The Brussels Post, 1895-1-25, Page 3ITAN•. 25, 1895 TEE BRIJ $ US POST Town Directory. liacv woo Oaupeu,—Sabbath Servioee M 11 .a m and 8:80 p. m, Sunday Sobool et 2:30 p ni, AO', ,Jahn Asea, It A, p Knox Onpnou,—Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 6:80 p in, Sunday Etobool at 2080 p m. Bev, D. Millar; Fodor, Sr. JOIlleS Oumuou,—Sabbath Ssrvioee at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m, 1tev, A. K. Griffin, Mourn - bent. Minirooxwr OuPeen,—Sabbath Servloes at 10:30 a m and 6;80 g rn. Sunday Sobool at 2;00 p m, Bev, G. H. Cobble., dick,. M A, B D, pastor. RorIAN CATHOLIC 011171101L—Sabbath' Servide third Sunday in every month, at 10:80' a m. Ear Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALvNmiee Anti,' --Servide at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week et 8 o'olook, at the barraoke, • OLD FELLOWS' Lenon every Thursday evening, in Graham's block, MASONIC Lonan Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 U W Lona on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Elea. hill's block. • C O F L000n 2nd and last Monday evepinga of each month, in Blashill's blook. I 0 T, 2nd and laet Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. • ' L 0 L 1st Monday; in every month In Orange Hall. SONS os Sco0LSND, 1st and 8rd Tries. days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. LODap, let and Srd Thurs. days of each month, in Vanetone block. home OrnOxii, 2nd and 4th Friday even. inge: in Blashill's Hall. Pope Ossi°n. 0Hoe hours from 8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. MECHANICS' INaTIToon.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from '6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOWN Oouxom,--W. 11. Kerr, Reeve W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Leatherdale and 73. Gerry, Councillors ; le S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaoh month. SODOOL BOARD,—Rev. Ross, (chairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A, Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Seol•Treae., 11. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. PUBLIC Sonoom Tn*ongns J. H, Ca1n'.' eron, Prinoipal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey and8fise Cooper. ' BOARD os HEALTIL-Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. BUSINESS APHORISMS. Carlyle wasn't a man of business, but he would have made a suoceas of it had he tried it. In his writings one finds these linea of solid business truth : A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. Have a smile for all, a pleasant word for everybody. To succeed, work hard, earnestly and incessantly. All honest men will•bear watching. It is the rascal who cannot stand it. Better have the window emp'y than filled with unreasonable and unattractive goods. When yon hang a sign outside your place of business, let it be original in de- sign and of good quality. Wonderoue is the strength of Cheerful- ness ; altogether - past calculation its power of enduranoo. Efforts to be per• manantly needful meet be uniformly Joy- ous, a spirit of sunshine, graceful from very gladness, beautiful because bright. ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. Beef and pork, salt fish, potatoes and hominy were the staple diet all the year round. , The mail of the whole country did not equal that of a single, second-rate office now. • The only shoes were stout contrivances of strong hide, with wooden page or hob• nails. There were no pianos ; the ladies of musical talent played on the epinnet or h arpaichord. Buttons were scarce and expensive, and the trousers were fastened with pegs or laces. The only recognized method of impart- ing information was by the liberal use of the rod. All the population of a village assembl ed at the inn on "poet' day" to bear the news. There were no threshing machines. Wheat was threshed cut on the barn floor with finite. The women's dresses were puffed with hoops and stood out two or three feet on each side. A. fever patient was forbidden to drink water and smallpox was treated in a dark room. Cnrrr[I,dtstxx New:ric. Drumbo is suffering from a scarcity of dwelling houses. The Quebec Legislature was prorogued on Saturday evening. Mrs. Joseph J°roux, of Ottawa, was found burned to death in her house. The police commissioners of Hamilton have asked for the resignation of Chief McKinnon. Charles Dayworker, of North Pelham, died from blood•poisoning, the result of a horse's bite. Roberti r7.agyard, of London West, was ]tilled by a G. T. R. express while driving aorosa the line at HydePark. James A. Oantlie has been elected President of the Montreal Board of Trade. The offices were all filled by ao. clamation, Tho Kingston P. P. A, has decided to take no pert in the election contest be. tween Ron. Mr. Harty and Dr. Smythe as an organization. OA'rAnnen mcnrzvzn IN 10 To 00• JIINUTne,— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr, Agnew's Oatarrah Powder, diffases this Powder over the surface of the 'nasal paeeagegrPainless' and delightful to use, it reliovenlinetantl'y,land.'pbnmahent. Iv cured •'datarrali, t Bay Fever,',4 Colds, zlieaattiise, Sore tJ.'htoar, iI oddilitie , and Deafness. 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's A Laidlaw, oC Drumbo, has shipped over 00 oarload8 of turni s 33115 season, The Niagara Falls l igh school has been reject(' bo the rank of Collegiate In- etitute, 'WORT DleNAauflBiiLIBvND IN 80 MlN- Pmne,—'All oases of orgemio oreympathetio heart dfeoae° relieved in 80 minutes Red quickly cured, by Dr, Aguew'e pure for the Heart, one dose convinces, Sold by G. A. Deadman, A little daughter of Jelin Surnmerheye, near Norwich, narrowly escaped death 'from eating a piece of cake that bed been doped with strychnine to frill mice. At proeent she is oopeidered to ,be out of danger. An eleotrin railway is proposed by Lon- don capitalists to run between London, Dorchester, Ingersoll, Woodstock in the East, Rod to Delaware, Mt. Brydges, Glencoe and Strathroy in. the West.; St is also proposed to had to Liman, 1Ob. Mary's and Stratford. Ayer's Hair Vigor is gertainlyt,a re. markabs preparation, and nothing like it has ever been produced. ' No matter how wiry and unmanageable the hair may be, under the influence of -this incomparable pressing, it becomes dolt, silky, and p11. able to the comb and brush. Tbe unemployed' of Montreal, to the number of 3,000, gathered about the Oity Hall, and the serving of the police were required to disperse the crowd, which grew disorderly. Several people were hurt when the police oharged the crowd, using their batons freely. itnsuroATISM CURED IN A Dar.—Soutll Amerioan Rbspmatio Cure for Rheuma- tiom and Neuralgia radically Mures in 1 to 3 days. Its potion upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re- moves at once the cease and the .dieea'eer immediately disappears.' The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. • The oldest apple -tree in Waterloo noun. ty was planted about the year 1600'on the Shark homestead, opposite Doep, on the Grand River. It is still bearing fruit and is the only one remaining of the orohard. The thioknees of the trunk at the base le about three feet and at five feet from the ground is two and a half. feet. One oreM°einne PaAIso Man Stork's HIOnLx.— Stork's Powders are good sellers with ss, and our customers praise them highly. W. E. Pilkey A Co., druggists, Chatham. J. W. McLaren, druggist, Chatham, says :—"Stark's Powders are in good de- mand. I have had no complaints as to their efficiency, bat' have heard much ' Id *fir ;favoi " 'Stark's Powders, are sold by s ll'druggists. •:25 dente a' box. Iii -- mediate,, permanent Dna nine to take. Two preparations fn each box. It is said in Ottawa that the arrange- ment between the Government and the Manitoba delegation in reference to the Hudson Bay railway was that the Gov- ernment would aid the undertaking to the extent of 36,000 a mile, and take a security therefor all the rolling stock of the line when equipped, and a first lien upon the 276 miles of the road. It is said the oontraotora agree to build the line on these terms. It is also slated that Sir John Thompson insisted on the pro- moters and their friends furnishing a million dollars on their own behalf be- fore the Goverment would do anything. A Nnw SEAR TRAP.—A man living in the rear part of North Agusta, Out., eon - Gestin Glace, anlItelian, bad his 1101d fatally ornebed by a quantity of lee fall. Ing upon him from a roof on Saturday, A, B, Forbes, of Dever township, has a wateh whieh bas been in the family for the past 280 years, Though it is eo old, it le still running, and Mr, 1•. elating that it keeps good finis. The Province of Qeebee peed to reap $19,000 yearly from lipenees on peddlere, The bill imposing a tax of 3100 no ped, dlere which oame before the Legielabure this session, is deferred till next year at the request of en indnential dap utabion, It is now feared by the Winnipeg Pollee that A, 112. Dalton,. the mieaing' Beepawa banker, lute been murdered for big money. Ho had a large amount with him when hs so mysteriously d1s. appeared a week ago, His affairs are in. satisfactory shape, BEIM{ IN SIX Houns.—Distressing kid. ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American. Hidney Care." This new remedy Is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness, in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy, Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. • A. special adjourned meeting of the Toronto Board of Fire Underwriters was held on Saturday, at which there was a repreeentation of the managers and agents of fire inanranoe companies doing business in Toronto. After a full dig. mission of the present situation in con- nection with the two recent fires, it ep- peered' that the inanranoe companies .would be called upon to pay loedes to the extent of very nearly one million dollars, which ie equal to about one.sixth of the net income in Canada of all companies doing badness in 613e Dominion. This lose to the companies is quite independ- ent of the half million of dollars that the public will lose in exoess of the insur- ance. It was pointed out that the great- er part of these losses might , have been averted if the city authorities had paid any bead to the frequent warnings, not only of the fire underwriters during the past two years, but also of the Chief of the Fire Brigade and the City Engineer. Definite notion was batten in the mat. ter of increasing rates on all buildings over three stories. SHOT WHILE Pox HONTINO.—A very de- plorable accident happened about five miles from Plesberton on Tuesday fore- noon by which a gentleman named John Little, whose borne is near Hanover, was almost instantly killed. Mr. Little had been visiting with Jae. Fisher, who is related to him, and on Tuesday forenoon he and Jae.' Sam. and Robert Fisher went oat for a fox bunt. Mr. Little took the dogs and separated from the rest, intending to start the fox. Se had only been a short time away when two reports were beard in quick anocee- sion and at the same time a 0rv. The three men dropped their gone and follow- ed Mr. Little's track, when he was dis- covered lying on the ground, dead, both charges of the gun having taken effect in the leg abnntsix inches above the knee and following the bone into the abdomen, The cartridges were loaded with B. B. shot. Deceased appears to have been etruoted a novel trap for capturing bear. walking with the gun over his shoulder, He got an old liquor barrel and out a muzzle pointing forward. Stumbling over a root the gan was thrown aheadof him and discharged with the result stet. ed. The unfortunate man did not live until his oompanioos reached him. The body was taken to Jae. Fisher's red - denim and the sad news telephoned to his family. Deceased was a man of about 50 years of age and lessee a family of ten, mostly grown np. He was a 'him or rolled on the ground on the spot brother-in-law to J. G. Little, of Ware - till the trapper oame and finished him. ham. This fall so far the man has secured 14 bears in this manner. The Galt 'Reporter ssye :—There are lying beforeus some dried maple leaves, gathered by Mrs. Wm. Maude on the farm of her brother, Mr. McAllister, near Puslinch Lake, which certainly are by far the largest we have ever seen. Hap. peeing, but ton late, to see that there was a diffioulty in obtaining maple leayse to form Canada's wreath to place upon the coffin of our late Premier, Sir John Thompson, Mrs. Maude examined her store of those she had at various times gathered and pressed, and found among many others' those grand specimens. Too late to offer them.- for the purpose first designed, their extraordinary size was noted as something most unusual and worth attention. The largest, others are but very little smaller, measures folly 0 inches aoroes by 19 in length. They have not the colouring the maple leaf obtains through frost, but In every other particular are perfect. For some considerable time past the firm of Messrs. Hardy, Wilkes dr Hardy, of Brantford, have bad occasion to sus• peat that their law office in that olby wee being entered at nights, their vaults opened and sundry some of moneyend papers removed therefrom. Chief Vau. gban at once detailed Constable Wallace for the work, and for some weeks he has on occasional nights hidden himself in the office awaiting results. Friday even- ing Constable Wallace tools his station in it corner of the front office, and shortly after 8 o'clook he heard footsteps around the rear part of the building. The in- truder made his way into the cellar un. derneatb the mein office, and after re. maining there a ehort time he began• climbing up a ladder and emerged from a trap door to the main hall' in the rear of the building. When once in the bank office he made his way to the front room where the vault was. As the burglar entered the roam the constable stole be- hind the stove. The man walked to- wards the vault with a key in his hand. The officer jumped forward and seized him, and to hie surprise discovered the man to be Charles Elliott, barrister -at - law, now practising in St. George, having tome from Toronto, where some six months ago he passed hisAnalexamine- tion as a leweer, After a short scale Constable Wallace handcuffed Elliott and took him to the polies elation. Elliott made only a brief resistance. Hitherto the accused roan has borne a good char- acter. He served his apprentioeship in Brantford' with Masers, Hardy, Wilkes 311 Hardy, whose promises Ile will be Charg- ed with entering. When arreabed he throw a key upon the floor. This the officer pinked up, and the polios any it is a duplicate keyy to the Vault. Meagre. Hardy, Wilkes tC Hardy have been an• noyed by ebe potty thefts, ,and think that altdgebher they must have lost about $60. Elliott's people, wbo live in St. George, are people of the highest respectability. hole in the end about a foot in diameter. around this hole he drove spikes from the outside so that they slanted down- wards like the old fashioned rat trap, so that when the bear ran his head into the barrel to sniff a savory piers of pork, securely nailed within the trap be could not withdraw hie mug and so either walked about with the barrel in front of • Emperor Francis Joseph has requested Baron Banally to form a Cabinet for Hungary. Ft -Washington despatch says Robb. A. Kellum], of Montreal, bas been debarred from praotioe 'before United States Pa6'enbOHoe. He Bent a check in pay- ment'of a Government fee, which went to protest, and would not make it good. There is mach suffering from lack of food and clothing among the old pinery dietriots of `Michigan. On account of the natural poverty of the soil, it is all the people can do to sustain life in the moat flourishing. times and under the most favorable. conditions. Though few people will starve outright, laok of euf- fioienefood and clothing will be respon- sible for many deaths before warm weather comes. In some parts of Muskegon and Ottawa, counties the regularly constituted, authorities have already announced themselves unable to furnish. even temporary relief to the destitute. The supervisor of Spring Lake township in which the village of thegame name. ie located, says that many families in his township must have aid from the oharitably disposed to oarry them through the winter, or die from want of the necessaries of life. With the limited amount at bis disposal, he can out brit a sorry figure in relieving those that apply to him that must have aid. A similar oondition of things exists in some parte of Grand Haven township, that joins the city. . . iT 1S Worth Knowing THAT A Vrtiiite Stix, Line. ROYAL 06A l l4 S'I'R AMSll 1l'9. Between e ucbowu eYexyaWe ii edgy 1, vin As the eteaptore of this line mirky only a mite strlotlY lid number in "the ningm and a3Ooxn 0400N apaommollatlons, Intending paesangere areromlpded;that an early ap. plloation for bertha s neoeesary at We sea• eon, e'er platla, rates, ebo„ apply to W. H. Kerr, . Agent, Brusgels, MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Fax= or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to �. 1, Hunter, •Divisionl Jourt Clerk, Brussels., Ti11!uery BELOW COST MISS MoPHERSON intends re- moving from Brussels and will sell off her fine stock of Fashionable Fall & winter 1Vlillinery Below Cost To Clear -Out Stock. • This is a Genuine Sale as the Ladies will prove by calling at the Store. SALE NOW GOING ON. Call early and see the Fashionable Display. Miss MoPierson. Yui it LADING AND ENTLEMBN ! Bend 0 cents in stamps, or 10 eente ellver, and we will sone yon by return mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER A nowt little Boole. being a perfect Guide 1n the art of Lotter Writing, It contains bet - Vire of Leve, Frioodebip, Business, oho, with valuable luetruotions and advice. oto,, Youngman and woman should bave thea Book, Addreee, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, 10.4m INGERSOLL, ONT. ALLAN LINE. S iii. ax Saa ngs, 1894. MONTREAL Arra LIVERPOOL SERVICE. From From From Livorno!' BTBAMenIPs. Montreal, Gusbeo. Daylight, 0 a,m. Oct. 13 •INumidiau Nov. 5 206 Parisian 70 Nov.11 Nov. 1 mongolian " 17 ' 18 -Will not °all at Rimoaski or Moville. Passengers embark at Montreal after 8 p. m. on Fridays. For further information as to rates, S,o„ apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. M-eLEO D'S Systems, Eenovsltor AND 011110 TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY GDDERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist, Brussels. r6an �in, n PEe°m .rlP , p 14 ~ a 'li 11, Pa .36-3.°ss a a' S' ,8 0 iia ,�pdaw?$emaa�n La 9 ooyRerg°e°ao id 4 eon. 0 �6. g'P1't°ogi$�' h'°'pa3 fir. F .9" p pC ��mB 4.4 z ei ..e k aid' n P• a"e€,w4�g ; Tourist - Car LEAVE -8 TORONTO Every -WEDNESDAY AT 7:60 P. M. For 01510400, oonnootIng directly with Through Otte for Southern Cali- fornia every FRIDAY "1130010 For the PAOI010 OAST via North .8134, Read "Wet r IS A Tounamer Gum," Free on Applioatipn to any Agent. T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi- demic, is always more or leas prevalent. Tho best remedy for this complaint is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, "Last Spring, I was taken down with Ln Grippe, At times I was completely pros. Crated, and so difficult was my breathing that ray breast seemed as If confined in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Aser's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began takinglt than relief followed, InotR%notbe- liovn that the effect would bo so rapid and the '011re so complete. Ibis truly n wonderful med. lolno."—W, 11 WILLIAus, Crook Olty, 3. D. AY E RAS Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sureto cure 'P(Wllen you want a Stove, Tint or Granite -ware, or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, —CALL AT---- HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a DISCOUNT of FIFE PER CENT, Offal! Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stock. A. HUNTER. ERR WESTERN ADVERTISER. 16 -Page Weekly -96 Columns. ONLY ++ '�I 0 0 Now to Dee. 31, 1895. Balance of Year Free. LEADING WEEKLY OF TIM WELT, NONE BETTER, FEW AS GOOD. Large Prize List, Handsome Premiums, Good Inducements to Agents. For Agents' Terms, etc., address— Advertiser Printing CQ. LONDON, ONT. LAUGHTE AZE OF NEW FURNTURE dT Bankrupt Prices HAVING BOUGHT Over $1,000 worth of New Furniture At the Union Factory, Wingltam, At 60 cents on the $, I am offering it Less than Wholesale Prices. REGULAR PRICE OUR PRICE; Fine Bedroom Suites $11 00 $7 50 Fine bedroom suits, with British bevel plate glas 15 00 11 50 g A Fine All Maple Suite 12 00 8 00 A Fine Sideboard 9 00 7 00 Fine Sideboards 8 00 6 50 - Fine Sideboards 16 00 12 50 Bedsteads 3 50 2 50 Lounges 7 00 4 50 Extension Tables ' 7 00 5 '00 1 • These are' the biggest .bargains ever offered in Furni- ture in Brussels, and the prices can not be had when this stook is 531d out. If you want anything in furniture call and see these goods and get prices. before you buy. I. LA?XR'-AL BRUSSELS,