HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-2-8, Page 3VIM 83 1895 To" olx Directory. Mine!Prn Ottueee,-•$I bb3tb Serviette at 11 .a in and 4130 p, m, Hnnday Scheel at 2;89 p m, Rey,. john Reser 13 9, pastor. Knox CI u8on,•-..$ubbeth nervines at 11 a m and 6;80 p tri. Sunday Schooleb 2;30 p; ere, Ilan. D. Millar, pastor, Se, Joue'e C8unen,-Sabbath Services ,t 11 it m and 7 p nt. Sunday School et 2:80 p, m, Rev. A. K, Griffin, inoum. bent, . Meer:emrax Ouunon.-Sabbath Services at 10:80 a m and 6:80 p m, Sunday School At 2;30 p m, Rev, G. H. Cobble- diok, M A, B D, pastor. Roman CommieOnuncee-Sabbath Servioe third Sunday in every month,.,.eit 10;80 a m. Rev Joseph Aeneedy, priest, SW/ATM Aeze.=Servioe 8t 7 and 11 a m and 8 and B p m on' Sunday and .every evening in the weak at 8 o'clock, at. the barracks, Opn Febbows' Imam every Tbureday evening, in Graham's block, Mesonio Loran Tuesday at or before Sall moon, in Garfield block. A. 0 T W Loom on the 8rd Friday evening of eaob month, in Bias - hill's block. C 0 k' Lopez 2nd and last Monday evenings of eaoh month, in Blaehill's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L U L 1st Howley ih every month In -Orange Hall. SONS or SooTLnun, let and 8rd Tues. days of each mouth, in •Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lonon, 1st and 3rd Thurs., daya of each month, in Vanstone block. Hone Creme, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blaenill's Hall, Pose Oaomo.-Office hours from '8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. Memeuma' Ine1ITOTE.-Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOWN CouuoiL.-W, H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. MoOracken, Robert Graham, R. Leatherdale and B. Gerry, Councillors ; F, 5, Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer; D. Stewart, Assessor and J, T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the lat Monday in each month. SOnooL BOAED.-Bev. Ross, (obairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Rendall ; Seo.-Treas., it. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. PDELIO SOHOOL TEe0HERS.-J. H. Cam. exon, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey and Mies Cooper. Bonn ori HEwrf.-Reeve Herr, Clerk Seott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health OMcer. A FOREST GIRL. Strangers passing pity me Sayiny "what a lonely dwelling, Neer admiring face doth see, Hears none ger hie heart's love telling, Wasting thus her gentle voice In the mantled forest snowy! Making thus no heart rejoioe At those eyes and oheeks so showy." Till I'm lest behind a tree Do they gaze with love and pity, Often, often dream they eee Forest maiden, lonely, pretty. But their hasty love I aooris ; Pity on the lonely shower, Never to the forest -born • Dawns there here a lonely hour. I can run and slide by day On the silver, winding river, Where the restless winds do play With the pines dark branohes ever, "AO fox the breakageei 00n4 fn the pieooe, Mekore get cross all the free list;linereas ee ; 1'li ship thorn Seek and ask thele 10, 8peotiun, if ahoy allow thein, 191 realm no ob, jeobion. So the farmer relented and paid ler the mi And also the other sinallart Of the bill ; p He took the reooipt that the dealer had written AO stowed it away in the end of hie mitten, " I say," said the dealer, "Tbankegiving is near. ou've got a enpill r of nine turkeys; ^I bear ;, jest bring mg a big one that's gnran3eed tender, And send me the, bill the Arab week in December, 0 * 4 4 W Thanksgiving ie over, and promptly to town Wibh the bill for the turkey oomee Farmer Brown. The dealer reoeives it and winks at bit clerk, Then throws the bill down' on the desk with a jerk. I can't pay this bill, be remarked, with a frown, Yon swindled me bad on .that bird, Mr. Brown ; ,There waen't but two grains 'of sand in his draw And his01 ieh w b te,develo d v e bad p a very flaw. The drumsticks were brasby, the white meat in 531103e,' The temper extracted from both of the • wings ; The heart was too hard and the liver wee ()eked And all the paint from the feathers had flaked," The pinions were tough enough for a horse power ; The gizzard was soft and the neck wouldn't nnom1 • The meat was quite knotty and bad all around And didn't run near what you claimed to the pound. The fanner was silent. Lie thought for a minute, Then held up hie head as an idea nonce in it. I hoped, murmured be, for this money from you To, pay Smith & Thompson, who threat. en to sue. You pay for the turkey and I'll guaran- tee To give you another, if you will agree Theft ell the defective parte, one of your men Will bring out and show to the old turkey ben. FIGS AND THISTLES. Wrong doing always begins with wrong thinking. Nothing God wants us to do is an un- reasonable Service. rt is dangerous to follow any man who does not follow Christ. Whenever two praying mon Dome to. gather God bas a standing army. The devil probably smiles when .be meets a Christian with a long face. The man who is ruled by his feelings cannot travel in a straight line. The man who rune from trouble will never find time to stop and rest. Christ will not remain in any heart Lvbere His commandments are not kept. When a Christian goes wrong he makes t that much harder for some sinner to o right. There is no each thing as receiving the ible as the word of God and keeping hrist out of the heart. There is a difference between sitting afore the fire and thinking about „doing cod and going out in the oold and snow 0 do it. There is something wrong with the eligion of the man who walks with a gbter step toward the theatre than he oee toward the church. And the busy obiokadee Chatters by the fleeting hours, Chatters cheerfully to me g Till the foreet darkness lowers, When my father's axe lies still B While his weary limba home•bringing, O Happy thoughta bis memory fill When he faintly bears me singing. b Then I read him soft and low g And be thinks once more of mother t In her grave beneath the -snow Sleeping by my little brother. r If I have my stockings knib lI And my eyes are weary reading, Bythe window o it o I ane Watch the moonlight rabbits speeding ; And there's one -I ask no more - In my heart, whose love's reflected, One whose eyes with joy run o'er, Forest youth who's not rejeoted. Happy as I wish to be, I.faking happy by my singing,. Foolish thought to pity me, For with joy my home is ringing. EnASTOS FIELDS. THE DEFECTIVE TURKEY. Brown was a farmer who owed quite a bill To Johnaton,the dealer in Libertyville. In early November he called in to pay And settled the thing pretty much his own way. "This charge on the tenth, I'll not pay I vow, 'Twee for a bad pieoe on that last Bulky plow ; And this one in May's on a000nnt of some flaws, And bad ones they were, in those steel eagle olaws. The frame of my mower had an awful sand trach, Thie charge, then, of course, should be credited back ; And this bill of twine needs revising, I claim, 'Caine the first and the last lot were not just the same. And thee did he whittle and carve that bill With rebates and offsets and other claims till Poor Jobnsbongob weak and sat himself down, Wond'ring how much he would have to pay Brown. "Now there' is that grinder I got on the first ; Of all poor work ft is dein' the worst. Of courts you won't ask me to pay for the same Until, it will do whet the warantees claim." "I hoped said the dealer for something from you To help pay my bills which are now overdue. You pay for the grinder anti I'll gnaran. tee Te Make it do work satisfactorily, CAUGHT IN THE STORK I'IIIAR HARRISTON. Palmerston, Jan. 29tb. -The passen- gers on the G. T. R. train from South• ampton under Conductor Lillie had a most novel experience last Saturday. The train reaobed Harriston on time at a few minutes before 1 o'olook. 13 bad nob proceeded much more Sian a mile when it stuck fast in a enowbanit, and deapite the heroolean efforla of, the railway em- ployees the train could not be budged un• til 6:16 tbie morning. The passengers, of whom tbere were 50, were, thus com- pletely shut in, a terrible, drifting etorm blowing over the traok during the whole time, for more than sixteen hours. They deoided to make the best of it, however, and filled up the time till midnight with songs and otherwise, whileSnnday morn• ing was ushered in with appropriate hymns, which were sung for hours. Very little sleep was consequently enjoyed by anyone, and the crowd made thetneelvee as jolly as possible under the circum- stances. The party included Lieut. Col. Scott, ex•Warden of Brume ; A, Camp- bell, I. P. S., and E. Millar, Deputy Reeve, all of Kincardine ; Reeve Bland and Deputy Reeve Johnson, of Kincar- dine Townabip ; Reeve Purvis end Deputy Reeve icholson, of Kinloss Township ; Reeves Lyone, of Luoknow, and Wellwood, of Culross Township ; 'Deputy Reeve Martin, of Huron Town- ship, wbo were returning from the Bruce bounty Council ; Dr. Wallace, of Hamil- ton ; Piper Thain, of Guelph, and a num- ber of commercial travellers, among whom were 0. Yuker, of Hamilton ; 5. ' M. Walker, of Ingersoll ; J. W. Camp- bell, J. 0. Hedley, Wm, Onthbertson, Wm. Lindsay, H. H. MoKegue, of To. ionto ; W. H. Fisher, of Preston, and others, and eeveral ladies. The officials of the train were most attentive, and on arrival ab Palmerston it was unanimous- ly agreed to present to Condnotor Lillis the following address :- To Conduotor James Lillis :- The passengers (50 in number) on board the train under your charge beg to tender to you most sincere thanks for your Moet attentive dare and courtesy extended them ell under the distressing circumstances by which they were surrounded en route to Palmerston, Owing 50 the terrific enoWeeortn, which continued dutitip the TILE BR SELS POST whole of yesterday and last flight, your brain •was completely anow bound from 1 p, tp.: yesterday until after 0 e'olook Silo X04 Palniereten, Duringethee°asixteen Jong Imre, in rebid: your passengers were abut in and beygnd the Mallet out, side eermmtinieetien, your 'finances and attention were most marked. Indefatig, able in your orortione to relieve us from our awkward situatioc, your kindness in providing refreshments and otherwise eeouring our comfort was beyond praise, The Grand Trunk Railway Company are 30 be congratulated upon baying In their service as officer ready and willing, as yon have proved yourself on tbieemeesion; to saerifiee your own personal comfort end brave one of 'Cho Meat severe tem, pests ever known in title seotion of the country for the sake of the travelling public, Rest assured that t11e present occasion will never be forgotten by ue, Cet;nndja,n Newng. Ooatiooke, Quo„ bad a 3100,000 fire, Spearing flab will be permitted in Hamilton Bay. Dr,.31. Ullyot is President of lllmira's new Board of Trade, Melvin McPherson was killed near St. Catharines by falling out of a tree. Hamilton's net assessment is 326,155, 020, an increase of over $468,300 over last year. The Viotoria Hooke, Oleb, of Winni• peg. defeated Ottawa by 5 goals to 2 at Ottawa. Manitou prohibitionists have deoided to place an independent Commons condi. date in the field for Liegar. The York County Council after Oen, siderable discussion, on a close vote, de, aided against the abolition of toil•aates, Wm. Parker, of Stirling, was found dead intoe yard of Ma brother's barn, where' he had been at work about the hay stack. HEART DISEASE; BELIEVED no 80 Mn.N ueas.-All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly oured, by Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. The Methodist Missionary Board has asked the six Japan missionaries who re quested a recall to eubmit a detailed statement of their grievances, and mean. time to oontinue their work. An inquest was held at Wallaaeburg on the death of James Dagneau, killed by a falling tree. The deceased had abonb 310,000 insurance on hie life in favor of hie brother. A verdict of aeoidental death was returned. Any tendency to permatnre baldness may be promptly checked by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Don't delay till the scalp is bare and the hair roots destroy- ed. 11 you would realize the beet re- sults, begin at once with this invaluable preparation, Yarmouth, N. S.; has an editor who celebrated hie 80th birthday on Tuesday, and who for 60 years bas published the same paper. The name of the veteran is Alexander Lawson, and bis paper ie the Yarmouth Herald. A young man in Lowell, Maes., trou. bled for years with a succession of boils on bis neck, was completely cured by taking only three bottles of Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. Another result of the treatment was greatly improved digestion and in- oreased avoirdupois. The new diphtheria remedy, anti -Cosine, was need for the first time in Woodstock the otber day, on a 9 year•old-son of Mrs. Jones, Admiral at., by ,Dr. Welford, in the presence of Drs. Rice, MoRay and MaLurg. The results so far are very satisfactory.. RBEuMeTISM CUBED IN A Dar. -South American Bheumatfo Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Dents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. At Leamington four men and two teams were outting ion on the lake when the ice suddenly broke up and oarried moo and horses oat in the lake about three miles. A, boat from the shore went to their rescue and the men were safely landed, but the horses were drowned. Mayor Fraser, of Amherstburg, did a graoefui mot a few days ago when he in- structed Colin Wigle to send 40 barrels of flour to the different heads of the churches in that town for distribution to. the needy. The flour was put in 25 Ib. sacks, and 360 of these sacks have been put in a large number of the poorer homes there. OATAnRAH RELIEVED IN 10 To60 amsuees.- One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with mob bottle of Dr. Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffnees this Powder over the eurfaoo of the nasal paessges. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly ouree Catarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, Headaches, Sore Throat, Tonsilitie and Deafness. 60 cents at G. A. Deedmen's It is new definitely settled that B. B. Osler, Q. C., has been retained by the Crowe to prosecute in the Middiemaroh murder trial and has aooepted the case. Tnie trial will be s record breaker sure. Oeler's record of never leaving lost a case of tbie kind will be broken or Elgin county's record of never having had a hanging will be smashed. Rexene ne SIx Hoene. Distressing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved in six Inure by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." Thie new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every pert of the urinary passages in Mille or female. It relieves retention of water end pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and aide this ie your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. A uniqud newspaper banquet took place the other evening at the Walker House, Toronto, when the staffs of the Globe and Empire dined together. The Globe hasbeen printed in the Empire offioe ever ainee the destruction of its promisee by fire on January 6th, and i WWI this banquet n the words of the menu card intended to mark the boopitaliby extended by the Empire to the Globe after that dieaater.: Robt, Jaffrey presided and 150 guests were present, inotnding Sir Frank Smith, W. R. Brook, Hon. Geo. W. Rose, 30s. Tait, W. I3. Moillurrich, Barlow Cumber- land, D, Creighton and otbera. Afeature of the evening wan the preoentation id Dfr.Oreigbton as manager of the Empire, with a handsome marble clock from the. Globe Staff id 'fegoghition of hie kind. nese during their'etby in his oMoe. tto Star L oY 8OYAfi MMMA114 Sl'HANS11P3:. Between New Rork and l;lverpool, via n Rueonetow,evory Wednooday,, as the atoamors of title nue 4arey orrly a etrietly limited number in the reefer and MOND ()ABM aoamemadatlons, intending puseengers aroreullnded :that en eerie' age plication for bertha ie neeeesary at file sea• eon. Por plane, rates, eta.,apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. NONE/ T0` LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required: Apply to A. Hulyir, Division Ooturt Clerk. Brussels, Ji11inery BELOW COST MISS MoPHERSON intends re- moving from Brussels and will sell off her fine stook of Fashionable Fall & Winter MIlillinery Below Cost To Clear Out Stock. This is a Genuine Sale as the Ladies will prove by calling at the Store. SALE NOW GOING ON. Call early and see the Fashionable Display. Mies MoPhereon. p E it it i ti E ,,,. .40m»Q -....-01 1'$$,, Y. •a 0151.0 � Rip O m,m,enlf14114 ;r Qo k 0..Mo�a...0)u -0 C� lig ._ eg....# o'tr e114 ,N Z i� to-� �d p &'rw'C7 ;vi°.la,�,gpa� do C N� 2$1' a,aa c.-te• 5 m a oa CLEAR SKlf�l ( MENTAL ENERGY r7 CURES OTHERS WILL CURE E Y01:11 .I . iq7 p^o v OVN� SLEEP lee „Ill, LONG uU FE STRONG NERVES SARASAPARIYE:R'S LLA M. HammerIy, a well-known business man of Ililisboro, Ya., sends this testimony to ,t 10 merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: Several years ago,1 Birt myleg,the Ininryleaviug a sore which led to erysipelas. My sufferings were extreme, my leg, from the knee to tlto anile, boing a solid sore, Viten beggan to MA tend to other parts of tits body. After trying various remedies, I began taking Ayer'e. aaraaparilla, and, before 1 hod finla8O8 the first bottle 1 Me:aria:wed great 301101' the aoomui bottle effected a complete, dare,. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ...eared by Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mase. othora,wiilcure you YONG LMJTJs AND GE'NTL.EIV.MEN Send 0 Dente in stamped or 10 cents, silver, Ana w0 will Send yon by return 14411 0he PERFECT LETTER WRITER/ A. neat little Beek. Doing a neefeet ITatee in the art of Letter Writing. It gontaine Let-, tore of Trove, Frlondsbip, Buten/Ise, eta.. with valuable inetruetioua and advise. nary yeung man and woman ehould have (hie 4 Addreee, NOVELTY PiiBLISHERS, 10'dm INGEBSOLL, ON'1', ALLAN LINE, Summer Sail ng , 1894. MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL SERVICE. From from From Liverpo'l STEAMSHI$a. Montreal, Quebec, Daylight, 9a,tn. 000.18 tNumidian Boy..8 Parisian " 10 Nov,28 1 Mongolian " 17 When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —OALE HUNTER'S Hardware Hart ware Store Where you will, from this date, get a Ducal T of FIFE FES CENTS Offal' Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists'' Can- xay. 11 vas in Stook. " 1e Passengers embark ba kat Montreal mauski or l after 8 p, m. on Fridays. For farther information as to rates, &o., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. McLEO D'S System nenovator AND 0101109 TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaandioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY ROQERiCH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX,' Druggist, Brussels. A. HUNTER. WESTERN ADVERTISER. 16 -Page Weekly -96 Columns. ONLY 0 Now to Dee. 31, 1895. Balance of Year Free. 11411111 WIELT OF THE UM NONE BETTER. FEW AS G000. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. Good Inducements to Agents. For Apante' Terms, etc., address - Advertiser Printing Co. LONDON, ONT. THE CHEAP CASH STORE, GROCERIES. I am now selling 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 26 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1 ; 4 lbs. No. 1 Currants for 25e ; 4 lbs. No. 1 Raisins for 25c ; 25 lbs. Rice for $1, and everything else in Grocery Lino Accordingly. BootsShoes, I ]lave a very fine stock of Boots and Shoes, from the a+ es, Best Bfakers, at Lowest Prices. DRYGOODS. toIammnefoDr2os. Ga oyoadred a;t 5Scm.yrBnaesBnot- kes only 31.00 a pair ; Grey Cotton from 40. a yard up ; Men's Oaps, 20c. up ; Best Cotton and Prints in the store for 10o. a yard ; 20o. Sateen Print for 15o. IN HARDWARE I carry everything that a farmer needs. Here are a few enape :-Cop- per Tea Kettle, only $1.25 ; Copper Tea Kettle, Nickeled, only $1.504 Royal Tin Tea Kettle, copper bottom only, 75c. I also have the best Washing Machina in the Market, and at a Low Price. My Customers can depend on my Hardware being lower than .you can boy anywhere else. TERMS -CASH OR TRADE. Butter 16c., Eggs 15c. J. H. THOMSON, OMSO[ , H HIN-PRYN. AREm — STILL ALIVE THE PHOTO. (LINE, - We are second to none and intend to keep up to date. We tau make Photos. any.size you want them from the Sunbeam to the Life Size Photo. Copying Pictures is done on the shortest Notice, making them any size you wish. We are prepared to enlarge any Photo. to Life Size in Crayon, India) Teak or Colored In the most Artistic Manner. All our work is from Finely Finished Negativesis of the Best and Latest Styles and is Warranted first- class. No Photos. made that are not satisfactory. Give us a call. Always welcome at the old Reliable Photo. Studio. Gallery over Standard Bank, Brussels. H. R. BREWER, Photo Artist.