The Brussels Post, 1895-3-1, Page 1Vol. 22, No; 8. BRUSSLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARC Fi 1, 1$93 ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. The eighth Legielature of the Province of Ontario opened its annual Meeeion in the Parliament buildings, Tcrouto, ou Thursday afternoon of last week. W. D, Balfour, M. P, P., for South Essex, was unanimously chosen speaker and the fol. lowing epoch from the throne was read by Hie Honor the Lieutenant -Governor i SPERM =OM T11 Tlnt0Nll. Mr, seamier apd gentlemen of the Tioeislo- tive teeembiy Tn opening this, the first seesiou of the eighth Parliament of the Province, I em glad to welcome you as the represent- atives of the people assembled for the despatch of business. While the past year was unfavorable to the agricultural interest in some respeote, the prises of many produobe, eepemally grain and stook, remauiingunusually low, it is vary gratifying bo know that increas- ed interest has been taken in improved methods of farming, and in the reports and publications of the Department of Agriculture. Various agricultural also- eiatious and organizations have been making increased demands for instruc- tions, The special dairy work in connec- tion ivith the Agricultural College at. Guelph has been prosecuted with very satisfactory results, and,I am pleased to learn that the last year proved to be the most successful year in the history of the College. From time to time public attention has been directed to our Northern districts as suitable for settlement by an agricultural. population. At the present time conoid arable interest is being manifested in bhis direction, and it is proposed to establish, with your approval, at a moderate ex- pense, a pioneer dairy farm, to attract further attention to those new clistriobs, and also to prove their adaptability to agriculture. During the past year the Rainy Lake region has come into notioe as a gold field.. Many explorers have been attracted to it. .A. number of promising locations have been taken up and partially developed, and it is expected that several mills for treating ore will be in operation this year., The prospect of gold mining in this dis- trict will, no doubt, promote settlement of the rich agricultural laudsin the Rainy River Valley. A bill will be laid before you containing some supplementary provisions which the experience of the last general election has indicated to be desirable in the election laws. The registration of voters act of last session, with respect of cities, having worked satisfactorily, you willbe asked to coneider the propriety of extending its operations to towns. Your attention will be invited to a mea- sure designed to lessen the number of appeals in the courts of the Province, and otherwise to simplify the proceedings of the High and Superior Courts ; a mea- sure to provide, m matters of Provincial jurisdiction, that where jurors are not unanimous ten jurors may give a verdict,' and -some other measures of law reform. Yon will further be asked to consider bills for extending the benefit of the Fee. tory Act and the Children's Protection Aot ; for revising and consolidating the acts relating to agriculture, and the acts relating to mechanics' institutes and free libraries. The Supreme Court of Canada having hold that the Province has no power to pass a prohibitory liquor law, my Govern- ment is taking the necessary proceedings for anappeal to Her Majesty's Privy Connell upon this question, and the ap- peal ie expected to be heard and disposed of before the and of the present year. In accordance with the promise made to the House last session, I appointed a commission to collect and report the facts bearing on the views which have been expressed with respect to the mode of remuneration and appointing certain provincial officials now paid by fees and with respect to the extent of theremuner- ation they'should receive, including in re - one. to e•grs-to the soid mattees respectively the p aotico and experience ofobhercountries. The commissioners have pursued their task with diligence, and have made fall iuquiry into the matters roferredto them. Their report is about completed and will soon be placed in your hands for your consideration, with a view to such loggia - tion es may appear to be proper. The question of maintenance of the Government house at the expense of the Province will no doubt receive your earnest attention, and I trust that the policy which may be adopted will bo such as may prove to be generally satisfactory. Since the last session the main building of the Brookville asylum has been com- pleted, and: patients were admitted before the and of the year, relieving thereby the crowded condition of some of the other institutions. I am pleased to be able to inform you Met, considerable progrese has been made during bbo past year by the arbitrators, to whom we submitted all questions relating to the unsettled accounts between the Do- minion and the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec and between the two provinces, and that ell the parties interested have shown their sincere desire to have the dif. ferences between them settled speedily and amicably. Tho public accounts for the year just closed will be plaeed'in your hands at a very early day. You will be glad to know than the tobal: expenditures of the Prov- ince were kept well within the appro. priations, and that the actual receipts were considerably in exam of the esti- mate. The estimates for the current year will, without delay, be enbmitted for your ap• proval. They will be found to heves been prepared with a duo regard to economy, and the nsceseitfes of the publio service. The Session will, I trust, be noted for. the wisdom and prudence of your delib 0 'rati0, n and for measures calculated to promote, the been intorosts of the Prov= ince. 'The debate on the address opened Fri- day d afternoon. J. Craig, of East Wellington, moved Ilia adding opin -'a. vi oroue speech awl , g Donald MoNielt, of West Elgin, seeonded itin eloquent terms, Mr, Manor, the new leader of the Oppoeibion, then took his innings and retitled up the Government over their. reduped majority, thelfxperimentalfarrn, the settlement of Northern Ontario, the, queetion of Prohibition, &o, Sir Oliver Mowat wore his usual good natured smile es be thee to reply and dealt very trenohanely with the points raised by Mr, Matter and proved that the leader of bhe Opposition was far astray in the deduction advanced in his speech. Mr, Haycock, Patron leader, also spoke aid gave the House to understand that the Petrone were not there as obstruct• ionisbs but as a party With a, welldefined platform whose object was to do away with the bitterness of party and trans. act the business of the country on a fair, independent manner. The address was then carried. In the election of a Speaker, Sir Oliver Mowat spoke, addressing the Clerk of bhe' House. They fotnd it necessary to elect a Speaker; lie said, audios was about to move that the member for South Essex (leer. Balfour) take bheohair. The choice, he said, he was sure, would be agreeable to both' parties. The member for South Essex was one of the oldest members in the House, although not the oldest. That distinction, the Attorney -General said, was enjoyed by .the member for East; Huron (Mr. Gibson), who was the father of the House, and whom be would style 'venerable," were it not that he himself was five years that gentleman's senior in point of ,oars. Outside of member for East Huron, and some members of the Government, there wore in the House only three genblemen who had served in it :longer than the member for South Essex—the member for South Wentworth (Mr. Awrey), for East Poberboro' (Mr. Blezard), and for North Lanark (Dr. Preston), All who have been in the House with the member for south Essex knew him by many years' experience to be an active and useful member, exceed- ingly useful in the business of the House. They had learned how much integrity, how muoh industry, how mush close ap- plication, how much ability, what sound judgment he possessed. He had also much pleasure in thus proposing him, Sir Oliver went on, because by his energy he had so impaired his health that the rest and quiet of the Speakership might be ex. pected to have a beneficial effect. He was geld he had the opportunity of proposing him as Speaker, and was euro. he would discharge his duties ably and with dignity, impartiality and acceptance. He moved that William Douglas Balfour take the chair. • Three reports were presented to the House last Friday afternoon, those on the lunatic and insane asylums of the Prov- ince, on the Brantford institution for the education for the blind, and on the Belle- ville institution Mr the education of the deaf and dumb. The report of the asy- lums for the insane shows .that the ad- missions for the past year have decreased as compared with the year ending Sept. 30, 1893. In that year there were 820 admitted, and last year only 781. There are, however, 104 outstanding applications for admission, which will wipe out the decrease. The number of lunatics and idiots in residence et the close of the year shows an increase of 106 over the year before, while the average daily number of inmates has risen from 8,674 in 1898 to 8,809 in 1894, an increase of 186 in the year. The total expenditure shows a de- crease of $19,601.91, which is chiefly due to improvements effected in the furnaces. An increase is shown in the Toronto and Orillia institutions, but the per capita cost for fuel and other necessaries shows a great decrease. The per capita cost of maintenance in 1894 was 5127.22, as against $142.48, 8137.16 and 8135.71 re- speotively in the previous years. The total expenditures are : Toronto asylum, 8109,010.65 ; London, 5129,407.27 ; King. sten, 576,944 46 ; Hamilton, 6107,866,- 66 ; Mimico, 576,645.46, and Or- illia, 562,018.85. London shows an average per capita cost of 5127, coming fourth on the list. The Brantford institution for the blind is shown to be in good condition. There were 150 pupils last year -84 males and 66 females, the number being a little less than in past years. The total expendi- ture for 1894 was 535,344.69, as against 534,954.55 in 1993. The yearly cost per pupil was 5267.76, as against $260.86 in 1893, The Belleville institution for the deaf and dumb also makes a good show- ing. There have been in the past year 295 pupils -168 males and 1137 females— the cost per pupil for maintenance being 5176.29, as compared with 5176.11 last year. A convention of graduates, which was held during the past year, was at- tended by 170 men and women, who all showed the benefit they had reaped from the School. NOTES moot ens HOUSE. There are 66 private Bills before the House. An election will be held in Halditnaud forthwith. There are 46 new members in this Parliament. Hon, Mr. Harty's seat' at Kingston is to be protested. T. Gibson, East Huron, and Hon. G. W. Ross aro seabtuates. le. The 17 Patron members will exercise a healthful influence over the legislation of the session. M. Y. McLean, South Huron, site with Mn, Craig„ of East Wellington. Both are newspaper proprietors and therefore "Birds of a feather, &o." Tho Petrone elected Mr. Kidd, of Carleton, as whip, or Secretary, as they termed the office, iu place of Mr, Souu who was unseated in Haldimancl, The new whips are :—Liberal—Wood, (South Brant), and Dann, (Brockville), Conservative—Willoughby, east North- umberland), and St. Sohn; (West York), Perhape the beet likeness of the late CommissionerofPublic Works, Hon. 0, Ie. Fraser, which has yet been oxeoubed le a life size crayon 'bust drawing, now on exhibition in the library of the Logisla• five buildings. The artist is T. M. Hencssy, a draughtsmen in bhe depart- ment, and he iooe produced a picture which is It credit to Himself and to the department. W .I-3, "(ERR, Prop,. An influential deputation from the County of Hastings waited upon the Government to urge the claims of Mr. Harford Ashley to the vacant Shrievalty of that county. The Saturday Mail • of lad week pub. Babes a ohmmeter sketelt in eonpepbton With the portraits of all the membere of. the Local Legislature, 0f the ]last Huron member, T. Gibson, it says :— Gibson, Thomas, son of T, Gibson, was born at Greenlaw, Scotland, in 1825, and adopted at Greenlaw parish school. Is a retired farmer. At the elections' June 26 he was returned in the Reform inter- eeb for East Huron, havingbsenprevious. iy elected in the same oopotibnency in 1871, 1875, 1879, 1888, 1886, 1890 by con- siderable majorities. For seven years he held the position of Reeve, and has taken an important par in municipal work.' Mr. Gibson has been a total ab- stainer since 1840, and was a member of the Scottish Temperance League before he left hisnativeland in 1858. He was formerly o ino,ohinist by trade, and had oharge of important jobs. Address, Wroxeter. A. O. U. W. The Ontario Grand Lodge, Anoint Order of United Workmen, closed their annual meeting Thursday evening of last week, having accomplished a large amount of b7siness during the two daysthey were in session • The meeting was held in Toronto. Business was resumed Thursday morn- ing at 9 o'alaokwith D. F. Macwatt, the Grand M. W. in the chair. Proceedings were opened with prayer by 11. B. Taylor, P. G. M. W. A. discussion then took place on the Supreme Recorder's report, This report was not adopted, but will be published in the journal. H. B. Taylor presented the report of the Finance Com- mittee, which showed the order to be in a. flourishing condition. The reporb was adopted, The balance of relief call No. 15, amounting to fifteen cents a member for the Ontario jurisdiction, was ordered to be Haid .from the Grand Ledge fund. On motion of T. 0. Irving 56 was granted to each of the elevator operators and to the engineer and caretaker of the Con- federation Life building. It was au. nounoed that only two lodges out of near- ly 400 were in arrears for supplies, etc., at the end of the year. The Grand Organizer, John Milne, presented an ela- borate report of the work done during the year. The report stated that Mr. Milne had organized fifteen new lodges, added 1,000 new members to the order, visited 109 subordinate lodges and deliverd 56 public addresses. D. Spry presented the report of the Committee on Laws, which suggested several important amendments to the constitution. These were discussed and generally adopted. The election of officers, which was then taken up, result- ed as follows :— Past G.M.W., F. G. Inwood, Toronto ; Grand M.W., D. F. Macwatt, Barrie ; Grand Foreman, F. W. Unit, Toronto ; rand Overseer, G. P. Graham, Brock- ville ; Grand Recorder, M. D. Carder, St. Thomas ; Grand Receiver, James Rush- ton, Ridgetown ; Grand Guide, JohnWilson, Owen Sound ; Grand I. Watch. man, Henry Watson, Clearville ; Grand 0. Watchman, J. P. Brown, Niagara Falls ; Grand Solicitor, Warren Totten, Woodstock ; Grand Medical Examiner, T. M. Cotton, Lambton Mills. Supreme Representatives.—F. G. In- wood, Toronto ; Daniel Spry, London ; D. W. Macwatt, Barrie ; and all Past Masters. The Supreme Lodge will likely meet at St. Paul, Minn., in June next. Grand Trustees.—F. G. M. McCrady, Brookville Thomas Sargent, Toronto ; T. D. Pruyn, Napanee. District Deputy Grand Master Work- men.—Sb. Clair, John Lee, Highgate ; Erie, Robt, S. McGill, Simcoe ; Niagara, Rev. Robert Ker, St. Cathanfuos ; Ham- ilton, M. B. Thomas, Dundas ; London, J. W. McLaren, London ; Guelph, M. W. Cheytor, Guelph ;• Huron, Geo. Patter- son, Seaforth ; Simcoe, W. R. Fenton, Beaton ; Georgian Bay, James Parke, Gravenhurst ; Duffsrfu, W. A. Brown; Markdale ; York, B. le. Irwin, Newmar- ket ; Toronto, Thos. A. Hastings ; Dur. ham, John Davey, Leskard ; Ontario, T. W. Chapple,Ux- bridge ; Quints, Wm. Kerr, Madoo ; Kingston, Peter Johnstone, Camden Last St. Lawrence, S. A. Wilbsie, Brookville ; Ottawa, Capt. 3. B. Donaldson, Ottawa ; Brant, W. F. McKay, Otterville; Stor• mont, 0. E. Cameron, Iroquois ; Lanark, W. W. Cliff, Smith's Falls; Peel, W. J. Peaher, Brampton ; Bruce, L. Woodman, Moorefield. Executive Oontmittos.—James B. Nix- on, James Dixon, F. G. McCrady, N. H. Beecher, Thomas Scullard, Albert Janes, T. W. Grethen, Rev. R. Ken, T. W. Chapple, T. M. Corneet, J. 3. Craig, le. G. Bennett, W. Birrell, J. Herald, John Nettleton, William Forbes, A. Campbell, James., B. Nixon, Toronto, and N. H. Beecher, Toledo, were declared elected. The Grand Recorder's report wasequal- ly satisfaotory. It opened with the state- ment that : 'Considering the business depression and the inoreasod competition, our record for the year should be con- sidered quite satisfactory. ,During the year we have received 2,470 applioatrons, au increase of 400 over theprevious year ; but, owing to seine unforeseen cause, our suspensions at the end of the year were 518 more than the previous year, hence our net increase is not quite s0 large. In the formation of the Grand Lodge of Quebee and the Maritime Provinces we lost 2,000 members, leaving the number in good standing 28,516 and 1,080 tem- porarily suspended, making em-porarilysuspended,•making a total of 27,- 596 oorbifioabes in force in Ontario, repre- senting 555,192,000 0f insurance." Clan• tinning, the report stated that during the year the lodge had oloeeded the maximum by seven deethe, necessitating a call upon the Supreme Lodge for relief to the ex.- tont xtont of 518,973. In December the total number of lodges was 884, the total num- ber of certificates issued was 88,468, the number of deaths 1,516, the total bens- fielary paid out 53,039,000. 1i`orty.four lodges and 2,000 members in good stand - Mg and 65 temporary suspensions with - arose to form the Grand Lodge of Quebee. and the Maritime provinces, Wednesday afternoon and evening, see- sions were occupied with a dis0uselon on the question of Separation from the Su- preme Lodge of the United Stator, or, in etcher words, of assorting the Inde Sud• encs of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. After the whole matter had been thor- ougltly threshed out, ft was decided Un- animously that the Supreme Ledge be memorialized to change the constitution so AB bo allow of the following That beneficiary certificates be issued for 51,000 or 52,000; that the relief law be thoroughly reconstructed to carry out its original intention, viz., to give assist- ance in ease of disastrous epidemics or calamities, and not simply, so now, be. affected by bhe usual fluctuating death rates in any jurisdiction ; that tc adjust and equalize aa eimply inetneting death rate a limited reserve fund be established in each Grand Lodge on suoh plan es may be deemed. odvisable either by your Supreme Body or by the Grand Lodges themselves ; of this ie nob made a goneral law, option be given to any Grand Lodge to establish such reserve fund, and Grand Lodges so doing be relieved of all lfabil• hies or benefits under the relief law if continued in its present form ; that any Grand Lodge may have the right to es- tablish such scheme of graded assese- mentas will in its judgment be equitable for the purpose of inducing the young men to loin our order. Fourth Division Court, Fourth Division Court was held in Brussels on Wednesday of this week, His Honor Judge! Toms presiding. The following oases were heard Erb ve. Armstrong.—Tp. Grey. Gar. niehee. Judgment for defendant with posts. Scott, assignee vs. Mnllroy.—Adjourn. ed to next Court on usual terms. Gerry vs. Pipe.—Action on amount. Adjourned to next Court. Edwards vs. Atwood. --Martin, Smith and Pope Garnishee. Judgment for primary' Creditor and against primary Debtor and garnishees. 1•Inmphriss vs. Erman—Action on amount. Judgment for plaintiff with mite. W. E. Sanders. vs. Diermeot.—Aotion on amount. Judgment, for plaintiff. Fernand vs. Errington.—Action for breach of covenant of lease. After lengthy evidence, judgment was reserved by Judge. A number of judgment summonses were disposed of. Court then adjourned. Morris Council Meeting. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, members all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by Wrn. Isbister seconded by Jas. Bowman that the tender of the Herald agreeing to do Township printing according to schedule for $29.00 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Thos. Code, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that the petition of Daniel Kelly and others ask- ing to be withdrawn from S. S. No. 5 and attached to S. S. No. 3 be taken into con sideration at next Council' meeting and that the Clerk be instructed to notify all parties interested accordingly. Carried. The auditors' report was then presented and examined by the Council and on motion of Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby the report was adopted. Tenders for building of bridges Nero then opened and the tender of Duff & Stewart found to be the lowest. Moved by Jas. Bow- man, seconded by Wm. Isbister that the tenders of Duff & Stewart, namely 5865 for Olark's bridge and $674 for Forbes' be accepted providing they furnish satis- factory security for the completion of the work, Carried. Moved by Jas. Bowman, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that H. Mooney be appointed inspector for Olark's bridge and W. Isbister for Forbes' bridge to superview the same during construction. Carried. The following accounts were presented for payment, viz.:—R. John- ston, auditor's salary, $10.00 ; Chas. Ma- Olelland, auditor's salary, $10,00 ; P. Cantelon, keep of Fisher, 58.00 ; John Ainsley, plans and speoifioationc of Slack's bridge, $8.00 ; Misses Exford, charity, 810.00 ; T, S. Brandon, salary aud ex- peuses, 5105.00. Moved by Wm.Isbistor, seconded by Thos. Code that the above accounts be paid. Carried. On motion of Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirk- by the Council then adjourned to meet again on the 25th March at 10 o'clock a. m, W. Cram, Clerk. POLITICAL. D. W. Allison has retired from the con• teat in Lennox. James Tolton has declined the Patron nomination in East Bruce. The British ColumbiaLegislatnre was prorogued on Thursday with less than the usual pomp. Mr, Flewwilling was nominated by the King's County prohibitionists, Dr. Me. Lend having resigned. The Liberal nomination for Richmond and Wolfe was offered to Mr. Green• shields, Q. 0„ of Montreal. The report of thernyel commission on the liquor traffic is nearing completion. Ib will contain 4,500 pages. The Dominion lists of voters for To- ronto and Montreal will be printed in these cities to expedite matters. Brandon Liberals nominated 0. W. Spears, a fanner, of Griswold, to op. pose Mr. Daly at the general eleotiou. Trade returns for January show a continued falling off in exports and imports. The decline in imports is over 81,500,000, The duties declined 5274,. 000 for the month. A convention of the Liberals -end tar- iff reformere of. North Perth, has been galled for Sabtirday, Meech 2nd, et 10 a. m., in the Liberal club rooms, Stmt. -ford, to nominate a candidate for the Oommone. M. Montpetit, one of the translators of the Dominion House of Commons, put 10 bill 2 0 Inc teens. has t a b 1 for $ 7,000 0 lacing the report of the ravel commie• sion on the liquor trees), The account is disputed. CFlulicff CHIMES, The new pulpit and plalfortn exteeelou was completed, in St. John's oburoh this week. An illustrated lecture in Knox oberoh Armpn Thursday evening of this week by Oapbain Baseball, of the Salvation Army. Prooeede in aid of the Sooial work of the y Ash Wednesday eervioe was held' in St, John's chetah both morning and evening,. The luoumbest preached a very appropriate discourse in the evening. Each Wedneeday evening during Lent public service will be held and on Friday ab 4 p, m., Litany service. Next Sabbath Rev. G. 11. Oobblediok will preach Epworth League anniversary sermons; ib the Methodist church, Tees. water. On the Monday evening following he will deliver a lecture in the same church on 0Rambiae in Scotland." Rev, R. Pani will supply Mr, Cobbledicic's pulpit here. Rev, 3. W. Annie, pastor of the Queen's avenue Methodist church, London, Ont„ which was burned to the ground a few weeks ago, was sbriceen by cerebral par- alysis at an early hour Monday, and his recovery is not expected. Mr. Annie has ranked as one of the most brilliant ora- tors in the Methodist denomination. Atthe oloae of next Sabbath evening's eervioe in the Methodist oburoh the Ep- worth League meeting will be held, The subject, to be introduced by 11. R. Brew - ax, is "God's care for His own." The usual Mondry evening meeting will not be held, On Tuesday night the delegate's report from the Young People's denten. Lien, beld this week in Toronto, will be given to the Brussels League. Tuesday evening next Melville thumb Sabbath school will give their annual en• terbainment.. The program will consist of an address by theobairman ; quartett. es by Misses Ainley and Ross and W. Wake and A. Rose ; mole quartette ; solos by Miss Kate Wilson, Jas. Jonee and W. M, Sinclair ; choruses by Glee Olub•; addresses by J. Moore, W. II. Kerr and Rev. J. Ross; reading, R. M. Dickson. Sunday being the anniversary of the Methodist aburab in Kincardine the con- gregation in response to a request made the previous Sunday by the pastor, bhe Rev. James Livingstone, contributed the sum of $1,045. The amount asked for was 51,000. The reverend gentleman. is very popular not only with his own people, but with all classes of the oom- munity. The Presbyterian olturch was closed in the evening, the congregation uniting with the Methodiete at that service. Eloquent discourses were given in the morning and evening by the Rev. George Jackson, of Exeter. People We Know. George Leckie is back to town again. cam. Ramsay was in town this week. Jae. Irwin was in Toronto for a few days this week. 0. R. Vanstone of Sonthamptou, is visiting in town. Ram Sperling, of Wingbam, was in town on Thursday. Miss Roddick is in Toronto attending the Millinery Openings. Miss Jennie Wilson will take a millin- ery situation at Elora. W. Bright is able to get about again after his recent illness. Tony Sample was visiting last week at Walkerton and Paisley. S. W. Laird, of Stratford, was in Brus- sels for a few days last week. Mies Hattie Rogers is attending the Millinery openings at Toronto. B. bavideon was visiting John Wynn this week. His home is in Ingersoll. Misses Reid and Musgrove, of Wheat- ley, are visiting relatives in this locality. Miss Ethel Creighton is attending the millinery openings in Toronto this week. Miss Ria Brine and Mies Birdie Rob- erton, of Seaforth, are visiting in Brus- sels. Mrs. W. M. Sinclair is visiting at Detroit preparatory to making a visit at Fenton. Inepeator Robb was in town this week. Be was visiting the schools in this locality. Mrs. 0. Bowerman and daughter, of Mitchell, were renewing old acquaint• armee in Brussels. Geo. Brooks, of Elora, ie visiting with L. Hunter this week en route to his home in Exeter. Miss Elsie Jackson is visiting her sisters, Mre. Leppard, Toronto, and Mrs. H. E. Maddock, Newmarket. It is said that Dan, McDonald and Miss Ferguson, both of Wiarton, are to join bands and hearts next week. J. Gordon, of Lunknow, has been ser. iously ill. Mrs. T. Fletcher, Brussels, his daughter, went to see him on Thurs- day. Councillor MoOracicen and M. H. Moore, V. S., attended the Farmers' In. stitute at Gerrie last Tuesday end deliv- ered addresses, Mise E. E. Kerr arrived home last Sat- urday evening after a visit of three months with her sister, Mrs, Cavanagh, in Owen Sound. Mrs. R. Henderson arrived home last Saturday night from Newark, N. J., niter a tedious delay of several hours at Buf- falo and Harrisburg and two or three days at Palmerston. Miss Lib. MoLaohlan basilican engaged as milliner for the coming season by Mrs. F. O. Rogers. Miss kloLaolilan is afirst. elate milliner. She is in Toronto this week attending the openings. Last week TNM POST bad a call from P. E, Ennis, ofNeogene, Maniboba. Mr. Ennie went West from Grey townehip 16 years ago, 10 years of which time be bee spent in the town in which be now owns a large flouring mill, elevator, &o. He started with 520 and is now reputed to be well "heeled." 1 --lis mill grinds 000, Uttsbels of wheat a day and is run day and night the year through. The above mentioned gentleman is also eland owner and sees, from a farmer's stmndpoint, where the present policy of the Dominion Government is very mush bpposed to the advancement of the settling up of the country, W. W, Burgess and Mites Nettie Thorn, of Mitobsll, were united in marriage in that town on Wednesday evening of tine week. Rev. Dr, Willlame performed the ceremony, Mr. Burgess 'and bride are epending part of their honeymoon at the groom's parents', Brussels. THE Pose extends congratulations, A Kirkton correspondent wriboe :—A., McGowan, who for some years carried on a Very sttooeesful mereentile business in Rirkton, has purohesed the dry goods stook and business of J, Gould, in 33rue. eels, and bas removed to that bright and prosperous village. The good people of Brussels and vicinity will find Mr. Mo• Gowan an enterprising, straightforward business man, in whom they min place. the utmost confidence. Brussels is for. Lunate in securing so worthy a citizen, Additional Local News. Home Fair was held on Thursday. There were a number of buyers present. There was a large attendance. Tan Salvation Army band paraded Turnberry street on Thursday afternoon and announeed their entertainment in Knox ohurab. Guano Central Exhibition have ar- ranged the dates of their next Fair, which will be Sept. 17th 18th and 19th. They always have a good. Fair. SUDDEN Deern•—Thursday night of Met week as Dan. Osmeron was con- versing with some gentlemen in a hotel in the village of Southampton, be suddenly dropped dead, heart failure being the cense. Mr. Cameron held a position in McIntosh & MoTaggart's I3ank and was well known in Brussels, where he went by the name of "Dublin." He was 30 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. The funeral took plane at Parkhill on Tuesday under the auspices. of the Masonic and A. 0. U. W. orders. 0. 11. Vanetooe soaompanied the remains to Parkhill. Mrs. Cameron has tLa sympathy of her husband's many old friends here. STORM—The weekly storm hit' this part of the country last Thursday and did its work so effectually that the trains and Seaforth stage took holidays on Friday. The morning a000mmodation on Thurs- day stuck in a snow bank near Ripley and when the afternoon mail train ar• rived at Wingbam the engine was taken off and attached to the snow plow and • sent Kinoardineward to clear the way. Said snow plow didn't olear it worth a cent as in attempting to run through a big drift it tackled more than one engine could accomplish and gut snowed in. Friday morning another plow with 2 engines went up from Palmerston, baking with them the section men along the line, and by hard work the road was opened up. Saturday a train soon made its way to Palmerston and baok, reaching Bras. eels about 11 p. m. Saturday night and Sunday the wind drifted the outs up badly and Monday's trains were cancell- ed. The plow and three engines once more set to work on Tuesday and was followed by a train about 4 p. m. It is said the snow banks near Ripley are so high that a person has to step up to reach them from the top of a freight oar. MAITLAND RINx.—Deapite the fact that trains were oanoelled and roads badly blocked a goodly company assembled at Maitland Rink last Friday evening to witness the races announced for that time and place. Shortly after 8 the race for boys was called. Five lade, A. Ma. Naughton, Geo. Biashill, Chas. Kendall, Ira Gerry and Geo. Irwin, responded. McNaughton took 1st prize, Biashill being a fair neoond. Interest centered on the three mile open rape, more so when Galloway and Mo0utabeon, of Listowel, and the Elliott Bros., of Wing. ham, all known to be fast skaters, enter- ed. S. Elliot took the lead and maintain- ed it until Galloway shot past him. The latter increased his speed until he gaited a lap on Elliott and retained it nntii the 66 rounds were oompleted. McCutaheon and J. Elliott, although out of the race as far as the prizes were eoneerned, skated the whale distance and were never more than a few yards apart. In the local mile Bert. Gerry had ib on the other oompetiters, Robt. McNaughton being the only one of the number who staye3 to the finish. The judges were N. F. Gerry, J. T. Rose and J. Irwin. As an- nounced a spectators' prize was offered consisting of a dozen cabinet photos. The winning ticket, No. 341, was held by John Parkins, of Seaforth, who is em. ployed in A. Bauelough's photo. gallery. Excellent music wee rendered by the Big 6 Band, and as the ice was in first - elan shape an onjnyable time was spent by the lovers of this exhiliarating pastime. COUNTY GRAND HEROIC OILATTCR.—.The County Grand Chapter of Huron and Perth, Black Knights of Ireland, was held in the Orange Mall, Oliuton, on Wednesday of last week. While the at teudenoe was fair there was not ss many present as anticipated. Considerable business of interest and importance was transacted. The following officers were elected for 1895.'96 :—Sir Knights, A.. M. Todd, 0. G. M., No. 161, Clinton ; John Scarlett, D. G. M., No,181, Olintob ; Geo. Hanley, 0. Chap., No. 101, Clinton ; Robb. Scarlett, 0. R•., No. 161, Clinton ; Peter Cantelou. Dept. B., No. 161, Olin - ton ; John Reid, Treas., No. 315, God°. rich ; T. E. Cornyn, Dept. Treas., No. 126, Wingbam ; John Obielrolm, Looter. sr, No. 126, Wingbam ; A. Woodman, Dept. Leo., No. 397, Blyth ; Thos. Kearns, Oen., No. 161, Olinbnn ; Geo, Snell, jr. Dept. Oen., No. 897, Blyth ; Jae, 7. MoMath, 1st Stundard Bearer, No. 315, Goderioh ; I3, Tiohbourne, tad Standard Bearer, .No. 815, Goderioh Wm. Ford, Pursuivenb, No, 161, Clinton; Robt. Bloomfield, 1st committeeman, 120 Wingham ; Rev. Higley, Dept. Chapter, 895, Blyth ; L. Netbery, 2nd Com., 897, Blyth ; Albert Audersoo, 3rd Coin., 161, Clinton ; Geo, Sheppard, itlt Com., 161, Clinton ; 11. Pingle, 5th Com. 397, Blyth ; Rnbt. rlydo, 6th Com., 327, St. Mary's ; Rebt. Stewart, 7th Come 827, St. Marys, The County Chapter meets in Clinton on the 3rd Wednesday in Feb., 1896.