HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-1-25, Page 8TRE BBUSSNIAS POST 26, 1804, oaT.ivau's COU HSS is the favorite remedy for Coughs, Golds, Hoarse- ness, &a. There is no remedy wo keep, no natter what for, that givensuch inllnense satis- faction and so much sold as 0uir >xtalio of Cough Balm., Manufactured Only and for Salo by G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller and Fauoy Goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOVTHERN EXTENSION W. 0, & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Genco SovT8. Goma. NORTH, Btail QM a.m.Mixed 8;45 a.m. Express 1159 am.I Mail 618 p.m. 4fixed ....... 9:00 p,ai. Express ,.,9.48 p.m, rpm' Reins 1.sins, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Homme Fair next Thareday. Bones' Concert Thursday evening of this weak. TBE Reeve is attending County Council this week. - Sarum riding riding parties are having a big run this Winter. Do yon attend the Mechanics' Ineti-. tote fres reading room 7 TBE Liberal Glee Club is preparing a number of excellent glees and choruses. Heart Mae Phelps next Sabbath after nonn at the Town Hall, at 3:45 o'olook, She is an excellent speaker. Sore of SCOTLAND Concert Friday even- ing of this week. Don't mise it. Ilan of Hall at Fox's drag store. MoNTBLr Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday of neat week. A numbr of local and foreigo buyers expected. 'A CousLEY has been appointed 1 cal agent of the Federal Life Assurance. Company,lwhose head office is at Hamil- ton. Owned to the snow blooade of Friday afternoon' and night the morning train from Kincardine failed to reach bere until Saturday noon. ANDREW MOKAY, Thomas street, in- tends veneering his residence next Spring. Ile has the briok hauled now for the job. Wm. Cornish will do the work. To is said that Mr. McGowan, of Kirk. ton, has 'purchased the J. Gould Co's stock of dry goods, Garfield l House, Bras. sels,and will take possession on February let. Tun A. K. Robertson farms, 1} miles West of Bruesele, will be offered for sale by public auction at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Thursday of next week, at 1 p. m. F. S. Scott is the auctioneer. AT the Sohool Board meeting Last week Rev. J. Roes, A. Reid and Dr. Graham were appointed on the Property Com- mittee for the first half year. and Dr. Mo• Kelvey, J. N. Kendall and A. Hunter as Visiting Committee. A smarms will go to Wingham next Tuesday to hear W. Paterson, the well known Brant Co. M. P., and J. McMull- en, M. P., of Mount Forest, on the politi- calisenes of the day. They are both firswastesspeakers. A PARTNERSHIP has been formed be• tween George Cardiff and George Best as General Agents in connection with the Massey -Harris Manufacturing Company for Brussels and locality. Councillor Kirkby, who has been associated with Mr. Cardiff for a number of years, re. tires from the firm. A suneoRIBEn from Rat Portage writes: "We are well pleased with your paper, Had it not been reduced in price wts would not do without it. Wishing TEE Pose saocese,&a." F. W. O'Brien, V. S.,' of Hannibal, Missouri, says :-"Enalosed find P. O. Order for $2.50 paying sub- scription to your valuable paper to Jan. 1896. I look for its coming as eagerly as I did when I firstleft the old burgh. From it I notice a great many changes have taken plane but the names of the old timers sound familiar. The only fault 1 have with Missouri is that she wae onught in the elide last November and went Republican, the first time since the war, bat keep your eye on us in 1896 and see the result. A Baussgii Box eo Tose Fso m. -Geo. W. Armstrong, 00n Of Wm. Armstrong, at former well-known resident• of this place, writes :-"I herewith enolose'01.00 for THE POST for 1895. I feel an interest in, the people of Brussels and like to keep posted on affairs in` my former home and the place of birth. I have many pleasant recollection of the old friendships and although many changes have taken pleas in the seven years elapsed since I left Brueeels, while I had a sooial regret to leave old friends I have no fault to find with my lot in Dakota as I have had a comfortable house for myself and family, plenty of this world's goods to make life pleasant and have all enjoyed good health. Since Doming here I have had varioue positions of public trust offered me and was nominated as Senator, in 1892 but resigned prior to election in 1898. .1 was. appointed Administrator of a large estate here consisting of 2,100 aoree and nines. eary equipage for work Ingthe same and still hold the position. It wag given me by the Court of dass CO. in 1894. I was also offered the nominatwnofState Repe r . sentative from this County but declined as there is more glory than money in it. One year ago I was appointed Deputy U. 8. Marshal of this State, and I also hold the Chairmanship of the Township Board of the towesbip in which' live and run a nice farm of 820 acres, At the present I tan in charge of the Buff- alo Express, the former mac. ager being a defaulter. I hope m y Y tenure will be of short duration ae I have already learned from an short experience Iiiiithat newspaper Hier ought to have a free k pa8Sport to the better land hereafter, AtxNNT'e - sawmill OO1n0le4Oed W@r1 this week. Wsaany left at 11, Leatherde la's . store, Owner may leave it by proving property, DOMINrog Voters' flet Opurt will be bold in Brussels on 'Phar:day of next week, eeninthemeg at 0, a, no. 'Pulp Enterpriee Salt Works have de- eli:neS to take nuy mono wood for the Present. They have received over 2,600 Cords tills Winter. Tug Army was money out of pooket last Friday over their oyeter sapper. The stormy evening no doubt detained a number from attending. TIM C. 0. Ir. have made an engage- ment with the DIok Conbart Company, They will appear in the Town Hall, Bruesele, on Wednesday, Foloruary 6th, 13re LoAD,-On Thareday of last week T. S. Martin, of Morrie,^ drew from Brussels station to A, MsKay's residence 9,024 brink In one load. This is the largest load of brick ever hauled from Brueeels station, IT would be well for owners of horses to remember that these animals are not allowed to run at large. It is ware par. tioularly dangerous in winter when side- walks are often bluoked and pedestrians are compelled to ;the the road, EAST Hunan Fall Fair will be held in Brussels on Thnreday and Friday, Sept. 26th and 27th. Other Societies will kind- ly note our °bangs of date, as East Huron Fair has been held on the first week of October for many years. The change ie made at the request of a large number, in the hope of striking better weather. (MESE MEETiNo.-Lest Saturday af- ternoon a meeting of those interested in the cheese faotory of Messrs. Harris & MoLanohlin met in the CouncilCbamber, Brussels, to receive the auditors' report and arrange business for the coming. season. Deputy -Reeve Turnbull presid- ed as obairman. The report showed that 87a tone of cheese had been made during the past season. The old Board of Management was re•eleoted, viz,: -Jen. Ferguson, Jas. Turnbull, and John Car- diff. A. E. Cochrane was reappointed Auditor. The firm agreed to make cheese on the following terms for 1895 :- 2i Dents up to 45 tons ; 2} from 46 to 55 tons ; and over that amount 2 cents per pound. It was decided to send the whey home as was done last season. There was some talk on making butter in the factory in the Winter and cheese in the Summer, but nothing definite was done. Messrs. Harris & MoLaonhlin ere count- ing on a largely increased output during this year, and it is, we believe, to the in- terests of the farming community to liberally patronize them and thereby add largely to their own returns. Commie Manta -Friday afternoon the Wroxeter Curling Club drove over to Brussels and played a friendly match, with the 01011 of Brussels. This was the first game for the home team yet they chased up the visitors right smart and as a consequence great interest was man. Misted until the last shot was made. The score waS as follows ,- RINE No. 1. WRO0ETEu. BRUSSELS. Bray, Ballantyne, Paulin, F. S. Scott, Brook, Thompson, Robinson, skip..18 J. T. Ross, skip ...14 apex N0. 2. Ross, Blaok, E. Black, Rae, skip W. F. Scott, Stewart, D. 0. Ross, 15 A. Currie, skip ..16 Total 38 Total.....,..80 Majority for Wroxeter 3. BRUSSELS DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION. - The annual meeting of the Brussels Driv- ing Park Association was held at the American Hotel on Tuesday evening of this week, P. Soobb, President, in the chair. The auditors' report was present- ed and wae as follows :- RECEIPTS. RECEIPTS. Cash on band ' ..$ 256 Entrance to races 662 Gate, stand and privileges 866 Subscriptions 208 Season Tickets 11. Borrowed Money 288 00 75 60 25 00 75 Total 01980 91 EXPENDITURE. Masi° . 0 55 95 Membership 15 00 Postage, telephone, telegrams, Bao28 00 Printing and advertising 76 50 Repairs ,... ........ 66 10 �l1onstables and assistants 41 50 iPursee 1560 00 Permanent improvements 106 75 Bills payable 82 84 Cash to balance 2 21 Total $1989 91 On motion the report wae aooepted and adopted. The following office bearere were elected for the =rout year :-Pres., P. Scott ; Sec., F.13. Scott ; Treas., A. Konig ; Directors, J. Warwick, R. Gra- ham, Jas. Bell, N. Gerry, S. Wilton, A. Koenig. SKATING PACES. -Lad Friday evening the first of a series of skating rapes wae held in Maitland rink and the fun was of such a character that satiefaotion was generally manifested. The program as announced was carried out without a break and good sport was the result. The following were the prize winners: - Boys' race, under 16 years. let, Baker, of Listowel ; 2nd, Harry Downing,; 3rd, Art. MoNanghton. Charlie Kendall, Geo. Irwin, Ted. Grewar, Fred. Hunter and Ira Gerry were also in the race. The distance was one mile. The three mile race bad no less than 18 oompetitore, but after 15 or 20 laps were skated the num- ber deoreased to 4 or 5. Galloway, of Listowel, won lst money ; Mo0utoheon, of the same town, 2nd ; and Robb. Me- Naugnton, of Brussels, 8rd. In fanoy skating Wm. Smith, of this town, cap. tared the prize. Mies Paulin, of Wrox- eter, took the prize for lady skater. For best lady and gent skaters, W. Smith and Mise Cooper took let prize„ find R. T. Miller. and Miss Paulin, of Wroxeter, and. There were five couple in the com- petition, In the ladies' race Mies Paulin took let and Miss Brawn, of Wroxeter, and, Messrs. Coseley, Smith and Fergu- son gave the beet of satiefaobion as Sedges. The Big 6 Band, made up of Jas. Jones, C. Sager, W. Grewar, R. N. Barrett, J. Earner and W. Smith, sup- plied good music and added to the enjoy. meat of the large turooct of speetatore. Listowel, Wreaker and Wingham Were well represented although the evening. was anything bat agreeable. Meters. Sample, managers of the rink, have everythingin good shape and are deter. mined to eave nothing undone to keep the rink in first-olaes order. Ho train until noon Weilneeday-no freight keine at all. PAX your taxes at onae end save @X pe718@, ad the agGounte m41et be olgsed for the Anditgrt to de their work. THE annual meeting of the County Grange Lodge .of North Enron wfli h9 , held in Wingham on T1lesday, Feb. Oho 1805, TiIE snow was s1x 05 550550 leub high some plagee on Main street this week. Good exercise for the men on the W@eb Bide, Tim appointment of caretaker, matron, inn sober, physician, &ea for the Rouse of Refuge will not be made until the Pune eeesion of the County Council. Oxas thanks are due to Alf. Beaker for bis timely trips with his enow plow this week, espeaially on the baok streets, We did hear of acme who were stook in the drifts on Tuesday and Wednesday, Tan storm of Tuesday and Wednesday filled up the roads so badly that the stage for either SeafOrtb or Wroxeter did not go out at all on Wednesday. The Wror• titer stage was left out near the cheese factory and the driver parried in the mail bag on his back, leading hie hareem FARMERS' INeriToTE.-The closing ses- sion of the Farmers' Institute was held in the Tow! Hall last Friday evening and was fairly well attended ooueidering the inclement state of the weather, Prost. dent Straahan presided. The following interesting program was presented :- Trio, "A Said new year to ane and well rendered by D. Stewart and dough- tars ; address by Allan McLean, of Sea. forth, on "The farmer of the future" ; address, "Feeding for the dairy," Jno. C. Morrison, of MoKillop ; oomco song by Prof, Hawkins, which eleoited a hearty encore ; speech, Mr. Beadle, on "Blaok knot" ; speeoh by Mr. Werk, on "Butter making" ; trio, 'We are na' fu'," in character, by Jas. McAlpine, A. Strachan and D. Stewart ; closing addreeeby John McMillan, M. P. The program was lengthy, if anything too long, yet the in- terest was maintained to the oloee. COUNTY SADDATE Beacon CONVENTION.: The followiug will be the program of the 23rd annual meeting of the Co. Sabbath School Convention, to be held at Gods. rich on Monday and Tuesday of next week :-Monday afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock -Devotional exercises ; re. ports of Visiting Committee to the differ- ent Sunday schools of the Co. ; . example of Bible Clan teaching, with class, W. D. Bright, Seaforbh-; disouseion ; ,,Pro- vincial S. S. Association and its relation to Onunty Assooiations," James Soott, Clinton ; disone.inn ; appointment of committees. Meuaeyevening, `commenc- ing at 7:30 -Song service and devotional exercises ; addressee of weloome, Rev. J. Edge, R. Sallowe-Reply, R. Holmes, Clinton, Rev. E. A. Fear, Holmesville ;, "Fruits of Sabbath School Teaching," Rev. H. W. Locke, Exetercollection- musio'by the choir ; "Sabbath School Teacher's Sixth Sense," A. Day, Provin- cial Secretary, Toronto ; eloeing. Tues- day morning, at 9 O'olook-Praise and prayer ; "The Teacher's Meeting," led by G. F. Blair, Broseels,and Conference;. example of Intermediate Class Teaching, with class, Miss Wilson, Goderioh ; die• onssion ; "Conference on S. 8. Librar• les," introduced by Rev. J. W. Holmes, Clinton ; reports of committees. Tues• day afternoon, at 1:30 -Devotional exer- oiues ; addresses by retiring President and President elect ; example of Primary Claes Teaching,with -.class, Mies S. Brown, Brantford-; "Up to date methods in successful Sunday School Work," W. H. Kerr, Brussels ; discussion ; mase meeting -addresses by Rev. G. H. Cob. blediok, Brussels, and A. Day, Toronto. Tuesday evening, at 7:80 -Devotional ex- ercises ; "What the S. S. can learn from business men," Rev. W. Smyth, Clinton; collection-mesioby the ohoir • "Ohild Nature -Its Ohareoteristias and Olaims," A. Day; closing. Business Locals. Dna stove wood for sale at MoOraok. en's. Haiienss greatly reduced in prices at H. Dennis', Brussels. Late stook of Horse Blankets and Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Brus• eels. A Goon second-hand square piano (Emerson) for eale cheap. Apply at Tux OST. ORGANS cheaper than ever at Leather, dale's. Get prices and Dome and see for yo urself • Si oras harness low in price. Robes, belle, blankets, close to coat. I. C. Rich. ards. We have some bargains in 2nd band watches to exchange for wood, H. L. JAoiteow, jeweller. HUGH WmLroMs is prepared to do saw filing and setting at the livery barn. Sabisfeetion guaranteed to every customer. R. LEATRERDALE is prepared to take any amount of goose feathers in trade. CARPET WEA1'ING.-Mrs. T. McCrae dote fine carpet weaving at moderate rates. Residence on Catherine street, Brusaele. WANTED :-An agent to take orders for life size portraits. For terms write to W. W. Burgess, Photog'. Elite Studio, Mitchell, Ont. See our boots and shoes, very cheap. Bring along your repairs. Boots, shoes' and rubbers repaired well and cheap. 1. 0. Richards. CARPET WEAVING. -The undersigned ie prepared to attend to all orders for carpet weaving with promptness. Moderate (bargee. Residence one doer South of John Verooe's former stand. WM. Gnomon, Is you want anything in the furniture line now is the time to buy. I have bought right and I oan sell. right. R. Leatherdule. H. R. Bowen, Photo. artist, is how prepared to enlarge any photo. handed to him, either in Crayon, Indian Ink or Water Colors. Call and see samples at the Gallery, Brusaele. A COPY of any photo taken by Mesere, Perry, Burgess, or Strong may be had by applying at our photo, gallery. Oar negatives are laid by with the greatest care, therefore photo's San be had first elem. H. R. Brewer. KNITTINo.-Mary H, Howe, of the firm of Howe & Co., i5 prepared to take in knitting, or knit to order, soaks, stockings, cardigan jackets, &c. Will exchange goods for wool.', Store, one door South of the Woollen mill, Brussels. Give us a call. All kinds of sawe Gleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at the East end of Queen St., +by eaw filer, .T.' McGregor, Bruesele, Saws may be left and arrangements made at 9ioXay & Co'e, hardware store, Brueeels Ont. ST4 YV4„R. BviXIC 54X4.174, X=7g01:.'454,X4X;tm=X17=,1e7'w'- HEAP f TORONTO. P F1QE. - AS$1114:1, (Seven Million Dollars), - 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorizo6) . . 52,000,000 4paneies In all,princtpal ,points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Tinfted $4g1ab't6,Bztliafirl, ldM'e.fC.°A,,d^ ITPS+fwT A Gt000ral Banking Business Traneaoted, Farmers' Nobee Discounted,. Drafts Issued and,Cglleotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on apposite of $1.00 and upwards from 695 of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompoonded half•yearly. SPlaorei ATTENTION ervat To Tiro CoPLsooxog or FARMEns' 555110 Nexus. Every facility afforded Cosbomero living at a diebanoe. e J, A. STEWART MANAGER. GILLIEB BI S ICE BIR 1=3R,US�EZI�, •. Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Brittain. EARNERS NOTES DISI.OUNTED, • SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. 7 S l°i'aw/,s Awn' ;AmPagil mawae• Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at CurrentRates. Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made fpr Time Deposita. We cheat to write ineuranco 1n old English or Canadian Conennte$, or 1n Iltut. vel Companies as may be desired. - AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES 7 THE CANADIAN -BANE OF COMMUN. Sams, the oheapest ; lamps, moat brilliant ; carpet sweepers, beautiful ; saws, the keenest; axes, guaranteed to out naile ; oil most illuminous ; bells, most musical ; wl?ips, most elasbio ; silverware, most handsome, at B. Gerry's, Brussels. WELL-DIeoINo AND DnILLING.-George Birt bas all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and ie prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted too him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper ahape. Terms reasonable. Residence emend door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 84-tf Brussels School Board.. The inaugural meeting of the School Board wag held in Council Chamber, Jan. 16th, 1895. All members present. Moved by J. N. Bendall, seconded by A. Reid that Rev. John Rose be ohairmau for 1895. Carrried. Moved by A. Reid, seconded by Dr. Graham that Rev. John Ross, A. Reid and Dr. Graham be the visiting committee and Dr. McKelvey, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall be the property committee for the first half of the year the committees to exchage places for the second half. Moved in amendment by J. N. Kendall, seconded by Dr. McKelvey that A. Hunter, Dr. McKelvey and J. N. Kendall be the visiting committe and Rev. John Ross, A. Reid and Dr. Graham be the property committee for the first half of the year the committee toexchange places for the second half. Amendment carried. Board then adjourned. aRVss:ELS 24.ARaC8SaSE, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats .......... Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton ... Salt per bbl retail Sheep skins, eaoh Lamb shine each Apples per. bbl Hoge, Live. Hoge, Dressed 54 56 54 56 36 40 53• 64 e6 28 14 15 14 ` 00 3 00 8 50 80 00 7 00 00 1 00 00 20 40 15 40 1 25 1 25 3 50 8 75 475 480 Bornane Tan. 22nd.---Cattle-Receipts, 120 bead ; market fairly active and etrong ; sales, fat rough steers, $4.50 ; Tight to good medium, $3.75 to 04.30 ;' cows, $9,40 to 08.30.-Hoge-Reoeipts, 6.450 head ; market slow and weak ; Yorkers, $4.20 ; light mixed packers, 04.25 to $4.30 ; good mediome, $4.25 to 04.80 ; good heavy, $4.30 to $4.35 ; one load extra, 04.40 ; pigs, $4.20 to $4.30 ; roughs, $8.30 to 03.55 ; stags, $3 to $3.15. -Sheep and lambs -Receipts 12,000 head ; market shade weaker ; sales good ; lambs, 54.46 to $4.75 ; extra, $4.90 fair to good $3.75 to $4.30 ; good mixed sheep, 02.50 to $3.16 ; fair, $2 to 02.40; culls, $1.65 to $2 ; export wethers, $4 to 04.25 ; ewes 08.60 to 83.75. Teaomm° Oise. Jan. 22od.-If anything the market was worse today than it has been bitberto which is saying a good deal. There wae not much buying for Montreal, and the local demand wae not much to brag about. Receipts today were twenty-nine oar loads, including 500 hogs, 175 sheep and lambs. In butchers' cattle trade was dull again,. chiefly the result of nontinued heavy offerings. Quite a few cattle were left in the pens at the close. Common cattle would sell hardly et all There was a pretty poor market all around today in spite of the fact that there wag not many in. Not many are wanted. There were two buyers on the tnarketfrom Montreal. These gentlemen bought a couple of carloads, and Messrs. Rodgers & Halligan took two more Carloads for that market. Prices paid for those were low, mostly 2to to 8o per pound, only the really choice touching 3o, Taking this all around the range wae from 2o to 8o mostly. In export cattle two bulls were bought at a price in.tbe vioiaity of 8o per pound. Better cattle will bring 80o per pound. In stockers and feeders practically nothing was done and . prices are nominal at about 2o to 25o per pound. Shipping sheep were not quite as firm to- day, and prices remained steady. Deal- ers are waiting for apace. Prices ranged n r rams from 3o per pound for up to 3 e per pound for good exports. Lambe were firmer, advancing about ao to Tto per pound, In hogs there wae a slightly weaker tone in this line of trade, best fat hogs fetohing 40 per pound weighed off care, Other kinds are quiet and remain as quoted. BnowNLEE.-At St. Stephen's parsonage Corrie, on Jan. 14th, the wife of Rev. W. F. Brownlee, of a daughter. GELLER.-In .Gerrie; on 12th inst.,. the wife of Mr. Samuel Geller, of a daughter. MoneieoN. -In Elma, on Jan. 16th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Morrison of a son. Roes. -In Elma, on Jan. lath, the wife of Mr. Peter Ross of a daughter. PEET: In Elma, on Jan. 7th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Peet of a daughter (still born.) a¢,Ar Rxas, Doneoie-Wirrxatisog,-At Bt. Stephen's parsonage, Gerrie, on Jan. 7th, Mr.. Wm. Dobson, of Clifford, to Mies Adeline Williamson, of Ford- wioh. PADFIELn-DANE. On 165h, ' inst., by Rev. J. Greene, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Pad- field to Miss Barbara J. Dane, daughter of Mr. Thos. Dane, all of Howiok. Bnowac-LAMONT.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Main street, Listowel, on the 16th inet., by Rev. Dr. Mo - Cray, of Collingwood, Mr. T. N. Brown, merchant of Collingwood, to Miss Jennie Lamont, sister of Mes- srs. D. and W. Lamont, music deal- ers, Listowel. nxr21a- GouLD,-In London, at her residence 518 Grey street, on Friday, Jan. 18912, Sarah Gould, wife of R. Gonld, G. T. R., aged 34 years. .A.17C'1'2015 s.A.x.as- Moxaas, Jan. 285b. -Farm, farm stook, implements, &e, Lot 9, con. 8, Grey. Sale at 12 o'clock. ` Jno: McDou- gall, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. WANTED, -400 LBS. TUR- Kns and 900 lbs. Geese. I will pay 8 cents per lb, for turkeys nude cents per lb. for geese, to be delivered on or before the 10th of January.. Fowl to be drawn and heads and feet cif, A. STRAOHAN, Brussels. POCKET DIARIES. -WE have nine pocket diaries at 250. each with a blank span for every day in the year. A good flung to note down your busi- ness transactions. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, deo. OUSE AND SIX. LOTS FOR Sale or to rent, being the property North of the railway, belonging to James 8m arta For partioulara as to price and for ms, apply to WM. AINLEY, 10-tf Ament's Faetory,Braaeele. LI ARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AucTI0N: The 100 acre farm belonging to the undersigned, being Lot O, Con.B, Grey, will be offered for sale on Monday, January 2891,, on the premises. There are skairss cleared, 14 acres of orchard,eomtortable house, goa baru, and necessary outbuildings. Possession given at any time. $2,000 wanted down, balance may remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. For further particulars apply to JOHN 8IoDOIIGALL,Prupristor, or 26.2 F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. SAW GUMMING. -THE UN - annum= has hisemery grinder in or- der for gumming saws at J & P Ardent's fac- tory where he will be pbeased to attend to the requirements of the public. All sorts of edge tools aerially ground and sharpened. Anything from a pen -knife to abroadaxe can be put in order ina work -manlike manner. Charge always reasonable. D. STEWART. ►THRESHING OUTFIT FOR .1. ASnle,-The undersigned offers for sale his bel Engine and Separator, both in good working order. Be will also cliepose of his shingle min, 'Reason for soiling, ill health. A bargain will be given. For further particularsas to price, terms, ,to,, apply to RICHARD MITCHELL, 5.51 tot 1G,0on,0,Grey,orOranbrookP0 REAL ESTATE. IFARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN• nnnei0NED has 'several good Farms for Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townebipe of Morrie and Grey. F 8. SOO'IT,Brussels, I.1 ARM FOR SALR.-I WILL Sell or exchange a 820 acre farm all re ady for erop, situated in Red River Valley, the richest in the world, with or without stock and moshinery. Ouiilolent to cultivate the eau o. With stook and meohinerj'. 520,00 per acre ; without stook and machinery 810.00 per acre, $1,000 to be paid at time oil eel a balance at 7 per cent. per aflame. W rite for particulars. 111ee have 180 aoree of improved land for lease and a large quantityma, of unimproved land for sale on easy tor 0E0, W. ARMSTRONG, Budalo, 1`Torth Dakota. e Sell SOUTIi AMEBIOAN BHE'17MATIO CURE, SOUTII AMERICAN NI]RV1NE TONIC, SOTJTII AME1330AN KIDNEY CURE. MoL190D'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR, Also full line of the- 303030AP00 INDIAN MEDICINES, Fox's Brug Store, Opposite Qneen's Hotel. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, is Solicitor and ,Oonv°Termer, Collec- tions' made, Omoe-Vanatone'e Block, Brae-. sale. 21-8m W: M. SINCLAIR, Sl Solicitor, onveyaneer,NotaryPubi lie, &a. 06055-'Vanetone's Blook, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, G F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &e, (late of Garrow & Prondfoot's O}Nse, Godorioh.) Oflloe over kitties & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto. University, Licentiate no al College Dental Stir ons Grown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Mee over Barrett's barber shop, Turuberry St., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domcstioated animals in a com- petent manner. Partcoular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galla promptly at- tended to. OMoe and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge •Purnberry st., Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M, D. LP • 0.31d.,L.R,0.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P. S. Ont. Residence and office on Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. . Physician, Surgeon, A000uoher, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, ()moll -Next door to McDonald & Cc„ Walton out. BUSINESS' CARDS. WH. d1oORAOKEN, lssurerofMarrlageLiaeasea, canoe at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. RN. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. M. McKay& Co's hardware store. Ladiee'and ehildrens hair cutting a apeoialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. Ixi5URAN0E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- 'suneaon Oo. Established 1840, In- euraaoos effected on all Town and Farm Property at very low rates. J. A. CREIGHTON, 15.8m Agent, Brussels. A HUNTER, Mork of the Fourth Division Cour Go. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and *5 loan. Collections made Moe in Smaio'eBbook, Brussels MISS O'OONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental music on Piano or Organ.. Will visit Wingham Tues- day and' Wednesday of each week. Resi- denoo on Princess Street,Brussels. 1. A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M: • Organist In St. Jbhn's Church, Brae 0e18 and pupil, in the Art of 'Teaching, of A. W.i.'haver, ua.Doo., New York, will give lessons to pupils either on piano or organ, at his parlor over A. R. Smith's store,Brue- sole. Vocal lessons also given. Terms mod- erato. MISS OLIVER, Fashionable Drees and Mantle Maker, wishes to intimate to the ladies of Brussels said vicinity that she has resumed business again atter an alumnae of over two years in 0:event°. Your patronage eoitoited. Priem Moderate. Residence, Turnberry street South. , _4 AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, .31. • Auctioneer, ie always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm Stook, &o. 31550,5 cheerfully given. Oaanbrbck P.O. Sales may bo arranged at THE PoeT Publishing House, Brussel,, flEORGE KIRKBY, Vf Licensed Auetioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm steak specialty. Orders loft at Tun PoeT ' PubliehtngHou se ,Bru ssels, or sent to Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 8n as an Auctioneer I are prepared to conduct sales of farm stood at reasonable prioee.. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks end get good security when Bold on credit. Sath:faction guaranteed. Give mea call. 82- - F S. SCOTT. FARM FOR SALE OR TO MINT, -The undersigned offers hie180 more larm, being Lots 12 and W 019, Con. 5, Grey. for Bale. On the promisee is a Dom- Sortable brick house, new bank barn, good orobard, wells, fenaos, &a. 100 aoree cleared balance bush. A bargain will bo givon. Iii not sold the farm will be rented fora term el years. For further parti0ulare ae to price terms, &o., apply to „• ROBT. Molil]E,.Proprietor, 11-8 Gorrie, P. 0., or to JAMBE; A, FRAIN , Brusaele,..