HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-1-25, Page 4Now Advertisements, gaming- p. . Detenwend. Farm for Salo—J, M. Martin, Farm for Sale—Goa. W. Artnstrong. Freehold Property—Rear, Macdonald, Davidson A Patterson. ititxsoCJ,s Vat. FRIDAY, JAN, 20, 1895, Arno placing Purity as one of the leading planks fn the Patron platform it ie rather a caricature upon it to know that Xt. Tucker, Patron 11L, P, P, for West Wellington, was not only unseated but disqualified by the Court last week. FeenuAux 25th, 26th aud.27th are the dates decided upon for bolding the Motho. dist Provincial Young People's Conven- tion in Toronto. It may yet be arranged to make it a Dominion gathering. Dr. Shell, of Chicago, General Secretary of the Epworth League in the 'United States. will preach in the Metropolitan Church the Sabbath preceding the Convention. Great interest ie being taken in the coaling annual re -union. Tun Wingbam Advanoe of last week speaking of Dr. McDonald, says Dr's, goose ie cooked in East) Huron. E. L. Dickenson is the man of tbe hour, and will be privileged to write M. P. after his name after the next election; ' Don't be too sure of that my son, the electors of East Huron will have goose thing to say iu referenoe to that sabjeat very shortly. The chewier; are they may not agree with your disposition of V. P. honors. Now that the East Huron Farmers' Institute hag a supine of 0125 on band, would it not be a good idea for their Direotore to offer a couple of good prizes in connection with the East Huron Fall Fair 9 The Institute's chief aim is to encourage and aid the tiller of the soil, and this is a very practical way of ex- hibiting it. There is already a fair lending library belonging to the insti- tute so that there is little necessity for additions to be made in this direction. What do the Direotore say to to oar sueeestion ? Huron QPuxlty' 001033 414 `pile first session of the County Coun- oil eonvaned 00'Tpoaday of Ole wools at ll p'olog) , The roll was oalleci and all the members reported present excepting Peeve MoMnrobie, of Clinton, and Reeve Milloy, of Colborne towpebip, wbo were both ill. Moved by Mr, Bay, of Ueborne, see' glided by Mr, Mollvain,of Stanley, that S Cook, peeve of IIowlok, be Warden for 1895. Moved by Mr, Mopwan, of Hay, seta ended by Mr. Young, of Blyth, that 4. 1tfePbereon, Reeve of Turnberry, be Warden, Tbo vote stood 25 for McPherson and 24 for Cook, The former was declared elected and was sworn in by Judge Tome. Warden MgPherson addreaeed tbe Conn- ell, returning thanks for the honor. Mr. Cook congratulated Mr. McPherson on hie election and stated that thie was his last year as Reeve.. The following were 4hoeen on the Striking Committee Meagre, Mooney Kay, Cox, Holt, •Molawen, Garvin and lien', Minutes of last meeting read and pee - gad, Moved by Mr, lay, seconded by Mr, Benpewiess that Mr, Holman be County Auditor. Moved by Mr. Rata, seconded by lMr. Birkby that. Wm. Goats be Auditor. Carried. Moved by Mr. Rate, seconded by Mr. Strachan that Philip Holt and W. Lane be appointed on the Board of Criminal Audit. Carried. Moved by Mr. Mollvain, seconded by Mr. Holt that Messrs. Baird and Clark- son be appointed on Board of Public School Examiners. Carried. Several other motions were read and referred to Cemmitteee. Council then adjourned, to meet on Wednesday at 10 a. m. Tan political kaleidoscope for the'past week presents a number of interesting events. One is the withdrawal of the protest against M. Y. McLean, M. P. P., for South Huron. Mr. McLean courted the closest investigation and although a good deal of bluster was indulged in by his opponents it has ended where it began 'with Mr. MoLeau as M. P. P. Another point is the placing of Valentineitatz, the well-known 'leave of Stephen township, Huron Cotmty, in the field es Reform candidata in North Middlesex. Owing to the unfair gerrymandering of that con- stituency Stephen electors vote in Mid- dlesex as do the residents of Exeter. Mr. Rutz is a level beaded, self made men. who would make a first-class M. P. and we hope to see him win. Brussels Council. The first meeting of the Council for 1895 was held on Monday, at 11 e. m., ae per statute. The members, Reeve Rem' and Councillors MaCraoken, Graham, 'Gerry and Leatherdale, Mimed the usual declarations and took their seats. Minutes of last meeting read and pasta ed. The Reeve outlined the probable work that would come before the Council dur. ti 9 were year and his 6U e e On ing the Rg generally concurred in. Moved by R Grabam,seoonded by R. Leatherdale that Jnn. Sbaw be reap- pointed Auditor at a fee of $6.01 Car- ried. The Reeve appointed J. Y. S. Kirk as the other Auditor. Moved by B. Leatherdale, seconded by B. Gerry that D. Stewart be re -appointed Amasser at $45.00 per annum. Carried. Board of Health, T. Farrow, J. N. Kendall, Alex. Stewart, the Reeve and Clerk. Dr. McNaughton Medical Health officer. The usual By-laws were passed con- firming the above. The following Committees were struck: &xnsET CnafanTTsn—Meeere. Graham, Gerry and the Reeve. FINANoz AND Calami—Messrs. Mc- Craoken, Leatherdale and tbe Reeve. PacrsoTy—Meeere. Graham. McCrack- en and the Berve. Council then adjourned, to meet on Monday evening, Feb. 3rd. ON Tuesday of last week the Dominion Supreme Court rendered decision on reference by the Dominion and Provin- cial Governments on the power of the Provincial Government to pass a Pro. hibition Act. The decision in effect was that the Provisoes have no power to pass such an- Aot. The case will likely at once go to the Privy Council for final judgment. The full text of the decision shows that. by three judges to two, the Court decided that the Provinces have not the power to prohibit the sale, that the Provinces have not the Power to even probibit the retail sale, that they cannot prohibit the sale where the Scott Act is not in force, that they menet limit the sales where the Boott Act ie in force, and that Ontario has no jurie- diotion to pass the Local Option Aot. The Court was unanimous in the view that the importation and manufacture were eabjeote outside the Provincial jurisdiotion. This makes two opposing judgments on Local Option, through the change of one of the judges of the Court, it being three to two the other way be. fore. The prohibition of retail sale was the object of a bill introduced by Mr. Harter, the present leader of the Opp. sition. The ground taken by the At- l en far as the Ganges is ooncernec . The torneyGeueral was that the juriediotion Hindoo loathes to touch the dead as to do of the Province was at least extremely doubtful, and that the passage of the Aot of doubtful validity would imperil the efficiency of the law then regulating the traffics, throw the license system in. to confusion, and bring about whole. sale litigation. The Privy Council may change the whole situation. MISSIONARY. adttpesalawe�nOnhsabniols hentey M to a ,oertain standard of educational advaneetnent 'as shown by .the report of the Inspector receive thiegovernment aid. Colleges are plated at important points at which a higher education le given. The 411490 ie showing a great interest itt education and it fs disgusting bins With the faith of his fathom and lie is leaving the colleges either Christian or Infidelin very Many oaees the latter. A i very nteresting description of Zenema life and wilt was given showing the utter- ly deplorable life of the high caste women of India, shut in as they are from all non - tract with the free outdoor life enjoyed by the men, The ideal of happiness is to get little beating, to have tome little favor shown by the husband and to have the honor of being the mother of sone. Tbia excellent address of an hour and a halfwas brought to . AP - peal for belpl for thewomose en of Inau dia est aP- An Interesting Address given by Mise McWilliams in Melville Church, Bl0Aev*Lle,. Jae. Burgess, of Manitoba, Dame bonne last week. Doo. and Mra. Messer were in town last week. Good opening for tinsmith or jeweler, in our village. Jas. Pugh has put a stook of wall paper in his store. Fred Tiplady, of Wingham, was visit- ing at Robb. MoPherson'a this week. Miss-Suaie Pugh, of Glen• Williams, ie visiting Mende and relatives here. Mies Ritobie was the guest of Mee. McPhereon last Saturday and Sunday. Turnberry Council met this week and engaged the old reliable amasser, J. S. MuTavieb. Miss May Scott returned borne last Friday evening from Seaforth where she has been visiting for the last five weeks. The worst storm of the season this week ; itis impossible to drive a horse to the elation. The baker could not get through from Wingham and litany • were hungry for bread. The Chinese have again been defeated by the Japanese, Pugilists Grillo and Dixon fought 20 rounds to a draw at Ooney. Island on Saturday night. Alvin L. Dennison, the father of the American system of watchmaking, has just died in Birmingham, England. Harry Giddings, the Auetro.Canadian. hor.eman, has purchased the trotting stallion, The Wasaer at Simooe and eix mares at New York for abipment to Austria. The preliminary debate on the anti. revolution hill was concluded in the German Reichstag on Saturday, and the bill was referred to a committee of 28 members. The few brave ones who faced the storm on Tuesday evening received a rare treat in the lecture of. Miss McWilliams on her mission work and field in Indore, India. Miss McWilliams considers the native Indian an intelligent and active person. As farmers they grow large °rope though they do not feed the soil ; agricultural im- plements are of the most crude nature ; no plows of the kind we use ; no thrash- ing maohinee ; no fanning mills ; no reapers are in use. The tools of the mechanic too are of the poorest kind though beautiful work is done with them, The Christian entering Indiaie not struck so much with the idol and idol worsbip as with the effect of ages of it on the people. Idols as we understand them are not the sole objects of worship. A few rough stones hastily collected over which some red or other colored paint lin poured is also an object of worship, not only to the one who has collected them but to others wbo may pass that way. Then there are also days set apart for the worship of money and various animals. The Christain worshiper might learn one good lesson from these people and that is that they never come to the worship of any idol without bringing a gift. At this point the speaker in a few words showed up the miserable system of raising money by ten -meetings, private theatrecals, &o. The Hindoo believes that he can lay np merib and one of the methods ie to carry water from the Ganges to Western rivers so that in time those rivers may become eacred and then they will cast their dead bodies into them despite the orders of the English who now prohibit this practise Guetin Gieoa, an Italian, had hie head fatally orosbed by a quantity of ice fall- ing upon hits from a roof on Saturday. A. B. Forbes, of Dover township, has a watch which has been in the family for the past 250 years. Though it is so old, it is still running, and Mr. F. olejmi that it keeps good time. The Proviaoe of Quebec used to reap $1.2,000 yearly from licensee on peddlers, The bill imposing a tax of 0100 on ped. dlers wihioh oamebebore the Legislature this eeeeion, ie deferred till next year at the request of an influential deputation. It is now feared by the Winnipeg police that A. M. Dalton, the missing Neepatva banker, hae been murdered for hie money. He had a large amount with him when he eo mysteriouely die - appeared a week ago. We affairs are in satisfactory shape, AUOTION 'SALE OF VALUABLE Freehold Property In the Township of Morris, and the Township of Grey. Under and by virtue of the powers of Bale contained in certain Indentures of Mortgage, whichwillbe produced at the time of sale, there tion, atithe VEEN'SfoB0r TEe li BRBSSELS, THURSDAY, JAN. 31, '95, At 1 o'clock p. m. The following property, under a certain rdortaage made by A. K. ROBERTSON: All and singular thosecer- tain pare els ortreats of land and premises situate, lying and being to the Township of Morrie, in the County of Moron, composed of. Planar, L—The south half of lot number tweutysix, in the fifth concession of the said Township of Morris, containing one hundred acres more or lees; onthin prop- erty there ie said to be a bank barn, 45:58, with stone basement, a frame stable 15160, a log house 10x24, and a small orchard in bear- ing. About 60 acres are cleared and under cultivation. PAR0EL IL—The South half of the North half of lot number twenty-six, in the nfth oonceesion of the said Township of Morris, containing one hundred acres more or lose, About 40 acres of this land are said to be cleared and under cultivation. And also ander a certain Mortgage made by 3DEN HARSOTTLE,tbe following lands and premises, viz: Lot number thirty-two in the fourteenth 000005sioa 08theTown- ship of Grey, in eaid Oounty of Huron, con' twining one hundred sores. There is said. to be on the mid premises a log house 202:24. a framebank barn 58x80, and an orchardin bearing: fifty -dye acres are eaid to be cleared and under cultivation, Tanis :—Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid to the vendors on the. day of sale, and sufficient with such deposit to make up one•third of the whole amount within thirty days thereafter, the balance to be secured by a first Mortgage upon the property upon - eve)] terms- as may be mutually agreed upon. The property will be sold subject to a reserve .bid as to each parcel, Further particulars and conditions of enle will be made known on theday sae, Or on application to F, S. SUOTP, Esq„ Auction ear, Brueee-fe, or to IKERR, ODONALD, DAVIDSON, & PATTERSON. Vendor's Solicitors, 21 Alelaido Street East, Toronto. so is polution. The dead body also ppolutes the house, as death approaches the dying person is hurried out that he may die under a tree or by the river bank.' A curious custom of the Parsee was given. As death approaches the dying man has the soles of his feet and other parte of his body rubbed with cream that has been kept until nearly decayed. The family dog ie called in and if he licks off all the cream the soul of the dying man goes at once into a state of happiness, if only part then the soul will not go at once but after a time, if not at all then it will never reach the state of bliss. Miss Mc- Williams was present when the last wag the case and she said the wail of anguish that went up from that household as the clog turned away was one she would never forgot. The power of caste is very strong and to be outcast is the greatest misfortune that can come to man. The different trades and occupation belong to different Wastes and a child Who hae been born in the emote to w lch Carpenters belong, for instance must be a carpenter no matter how unfitted for the work he may be. The speaker gave a' very good idea of the Government schools in India which are scattered all over the country superintended by the government and aided by motley raised 1805 '00 OlflOO' ,x.3111 .4seaaqui azr o.& off. oct TIP& 41 `ing pixie .n.oN gsnr u dotz j 3100118 s aRv Olin Ni to r..7 'S3JlSZfZ HMIsins o,z sHOIlIa. .oz W V S [OOD .LLUQ IO't '3sn0H alaid!Vo flu Q1�o� TUi os SOROU EE aovas szifz W41Mf* 11 Fashionable Tailoring I J. M'BAIN Is the man you should get to make your SUIT, OVERCOAT or TROUSERS, Now -a -days a garment should. combine Correctness of Style, Perfect Fit, Good Workmanship, AndModerate Cost. You will find these Qualities in Patronizing J. McBAIN, Next door to THE POST, BRUSSELS. THE CHEAP CASH STORE. GROCERIES, 1 am now selling 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 26 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1 ; 4 lbs. No. 1 Currants for 25c ; 4 lbs. No. 1 Raisins for 25o ; 25 lbs. Bice for $1, and everything else in Grocery Line Accordingly. Boots& Shoos I have a very flue stock of Boots and Shoes, from the �^� UO UU u(U�0jt7�1 Best Makers, at Lowest Prices. DRY GOODS I oommde, for es0 Goods aE Sc. ;Best Cot- . tennis made, for 2Sc. a yard ; Smyina Blan- kate Only $1,00 a pair ; Grey Cotton from 4e, a yard up ; Men's Cape, 20c. up ; Beet Cotton and Prints in the store for 10o. a yard ; 20c. Sateen Print for 160. IN HARDWARE X carry everything that a farmer needs. Here are a few enape t—Cop- per Tea Kettle, only 01.95 ; Copper. Tea Kettle, Nickeled, only 01.50 ; Royal Tin Tea Kettle, copper bottom only, 750. X also have the best Washing Machine in the Market, and at a Low Price. My Customers can depend on my Hardware being lower than you con buy anywhere else. TERMS—CASE OR TRADE. Butter 100,, Eggs 1.50. J. H. THOMSON, i p E 1\T. s, BQQPB1-3E ANTS LAS •11'1"=L --le Best Brands -Very Cheap. p Call and Examine our Stook and Compare Prices. We will be pleased to show you the Goods. We have a man to attend to all REPAIRING IN Boots, Shoes and Boubber Goods, ALL WORK. GUARANTEED. ►'RIPS SEWN FRE EO F CHARGE. IN OUR HARNESS LINE We will be found, as in the past. to be fully up to the times with a full stock of Light and Heavy Harness, the best that good Workmanship and good Material can produce. Robes, Blankets, ' Bells, and everything to be found in a first-claAs Harness Shop, and all sold at Right Prices. Repairs attended to Promptly as in the past. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1. C. Richards