HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-1-25, Page 7ICY "THE WEEPS nws Oallana. Rhe Rueben Legislature woe prorogued •on Saturday night, lion. Mr. 'Taillon, Premier of Queboo, is reported much better, '.'The Ontario Creameries Aseoolation will meet at Cornwall nest year, Tuberculosis hus developed among some dairy cattle in Winnipeg, Mrs. Orr, in the Hoene of industry at Kingston, ie 110 years old. Sir Makonzio Bowell is transacting bust• nese, although bo sees no one. The Niagara Falls High sohool has been raised to the rank of Collegiate Instituto, Mr. Kenneth Campbell hos been appoint- ed Police Magistrate for the city of Bran- ' don, L, G, Thonin, wholesale grocer, Mont- real, has failed, with'liabilfties amounting to $3,600. Tho Ontario Malleable Iron Co., of Oshawa, whose works were reeently burned, have decided to rebuild. Private charity is doing much to alleviate the distress in St. John's, Nfld., yet the destitution is said to be fearful. Mr, Michael J. Power, ex -Speaker of bhe Nova Scotia Logielature, died on Friday after two years' illness, aged 62.. Mr, Joseph A. Chisholm, brother-in-law of the late Premier, was nominated hi Antigonish, N.S., on Saturday. Jar. laugh Ross, a prominent and much. esteemed resident of New Glasgow, N. S., died suddenly on Saturday morning. The presbytery of Manitoba nominates IDr. Robertson, of Winnipeg, for modern• tor of the next general assembly. The Methodist address of welcome to Lord and Lady Aberdeen was presented to His Excellency in Montreal on Wednes- day. Rev. George 0. Bayne, of Pembroke, has received a oall from the congregation of St. John's Presbyterianchurch in Hamil. ton. On the advice of his physicians, Cir Mac- kenzie Bovfell has -declined the banquet tendered lam by Belleville Board of Trade. Mizpah Methodist church at Trout Lake, South Canontitownship, has been dedicated. It is the first ohuroh erected in that town- ship. Under a landlord's warrant for 815 rent, the goods and ohattele of the London La- crosse Club have been sold by the bailiff for $474. The CIAO Health Department of Mont- real is about to make a systematic test of .Dr. I:oux's anti -toxins diphtheritic • serum: Judge Price has decided to hold an in- vestigation into the charges of boodlfng in the present and previous Council of Kingston. , It is stated that Prof. Osler, of the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., has teen offered the principalship of McGile University. The Fraser valley, in British Columbia, is againflooded, very warm weather hav- ing prevailed on the Pacific coast for the past three days. The Royal Commission on the liquor traffic are busily engaged at Montreal in the preparation of their report to the House Commons. Mr. Laurier, who has been confined to iihouse with bronchitis since the 4th inst. is much better, and hopes to tie able to go out in a few days. The Winnipeg Jobbers' Union has decid- ed to take overall bankrupt stocks in order to prevent them being thrown into compali• ton with the general trade. The British warships Blenheim, which conveyed Sir John Thompson's body to this country, left Halifax on Thursday morning for Portsmouth. • It is denied in Ottawa that alayor.Gen- oral Herbert hes sent in his resignation; but it is admitted that there is serious. friction between hits and tho Minister of. Militia. Mr. McNichol, of the C. P. It, Bays the differences between his road and the west• ern lines have been settled, and that the. settlement looks to the maintenance of rates. The Temperance people of Hamilton pro- pose to snake A great effort to have the saloon and tavern licenses cut down from 75 to 50, anis to have the bar•roomo closed at nine. o'clock. Following the order for a reduction iu the stat of the Oanadian Pacific Railway Company oomes the further announcement that the Saturday half -holiday has been abolished. A despatch from M rotreal says the Can- ada rolling mills, Pillow, Hersey ,$Co., Abbott & Co., and the Ontariorolling mills have combined and put the base price of out nails up 50 touts per keg. Governor-General and Lady Aberdeen will be kept busy during the remainder of their stay in Montreal with the social. duties which were set aside on account of Sir John Thompsou'o death. Inspector Wattam, formerly of the N. 4h. mounted poliue, died at /Kingston asylum on Tuesday. ' He was president at the battle of Cot Knife during the North. West rebellion; and was an old British soldier. Dr. D. A. Sherrie, who has been for six years medical attendant to the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen, intends shortly re- turning to Europe with a view of pirating; his medical researches in London and 'Vienna. Superintendent Whyte, of the Canadian Pacific railway, says that owingto the shrinkage in passenger and freight traffic large reductions both in the number of man employed and the number of working hours in the day have to be made. Mr. Richard Harcourt, Provincial Trea- surer, has written to the New York State Board of Lumley asking for complete in- formation regarding, the conduct of the State hospitals under the States Care Act, with a view of Coterie following Now York's example. There is much indignation in Winnipeg bootee the fire ineuranee onmpaniee, to get out of paying the tax of $200'Imposed on each by the ldanitobaUovernment, have added five cents,per hundred dollars to the premium, thus compelling the insured to pay the tax. ' A hotel•keeper at Hamilton, Ont., being charged with keeping his saloon open on Saturday might alter °even o'olock, entered a defence that soler, and not standard, time should' prevail in the interpretation of the statute, and in this Judge. Muir on Thursday-npileld him. Shan 050040N Severe etorme ste impeding trafiio in Great Britain, The Bank of England's rate of discount remains nuohanged at 5 per cent. Alvin L. Dennison, the fothet' of the American system of watohmakiug, bus just died in 13iriningham, Ehglaud, Judge ThomasRsglles,the author of"Tom Brown's Schooldays," hoe joinedbhe hnglieh Anti.Gunlbling League, Twelve steamers are in shelter in Queens• town harbor from the fierce gale that le blowing along the coast. Sir Henry Ponsonby; the Queen's private eoretary, who wee stricken with paralysis on Monday 'loot, is very low. Intensely cold weather prevails in Eng. land. The Rev. Thomas Podmore, vicar of Aston -le -Willows, was found dead in the snow. Itis again rumoured that there are die- eensious in L old Rosebery's Ministry; This lima, it Is said, the trouble arises over the disposal of the next surplus, Tne post of English poet laureate, ren- dered vacant by thedeath of Lord Tennyson, still remains vacant. .Lord Rosebery is to be asked to make an early appointment. In UM forthoomiog British naval esti mabee provision will be 'made for the commencement of .four first-class oruisera. of 13,000 tone displacement and 20,000 horsepower. During a heavy fog on the River Clyde on Tuesday the Anchor line steamer Aoehorla went aground. The passengers were landed at Wemyss bay and forwarded' by train to Glasgow. Sir Charles Dilke, who has been working hard for years to redeem iia position in the political world, is now ambitious to become thetnentor, -i£ not the leader, et the Labour party in Parliament. The recent rumors of dissensions in the British Cabinet are emphatically denied, and Lord Rosebery and Sir. William Har- (mud arcourt are reported to be as amicable as the millennium lion and lamb. According to a Dublin newspaper, Mr. Justin McCarthy's party has at lust " put its foot dawn," and hasintimatedto the Cabinet that it will create trouble if a general election takes plane this year. Further impeovernente have been made in the Engllah postal service. A letter posted in Paris at mid-day can now be delivered in London at 8 p. m.. by means of. an " express messenger" arrangement. Replying to a correspondent, ex -Prima Minister Lord Salisbury says that while he feelsdeeply the deplorable agricultural depression, he cennoc encourage the hope :that Parliament will over favourably const. der a protection policy. Gen. 'Sir John Summerfield Hawkins, Royal Engineers, K.C.M.G., who wos com- missioner for marling .out the boundary between the British and United States Territories west of the Rockies from 1853 to 1863,is dead at the age of seventy-nine years. At Marton, in the Cheshire sale din. trial, e. large lake was formed several year ago by subsidence. Six hundred additional square yards of land have now gone down, °hoeing a public footpath, and entailing serious lessee on the landowner and tenant, It is again reported that the Cunard Company hate definitely decided to run the Luoonia and Campania between South- ampton and New York next summer. The slower boats will continue to run from Liverpool, calling at Queenetowu as atpres• ant.' UNITED STATES. It is saki la grippe baa made its appear. once in New York city. A strike is again feared ab the Carnegie steel works at Homestead, Pa. oludee Inspectors' fees, itTho amount awarded for 1130 500100tion of agnloulbure was$18,538, In the New York Senate on Thursday"A bill wee introduced providing for the re establishment of whipping poste and the penalty of psblio whipping for persons convicted of felony 04/51000 the person sf anoth, The'roeroommendalion Hied° by President Cleveland bo Congress that the 'United States give no consent to bile conetruotion of a cable to Hawaii by Great Britain does not 5nd favor with the Republican mem- hem of the Houeo, Mors than one hundred girls were driven, from thoir bode on Thursday morning by fire in the upper aborey of the Chicago In- dustria! School for Girls. None of the girls were injured, but several, who were sabring from measles, aro likely to die from exposure. The man who euleided at the Imperial hotel, Niagara Falls,' the other day is be. lived to have poen William Stults, of Greenville, Pa„ and the reason for the act le supposed to have been that he had spent all his money and been abandoned by his friends. The United States Treasury Department has awarded a contract for the raising of the British frigate Hussar, which found. ered off Fort' Morrie, East river, N. Y. during the revolutionary wan, and le alp. posed to have on board nearly five million dollars in British gold. William Walter Taylor, the outgoing state treasurer of South Dakota, and about 8350,000 et state money are reported miss - hog. Taylor was president of the First National Rank and the North-weetern Mortgage Trust Company, of Padfield, and the bank is olosed. The reports of the conditions of trade in the various business (metres of bhe.United' States are not of an encouraging nature. So far the new year does not promise much in the shape of a revival, but confidence in the future oontinues strong. 'The ourrency bin has been a source of much trouble, and though lees anxiety is felt in this respect for the present, the treasury dad- Glancy remains,- and there is no stay to the export of gold. The tendency in prices is certainly not Iligher,nor does the demand seem likely to augtnent, while as a rule stooks are reported to be large. Cotton lie in light request at lower .prices. Weather conditions aro unfavorable to trade, eepecially in the east. Collections are re. ported as good in the circumstances, and showing an improvement during the past month. Generally the feeling is good, and belief in an early improvement is freely expressed. GENERAL. The University of Pennsylvania will not sand a Drew to Heeley next summer. It is said that the First National Bank of Defiance, Ohio, has been robbed of 521„ 000. The Polios Commissioners of New York city are changing the locations of their captains. Southern Indiana and Ohio and other points in that latitude are threatened with serious floods. The remains of eight people have bean recovered from the ruins of the Delevan hotel Ore in Albany. On Friday evening, in Chicago, the tem• perature dropped in two hours from 20 de• groes above to 3 degrees below zero. The people in the mining district of Ohio aro in great destitution, and carloads of provisions have been sent forward. The Diamond Plate Glass Company, of Kokomo, Indiana, says the plate glass nom- bine is a"go." The capitol is820,000,000. A combine lids been formed among the oorrngated pipe and galvanized iron eaves - trough inauufueturers of the United states. The exports of specie from the port of New York for lust week amounted to $2,009,300 in gold ; and of silver, 81,791,- 713. The president of the Security Loan and Treat Company, of Sioux City, Iowa, nays. the company is insolvent. Liabilities, 54,000,000. The Standard Oil Company has gobbled the Sun, Craig and Crustal 011 Companies. of Toledo and the Merriam Company, of Olevelaud, Ohio. The appraiser of New York oily finds that the astute of the late Jay Gould is worth exactly $80,934,580, 79, aside from $2,000,000 in realty. The New York, New Haven, and Hart.. ford railway is preparing to equip two of its branches with electricity to replace the present steam power. The Lehigh Volley Railroad Company's report for the, poet year shows a surplus of $127,070.49, and the 'Lehigh Vvlley Coal Company a surplus of $62,284.07. Bill Cool, the outlaw, whose gang has been terrorizing the Indian territory for months past, has been captured. It was he who reorganized the Dalton gang of outlaws. Mr. Franklin Johnson, son of the presi- dent of the First National Bank of Boone- ville, N. Y., is sold to have been drugged and robbed of $900 at Monte Carlo anti has since died Mr. S. R, Callaway, at present receiver of the Clov..r Leaf railroad and a brother of Mr. W, R. Callaway, of the OP. R., To. ronto, is to succeed Mr. Caldor 11 as preei- detit of the Nickel Plate railroad, Nearly seven hundred union mechanics, employed on four large buildings in course of coletruotion in Now York, struck on Wednesday morning against the employ - moot of non-union plumbers. According to the treasurer's report it eon Now York State last year 823,146 to kill tuberculotte cattle, This amount in. The Argentine wheat crop is estimated at 1,500,000 tons. The snow is seven feet deep in, the sub- urbs of Vienna, Austria. The death is announced of Benjamin Godard, the French musical composer. Prince Bismarck, though physically strong, is Buttering from mental depres- sion. There have been heavy snowfalls in northern Italy and other parte cf the country. The Brussels magistrates have ordered that all the gambling -houses in the oily be closed. The country between the Yalu and Liao - Ho rivers in Chiesa is said to be desolate In the extreme. M. Ernest Carnot, son of the late Presi- dont.of Fromm, hat been elected a member of the Chamber of Deputies. It is reported that'the lung of Corea has been assassinated. Another report is that His Majesty has had au epileptic fit. Venison is a common, every -day dish in German• cities, so tho United States consul -general at Berlin informs 00Gov. ernment. The Frdnch coasting steamer Anais foundered three ailed oil Cape Cavaau during a cyclone, and thirteen persons were drowned. The number of laborers at work on the Panama canal has been reduced to two hun- dred. Their wages era only $1 per day in Columbian currency. It is rumored that Count Herbert Bis- marck will be appointed German Ambassa. dor at Washington in succession to Baron von Saurma-Jeltsoh. Itis reported that Xing Alexander of Servia will shortly bo betrothed to Princess Sibylle of Hesse. He is nineteen years of age, and she eighteen. Prince Bismarok, in spite of his intense grief at the loss of his wife, remains in fair health. The report that hie mental powers are failing is quite unfounded. Arrangements have been made by the Agricultural Department of Victoria for the shipment of culinary vegetables to England during the winter season. The death is announced in India of Lady Sassoon, the wife of Sir Albert Saascon the well-known rnerohast and backer of Bom bay,107570. who entertained the Prince of Wales' A German etatistioan has computed that 'Greece stands in the first rank among European countries in rho numbrr of centenarians. He attributes this to its climate In rsferenoe to the proposed inoreaeed expenditure on the German navy, Emperor William is reported as saying that as his grandfather made the army what it is, so he wants to make the German navy great. Professional bioyole riders of Franco have decided to form themselves into a syndi• state for the safeguarding of their interests. One of its objects' is the institution „of a fund for siok riders who are incapacitated by accident from following their profession. The political and financial programme of the Russian Government for the current year is very comprehensive, and includes the improvemout'of public credit, inoreased faoilitlee of transportation, and the pro- motion of the export of manufactured goods. Senator Ximenes, a well•known Spanish traveller, who happened to be in the Armco ufan province of Sittig at the time of the alleged Sassoon disturbauees, deolaree that he neither taw net:heard, anything towar- tent the sensational stories told of Artneni- un atrocities. It is an act of high treason in Turkey, as well as in China, to reproduce the features of the Sovereign. At Pero lately, is number of copies of an 1591 almanac whloh 0000015. of a portrait of Sultan Abdul Hamid were sowed iu the bookseller's shops and the Incriminating pages torn oat. J. I3. Henderson, of Princeton, Ill., ex. treasurer of Bureau onunty, annouuoesthat his accounts are $9,000 short and has turned over all his property, valued at 57,000, to a trustee appointed by his bondsmen. lie is believed to have been rho viotim of others whom he insists on shielding. TERRIBLE CAT,A.STRQI',REI TWO TONS OP GIANT POWDER EX, PLODE IN A FIRE, oeir Throe or1310.brltuntolt Lett AWN—. 51101148, A31100, Legs, 11,133ns and Flesh 9il0trlbuto,l Over Five Itluells 'anti Shorelled up Emla rpisitols--FrlghafII Ilsswer at Mine City, Militants, A despatch from Bette: Mont,; says By the .explosion of giant powder in a hardware warehouse many lives were lost.. The grounds for a block around the scene of the explosion was strewn with the, quiver, ing flesh of dismembered men and horses pinned down by fragments of the fire en. gin a and burning brands from the demol- ished warehouser ' The building was liter• ally blown to places and a hole ,50 feet deep was excavated in the groundb" by the foro0 01 bks explosion. The mangled regains of 45.1u*mun beings are at the Morgue and more are missing. Over 100 are injured many of them fatally. Every hospital in the city is crowded. REMAINS 511n0EDED INTO BASSETS. Most of the dead are so frightfully mangled that identification is impossible. Heade, legs, arms and other parte of bodies were picked up all about the aeon° of the explosion within a radius of dye blocks; fingers, brains and fragments of flesh were gathered up with shovels and deposited in baskets. In a apace of about 300 feet the ground was literally oovered with parts of unman bodies and with the dead and injured. Houses in the vicinity were as thoroughly.. wreoked as if acyclone had paesod through them. Many of those killed contained no marks or bruises, having been killed by the con- cussion. Many were seriously injured by flying bricks and other debris at a distance of several blocks from the oxplealon. The concussion was felt for miles and many of the largest buildings rooked like cradles. It was reported by some of the rescuing party that several human ghouls, w*rile pretending to eyelet in the work,went through the dead and injured and robbed them, Tate dead body of a shall boy, J O'Leary, was picked up in East Gold St., several blocks from the scene, after the second explosion had occurred. There were no marks on his body. ONLY HIS BELT TO 1U0NPIFY 11000. Only three working Bremen escaped being killed. Chief Cameron was blown to atoms and the only thing found of him was his belt attached to a charred portion of his body. • The fire started in a warehouse of the Kenyon-Connel Company, in which were stored tons of•giant powder contrary to the law, and the firemen were assured there was no danger when they expressed fears. There were three explosions. M.IOTHER NEW RAILROAD, PROPOSED TRANSCONTINENTAL OP- POSITION TO THE C.P.R. Tho Manitoba Government Said to be Ar ranging to ttalhd u Line to the. Rookies There to Connect with a British untbltt Litre -Eastern Connections 085 Dali3OW A despatch from Winnipeg Man., says: - As teem has been no railway construction in his province the past three years and some sections aro suffering for want of railway communication, the Manitoba Government has decided that something inthat ime must be done. The Canadian Pacific is practising rigid economy ; the Northern Pacific is in the hands of receivers ; the Hodson Bsy Roil road is still in a state of incubation ; none of these can be induced to make any ex- tension, It is, therefore, proposed to build an independent line from this city, north- westerly to the Dauphin, u distance of 200 or 300 miles, and an ant of incorporation of the new oompony will be passed at the coming session of the Legislature. It is understood that legislation will also be passed authorizing the construction of a line southeasterly from Winnipeg to the boundary line, there to connect with roads to Duluth.. These two links being connected, both opening up vast sections and stretches of fertile and timber lands, the line will then be pushed on northwestward along the route originally intended for the Canadian Pacific Railway, through Groat Saskatche- wan valleys' to the base of the Rooky Mountains, there connecting with a line to be built with the aid of the British Columbia Government through Yellow Head Pass to the Paciac coast, thus making another transcontinental line from Duluth via Winnipeg to the coast. It is understood that Premier Greenway'a tripsouth was for the purpose of interesting capitalists in this new groat scheme. A PITCHED BATTLE .it Lethbridge, . N. W. T. -A {tanker 01100- 1i1g-The Winnipeg ;llayoratlti•. A. despatch from Winuipeg,Dave :-The result of a fend between two Hungarian families living at Lethbridge was a pitched battle with knives.Tharaday night. There wero half a dozen on each aide, and two are now in the hospital in a oritioal condi• Lion, while all the others are out in differ. ant places. The missing Neepawa banker, who dis- appeared 00 mysteriously a few days ago, cannot be traced. Poul play Is steepened. His partner, ex -Premier Harrison, bas employ oil a detective, believing he has been murdered. Alexander Moylieken, who was declared elected Mayor of Winnipeg by two of a majority and then deposed on the recount, has now taken nation to oust his opponent, Thomas Gilroy, froin the office. Mo111tolteo has gone through the poll boob and found several repeaters for Gilroy, and on this evidence he will pretreat the election. Where the Cost Comes. Philosopher• -"Tho only thing that can make any man, rich or poor, perfectly happy,, is love, and love coats not a penny." Practical Mali --"Tine, but keeping the loved one in clothes costs like the 014 N ick." COWIIID'EA DY A 0IRIr Audit the Allegations Are Trite 300.010003* Ino Deserved 15, A despatch from Little Bock, Ark,s'syst.,., �l seneatiopaf oowbiding 000urred at Pine BluffonTnesday. E. L. Colburn,rominoa in church and business oiroles ofthatarty was pnblioly cowhfded by Mary auggard the 16•yearold daughter of a highly re- speetable widow. 'the Coll/urns and the. gagge:oda live just woes the street from each other, It le alleged Colburn sent a a note to May Iiuggard,.requesting her to meet him at, an aseignatron house, Carroll Godfrey, of this city, hearing of the Insult to his niece, wept to Pine Bluff secured a shotgun, which he held at Colburn's head while May Haggard oowhided him in the p reseneo of a large crowd of spectators. The Seas of the World. Two years are required for the gulf water to travel from Florida to the 00080 of Nor- way. It is estimated that the water of the. whole ocean contains in solution over 2,000. 000 tons of pure silver. The Red Sea takes its name from the presence of great numbers of animalcules of that color in the water. The proportion of salt in sea water is largest where the water is deepest, but does not increase with the depth. The ocean hydroa have no heart,no lungs, no liver, no brains, no nervous system, no organs •savethe mouth and skin. The Banks' of Newfoundland are formed by the rand, earth, and stones brought from the north by the icebergs. The water of the ocean contains gold held in solution by the iodide of calcium The quantity' is about one grain to the ton Over one•half of the sand of every shore is composed of minute shells each of which was once th'e home of a living creature. The bed of the North Atlantic consists of two valleys, separated by a mountain range that runs from the Azores to Ice. land.. the Yellow Sea of China is so called from the presence of Yellow mud washed down by the great rivers that empty into its waters. The Paoiflo Ocean covers 67,000,000 of the 188,000;000 square miles which compote the earth's surface, and the Atlantic covers 31,1100,000 more. Thus those two oeeane; comprise more than half the area of the globe. Velly Rad Linke°, Chinese £ienoral.-" Are there plenty of guns and ammunition for to -morrows battle 1 Aid-" Yo8e0 ; but dishpan craokee not make° much noise." General-."" My, nay 1 Then we'd better Vetroat 1" Not a Pedestrian. Visiting Relative-" You don't walla around the city math, do you ?' Hostess---" Oh, no. It is a long dietetics around the oity, But I walkabout the streets a g nod deal," (ho sa ds of Daus a spout trying to Sind a cure for Salt Rheum . which 1 had 10 years. Physicians said they never 011w AO severe 11 naso. My legs, book and arms were covered by the humor. 1 wan uhhuale to lie flown in bed, coned not wnllt tvithont wrteicbes, and had to Mr. S. c. Derry. have my ams, back and legs bandaged twice a day. I begin to tante Rood's Sarsaparilla and 000n I could see a change. The flesh became more healthy, the mores noon healed, the scales fell off, I was soon able to give up bandages and crutches, and a happy man.I was. 1101d been taking Hood's ars p.5;s' Hoa fm• seven months; and since that time, 2 years, I have warn 110 bandages whatever end 10�Y1 legs and arms aro 0811111i and well." S. 4. DhtutY, 45 Bradford St„ Providence, It. 1. • HOOD'S PILLS euro herr 1118, constipation, litiousnsse,launalca.ml•iv.l:hendnche. ^•r.•a••-,,.. For Twenty -Five Years 7 THECOOK'SBESTERIEND LARtt6ST SALE IN CANADA. HE he Ballo of Eilions of Li -13 Sick Made -he is a malady which makes its appearance most frequently in women. The attack often begins in the morning, upon awakening, after a night of restlessness or heavy sleep ; though it is especially wont to occur in connection with emotional disturbances, such as excitement, fright or mental strain. The pain is usually localized0 being in one or the other, more frequently the left side of the head. It is generally accompanied by great disturbance of the stomach, when light pains the byes; noises otherwise unnoticed inflict punishmeut; odors excite nausea. From the fact that people' with strong nerves are never troubled with Sick Headache, it is generally conceded by the most eminent phy- sicians that it is dependent upon weak nerves or nervous debility, and can only be permanently cured .by strengthening the nervous system. The Great South Americau Ner- vine Tonic is the only remedy menu- facnlreclwhich is prepared especially and expressly for the nerves. It acts directly on the nerve centres at the base of the brain, correcting any derangement there may be, greatly increasing the supply of nervous cider -v or nerve force, giving groat tone to tli whole body, and thereby enabling a system subject to Sick Headache to withstand future attacks. It gives relief in one day and speedily effects a permanent cure. Mrs. Isabella S. Graham, of Friendswood, Indiana, writes: "For a number of years I have suffered intensely with Nervous and Sick Headache ; had hot flashes, was sleepless and became despondent. Dr. Faris, of Bloomington, Indiana, spoke so highly of South American Nervine that I was induced to bay a bottle. That purchase led to a few others, and now 1 sleep soundly, feel buoyant, strong and vigorous. I would not be back in the condition I was in when I began taking this t medicine for any sum you could name." Mrs. J. FL Prouty, of La Grange, , Indiana, writes: "Your South Amer- ican Norville worked a marvellous cure with mo last year. I began taking it last April about the 20th. The first week I made again of le I lbs. and from that time on I made a steady gain until I reached my normal weight, .making in all a total gain of 90 lbs, After taking it three or four months 'L found myself a well woman." A. MUMMY Wholesale and ItotaiFAgent'Cur Brussels