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"own Directory.
Mdevene Cn0ncn,-Sabbath Servioee
at 11 a el and MOO p, m. f3nnday School'
et 2:90 p m Bev. dobe Roee, D A,
Kee% Cnueele.—Sabbath ]dervioes at 11.
a m and 0:80 ea in, Sunday Sobool ett
2;30 p m. Rev. D,11Tlllse, piester,
ST, J000's CtIOn°If.—Sabhath Servaoes
at 11 a m and 7 p Irl, Sunday School
at 2:80 p, m, Rev, A, K. Griffin, inoupl,
111oT110DIeT 0ICORRIt,—Sabbath Seevioee
at 10;80 a in and 6;30 d m. Sunday
School at 2:80 p m. Rev. G. H. Cobble.
diok, M A, B D, pastor,
RonuAN CATHOLIC Coonan, --Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
00:80 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALTATION Anna,—Servioeat 7 and 11
, a m and 6 and 8 p m qtr' Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks,
ODD Feeeowe' Lorena every '1'haredey
evening, in Graham's blook.
Mesouro. Lonoe Tuesday at or before
fall moon, in Garfield • block.
A 0 05 W Loma on the Brd
Friday evening of each month, in Bias -
kill's block.
0 0 F LODGE 2nd and last Monday
evenings of eaeh month, in Blaehill'e
I O F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L th L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
BONS or SCOTLAND, let and 3rd nee.
days of each month, in Odd ,Fellows'
K. 0. T. M. Imam, let and 3rd Thane
days of each month, in Vanetone blook.
Boom CIRCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even.
Ings in Blashill's Hall.
Pose Orrlox.—019oe hours from '8 a.
m. to 6:30 p. m.
MEOoAouoa' ItmenmOs.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p, m. Wednesdays and 3:30 to 5
end 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw,'
Town Couxau.-W. H. Herr, Reeve ;
W. H. Mo0raoken, Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillore ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk Thoinae Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the lst
Monday in each month.
SCHOOL BOARD.—Rev. Ross, (obairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J, N. Kendall ; Sec.-Treas.,
R. Rose. .Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in each month.
Peseta SoaooL TEAOHEns.—J. H. Cam•
eron,. Principal, Mies Braden, Mies
Downey andMisa Cooper.
BOARD or HEALTH.—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. farrow and J. N.
Kendall, Dr. MoNaugbton, Medical
Health Officer.
The baby I'm aegbainted with
Knowsnaught of battle's harms, ,
Although he's of the infantry,
And often upin arms.
He puts his grandpa'a glasses on,
Then imitates his frown,
And reads the paper backward, while
He holds it upside down.
Sometimes be pries, and oh, so hard,
I think he understood
The good old doctor when be said
That it would do him good.
With kitty oft upon the rug
He has a wrestling match,
Aed kitty, it may be, will win
By just the merest scratch.
He croons a little song that sounds
Like Gum, ob, gum with me 1"
And, as he is a minor, he
Salads a minor key.
Each day nurse wheels him to the park
So, in his carriage there,
A little sen and heir may find
A little eon and air.
At; in his drib he dozes off,
With snob a funny snore,
We wish he'd sleep till eight, instead,
Of waking up at four.
There was a man who never told a lie,
But he's dead;
Never Raid it was wet when the weather
was dry;
Never said he'd naught fish when he
hadn't naught one ;
Never said he'd done something that he
hadn't done ;
Never scolded his wife and never got
And wouldn't believe that the world was
so bad.
A reepeoter of men, a defender of women,
Who believed thedivine, end in that which
was human ;
Meek ns Moses—he never was under-
And the poor man died of being too good—
And he's dead.
There was a women who never gossiped
a bit—
She's dead, too ;,
Who bated all soaudel, nor listened to it.
She believed in mankind, took care of her
Always turned a deaf ear to this :dory seed
that ;
Never scolded her husband she never had
one ;
No sluggard •was she, but rosewith the
sun ; w
Never' whispered in meeting, didn't care
ao r
N INgmD: nee AR
( N Q,
flglt of 86,000,000 on the top 08 the denote
et 81,800,000 which we held last year,
awn rairaso IYE eyaDEt'f.
Under the protoobive system the tax.
Mien I have spoken of doe° not represent
all the extra money tbat has been an in.
direct taxation that hes been paid ; that
does not go into the treasury at all, bnt
lute gone to the support and maintenance
of the fndogtriee of the oottntry, I dA
not say, and do not ola'ttn, that in all
oases ttie amount of duty ie a4ded to the
Article by the manufacturer who mane.
factures that article in the °gantry, but it
would be more than folly for any man to
say that under a system of protection the
man who purchases borne -made goods
does not pay more titan he veou.id have to
liay if there was free competition. What
is protection put on for ? It seems, to
me that it is a waste of tune to talk sheet
18 in many other rospeote than that,
(Hear, hoar,) What that amount would
e I oannot pretend to toll you. Tberelare
those who say thap it would equal the
amount that goes into the treasury, We
sometimes speak ae if the money taken
from the people wont into the pocket of
the man who was mannfaaturing the
goods. That le not so. The system of
proteotion, bears unevenly on the whole
community. The cost to the consumer
is pretty well ascertained, bat the oust to
the manufacturer is not so easily traced,
because under the protective system in
protecting one man you are imposing a
burden on another. The manufacturer
of agricultural implement has now 20
per oent. duty on this article, bat he does
nob get the advantage of this because the
man that he buys his iron from has been
protected, and being protected be has
raised the price of the iron which the
manufacturer of agricultural implements
has to pay, and so hie implement has post
him more to make than it otherwise
would. When you begin a system of
proteation, every article from the raw.
state ns it pewee through the manufao-
tured state and becomes another man's
raw material must be enhanced in pride,
and so that man, instead of being tiro-
teoted, is absolutely legislated against
because the duty on the raw material is
greater than it is on his finished product.
My own opinion is that ander a revenue.
tariff the industries that are natural to
this country would do better and thrive
better than they do under this protective
system, which, instead of being a benefit
to them, bas been an absolute injury to
them. One article being protected being
the raw material of another manufacturer
the burden of proteotion ie still further
increased. Yet the Mininsters tell ne
that this duty has not raised the prioe
of artioles. What is the duty on for if it
does not enhance the price ? And if
goods can be Bold as cheaply in Canada
to day as they are in any other place,
bow does that accord with the Dilatators
telling the people that it they remove the
protection the manufacturing industries
will be closed np, the workmen thrown
out of employment and the farmers de.
prived of their market ? I notice that
one of the Ministers want further and
claimed inferentially and almost directly
that instead of enhenoing prises proteo.
tion bad lowered them, instancing the
one article of sugar, which, he says, is
live cents a pound now instead of ten
cents a pound in Mr. Mackenzie's time.
Well, I do not admit his views, and I in-
tend to follow up the reasoning of the
Ministers and to ask if there be any here
that believe with him that proteotiog
sugar hes reduced' the prioe of It, that he
will look at it in reference to other
matters. Sugar ie not the only item_
that is protected under the National
Polley. Some of you are farmers. I
have no doubt that the Ministers have
told you time and again that they pro-
tected the farmers. So they did, so far
ae putting duties on. They protected
your wheat. Wheat ie protected, as well
as auger, to the amount of 20 dente a
bushel. According to Dr. Montague pro-
tection on sugar reduced the:price from 10.
cents to 5 cents a pound. By
a parity of reasoning a duty on wheat
reduced it from 81.20 a bushel to60gents,
and like causes must prodnoe like affeots.
(Applause.) You don't agree with him,
ore aauree, and I am showing him where
,bis argttment leads. finger has fallen
becahse it has fallen in the markets of
the world, therefore it, is lower it Canada,
and would be lower still if there were not
protection on the refined artiole. Wheat
is lower because it is lower all over tba
hole world. I would never attempt to
ome before yon and tell you that it in
the power of the Liberal party to raise
he prioe of wheat when we come into
ower, butI am here to denounos to you
he claim of the Ministers that they can
o that. But now, after they have ad-
mitted that it was impossible for them
o do that, they still maintain that.they
ave power to accomplish through their
retentive tariff a reduction in the prioe
f goods that the farmer has to buy.
Mr. Paterson then took up the Liberal
latform, and demonstrated to the ap-
arsnb satiefaebion of every man present
hat its adoption would be a tremendous
enefit to the coantry.
The man who isnot a friend will never
ORO one.
Big words often make a poor cloak for
small idea.
Every good woman is a aonetant re-
inder that God lives.
-_dn optimist is a man who believe; that
1 eggs will hetet".
There areeducated pigs, but there aro
ne that do not like the mad.
The sermon: that do most to save the
odd are not preached in pulpits.
It le seldom that a man with a big in -
me is ever perssouted for righteouenees
Whenever the world comes face to fano
th unselfish love it has to stop and
Some very gond people can never see
y berm in sin while it can wear good
thee and ride in a aoaoh.
There is no sin so little but thet if it
d bbe riglib of way and time enough it
uld weeok the univeree.
HEART Duman ReLlmvnn. Is 30 Mltt-
Tme.—Ali oases of organic or eympathebio
tit disease relieved in 80 minutes and
iekly oured, by Dr. Agnew'e Cure for
Heart. One. doss oonvineee. Sold
G. A. Deadman,
That the blend should perform its
al functions, it ie absolutely necessary
:Mould not only be pure but rioh in
giving elements. These results are
et effected by the ass of that well.
own standard blood.purifier, Ayers
Or all the feathers that one could put on
Never sat wibh the choir, nor sang the
wrong note ;
Expressed no desire to lettere or vote
l'or the poor soul was as deaf ae a post --
also dumb ;
You might have called forever, and ebe
wouldn't have come—
And she's dead.
BELIEF ns Six Hoene,—Distressing-kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Ours." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on eonount of
lte:'exoeeding. promptnose in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary paaeages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
Water and pain in easefng it almost im-
mediately. If you Want gni0lr relief apd
cure this is your remody. <'8o1`18 byf G. A.
Deadman, druggist,
�,1404.M 11r'
Mr, Wilson, of Wingham, bat/ been
transferred to the Luoknow branch 91 the
Bank of 1lami)ton,
Anew holonging to James Baird, of th
boundary West Of pueltnow, celebrate
the big etopm by plying birth to Glue
welldevelopqed and large fused ealvee
Cleo of the halves was dead at etetb end
second only lived a few days, but Ili
third one is still alive and doing well.
Miseiopary anniversary eervi005 were
held in the Methodist thuroh, Luoknow,
on Sabbath, 170h ine6. The Ras,. John
Shaw, D. D., Missionary Secretary, To
rondo, preached at 11 a, m, At 7 P. m.
platform meeting was held, when ad
dresses were delivered by Dr, Shaw, •9n
"Home and Foreign Mlegions," also by
Mrs. R. J
M Walker, a returned . W k pad ro's
i eon -
ar from "The
f m ri jj'ah
y British Columbia, on the
Progress 08 the gospel among the radian
tribes on bbe Paaifio Comb,"
At the epeoial meeting of the village
counoil.the follgwing muniaipal oflieere
were appointed for 1896 and their salar-
ies ;—Clerk, Hugh 'Morrison, salary;
8100 ; Treasurer, John Murohison, 850 ;
Asseosor, M. Corrigan, 350 ; Collector,.
Jelin N. Ross, 850 ; Waterwork's engine.
er and street inspector, Thos. Douglas,
8400. The village constable' and the
clerk of the weigh !melee term does not
expire till May, and no appointment will
be made tin that time.
EMCEE THE AXLE. -When the early.
train on Thursday morning of last week
had gone about a mile and a half South
of Luoknow,.the axle of one of the large
drive wheels of the locomotive broke and
the wheel fell off into the snow at the
side of the track. Fortunately the
train had scarcely reached bbe top of
the big grade' in the road at the time,
and when the wheel flew off the train
almost immediately oame to a stand.
still, and no ferthee damage was done.
Had the aaoident occurred on the steep
grade, coming into the village, or a short
dish ncefurther ahead, the whole train
would undoubtedly have been do -
railed, and there is no tell-
ing what amount of damage and
perhaps loss of life, would gave occurred.
Conductor John Qoirll was in charge of
the train, and we heartily congratulate
him, the paseengere, and the other of.
flolats, on their leaky escape from in.
jury. After the accident the oars were
unooapled from the tender and came
down the grade to Lacknow, when all
the passenners were safely landed at the
etation and the engine and tender alone
proceeded on its way to Palmerston on
three wheels. The 10:48 train took the
coaches and paseeagers on their way
so uth.
eelelen the amount for missionary an
a benevolent objcots to 81,853,
li ion
cyan a gat 47 ro
g , $ 4 tq fq n m' s'on( •
i te. t
$26 to the Aged and infirm minlater'a
fund ; $20 to the widow's and 9rphan'e
fond ; 916 to the assembly expense fund;
apd $10 to the Jewish mission, In ad,
ditien the euro 918024 wog expended for
other benevolent and religious purposes
o The entering wedge of a fatal ooin.
plaint is often a alight oold, which a
dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Peotoral
might have cured at the oommencemenb.
Therefore, it is advisable to have this
a, prompt and eeree remedy always at
hand to moot nn emergency,
Rnm0nfATIBnr O0mmD IN a Der, --South
Amerieen l0boumatio Cure for Iiheuma.
am sm and Neuralgia radioatly puree in 1
to 8 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterioue. It re.
moves at once the gauss and the disease
imrnediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits, 75 oeute. Warranted
by G. A, peadmon,
Geo, H. Burger, Postmaster, and
Mayor of Welland, Ont„ says : "From
experieneein'nay own family I. oannot
Speak too highly of Stark's Powders ae a
pleasant, immediate and permanent cure
for headache, nearalght, blliousnoes and
liver troubles. 0 am also aware of
several severe oases 10 our own town and
neighborhood whieb have been oared by
them after the patients had soffered for
years, bad tried all kinds of remedies
and had been treated by doctors,—Geo.
H, Burger. Two preparations in each
box : nice to take. Sold by all medi.
cine dealers at 26 cents a box, 5 for 91.
February 22nd.
G ode rioh.
R. 0. Hays bas removed his law office
to North 'street, 2nd door from the
Square. e
Crown Attorney. Lewis was in To
ronto last week attending a convention
of his brother chips of the province.
Tbeee overworked and poorly paid of-
ficiate feel the need of organization for
mutual protection.
'W. Lee received ward last week
that the Cambria and Carmona steam-
ships will both be an this route the
Doming season. running between Detroit.
Mackinac and the Sault. This should
effectually prevent any complaint re-
garding insufficient a000mmodation far
this delightful trip, and increase the
number of those who will take advantage
of it.
Three lawyers, a dozen dootore, and 6
or 8 litigants ocanpied the court room
for a day and a half last week before
Judge Tome, the case being a' dispute
over the will of the late Richard 'Green,
of Tuckersmith. Deceased had willed
all bis farm and property to one daugh.
ter, Mrs. Robertson, and two others,
Mrs. Oldfield and Mrs. Hill, Bought to
upset the will on the ground that their
father was mentally unsound when he
made it. The evidence was sufficient
to show that deceased, who was some-
what erratic in hie habits of late years,
was seffering from senile dementia, and
on Wednesday morning after a suggest-
ion to that effect from His 'Honor, the
litigants arrived at an amioable cattle•
ment, by which each daughter receives a
share of the estate. J. T. Garrow ap-
peared for Mrs. Oldfield, P. Holt for
Mre. Hill, and lawyer Thompson, of
Mitchell, for Mrs. Robinson.
KNox Cnunote—The annual meeting
of the congregation of Knox church was
held on Wednesday and a pleasant, hap.
py event it wee. The rooms adjoining
the lecture room bad to be thrown open
to a000mmodate the -large congregation..
The pastor, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B.
A., presided, and called for reports from
the various societies and organizations.
The pastor briefly reviewed the work of
the past year in the report which be
presented from the session. Fifty-eight
new names were added to the aommonion
roll, and thirty-two removed, making a
net inoreaee of 26 over the previous year.
There are now 628 names on the roll.
The report of the W. T'. M. S. was pre-
sented by Miss M. S. Blair, which show-
ed the receipts from the society to be
$104.92. Miss Nancy Nairn spoke of the
Y. W. M. Band, whose receipts were
$39.11. The lbIoGillivary Band report
was presented by Mies M. L. Strang.
This band ranked asoond among the
juvenile mission bands of the Western
Division of Canada in the last annual
report of the W. F. M. S., and is the
banner mission band of the Presbytery of
Huron, having raised during the year
8152.25. The Y. P. S. 0. E. reported
through its secretary, Samuel Beckett,
This excellent report (listed applause
from the congregation, and showed that
the society late adopted as its watchword
"Advance Endeavor." The -ordinary
monthly collections amounted to 957.80.
In addition, a considerable amounb, not
reported., and raised by (penial effort, ie
in the treasury for the purchase of a
piano. The Sabbath School report was
given by .11 R. Sallowe, the superintend:
ant. It showed an enrollment of 294
scholars and 36 officers mid teaohers, and
receipts of $271.27. The pastor's Bible
alase had an average attendance of 81,
and receipts of 968.50. The Relief
Soolety report was presented by Mr.
Strang, in the absence of Mrs. Garrow,
the preoidoiit. Ib showed diligence and
watahfullness on the part of the members,
The board of managers reported through
their °bairman, Obae. A. Nairn, show-
ing the total reoeipte and expenditures
of the year.'to bo . $4,567.42, with a bob
anon 01,$1;37 ih the'treasury. Of tele
amount tbe'dongregatibo with ibe socio-
ties obetributed $1,229.08 to the sohemes
of the (thumb, giving 9185 to colleges ;
$272 to borne missions ; 965 to the
augmentation fund ; 9108 to $'renoh
'White Staff' 'Line.
Between' New York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
Ae the steamers of this line carry only a
strictly limited number in the 5x1501 and
550050 oADIN aeoammodattoae, intending
paesengere are reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths is neoeaeary at this sea-
son. For plans, rates, ate., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
Any Amount of Money to Loan.
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk. Brussels.
Only the Scars Remai ,
"Among the many testimonials. Willett I
NC In regard to certain tpodlcinos perform.
log cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
Engior IlnnsoN, of the James Smith
Woolen ]Machinery Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa, "none
Impress mo more than my
own eaSe. Twentyyears
ago, at the age of 18 years,
Ihad swellings come on
my 1091, which broke and
became running soros.
Ourfamllypltysloton could
do me no good, and It was
feared that the bones
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged mo to try Ayer'a
Sarsaparilla. f took thine
bottles, the soros healed,
and 1 have not been
troubled since. only the
sears remain, and the
memory or the past, to
remind the of the good.
Ayer'sSarsaparilla has done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and.
am In the best of health. I have been on the
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised in all parts
of the Meted States; and nhvays take pleat -
ore in telling what good it ltd for Inc.
For the ours of all dietases orlglnating In
Impure blood, the beet remedy is
AYER S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by br. J. O. Ayer Sc CO., f awl it Maet.
Cures others, MU CUM ydlq
9 oentp in eternise, or 10 cents silver,
and will send you by return mail the.
A neat little Book, beteg ayerteot Wattle
the art of Letter Wilting, et pontains, Let.
tete Lill: 075, 8rloadebip, Bueinoss, he. with
valulnsbrn441one amu- adv{{pe.0 ?'ivory
yaungmau and woman should have lb:s
nook,. Address,
Wistar Sailing's,
When you Want a Stove, Tin
or Ganite -ware, or Hard-
ware, Paints & Oils,
--ALL AA ----
Hardware Store
Where you wi11, from
this date, get a
D1SCOT ? of nu Pre MT.
Offfall Cash Purchases.
From Frcm From
Liverpo'1 'STSAnrsOlre, Portland, italifax,
Fine Roman, Artists' Can-
vas in Stock.
Feb, Sl Namidian Mar. I4 $far, 16
Mar. 7 Mongolian 2g. .• 80
21 Laurentian Api.11 Ap1.1s
Apl, 4 Numidinn..,,..,,, 20 27
Steamers will sail from Portland about
1 p. m. Thursdays, and from Halifax
about 1 p, m, Saturdays, after arrival of
Western Trains.
For further information ae to rates,
&c., apply to
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyepepaia, Sleeplessness, Palpate.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
7. M. MoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufaotnrer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist, Brussels.
16 -Page Weekly -96 Columns.
Now to Dec. 81, 1895.
Balance of Year Free.
110110 WEER Y Or TSE MT.
Large Prize List.
Handsome Premium,
Good Inducements to Agents.
For Agents' Terms, etc., address—
Advertiser Printing Go.
I am now selling 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 26 lbs.
Bright Yellow Sugar for; p1 ; 4 lbs. No. 1 Currants for 25c ; 4
lbs. No. 1 Raisin for 25e 25 lbs. Rice for $1, and
everything else in Grocery Line Accordingly.
Boots Is shoes
I have a very fine stock of Boots and Shoes, from the
f Best Makers, at Lowest Prices.
I commence Drees Goods at 5o. ; Bost Cot-
tonade made, for 25c. a yard ; Smyrna Blan-
kets only $1.00 a pair ; Grey Cotton from 40. ayard up ; Men's Cape, 20a. up ; Best
Cotton and Prints in the store for 100. a yard ; 20c. Sateen Print for 15c.
I carry everything that a farmer needs. Here aro a few snaps :—Cop-
per Tea Kettle, only 91.25 ; Copper Tea Kettle, Nickeled, only 91.50 ;
Royal Tin Tea Kettle, copper bottom only, 75c.
I also have the best Washing Machine in the Market, and at a Low
Price. My Customers can depend on my Hardware being lower than
you can buy anywhere else.
TERMS—CASH OR TRADE. Butter 160., Eggs 15o.
H H;1\TF.L-,YN.
-.,IN THE PHOTO. LINE„.-,..mgeo►
We are second to none and intend to keep up to date.
We can make Photos. any size you want them from the
Sunbeam to the Life Size Photo. Copying Pictures is
done on the shortest Notice, making them any size
you wish. We are prepared to enlarge any Photo. to
Life Size in
Crayon, India, ink or Colored
In the most Artistic Manner.
All our work is from Finely Finished Negativesis
of the Best and Latest Styles and is Warranted First-
class. No Photos. made that aro not satisfactory.
Give us a gall. Always welcome at the old Reliable
Photo. Studio. Gallery over Standard Bank, Brussels,
Photo Artist,