIRTS., Sister,--We, hetMet odisbhohur h,ers of the choir Mytb, desire to 5 •doz. Men'sHsavy Wool Scotch unit Goods in different extend to g 81.00, to altar at 85c, Patterns, regular price $1,25, 81.10 and you our hearty eon taints- tions on this your wedding day, and pray 9 doz, Men's all wool Shirts, regular price $1.10, $1.00 and 90e, to clear at 80c. that you may be long spared, together 5 doz- NavyBlue all wool Shirts regular price $1.20, $1.15 and $1.00, to clear at 85e. with your esteemed husband, to enjoy , g the ,happiness of that honorable estate into which you are now entering. As a memento of our regard for you, please aooept this copy of the Word of God, and it is our sincere prayer and hope that at all times it' will be the man of your counsel and the guide of your life, and your support and comfort in the dark day of affliction, should dile day ever come. Signed on behalf of the choir, Pause Wxxeows. Wina_het,m. S. G. McGill, M. A., L. L. B., barrister, formerly of this town, is an applicant for the vacant office of Assistant Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. The operatte, "Little Red Riding Hood," will be given in the Town Hall in the coarse of a month or so, by the pupils of the Methodist Sabbath school and otbere. Herbert Ireland, son of Isaac Ireland, of this town, who now resides in Breath!), Maes., has made himself notorious by writing a song entitled "Waiting for the mail," and also composed the music for the same. Jae. H. Friend, at one time leader of the choir in the Presbyterian church, Wingham, has lately been appointed by the Presbytery of Sarnia, at a salary of 5700 per annum, free manse, and buggy, cutter, rec., to take charge of an impor. tent mission field within the bounds of that Presbytery, where be is now labor. ing very acceptably. The following officers were installed•,for the present term in connection with the I. 0. G. T.•— C.T. Milton Blackwell V. 1 , Rose Chapman; Sao., 18 Par ; Asst Seo., Lillie Kinsman ; F. S., J. W. Dodd ; Treas., Bella Morrison ; Chap., Rebecca Cameron ; M., Walter Purdy ; D. M., Mre. J. W. Dodd • G., Lottie Wells • S„ Earnest Blackwell. The prospects are fair for the present term. There will be an open meeting held some time in March. A Mission .Band, in sonneotion with the W. F. M. S. of the Preebyterian °hurob, was organized. TbeBand, which is to be known as the "Happy Gleaners,'! starts with a membership of thirty. The followingoffioers were appointed for the present year :—Hon. Pres., Mre. Petrie ; Pres., Mrs. Munehaw ; Vices -Pres., Misses Matheson and Robertson ; Treas., Miss Macdonald ; Seo., Mies Inglis ; Board of Management, Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Oar. ruth and Misses Fargohareon and Mc- Elroy. Meetinge will be held in tills basement of the ohuroh every second Fri- day, at a gnarter past four. Thos. J. Scott, lately leader of the Wingham Presbyterian thumb choir, bas been appointed to the leadership of the choir in new St. Andrew's cbureh, Win- nipeg, at a salary of 5700. Mr. Scott took part in the Burns' concert, in that city, lately, and the musical oritio of the Tribune writes thus of him • "For the new Scotch tenor, T. J. Boat, the writer has warm praise. No tinge of the vibrate there. A. pleasant, even quality of voice, an unaffected manner, just enough of the aooeut as- is desirable, without being "gawky" ; in short a very decided acgR- isition to the solo tenor ranks in this city, and if Mr. Saott's musiofansbip is on a par with his platform ability, a high place will be accorded him. C.inttowel. Rev. Mr. Parke was presented with a mantle clook and a kindly worded ad. dreas subsequent to his removal to Olin - ton. Arthur George, who isposhing business in the Listowel broom factory, has rented Mao old Hess office building on Main street from W. G. Hay and has moved in his plant. W. E. Binning, Reoorder of Listowel lodge No. 199, A. 0. U. W. is in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge 01 Ontario whioh.is in ses- sion this week, Captain Rutledge, who has been in °barge of the Salvation Army for some time has gone home to Ottawa and his plasm has been taken by Capt. Itowe and wife from Brussels. Messrs. Carson & McKee, of this town, reoeived word that a large consignment of goods for them from the old world was on board the unfortunate steamer Elbe which has gone to the bobto,e of rho sea, The friends in town of A. F. Lustig, of Oheeley, formerly of Listowel, will regret to' learn that he is at present suffering from a 0rtnoer,in his nook` with but slight hopes of hie recovery, bit, Lustig is a member in good standing of Listowel lodge, A. 0. O. W„ and t a`ural. ly has the sympathy of brethren in hie alit lotion. An interesting debate was held in the Mechanich Mechanic's' Institute rooms at wbio there was a crowded house. The subjeot of the debate. was ;--"Resolved that Ire. BLANKETS. 8 lb. all wool White Blankets, size 66x84, regular price $4,25, to clear at $3.50. 7 lb. all wool White Blankets, size 62x82, regular price $3.50, to clear at $2.90. 6 ib. all wool White Blankets, size 58x78, regular price $3.25, to clear at $2.50. 5 lb. Wool White Blankets, size 54x74, regular price $2.75, to clear at $2.15. • DRESS GOODS. 6 Pieces of Habit Twill Double width, 44 in. wide, regular price 350, to clear at 22ie. 8 pieces Double Width Melton Cloth, regular price 30c, 25c and 20c, to clear at 190. Grey Flannel in all Shades, Plain and Twills, to go at Slaughtering Prises. Call and Price our Cottons, Cottonades, Shirtings, Prints, Denims, Tickings and Tweeds and be convinced that you can save money by buying your Dry Goods from us'. A Clean new stock of Boots & Shoes at very Low Prices. A. fIoGOt.A.N & CO,, Garfield Block, Brussel& Fare: Produce Taken as Cash._ land bas been more sinnedagainet than sinning," The affirmative of the ques- tion was dissnssed by Thomas Norton, Fred. Large and d Addison Bradley and the negative by Guy Bulmer, olin Campbell and Waldron Snott, of the high school. The decision of the audience was given strongly in favor of the ammative. The wedding of Adam Zilliax, of Pal- merston, to Miss Etbie, daughter of Wm. Biohardson, of Griswold, Man., took place at the Queen'e hotel on Wednesday night of last week and was a splendid affair. The oeremony was performed by the Rev. Wm. Cooper, B. A., of Knox ohuroh at seven o'clock. The bridesmaid was Miss Carrie Zilliax, the groom being supported by Geo. Burns, of Palmerston. The bride looked particularly charming in white dotted muslin and white roses as ornaments, the bridesmaid, also in white muslin and pink rases, looked her beet and both are very attraotive young ladies. Considerably over a hundred guests from town and outside sat down to a magnificent wedding supper in the dining room in wbioh the hostess of the Queen's, whose prowess in this line is well known, excelled herself. Afterwards the hall was oleered and the guests en- joyed themselves heartily at dancing to the mnsio of the siring baud. A pleasant incident was the serenade by the Lista- wel brass band during the evening. Among the guests from outside were :— Henry Zilliax, wife and daughter and Miss Rau, Elmira ; P. Zilliax, C. A. Anderson, W. Mawhinney, Dr. Woods, Dr. Greenlaw, R. Lewis and wife, W. A. Olark and wife, Mies Ooombes, Miss Watt, Miss Hess, T. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon, Palmerston ; 0. H. Smith and wife, Teeswater; 0. Zilliax and wife, Brussels ; R. Richardson and wife, Hao - ver ; 0, A. Wilson, Stratford, With the many and handsome preeente the (ample will a well started in housekeeping. ll b 1 THE CHEAP CASH STORE, Fashionable Tailoring Y J. M'BAIN Is the man you should get to make your SUIT, OVERCOAT 02' TROUSERS. Now -a -days a garment should combine Correctness of Style, Perfect Fit, Good" Workmanship, And Moderate Cost. You will find these Qualities in Patronizing J. McBAIN, Next door to THE Posx, BRUSSELS, Sprig Goods. 1 have just received my First Shipment of Sprung Prints —AND A FEW LINISIS OF— Dress Goods. Cottons,. Cottonades, Flannelettes and Shirtings are Complete. LIFE IS SHORT, Be wise and Economize yocr Time, Husband your Streugsfr, and increase your Pleasure by Using Skene's Teas & Coffees Which are the Best and Put, est in the Market. All the best Brands of Canned Goods and Pure Spices. We will not be Undersold. t Babter and Eggs Wanted. J. G. SKENE. DR. CI jt1SE'S • THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL 0 KIDNEY= LIVER • THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS • PILLS. T. DnwaoN, Manager Standard Bank, Brad. ford, Ont„ eve, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are e gtand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver.- 4. t,AAataa, rig 11fctaul St., Toronto, re- presenting. Montreal Star, .ayye Chan'. Pills set like magic teethe relief of kead•acl,e, bilious attack sod constipation, Sold everywhere, or by mail en receipt of price, to mom% GATES & 50. 46 I,OMB6h0.0Tt 011111171. INT, 1 have just received some New Prints, Shirtings, FlauneIettes•,. Victoria Lawns, Gingham(), floc. I have a Bordered Gingham at 11c, 36 in. wide, worth 123e ; Shlrtings from 5c a yard up to 14e ; Suspenders at 25c, worth 406 ; Turkish Bath Towels at 40e each or 3 for $1.00. In Groceries 1 am now giving 25 lbs. Best Granulated ;Sugar- for $1.00. Other Sugars in proportion. An excellent Japan Tea. 4 lbs. for $1.G0 ; Sulphur 3c a lb. in largo quantities. In Medicines 1 keep a larger variety than is found in any other General Store. A. Large and Well .Assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes. In Hardware I keep Cut and Wire Nails, Hinges, Cow Chains Rope, Axes, Cross -Out Saws, Fence Wire, &c. have the best Washing Machine in the market: TERMS, CASH OR TRACE. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts and Baw Furs.