The Brussels Post, 1895-2-8, Page 7FER UABY 8 , 1$95 S B 7.l a` P Q` S T. THE WEEK'S NUR 9a6ADA, A Beard of Trade his been formed at Blmira, Ont, Regina, N..W,T,, ietohave permanent exbibttton,baildings, Bell's brewery at Portage la Prairie hoe been destroyed by fire. The Freemasons of Winnipeg have de. sided to erecta handsome temple. George Devoy, of London, Out,, was killed in the disaster at Butte, Mont, Welland County Counoil sae resolved to memorialize Parliament for an alien labor law• Lieut, -Col. D'Arcy Boulton hae retired from the Canadian militia, after 57 yearn' eeryiee. John White has been oonvioted at Ottawa of arson and sentenced to t0 years in peni. tentiary, Rev, J.E. Starr, of Toronto, hae accepted a call to the First Methodist church, Kingston. Philip Gingraa, a Quebec coal merchant, has been arrested and lodged in jail charged with forgery. Lieut, :Col, Lazier, of Belleville, retains hie rank on retiring from the command of the 15th Battalion, It ie elated on good authority that the Dominion Government will shortly appoint • a batch of Queen's eounapl. Toronto will have a strong team in the Eastern Baseball League. The club has now six players under contrast. Her Majesty's ship Crescent will be the next flagship ab Halifax, and Admiral Ers- kine will be the commander-in-chief of the station; The annual atatement of the treasurer of Wentworth County , Council, submitted yesterday, shows a total surplus of $26,. 064.61 up to date, • It is atated that' Marshall Wella, the Canadian champion bicyclist, may, in company with Harry Wheeler, ride in Europe next season. The Governor-General and, Lady Aber- deen were tendered a reception on Satur. day night by the Governors of McGill University, Montreal. Fire on Wednesday in Winnipeg destroy. ed the stook of Joeeph H. Rogers Sc Co., batters and furriers. The estimated leas is eighteen thousand dollars. Mayor Cowan,ofOshawa, has given$t 000 for the relief of the families of the employee of the malleable iron works, which were burned there recently. The Governor-General and Lady Aber- deen paid a visit on Friday afternoon to the Royal Victoria hospital in Montreal, whichthey thoroughly inapeoted. Mayor Stewart, of Hamilton, has tender' ed his resignation as Chief Game Warden. He has applied for the position, soon to be made vacant, of ehief police of Hamilton. Three Norwegian delegates of high re. pute are being sent to bhe Kootenay dis- trict of British Columbia, to inspect the country with a view of a large Norwegian emigration. The Rev. Father Morin has just returned to Winnipeg from Kaneae. He Bays that two hundred families from that state intend moving to the Canadian North-West in the spring. The City Clerk of Hamilton has drawn up a statement showing that the total as- sessment of the city is now $25,155,020, ae against $24,691,720 last year, an increase of 463,300. Mr. Tyrrell, of the Geological Survey De. partment, has declined the offerhe received to take part In the Arctic, exploration which is being organized for next spring in the United Staten Reynolds, the colored mac who was sentenced to penitentiary for 14 years in Montreal, has been released after serving four yearn. He fatally stabbed' another -Colored man named Meyers. Several extensive lumber dealers from Chicago have arrived at Winnipeg en route to Rat Portage, where they propose nego- tiating for the entire cut of lumber in the Rat Portage district this season. On Thursday night the First Congre- gational church of Kingston presented the Rev. •.Dr. Jackson, who is removing to Barre, Vt., with a puree ot gold, and Mre. Jackson with a marble clock and can- delabra. Thomas Tracy, turnkey of the jail at Berlin, Ont., has been dismissed by the sheriff, charged with disobeying ordure. Mr. Tracy says there woe no real cause for diemieaal, and that he will appeal to the Government. Chief of Police McKinnon, of Hamilton, has placed his resignation in the hands . of the City Clerk. A meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners will be held shortly to receive applications for the vacant position. Hon. John Haggart has written a letter to Geo. Montgomery Moore, thanking him for the valuable aseiatanoe rendered in carrying out the arrangements at Halifax in connection with the funeral of Sir John WChompeon. Richard Ardagh, ohief of the Toronto fire department, died suddenly at his home, on Sundaymorning at 10.16 o'clock, Tho cause was heart failure, auperinduoed by internal injuries sustained by jumping from the Brough company's building during the progress of the first great fire in that city a few weeks ago. Tho Manitoba delegates, Attorney -Gen- eral Sifton and Treasurer McMillan have had to satisfactory interview with Finance Minister Foster, and it hae been arranged that the subsidy to Manitoba shall be paid until 1596 on the basis of a population of one hundred and ninety thousand, which will give the province an increase of about thirty thousand dollars a year. GREAT DRITAIN. There is still a plethora of money in London. Prof. Arthur Cayley, of the University of Cambridge, is dead. Again disastrous gales with lose of life are reported from Britain and the conti- nent. Sir William Van Horne has returned to London from the Continent, and leaven by the Tautonta next Wednesday. Richard Choker and M. F. Dwyer,�of New York, have made a long Ilabof English turf engagements for 1895. It le now positively announced that Lord William Bamford is to be married to the Duoheae of Marlborough. A statement of the accounts of the Irislh parliamentary fund just issued Showa that Canada contributed lash year :0,049. Among Mie new akuvs-ue,uatup to.. t�ttl Q0000,,ie Capt; Louis Boaumout, rtuyai navy, who married Mise Forbes, of BAT• Representatives of 275 railroads are alt. nested to attend the International Railway ongrese, Io he hold in London next sum. mer, Sir Donald Smith visited Cambridge University on Thursday, probably in con. neotlen with the a0leobion of a new principal for MoGIll University,. The {government barge Petrel, laden with powder, ehot and 4e11, blew up at Gravesend, ling„ on Wednesday, and no trace of the crew can be found. Itis announced in Loudon that in ao. oordanee with the express wish of Lord Aberdeen his name has been placed upon the list of the vioe.preaideuts of the Anti - Gambling League. Tho London Chronicle, referring to Ate ehargee of corruption brought against the institution of the United States, says :t would willingly give, a good many British, statesmen for one Abe Linoolo, The engagement of Mies Peel, the eldest dailghter of the Speaker of the British House of Commons, to Mr. Maguire, Par, nellite member for West Clare, is causing. some surprise in political circles. Mr, Justin McCarthy, iu his manifesto to hie followers urging them to be constant in attendance at the next session of Par- liament, makes the significant remark that the session promises to have a deoieive in. fluence upon the Irish pause. The Radical and Socialist organs of Paris are already abusing the new President in good set terms. Aocording to them he is a creature of the Vatioan, an absurd man- nikin,a danoing.Jaak,a proud turkey -nook, eta., oto. The recent violent quarrels between the Catholics and the Socialists in the Belgian Chamber of Deputies culminated on Friday in a violent Beene whioh resulted in the resignation of the President and the sue - pension of the Bitting. It is reported that Prince Alfred of Saxe -Coburg. and Gotha, eldest son and heir of the Duke of Saxe -Coburg and Gotha (the Duke of Edinburgh), is betrothed to Duchess Elea Matilda Marie,twin daughter of the late Duke of Wurtemburg. A letter in the St. James' Gazette on Thursday advocated the appointment of Captain Mahan,ofthe United States navy, to the Regius Professorship of History at Cambridge University, in euaoesaion of Prof. Seeley, recently deceased. There is at preeent a great strain` upon all charitable societies in London. Hun- dreds of deserving men, women, and youth': are being turned away from the Church Army relieving department solely for look of sufficient means to help them. The election in the South or Evesham, division of Worcester resulted on Tuesday in the return of Col. Long, Conservative, over Mr. F. Impey. by a majority of eleven hundred and seventy-five votes. The Con- servative majority last election was five hundred and eighty. uNITED STATES. Barley is active and stronger en lighter receipts at western U. S. points. There are now 376 Masonic lodges, with 36,500 members, in Michigan. Dr. Alfred L. Loomis, the eminent phy-_ efoan of New York, died en Thursdaymorn• ing. The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg railroad has declared a dividend of 1 1-4 per cent. The National Cycle show at Madison square Gardens, New. York, is being at- tended by large crowds. The United States Government hae undertaken to prevent war, if possible, between Mexico and Guatemala. The Senate by a very close vote has adopted, President. Cleveland's policy of non-intervention regarding Hawaii. The steamer Chioora, with 30 persons on hoard, is tossing helplessly on lake Michi- gan, or has gone to the bottom. Mrs. Mary J. Ward, who was the first woman to walk across the Niagara sue. pension bridge, has just died in Chicago. It is thought that W. W. Taylor, the defaulting treasurer of South Dakota, has been located near Crawfordsville, Indiana. A bill ie before the New York Logisln- ture to compel street car companies only to charge half fare to passengers who fail to obtain seats. Tha New York State Legislature will be asked by the American turfinen at its next session to draw a line between legalized betting and gambling. Mr. Nixon, of Chautauqua. bas proposed a resolution in the Assembly whioh, if oarried,meaoa female suffrage in New York state. Mr. Lawson's bill prohibiting the display of foreign flags on public buildings has paeeed the New York State Assembly. Ayes, 83 ; nays, 13, The bill providing for arbitration in settling labor disputes hae been favorably reported by the House Committee on Labor at Washington. It turns out that wholesale robbery was perpetrated at the Hotel Vendome fire in New York. Beerbohm Tree and others of the theatrical profeeeion suffered heavily. Arthur M. Forrester, a prominent Fenian, whose name was frequently men- tioned in the Phcenix park trials in connec- tion with Joe Brady and Fagan, died in Boston on Thursday. The Nicaragua canal bill, which provides for an issue 01 $100,000,000 in bonds, 370,000,000 of whish are guaranteed by U.S. Government, passed the Senate at Washington yesterday. Tha Chenangpo� Valley Savings Bank at Binghamton, N. Y., has been closed by order of the supperintendent to avoid a run. It is said the officers of the bank attempted to carry off the books on Wednesday at midnight. There was a great falling off in customs receipts at Buffalo the past year. The Officers say there ie an immense amount of petty smuggling from thatporb, particular. ly on Queer. a birthday and Dominion day. when car loads of young women from Can- ada go over and stook up, parrying the goods home concealed under their skirts. Thero ie no improvement in the bueines situation in the United States this week, and while production has not increased, prices have weakened, Labor disputes have done 'much to add to the: general de- pression, esppooially in Brooklyn, and have also affeetod trade in Now York. The financial tangle in the Status is hav- ing a most baneful effecton trade all over the oonbfnanb, and nothing but a hand,to•mouth movement ie probable while the 1isbtsr° is so Blended with suspicion and utagu t ,vwl101, 0 the o.11c.r of the day, .c...,crorta bhve :.o Malieatiea of an immediate revival. ,The only favor. able symptom is that goneraily among business men the feeling IS hopeful, and a oonfidont tone exiobe, annitnAr,. The Japanese have captured Yuon•Citang $Iters, M, Ribot has undertaken to form a Cabi' net for ?ranee, Prof. Charles Seeretao, the Owl's phil. osopher, ie dead, libraryMgr. , OIearini'd,ead.firetprefect of Oa Vatioan Cardinal Peoprese, Archbishop of Ten. louse, France, is dead. The Japanese troops are said to have been repulsed near Chefoo. Spain has added 50 cents per hectolitre to the duty on foreign wheat. Germany has opened negotiations for commercial treaty with Japan. Mexico and Guatemala appear to be get' ting near the fighting point, A crowded, meeting was held in Mel. bourne on Friday evening in favor of Auetrallan federation. M. de Glare, the. Russian Minister of Icor Allaire, is dead, He was seventy. five years of age. The new President of •France is a confirm- ed emoker, the first who ever occupied the Presidential chair. Panama and Aspinwall ceased to be free porta on the let of thie month. Goods are now taxed 10 per cent. ad valorem, The Turkish Government has refused to allow a correspondent of The London Timee to enter Armenian territory. M. Bibot has succeeded in forming a new French Cabinet, 11 ie not received with favor, and the belief ie that it will not last. A bomb was exploded on Monday even- ing in a crowded oafe in` Juniet, Belgium. Much damage was done, but no one was. injured. The Japanese Government sae, after a searching inquiry, issued an official denial of the exaggerated accounts of alleged mas- sacres at Port Arthur. Demonstrations of Roumanian Nation - allots in Hungary have been prohibited. Offenders are liable to a fine of 350 or two weeks' imprisonment. Emperor William has decided that the inscription " Dem Dsutschen Volke" (to the. German people) shall be placed over the main entrance of the new. Reichstag buildings, The Pope ie reported to be greatly die. appointed because of the recent French orieie. He considers that hie conciliatory policy has failed, and that he is boo old to inaugurate a new course. The Porte bas sent a written apology to the British Ambassador, Sir Philip Currie, for the arrest of Mr. Cobb, the British postmaster' at. Constantinople, and the affair is now regarded ae satisfactorily set - bled. It is stated in Paris that the resignation of M. Casimir-Perier was brought about by personal and not political reasons. He lives unhappily with his wife, and 're- solved to resign the Presidency eo that he could bring his action fordivoroe as a private citizen. It is announced that Emperor William has expressed the intention of presiding personally at the meetings of the Prussian State Connell which will be convened to discuss agrarian questions, and Prince Bis- marck will be specially invited to take part in the deliberations. Emperor William on Friday evening re ceivad in audience Count Aoki, the Jap anese Minister, who prevented his Majesty with the insignia of the Order of the Chrys- anthemum, bestowed upon the Emperor in recognition of the services rendered to the Japanese army by the instruotion given by German officers to Japanese officers. MANITOBA WHEAT IN BRITAIN. Any Quantity Stan Find n Market In the rutted Kingdom. A despatch from London sage:—The splendid wheats of Manitoba have been recently very muoh to the front, in conse- quence of the exhibition at the leading corn exchanges of the country, of official samples of the various grades of this cereal. They have attracted a great deal ot atten- tion, both from their hardness, weight and general appearance, and there as little doubt that almost any quantity could find' a market in the United Kingdom. One large importing house stated recently that the Manitoba wheat of last year's crop, handled by them, ie the finest quality work in oompovting; using• wood mould, PRACTICAL FARMING. The Widower Farmer.. Since Hunner died the 004 don't shine so bright, The stare don't twinkle near so hem at night. The church belle onSunday morninIhain'tithe sheer. It bad when she wee hero Sinop Kanner died, ,Tire very chickens antes Hanner a cat and go round with sort 07040aome el There ain't no kind of Joy about the r ace Without her smilin' faep, Since Banner died. Tho ggarden tools hang in the apple trees, The hoseweeds aro u kiltln' oft the peas; MOM'S no ono here to hoe the tatere now, • Erfecd.the bog an' cow, • Sinop Hanner died. Depose, of course, I'd orber be resigned; But when I goon') In the shed andfind The axe she chopped the wood with all thorn years, I web It with my tears, Mare Hanner died. 1 Some Farm Economies. In business life the difference between success and failure is personal attention to details. The men who build up and sue- oesfully conduct great financial interests' are they who keep in touch with the minor, everyday details aa' well ae direct the general course of business. It fa the little expenses or the little savings that make success or bankruptcy. No item is too patty to be looked after. In great business enterprises •the thousand and one little economies, each in itself insignificant, unite to pour in a golden stream of profit. On the farm the opportunities for prao. tioing little economies are almost unlimited, but in no other business are they eo gener- ally overlooked. The waste both of opportunity and material resources on the average farm, if allowed in any other bueineae would bring ruin. Generally it le carelessness, occasionally lack of inclina- tion to look after little things, but in either case the result ie the same. Individual failings can only be found and corrected by those interested, but there are some sine of omission and oommiesion that, unfortunate. ly, are only too general. Lack of attention to the material comfort. of farm animals is perhaps ohief. Horses and cattle are allowed to suffer from stress of weather during the winter months which a little attention might obviate or greatly lessen. In those districts where animals are or should be housed during winter, barna are unnecessarily cold or'exposed eindows are out, doors off or too frequently left open. Such things not only entail suffering, but positive cash lose in feed expanded. Where surroundings are not comfortable a large part of the daily ration goes to keep up animal heat and is in a measure a dead loss. Again, lack of veati lation and unsanitary surroundings, which a little core and labor might remedy, result in lose of thrift and health. In the feeding of stock there is mnoh waste easily avoided. This ie especially true where stock is fed in open barnyards or feeding pens. Hay ie trampled into the mud where feed racks could be had at a small first poet and a permanent saving. Hogs are allowed to waste a fair percentage of the corn or wheat given them when simple self-feeding devices could be built in spare momenta, which would allow them to get all they wanted to eat with little chance to waste anything. Sheep are allowed to run in all weather, subject to rain and snow, when inexpensive sheds, or even straw shelters, would keep them in good con- dition. Another common carelessness is the treatment of farm machinery. Farmers invest large sums in costly implements, often more than can be really afforded, and then allow them to go to ruin for lack of attention. Wagons, mowing machines, plows and harvesters are left exposed to the inolemenoies of weather, wood work to rot and metals to rust. Tha plow is left standing where the first furrow was turned until it is wanted again. Delicate machin- ery stands outside, possibly drawn up under a tree or with a few boards set over it to turn the rain. If machinery can be afford- ed, then a shed to Dover it can, with an occasional coat of paint for the wood work. The saving in coat of new parts and new machines will more than pay for the little outlay, The manure pile is another point of waste. When saved at all itis frequently piled in the open, where it is allowed to leach in the rains till only bulk remains with the substance gone. A little extra 1 thighs thin and wide apart, leaving plenty of NAM for the udder ; udder extending long nopueebehition w(tll wellin b dy , beats of Geed size and evenly and squarely placed; udder must not be fleshy ; milli veins and walla large; tail long, the bone reaching' below the lipoks, Cows of this description aro reasonably sure of being good milk- ers, Theee points are not all " fancies of those who think they can tell good oowa." Some of them may net be of much importance ; for inatanpe, the long tail, It was once thought by some that es outoheon was one of the beat indications of a good milker, but after making close ob. eprvatlon of a great many cows, many men have concluded that it sae very little to do with it. Any one who has studied the cows in great dairy testa can not foil' to be con. vineed that this talk about a dairy form is not a "fancy." As to size, the mediumeized 1�1 cow for the breed to which she belongs that has ever been received on the market, and that the millers appreoiate it more generally and are using it more freely than they have ever before done. Another merchant writes that the Manitoba wheats are of finer quality than they have had for a number of years. It is stated that it is the intention of Sir Charles Tupper to offer small sample bags of wheat to farmers, millers and others who moy apply for them, with the object of directing the attention of agriculturists to the quality of the cereals, and to the suitability of the country for farming purposes, and of creat- ing a still greater demand for bite wheats in the United Kingdom. A CLEVER SWINDLE. Rata Billed by Rlectrlelty—IIow a Frenelt- man Made Lots: or Stoney. A despatch from Paris sari—The Feenob police have put a stop this week to a fraud which ie so olever that the swindler almost deserved the harvest of francs which he has been steadily reaping. The man has boon making the,rounde of faire and other gatherings, Belling a rat powder, which was perfectly harmless, but struck rate dead on the spot. In order to. convince any sceptical' man, ba first powdered a slice of bread with the stuff, and ate apiece himself, and then put the remain- der under a glue ease, in wluolt was a rat. The rat ate the bread, and instantly fell dead. At 10 cants a box, thepowder went like hot calces. The pollee looked into the matter, and found that the powder was nothing but sugar.They also found' that the glans ease was oonnected with a power. fuf electric battery, and the moment the rat touched the bread the current was turned on, thus killing the rat. Tho man was sontenood to 15 days in jail. In Guelph a beautiful cactus is in bloom • Louring 150,flowera swamp land, house refuse, etc., with animal droppings, would give a fertilizer superior to the commercial product purchased each year. If each farm had its compost pile theexpenditure for .commercial fertilizers would be much less, and the condition of the farm be much bettor. The eaoeoasful management of the farm requires the same careful attention to little economies that is practised by the merchant and the menu - lecturer. Without it hard work may ac- oompliah but little. The leaks may each Abe small, bat in the aggregate they will drain away all chance of profit. Dairy Form of Cows. A correspondent recently aelrod the fol- lowing questiona ol-lowingquestiona: " Are the aim mon signs, such ae having a very long, thin tail, large milk veins, and wide space between the ribs, and ragged saw -edged back, all helpful, or are they mere fancies of those who think they can tell a good cow Y Which is the mnre profitable, a big cow or a little ons? How long should one keep a cow before selling her to the butcher 7" In reply to these, stye an English exchange, it may be said that there certainly ie a dairy form that ie a reasonably good indi- cation of a good dairy cow. It is the exact opposite of the round, smooth, compact beef form. Cows with a good beef form are rarely good milkers, though there ato exceptions to this rule. The dairy form may be briefly described as follows : Wedge shaped temperament nervous, as indicated by lean appearance; face long and lean ; month large ; oyes full, mild, and bright; fore- head broad ; nook thin and slim ; withers loan and thin; shoulders light aid eloping, legs short ; alhosb doop ; girth large; stomach large ; ribs broad, long, and wide apart iheri ,;..a, .xuu apcll ,4,uo. , l'10fli broad ; flank few i hips wide apart ; as a rule, the most profitable. But after Mr, .7. 75'. Dykentan St. George, New Brunewlek. all that can be eatd and learned, the man does not live who can piok out the best cow from a hard by looks alone with any degree of certainty, The truth is, the cow must be tried with the acaleand milk -tester, and that, too, for more than one day or env week, It is the pow that produces the most buttert in a year in proportion to the oost of t� food she eenaumes that is the moat profitable cow, The form and appear• anc0 of a cow may tell an expertjudge a great deal, but it can nob tell him all. A good cow should be kept as long as she pays a good profit. Some fall off at ten years old, and some hold out till fifteen, doing nearly ao well as ever, Better let them go at the first indication of failing, and fill their plane with younger ones of your own breeding and raising. In Sweden the railway stations where meals are served are known by the simple but suggestive picture of crossed knife and fork against the name of the station. For Twenty -Five Years 7, DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 1M CANADA. After the Grip. No Strength, Will) ' Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla cave Perfect . The following letter ,is from a well-known merebanbtailor of St, George, N. B.:: 0, L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen—I am glad to -say that Hood's, Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have done me a great doat 05 good. I bad a severe attack of the grip in the winter, and after getting over the fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had no ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be just what I needed, The results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to ail who are afflicted with rheumatism or other Hood'ssaiasPaCures afflictions caused by poison and poor blood. I always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house and use it when I need a tonic. We also kee Hood's Pills on hand • n think highly of them." J. W. D 'xetIAI'r, Std. George, New BrunswickI Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do Dot purge, or gripe. ipe. Sold by all druggists. The canal connecting the Bahia with the North Sea fifty-nine miles in length, is now finished exeept a few minor details. Geo. Matthews, tank -pumper at the Luoknow station, fell from a tank and dangerously injured himself. , I �l s 011 The Iatest discovery in the soienti-1• do world is that nerve centres located in or near the base of the brain con- trol all the organs of the body, and when these nerve centres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or nerve force, are also deranged: When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will cause paralysis of the body below the injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the para- lyzed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the nerve centres will cause the derangement of the various organs whioh they supply with nerve force; that is, when a nerve centre is deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to supply the same quantity of nerve force as when in a healthful condi- tion ; hence the organa which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are unable to properly perform their work, and as a result disease makes its appearance. At least two-thirds of our ohronio diseases and ailments are due to the imperfect action of the nerve centres at the base of the brain, and not from a derangement primarily originating in the organ itself, The great ini9- talte of physicians in treating these diseases is that they treat the organs /i. AD1 DMAN Wholesale at nod not the nerve centres, which are the cause of the trouble. The wonderful cures wrought by the Great south American Nervine Tonic are due alone to the fact that this remedy is based upon the fore ,} going principle. It sures by rebuild- I ing and strengthening the nerve oentrea, and thereby increasing the sup9ly of nerve foroe or nervous energy. This remedy has been found of infinite value for the cure of Nervous- ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful- ness, orgetfulness, Mental Despondency, Nervous- ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Sick Headache, Heart Disease. The first bottle will convince anyone that a euro is certain. South American Nervine is with- out doubt the greatest remedy ever discovered for the clue of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, because it acts through the nerves. It gives relief in one day, and absolutely effects a permanent entre in every instance, Do not allow your prejudices, or the preju- dices of others, to keep you from using this health -giving remedy. I1 is based on the result .of 'years of scientific research and study. A single bottle will convince the most incredulous. sal Retail' Agent for Brussels