HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-2-22, Page 88
Free of Charge.
Tb will that yon nothing to have your
eye sight tested and should you require
Saeotaoles we will At thorn for you ou
aeienbi#io principles, We have fop some
time been studying the requirements nee-
essary for perfect vision and the proper
o0rreotiou o£ the some when this is lath.
ing. We have just flniehed a course at
the Optical Instituto of Canada and al-
though we do not pretend to know all
there is to know about Speotaoleo, yet we
belleye that if your sight is not so good as
it was or your eyes are troubling you in
any way we can help you and that it
would be to your advautage to see us and
have our opinion any way, whioh won't
cost you anything. Come and see our
outfit for beating even though your eyes
do not trouble you,
Druggist, Bookseller and
Graduate Optician.
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, aa follows:
Genie SOwo , GOING NQETa,
0:54 a.m. I Mixed 9:40 a.m,
Express 11:59 a.m. Mail e 1° p.m,
Mixed 9:00 pin Express 9:43 p.m,
r,axaI td1)
A ahiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Homs Fair. next Thursday.
FOURTH Diiviaioa Court next Wednea•
day in Brussels.
MONTHLY Horse Pair in Brothels on
Thursday of next week.
oar Load of Irish pills to Toronto this
SHonmaAND.—The shorthand o1aa9 will
meet this week on Friday evening at 8
o'elook instead of Monday.
D. A. Lowit'Yreceived another car of
brink daring this week. Et Domes from
Drew station, near Harriston.
PQSTIONED SALE.—Allan Lamm,t's
sale which was to have been held hast
Thursday in Grey has been postpoubd e
'until Friday of next week.
Owisto to the snow storm, the trains
and Seaforth stage were cancelled on t
Thursday of this week, A Polar expe- b
dition party in in training in this locality. t
Tan dry goods and grocery stook of
Mrs. E. Rogers has been disposed of this r
week to Sas. Irwin, who will entitl0 it in
the same store. He took possession on h
Thursday. Mrs. Rogers will continue p
the millinery and mantle business in the e
same building.
THE morning train from Kincardine
did not make its appearance on Tuesday n
owing to the drifted snow on the track. s
It occurs to us that it doesn't take very e
mach to cannel this train very often. C
The inconvenience to the public is some. b
times very considerable, however. B
Moxner evening an alarm of fire was 8
given owing to a small box, used as a ccs.
pidor, in W. H. McCracken's grocery
having caught fire. It is supposed a
cigar stub was thrown into the box, which
caused the fire. It was discovered in
good time end the threatened danger
EAST Hoao s and Grey Branch Agricul-
tural Society Directors will hold a joint
meeting in the Council Chamber, Brus•
gels, on Thursday of next week, 28th
inst., at 1:80 p. m., to revise and amend
the Fall Show prize list and arrange
preliminary matter for the next Fall
hair. J.
Tzarague' .ee00r4TION: Last Saturday W
there was an executive meeting of East D
and West Enron Teacher,' Associations A.
in Clinton to arrange a program for a
union convention to be held there. The
dates have been set for May 22nd and
28rd and the program completed. Dr.
Bigeby, of Detroit, or J. L. Hughes, of
Toronto, will be present.
HvatzsmAL.—The R. C. Church was
filled to the doors last Monday morning
on the oconeion of the marriage of J.
Roland, of 19IoKillop, to Mise Ryan, of the
those township. The ceremony was per.
formed by Rev. Fr. Kennedy, of Seaforth.
A very enjoyable time was spent by the
guests after the nuptial knot was tied at
the borne of the bride's parents, near
Walton. May success and happiness be
their portion.
WILL BE OoLLaoTED.—All subsoriptione
to THE Poor extending back two years
will be placed in other hands for collec-
tion alter March 16. We give this time-
ly notice so as to save expense to any-
body. The amount in arrears by any
individual ie trifling but in the aggregate
meant, bundreds of dollars to us. We
must have a eebtlement so as to balance
our books. By consulting the address
label on the paper or on enquiry at this
office the amount due may beasoertained.
—The steerage rate by the Allan Line
from Portland or Halifax to London-
derry, Liverpool, Belfast, Glasgow, Lon-
don, has beau reduced to $12.50, every-
thing found. Tickets are also issued at
reduced rates to persona wishing to send
for their friends. The Laurentian, which
leaves Portland Feb. 28th and Halifax
Marob 2nd, has accommodation for all
classes. The first steamer for Quebec
and Montreal will leave Liverpool April
18th and Montreal May 4th. W. H.
Kerr, Agent, Brussels.
P./AST Holum Fanzines' INaTITOTE.—A.
meeting of the Haat Huron Farmers' Iu•
Allots will be held in the Town Hall,
Gorrie, on Tuesday next, Feb. 2611a. The
program will be as follows :—Forenoon
session at 10 0'310011—'•Breeding and
Feeding Sheep," 0. Minh d, Morrie ; ad.
dress by Al. H. Moore, Y S., Brussole ;
"Management and Care of Dairy Cows,"
John 0. I9lorriaon, Winthrop, Afternoon
.session at 1 p. m.—"Dairying in On.
Uric)," on. Thos. Ballantyne, Stratford,
and Robb. Oleland, Listowel ; ",reeding
the Hog," A. Gardiner,.Leadbury ; "care
sof the Orchard and how to mak& Fruit
'Growing Pay," Dr. D. W. Beadle, To-
ronto.; !'Feeding Cattle for the British
,Market," Tboe. McMillan, Oonstanoe ;
"How to Grow itlan als," W. H. Mo.
Crackers, Brussels. Evening session at
7:80 o'clock, addresses by the above
speakers, interspersed vocal.' and instru-.
mental mnsio,
MUM,Umiak & VAN9mo3u shipped .a
ear of dressed hogs to Mpptrosl an Tues.
ltot» the report of the Liberal meeting
at Plarriston on Wednesday of last Week,
on page 0 of Ibis 10508,
DI95Ors3TION,--The firm of Mesers,
Ballantyne & gnat/4411a,&.o„
Brussels, has been dissolved, by mu1pa1
eoneeut, the former retiring. Mr, Wilton
will continue the bueinees in the old
Ouo !prom -rant WAS 10 error in refer.
thee to Mre, D. Rogers purposing re.
thing from buaines9, as we understand
she will oontinue the millinery, mantle
and smallware departments in whioh she
has had many sugoeesful Years,
So. JonN's ORURO» OSANo1L,—Thera
will be a gonial evening _this Friday,
(Feby, 22nd) at the parsonage in aid of
the improvements, Music, songs, read
Inge, &o., will be provided, A eolleotion
Will give opportunity for offerings to the
above object,
341155 Co130, who lives at Workman,
N. W. T., bad his residence burned one
evening recently, while he and his
family were absent at Caleb Whiting"Mrs, Cole's father, visiting. The persona
referred to ware former residents of
BnmD1N0.—W, Roddiok has let the
contract for a brick store to take the
place of the frame building used by him
for his wallpaper business, between the
Leokie and Blasbill blocks. The second
story will be fittedup for a Hall. The
site is a splendid one and R. G. Wilson
will push the work as soon as Spring
PITON Horne.—The gravel road North
and South of Brussels is in anything but
good shape for travellers making rapid
progress owing to the pitobboles. There
are said to be 175 in the mile and a quart-
er North and 275 in the two and a half
miles South. A complete levelling is the
only remedy to overcome the difftoolty.
PROPERTY OHANOEs.—Anthony Sample
has purchased the residenoe North of
Melville church from his 'brother An.
drew. The latter has since bought the
double house on the same street, Prin.
ease, from W. Buttery, of Grey township,
paying $600 for the same. Mr. Sample
will move to hie lately acquired property.
355. WALKER ooutemplates putting in
a new front and improving the in.
teroal arrangement of hie large frame
shop opposite the Town Hall. The im-
provements will not only add to the ap-
pearance but give considerable more
xoom both to himself and J. J. Gilpin.
Work will be done as quickly as weather
will permit.
OPTIos. G. A. Deadman has return•
d, having graduated at the Optical
nstitute, He is getting the best in the
way of applls rhes for testing. His trial
est ease alone cost $90 wholesale, there
eing none better io Canada. He in -
ends to spare no expense necessary for
the perfect fitting of spectacles, for nor.
eating the various defeats of vision,
RACEe AT TEE RINE.—Messrs. Sample
ave arranged a program of ranee to take
lase On Maitland Rink this (Friday)
vening. There will be a 3 mile open
raoe, let prize, 85.00 ; 2nd, $2.00 ; 1 mile
ooal, prize, $1.00 ; 1 mile local, boys
nder 16, prize $1.00. There will also be
spectator's prize, each admission ticket
ntitling the bolder to a draw for a dozen
abinet Photos. An entry fee of 25o will
e charged in the open race. The Big 6
and will be there. Races commence at
joust Molders intends removing his
bailor shop from the Garfield House
block to the store one door Routh of the
woollen factory. Mr. MoBain will put
in a stook of tweeds, suitinge, &o., suit-
able for the Spring and Sommer trade,
and expects a share of the trade of the
public in these (lues.
Omuate.—Brussels defeated Wingham
on Thursday of last week at the labter
town by 9 shots. The snore was :—
303.035 NO. 1.
O'Leary, Duffield,
. F. Scott, Vanetoue
. 0. Ross, - Dr. Maodooald,
Ourrie, skip ..22 Iuglia, skip 19
R3N35 No. 2.
J. Ballantyne, Gregory,
F. S. Scott, Neelands,
W. Thompson, Dinsley,
J. T. Rose, skip 28 Patterson, skip, 22
Total 50 Total 41
A ration match will be played shortly in
Tint BONALn.—In speaking of the City
Council's proceedings last Monday even-
ing the Toronto Globe says :—"Ronald
versus Marryweather" was the subject of
debate in Coonoil for the better part of
an hoar. The experts engaged by
the city recommended the Merrywoabher
of 1,200 U. S. gallons capacity at a cost
of $7,000 each. Mr. Ronald offered to
supply the same sort of an engine of quite
as large capacity for 66,000, 01 811,600 for
two. The debate largely took the dime.
tion of a discussion on home manufacture
versus foreign. Ald. MoMnrrioh was, he
said, rather disappointed that the experts
had not recommended at least one Can•
adian engine, but there seemed to be little
doubt that the Marryweather was the
superior engine. The members spoke of
Canadian manufaoture as desirable, but
they did not apply the principle. Every
gentleman around the board wore import.
ed broadoloth. Why did they nob wear
Canadian tweed 7 (Laughter). Simply
because the other was better. He moat,
reasoning along thin line, support the
report of the experts. Ald. R. H.
Graham, Leslie, Scott, Oliver and
other members made a big fight
for the purchase of at least one Ronald.
They poked fun at the experts, and de.
elated that experts as a rule had a great
many orotohete, and were not altogether
to be depended on. Ald. Leslie moved
that two Ronatds be purobased, provided.
they fulfilled the conditions set by the
exports. A.18. Davies moved that one
Merrywoather be purchased et once, and
the question as to the purchase of the
eeoond engine be refered back. Md.
Oliver moved that a practical test be
made of the two engines before porches.
ing. Md. Shaw remarked that Council
in former years had been bulldozed into
getting a home engine, bob they had
never got another. (Hear, bear), He
advised the pnrobase of ono Merrywoather
at once, and if Mr. Ronald ootid compete
in a that with it the city would order one
from him. Ald. MoMurrioh agreed, and
Council unanimously adopted the sug-
gestion to this. _A Marryweather will bo
purchased at once, and the Ronald will
be tested against it when it arrives, If
the test is satisfactory a Ronald will be
PAPP, I8AwnONereceived a very Nearby
Peeepbiun at the OQUQert iti 3.lalmorsbpn
lead Monday averring, His hamoroua
songe were so fanny as ever apd encores.
Were ohoerfully responded to,
WAWA 1.039T.—Thursday attornpon of
last week Illies Flora Wilson, et Wood'
stook, who was visiting Mrs, It, G, Wil,
KM, had the misfortune to loth her gold
watch while out driving in Brussels, It
is a hunting eased watch with the initials
F. W, on the ease and Miss Wilson's
name inside. A short gold chain was ab.
taohed, op whish was a gold ring and
bangles. It is to be hoped the missing
timepleoe will be found, aS outside of ibe
valne 1t was prized as a gift.
GIvo Us Yowl Pnoox.—The Wingham
Advanoe says :—"Some of the Reform
papers are exultingly telling their readers
that they were highly suooeesful in the
reoent East Huron revision courts, THE
BRusse»e Poem attempts to bolster up the
hopes of AS friends by telling them that
they came out thirty nine ahead. In the
language of the vernacular, TEE POST to
"talking through its hat," The boot is.
on the other foot, and it ie fitting su0h
as Tug POST too snugly. The truth of
the matter is that the Conservatives, by
the revision, made a gain of about' ten ;'
bub in the preliminary revision bbey
gained exootly seventy. The appearance
of the list as revised compared with the
same unrevised, is completely changed,'
so much so that my friend Dr. Macdou-
ald and his adherents will nob know it,
and will, when they see it, be moved to
ask ; "Whence Dame you from 7" If the
Advanoe will kindly supply us with the
figures by manioipalities, showing where
the Conservatives gained 10 by the reoeot
Courts of Revision, we will very gladly
publish the same. This Spring the elec-
tors of East Buren will prove to you, Mr.
Advanoe, that they are talking through
the ballot box and Dr. Macdonald and
hie adherents will know ib by the cause
of Liberalism triumphing in this Riding.
Of course you may whistle all you like,
Mr. Advanoe, to keep your courage up.
Business Locals.
DRY wood for sale at I, C. Ridherds.
DRY stove wood for sale at MoOraak-
Mamas greatly reduced in prices at H.
Dennis', Brussels.
Warm Paper 1 Wall Paper I Cheaper
than ever at Reddiok's. See advt.
Lanes stook of Horse Blankets and
Rolm at low prices at H. Dennis', Bros-
A 0.1013 seoond-hand square piano
(Emeraou) fur sale cheap. Apply at TEE
TRY os for your boots and shoes all
kinds and veryebeap. We repair rubbers
boots and shoes. I. C. Richards.
Hnen WILLIAMB 15 prepared t0 do saw
filing and setting at the livery barn
Sabisfaotion guaranteed to every customer.
Loon HERE.—The largest stook, hand-
somest patterns and lowest prices in wall
papers and window shades in the county
at Roddick's.
Bruns= robe lost last week between
Brussels and 12th con. Grey. The finder
will kindly leave it at Jas. Ballantyne's
grocery, Brussels.
Goin and see our immense stook of
beautiful wall mere in full seta, also
window shades in endless patterns and
colors. Very cheap at Roddick's.
H. R. BREwoo, Photo. artist, ,18 now
prepared to enlarge any photo. handed to
him, either 'in Crayon, Indian Ink or
Water Colors. Call and see samples ab
the Gallery, Brussels.
CARPET WEAVING.—The undersigned is
prepared to attend to all orders for
carpet weaving with promptness.
Moderate charges. Residence one door
South of John Varooe's fanner stand.
A copy of any photo taken by Messrs.
Perry, Burgess, or Strong may be had
by applying at our photo. gallery. Our
negatives are laid by with the greatest
oars, therefore photo's can be had first
class. H. R. Brewer.
years I was dosed, pilled and plastered
for weak back, scalding urine and con•
stipabion, without benefit. One box of
Chase's Kidney Pills relieved, 8 boxes
cured. R. J. Smith, Toronto.
Tug best bread in town at Taylor
& Smillie's, cheap as ever. The flour
used is made by Stewart & Graham,
whose new prorates has prover•, such a
success. Patronize local industry, low
prices and those who keep them down.
All kinds of saws cleaned, gummed,
hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled
at the East end of Queen St., by saw
filer, T. McGregor, Brussels. Saws
may , be loft and arrangements
made at McKay & Co's. hardware km,
Brussels Ont.
Birt hae all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells gleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
e000nd door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry st., Brussels. 84.41
One abort puff of the breath through the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, Whims Chia
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
use, it relieves instantly, and permanent-
ly cures Oatarrab, ,day Fever, Cold9,
Headaches, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and
Deafness. 60 oent5 at G. A.'Deodman's,
15 YEAns or Ioonogo.-,—Wm. Golding,
commercial traveller, 130 Esther street,
Toronto, Bays :—For 15 years I suffered
untold misery from Itching Piles, some.
times called pin worms. Many and
many weeks have I had to lay off the
road from this trouble. I tried 8 other
pile ointments and so called remedies
with no permanent relief to the intense
Hafting and stinging, whioh irritated by
scratching, would bleed and ulcerate.
One half a box of Chase's Ointment
oared me completely.
Wild beasts are making existence
miserable for .tile inhabitants along
the Saline and Canadian bottoms of
Arkansas. The continued snow has
driven the bears and panthers from
their hiding.plaaee. A report from
Danville, Yell County, is to the effect
that a bear ran off with the four-year.
old ohild of David Backer; a farmer lie.
ing near that plaoe, while Mrs. Baker
Was absent. A statement domes from
Hot Syringe that Ills farmers residing.
in Saline River bottoms are lofting
hondreds of cattle and hogs, while
several people have narrowly escaped
being killed by wild betide in the neigh.
both cod.
S 'rf X.D41.WD ,1MX1C 04X4,D✓1,
4BS10TS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) ' 62,000,000
gM aieein all prlftaipgipoints in Ontario, Quebec, 3ta s1toba, UMW ,States54X:'nplanrl,
A General Banking Business Transacted, Farriers' Notes •Disoounbed,
Drafts Termed and Colleotions made on all poloist.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and nllwarde from dot of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers liviug at a diobanoe..
J. A. STLIWART M,ts u000,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points 1n ;Canada, United States and Great Britain.
&rm ee 'a2r ,Rr AriP3irroism '.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita;
'We effect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or In Mut.
nal Companies as may bo desired.
WALD/MR.—In Grey, on Feb. 3rd, the
wife of Mr. Jno. Wallace, of a eon.
MODONALD.—In Grey, on February 14th,
1895, the wife of Mr. Graham Mc-
Donald of a eon.
JURY—WHITE.—At the Manse, Milverton,
on Jan. 80th, by Rev. Jno. Kay, Mr.
Wm, Jury to Miss Mary Ann White,
both of Elms,.
ROnAND—RrAN,—In Brussels, - on Feb.
18th, 1895, by Rev. Fr. Kennedy,
Mr. J. Roland, to Miss Mary Byars,
both of Mal:0110p township.
RoE—WnorlmLn.—Ab the residence of
the bride's father, on February 6th,
by Rev. J. W. Waddell, Mr. Fletober
Rae, of Mogillop, to Mies Laura,
daughter of Mr. John Whitfield, of
CANTLON.—In Morris, on Monday, Feb.
18th, John, second eon of Samuel
Cantlon, aged 21 years, 2 months
and 9 days.
A,VC'S'2O2,T 05 &I 7S -
Forma, March lst.—Farm Stook,
implements &0. Lot 16, con. 5, Grey.
Sale commences at 1 O'olonk sharp. F.
S. Scott, Ano. Allan Lamont, Prop.
Franey, MAnon 8TH.—Farm Stook, im-
plements, &c. Lot 11, Con. 10, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 p. m., sharp. John
Duncanson, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Ana.
TUESDAY, MAROH 5TH.—Farm Stock, im.
plements, &o., Lot' 9, Con. 18, Grey.
Sale unreserved at 1 p. m, sharp. Thos.
Johnston, Prop. Geo. Birkby, Anc.
implements, household furniture, &0.
Lot 25, Con. 11, Grey. Sale unreserved
at 1 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Jno. Long,
Adminisbratrix, F. S. Soott, Auctioneer.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton.
Hides trimmed,.
Hides rough
Salt per bill., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Apples per bbl
Hoge, Live
Hoge, Dressed
55 56
65 66
85 38
52 58
28 30
14 00
12 00
8 00 8 50
30 00
7 00 00
2 2}
1 00 00
20 40
15 40
1 26 1 25
3 50 3 75
4 76 5 00
TORONTO Feb. 19.—Market generally
dull. Flour—One car of 06 per oent.
patents sold at equal to $2.85, Toronto
freights but no movements in other
grades quoted.—Wheat—White and red
held at 68c west, and 590 on Northern
but no definite movement quoted ; No.
1 hard unchanged at 790 to nits west,
and at 83o for grinding in transit.—Oats.
—Some oars of white lying westward
sold at 80c,—Barley—Choioe No. 1 held
outside at 52c and would bave been
taken at previous pricse.—Peas—Three
oars sold at 64o and two care at 55c ly-
ing north and west, which prices seem
likely to be repeated.
TonoNTo, Feb. 19. Offerings were
heavy at the Westernj,Cattle Market to-
day for this time of the year, and the
result was that the tone of trade was
dull. There was a little buying for ex.
port, which gave a alightly better ap.
pearanoe to some of the futures paid,
but as a rule the range of last Friday
was scarcely reached. About 18 or 20
oar loads of stuff were taken from Mon-
treat Flogs Were steady. Offerings to.
day were 59 carloads, which inoluded
811 sheep and lambs and over 1,200
hogs. Trade was dull again for butcher's
cattle, and prices realized were very,
low ; common and inferior cattle were
bard to sell at any price. Local demand
was low and buying was for outside
principally. Montreal, not over active.
All around dealers and drovers agreed
that it was a bad market. Rough cows
and bulls mid light inferior cattle gold
from 2o to 4j0 per pound ; medium, 2gc
to 26o ; good to choice, 2 to 8}o; ons
or two picked head sold at nearly 3 b per
pouod. Messrs Dunn et Thompson
bought a few orttle to matte up some
loads for export to the old amoldy via
Halifax. The top figure paid was 40
per pound. A car load of bulla bought
fn twos and threes bought from Bo"to Ito
per pound ; some oxen sold for 8o per
pound ; two or three extra choke steers
made 4o per pound. Sixteen head of
milch cows and springers offered and
everything sold ; prices realized from
$20 to $40 per bead ; a little weaker for
poor and firm for the bast. Although
Offeringe in bogs were very heavy, the
market held its own fairly well. Good
choice, long, lean bogs brought $4.25 to
$4.80 per cwt., weighed of care. Stores
and light bogs were slightly firmer at.
from $3 75 to $4 per owl., weighed off
care. Slags and other rough Boge were
slow of sale at 20 to 2}o per pound.
Sows for breeding sold at Sia to 4c per
pound. There is a pretty fair demand,
for good bogs. 'Shipping sheep were
quiet and barely steady, only one buyer-
operating in this line. Prices paid were
from 8i, to no per pound, the latter for
choice. Lambs were firm, selling at
from 4o to 4io per pound. The demand
for them was active. In stockers and
feeders there was practically nothing
BDyywo, Feb. 19.—Cattle—Receipts.
40 head. Market steady, sales good ;
1,050 to 1,150 pound steers, 63.90 to 84.-
26 ; fat bulls, $2.85 to 63.10 ; fair to
good, fresh cows in good demand at $28
to 645 ; common, $20 to $26 per head.—
Hogs—Receipts, 3,800 bead ; market
strong for good mediums and heavy ;
slow and easier for pigs and light grades;
sales, Yorkers, $4.20 ; pigs and lights,
$4.25 to $4 30 ; good mediums, 64.95 ;
choice heavy, $3.87} to $4.40 ; roughs,
$3.35 to $3.80.—Sheep and lambs—Re.
ceipts, 11,400 bead, including 65 loads
held over ; market steadier for prime
latnbe, slow and easier for common to
fair ; sales, choice to extra lambs, $5.65'
t0 65.95 ; good, $5.15 to 65.30 ; common
to fair, $4.75 to $5 ; culls, 88 to $4.25 ;
uhoiae mixed sheep, fat 86 to 100 lbs.,
$4 to 64.40 ; good $3.50 to 64 ; °nils and
common, $2 to 83.25 ; extra grades dull,
64.25 to $4.75.—Horses—Receipts were
about 400 head at the combination
stables. The market was an active and
satisfactory one and values on all bat
common lots and plugs from 85 to $10
higher. In faot it is the only decent
horse market that this point has bad in a
number of weeks.
FEB. 22, 1896
Fine Stationery 1
Ill the above line we have solIlo
great values. Writing fads 50„
10o, 160. and 25o. Our $pedal
100, Writing Pad ie a Daley for
the money, Beautiful Tinted
Paper by the quire, also navel.
opgs bo match at 150, a quire.
School Supplies !
Exeroiso Books, Soribbleret Ool-
ored Crayons, Fooleoap, Lead
Pencils, School Bags, &o„ &Q.
We have them all in endless
,fox's Bruf Store.
Opposite Queen's Hotel.
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made, 011lee—Vanetone'e Blooa, Brue.
0318. 21•Sm
Senator Conveyanaer,NotaryPub-
lla, &o. C onceHotel, Blbok, 1 sato
north 01 Central Hotel, Private Funds to
Solicitor, &o.pate of 'Garrote &
Proudf0ob's Office, Goderdoh.l Office oyer
Gillies & Smith's Baak, 131vesele.
Money 10 Loan. 47
Licentiate RoyaldColleg oDentalSurgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a specialty.Moder-
a barber shop, Turoberry �,, Bru
Bruit -
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary Pour doors
northof bridge •Purnberry et., Bruseela.
Er • 0. M., L. R. 0.P„ Edinburgh, M. 0.. P.
S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnborry Ste.
• Physician, Surgeon, A000yuober, etc,
Faculty a dierni Toronto
Collegeoofi Physicians
and fi��p�on�, Ont, 001'raE—Next door to
RoDonald & 110., Walton Out.
Theurer ofManiage Licensee. Office
at hie Grocery, Turnborry street. Brussels.
Cordo of best green wood, ail maple,
twenty-two inch, at the Methodist Parson-
age, Brussels,
V 1r t kr sale in Brussels. For further
MAI mien apply at Tan Posm Publishing
5 11,1•
9ooPE that will enable you to
see living creatures in a drop of water, or
impurities in Timothy seed, or unseen beau -
ilea in the animal and vegetable kingdom.
Come quick if you want ono.
Druggist, Bookseller, and
Graduate Optician.
Sale.—The undersigned offers for sale
hie Abel Engine and Separator, both in
good working ;m•der. He will also dispose of
his. shingle mill. Reason for tolling, ill
health. A bargain will be given. For
further paxtioulars as to price, terms, &a.,
5.tf Lot 15, 0013.0, Grey, or OranbrookP 0
Dissolution of Partnership.
We, Joseph Ballantyne andSamuel Wil-
ton formerly the members of the - firm of
Bailaut ao& Wilton, carryingon business
in. the Village of Brussels, in to County of
Huron, as tivsmmltbe, do hereby 001010y that
the said partnership was on the 'fifteenth
day of Pobruary 1895, dissolved by mutual
°absent, Mr. Wilton will continue the bust -
nets, to whom all debts and a000uuts must
be paid at once, and who aesumes all arm
Liabilities, and Mr, Ballantyne retiree from
the arm,
Dated at Brussels this 15th day of Pebra•
ary, A.D..1803.
JL' nnneoexxo has several good Farms for
sale and to ren*, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F S, S0OTT,Br'atsel0.
.L Sell or exchange a 320
veal all
re nay far crop,.ei uteRod ,or Sarni
richest the world, with orwithout
stock and anebinory. Sufficient
to cultivate
tho same. With stook and machinery, $20.00
per acre 1 without stook and machinery,
515 00 per acro, 51,099 to be paid at tine of
set a Nahulao at 7 per. cent, per annum,
W 11(e for particulars. I also haven(' aeras
of improved Lund for lease and a large
qua »tit y of unimproved land for Belo on o,1oy
North Dakota.
shawettesouth of A. oKay&Co'hardwareLadies'aad obildrens hair cutting a specialty
sunANae 00. l4atablished 1040, In.
minimum effected on all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates.
10-3m Agont, Brussels.
Co,CleHuron of onveyancer, e Fourth Division
Bary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made
019oe in Smale's B look, Brussels
Teacher of instrumental music, en
Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues-
day and Wednesday of each week. Real -
donee on Princess Street, Brussels.
T A. HAWRINS, M. 0. S. M.
aL • Organist in Bt. Jobn'sChurch, Brue
eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, of A.
W.Thayor,Mos .Doc. New York, will give
lessons to pupils dither on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A.R. Smith's storo,Ilrue-
eele. Vooalleseoos also given, Terme mod-
• ,
Auctioneer, 15 always ready to at-
tend sales, of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme
cheerfully given. 0rarhrook P.O. Sales
may.. be o.1ran od at THE PoPublishing
Roues. Brusselem s.
Licensed Auctioneer. Bales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stooks specialty. Orders left at Tun Poet
PubliohingOouso,ilrusssis, or sent to Walton
P. 0., Will revel a prompt attention,
9E as an AI1Otlonesr, I am prepared'
to conduct sloe of farm stook at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
evetyporson I am in a position to sell to
good marks and got good security when sold
on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mea call, 82- F S. SCOTT.
Sale or to rant, being the property
North of the railway, belonging to James
Smart, For particulars as to price' au d
tonne, apply to WM. AINLET,
10-tf Ament'e Factory, Brussels,
DEnsr0NEn has hie emery grinder in or-
der for gamming;eawe at 3 &0P. Ao eob's fee.
tory whore he will bo fpfcatod to attend,to
the r
edge tools 00411.01y ground and sharpeno d.
Anything from a pen -knife to a broadaxe
can he put Fin order In a work -manlike
Wanner. charge a tways reasonable,