HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-3-1, Page 3MAR, 1, 1895
Town Directory.
Mitr•v1mo l Ounagu,—.Sabbath r8ervioca
at 11 a m and 0;84 p, m, Sunday SOW 2:80 p m, RSV,. Jelin Boos, B
K ox Ong colt,—Sabbath Services at 1
a m and 6:80 p m, Sunday Sohool
2;30 p m. Rev. D. Millar, pastor.
ST, JOHN'S Cnpaon: Sabbath Services
et 11 a m and 7 p In, Sunday Sobopl
at 2;60 p, m, Rev. A, K. Griffin, Mount -
Ma?twniex Oavaou,—Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a in and 6:30 p m, Sunday
School at 2:80 p m. Rev, G. H. Cobble -
dick, M A, B D, pastor.
ROMAN Oamnordp QNerte t,—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
10;80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION ARnxr,—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the weak at 8 o'olock, at
the barraoke.
ODn BELLOWS'S' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
Memo L000a Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block.
A 0 7z W LODGE . on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Blau
bill's block.
Lome0 0 F Lon 2nd and last Monday
evenings of eaoh month, in Blashill'e
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L 1st Monday in every month
in Orange Hall,
Sore or SCOTLAND, let and 8rd Tues-
days of eaoh mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. LODGE! let and 8rd Thurs.
daya of eaoh month, in Vanetone block.
Homo Cream, 2nd and 4th Friday even.'
inge in Blaehill's Hall.
Poen Or'hlon.-0fliee hours from 8 a.-
in. to 6:80 p. m.
MnoaANIoe' INSTITUTE.—Library fn
Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw,
TOWN CouxouL.--W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ;
F. S. Slott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the lab
Monday in eaoh month.
Smarm Bonnn.—Rev. Ross, (ohairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. eid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall •,Seo.-Treas.,
K. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in eaoh month.
PumLlo' Smaoor Tskouees: J. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss
Downey and Mies Cooper.
BOARD or HEALTu.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
Retnember he bath got a bump
1 Of self-oonoeit yon muet'nt thump ;
t Arfd even if he Ia a thump,
Hiss him every day.
KISS sXlyi EV 17 DAT,
Lady, have you got taa'tabby 2
Iles Pita every day ;
Bven if his chin' be stubby,
Kies him every day
Last night all night I lay awake,
In a sad and weary mood
My heart was sad for the old times' sake,
And the tears my pillow bedewed.
What was the cause of my tear.stained
That were wet till the sun was up ?
I listened all night to the plaintive cries,
The arias of a home.eiok pup.
The poor little chap was shot in a shed,
Oh, lonely and sad was he,
And hie mournful cries would stir the
His mother—oh, where was she?
He wept all night with a tearful eye,
The little ohap never let up ;
And I thought of the days long past when
Felt just like that home -sink pup.
I remember the time in by -gone years,
When first I started to roam,
I lay all night with the starting tears,
And longed for a breath of home,
And so when I heard the orphan's oriee
I knew he was tasting the oup,
So I stole to the abed to eympathise
With that poor little home -Wok pup.,
Make the gi11y think he's wise,
Klee him every day
Could liok a man of twice hie kips;
,SIee him everyday.
Make him think he's pretty, too ;
Never raise a bulla -ballon ;
Bub, my dear, wbate'er you do,
Kies him every day. •
Make your cuckoo think he's smart,
Kier him every day ;
The idol of your wifely heart,
Kies him every day.
Tell him he's a perfect bitter
Make him think he's mighty cute
And tho' bo'e but a big galoot,
Hies him every day,
Tell him that you pray for him,
Kiss him every day
And aometbing always say for him,
Kies him everyday.
Praise his nose, his ears, his feet ;
Tell him that he's quite complete ;
God forgive you—say be's sweet—
Kiss bim every day.
Try and be his guiding star,
• Kiss him every day ;
You know not what hie troubles are,
Kies him every day.
Onoe in every little while
He'll meet with trouble—spare his pile—
Always meet him with a smile,
Kiss him every day.
Reader, have you got a wife ?
•Kies ber every day.
'Tis the duty of your life -
To kiss her every day.
-Tell ber that the world is graced
By such as she—the true, the chaste—
Then put your arm around her waist
And kiss her every,day.
Tell her that she's growing prettier
Every dawning day,
Dearer, nearer, wiser, wittier,
Kies her every day.
Many lives are graveward carried,
Wounded, bruised and hurt and harried,.
They stopped their sparking when they
Often that's the way.
Tell your wife bow much you'd mise her
If she went away;
Take her in your arms and kiss her
Forty times a day.
Tell her she's your life and crown ;
Never leave her with a frown ;
Keep your ugly temper down,
And kiss her every day.
Winter, Summer, rain or shine,
Nevar sulk or blame ;
Spring. or Autumn, never whine
For your own good name.
Sometimes she'll be oroee and cold
Never mind—she's good ae gold ;
Let her have her little scold,
And kiss her just the same.
When there's something wrong with baby,
Kies her every day,
'Twill help to soothe her worry, maybe,
Kiss her every day.
Kiss her when her soul is sad,
Kies her when her heart is glad,
Be your fortuhe good or bad, •
Hiss her everyday.
A Christian with a long fade ought to
pray a good deal before he etarte for
Every coward is somebody's hero.
Jesus Christ was poor but be never
Remember that the top side of a plend
is always bright.
• A lazy man loses heart' every time he
looks at the cloak.
THE OLD CUPBOARD. The beet advertisement for a revival is
tle,revival itself.
God never says "Come up higher" to
You may talk about your sideboards,
with compartments by the snore,
With their three-foot bevel mirrors, most
as wide as my front door :
Or your boolays, fin de sickle, with their
jimoracks fair to see—
But the old three cornered cupboard is
just good enough for me.
Ah, the one that need to fill a spacious.
corner tbnt I knew I
How the memory of it Domes and makes
me hungry through and through I
While it wasn't built for show so much
it wasn't bad to see.
And without a German lookin'-glass
'twas good enough for me.
Even washday, evenin' mornin' night or
day, or rain or shine,
Did I always find it filled with what I
freely' might make mine :
And they weren't the a la dishes that
were brought down now to see,
But the eatn's in the cupboard were—
jut good enough for me.
There was ohioken, fried and juicy, and
a ham bone to your taste ;
And some oold things .left from dinner
that it wasn't fit to waste ;
And such bisouits, cakes and' pumpkin
pies, I never hope to. see—
As I ate from that old cupboard that
was good enough forme.
It stood ready for a traveller or a hungry
boy from school—
As to when and where and bow =oh he
might eat, there was no rule ;
He was welcome_ to a plenty and the
beet that there might be
In the bounteous old cupboard that was
good enough for me.
And at Christmas there was turkey, 'full
of stutring, riob nod brown'
And a fruit cake.and plum pudding and
mince pies of home renown,
With an extra dish for some one—though
a beggar he might be-- • • 5
In the generous old oapboard that is b
good enough for me.
any except the faithful.
Love is the only thing that more than
pays for all it gets.
Oontroveray in religious matters pays
no spiritual dividends.
The sin that Rhinos the brightest is the
one most apt to kill.
Unless we find Goll to day somebody
else may lose him tomorrow.
If we know how to aim, the bigger the.
giant the better the mark.
The man who looks through cobwebs
will eee spiders everywhere.
If the Lord could trust us with money
we would all base more of it.
The man gains nothing_ who loses his
oharaoter and saves his money.
Rebellion against God turns its bank
on heaven, and makes its own heli.
The man God helps is the man who is
doing what he can tb help himself,
For every fault we see in others we
have two of our own which we overlook.
The devil may feei proud of his work
when he looks al a drunkard's home.
It is always the self-righteous man who
wants to know where Cain got his wife.
Some shepherds seem to forget .that
sheep never stand on their hind lege to
The conviction of sinners is sure to be
deep when the church is hearing God
The journey to the oroes is short when
we are willing to go to it with bleeding
The devil can behave himself as well as
an angel when he has to do it to gain his
One reason why Ohriet ate with pub•
licaue and sinners was that they made
him welcome.
The blind would never 'find out that
they ware blind, if somebody with eyes
didn't tell them so.
The religion that le only seen on Sun.
day, is not the kind that is going to bring
the world to Christ.
What man finds God in peace it is be-
&use he sought him as a ginner when he
ad no peace.
The man who gives as God telle him to
will do himself more good than the one
who receives hie gift.
When the devil walks abroad as a roar-
ing lion, eeeking whom hp may devour,
he' never shows his teeth, • ,
God doesn'ttell, the hnoonVorted man
that he ie it sinner, bat tnrne on the
ght and thews him that he is one.
A revival is as much the reeult of odedi
I have seen new-fangled sideboards,
with their silver plate galore,
With their china and their out glass—
most enough to fill a {store
But I'd gladly swap, the whole shebang,
and everything I see
Fora chance at that old ,oapboard that 11
vine good'enough for me'.
snob to pertain laws and conditions,
tbp proilnetion of an electric light.
Ivespme people the power to mR
m0untaine, and beat galok they wood
spoil. the o0untry for everybody eisa.
/4000S saw the burning buoh ae he Witpassing by, bhp he didn't hear God spec
until iso barnod and went to it.
The ()immix would have grouter vieto
les if there were 50 men in her ministr
except those whom God has sent,
The sermon that does not have Some
thing in it that God has said, will no
provoke any opposition from the king 0
the pit,
It is no doubt easier for God to eto
the sun than it is to turn a' man aroun
who has alwaya been is the habit of hay
ing his own way,
The preaoher'e spiritual life is .mor
apt to widen and deepen when heis being
persecuted for righteousness' Dake, the
when hie salary bag been doubled.
The Bible declares that people of wealt
and culture are not made out of any bet-
ter olay than common folks, but bushel
of sermons are written which studious)
avoid pressing home this truth,
$di9au's Explanation: of the Ampere
and the Volt. .
During a regent examination a lawyer
put the following question to Thomas
A. Edison
"Explain what is meant by the num-
ber of volts in an electric current ?" To
which he replied :
"I will have to use the apology of a
waterfall to explain. Say we have a
current of water and a turbine wheel.
If I have a turbine wheel and allow a
thousand gallons per eaoond to fall from
a height of one foot on the turbine, I get
a oertain power, gay one-horse power,
Now the one foot of fall will represent
one volt of pressure in eleotrioity, and
the thoneand gallons will represent the
ampere or the amount of current. We
will call that one ampere. Thus we
have a thousand gallons of water or one
ampere falling one foot or one volt
under one volt of pressure. and the water
working the turbine gives one horse
power. If now, we go a thousand feet
high, and take one gallon of water, and
let it fall on the turbine wheel, we will
get the same power as we had before,
namely, one-horse power. We have got
a thousand times lees current or lees
water, and we will haves thousandth of
an ampere instead of one ampere, and
we will have a thousand volts in plane of
one volt, and we will have a fall of water
s thousand feet as against one foot.
Now the fall of water or the height from
which it falls, is the pressure or volts in
electricity, and the amount of water is;
the amperes. It will be Been that a
thousand gallons a minute falling on a
man from a height of only one foot
would be no danger to the man, and
that if we took one gallon and took it
up a thousand feet and let it fall down
it would orosh him. So it is not the
current or the quantity of water that
does the damage, but it is the velocity•
or the pressure that produces the effeot.'
General Newre.
urge —All oases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 90 minutes and
quickly oared, by Dr. Agnew'e Cure for
the Heart. One dose 'convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
James Tyson, the Australian million.
airs kept an account for twenty-five
years of the profits he made out of the
progeny of a brindled heifer, which he
had acquired by swapping a flute.' The
total was over 270,000.
"A oriole in the book," a pain under
the ehoulder-blades, water brash, bilious.
nese, and ooustipatiou, are symptoms of
disordered stomach, kidneys, -liver and
bowels. For all ailments originating in
a derangement of these • organa, take
Ayer's Pills.
In the Government of Kberaon, Russia,
the plague of field mine, which ie devast-
ing the province, is to be met by ihoculat.
ing the mine with bacilli. Some have
been found that proved fatal to 95 per
cent. of the mice experimented upon, and
the Minister of Aerioniture has ordered
the method tried throughout the district
as soon as the snow disappears.
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheums.
tiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 3 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and, mysterious. It re-
moves at once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly' benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
Bees are being trained as letter -car.
riere by an English farmer. A. bee is
takenaway from home, a letter printed
by microphotography is gummed to his
little beak, and be is thrown into the
air. Home he goes, like a terrier-
pige-on, and the chief -advantage be would
enjoy over hie big brother is that he
could not be seen in time of war, and, if
seen could not very well be ehot.
Roeder IN SIN Hoene.—Distressing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in nix
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Core." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relievesretention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
Norman MacLeod, chief of the clan
MacLeod, end indeed one of the last of
the great Highland chieftains, died last
week in Paris. He was the 22nd chief of
that name and for no leas than 60 years
be administered through every variety of
fortune, one of the few great properties
which still remain in the possession of
the ancient Highland families. He lived
in early life in Dunvegan Castle, Iele of
Skye, and no man in Scotland was more
beloved among his followers who delight-
ed to do him honor in the ancient Suotoh
During the past few days large quanti-
ties of fish have been marketed in Guth-
rie, 0, T., by farmers and an inquiry as
to where they secured them develops one
of the most remarkable freaks of a storm'
on, record, Near Perking, 80 miles east
of here, the Cimarron River rune eget
and west with a low' hank on the south
side, I)uring,the recent blizzard when
the wind Om at a terrific gale, great
banks of snow were . formed along the
south bank of the river. Next the wind
blew so hard that it lifted the waves of
roster and (lathed them, against the
batik. As they reoeded.they left great
big catfish sticking head first in the
enowbank, where they from and. remain-
ed. After the Storm the settlers ()bop-
ped them out and drew them away by
the wagon load, many or the fleh weigh,
ing_ twelve to 65 pounds or mere,
lie Bale by publio auction of the two
ordered women, Barah Jaekepn and )3ettle
Fiehbsok, took place at Georgetown, Hy„
the other day,. They were convioted of
vagrancy and ordered to be sold MOO
elavary for the period of six months,
The Salo took plane ie front of the court
house, and attracted a large orewd, The
women were bought by two colored, men,
Henry Jaekeop and Richard Coleman,
and brought 81.05 and 42 respectively.
Electric Light Plant
The undersigned has decided
to offer for sale the Brussels
Electric Light Plant. A first-
class investment can be shown.
Easy terms ; good reason for
selling ; full ,particulars cheer-
fully furnished on application.
White Star Line.
Between New Yorts and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
AS the steamers of bhis Line carry only a
strictly limited number in the mann and
enoemm OADrN aoeommodations, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths is necessary e.t this Ben-
son. For plane, rates, ote., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of.
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk. Brussels.
ble. li o M
g •-g� m
fiEo h.
*0'5 kg
a $•"srANLIoTIdo dW
m«SIF. Noy g�"ms 1s
o trema naxR �Q ,�
frgS1-4".. '0.5`' 1= 0.sedo
"b6' a5°v^os°s1::5'1g3
1'gg m IIIs�,
Sold io Ilrusrele by
G. A. 7114 ADMAN, Druggist.
M. Mannerly, a well-known business man
or Hillsboro, Ya., sends this testimony to
the merits of dyer's Sarsaparilla: Several
years ago, I hurt my lag, the. injury leaving
a sore w dcliled to erysipelas. Mysufferingswere extreme, myleg, from the neo to the
ankle, being a solid sore, W hieh beg�an to ex-
tend to other parte of the body. Aftertrying
various' remedies, I began takingAyer'e
Sarsaparilla, endl, before I: had finished the
first bottle I exxllhI,ertented great relief; the
seeped 'bottle elldoted a tom letemure.'1
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
'l•' porod byDr„t.O.,Ayer Br Co., Lowell, Mess.
:arts mthers,wili cure you
Send 9 combo in stamps, Pr 10 omits sliver,
and we will send you by return mail the,
A neat little Book, being a_p erfeot Guide in
the art of Letter Writing, It contains Let-
ters of Love, Nriendsblp, Itpain005, etc„ with
valuable instructions and advtoe. Mvory.
young man and woman should have this
Book. Address,
1.6.4m 'NG FI ON A, ONT.
Winter Sailings,
From From From
Liverpo'1 STEAMSHIPS, Portland. Halifax,
Fob.21 Nomtdiaa Mar, 14 Mar.j5 vas in Stook.
Mar; 7 Mongolian 2g
Apl, 14 Numidian26 27
Steamere will sail from Portland about
1 p. m. Thursdays, and from Halifax
about 1 p. m. Saturdays, after arrival of
Western Trains,
For further information as to rates,
Jae., apply to
When you want a Stove, Tin
or Granite -ware, or Hard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
Hardware Store
Where you will, from
this date, get a
Off all Cash Purchases.
Fine Roman, Artists' Can-
21 Laurentian Aph 11 ApL 19
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepiessneee, Palpate.
tion of the Heart,' Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist, Brussels.
16 -Page Weekly -96 Columns.
ONLY S+ 1. 0 0
Now to Dec. 81, 189..'
Balance of Year Free.
Large Prize List.
Haitdsonte Premium.
Good'Induoements to Agents.
For Agents' Terms, etc., address—
Advertiser Printing Co.
The Cid Reliable
Manufactory of
For the doming Summer. First-class Workman-
ship ; A 1 Stock ; Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Estimates given for house building
and good work assured.
John Cober, Ethel.
SIN THE PHOTO. LINE„.—....40.-
We are second to none and intend to keep up to date.
We can make Photos. any size yon want them from the
Sunbeam to the Life Size Photo. Copying Pictures is
done on the shortest Notice, making them any size
you wish. We are prepared to enlarge any Photo. to
Life Size in
Crayon, India Ink or Colored
In the most Artistic Manner.
All our work is from Finely Finished Negatives, is
of the Best and Latest Styles and is Warranted First-
class. No Photos. made that are not satisfactory.
Give us a call. Always welcome at the old Reliable
Photo. Studio. Gallery over Standard Bank, Brussels.
Photo Artist.