HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-2-1, Page 1$1.00 IN ADVANCE
Tllg PPST ;OA 1(40
Vol, 22. No, 29,
Ct this Ont for itoforonoo,
it will not Appear Again,
Dr. Frank remains
Only 2 or 3 lore Bays
/lItinainTAS 1100111lN000,—A. 11. einith, A;
Bunter, ItoV. $. a eeee, W. mcivieh, &Q,, tters.
tOWropedist (IU-roP•o-distt. 10ertnetntp.
gtst end glartleur, at the
Aniarlean House, Brussels,
For a few days, headquarters for
genius and skill.
DR. FRANK, the President cif the Assoeia-
Mon of 14 eminently qualified American and
French Chlropodists,, (ki,rop-o.clists) and
Dermatologlets, is here,and can be consult-
ed free of charge, for a few days, at the
American Parlor and room No, 10, drat il oar,
head of stairs, ladies' entrauee.
Trade Mark. Chiropodist (ki.rop-o-
diet) and Dermatologist
Testimonials hum Al.
ma College, St Thomas,
Judge Laeourse, 'tarifa,
Proniinent Nod Witten.
tial names 0111 0.0 fur.
0180.04 on application,
that have been painless-
ly oured.
Saloon 10111010N0na—Mayor Campbell,
Jos. floats, Mrs. Col. Tidsdals, eto., eto,
Thankful for hie visit to Biome% A ter-
rible sufferer, almost a orippla for years;
has been quickly and painlessly cured by
Dr. Frank, Chiropodist
Coats, Undertaker.
cove Bunions. Warts, Moles, Mil.
ALL,112 blains,Ingrowing naile,B10,80#
sack on the joint), Osmidrosls Odorous (per.apiration) and all diastases of the foot sue.
cessfully oared by the most approved
medicinal methods of his own originality,
based upon many years experience and the
most extensive prattle° among the best
hunilies in the wotropolis. The most paim
ful cornu removed in a few minutes positive.
ly without the 81ig13est pain (Instead a
pleasant sensation) and relieved at mica by
the aid of cocaine and the application of a
medicated corn blanket, which keeps them
i10121 being eon or returning. No acids
whatever applied,
From an Exchange—There are many pre-
vonsions to skill in the art of treating corns,
bunions, bad aiJo eto., but Dr, Frank ie
known to to be capable in the higheob degree.
Read the following testimonial from the
Rev, Father J. 0. Bergen to the delicate
skill and success of Dr. Frank in Ms proles.
From Rev. Tether 1.0. Bergen, of Kings-
ton—a tribute most Warmly recommend
Dr. Frank to all persons afflicted with the
misery of come, or other irouble of the feet.
Be has relieved me most speedily and ef-
fectually, aud I heartily wish those words or
mine may be service to him.
Still another evidence that Dr. Frank
merits the confidence and patronage of those
troubled with, afflictions of the feet ;
The pests of many years disappeared be.
fore the Wilful hand of Dr, Frank. Re
painlesaly removed for me a number of
corns one of which was very large and dean.
1 cordially commend him teeny and all who
rend such a beuelaotor. He handles one%
foot so gently that it is a real pleasure to be
treated by him.—A. tribute from the late
grand opera singer, Emma Abbott.
P1112.ADELP1oIA10IOVANG14.—Dr. Prank, who
recentiy visited our city, has proved himself
lobe a ekidful and obliging Chiropodist, has
cured many mime that have been called in-
curable, and complete suoe oss nag crowned
his efforts, lie leaves a oirole of friends who
will give him a hearty ,velenne should he
wish to return.
NoTron,—Dr. Frank r Jolts s ladles and gen-
tlemen to take notice that he not only re-
lieves them from all sufferings iu theleet,
hut teaches them how 1, take proper care
01 tbein mud secure lasting oomfora
nem k0081 it10111i111) LAMBS need nob
hesitate to call at title elegantly kept house.
llamaa wIU not be referred to, Char -
get; reaeonable and the amount named be-
im anythies la done. Twenty ('00.00 011-
1)0000000, consultation free. When request-
ed Dr. Frank ovOU call on ladies at their re.
aidenoas without extra charge.
Inventor of the Femme
DOrenWend Electrical Appliances
Trusses and Iiastruments
for DefOrneitiefi
Will be at the ---
wEolvasDAY, PEG. 6.
Ltrcxxow nousz, Ltroxxow,
Ruptured Persons.
I can 01 you with 000 11801 Patron$ Per -
faction and Over Hip Trusses which hold
with lose pressure and more security than
all others and 'where at all possible a radical
cure will result.
Callers who expect to see nabbing but
old style trusses w111 be disappointed. !IMO
different Borings, webs, pada, &0,, in fact
80001)10185 is different. I am prbbably the
youngest 111 this business in America but I
flatter inyeell that 1 tiave invented and
31mmit00turo tee bot applienees, 0 nave
, the patience, 000050 084 preservanoe name.
wry for 0000080, M.10 same remarks appiy
to my Electrical and Surgical Appliemeee,
Records at our office showremarkable
cures Of Rheumatism, Nervous Diseases,
Dyepepaia, Kidney Troubles, Relation, Rexuel
weakneee, &o., by menus of oar Electric,
Per deformities "ouch a bow legs, kneel)
knees, club feet, sigma Curvature, dm, We
realm a allpini0V line of instrumento. Bleth-
ers if you have a raptured or datelined Child
have it attended to at cam and save it b. life
of wimpy. Many 11001 0.00 wasted and for-
feited tinough ilegageme.
I man int Newel to have all ietereated
oall on We at nieces above mentioned and
/ ask no fancy pekoe, our motto be het
"Guarantee applieneeS, Small Pratte anti
quielt kefurns."
litenstinsher Mules,
Donexwaen 0.. Bwm' & These Co,
171 Queen St., West, 'reroute.
Deferential' frinn leading physioians and
Patients in all parte ot Oanadtt mud 'United
We send applianue to 'nerve, Afries, 1118
Mlles and all netts 04 1110 world.
211)37 1011
W. FL KERR, Prop,
Enron. County goutieil,
(Continued from lest week.)
Moved by Anr, Holt, seconded by Mr.
eltiDonald that tbis Council learn with
regret of the timbale illnese of A. Keeler,
able, Reeve of Clinton, and A. Milloy,
0.0,390 Oi Colborne, old and valued mem.
bore of this Ceunoil, and trust that they
may both soon recover, and tatet o appy
of thio resolution be forwarded to each of
them by the Clerk. Cavorted.
Moved by Mr. Stuart, emended by Mr.
Gunn that the several Mechanic's' Ineta
tutes in the Co. be granted the 021211 of
$15.00. Carried.
Moved by Me, Masan, seconded by
Mr. Holt Witt it grant of 610 00 be ellow-
ed for flowers to be placed Around the
Court House. Carried.
$0,5.00 was granted to West Huron
Turners' Aesoolation,
Tenders were reoeivod for the Co.
printing from the Goderiell Sinai 0011,1
Star, Clinton limord, Exeter Times and
Seaforth Sun. The contract was award.
ed to the lent named, it being tbe lowest.
amen 00 011111[1110 00)111111115/0.
Members—Messrs. Mooney MoBwan,
Kay, Griffin, Kerr, Cox, Holt and Girvin
beg leave to report as followe :—
Extve0e10Ie.-141esses. Rutz, IVIeohey,
MeE wen, Kerr, Cook, McDonald,
Sanders, 'McCallum and Cox. -9 mem-
PIN0N0101.-11288818. E il her, Sperling,
Stewart, Sotheron, Holt, Carling, Etislep,
'Watson, and Girvin.-9 members.
Eqemezwzore—Messre. Shepherd, &ea -
then, &ewe, Shemin, Menvern, Graham,
N. H, Young, Creikshank and Kennedy.
—9 members.
gOAD 4100 Barecre.—M08508. Gibson,
Beneweis, Errata Keddy, Geiger, Brig.
her, Xiokley, McKay and Patterson: -
9 members,
BD00ATI0N.-1AU00IB. MoUnroh ie, Ray,
A. Young, Churohill, Holmes, R. Turn-
bull and Brans. -7 members,
0011.NTY PEOP131111.—Diessre. Kirkby,
Gunn, MoKenzie, Annoy, J. Turnbull
and Brown. -7 members.
Kerr, Oox, R. Turnbull and Girvin.-
5 members.
Mooney, Senders, N. H. Young, and Mo.
Ewan. -5 members.
BENTICIAIEN,—Permit me to lay before
you the report of the present state of
your Co. jail, also the prisoners at pres-
ent onfined there. Permit me again to
draw your attention to the condition of
the water closets. It will be absolutely
necessary that something be done to them
as goon as Spring seta in, one may be
totally unfit for use before that time.
Two of our drains became blocked up,
the one leading from the jail kitoben, the
other from the washing room. I had
them opened by prison labor and the cess-
pools in whieli they terminate emptied.
They contained nearly two wagon loads
of most offensive refuse, which I bad
wheeled outside the prison wells. There
are 18 prisoners at present in the jive, 14
males a,nd 4 females. Of the latter 9 are
under sentence for street walking and the
other 2 are committed as vagrante, viz. :
Elizabeth Shepherd, Colborne township,
4 menthe, and Mary Jane Donaldson,
McKillop, 6 months. Both were remom-
milted by Police Magistrate. They are
aged and unfit for work. Of the males, 1
le under arrest for indecent assault ; 1 is
insane; the remaining 12 are committed
for vagrancy for terms of from 3 to 6
enmities as follows Wm. King, Sea-
forth ; Burling, Blyth ; Thos. Ryan,
Blyth ; Robt. Wallace, Tuelteramith ; D.
White, Seaforth, C. Dalmage, Goderioh ;
Geo. Constable, Seaforth; Geo. Wilson,
Stratford; T. Clark, London ; D. 111e-
Lelle.n, Durham ; and J. McLean, Wing -
ham. Five of these are quite anable to
make a, SYing•
GENTLEMEN,— TO111 0011101i1100 beg
leave to report an follows :—(l-) That we
have examined the jail and found every.
thing clean and in good order and tbe
,number of inmates to agree with the
Jailer's report. (2) We also reaommend
that water closets be erected in each of
the four corridors* of the jail ; also that
closets finished by June 151h, 1895, said
work to bo under the supervision of the
Reeve of Goderich and the Co. Commie -
stoner. We also recommend that lumber
be furnished for 2 night Motels for 008 in
jail. (3) in referencia to communioabion
from Registrar Dickson for additional
aceionineedation for books, we recommend
that the top row of shelves now nnueed be
removed to adjoining room. (4) Your ()am-
enities has made a very careful examin-
ation a the mol of the Court House and
we are of unantmem opine= that e, new
roof is absolutely necessary and that said
work be done under thci supervision of Clo.
Comminioner. (5) We also desire to ex.
mese our approval over the manner In
which the caretaker attends to his re-
spective d titian
The clerk Wan instenoted to procure a
oopy of the Ontario Statutes for each
reeve and deputy,
Holt, Gen. MoBwan and W. H.
-Kerr wale appointed on the House of
Refuge oommittee in the -place of thou
members dropped out at; the /ate election,
The other members of the Committee
are :—Mesers. Eilbev, Moblurobie, ale.
Dorteld and Cook. .
The proposed by.law for We regulation
of the bailee of Mingo teas referred to the
Building committee for revision ; after
which a sufficient numbee of oopiee are
to be printed and distributed ammgeb
the councillors before the June sedition.
Malone toestablish examination
oentres al Bayfield, 81. Helens, Blyth,
Eintail, Grand Bend and Fordwieh
were oaeried.
A tootion that Bannookbern bride In
Stanley remain under county jurisdiction
100111 rebuilt, eves leid over utitil June
MOEUOTI. Cox and Gibson mitred that
t Wo valuatore be appointed under the
Municipal Actt for valuing tbe real and
personal prepare), in the County . as a
baste for equalizetion. Meet consider-
able discussion the matter was laid over
bill next 0181100.
The Rome of Refuge oornmittee wee
instmoted to edvertise for tendert) for
the emotion of tame beildings, aim to
reeelve 50015 and itward contenote /30 as
to have these lmildiege completed. at the
0111110 time asthe hense.
W. lea Kerr won milted to aot with the
clerk in preparing a new tender for the
County printing, to be presented BA the
June union, the preeent• form having
prevail imeatiefunlory.
immure or INSPECTOR 1100 EAST EUROE,
MP. Robb, Public Scheel Inspector for
East Huron, reported en followe : During
thq year1894 the total amount expended
for Public school purposee in Hub Huron,
was 057,204. Of this amount the SUM of
643,870 watt paid in Sa19408 to the 1e3
teaohere employed. From this it will be
men that 3357 is the %tweze seamy paid
per annum, The average salary of nude
teaellers in We rural schools ie 3395 ; of
the female teachers, $297. The highest
salary paid to any male teacher in the
rural distriete is $500, and to any fernele
teacher, 3405. The highest salary poll
to any public school teacher in that Ile.
triot ie $825. The qualitioations of the
teachers for 1894 were one Oren 61. seci,
ong, and 61 third elms, and one Old
County Board semnd. Ten schools
changed teachers at mid -Summer, and
twentyneven at the end of the year:
Many of these changes were caused by
the expiration of certilioatee. During the
year 79 students received training at the
two Model schools. Of these 76 obtained
orbit:metes. About half of thesesuomed-
ed in obtaining schools. The time has
come when no teacher holding lower
qualification than that of a emend class
certificate should be given charge of an
entire sohool unless the average attend•
ance is less than 26. As Misistants and
principals of the small schools these be
ginners meetly do very wall ; and it ie
in these uhoole that they ehoald gain the
necessary experience 10 take charge of an
entire or larger school. Unless some
change is made in the present regulations,
many experienced teachers will he driven
out of the profession, as there ie such e,
disparity between demand and supply
that teacher's salaries must ultimately be
reduced to a point not mush in advanoe
of that of the ordinary farm laborer.
Notwithstanding this gloomy outlook, the
teachers, ae a whole, are doing good
work, as in addition to those sent lip to
the entrance and public school leaving
exarninatione, the public: schools of this
division passed 25 candidates at the
primary examinations in July, 1894.
Four hundred and eighty-two candidates
wrote on the entrance and public school
leaving examinations, of which 405 ob-
tained entranoe standing, and 40 public
school leaving. Tbe papere aim read by
Ivo examiners, and; as there are only 17
days to examine them, the examiners
have frequently to reed papers until two
or three on:dealt in the morning in order
to complete their work in time. Nearly
all tbe soboole take the uniform pro-
motion examinations and find them nee•
fat in many waye. Tbe enrolled attend.
mice at public wheels' has fallen off 205
in five years, bat the percentage of aver-
age attendanoe bas risen five per cent.,
and ie now 58e. per cent. The sum of
33,827 was spent in building and repairs.
Three liew sohool houses were built, and
several others improved in various ways.
During the year two new brick wheel
houses will be built. All the schools of
this division were visited twice by your
Inspector, once in each half year.
101100110 OF TEM 11)801101010 yort 001181 atom.
Mr. Toni, Public Soiled Inspector for
West Huron, reported the total receipts
and expenditures of the schools for 1894
as follows
Balance from 1848
illunieigni Grant
Government Grant
School Taxes
All other sources
812,808 75
2,008 AO
8,582 59
45,142 77
6,888 02
870,871 68
Teacher's Salary , 848,055 07,
P110011080 01 Sites, Sundt age, 5.578 24'
Maps, Prizes, eto 740 48
Repairs, Pixel, Lighting Fires, etc— 10.817 28
Total 58,888 52
Delano° 00 0.0.110. at aloes 01 1801 311,485 11
In 1894 there were 95 sclioole, employ-
ing 129 teachers. Of those, 60 were
males and 69 females. The rural schools
employed 56 males, at an average salon},
of $391.15, and 51 females, nean averge
salary of $238.70. Fifty teachers had
receivea Normal school training. Pour
teachers held first class professional
certificates, 48 second class, and 77 third
class. At the end of the year forty
schools or departments changed teachers.
Several experienced tearners reeigned
their positions, and their plaoes were
taken by beginners. It is to be regretted
that the majority of our energetic teachers
are forced to leave the profession 012
account of the low salary paid them.
The nnuabereen teacher's registers for 1894
Wiln 7,527, a decrease from 1893 of 19.
The average attendance was 4,764, an
increase of 449. The number of pupils
M the fourth end fifth readers show
considerable increaser over 1898. This
division is well supplied with good school
holism, and the buildings and yards aro
ae a rule pretty well kept, In a number
of sections however, the closets are utter-
ly negleeted„ and are in a shameful
This should be more carefully looked
after, as the Modesty, parity and highest
golf -respect are sleety emanate no wheal
life interest. Two uniform proneolion
examivabions were held &ming the year,
and neatly all the schools took onteor
both of Reese examinatione. At the High
School Entrance Examination in June,
251 pupile wrote in this division, and 154
pensed. Twenty -eleven out of 69 succeed-
ed in reeving the Publio School Leaving
Examination. The sune of $5 was paid
by the Education Department for moll
pupil who passed obis examination to the
school in whieh nob pupil was educatea,
Thirty-three out of 84 teaebere iu train-
ing at the Goderich Motlel School were
granted third class ctertincatee. The
West Huron Teeeher's Institute held two
meetings one ati Goderiela the other at
Vadat. 'Ono hundred and eight 1e0.011008
attended one 01' 1)0111, Bach seheol was v
eisited twice by ehe Devotee; who tonna
the teachers in MOO inetaneee doing en.
fcoQrlietbuteirwporvok4setillorgh. 50418 410 unfitted
evemee 000100011) 10,
The report of the Spooled Committee,
whit* was as follow, was read and
adapted ;
1015102150 19 the eiroular from the
fjelentY Council Of Grey, mining tbie
council to memorielize the Dornieion
Patliamenb on to cattle guende and rail
weer fares, would recommend that no
action be token. We would recommend
that no action bo taken in reference to
the °frontal: coneerning local option 1)2
taxation, •
reneeron cenimervezn.
The report of the Fiume Committee
was read, It wen as follows
We recommend that the aol1 ents certi-
fied be pail, with the enteeetion of that of
John Gill for arresting 8 lunatic,
animating to $8.80. In reference to tho
claim of Morris township before the
finance committee at tbe December
meeting, we mown:Lend, in view of the
opinion obtained from the County So.
Holier that the claim bo not paid, and
that the Solicitor aot in the 010.0100 0.0 he
thinks best. Statement 04 County Clerk
for stationery supplies for Come House,
is as follows :—Clerlati office, 312.52 ;
Treasurer, 34.08 ; Sheriff, 317.50; Judge
Tome, 32; Judge Doyle, 1112.60 ; S.
Malcomson, 311.08; County Attorney,
$13,78 ; D. McDonald, 3106.92; For
school examinations, 376,20; Jailer,
310.35 ; Diviaion Court Suppliee, 327.40.
The financial statement of the Treasurer
has been laid before ue, and we find the
same has been prepared with great me,
and recommend that the same be printed
in the minutes of the Connell. As to the
claim of John Knox, for balance of $80
for arresting a horse thief, we recommend
that Ino. Butler be not peidfor balanceof
stationary accountas presented. Ineefer-
erne to the payment of debentures
maturing in 1896, we recommend that
whatever sum may 1/8 required to retire
the same, over and above the amount
seemed by mortgagee to the Denney, that
such sum be raised by using debentures
payable in 10 years, the county debt be
coneolidated and a special act for that
purpose be obtained in 1896, and that
this committee further report on the
question at the June setsion.
The Warden.nominated John Burgess,
of Turnberry, ae Comity Auditor.
A mote= was passed that 7. E. Tom
and D. Robb, inspectors of Public Schools,
be instructed to make up and deliver to
the County Clerk before the first day of
the June meeting a statemeat in detail,
showing ,the amounts for salary, expenses,
presiding et exerninebions, examining
papers either for High or pablic schools
and all other moneys reeenved by amen or
either of them from any and every source
by virtue of their said dame during the
years 1893 and 1894.
The clerk was instructed to have the
by-law passed at the December session of
the Council, for the putpose of raising a
loan of 312,000 to erect a house of indite -
toy, published for.three months according
to the Statute, and also to call a sputa
meeting of the Council to bo held on the
6th day of June, 1895, at the Court
House, Goderich, at 3 o'clock M. the after-
The Executive Committee's report was
amended by striking out the clause re-
ferring to the Seaforth Collegiate Insti-
tute and inserting the following: In re-
ference to correspondence from the Sea -
forth Collegiate IllS1/11110 170 recommend
that the Executive's report of December,
1894, be amended by striking out all the
words in Clouse 3 of such report after the
word rescinded. This will put the matter
in such shape that the Seaforth Institute
will receive the current year'S grant of
32,710.19 unconditionally, and may take
what action they see fit in regard to any
=omegas they believe to be due them.
1/008/3 05 110001111 00=111E11% IMPORT.
Your committee have considered tbe
advisability of erecting a barn and other
outbuildings; on the premises during this
summer, and we would recommend on
follows: That Donald Patterson, Reeve
of Batt Wavvanosh, and James Gibson,
Deputy -Reeve of West Wawanosh, Pre-
pare plans and specifications for a bank
barn 30x60 with atone wall under, not to
exceed in cost 0700, and a p1" and hen
house not exceeding in price $100, and
thaelour Monemittee have the power
granted them to advertise for and receive
tenders for the emotion of such buildings
and awned the contract for construction
thereof. Your committee further recent -
mend that the farte be rented for the
coming season, reserving about five mores
of land about the building sites, es well as
the road leading thereto, and under such
other restriction as your committee may
deem advisable. In reference to prepared
by-law to authorize the appointment,
payment and duties of an inspector, keep.
er, matron and physician, and for the
superintendence, este and management of
the House of Industry anl to prescribe
ruler; and regulations for the government
of the same, we would recommend that
so soon en this ootemittee have completed
the revision thereof, that the same shall
be printed and the clerk shell circulate
them among the metnbers of this cotmail
not later blame ntay let next, and Thee the
same may be Dually passed at tho Juno
A. communication from the Ontario
Rifle Asseeintien, asking for a grant of
310, was referred to Ole Exeoubive Com-
mittee next June. The report of the
MAD AND MUDGE 0811131011011,
which was as follows, was read and
adopted :—We have examined the Co.
Commiesioner's Report and, orders and
found everything correct except the
clause referring to the jail elosets. This
committee having no power to aid with
tbab would refer it to the County Prop-
erty Committee. Wo recommend that
the Commit/Siouan)) report be printed in
the minutes and that no delegate be sent
to the .Good Roan Almada-bon Conven-
tion. Your committee has examinetl the
tenders received for bhe following bridges
01113011 Will 130 mooted luting this year
1/011netiville bridge, Bluevale
• • •
bridge; and bridge on the 9111 /ine of
Howlek. We reeounnend that; the ten-
der of L. Heinly 401 the nolneetwille
bridge, ot 3750,00; that Gibson & 74a1.teok's bender tor Blaarale bridge bo ece
meted at 0845.00ane 11101 8117401', %aline
Strome and Adair's tender for Howlek
bride be accepted ab 0240,00 providing
the awake; 'lewd in eaob Ottee give 0e -
0111,11Y to blip eatiefizotion of the County
Commissioner. We bave also examined
the tenders received for the iron bridge to
be erected in the village of Blyth and
found that the tenders of the Hamilton
Bridge Company and the Stratfoixl Bridge
and Iron Works aro for the earne amennt
viz. 3420.00. We would recionimend that
the tender of the Stretford Company be
accepted. Regarding the motion of
McKim. Rate and Silber of December
last regarding the Gully Bridge in Step.
hen, we recommend that the bridge be
assumed by the County. Re the motion
of Maser% Rate and McEwen claiming
$100 for the Townshis of Ray and Step-
hen in connection with the Hey swamp
drainage scheme, we recommend that it
be left over till the June meeting and the
County Commissioner see the rated and
bridges said to be benefitted and report
at said meeting. Regarding the motion
of Messrs. erlenveen and Erratt asking
that the bridge known as the Bannook-
/Mira Bridge in the Township of Stanley
remain under the jurisdiction of the
County until re -built, we recommend no
action. Be motion of Messrs. Burns
and Monacan, asking for fences across
the old Bayfield Bridge, we would recom-
mend that the County Engineer have the
same done as ern as possible.
The following report of the County
Treasurer was read and adopted :—
I have the honor to present the fiaan-
Wel report for the year 1894, ootnprising
detailed statement of receipts, detailed
statement of expenditures, comparative
statenient of estimated and actual re-
ceipte and expenditures abatement of
ledger balancee at the end of the year,
statement of eolleetione, statement of
investments of sinking funds, statement
of debenbare liabilities and assets to
meet same. You will notice that there
was expended in general actuante 61,659,
64 more than WES estitnated, aleo the
sum 01 38,187.48 on account of the In-
duebria,1 Home, as yet unprovided for.
That the N. 0. R. debentures, with
interest, $21,200, werej paid on the let
of July, thus relieving tbe comity of
$21.200 yearly burden in interest and
sinking fund. 338,100 was invaded in
mortgages and 330,824 of investments
previouely made refunded during the
year, the total investment being $169,-
496, with $10,538.79 ranking fund unin-
vested. As the sterling debentures
mature Aagusb let, 1896, I think it
would be advisable for you to take into
consideration now and determine the
method of retiring them wbioh would
give the most advantage to the county.
The balance carried over from 1893 was
$7,183.86 ; receipts from all sources,
$154,852.51. Tbe total expenditute wen
3169,701.70, leaving a balanoe on hand
of $2,334.67.
0111. A10180101'0 11111003602.
A000rding to your instructions I bave
prepared plans and specifications for re-
building the Holmesville bridge, also the
bridge at Bluevale and the bridge on the
Otto concession of Howick. They have
been duly advertised, and I have a num-
ber of tenders from bridge oontraotore,
which will be submitted for yoar eon -
sideration and examination. The bridges
of the county appear to be in very good
repair at present, and are likely to re.
mein so during the present Winter, no.
less some more than ordinary violent
freshet should occur. I have examined
McLean's bridge, between Ternberry and
Cuirass,. situated on the County Bound.
tiny line, and found it to be of the length
required to be maintained by the Coanty.
It is twenty feet between the 0.0, 110101110,
a new ceder bridge, in good reenter. I
have examined the jell and found that
closets can be erected in the corridors,
four, one earn corridor'or to rebuild
the old closets in the wierdo would cost
about the same. To do either, according
to the senitary requirement, will not ex-
ceed in wet, I estimate, 3300, inoludiug
all necessary drainage. I also have a
number of tenders for eta/lading /Meth
bridge.. 11010orders issued by me during
1894 end January of 1895 amount in all
to $7,925.14. ,
A motion that this Council grant power
to the Seaforth Collegiate Institute Board
to place the matter of the alleged eirrear.
sem for 1892-3 before Judge Toms for a
friendly settlement was referred to the
Executive Committee, and that Com
mittee reaommended that no action be
taken. A motion amending the bylaw
of 1887, respeoting Hawkers and Ped-
dler% changing the fee for same from $25
80 3(0 was lost. By.Iewo appointing tbe
County auditors and aaditoes of criminal
justice amounts were read and •pasetal.
A motion to memorialize the Dominion
Government to the,effeet that they dredge
a bole under Ba,yfiele, and blow thet en.
terprising p001 up with dynamite, pro-
vided a plan for so doing could be ar-
ranged that would not injure neighboriug
municipalities was ruled out of order,
and the council on motion adjourned to
meet on the /bet Tuesday in June next,
William elyndnum, of Hamilton, walk.
ea to hie work on Saturday morning
through the heavy snow, and dropped
dead goon after reaching the mill where
he was employed.
A. second convention of the Patrons of
Indostry of West Bruce to aeleet 0. cian-
dictate for tbe Homo of Commove will be
hell in the Town Hall, 'Tiverton, on
Priday, Feb. 15th.
The Thompson Memorial fund tio far
as reported to Hon. Mr, Foster, amounts
to $17,e81.53. Tbis sum does not in -
elude the $5,000 freta Sir Donald Smith
or $2,500 from Pion, Wm. Ogilvie.
elon. Mr, Lander has deeided to ad -
dregs a public Meeting ih Toronto on
the aliening of February 5th. Mr, Pat.
tertian, (arana) Hon, G. W. Rosa, and
Mr, Gibbone, of London, 10111 (18 with
People We Know.
Will, Downing is on the Oak Het tbis
Mrs. George Lott, Mill street, 18 02) the
Wok list,
3. D. Ronald 10 home from (ole trip to
the Wed.
34108 Giee, of ZUrlob is visiting enies
Dolly Banker,
MM. Cobblediek was visiting in Lis.
towel for e. few days,
S. Wilton 0008 10 London and Sarnia
oe e 110010000 trip this week.
A. Hunter, fllerk of 4bh Division Court,
was. on the siek list this week.
Johnston,3. Of Buffalo, Called on Rol*
Armstrong and wife last week.
Dan. McDonald law token a situation
in a Wienton butchering establielemeten
ie said that W, Nightingale, former -
In of Brussels, will start business in New
Mre. W. 3. Halliday, of Weary, 0. W.
T., is visiting at J, 0. Halliday's, King
street, Brussels.
Rev. D. L, Macrae and wife, of 001-
lingwood, were visiting at Squire ele-
Orae's this week.
Prof, T. A. Hawkins will ging at a IC.
0.11. el, entertainment at Varna on
Wedneeday, 13th inst. Tbat will be his
second appe,arame there this season.
Ildisa Maggie illotauchlin, of Wingham,
tvas vieiting in town tbie week. She
leaves next week for New York for the
Spring millinery openings.
W. Roddick and Walter Wake were
compelled to leave their span of ponies at
Tara on their return trip from Owen
Sound and train it to Brussels lase week
on amount of the roads being so badly
Grey Connell Meeting.
The members elect of the Municipal
Council of the Township of Grey met at
the Township Hall, January 21st, 1895,
pursuant to statute. Thos. Straohan,
Reeve ; Arch. Effelop, let Deputy Reeve;
Jas. Turnbull, 2nd Deputy Reeve ; Wm.
Brown and AS. Lindsay, Councillors,
severally made and subscribed the nec-
essary declarations and took their seats
as the new Council for 1395. The rain-
utes of the last meeting of the rebiring
Council were then read and passed.
Communications from Wm, Olimie, of
the Listowel Banner, and J14/1180 Moore,
of the Brussels Herald, re township
printing for 1895 ; from G. F. Blair on
behalf of Peter and Margaret Erb re En-
gineer's certificate, dated Nov. 2101, 1894.
Peter Sinclair applied for the office of
Assessor for 1895. Moved by Jas. Lind-
say, emended by Jas, Turnbull that A.
Reymann be re -appointed Assessor at the
same salary as last year. Carried.
Moved by Jae. Tuenbull, se0on0ed by
Wm. Brown that Alex. Stewart bteAudit-
or for 1895. Carried. The Reeve than
appointed James Livingston the other
Auditor. Moved by James Turnbull,
seconded by Jas. Lindsay that John
Roger be reappointed Engineer for 1895.
Carried. Moved by Arch. Hislop, 'sec-
onded by James Turnbull that Adam,
Turnbull, John Cardiff and Wm. N.11011 -
ell be members of the Board. of Health
for 1895, and that Dr. Pergason be Medi-
cal Health officer. Carried. Moved by
Wm. Brown, seconded by Jas. Turnbull
that Jno. Rogers account for examination
aucl letting ditches for 1894 be paid, with
the exception of 010.00, which will re-
quire further explanation. Carried.
Moved by James Turnbull, seconded by
Wm. Brown that the township printing
for 1895 be granted to W. H. Herr, of Tem
BRUSSELS POST, at the some rate an last
year. Carried. Moved by Jets, Turn-
bull, seconded by Jas. Lindsay that the
Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to re-
new the note for 31400.00 held by Rachel
Spence against this Colwell, for ten
months, with interest at six per cent,
there not Merl, sufficient funds fa the
treasury to pe, 11, Carried. Applies.
time of Jts.e7Ondley, Henry Taylor and
John Jonee asking to be detached from
Union School Section Brussels, Morris
and Grey, and added to S. S. No. 1, Grey.
Moved by James Lindsay, seconded by
James Turnbull that the Clerk be in-
strunted to write Mr. Dudley and inform
hien how to proceed be the matter. Car-
ried. Moved by James Turnbull, second-
ed by Wm. Brown that both colleotore
time for returning their rolls be extended
till the lime day of Pebrnary, 1895. Car -
tied. The following accounts were
presented, viz. MoNeelands,
gravel, 90 oents ; John Ream, overcharge
Engineer's expenses on roll, $1.00 ; Wm.
Spence, posting up Financial Statement,
$5.00 ; Hatt & Riddell, election blanks,
37.89 ; Duncan McDonald, Thos. (Mee,
Andrew Turnbull, jas, McNair, Wm.
Spence, John Ridley and A. Reymann,
each 34.00, for services as deputy ea:turn-
ing officers ; trustees of S. S. Nos- 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5, each $8.00, for use of school
houses at °leaden] ; Chas. Beck, for use
of Hall at election, ; Wm. Spenee,
registration of births, deaths and mar-
riages for year 1894, 311,60 ; Mrs, E.
Pox, charity, $8.00 ; John Cutt, culvert
and rag bolts at lot 1, con. 2, $7,85 ; Ann
Bitable, supplies to Logien faintly, indie
gents, 324.00; jamb Kreuter, salary as
oolleotoe, South division, 950.00; Samuel
McGeorge, salary as colleeter, Novae di-
vision, $85.00 ; John Roger, Engineer's
expenses, Ditches and 'Watercourses Aob,
1894, 3128.00. Moved by Jas. Turtebuli,
mended by Wm. Brown that the above
amount' bo paid. Carried, By-laws
Nos. 61, 62, 63, 64 and 05 were road
three times and named. Council then
adjourned, to meet again at the Township
Hall on Tuesday, the 12th day of March
next. Ws, SPENCE, Clerk.
About nine o'elock Monday night fire
WES discovered in James Grieveei tailor
shop, Exeter, it being a frame building,
and by the time the fire companies ar-
rived the ineide of the banding was owe
mane of flemes. The etre brigade went
nobly to work, and by continuous exer-
tion they soon had the are wider control.
Stook partly saved, which was insured iu
tbe Latioashire Fire Ineurarne Co. The
bending, which was gutted, was insured*