HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-2-15, Page 8T E US SLS POST I$10Q0 Prins Ro'y. • minted.......:, Buns4Ene 0v d.Y Olabgntb to Wind^ lagan on Thuxsda of tlaie week fGr a friendly germ. Ginn wanted, at once, to do npataira work at Ametioan Rotel, Brussels, Ap+ ply la Aixe, ISmnig• i aa•rol watch asdvwa1Be t}ed eh eek' sous . f T Fo.x s la•m dee by its owner. Advertising days. T. A. HAWEINa will eine et a ponoert at Palmerston on Monday evening of next week. Mr, II, was et Varna on Wednee. clay evening of this week, Tun Dry goods and Millinery stook of and if i eo dpRMr.ees tandsrMrs. Eogere ed for pie al will probably retire from business, after a busy life extending over many years. A NotiEEn of Brueselitee' attended the Liberal meetin in Win ham on Thurs• g g what en, M p ' l?DaeerenoDonal,, J. Mia and 'Phos. Gibson, M. P. P., delivered ad• dream. the pad week. brought during wildoats have taro trerrie cold weather has made these ani• male very daring in visiting barns, poul- try houses, &e., in Grey and Morristown. ebips, ?Now-6i;oeioa is a popular pastime with Brussels young people this winter. Danger signals should he planed where deep ditobes are, however. as a young lady had a close call from death by smothering from taking a "header" while touring in Grey township last week. A friend from the West averted a Qatari- trophe. THE Editor of the Atwood Bea ie quite esthetic in his tastes. Last Week the following loam notice appeared in the his paper : "A Oat Wanted :-A pare white John Thomas kitten wanted at �� a sry If you lust wanted a plain mery day grey or yellow eat there would be no trouble, bot a pure white Thhomas is not SO easily found. Bear up tough, Bro. Pelton, don't falter and the great "want" may be filled. WILL no CooaaocED.-All subscriptions to THE Poan extending bank two years will beplacedin other bands for collect. tion after March 16. We give this time- ly notice so fie to save expense to any. body. The amount in arrears by any individual is trifling but in the aggregate means hundreds of dollars to 08. We must have a settlement It as to balance our books. By consulting the address label on the paper or on enquiry at this office the amount due may be ascertained, STAMPING PATTERNS FnnE•-A11 OOr read- ere should s,•ud to the Publishers of THE HOME, 141 Milk 9t., Boston, Mass., and get a set of their beautiful Stamping Pat• terns. They can be need for embroidery outlining or painting. All desirable and good size; s one 8x10 others 5x8 inches. are ninety (91) one different pat. terns and two alphabets, one a large for- get.mo.not p ttters. With this outfit the publishers send THE Harz, a 16 page paper obntaining Stories, Fano), Work, Fashions, eta., for 3 months, and only ask for 10 cents to Cover coat of postage on patterns and paper. Our illustrated Premium Lieb sent free to any address. MnRRYwEATEER.-The experts appoint- ed to purchase two fire engines for To. ronto have made their report in favor of the Merryweather, an English machine. Mr. Ronald was present when the an- nonnoemeut was made and entered a vigorous protest. It done appear rather peouliar that a machine, such as the Ronald steamer is known 00 be right in the city and its oapabilities fully and freely tested before the Torontonians, should be passed by and preference given town outsider, who will be compelled by the oonbraot to make certain changes in their engine to render it suitable for the colder climate of Canada, Toronto may be terribly Conservative, bat the home prodoot outs no agora with the town dad. dice it appears. A test between the Ron- ald and the Merryweather would be an interesting affair. THE Sxtwn•AND BEBOM.-Bruesele curl. ing club drove over to Wroxeter on Thursday of last week and played a re- turn match with the clever stone twietsrs that plane. It was a close game all and the 20 end match resulted through g in a tie, with the odds in favor of the visitors. The score tarda gave the fol- lowing figures ; nADeBELri. wAOxETEn. RINE No. 1. J. Ballantyne, R. Black, F. S. Scott, R. Ross, W. Tiled son, E. Blank, p J. T. Roes, skip,.18 T. Rae, skip ....17 RINE No. 2. P. Scott, A. Paulin, J. A. Stewart, T. Brook, D. 0. Bose, T. F. Miller, A. Currie, skip..16 Robinson, skip ..16 Eeemeto Itoxrwkes.-It looks as if in a few years the Western peninsula of On- tario- will be so netted with electric lines that almost any farmer will be able 00 hail a trolley from his own front gate. London, if all the projects are oarried out, will be the centre of lines running in all directions -to St. Thomas, Aylmer and Port Stanley, to Liman, Grantee, Parkhill, Ailso Craig, Delaware, Mount Brydgee, Belmont and Harrieteville, to Dorchester, Ingersoll, Woodstock end Tilaonburg, to St. Mary's and Stratford. St. Thomas will send out linea to Union, Sparta, Port Brune, Port Staple Final, Stanley,Fingal, g Wallaoetown, Dutton, Bismarck and Rodney, Aylmer and Port Barwell. Brantford will be connected with Paris, Galt, Simone and Port Dover. [Emil. toe is the base of the following projected linea : Ono from Hamilton to Waterloo, peeing through the townships of 'Barton and Anoester and through or near the town of Dundas, and through the town. ships of Flamboro' and Beverly, North Dumfries and Waterloo 1 and from some point in the township of Wert Flamboro', or Beverly, passing through the town• ships of East and West Flamboro' and Beverly, in the Comity of Wentworth, and the townships of Puelinoh and Guelph, in the County of Wellington. How do they pay ? The annual meeting of the Galt and Preston electric railway was held the other day. Tbo report showed that on Deo, 31st, 1894, the road had been in operation a few days over. five months, and that the gross reoeipte , for that time had been $5,988.27, while the running expenses bad been 54,155.22, making the net earnings 51,826.05. What's the matter with having an elan• trio railway from: Brussels or Listowel to Godarich, There are few obetacles in the way OH as the route is concerned and Blyth and Auburn could be touched. is an easyA The co. town by no mama of access from this looahty under existing oiroumstanoee and a big excursion trade could be done during the Summer months to the lake. What do the Gods• ,'i hlies think of a scheme of this kind ? b 0 OK AT • JJILL.U,1Jl YOUB; 1 BT4X.�4•�, 14X, OF 04x.d.D4. ap�'�+ ........ g.Q72- HEAP t7 F F I C E. TORONTO, ASSETS, (Seven. Million Dollars) $7A04,090 • OAPITAZ (Authorised) ,. . , $2,000,000 , ADetiotesin ail ylrincipal pointe in Ontario, Onoliac, Manitoba, United Mates 0Mtpland, Have you read the new story that prize y ba eduponOtheoffered torythe LifefofOhriethe ts7. This hook in beet binding would sell for $1.00 but as we buy in quantities we, tell it in handeo'me paper binding for ONLY lac, EACH . They are going Melba sakes and we will soon peed to order 100 more. No need to buy • books from travelling agents. Enooura a home industries end buy from us. Booke not in stook procured when possible on short notion without extra charge.'Mull The Spbeription price of THn. Pose, if ppaid etriotl' In edvenoe, is ONE DOIaZA)?, If you do not renew within three months Of the date on your label the price will be $1.25 ; if you do not renew within ala menthe of the date on your label the price will be $1,50, No Dopar will be eel • looser than' one year before being paid r. fa Send renewals directly to bhie cores, money sent by registered ismer, Mit. ofaoe money order, express money order or draft, ie at our risk. A asb•offioe p order up to $4 oats only two Dente, The Change on your label will notify ' If not ahengedou of our in r three weeks drop he money. e a acrd and we will tracethe e matmske all chequester up. and orders payable to W, H. ]carr, Brae. eels. • When remitting money do not fail to give post office addreee, When notifying us of change of addreea do not fail to give both old and new'poat office address, Look at Your Label. ��'�'" ���• A General Banking Business Traneaoted. Partnere! Notes Disoounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe, • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of withdrawal and oomppunded half yearly. SPECIAL A'FT'ENTrON xo THE OOLLEOTION or FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Evac tan;lit afforded Customers y y living at a die tana�, A. STI7WART 71IANAeoo. �� ' 0)'1) I d r en' S Sleighs a t Reduced Prioes. Think of a bahby's yTheg sleigh won'high box atidob, Others le w an. dips for only $1.35 each. Others without boxes for 40c. Come and see them. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller and Fancy Goode Dealer. G II LIES & SMITE a �ly+q+,ye�+gy�• j .may OILLIES SMITE lijt d.�gthv afa�riiddib Irk ^' IT B R V 9 3 M � 8 Tran'aao1' a General BankingBusiness. Drafts Bought and Sold on + all points 1n Canada, United States and Great Britain• FARMERS NOTES .DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPEOIAZTY. SHAND TRUNK RAILWAY. __ SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & R. __ Trains leave Bruesele Station, North end Beath, es follows: GOING NORTH, Malt 8:64 a.m. Mixed 0:46 a.m. 8txed.e 11:69 s.m..I Mail 505 p,m, 9:00 p.m. Express 8:43 p.m. 45 DAYS of 1895 have already glided by. Improve the time b ' enbeOFibin for Ta POax $1.00 a ear in advanae,g E y MESSRS. TAYLOR & Stemma are level- coing a nine grocery trade in oonnootfon with.. their speeial weekly bargain days.-.. Their stook is fresh and olid and con- g sequently the beet of satisfaction iscompanies, given. Call on them and satisfy' your- self. FIRED THE WAaNING.-The COM MOD and ever-present warning of kidney trouble, beak -soba, weakness in •the back, are quickly relieved by Dr. chases Fillet The_ original and only 26 oeot Kidney -Liver Pills. Where all others. fail they Dura. 0. Donnelly, prop. of the. popular and well-known Windsor betel, Allistnn, Ont., was troubled for years with Robing piles. He wae persuaded byJas. 000Garve Alliston, livery man to uee Ohase s Ointment, whioh.he did, wae oared, and has had no return of them and highly recommends tbie Ointment as a 80080180 euro for Piles. LAST Cnturday Rev. G. H. Cobblediok received e +eleplinne message from Exeter informing Lim that hie little neige, Una, daughter of Mrs. A. Hicks, had died thab day. The little one was 8 months old, Mr. Cobblediok attended the funeralon Tuesday. Mr. Woke died last Septem• bar and the eldest daughter is now at a private hospital in Toronto under treat- meat. Mre. Hicks ie deeply sympathized within her sadness. OnrruARY.-The many friends of Reeve Arch, Milloy, of Colborne, were startled to hear on Tuesday of last week that he had died early that morning. He had been ailing for some weeks with typhoid fever, but was making goodheadway to. wards recovery, when with a few minutes warning he passed away. Deceased had been deputy -reeve and then reeve of the township for several years, and had many friends in this county. He was a member of the Foresters, Workmen and Sons of Scotland, and the funeral ou Thursday was conducted under the auspices of these bodies. Drnn.-Sunday night about 12 o'clock Mary Isabel, infant daughter of A. G. Dickson, of Detroit, died at the home of her grandparents, Queen street, with whom the little one has lived since her birth. For a time she was very weakly but by good ware and nursing she had de- veloped into a comparatively healthy child. An attack of bronchitis turned into congestion of the longe resulting in death after a few days illness.. The fun- eral took plane on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. D. Millar conducting the service. Mrs. Dickson died last April. Mr. Dick- eon and little daughter, Anna, are deeply e m athised p with. •y Beams Pueblo SCHOOL ELEOTION PROTEST. --The argument in this case was heard by His Honor Judge Doyle on Thursday of last week at the Go. town, E. L. Dickinson appearing for the tom• p lainaet, Mr. Farrow, and G. F. Blair for the Trustees. ' After the argument had been heard Mr. Dickinson asked leave to put in an affidavit showing that there p were more marded women than one voted. If on an inspection of the lista he found such to be the fact leave was grant• ed with permission to the Trustees to reply. The pointe argued were the right of the Clerk to add from the list to the poll book the names of voters that by an error in copying had been omitted-; the right of married women to vote ; the alleged irregularities in connection with the taking of the vote ; and the fact that the declaration of the election had been made in accordance with the Munioipal Act instead of the Public School Aot. Judgment may not be given for some- time, �ep qn },pD0,+yrq e p'm. a& �?.0'�1' fda6^aiYr.xYzdr8• Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Corn. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the .Menthe of October and April. Speoial'Arrangements made for Time Deposita. • We erreot to write Ilnenrau0o In old Eunneb or Caaadlan Com nnlce or 1¢ 1WLL• nal Companies as may be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANE OF COMMERCE - . orae .ehm glans. Alt kinds of sawe cleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, set, filed and. oiled at the emirend of Queen 80., by saw filer, T. MoGregor, Brussels. Saws may be. left and arrangements made at Malay & Oo'e.;hardware store, Brussels Ont. • WDLL -DIGGING AND Darmatte•-George Birt hoe all the neoeseary maobinery for digging and drilling wells and is Draper• .ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells Cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. Residence emend door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Bruesele. g 34wf EAST BUFFALO, IQ. Y., Feb. 12. -cattle -Receipts, 212 head market barely steady, but bytoherdemand Oslo ;' no very ohoioe steers op sale. Sates, good to - choice fat oowe. $2.BG to $3.80 ; Baht steers, 83.75 to $3.90 ;bolts, $2.20 to $3 ; choles, $8.26 to 03,50. Hoge -Receipts, 13,550 head ; market. demand fair, at steady yesterday's closing prices. Sales, Yorkers, 04.15 to $4.20 ; ohoioe, $4.25 , good mediums and mixed packers, 64.25 to $4.80 ; good to ahoioe heavy, $4.35 to $4.40 ; pigs, $4.15 to $4.35 ; pnah, 08.50 to $3.75 ;'stage, 03 to $3.40. Sheep and lambs -Total. offerings were 117 care; u 0008, about 12 oars being fresh reoeipte, Maud- ing one gar of Canadae. Owing to a shortage of ears it is impoeaible to get stook out, and the market is glutted, eastern buyers taking only en occasional ttoocal ale buyers to at d andpu obasinthe gloss the - were 75 oars heldunsold, including a oar of Canadae-; prime Canada lambs bold at 6o ; good mixed sheep, 04 to $5' ; .prime export Canadae. $4.50 to 05 ; fancy stock steady and no lower.' ToeoNTo, Ont., Feb. 12. -The regent storms had the effect of oousiderably re - Booing receipts at the live stook market today. All told there were only 14 car• loads, 10 loads of which were cattle- The offerings banded 22 lambs, 120 bogs and 8 miloh sows. In butchers' cattle-- attle-Gerrie As a result of light offerings the market was dearly, though dull. Hardly any - thing went above no per pound. One or two picked cattle might have touched nearly no per pound, but that figure can: not be taken as a oilier;on, common oelvee would sell hardly at all, prices for those ranging from 20 to 2,}o per pound mostly. Drovers and dealers agreed that prices were poor, the range for the best being from 3o to 3}o per pound. The recent storms have had the result of stopping buying for Montreal, so that hardly any cattle were taken for that market. Some of the cattle for that which ehonld have gone through last week, are going out now ; they have been delayed by the blookade. Stockers and feeders -Quiet. Only one or two head were pinked up for farmers. Prices are nominal, at from no to 210 per lb. Good hogs brought from $4.20 to $4.25 per owt., weighed off cars. Only one or two oars of choice were a fraotion above theme figures. In sheep and Iambs nob many were offered, and all sold at firm prices. In fact there were mo sheep' on the market, the offerings being about no to 4o per pound. A ohiel'e among ye talon' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. TBUnenav was Se. Valentine's Day. FOURTH Division Court on the 27th. Ice eating has commenced at the mill dam. MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thursday, 28th Inst. WHAT has become of the Young Men's Liberal Club 7 A DAR of cattle and sheep wae shipped , by Joseph Clegg this week to the Saar. Menus. BTENART & GRAHAM forwal'.1e5 a oar of their flour to Montreal on Tues- day. THE School Board did not meet heat THE Friday evening ae there was nut a quorum. ,There The flax mill will finish up their man- ufaotnring of last year's crop about the end of February. D. A. LOWRY received three ear loads of brick this week for next season's building operations. Wssaaele BLenmxo's team bad arunawav last Tuesday morning in which the sleigh was somewhat damaged. A. rem of the employees of Brussels Flax mill bad their hands frost-bitten while at work during the intense cold of last week. THE second meeting of East Huron Farmers' Institute. will be held in the GerrieTown Hall about the let of March. Particulars later. THE Customs Department has issued an order that, hereafter, all parcels Dom. ing by mail from the United States, and remaining in the Customs Hoene en. claimed for 30 days, Shall be forwarded to the Dead Letter Branch (Atha P. 0. Department. NEW FIRar.-Laet Monday A. MoGow- an & Co. took possession of 51151. Gould Co. stook of Dry goods, Garfield House, and are now attending to business. The new firm ie adding boots and eines, clothing and groceries. TEE Paz extends cordial greeting to the new firm on their opening. Mr. McGowan has leased the residence of Jno. Broadfoot, corner of Mill and Alexander street. - (of COMMENDATORY.='EOOlOssd find P. 0. I order to apply on subscription to your paper. We look for its weekly appear. anee as eagerly as we do for the daily ap• pearance of our home papers. We are nt resent enjoyinga genuine avail of p p Winter weather, something unusual for xis here, over two weeks of sleighing, with the thermometer playing round the zero mark most of the time, this morn- ing 15 below. Wishing THE ly." pros- parity, we are, Yours truly:' The above note from Peoria, Illinois, has a cheery ring about it, more so when the cash accompanies the compliments. THE BLoaxanz.-This hoe been a mem• amble year so far for regular old Nor' Wester storms. Last Friday afternoon wES one of the roughest and coldest half days experienced in this locality for many a year. The railroad was blocked and.no trains arrived from the Ent on Friday or Saturday. It was ditto with the stages and for a few days business was at a complete standstill. A large number of people had their hands, feet and fades frostbitten and will consequent- ly remember for some time the 8th day of February. Last Sunday as Engineer Gibbs and Fireman Quirk were running their engine in tbe.rear of the snow plow near. Stratford both plow anchusins 400x5 ditched and both men shaken up con. p eat. appear siderabiy in the u It would a that snow plowing on the railways is beset with many dangers. The most lamentable part of the history of the lata lamentable storm was the sad accidents near Weston end Lindsey, whereby a number of hum. an lives were lost. Too Exam -The Wingbam Advance was short of news last week so wickedly concoted the following on au East Huron farmer :-One. would think that in this enlightened age the average man would know enough not to try to talk through the ear trumpet of a telephone, but into the transmitter instead. A few days ago a prominent young man who Ilves in Huron was in town, and perhaps in order to impress upo', eboes who were near that he was no ,rdfnery person, much Laos an uneophieti .tad farmer, he went up to the telepb eta in one Of the hotels, grasped the ear trumpet, placed it to his mouth, and pot his ear to the transmitter. "Hello central, he acid, " ive' Jae the Grated Trunk." Then without waiting for the noopeeary time to connect him with the station had he called' up the office in the proper way, his conversation with, himself l Sumsthfiig in thio fashion:- Halla, something *tend' Trunk I Say, what tame does the 'train go to Bruseole this afternoon:? I want tgo down," apse for reply 1 "00, all eight, good hyo." Then he hong up �... ., .. , .«,,pea • •u. Canadian .New et, A business man in Winnipeg who lost fifteen hundred dollars in poker threatens to bring salon for its recovery. Archibald Dancey and hie wife were arrested et Drayton in oonneotion with the regent supposed ohild-burning Case at Linwood. They say they had no ' child with them. The following.of6oers were elected in oonneotion with the Clydesdale Breeders Association :-Pres., Robs. Davies, To- ronto ; woe..pres., Robt. Beitb, M. P., Bowmanville ; vice -ores., Quebec, Robt. Nees, Howleck ; vice.-pres., Nova 'Scotia, Col. Wm. Blain, Frederiatao, New Brunswick, A. S. Murray ; Prince Edward Island, Hon. Jae. Clow ; Mani. toba, John E. Smith, Brandon ; North West Territories, A. Turner ; directors, Dr. Sorley, Guelph ; John Davidson, Aehbcrne; Gee. eookbnrne, Baltimore ; Thos. McMillan, Constance ; Robt. Graham, Claremont, and 1. Vipont, Brooklin ; Auditor, D. Macrae, Guelph ; Delegate to Farmers' Institute, D. Mc. Orae,; to Industrial Exhibition, Wm. Rihith, M. P., Columbus, and John Davidson ; Western Fair, E. W. Chari. ton, Dunn Creek. W.Steuart,f theoffice, peculiar feature Meteorological sayspofmarket, month's weather was the snowfall, which was fully 100 per amt. above the penal fall in January. It was the largest fall in any January since 1878, and it was five times the amount in January, 1894. There were two heavy storms during the month ; that of 25th and 26th was the heaviest fall since that of the 24th Jana- ary, 1886, when 13.8 inches fell. In 1894 the heaviest fall was 6.5 inches on the 12th of February. The mean tempera- tura was 21.42, being 0.91 lower than the average of 54 years, and 7.08 lower than January, 1894. The Highest temperature 41.2, ooaurred on the 21st, and the lowest, 0.6 below zero, on the 29th. The warm - est day was the 21st, mean temperature 35.76, and the coldest the 28th, mean temperature 5.35. THE PEOPLE' S COLUMN. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND COMFORTABLE lot fir sale in Brussels. For further particulars apply' at THE POST Publishing 0050. mors=- Scorx -In Listowel, on the 8rd inst., the wife of Mr. John Scott of a son. TrT IOKAPOO INDIAN REiliED- 8 %. ins. -we keep in stook the Riokap0o Indian end die at their p f ahem wbeu in G. A. DEADMAN, Druggiet,Bookeollor, &o. 701.1EIa- NOSTRIL -At Cranbrook, on Feb. 7th, Frsnofe Hunter, aged 79 years and 11 mos. Hxass.-In Exeter, on January 9th, Una, infant daughter of the late A. Hicks, aged 8 months. FOGAL.-At Henfryn, on Feb. 6th, Rosetta, daughter of Mr. Henry Fogel, aged 4 years. DimrsoN.-In Brussels, on January 10th, Mary Isabel, infant daughter of A. G. Dickson, Detroit, aged 10 months and 20 days. FARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC Ave000N.-The 100apre farm belonging to the unuersigne0, being Lot 0, tlou,8, Grey, will be offered for sale on Monday, February 1850, on the premises. There: are 86 acres elered, 1 aoroe of orchard, eomfortable ]4 euso,goa bern,andnoeeesaryoutbuildings 000r000lon given at any Elmo. $2,Qo0wanted down, balance may remain on mortgage a et 6 per cent. For furtberpattiaulara applyuced to milk; MoDOlJG0T, Auctioneer, 20.2 F. 8, 80000', Aoet;prieer. -e,-- - Business Locals. Eine wood for sale at I. 0. Richards. Dar stove wood for sale at MoOraok• ens. ' HARNESS greatly redin at H. Dennie', Brussels. LARGE stook of Horse Blankets and Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Brae sets. A coon second-hand square piano (Emerson) for sale ohoap. Apply at Ton Paaz. Tax ue for your boots and shoes all kinds and very sheep. We repair rubbers boots and eboes. 'I. 0. Biohards. HUGH WILLIatrs is prepared to do saw filing and setting at the livery barn Satielaation guaranteed to every eastomer, PET WEAVG.-Mre. T. Mooren does CARIN fine oarpet weaving ab moderate rates. Residence on Oathetine.street, Brussels. H. B. BREWER, Photo. artist, is now prepared to enlarge any photo. handed to .aim, either in crayon, Indian Ink or Water. Colors, Call. and see samples at the, Gallery. Brussels..h tans= WEANiNo.-The. undersigned is prepared to attend to all orders for carpet weaving with promptneea,. Moderate charges. Residence one door South of John Varooe o former stand, Wat. GunnaOtt. oars. of anyphoto taken by Messes, PWrite Perry, Burgess, or Strong may be had by applying at ear photo, gallery. Our negatives are laid by with the greatest care, theretore photo's can bo had first class. H. H. Brewer, .Avcimmoa0 :si.e x,as. 'TIME SHIN G OUTFIT FOR •+l- ABale,-Tho undersigned offers for sale this , Engine and Separator both in good working order. He will also dispose o1 Ole shingle mill, Ronson for sailing, i11 lcraltk, a barg0in will n1 given, Fw apply t Puxti E101 fie to pr;oo, terms,' &o. apply to RIONARD MITOHL'1LL; sof tot 16,Oon,9,Grev,or OraubroolcP0 - MONDAY, Peb, 18th. -Lot 9, con. 8, Grey. Poetponedealeoffarm, farmetook, implements, &0. Sale ab 12 o'clock, Jno. Motongall, Prop., P. B. Scott, Ano.' TaUReDAT, Feb. 21st, -Farm Stook im laments &o. Lot 16, con. 5, Grey, P , y Sale commences at 1 o'clock sharp. F. S. Scott, Auc, Allan Lamont, Prop. ' REAL ESTATE, sass zs >� a R �s�. MitzEast Fall Wheat GG 56 Spring Wheat 6G Gg Baric 35 88 Paas y G5 88 Oats 22 28 Gattbr, tube and rolls ... 14 28 D' gge per dozen . . . . . . ... 12 , , 1$ 00 Flour per barrel........ 3 00 8 60 Potatoes_t ... 30 00 Hay Per on. 7 00 00 Hidestrimmed 3 Hides rough 2 26 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00 Sheep skids,saoh 20 40 Lamb skins eaob. 15 40 Apples per bbl . ,., 1 25 1 25 Hogs, Live..........,,3 G0 8 75 Hoge,Dressed 4 75 5 00 FARMS P03 SALE. -THE UN• " DErim S F has so oral good Parma !et of Moria tobra as oy, W!O 16000 Bin ars SALE . -I ARM FOR SALD I WILL i Sell or exchange a 505 nm•afarm al ready for crop, situated In Bed River Valley, the riItinl ches 5 in the world, with or without stook stone. With stook and niaaltl050Y outwear per ace ; without stook and machinery 31004 per sore, :11,01.0 to be aid at time of Bale bahpee at 7 po I eso 8 per im partioulnrs. 100 ann ion of impteved land for Immo and. a largo quantity of unimproved land for sale on easy taws, GED, W. ARMSTBONA Buffalo, •North Dakota. Fria, 15, 1896 IVe seg SOUTH AMDBIOAN 1tHEUMATIO 011335, SOUTH AMEBIOAN NE1t'1NE TONIO, SOUTH AME3IOAN KIDNEY OURS, MaLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR. Also full line of the- Ii1C1IAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE. AA_ Fox's Drug Store, Oppoeite Queen'4 Hotel, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER., • • Soliolbor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Office-Vanetone's Block, Bone. SQL - 21.3m M: SINOLAIR, • Solicitor,Conveyanoor,NotaryPub• lie, &o. Office Venstone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funde to Loan. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, G• solicitor, &o. pato o1 Garrow & Proudfoot'a Office, Goderioh,) Offioe oyer Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. - 47 DENTAL DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a eptolaltyy. Moder- ate Fees., Satisfaction Assured. °Moe over. Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T . D. WARWICK, 8J • Honor. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary college, is prepared to treat all diseases of dnmeetioated animals In a com- petent manner. Parttoslar attention paid to veterinary dentistty. Calls promptly at- tended to. OIRoo and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge 'Turnberry et., Brussoie. MEDICAL CARDS. J• A. MoNAUGIiTOBV, 1M. D. • O.M., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P. S. Ont. Residence and otlioe in Wilson's Block, corner of. Mill and Turnbetry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG; M. D. tJ Physician, Surgeon. Accoucber, oto. Graduate of Toronto- IIuivere;tyy Medical Faoulty. Member of college of Physioia¢s uDd Surgeons, . Ont. Drama -Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. NvH. MoORACREN, • I5Surer 00Marriage Lfoonsee. Office at his Groosry, •rurnberry street, Brussels. -p N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. . Shop -Next door south of A. M. MaMay& Co'a hardware store. Ludic sand children hair cutting a ap aotalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM O1eultku E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- Property 00. hietabliabed 1840, Io- sureu000 effected on all Town and Farm Property at very low intoe. J. A. OBEIGHTON, 16.8m Agent, Brussels. ALI+7X. HUNTER, Clerk cif the Fourth D 'melon Cour 0o, Huron: Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance .Agent. Fantle invested and to loan. collections made Offioe in Smale's Block, Brussels MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., 1V -L Teacher of iuetrumental music on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tum - day and Wednesday of each week. Reel - denim on Prluoose Street, Brussels. m A. HAWKINS, M 0. S. M. L • Organist le St. John's Church, Brus Bole, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching,of A. W.ThMyer, Mue. Doo., Now York, wilgive lessons to pupils either on piano or organ, at his parlor ever A.R. Smith's storo,Brus- sele. Vocal lessons oleo given. Terms mod - mato, AUCTIONEERS. A • RAYMANN, Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms cheerfully given.. Oranbrook P.O. Salon may be arranged at Tun Posc Publishing Rouse, Brussels, (1 EORGE KIRKBY,VI Licensed Auctioneer, Sales eondust. ed on reasonable terms. Forme and farm stook a specialty. Orders loft at quo Pon Publishing Rouge,Bre welt, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention,. 'T AVING TAKEN OUT LIQEN- sE as an Auctioneer I am prepared to oondpot Wee of farm stook at reasonable priaea. Tnowiug the standing of nearly every persue I am lu a position to sell to good marks and getood security when Bold on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea can, 52- F 8, SCOTT.. OUSE AND SIX LOTS FOR Salo or to rent being the property North of the railway, belonging to James Smart For partiaulors a0 to Woe Oud terms, apply to WM. AINLEY, 1e -t0 Alnont'ePaotory,Brussele, SAV GUMMING. --THE UN- DEDSIGNED has Memnon, grinder Ma- der for gumming save at 1 & P. Am,eut'e too•, tory where he w)11 be pleased to attend to 1ho requirements of the public, .All sotto of edge mole eatlully ground and Sharpened. Anything from a peo•kuifo to abroadaxe can be int in order in a woric•man.lilce manner. Charge always reasonable, . D. STEWART...