HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-2-1, Page 3FEB. 4-1895
Town Directory.
MEuvlrnE Onneen,—Sabbath ,Services
at 11 a m and 0;80 p,m, Sunday School
at 2;8Q p m, Rev, ;Tolls ROes, B A,
KNox Qnunon.—Sabbath Services at 11
a m and 6.80 p m, Sunday School at
2:80 p m, ROIL D. Millar, pastor.
' ST, Jontl's Qnpnelr,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Scheel
at 2:130 P. M. Rev, -A, E, Griffin, Mourn.
MEmlionorr Onoaou,—.Sabbath Services
at 10;80 a m and 6130 p m. Sunda y
School at 2;30 p m• Rev. G. l3, Cobble.
dick, hi A, B D, pastor.
Servide third Sunday, in every month, at
10,80 a w. Rev Joseph ' Kennedy, •
BALI/Avon AnttY..--.Servioe at. 7 and 11
a m cad 8 and 8 p.,m on Sunday 'and
every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at
the barracks,
ODD FeLLows' Londe every 'Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
Masora° LODGE Tueeday at or before
full moon, in Garfield block,
A 0 U W Lonan on the 8rd
Friday evening of eaoh month, in Blas.
hill's block.
C O xi. Londe 2nd and last Monday
'evenings of eaoh month, in Blashill'e
I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday. in Odd,
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Jfanday in every month
in Orauge Hall.
Bogs or SoOrLANa, let and 3rd Tues-
days of eaoh month, .in Odd Fellows'
K. 0, T, M. Longs,. let and 3rd Thurs.
days of each month, in Vanetope block.
loazc ClnoLn, 2nd add 4th Friday even-
ings in Blashill's Hall.
Roan Orlon.—Office hours from 8 a.
m. to 6:80 p. m.
MMOHANioe' INemIPUTE.—Library in
Holmes' block, Will be open. from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw,
Town Courtom.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. MoOrsoken,Robert Graham, R.
Leatherdale and, B. Gerry, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas' Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, collector. Board meets the let
Monday in eaoh month.
SonooL BOARD. -=Rev, Roos, (ohairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A,
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seo..Trete.,
It. Roes. Meetings 2nd Friday everting•
in eaoh month.
Pomo Sono=L TEAonnae.—J. 31. Cam.
eron, Principal, Mise Braden, ;Mies
Downey and Miss Oooper.
Boa= or HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr,,Clerk
• Soott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr, 'McNaughton, Medical•
Health Officer.
Observe a man with used up clothes.
Observe a man with carmine nose.
Observe a man with boatile swagger.
Observe a man with lurching stagger.
Observe a man with bleary eye,
Observe his shirt—observe his tie,.
Observe his tie tied at right angles,
Observe his lege that something tangles,
Observe his clothes don't seem to fit him,
Observe the spot where someone hit him,
Observe his wife -observe her dress,
Observe his household in distress.
Observe his children all in rags,
Observe him classed among the 'wags,"
Observe him placed within the dook,
Observe the Colonel "taking stook,"
Observe His Worship when he says :
"Observe you're down for thirty days,"
Observe the Blab within the Morgue,
Observe him lay there like a-"dorg,"
Observe the water dropping down,
Observe the face with upturned frown,
Observe that life's not beer and skittles,
Observe you've taken "Licensed Viotals."
A day's journey was abouttwenty-three
and one•fifth miles.
A Sabbath day's journey was about an
English mile.
Ezekiel's reed was nearly eleven feet.
A obit was nearly twenty-two inches.
A hand's breadth is equal to three and
five -eights inches.
A finger's breadth is equal to one inch.
A shekel of silver was about fifty cents.
A shekel of gold was eight dollars.
A talent of silver was five hundred and
thirty-eight dollars and thirty Dente.
A talent of gold was thirteen thousand,
eight hundred and nine dollars.
A piece of silver, or a penny, was thir-
teen Dente.
A farthing was three cents.
A mite was less than a quarter of a
A gerab was one cent.
An ephah, or bath, contained seven gal.
lone and five pints.
A hin was one gallon and two pints,
A firkin was about eight and seven -
eighths gallons.
An omer was six pinta.
A cab was three pints.
The man who walks with God must be
aarafat how he steps.
A little sin will sgnirm,juet no bad as
a big one when you try to kill it.
Every drunkerd'e wife knows by bitter
experience that wine is a mooker.
Tbo world is not so: much in need of
better preaching as it is of better prac-
Drops of grief can't do anything. No.
thing gives perfect peace bet trust fu
Religion is nut needed any mire in
the church than it is in the store and
The sheep that has felt the tooth of
the wolf ought to keep very alone to the
God still loves the cheerful giver' as
mach as he did when the widow gave her
two mites.
God needs intelligent service as much
as be doee a loyalty that is willing to go
to the stake,
God is still opening Windows in heaven
for people who bring every tithe into the
• The shield of faitb was made to quench
all Ole fiery darts of the wicked one, if
held right,
Pounding the Bible and making a noise
in church is one thing, and'veinning men'
to Christ is another,
When God bag Rut our sins behind 3Ue
been, we bye no right to keep bhomigon.
etaptly before our face. 014
The man who believes in a hely God
cannot bo satiefled with anythingiehert el
righteousness in bimsolf,o,s8,3E
When the preacher can't get all idle
salary tbot has been promised him, there
le somebody that ought to make shorter
prayere'inchurch.. *n,
To undertake to be religioue in a milk
and waterway lase foolish as t0 jump
toward a (ham to see bow near we ean
dome without going over.
A" waste of wearisome hours.—Moore.
A gift to uee for Thee. -0. R. Haver-
A narrow vale between the cold and
barren peake of two etornities.r Inger.
A mambo unto an end ; that end—be.
ginning, means and end to all things—
(zod.--P. J. Bailey.
A pendulum betwixt a smile and a
tear. --Byron.
An apprenticeship to the truth.—Em.
Life in a tale told by an idiot, full of
sound and fury, signifying nothing.
A quarry out of which we are to mold
and chisel -and complete a character:—
The negative from which man's im•
mortal photograph ie taken.
A fairy tale written by God's own
fingers.—Hans Christian Anderson.
Don't snub a boy because of physical
disability. Milton was blind, and was
also deaf.
Don't snub a boy becauee' he chooses a
humble trade. The author of "Pilgrim's
Progreso" was a tinker.
Don't snub a boy because he stutters.
Demosthenes, the greatest orator of
Greece, overcame a bareb and stammer•
Don'u snub a boy beaause'of ignorance
of his parents. Shakespeare, the world's
poet, was a son of a man who was unable
to wribe hie own name.
Don't snub a boy who seems dull or
stupid. Hogarth, the celebrated painter
and engraver, was slow at learning and
did not develop as soon as most boys.
Don't snub a boybeoause he wears
shabby clothes. When Edison, the great
invep•tor,first entered Boston he wore a
pair ofyellow linen breeebesin.the depot
of Winter.
Don't snub any one. Not alone le•
carie they may far .outstrip yon in the
race of life, but because it is neither kind,
nor, right, nor. Christian.
Two care of ashes were shipped from
here this week.
Paul Doig; of the 2nd unnerssion, is
nursing a broken rib caused by falling
off et load of wood.
Mrs. Miller while at the residence of
herson•in-law, Andrew Doig, of the 2nd
eon., slipped and fell heavily on the ice
at the door, breaking her leg.
A. horse belonging' to Herb. Prondlove,
who resides a few miles south of this
village. attempted to jump over et wire
fence and in so doing, broke its Deok.
John Ball, of the 0. concession, while
working in the barn, missed his footing
and fell from one of the beams to the
floor and then througha trap door into
the stable below, breaking several ribs. '
At the last meeting of Court Delight
No. 1504, Independent Order of Foresters
J. A. Morrison, P. D. H. C. R., installed
the following oilmen :—C. D. H. 0. R.—
Wm. Mone; C. R.—W. A. Irwin ; P. 0.
R., E. King ; V. C. R., Geo. Bradley ;
R. 8., Thos. Nash ; F. S., R. McGrath ;
Treas., R. S. Clegg ; Chap., H. W. Coop-
er ; S. W., Joe. Ardell ; J. W., R. J.
King ; S. B., Thoe. Ellis ; 3. B., R. J.
Match ; Court Phyeioian.—Dr. J. A.
Tuck ; Representative to High court,
Thos. Nash.
C.`rtutitian is 1,4 as WW1:.
Winnipeg is to have coppers or change.
Gas is down to 61 per thousand in Loh.
don, Ont.
There are now 36 Collegiate Institutes
in Ontario.'
The mounted police barracks at Regina
have been destroyed by tire.
The Port Colborne & Fort Erie Rail-
way Company has organized.
North Bruce Liberals will meet in con-
vention at wiarton on Feb. 5th.
The Governor•General has written a
letter of sympathy to Madame Taese.
N. Clarke Wallace was thrown out of
his clutter near Weston and reoeived
severe bruises.
Montreal citizens talk of giving a hall
to Lord and Lady Aberdeen before they
leave for Cttesva.
Charles Braithwaite has been reelect=
ed Grand President of the Manitoba
Patrons of Industry.
A farmer named Fitzgerald Was found
dead and partly eaten by pigs in a stable
near Grenfell, Asea..
The London Young Liberal Otnb has
appointed seventeen delegates to the To.`
ronto Convention, which meets Feb. 5th.
Hurley Davidson, of Toronto, won the
quarter and mile national amateur skat-
ing championships at Newburgh, N. Y.,
last week, defeating Johnson and Dono-
HEAnm DlarAeuljRELtnvnn IN 80 Mrs -
eases of organic or sympathetic
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Care for
the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
A committee of philanthropic and
wealthy oitizene bas been formed to place
unemployed, men of. Winnipeg and their
lamiliee on suitable homesteads, giving
eaoh a loan with which to imminence
forming. The U. P. R. and the Depart -
:hent of the Interior are assisting in the
Unlike most proprietary medicines,
the formulas of Dr, J. C. Ayer's Salsa•
purine. and utter preparations aro t henr.
fully sent to any physician who appliee
for them. Hanel the special favor am
corded those' well lucown standard
remedie4 by the World's fair emmmie•
The Grand Truk Railway are at work.
completing the dock fuoilitiee that will be
necessary for the accommodation of the
railway ferryboats that are to ply be•
tween Port Dover and Conneaut, torose
the lake. Itis expected that everything
will be ready by July tat, and on that
date the railway ferry boats will bbgin to
runbetweeu these two points,
Charles Payworker, of North Pelham,
dled frmbite• blood -poisoning, the roeult of
Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral le known by its
works. The experionee of half a oentyry
provoa that no other preparation of the
kind elope coughing and abase irritation
Of the threat and bronchial Mhos so.
promptly and effectually as TWO.
jbaoi s ATlsaz CLUMP IN a Jar,.•. -South
4merioan ithqumatic Cure for Rheutna.
tiem and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
to 8 days. Its notion upon the system
in remarkable and mysterione. 1t re-
moves at once the cause and the dieeaee
immediately disappears, The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents, Warranted
by G. A. •Deadman,
Police Magistrate; Planta, of Nanaimo,
B. C„ left that place one afternoon last
week in a small sailboat, with his young.
eat son, heading for the American side.
A hurried investigation of his affairs
shows that for years he has been in the
habit of converting public money and
trust Macke to his own use.
CATAnaAH nnr,InyED TN10 TO 60 morons.—
One short puff of the breath thrgngh the
Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrah Powder, diffuses this
Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to
ase, it relieves instantly, and permanent.
ly .cures Oatarrah, Hay. Fever, Colds,
Headsohee, Sore Throat, Tenonitis and
Deafness. 60 oasts at G. A. Deadman's
John Armstrong, who is Crown Lands
agent at Halleybury in the Lake Timis.
oamingue District, gives in the Globe a
glowing piotore of the proepeoos of North.
ern Ontario. The land, he says, is good,
and easy of access by way of the Can•
adian Paoifio Railway. And that Mr.
Armstrong does not over-estimate the,
advantages offered by hie .district to
those desiring homes is proved by the
fact that he has sold 10,000 acres and
established fifty settlers within the ter-
ritory ender his jurisdiction sinus last
Relaxant Six Houns,—Distressing kid.
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every • port of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quickrelief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
A ease of smallpox occurred in Guelph
on Jan. 18th in the person of Wm.
8ohwartz, who some days before came
from near St. Thomas (where be ie sup -
Posed to have contracted the disease) to
attend the dairy school. The dairy
buildings are a quarter of a mile from
the college and its students board in a
private house in the township near
Guelph. The sick man had mingled for
several days with the dairy school
students, and when 'toosick to work,.
consulted a Guelph .physician,. who
diagnosed smallpox and bent him to the
smallpox hospital, where the is isolated.
The college re -opened on Tuesday, but as
'the dairy school students do not bard
there, the college buildings are, of course,
wholly free from danger. Iu order that
safety in every way may be assured the
few college students who have remained
in residenceduring holidays have been
quartered in a large building at some
distance Ecom the college. All exposed
students have been vaccinated, and with
the prompt measures taken it is probab'e
an extension of the disease will take
There is trouble at Honolulu. Two
hundred royalists are under .arrest and
in the fighting so far twelve natives have
been killed. Valney and Clarence Ash•
ford, both Canadians, the former of
whom is an ex commander of the Hone.
lulu forces, and the latter, ex -Prime
Minister, are among the prisoners. The
Asbforde are known in Toronto and
more so in Port Hope, where they re
oeived their early education. There
were no fresh developments in the
threatened uprising until the 8th inst.,
when the marshal's' detectives brought
in news for that offiee to immediately
summon the Cabinet and leading Olean
of the military and Citizen's Guard for
consultation. In a few minutes after
their arrival Deputy Marshal Brown
and a squad of polios ander Captain
House, the Deputy Marshal left for
the beach at Waikiki with orders to
search the premises of Henry Betrfinenn,
a prominent royalist, for arms and
ammunition. Just previous to reaching
the place, the posse was joined by Oliae.
L. Carter, Alfred Carter and .1. B.
Deatle. who lived near by, all members
of the Oitize0's Guard. - On approach.
ing the place, he left the squad on : the
lawn while he entered the house, and
finding Betrimenu nod another strange
white malt there, proceeded to read the
warrant. Just then a number of natives
surrounded the houee and started a fuel.
lade, and Ohae. Carter was fatally shot.
The timely arrival of a company of
regulars saved the officers from being
exterminated. When Betrimenn's: house
was searched, arms and ammunition
were found, and it it thought it served
as an armory for the natives.
worth KnoW1itg
'Mite •$tar Lyne,
,RUXa .1‘14.11; STEAnsagps,
8otween 'plow 'York and ldverpeol, yla
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
AS the steamer's of thio line carry Duly a
6oi1opbnaitdngu0A mnn eondatioss,nni
Faseengere aro reminded that an early am,
plication for bertha is necessary at tbie 058-
eon, For plane, ranee, etc„apply to
W, I3. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
Any Amount- of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-,
party at
6 & 61 Per Cent.,Yearly,
Straight Loans with privilege of
. repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
MISS MaPHERSON intends re-
moving from Brussels and.
will sell off her fine stock
' of Fashionable
Fall & Winter Millinery
Below Cost
To Clear Out Stock.
This is- a Genuine Sale as the
Ladies will prove by calling
at the Store.
Call_ early and see the
Fashionable Display.
Miss t 'ePher o a.
Bold in Brussels by
H. A, »HGll1IAN, Ilrngglet..
"For Years,"
says C.AnnIE 1. STOCnwELL, Of Chester-
field, 14..H., "I was afflicted with an
extremely severe pain in the lower part of
the :chest, The feeling was as if a ton
weight was luld
00 a spot the size
of my hand. Dur-
ing the attacks, the
perspiration would
stand in drops on
myfuco, and itwaa'
agony for me to
effort even to wills.
Per. They came
suddenly, at any
hour of the dayor
night, lasting from
Tourist - Car
AT 7:50 P. M.
For Oi0I0Af30, oonueo/ng directly with
Throttah liars for seethe. 0,01-
fornie, every
(31itOUN j t.
For tbo PAOI,' Ie OOAST via North clay.
Boay "Wnor is e CAn," Free
Application to any Agent.
thirty minutos to
half a nay, leaving as suddenly; but, for
several days after, I was quite pros-
trated and sore, Sometimes the attacks
wrrn•aknost daily, then less frequent. After
about four years of this suffering, I was
taken down with: bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I had the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever experienced.
At the ltrst of the fever, my mother gave
meAyer'e Pills, my doctor recommending
Mem us being bettor than anything lie
could prepare. 1 0251315004'tairing these
Pills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years 1 have had
but one attack of my former trouble; which
Molded readily to the same remedy."
Prepared by Tin'J. d. Ayer & Os., Lowen, Maes..
Every Dose Effective
Youi Lniis
Send c vents in stamps or 10 Dents aiivor,
arta we will send yon by return mail the
A neat little Book, being a perfect Gptde in
the art of Letter Writing, It contains Let•
turn of Love, Friendship , Business, 000. Wanvaluable lastruotfaue .and edifice, fever
7i aka Addreouninum ss. 0Oreen should have the
00-101 , I.NGEit80LL, 091',
Summer Sa'
Wilf.n you Want a Stove, Tin
or Qranite-ware, or Hard-
ard-Ware, Paints Oils,
-OALL Alt ---
T3arc1ware Store
Where you will, from
this date, get a
E Nt
Offal' Cash Purchases.
From From From
Llverpo'l STEAazsurps. Montreal. Queboe.
Daylight. e a.m. Fine Roman, Artists' Can -
006,10 tNumidieu Nov. ft nae in Stook.
' 2s Parisian 10 Nov.11
Nova 1 Mongolian " 17 ' - 18
j ,will not call at Rimouski or Moviile,
Passengers embark at Montreal after 8
p, m. on Fridays.
For further information as to rates,
&o,, apply to
System Aertovator
—AND om oza---
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of 'htemory,.Bronchitis, Con.
eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and. General De•
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX.
Druggist, Brussels.
IG -Page Weekly -96 Columns. s.�ur,
ONLY •a Vt�/i
Now to Dec. 31, 1895.
Balance of Year Free.
Large Prize List.
Handsome Premium,
Good Inducements to Agents.
ForAgents' Terms, etc., address—
Advertiser Printing Co.
I am now selling 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 26 lbs.
Bright Yellow Sugar for $1; 4 lbs. No. 1 Currants for 25c ; 4
lbs. No. 1 Raisins for 25c ; 25 lbs. Rice for $1, and
everything else in Grocery Line Accordingly.
Boots 86 Hoes, Best Makers, at Lowest Prices.
I have a very fine stock of Boots and Shoes, from the
DRY G C) 01) SI commence Dress Goods at. 50. ; Best Oot-
tonade made, for 25o. a yard ; Smyrna Blan-
kets only $1.00 a pair ; Grey Cotton from 4a. a. yard up ; Men's Caps, 20c. up ; Best
Cotton and Prints in the store for 10c. a yard ; 20e. Sateen Print for 15o.
I carry everything that a farmer needs. Here are a few snaps,: -Cop-
per Tea Kettle, only $1.25 ; Copper Tea Kettle, Nickeled, only $1.50 ;
Royal Tin Tea Kettle, copper bottom only, 750.
I also have the best Washing Machine in the Market, and at a Low
Price. My Customers can depend on my Hardware being lower than
you can buy anywhere else.
TERMS—CASH OR TRADE. Butter 10x., Eggs 15c.
O/ 0/ SO/ ,
T3 H l 1 - FawmT.
• /11/ THE PHOTO. LINE,....sigib.-
We are second to none aticl intend to keep up to date.
We can 'make Photos. any size you want them from the
Sunbeamto the Life Size Photo. Copying Pictures is
clone on the shortest Notice, making them anysize
you wish. We are prepared to enlarge any Photo. to
Life Size in
Crayon, Inde Ink or Colored
In the most Artistic Manner.
All our work is from Finely Finished Negatives, is
of the. Best and Latest Styles and is !Warranted First-
class. No Photos. made that are not satisfactory.
Give u8 a call. Always welcome at the old Reliable
Photo. Studio. Gallery over Standard Bank, Brussels.
Photo Artist.