HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-2-8, Page 44 T $ E New Advertisement Locals Dr, Chase, Locals Dr. d. 4 Ayer, J neat Pow I'ublisbing fiouse, A Grey Oo.111ireole-Dr, Wiihar $1000 Prize Story --G. A, Deadman. Xintsstio Vast, FRIDAY, FE$. 8, 1895. AVNER a stormy passage of over seven years on the journalistic sea the Toronto Empire 'amalgamated with the Mail of that oily on Thursday of this week and the combined paper will boom the Con- servative policy, The semi-independent fake of the Mail became too apparent of late and the paw arrangements will per. mit them to throw off the mask, One of the greatest eauees of regret in the new move is that almost . the entire Empire staff will be thrown out of work. Mn. MoNEu, the Patron M. P. for South Perth, has got himself into a hot box over the course be pursued during the last campaign, He was moused of belonging to the P. P. A. but he positive- ly denied the rumor and on the strength of this denial he secured votes enough to carry him to victory. In the protest now in progrese witnesses have been call. ed who swear positively that they were in the lodge the night Mr. McNeil was in- itiated. Somebody is going to haven whopping big bill of costs to pay over this protest as the Court has sat a good share of a week. Hon. T. Ballantyne is the defeated candidate. TRa delegates of the Young Liberal Clubs of Ontario met in convention Tuesday and constituted an "Ontario Young Liberal Federation," Stewart Lyon, President of the Toronto Young Liberal Club, being elected President of the new organization. A monster meet. ing of the Liberals was held in the evening in Massey Hall, and addresses delivered by Hon W. Laurier, •Wm. Paterson, M.P., Hon. G. W. Ross and G. 0. Gibbons, Q. 0., Tno. McMillan, M. P., Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., and J. T. Garrow, M. P., represented Heron County. The gigue of the times point to a great Liberal victory when the Domin- ion eleotion day comes. Winsttnen . The repairs done in Halsted .l Scott's Bank, have greatly improved the interior of that business plaoo. Mies Hetahen, who has filled the po. sitiun of choir leader in the Winghitm Presbyterian oburch for some time, has resigned and left for her home in Whit- by. hit- b The town Council have decided to have the Council chamber fitted up as required by His Honor, Judge Doyle, and hereafter Division Courts will be held there. J. Ross Robertson, o e Ro so of the Toronto Telegram, and Grand Z. of the Royal Arab Masons, paid Lebanon Chapter of this place, an official visit on Wednes dry of last week. Upwards of 100 new books have re. Gently been received by the Wiogham Mechanics' Institute. The free reading room is taken advantage of by but few of our toweepeople. The politioal meeting on the evening of the 14th of February, will be uddres eed by :-Wm. Paterson, M. P., South Brant; Jae. McMullen, M. P., North Wellington ; Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., and Dr. P. McDonald, M. P., East Huron, Morris Connoil Meeting. The newly elected members of the Municipal Councfl,namely : H. Mooney, Reeve ; Geo. Kirkby, Deputy Reeve ; Thos. Code, Jas. Bowman and W. Isbister, Councillors, met pursuant to statute and subscribed the necessary declaration of office and qualification, the Reeve occu- pied the chair. The minutes of last meeting for 1894 were duly rend and passed. Moved by W. Isbister, seconded by Jas. Bowman that Wen. Clark be re- appointed clerk at a salary of $130. Car- ried. Moved by Thos. Code, seconded by W. Iebister that Richard Johnston be re- appointed Auditor. Carried. The Reeve then appointed Chas. McClelland second Auditor. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, second- ed by Sas. Bowman that Jno. Watson be re -appointed Assessor at a salary of $80. Carried. Moved by W. Iebister, second- ed by Thos. Code that G. Hood, W. J. Johnston and Thos. Laidlaw be appointed to aot along with the Reeve and Clerk as a board of health also that Dr. MoAsh be appointed medical health officer. Car- ried. Moved by Thos. Coda, seconded by Geo. Kirkby that the Township printing for the current year be let by tender and that the Clerk be instructed to submit a sketch of work to THE POST and Herald, Brussels and the Standard office, Blyth. Carried. Moved by W. Iebister, second- ed by Jas. Bowman that the plans and speoificabions for re building Forbes' de Clarks bridges as prepared by Jno. Aine- ley be adopted and that the Clerk be in- structed to advertise for re -building the same, plans and specifications to be seen at the Reeve's office on and after 4th of February. Tenders to be opened at the Town Hall on the 18th Feb. at 1 o'clock p, m, Carried, An application being made for bonus for building wire fence. It was moved by sae. Bowman, seconded by W. Iebister that no bonuses be granted for the building of wire fences in this municipality daring the present year. Carried. A petition was presented by Daniel Kelly and othere asking to be withdrawn from S. S. No. 5 and annexed to Union S. S. No. 8, Morris and East Wawanosh, Moved by W. Iebister, seconded by Sas. Bowman that said. petition be laid over for future consideration. Carried. Accounts were presented as follows :-Sohn Mooney, Collector's salary, $85.001 A. McAllister, box drain across road allowance, $2,00 1 H. Hawthorn, planing post under Forbes' bridge, $1.50 ; Municipal World Election forms and poll books, $7.20 ; Misses Ex - ford, charity, 88.00 ; 3ohn Bays, kepjiing County Ward, 812.80 ; 3.olm ,Ainley, plans apd•epeeidleatione ferForbee' bridge, $10,00 ; P. Cantelpn, keep of lrioller, $10,00; Dr, AtobTaugllton, Menlein for Fisher, $1.80 W, Ff, Iferr, balauos Ra printing account, 81.50 ; W. 'lark nom, oration expenses and posting financial etatemonts, 85419 Moved by Gep, Kirk* by, eeoonded by Tas. Bowman that the foregoing, aoopunte be paid. Carried. Bylaws No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1895, were duly road and peeled., The Counpil then ad- journed to meet again on the 16t4 day of February next. W, Ox.ezt, Clerk, floyal Tempters. District Crandall of the Royal Tempters ?petted at Holmeeville, on Monday, 4911 Inst„ District Councillor, J, E, Tom, in the chair, Masers. Batt, Read and E, Jervis were appointed a credential clam - 6. co9Wunipation from T. S. Loose, Toronto, was read,' requeeting several changes to be made in the constitution of 1894. A committee was appointed to ooueider the matter, The following oommibteess were ap- pointed : Distribution of reports and papers - Bros. Penhale, Fear, Davis, Sisters Ivison and Pickard. Temperance Work -Bros. Butt, Jukes, Sisters Leech and Fotheringham. Correepondenoe and Memorials -Bros, Delgatty, Pennington, Nelson, Sister Allan. Appeals and Moistens -Bros. McOal. lam, Johns and T. 0. Pickard. State of the Order -Bros. MoRoberte, J. E. Reid, Allan and Sister Canteloa. Finance -Bros. Read, McCallum and Butt. Opening and resuscitating Councils - Bros. Fear, H. Elford, McDonald and Slater McKenzie. Speoial Onmmitte-Bros. Naftel, Davie, Penbale and Sister Eford. The District Councillor and Secretary gave a detailed report of their work dur- ing the term of 1894. The eleotion of offioere then took plane, resulting as fol• lows :-District Councillor, J. E. Tom, Goderich ; Vice-Oounoillor, Miss Father. ingham, lruoedeld ; Chaplain, Rev. E. A. Fear, Holmeeville; Secy., Bro. Butt, Centralia ; Treas., Bro. Wanless, Varna ; Herald, Sister Ivison, Kippen ; Guard, S. Stanley, tiny P. 0. ; Sentinel, Bro. Augustine, Dungannon, Past Councillor, Bro. Penhale, Exeter. TEMPERANCE WORK COMMITTEE. The report of the Committee on Tem. permute work was handed in by W. S. Butt, chairman, and was es follows Your committee recommend all temper• anoe people, with the Royal Tempters, to ask all town and township councils in each mnnieipality to reduce the number of liquor liminess or planes where it is cold and guard against any new licenses being granted. We recommend all trustees of Publio and High Schools to be temper- ance men, and that they use their in. fluence to engage teachers who are total abstainers, and wherever practicable, to use the temperance pledge among the children. We recommend Royal Tem- pters to use their influence to elect men who are known to be total abstainers as municipal officers and members of par liament. The report was adopted. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON DISTRIBUTION OF REPORTS, ETO. This committee recommend theplaoing of a copY of the Royal al Tem plar in each home, and also the reading of such tem. peranae literature as "Ten years of Tem. perance," "Vanguard," etc. REPORT of COMMITTEE ON MEMORIAL$, EEO. Moved by Bro. Butt, Seo., by Bro. Del. patty, that we memorialize the Grand Council to instruct the editor to be more temperate in his editorial utterances, es- pecially in reference to other journals whiob have fur years favored and sup. ported the cause of temperance. An amendment, that the matter be consider. ed in six months, was introduced, and after discussion, carried. It was deoided to memorialize the Grand Council to permit a reduction of the capitation tax, when several of the same family belong to the Order. The members of the Connoil deolared their willingness to stand by the decision of the prohibition convention in Montreal namely, to support candidates for puliti. nal honors regardless of fealty to party. Mr. Penhale, of Exeter, was elected re- presentative to the Grand Connoil, to be held at Woodstock on the 19th, 20th and 214 insts. The hearty thanks of the Council were tendered the friends of Holmeeville, for their cordial receptiod and kind hospital ity to the visiting delegates. The Selsot Councillor of Holdtesville Ooaneil replied in a few words, and said it was a pleasure to have the meeting there, and hoped all were made welcome. The aforesaid officers were then install- ed into their respective positions. The next dietrfot convention will be held at Centralia, between the let and 20th of June next. Canadian New,,,. St: Mary's beat Bright at ourling by 15 shote. The pablishera of Grip have discon. tinned that journal. Wentworth county has a treasury surpins of $28,064.61. Charles Gingrse, a 13 -year-old Mon• treat boy, was smothered bythe caving•in of a snow hoose. Two other boys were hurt. Kingston Conservatives talk of pro- testing Mr. Harty'e eleotion. A large number of the party are opposed to the protest. At Sutton Falls, Que., Mre, Wm. Bates was struck by a train backing up for water, and mangled frightfully, dying in about an hour. The London Humane Society accuse the Street Railway Company of using horses that are unfit to work, The com- pany is preparing a reply to the so- ciety's allegations. Sergeant-Major Smith has been ap- pointed Chief Constable of Hamilton, to succeed Mr, McKinnon. Mayor Stewart, who was one of the applicants, concurred in the selection of the oilier commission - ere. The Milton Reformer says :-We be. lieve an effort will be made to have local option adopted in Nelson the coming year. As there is only one hotel in the township and that not considered nacos. eery to the travelling public, it should not be very difficult to carry the Act. Particularly so in Nelson. RU LOOK A' YOU LABL The Subsorjption prion of Tina Poer, if paid etriotly in advance, ie OVID DOLLAR, If you de snot renew within three months of the deto on your label the price will be $1 25; if you donot renew within six months of the date on your label the price will be $1.50. No paper will be sent longer than one year before boing paid for. Swals hio edise. Moneyend sentreneby regieteraddirectly to lgtter,tpost• office money order, express money order or draft, tx at our rlek. A, poat•olhce order up to 84 costs only two cents, The change on your label will notify you of our receipt of the money. If not ohanged in three weeks drop us a card and we will trace the matter up. Address all ,lettere and snake all cheques end orders payable to W. H. Herr, Brae. gels.,; / When remitting money do nob fail to give post office address, When notifying us of change of address do not fail to give both old and pew post office addrese. Look at 'Your Label. A Grey (county Miracle. AN IMPORTANT STATEMENT FROM A WELL-KNOWN FARMER. He Tells the Story or Eight Years or eat. feeing and Tale Efforts to Rennin Health -Vow Ms Great Boon was Finally Obtained. Fro the Meaford Monitor, Knowing the Dr. Williams. Medicine Co. to be an honorable and reliable firm we had never any reason to doubt the entire truthfulness of the articles appear- ing from time to time setting forth the partioulara of the remarkable cures at. footed by the use of their Pink Pills. There is scarcely a locality in.Canada which has not furnished a case of more, or leas prominence, and if the partioulara as stated, were not aoourate, it would be impossible that the publics would not find it out and thus the remedy would be die• credited. There is therefore every ground to believe that the statements are accurate in every particular. We have now been put in a position to verify one of these caves for ourselves, and we give the result faithfully, giving Pink Pills no word of praise not merited in the case. Messrs. F. Clarke & Co., druggists, of Meaford, who have Bold very large quantities of these famoas pills, drew our attention to the case, giving us the name of Henry, Lamb, a well-known and teepeoted farmer of St. Vincent township. Having, some acquaintance with Mr. Lamb we sought an interview, and the following is the substance of his testimony :-"About 8 years ago 1 suffered from an attack of in- flammation of the stomach, causing me extreme pain and uueasioeas. I was at- tended by Dr. Clarke, of Meaford, who brought me around, and I have always given him thecredit of saving my life on that occasion. The effects of the attack however remained and I fell into a state of chronic poor health, which completely unfitted me for my ordinary wnrk. I was really dragging out a miserable existence. I suffered for over seven years from a constant pain in my stomach, as well as from weakness and continued debility. I tried many ad- vertised remedies which I thought might be suited to my case, but without relief. I at length deoided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I soon felt the pais in my stomach relieved, and after I had used ten boxes the pain was entirely gone and I now feel like a new man. I ono now work half a day without fatigue, and se I am still using the pills I confidently ex- pect, as I have every right to do from the great results thus far, to be able to do my work as formerly. I am 57 years of age, and before the attsok eight years ago, I always enjoyed good health. I have stated my experience to many people and invariably recommend a trial of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The above is the substance of Mr. Lamb's story, to which the Monitor may add that we consider him a reliable and trustworthy person who would make no statement which be did not know to be ourrect and truthful. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilie contain all the elements necessary to give new life and rtcbueee to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an entail. ing speoifl° for such diseases as loco. motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effeote of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nerv- ous prostration, all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, suoh as scrofula, ohronio erysipelas, etc. They are also a epeoific for troubles peculiar to f, males such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakneee. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow oheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all oases arising from 'mental worry, over - w ,rk, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are manu- faotured by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont., and Sohneo- tady, N. Y., and ars sold only in boxes bearing their trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cense a box, or six boxes for $2,50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either addrese. Canadian 1V ewcr. The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West will meet at St. Catharines on Tuesday, March 12th at 2 o'clock, p. m, Alex. Morrison, one of the first settlers of Woodetook, died at his home on Win- niett street, a few days ago, aged 84 years. After accepting the resignation of Chief of Police McKinnon, the Hamilton Police Commissioners voted Mrs, MOKin. non $500. R, K, Kernighan, the Khau, says he has deoided to commence the publica- tion in Toronto of a newspaper to be known as the Khan's Weekly. The Newfoundland Provisional Cab. ;net, headed by D. J. Greene, Premier, have resigned, after being in office bat little more than a month. Itis the third Cabinet the colony has badwithin a year. Sit' William Whiteway will tom a Min- istry. E'L S FEB. 8, 1895 ER;CUSON & NALL ID ALWAYS THE OHEAPEST„ After ,.Stock, Taking �--THIS IS THE NAY I. T LOOKS. The Season is sofar advanced that Theo0 Prices Must be Lost Sight of. g ds are' on our shelves and must be gSold to make room for Spring Trade. The Prices are so Low that you cannot possibly afford to miss this Change of Buying Goods. Come and See our Prices and be Convinced : 8 pieces Priestley's Serge in Black, Brown and Navy, the kind you have been paying 750 for, Clear- ing Price 55c. 2 pieces•Ilnperial Serge, pure woo], 60 inches, regular price $1.00; clearing price 750. 5 pieces Habit Twill Drees Goods, the kind you have been buying at 20c, note width 42 inches, Clear- ing price 15e. 4 pieces Amazon Twill Drees Goods, 45 inches wide, regular price 25c, clearingprice 20c. 6 pieces Twill Melton, regular price 121o, clearing price 8e. 5 pieces 36 inch Apron Gingham at 10c, regular price 1210. 5 pieces Factory Cotton, wide, at 2e, worth 4c. 4 pieces Pure Wool Grey Flannel, regular price 20e, clearing at 15e. 4 pieces Pure Wool Gray Flannel, 27 inches wide, regular price 28e, clearingrice 3 pieces Pure Wool Drugget at 20c, regular price 80c. p 18c. 4 pieces Gray Flannel, pure wool, worth 30o, clearing price 24c, 10 pieces Extra Wide Flannelette worth regular 10o, clearing price 8c. 8 pieces English Flannelettes, extra wide, at 10c, worth regular 12ic. 6 only Very Large White Bed Spreads, worth $1.75, clearing price $1.25. 2 dozen Ladies' Vests, long sleeves and heavy, at 15c, worth 25c. 4 dozen Ladies' Fine Vesta, Song sleeves, at 19c, worth 30c. REMNANTS ! REMNANTS We will place them on Sale SATURDAY MORNING NEXT at Sure to Clear Prices. No thought of Cost, we must clear them out. Over 200 ends of High Class Dress Goods of every kind and color, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 yards in pieces all conveniently arranged on Tables so that you can oome in and pick for yourself without our assistance. The price will be marked on each piece in plain figures so you can look them over and see if there is anything in them for you. Spring chickens in January aro some- thing new, yet J. H. sfoLeod, of Maple. Wood is said oto be theP oeseseor of a brood hatched in the early part of Janu• ary. Ed. Fox, of Sweaborg, is making a fine centre table of whiob there is now 1,400 pieces in it, and Ed. thinks there willfinished. bee about 3,000 pieces in it when Mrs. Jane Mnxworthy, mother of the Rev. Mr. Muxwortby,Metbodist minister at Charing Cross, died on Feb. 2nd, aged 82 years. The remains were taken to Mitchell, tolbe interred. Chief Ardagh of the Toronto Fire De. partment died Sunday from the effeote of injuries received in the fire of the 6th ult. The Ohief a injuries were serious, but bis illness wax not supposed to be critioal until a few days ago, Monday night and Tuesday morning was the coldest of the season, the mer- cury dropping below zero all over the Province. Early Tuesday morning the thermometer registered 25© below zero at Ottawa, Wexlmeatb 83, Eganville, 30, Merrickville, 22, Rockliffe, 39, Carleton Plane, 15, Mabtawa, 41, Perth, 20, Ren- frew, 26, Arnprior, 28, Rockland, 20, Almonte, 24, Pembroke, 82 Kemptvllle, 15 and through Quebec from 19 to 310 . Mrs. Geo. Quarry, on the farm of Thos. Leldlaw, W. Garafraxa, while working in her garden last October found attach. ed to one of the bushes a cocoon of a dark earthy color. It was cut off and hung up in a paper bag on the wall, near tb the stove and results awaited, which were as follows :-On the 9th of Jan- uary a full fledged butterfly emerged from its little nest, measuring on the day elite birth six inches from tip to tip of its wings, beautiful in all the colors of the rainbow,'ite body large, of a mouse color ; its head reeembling that of a bat. It has not grown ulnae its birth, but is quite lively, but strange to say, it seems to sleep the most of the day. In lamp light ib ie quite lively, fly. ing all over the house ; sips a little sweets diluted with water and ie quite tame. . iT IS worth Knowing THAT a Tourist Car LEAVES TORONTO Every FRIDAY At maoNJs For the. PA OIPIO COAST via North Bay, Read "WI/AT is A TOURIST CAA," Free on Application to any Agent, A Tortured Child FOR TWO YEARS. Its Head Rendered a .Vol- cano of Fiery, Itching, Burning Pains. So speaks Maxwell Johnson, 112 Ann St., Toronto : My six-year-old daughter, Bella, was afflicted with eczema for 24 months, the principal seat of eruption be- ing behind her ears and on her face ; her head was on fire with painful, burning itching, which was made worse by con- stant scratching and tearing it with her bands. Wa,epent money without stint in constant endeavor to afford the little sufferer relief, every advertised remedy was tried ; innumerable treatments with soaps and medioinea and specific treat- ment by physicians having high endorse- ments in oaring such diseases were of no relief in her case, A short time ago I purobased a box of Dr. Chase's Oint- ment, the first application of which showed the curative effect of the oint- ment ; only one half of the box bas been used, with the marked change of an entire disappearance of the eruptions, and I can confidently say my child ie permanently cured. Any enquiry cheer- fully answered with enolosed stamp. 1111111lleu BELOW COST MISS MoPHERSON intends re- moving from Brussels and will sell off her fine stock of Fashionable Fall & Winter !illinery Below Cost To Clear Out Stock. This is a Genuine Sale as the Ladies will prove by calling at the Store. SALE NOW GOiNG ON. Call early and seethe Fashionable Display. FARR• AGENT, EB5IOW, SELB.1 Miss McPherson. Spriu� Goods. 1 have just received my First Shipment of Spring Prints -AND A FEW LINES OF - Dress Goods. Cottons, Cottonades, Flannelettes and Shirtings are Complete, LIFE IS SHORT, Be wise and Economize your Time, Husband your Strength, and increase your Pleasure by Using Skene's Teas & Coffees Which are the Best and Pur- est in the Market. All the best Brands of Canned Goode and Pure Spices. We will not be Undersold. 'Butter and Eggs Wanted. J. G. SKENE. Fashionable Tailoring I J. M'BAIN Is the man you should get to make your SUIT,. OVERCOAT or TROUSERS. Now -a -days a garment should combine Correctness of Style, Perfect Fit, Good Workmanship, And Moderate Coat. Yon will find these Qualities in Patronizing d. McBAIN, Next door to Tun POET, BRUSSELS'.