HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-2-8, Page 8IS It U S
FEB. 8, 1.896
MOO Prize 8tury.
Have you read the new !dairy that
won the prize of 5100Q offered for the beet
story based upon the Life of Christ e
Tbie boort in beet binding would sell for
$1.00 but aa we bey it in geantibieo we
sell it in handsome paper binding for
oNLY 5c. EACH.
They aro going like bot nukes and we will
soon treed to order 100 more, No need
to buy bottle from travelling agents,
Enopurage home industries and buy from
us, Books not in stook prooured when
possible on short notice without extra
Children's Sleighs
At Reduced Prides. Think of a baby's
sleigh with high box and revereible ban
dies for only $1.85 eaoll, Others without
boxes for 40o. Come and see them.
Druggist, Bookoeller and
Fanoy Goode Dealer,'
Trains leave Bruoeele Station, North
and South, as follb+va;
Mail 0:54 a.m.Mixed 9:45 .m.
Elxpress 11:59 am,I e
Mail 9:18 p.m,
Mixed 9:00 p.m..EApress 9:48 p.m,
A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
SOaOOL Board on Friday evening of thio
Portent Division Court will be held on
Wednesday, 27th inst.
Tan PoeTsubscription list continues to
grow nicely every week.
Buenas purling club played a muton
with Wroxeter on Thursday of this week
in the latter village.
Pay up your subscription to Tan Pen.
All in arrears are asked to settle la fore
the end of Fehruary. Take note of it.
Tan Dick Oonoert Company failed to
materialize. The Canadian Order of
Foresters, under whose auspices they
were to appear, have had no reason given.
them for the disappointment.
Mn. McGowan, of KIrkton, arrivedin
town last weekand expects to take nee•
session of the J. Gould Co.'s store, Gar-
field Block, on Saturday of this week.
They have been busy stock taking.
AItheimEABLEOoRE. 1. W. Jennison,
Gilford— Spent between $200 and $800
in consulting doctors ; tried Dixon's and
all other treatments but got no benefit.
One box of Chase's Catarrh Cue did me
more good than all the other remedies,
in fact I ooneider myself oared and with
a 25 cent box at that.
MRS. Rowe. BERNS received a telegram
from Lucknow on Wednesday announcing
the death ofher brother-in-law, Alexand.
er McDonald, at the advanced age of 84
years. Deceased was a native of Hawick,
Roxboro' shire, Scotland. Re has not
been in good health for some years. The
funeral tools place on Thursday afternoon
of this week.
SoNzaoux is likely to gat into trouble
over selling liquor to minors. Last
weekthere was a case of this kind and
three youths were almost helplessly in-
toxicated. We hope those who thug
transgress the law will be made to sweat
for. it. It is said the case baa been re.
ported to the Inspector by the friends of
She boys.
VOTERS' LIST COURTS.—In the ten Vot-
ers' List Courts in the Esat Biding of
Huron the results are as follows :—Total
Reform appeals to add, 139 ; carried 75,
Reform appeals to strike off, 204 carried
109. Conservative appeals to add, 221 ;
parried 93. Conservative appeals to
strike off 165 ; carried 52. If the above
figures are correct, as we think they are,
the Liberals gained 39 over their oppon-
ents in the courts.
AT the Dominion Voters' List Court
held here Thursday of last week the fol-
lowing was the result :—Conservative ap-
peals to add 31, parried 11. Appeals to
strike off 29, carried 9. Reform appeals
to add 12, carried 4. Appeals to strike
off 23, carried 17. Judge Doyle presided.
E. L. Dickinson and G. F. Blair were the
lawyers representing the two politioal
Maeogm Mugou.—The affairs of the
defunct Masonic Mutual Benefit Aoeooia-
tion are nearing the winding op stage,
Oolonel Shanty, Master in -Chancery, pre•
vented an interim report, dealing with
general creditors' claims and death olefins
in class "A." The majority of the form-
er were allowed, and iD the latter Olase
the claims allowed amount to nearly
510,000. Argument has been heard on
the Class "B" death claims, and a deois-
ion will be given shortly. They amount
to aboub 58,000. Besides these there are
between 1,100 and 1,200 membership
claims to dispose of. They come last on
the list, and any money remaining on
hand when they dome up for settlement
will be divided pro rata. Several Brus•
selites are interested in the settlement of
these claime.
Taoeorn Pt:me ,—As stated last week
the protest against Rev. J, Rasa, A, Reid
and De. Graham ae school Trustees, was
heard before Judge Doyle on Thorsday
evening, when all the evidence was put
in, but the case was not argued before
His Honor until Thnreday of this week
at Goderioh. F. S. Scott was the that
witness and reoounted the various steps
taken in connection with the election,
He was followed by M, II. Moore, who
was a scrutineer. Ile a •'nre that F. S,
Soott took the load penal from the Deputy
Returning Officer and tvaato, as he sup•
posed, Mrs. Grieve's mine on the list.
He had not asked to go into the private
apartment to see ballots marked by voters
unable to read. He also swore that he
could hese peen the face of the ballots
during the counting if he had Wished.
Dan. McDonald, another scrutineer, A.
Reid, A.. McKay and Deputy R•'tnrning
Officers also gave evidence. The two
latter testified that Sona had no pencil f n
his hued and it turned out that the name
was written Witb ink inetead of penoil.
G. F. Blair acted for the dofendante and
B. L. Dickenson for T. Farrow, the
Antos, -G, A. Deadman, who has
Moen studyingoptles for game time poet,
went to latent() on Mondayto tus
O a
doe t tl C
reg at the OpGiaal Fns to a tilers,
A Liman' front Ward Farrow se
bave had thole thermometersregietea
rogiveter 48d below zero last week, We
are not in it at all with Our 18 gr' 20 below
TUE high wind en lolonday filled up
some of the Outs ou the G. T. H., near
Itipiey, 90 that the morning train did
not get down on Tuesday until after 1
o'ologk p. op,
Coexoranros are ma50 about furious
driving and speeding home onTurnberry
street, Drivers will kindly observe this
admonition or else ether measures will
have to be taken to stop it,
Tau attendance at the evening ()lassie
in aonneotion with Bruoeeels Meobanioe''
Institute oontinuee first -elan, There is
an average of 21.. It ie expected that the
mouth of February will complete olio
course mapped out last Fall,
Bre Imam. -1. Grewar has the obam•
pion icicle of this notion. It is 8 feet
long and 1} by 3 feet in thioknees, Mr.
Grower :eye he will dispose of It 00 rea-
sonable terms to any person having an
ioe house,
New catalogues for the splendid library
of the Mechanics' Institute are in the
hands of the Librarian, There are near.
ly 2,000 volumes on the ehelvee and a
whole year's reading foe a family may be
obtained by the email investment of
IT ie said that thermometers in town
registered from 14 to 28 degrees below
zero this week. One thing is certain the
cold was more intense than it has been
at any previous time this Winter. Quite
a number pf people complain of (root
bitten ears and cheeks.
Tale m CONCENTRATION.—One pill a
dose, one box 25 omits. One pill relieves
constipation. One box ouresan ordinary
oase. One pill taken weekly, neutralizes
formation of uric aoid in the blood and
Bright's Kidney disease and Diabetes.
Pills.Trne only of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
HORSE FAO.—The next monthly Horse
Fair will be held in Brussels on Thurs.
day, 28th inst. There was a slight mix
over the last Fair by the boyere on act -
count of there chancing to be two fairs in
the month of January. Thedate is al-
ways the Thursday before the first Fri-
day. Don't forget the date, 28th Febru •
AN organization meeting of the Board
of Health was held last Monday evening.
T. Farrow was re•eleoted Chairman for
1895. A short discussion followed on the
question of vaooination, and an amount
presented by A. G.'Easom for work done
to 1893. No action was taken and the
Board adjourned to meet at the call of
the Chairman.
Two runaways 000urred on Monday
afternoon. At the corner of Turnberry
and King streets the teams crossed, one
belonging to Hugh Lamont, Gray, was
ought before any damage was done, bit
Thos. Smith's outfit did not fare so
well. The double•tree broke and let
the horses fres from the sleigh and after
a short ran and an upset the frightened
equines were captured in the American
Hotel yard. Repairs were rendered
necessary to the harness before Mr.
Smith ooaid proceed to his home let eon.,
IT may not be generally known that
pound -keepers are required to file with
the ()lark of the municipality, on or be-
fore January 15th, a statement for the
peat year showing the number of animals
impounded, number of animals sold and
amount received, the gum received as
poundage fees and net of keep by pound -
keepers, the amount of damage paid by
any party, all disbursements and to whom
paid, and any other receipts and expen-
ditures in aonneotion therewith. The
penalty for neglect to file this statement
is an amount not exceeding 510.
ty Orange Lodge was held in Wingham
on Tuesday of ibis week and was fairly
well attended. Office bearers were chosen
as follows :—
Wm. Dana, Gorrie, 00. Master ;
5. Wilford, Blyth, Deputy Master ;
Rev. Mr. Brownlee, Gerrie, Chaplain ;
W. Fluty, Wingliam, Ree. -Seo. ;
J. Stewart, Wingham, Fin. -Seo. ;
A. Greer, Gerrie, Treasurer ;
J. McLean, Wingham, Dir. of Cer. ;
T. Oornyn and R. Owens, Lecturers.
It was decided to omit the holding of a
procession in North Huron this year and
the brethren will likely decide between
Lucknow, Seaforth and other planes
where deinonetrabione will be held.
COUNTY COUNCIL Dors.—Reeve Milroy,
of Colborne township, who was so San-
gerouely ill, ie improving nicely now.—
It is said that Reeve Molblorohie, of Olin.
ton, will likely resign owing to ill health.
Who his successor will be is nob known
but the names of Mayor Holmes, Deputy
Reeve Kennedy, Barrister Scott and
Meesre. Forrester and Caotelon are men-
tioned as among the moat likely to be
nominated. Mr.MoMurohie made a first-
elaee Reeve.—The County officials are a
gentlemanly and obliging lot of men and
none more so than Dr. Holmes, the Co.
Treasurer, well kuown in Brussels.—
Follts say that Reeve Bennewiese, of Mc.
Killop township, will not seek re-election
again but will likely be succeeded by ex -
Reeve T. E. Hays. --There ie every likeli-
hood of a good "crop" of applicants for
the various of8oee in oonneobion with the
House of Refuge to be filled at the June.
session of the Oo. Counoil.—The Clinton
New Era of last week says :—"The mom•
bore state that no man was mere greatly
missed this year than Reeve MoMurohie,
of Clinton.—Mr. Cools, Reeve of Howiek,
will retire at the end of this year ; he
nae been a member for a number of years
and bas proved himself a zealous and
efficient representative.—The Metbodiete
and Presbyterians aro most largely repro -
taunted among the members, the former
having one more tbau the latter,—Reeve
Sanders, of Wroxeter, has been eleoted
eleven years in succession by acolama.
bion. --Una of the most Useful membere of
the Commit is Harry Sillier, first deputy
Reeve of Stephen ; he is thoroughly oon•
versant with all matters that some before
the Council, add is ooneoientioue in the
discharge of his duties.—Roovo Kerr, of
Brunie, le the only newspaper represen-
tative at the Boerd, and there's more
quaint good homer in him than the over-
age end man of a minetrel troupe ; he at-
tends faithfully to bis duties, and keeps
the Council in good nature at the same
time.—It is nob nnlikely that the Deoem•
bee meeting of the Cautioil will b0 held in
Clinton in order to give the members an
opportunity of visiting the House of Re.
Susrene Aoaipawr,--Last Friday after-
noon Robt. A.nderaoo was .serteuely
i 'u t the t is t Werke u t e u ex rt a Sal Wo li .
ado. P k
7 P n
a largo quantity of salt lulling upon
him. Ire was barrelling the eelino pro.
duet when the largo pile, whiob web
from solid, and had been somewhat
pndermined, fell, the weight oatshing
biro seresa his chest and body. Ffo was
speedily rammed and taken to hie home,
where lwo ghyeioiens were soon in at.
tendaooe. 10 was feared that his ribs
were mulled into hie lunge and heart
but the patient • ie doing very well and
we hope be will soon be able to get
about again. It was a very ()lose call,
Mum lltsxnns.—The aenond carnival
for this esaeon was bald on Maitland
Skating Bink on Tuesday evening of this
week, 'Various and manifold were the
costumes presented but the judges, '7, F.
Gerry, foe Ballantyne' and Robb.
Thompson, got through their work in
good style their awards being as follows :
Beat aharaobor ooetumo, gent, let, Jae. 11.
Rose, Indian Ohief ; 2nd, Robb, Downing,
gentleman, Beet character ooetume,.lady,
Mise Maggie Smith, Indian Queen ; 2nd,
Miss' Cooper, May Queen ; Best National
ooetume,, 1st, Min . Mary Beattie,
American Lady;. tad, Leon Tackeon,
Irish gent. Beet comic costume, 1st,
Mies Naomi Williams, Mother Hubbard
2nd,James Driver, Boot -black, In a half
mile raoe Bert Gerry was declared winner.
There were three contestants. The Big
6 Band was in attendance ae usual and
performed their part in good style.
Photographer Brewer was on hand and
took several flash light views during the
evening. The ioe was in first.alaes con.
People We Know.
Mr. RnrtOtt,l 00 London, is in town.
Mins Annie Beattie is visiting at Bay.
Mine Fannie Montgomery is visiting.
at Listowel.
Thos. Curry has been laid up with In
grippe this week.
Mies Wynn, of Bluevale, was vieitin g
in Brussels this week.
Mrs. J. 5. Gilpin was on the sick list
during the past week.
Barrister Blair was in Goderioh this.
week on a business trip.
Miss Funeton,of Kincardine, is visiting.
Mrs. Penske, of Brussels.
Sam. McColl, who has a .situation in
London, is home on a visit.
W. J. Norton, of Listowel, was in
teem for a few days' last week.
Mrs. Veil MoLnuoblin was in Wing -
ham trema brief v,sib last week.
Miss Rills Hunter is on the siok list
but we hope ehe' will soon be convales-
Mies Minnie Shaw was visiting her
brother, Dr. Shaw, in Clinton, during
the past week.
A. G. Eseom and family will remove to
Sunshine, where Mr. Easom has rented
F. Baines' farm.
Miss Vera Barrett has been enjoying
a holiday visit at the home of Geo.
Welsh, Grey township.
Miss Sarah Colvin was dangerously i11
last week with inflammation of the bowels
but is improving nicely now.
John McConnell, the bustling represen-
tative of the Milton Terra cotta Brick
Company, was in town on Thursday.
Mrs. Bobt. Henderson, who is . visiting
relatives at Newark, N. T., has been laid
up with diphtheria but is recovered again.
J. Braden, of Toronto, was in town
this week combining business and pleas•
urs. He is a brother of Miss Braden,
Mrs. Samuel Pearson has returned
from an extended visit with relatives in
Port Huron and will make her residence
in Brussels again for a time.
The Liberal oonventitn for South
Waterloo was held. Monday afternoon,
Jae. Livingstone, M. P., of Baden, one
of the proprietors of Brussels flax mill,
was given the unanimous nomination of
the convention.
Dr. Cavanagh has been invited to as -
mime the leadership of the Owen Sound
Collegiate Institute Glee Olub. He has
joined the choir of the Methodist church
and also Binge with the Harmony. Quar-
tette of that town.
The Listowel Banner says :—Newton
Large, who bas joined the Methodist
ohurch choir, will sing morning and even-
ing neat Sunday. We are sure this al-
ready excellent choir will be greatly in-
oreaeed in interest by the addition of Mr.
Large's beautiful tenor.
W. Hartry, who, for several years has
been employed in the Broadfoob & Box
furniture faotory, Seaforth, bas gone to
Watkerbon, where he has secured a situa-
tion in a similar establishment there.
Mr. Hattry was a former well known res.
ident of Brussels.
Mins Ada Easton left for her home in
Rockwood last Friday. She was ao-
oompnnied by Miss Rata Cobblediok,
who will visit there for a month. Mies
Easton made herself very useful in the
Methodist oburoh here and her removal.
is regretted. Mies Libbie Ball anooeeds
Miss Easton as Superintendent of the
junior League, and E. W. Hill takes her
Sabbath school class.
Business Locals.
DRY stove wood for sale at McCrack-
Meuse greatly reduced inprioes ab H.
Dennie', Bruoeele.
Ronal, bells and blankets at octet for 30
days, for caeb: I. C. Rioharde.
Lanett stook of Horse Blankets and
Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Brus•
A Goon second-hand square piano
(Emerson) for Bale cheap, Apply at Tan
Bane your cash to us for your boots,
shoes and rubbers. Beet value in town,
I. C. Richards,
Howl WOLLIAus is prepared to da saw
filing and Betting at the livery barn,
Satisfaction guaranteed to every ouetomer,
CARPET Ws.AVINs.—Mrs, T. AlcOrae does
fine carpet weaving at moderate rates.
Residence on Catherine street, Brussele.
Sen our boots and shoes, very cheap,
Bring along your repairs. Boots, chose
and rubbers repaired well and oheap.
L C. Riaharde,
CARPET WEAVING.—The undersigned is
prepared to attend to all orders fon
oerpet weaving with promptness.
Moderate chargee, Residence ono door
South of John Varooe'o former eland.
Wit. Gammen,
A aosv df any photo taken by Metiers.
Perry, Burgess, or Strong may be had
by applying at our photo, gallery. Our
negatives are laid by with the greatest
oars, therefore photo's can be had first
()lane. H. B. Brewer;
ST,4,7117)4RD Jd4✓ J' . OF 4Y4111,4.1)4,, ,.
Ammo, (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) ' - . . $2,000,000
4gmotes fp all prinotpaipoints lo.Ontario, Qssobeo,,iti'anitoa, Uei'itod Statesta2:71ttrlartd,
$1,88/31$8 AfiresiVaft
A General Banking Bueinees Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dieeounted,
'Iwo Issued and Colleotione made en all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to dote of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every faoility afforded Customers living at a diebanoe,
GIMPS $:: SMITE, a•taTic rs,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
&PAWS AWN PSNry 'w v. '.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwarde at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoipal at the end of the Months of
Ootober and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposita.
Wo effect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or In Mut.
nal Companies ae may bo desired.
802000E harness low in - price. Robes,
bells, blankets, close to oast. I. C. Rich-
WATCH found. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying .for this
notice, by applying at Tam POST.
H. R. BREWER, Photo. artist, ie now
prepared to enlarge any photo. banded to
him, either in Crayon, Indian Ink or
Water Colors. Call and see eamplee at
the Gallery, Brussels.
KNITTING.—Mary H. Howe, of the firm.
of Howe & Co., is prepared to take in
knitting, or knit 'lao,der, soaks, etookings,
oardigan jaokets, &a. Will exchange
goods for wool. Store, one door South.
of the Woollen mill, Brussels. Give us e.
call .
WE are is receipt;to.day of a copy of a
special edition of Copp, Clark & Co.'s
Canadian Almanac `for 1895, printed for
the enter prising :corporation of H. H.
Warner & Co., Ltd., of London,England,
who are now Bole proprietors of "War-
ner's Safe Cure." It is full of valuable
information and refiectsjmsch credit on
the publishers as well aeon the enterprise
of the English Company.
Birt has all the neeeseary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all workentrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terme reasonable. Residence
eaaond door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34.10
HDPPRn.—In Wroxeter on San. 25th, the
wife of Mr. John Hupfer, of a
Dxoneon.—In Crystal, North Dakota, on
10th January, the wife of Mr. John
W. Diokson of a son.
T,r n RRLED.
RoGERs—BLAox: —At the reotory, Wing.
Lam, by Rev. L. G. Wood, on Jan.
30th, Mr. John Martin Rogers, of
Wingham, to Mies Margaret E. Blank,
of East Wawauosh.
MmLEn—WtneoN.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, 16th con.,
Howlett, on Jan. 90th, by the Bev.
Mr. Stewart, of Belmore, Mr. John
Miler, of Morrisbank, to Miss
Maggie Wilson, of Howiok.
MATTEEwe—Meemazwe. -On Jan. 23rd,
at her mother's residenoe, Listowel,
by Rev. Dr. Willoughby, Mr. Ieaao
Mattbewe, of Grey township, to Mrs.
J. Matthews, of Listowel, sister of
Mrs. W. G. Inglis, of Elmo,
RozsLL.—In Grey, on Jan. 30th, Roy
Laurance, son of Abraham Rozell,
aged 8 years.
MoDONALD.—In Lucknow, on Feb. 5110,
Alexander MoDonald,lato of Hawick,
Scotland, brother-in-law to Mre.
Robt. Burns, Brussels, aged 84 years.
Coione. In Wingham, on JIM. 27th,
Thomas Comm aged 64 years and
5 months.
STnaxmoir.—In Morris, on February lot,
Hazel, infant daughter of Jae. and
Emily Stratton, aged 3 mos. and 6
FRIDAY, Feb. 86h.—Lob 9, con. 8, Grey.
Postponed sale of farm, farm stook, im-
plements, &o. Sale at 12 o'clock. Tao.
McDougall, Prop., 1'. S. Scott, Anc.
Eger Stu moo, N. Y., Feb. 5.—Oattle—
Receipts, 140 bead. Market, steady.
Sales -Good light steers, 53,75 to $4 ; fat
Texas heifers, $4 to 54.05 ; fair to good
fat cow, $2.25 to 53.50. Hogs—Receipts,
1,500 head. Market, active and higher ;
Yorkers, 54.35 to $4.40 ; good mediums
and heavy, 54.30 to $1.40 ; mostly, 54.35
to 54.40 ; roughs, 58.60 to 58.90 ; stage,
53 to 53.50 ; pigs, 54.85 to $4.40.
TORONTO, Ont., Feb. 5.—Reoeipte were
fair today at the Western Cattle Mar-
ket and the market woe only barely
steady. Buying of butchers' cattle for
Montreal was nearly as active as on last
market day, about 15 carloads being tak-
en for there. Nearly everything was sob4
before the close of the market. Offerings
were 45 oarloada, which included about
400 sheep and lambs and 668 hogs. In
butchers' oattle—Offerings were fairly
liberal and market was steady. Nearly.
all the cattle was sold Ireton the close of
the day. One or two dots of poor oattle
only remained in the pens. Although
one or two picked head' of cattle touched
85o. per pound, the general range of prices
was, from So to 85o, per pound, according
to quality, Common cattle sold ae low as
2o. to 250. per pound. There were sever.
al dealers buying nettle for Montreal, but
prioee pnid were no better than they were
last market day. In stook' and feeders a
few head are wanted, but none offered to.
day. Those coming are too light.
Dealers will pay 25e. for heavy ones. In
hogs—There was a firmer feeling in this
line to -day, good fat bogs fetching 54.20
per owt., weighed off care. The range of
prices for the best hogs, from $4 t0 54,15
per owt., mostly. There ie not mull de.
mend for other kind of hogs. Prises are
steady. AJ1 the: sheep land Iambs on
sale were disposed of and more good ex-
port sheep would have Bold. Dealers re-
quire a few more good ones nextSt•iday
to fill the space alread contracted for.
To-daythe feeling was firm. There was
a fair trade done. A11 sold. Good ewes
and wathere brought 350. per pound and
bucks 25o to 3o per pound. .
ToaoNTo, February 5.—Market quiet.
Wheat—Winter G. T. R., west quoted at
57e. ; car lots C. P. R. west quoted at 590.
to 80o. ; Manitobae steady, 790. being on-
side quotation for No. 1 hard west ; spot
car North Bay quoted at 830. but oars for
shipment somewhat lower; No.1 hard
grinding in transit via Sarnia quoted at
880. Flour—Straight roller sold, middle
freights west, at 52.60. Peas, 53o. to 54o.
paid for No. 2. Oats—White, Bold west
at 285o. and 281o.; mixed quotedwestea
280. ; oar Iota of white on traok held here
at. 3250, and sales' made seer at Slc.
Barley—One round lot of 10,000 bushels
sold east at 48e ; it was a out, No. 1 in
color, but extra heavy ; three oars.of
light No. 1 west at 47o ; feed wanted at
40a. to 41o. outside.- Corn—No. 2 yellow
in demand west ab 43c.
MR'C7SSO:I ,m 1,.¢AR=MTF3,
Fall Wheat............ 54 56
Spring Wheat 54 56
Barley. 86 40
Peas 53 54
Oate .. 26 28
Butter, tube and rolls ... 14 15
Eggs per dozen ..,....., 14 00
Flour per barrel......... 8 00 8 50
Potatoes ... 30 00
Hay per ton 7 00 00
Hides trimmed .. 8
Hides rough... . .. 2 25
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skins, each 20 40
Lamb skins eaoh , 15 40
Apples per bbl 1 25 1 25
Hogs, Live 3 50 3 75:
Hoge, Dressed 4 75 4 80
lot for Dale in Brussels. For further
parti culars apply at Tan Pon Publishing
Ina. -We keep in stook the ltiokapoo
Indian Remedies as sold by them when in.
Brussels, and sell at their prices.
G. A. DLIADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &a.
.t.L Bale or to rent, being the property
North of 'the railway, belonging t0 James
Smart, For particulars 0.0 to price and
terms, apply to WM. ALNLIOY,
10-tf Ameot's Factory, Brae/Rls.
L' 000010x, -Phe 100 acre farm belonging
to the unaersigned, being Lot O, Con, 8, Grey,
will be offered for. sale on Friday, February
8611, on the premises, There are 85 mores
cleared, 14 ,wren of orchard, comfortable
h ouee, gond barn, and necessary outbuildings.
Possession given at any time. $2,900 wanted
down, balance may remain on mortgage at
5 per cent. For furtherppartioulara apply
to JOHN 310DOIIGALL, Proprietor, or
20-2 F. 6. -SCOTT, Auctioneer.
.1. Sale.—Tho undersigned offers for sale
bis A be! Engine and Separator, both in
good working order. Be will also dispose of
his shingle mill. Reason for gelling, ill
health. A bargainwill be given. For
further particulars ae to price, terms, &o.,
apply. to 1000HABD Iv1IT(El0LL.
6 t Lot 15,Oon,9,Grey, or OxaubrookP 0
nEnarGNED has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SO UTT.Brusaelo.
Sell or exchange s 820 acro farm all
re anyfor crop, situated in lied River Valley,
in the world with or witbodt
stools and res Watery. Sufficient to cultivate
the seine. With stock and maohiuety, 520,00
13er sore ; without stook and machinery
10 00 per. acre. $1,000 to be paid at time of
esi a bateau at 7 per cent. per annum.
W rbateaue 10r particulars. I also have 100 &ores
of Improved land .for leash and n large
quantity of unimproved land for sale oil easy
North Dakota.
Alec full line of the,,
Ar -
Fox's Drug Store,.
Opposite Queen's Hotel.
• Solicitor and conveyancer. Oolleo-
tiono made. Office—Vauetono's Block, Brae-
sole. 21-9m
lie, doe. (lonelier, Conveyancer
north of Central Rotel, Private Frunds to
Solicitor, &o.- (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot'e Office, Goderioh,) Office over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan. - 47.
Honor Graduate Toronto University,.
Licentiate Royal College Dental Burgeons.
Grown and Bridge work a specialtyModer-
ate Fees, - Satisfaction Assured. Cillos over
Barrett's barbershop, Turuberry St., Brus-
CI • Honor. Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner.. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Offio, and Infirmary—Four doors
north of bridge ruraberry et., Brussels.
• O. M., L. R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P.
S. Ont. Residence and office to Wileon'e
B look, corner of 111111 and Turnberry Ste.
• Physielan, Surgeon, Aoconchor, oto,
Graduate of Toronto 'University Medical
Faculty. Member of College of •Phyeioi,ns
and Surgeons, Oat. Oman—Next door to
McDonald & Co., Walton Ont.
• Isearer of MarriageLioensee, Moe
at his Grooery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store.
•Ladies'and ohildrene Hair cutting a specialty..
9unANOE Co. Established 1840. In-
eurances adapted on - all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates,
15.1m Agent,'Bruseele.
Clerk of the Fourth .Division pour
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oolleotions made
Office in Smalc's Bleck, Brussels
Teacher of instrumental music on
Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues-
day and Wednesday of each week. Resi-
dence on. Princess Street, Bruesele.
rp A. HAWKINS, M. C. S. M.
_ . • Organist in St, John's Church, Brae
sole, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching,of A.
W. Thayer,Mus.Doo., New 'York, wigive
lessons to pupils either on piano or organ,
at his parlor over A.R. Smith's store, B tug -
sole. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod-
Fashionable DroseandMantle Maker,
wishes to intimate to the ladies of Brussels
and vicinity that ohs has resumed business
attain after an absonoe of over two years is
Toronto. Your patronage o()Bolted, PtIees
Moderato. Res,danae, Turnberry street
• Auotloneer, +e always- ready to at-
to nd sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms
obeerfully given.- Cranhrook P.O. Sales
may be arranged at Tam PosO Publishing_
H500,. Erussels,.
Lioeneed Auotloneer, Bales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stook a BP eoialty. Orders loft et THE PosT
P ublielitng House,Bru Boole, or seutto Walton
P 0 will receive prompt attention,
en au in Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct soles of farm stock at rasonable)
prices. 0nowing the standing of nearly.
every person I nm in a position to Bell to
good marks and get good teourity when sold
oh Om '-�,S,;,a�;b,�l�e2faotion guaranteed. Give
me monk. "`••:,A,,,62-. F B. SCOTT.
DL^ eIONRD'hap bieemnr grinder in or-
�de1 n
IJ v
tory gumming as l e J. & P, An auradao-
tcry, s1ne u w111 he publlod to attend to
the tequixemonts of the public!, All sorts of..
edge thole oa0ully ground and oharpened.
Anything 'from a pen.anire to a broadaxe
can bo put 1n order in a work-lnan.likO
manner. Charge alwayo reasonable.
D. STEWAlt'1'.