HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-1-11, Page 8V NSE', L\ 5]eI' cent1 011. In Order to Clear out our Surplus Stock of Fancy ahi.aware We will for Two Weeks give the large Discount of One Fourth Off. This Chinaware is extra value at regular prides. A good assortment to choose from, Q. A, DEADIWAN., Druggist, Beoheeller and Fahey Goode Dealer, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ' eoweuei a EXTENSION W. 0, & B. Trains feavo Braeeele Station, North and South, as follows: GoING SOUTH. GOING NoaTo, Mall 0;54 a.m. Mixed 9:45 a,m, Express 11:59 a,m, Mail 5 16 p,m. 11Dlxed 9;00 p.r i. I Express ,,.... 9,48 p,m. Itoral ' .A chiefs among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Scam, Board Friday evening of this week. Leer Tuesday dao. Roddiok sent a car of sheep to. Buffalo.' Oor Ocrune MOOs.oxIIN shipped a car of potatoes this week to Toronto. Wtf, McOuai oven bas pat a stook of boots and shoes into bis shoe shop. Woos*, grain and pork have been carp• ting in at a lively rate during the post week. S. Pans has become a resident of Bene eels, having moved from his farm in MoHillop. AN interesting account of Sir John Thompson's funeral may be read on page 0 of this issue. THERE is a rnmbur current oonoer ting a protest to be entered in connection with the recent Trustee election. ON Saturday afternoon the annual meeting.. of Bruseels cheese factory will be held in the Town Hall Brussels. Dotmrloa 'Padre' List Court will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thursday afternoon of next week at 8 o'clock. XL LEATEEBDALE disposed of a Listowel piano to John Hill, of Grey, and a Doh- erty organ to Samuel Shine, of the same township. THe last meeting of the old Council will be held nest Monday evening. New Council will be sworn in on the following Idonday at 11 a. m. Monaca Horse Fair in Brussels on ' Thursday, January 31st. Don't forget it se the Fair is held the Tbaraday before the 1st Friday, hence we have two Fairs in January. DAISYsxEN.-The 18th- Anneal Conven- tion of the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario will be held in Stratford on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The leading men of Can- ada and the U. S. will deliver addresses. TnEnE were seven oars of lumber ship- ped from Brussels during the past week by Messrs. Ament, of town, and McDon- ald, of. Walton. -1 oar of cattle' was for- warded to the "Eastern marketsby Messrs. Scott & Jones ; e oars of grain and 5 oars of salt were also loaded by local shippers. Poem Office authorities bave received information from the Department at Ot- tawa regarding the use of private postal cards, which may be sent throughout Canada for a one -Dent stamp. The words,."Private' Post Card" must be written or printed on the address side of the card, which must not be thicker nor larger than the regulation postal pard. Dmn.-A few days since, Robbie, the ,twelve year old son of Mayor Holmes, of Clinton, fell on a rusty nail and slightly injured his knee. Although the lad seemed all right and the wound of a very ordinary nature, blood poisoning set in and the bright lad speedily sank, dying on Wednesday evening. The funeral takes plane on Friday afternoon. Tim PoeT tenders its sympathy to the bereav- ed parents. Sosof SCOTLAND CONCERT. -On There - day evening, 24th inst., the annual oon• cert of the Sons of Scotland will be held in the Town Hall, Bruseels. A splendid program will be presented by the, follow- ing A 1 talent :-Mrs. McArthur, Scotch vocalist, Hamilton ; J. H. Cameron, Humorist and Elocutionist, Toronto • Mies McFaui, Vocalist, Seaforth •, and Dr. Campbell. of Seaforth, who will deliver one of his tar.famed ad- dresses on "Half Hour's talk with Burns." Watch out for the program. Neel) the evening free. NowePAPOnrAL.-The 'Acton Free Press Issued a very neat calendar on which ap- pears a very good opioter" of Bro. Moore, the energetic proprietor. -Our old cotem, the Goderioh Signal, has celebrated another birthday. Under the manage- ment of D. McGillicuddy the flog appears to be nailed to the masthead. -This week the Brussels Herald enters upon its 2nd volume and the new editor looks hope- fully into the future. -The Seaforth Sun is enlarged and improved. Not many Counties can touch Huron for news- papers. L. O. L. NOTES. -The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario Weab, vill meet at St. Oatberineeon Tuesday, March 1201, at 2oblock, p. m. The usual low railway fares will be granted. Railway agents have been instructed to supply standard certifieatee at the reduced rates -one ,Tare and a third return. -A resolution of •condolence was passed by Walton L. O. at,, to Mrs. Samuel Hindee, Bruseele,, •over she decease of her husband.-Tbe District officers of the Orange Order for this year are :-D. M., Reeve Mooney ; D. D. ItI., D. Driscoll ; Chaplain, R. Barr ;• Secretary, B, Gerry ; Treasurer, :Jno, Oakley; Director of Ceremoniee, B. Hamilton ; Lecturer, Matthew Wil. ,son. The County Lodge will be held in 'Wingbam on Tuesday, Feb, 5011. l? o 1T YOU/3 LABEL, Tile Subsoriptiop ptioo of Ton Pear, if Paid strictly in advance, le ONE :DOLLAR. If you do not renew within three menthe of the date on your label the pries will bo $125; 1f you do net renew within Aix months of the date on your label the price will be $1,50. No paper will be sent longer than ane yeas before being paid for. Send repewall directly to this 05lee, Money sent by registered letter, post. ofY'toe money order, express money order QC draft, le at aur risk. A post -office order up to 54 costs only two ciente, The change on your label will 1190163' you of our receipt of the money, 1f not changed in three weeks drop us et card and we will trace the natter up, Address all lettere and make all ohequee and orders payable to W. H, Herr, Brae - eels, When remitting money do not fail to give poet offioe addrees, When notifying us of ohange of address do not fail to give both old and new post office address. Look at Your Label. HultoN County Cougoil will meet in Goderioh on Tuesday, 22nd inst.,.at 8 o'. olook, ' Now subscriptions and renewals con- tinue to roll in to Tun Posr, Don't bor- row any longer. W. RosanrsoN, D. D. G. M., of Wing - ham, made Brussels Odd Fellow's lodge an offioial visit this week. MAITLAND Skating Rink has been very largely patronized during the past two weeks. The the has been tip-top. TEE Enterprise Salt Works has re0eiv ed a large supply of wood sinos the sleighing Dame. The old stook was used up. Tae Atwood Bee says "There is no better insurance concern in Canada than the Confederation." W. H. Herr ie the looal agent for Brussels. SANTAOnaus cantata in, the Town. Hall this (Friday) evening. 'It is given under the auspices of St. John's Sabbath school, Miss O'Connor being the instructor. R. LEATEEanast intends transforming his large brink driving barn and stable into a doable dwelling house and will. erect a new stable next Spring. It is a good idea as the location is a splendid one for a residence, Panes Aesooz rioN.-Tbe annual meet. ing of the Canada Press Association will be held'. at Toronto on January 81st and Feb. 1st. A tip-top program will be pre. vented and a banquet at Webb's on the evening. of Thursday. ONE day that week as Mrs. Atwood and Mre. Henry Bateman were driving through Bruseels their baggy Dame fn contactwithanother oonveyanoe on Turnberry street and the result was 'a broken axle and the occupants of the buggy thrown out. Mrs. Bateman was injured by the fall and has not fully re- covered yet. Vornes' LatinCoUaxe.-0ourte for the revision of the Dominion Voters' Lists, in East Huron, by -Judge Doyle, Revising Barrister, will be held as follows :-Blyth, Jan. 16th; Cranbrook, Jan. 1701 ; Brum. eels, Jan. 17th ; Ethel, Jus. nth ; Wing. ham, Jan. 2201 ; Howiok, Jan. 23rd and 24th ; Wroxeter Jan. 2401 ; Morrie, at Belgrave, Jan. 2501 ; Turnberry, at Blue - vale, Jan. 29th. MAooAne0s.-Tbe following are the officers of II. 0. T. M., Teat No. 24, Brussels, as installed by Past Command ere Roddick and Jackson :-- Sir -Sir Knight P. 0., S. Jackson ; " 0„ W.F. Vanetons ; • L. 0., J. Earner ; • R. II., J. J. Gilpin ; F. II., G.:Baeker ; • " P„ B. Carter ; • " Phys., Dr. McNaughton;' ' S., A. McGuire ; " ' M. at A., J. Glassier ; " lab M. of G., R. Williams ; " „2nd M. of G., J. Scott; Sen., Geo. Edwards ; " Pioket, David Jamison. There are 86 members on the roll. TRUSTEE ELECTION.-0ensiderable in- terest was manifested in the election of three Trneteesfor Brussels School Beard last Monday. The electors were fairly well canvassed between personal work, circulars, &a., so that a large vote was polled. Following was the, result when the ballot boxes were opened CANDIDATE. No. 1. No. 2. TOTAL. A. Reid, 90 81 - 171 Rev. J. Ross, 93 76 -169 Dr. Graham, 81 69 - 150 T. Farrow, 64 76 - 140 J. R. Smith, 67 54 -121 The first three candidates will oon. sequently occupy seats at the Board for the next two years. Postmaster Farrow bad 6 or 7 plumpers oast for hits and Mr. Reid and Dr. Graham were also favored by a few ballots marked in the same manner for them. Business Locals, DAY stove wood for sale at McOraok• en's. Timms greatly reduoed it prices at H. Dennis LARGE stock of Horse Blankets and Robes at lots prices at H. Dennis', Erns - sole. OaoANe cheaper than ever at Leather dale's. Gat prices and come and see for yourself. Ter ns for yonr boots and shoes. All the best brands and very ebeap. I, 0. Richards, We have some bargains in 2nd hand watches to exchange for wood. H. L. JAmcsoN, jeweller. Ethan WILLIAMS is prepared to do saw filing and setting at the livery barna Satisfaction guaranteed to every onstomer. Bazar 25 cent purchase cane for a coupon for the eagle walking stick ab Mo4lpine's. Ask for a coupon, Bones, blapkete and fur coats reduced in price. Single harness very cheap. L C. Richards. H. R. Bnewea, Photo. artist, is now, prepared to enlarge any photo. banded to him, either in Crayon, .Indian Ink or Water Colors, Call and else samples at the Gallery, Brussels. A Cors of any photo taken by Messrs. Perry, Burgess, or Strong may be bad by applying at our photo. gallery. Our negatives are laid by with the greatest Dare, therefore photo's can be had first Ohms. H. R. Brewer. R, Lea uMe ie Prepared to talus any enioant 0f soee Nether]] in trade,. CAltleer eavitc.-Mte,'.l', 111eQtaedoee flue carpweaving at moderate rates. Reaideuo on Catherine street, Brussels, Warne ;•-.,An agent to take orders Or life a ze ortraits.. For tertne Write to. W, W, Borgeee, Photog', Ante Btadfo, Mitchell, Out, Carom; Wnsvmse.-Tbe tmdereillned ie prepared to attend to all orders for carpet weaving with promptness, Moderate chargee, accidence cue door South of John Vareoe'e former stand, WM, GnrFFlTii• IF you want anything in the furniture line now ie the time to buy, I have bought right and 1 can eell right. .a. Leatherdn, IfNITruale.-Mary H, Howe, of the firm' of. Howe do Oo., ie prepared to take in salknit.ttinJng, or it to order, seeks, stockings, cardigan jackets, &c, Will exchange goods for wool. Store, one door South of the Woollen milt, Brussels. Give ue a AU kinds of saws cleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, eat, filed and oiled at the East end of Queen St,, by slaw filer, T. McGregor, Bruseels, Saws May be left and arrangements made at AloHay & Co's, bardware store, Brussels Ont, STOVES, the cheapest; lamps, moat brilliant; carpet sweepers, beautiful; saws, the keoneet ; axes, guaranteed to out nails ; oil most illuminous ; bells, most nueical ; whips, moat 'elastic silverware, most handsome, at B. Gerry'e, Bruesele, WELL -DIGGING AND Diemnisa.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper thane. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 8'4-tf, eCRN Rem. -In Turnberry, on Deo. 81st, the wife of Mr. John Reid of.a son.. ZmLrax,-In Listowel, on Deo. 20th, the wife of Mr. Conrad Zilliax of a son. MAZZIZ,X=D. Sootr-Gamed.-At the residence of the bride's father, Springbank Farm, Howick, on Deo. 26th, 1894, by Rev. E. A. Shaw, brother-in-law of the bride, assisted by Rev. Austin Potter, of Clifford, Mr. Myles Scott, of Txtitslei,.Ont., to Mies Sarah Ella,. a,l,,.r 'iaa4ilne• of Mr. Geo. Gregg. TEYNE-OLAaxE.-At the Parsonage, Bel - grave, on Tuesday, Jan. lst, by Rev. B. A. Shaw, Mr. James Thyne, to Miss Annie Clarke, both of the town- ship of Morrie, HOPPEE-STo00000BII.-At the residence of :the bride's father, Belgrave, on • Jan. 1st, by Rev. E.' A. Shaw, Mr, Henry. Hopper, of Morrie, to Mise Frances, daughter of Mr. Riohard Stonehouse. RAtosnx-HENRY,-At "Maitland Bank" farm, East Wawanosh, the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Jae. Henry, on Deo. 255b, by Rev. Wm, Baugh, Mr. John Ramsey, of Guelph, to Miss Ellis Henry, of East Wawa_ nosh, MADDocx-JAeseox.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Braeeele, on January 8th, by Rev. S. Jones, grandfather of the bride, Me. Homer. Edwin Maddock, merohant, New- market, to Miss Mabel Emma, sec- ond daugbter of Mr. Walter Jaokdon, of Brussels. MoLems-MoOnscacem-In Bluevale, on Jan. 8th, by. Rev. Mr.. Wood, of Wingbam, assisted by Rev.. J. MoOracken, brother of the bride, Mr. S. A. McLean, of Goderioh, to Mise Sadie MoOraoken. HnlcHLEY-MODouoALL.-At Ctanbrook, on Jan. 901, at the residenoe of the bride's father, by Rev. D. B. MoRae, Mr. Jas. D. Hinahley, of Hallett, to Mise Jennie McDougall, of Grey. GEDDES-Fnesan,-At the residence of Mr. Robert Shaw, Morrie, brother - in law of the bride, on Jan. 9th, by Rev. J. W. Pring, Mr. John A. Geddes, of Morrie, Ont., to Mise Bella M. Fraser, eldest daughter of Mr. Lachlan Fraser, of the 1st oon. of Morrie. "=2f7D_ SxELTON.-1s* Morris, on January 6th, Charles, youngest eon of John Skel t- on, aged 16 years. BUDDY. -Da East Wawanoeb, on San. 2nd, Mrs. John Ruddy, aged 72 years. Fanzxexo,-In Stratford, athis residence, Norman street, on Deo., 31st, Wil. liam J. Freeland, aged 55 years. Ross. -In Grey, on Jan. 401, Christina, wife of Charles Rose, aged 28 years, 3 months and 18 deye. HoLttes.-In Clinton, on Jan. gbh, Rob- bie, eon of Mayor Holmes, of the New Era, aged 12 years. Sooxo.-Io Hullett, on 8rd, inst., Mar- garet Hamilton, wife of Robt. Scott, ex -reeve, aged 64 years and 6 mo s. • AV'OTSON SAS f7B_ Tnnasnax, Jan. 17th. -Farm stook, implements, &m Lot 7, con. 5, Morris.. Sale, unreserved, at 12 o'clock. Francais J. Baines, Prop. Geo, Birkby, Auo. TUESDAY, Jan. 22nd. -100 acre farm, farm stook, implements, &c. Lot 9, oon. 8, Grey. Sale at 12 o'clook. Jno. Me- Dougall, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ana. Llvenroor, Jan., 7. .The cattle market is firmer in tone here, prices ruling }p higher all round on cattle, while there has been a sharp advance in sheep. Re- ceipts of cattle have been light, while the demand Pae been brisk, and the market firmed 'up in consequence. The general supply of sheep le fair and prices are from 1c to lie higher' than they were, ' TORONTo, Jan. 9. -Market quiet. Wheat -Cars of white on the Northern quoted at 59o, with 18o bid, . and ears of red and white quoted at 57o on G. T. R., north and tweet freights ; holders of white asking 60o on 0,. P. R. west, and 6010 on the Midland ; holders of No. 1 Manitoba asking lo more for care west at 79e ; ears of No, 1 hard sold grinding in transit Sarnia at 88e. Flour -A car of Ontario patent sold at 32.90, Toronto freights ; elders asking $2.80 for straight roller, Toronto freighte. Barley -Round Iota of No. 1 east quoted at 44o to 45o ; care of No. 2 nominal at 40o outside. Oats - Care of mixed quoted at 270 to 2710, and. white at 2710 west ; pare of white on Northern quoted at 32o. Peas -Cars north and west quoted at 58o, and at 54o middle freights. ?Slit/IND./14D. ,8,84X (` Q. t C4X111)4, HEAD t1FFIOE. - TORONTO, ASSETS), s (Seven Million Dollars) 1;7,060,000 OAlaIT4L (Authorized) - - $2,000,000 4genctesin esilpadncipiuipoints in Ontario, Q Qaobea,.affinitaini,Uniteci States weEngland, Pdd P•4"e°JFi68 44'014 A General Banking B9ainess Traneaoted, Farmer's' Notes Dleaounted, Drat be limited and Colleetiope made on all points,. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Intei'eot allowed on depg110 of $1,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and 0einpounded half yearly, Omar, ATTENTION ewes TO TIM COMMOTION OF VA1itxnne' SALE NOTES, Every faoility afforded Customers living ata die berme. J. A,. STEWART MANAai E. GILLIdol$ eltifi da eb tLd,y DL•E.V'ICE11 B R U'S S ,ELS , •'. Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts.i3ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.' F,ARMBAS NOTES 'DISt.OUNTED. ' SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A BPEQIALTY Samaras Daae DHPaentavyr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months* of Ootober and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write Insurance in old English or Canadian Companies, or 1s*, llint. ual Corupanles us may be desired. AGENTS FOE CANADA AND UNITED STATES : Tan CANADIAN BANE OF CetltrltltOE. BAST BUFFALO, Jan. 9. Cattle- Reoeipts, 100 head ; matket steady, no very fancy on sale ; fair to choice fat cows, 52.25 to 53.25 ; light steers, $3.70 to $4 ; veal calves, $5.50 to 57. -Hogs - Receipts, 7,000 head ; market Blow, bat stronger Yorkers, $4.20 to 54.25, mostly: 54.20 ; good mixed, $4.30 to 54.85 ; good mediums, 54.85 to 54.45 ; good heavy, 54.50 to 54.65 ; roughs, 53,65 to 34; stags, 58 to 8.50S -Receipts of sheep and lambs to -day were 51 oars of sale ,stook. The market opened fairly steady with quite a number of choice fat lambs in offerings, but toward the close prices broke badly, closing 15 to 25 cents lower than yesterday's close, with 8 loads .of native snook and 6 loads of Oanadae un- sold. Early sales of Canada lambs at $4.75 to 34.90 and latest sales at 54.65 to $.4.75. A few lots of prime export Can- ada lambs, evetaging 110'pounde, sold at 55, but anything not extra ohoioe was. bard to sell. ' Prime Canada sheep closed at 58.65 to $3.90. Native stook, suffered the greatest decline ; best native lambs, 5,60 ; choice to export ewes sold at $8,35 to 58.65. Tbie through run is heavy, and probably the balance of this week will not show much improvement in prioes, but fancy fat lambs should. bring 5 cents nest' week if the weather conditions are favorable. :e3RT.7607 X.,S SXA22>:..CETS. Fall Wheat 54 Spring Wheat 54 Barley 36 Peas s;-., 53 Oats ,,.1 26 Buttes, tubs androlle 14 Eggs per dozen.,.,,..,., 14 Flour per barrel 8 00 Potatoes ...,., 30 Hay per ton ., 7 00 Salt per bbl., retail:.,... 1 00 Hideo trimmed Hides rough Sheep skins,; each Lamb skin each Apples per bbl ,. 1 25 Hoge, Live ..: , .. 8 50 Hogs, Dressed 4 75 8 2 20 15 56 56 40 54 28 15 00 8 50 00 00 00 2 40 40 1 26 3 75 4 80 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GIRL WANTED AT THE American Hotel to donpetair work. Apply at once. MILS. KOENIG. LOTH, CUT FOR A BOY'S 'coat, lost between the Queen's Hotel shed, 13 ruesele, end the 8rd, oon. of Grey, The Ender will kindly leave the same at TEE P osT Publishing House.. 1TTANTED.-400, LBS. TUR - VV nay and 400 lbs. Geese,- will pay :cents per lb. for turkeys and 0 cents per lb. for geese, tobe delivered 011 or before the. 19th of January. Fowl to be drawn and beads and feet off. A. STRACHAN, Brussels. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. 17 The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court room in the town. of Goderioh, on Tuesday, tbe,22nd day of Januaty,at8 o'oloeh p. m. W. LANE, CM, Clerk. Dated January 9th, 1805. WOOD WANTED. -.100 CORDS of.Green, Hard Stovewood-wanted for Oaeh. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, COMFORTABLE B.OUSE AND V lot for sale, in Bruesele.• For further particularsapply at. Tan Poem publishing STRAYED ON THE PREMISES 0 1 the undersigned, Lot. 20, Con. 12, Grey, in October,a ewelamb, quested Ownerisre- 'to prove property, pay expenses and take her timely, VALIENTINE FOF.RSTER, 28.4 Crunbrooly P. O. FARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC Atieno -The 100 acre farm belonging 10 the e e undersigned, being Lots, Don.e,Grey, will be offered for Bale on Tuesday,January. 221x1, on the premitee. Thorn are 85 acres cleared, 34 `mores of orebard,00mfortable house, good barn, end eelms eery outbuildings, Possession given at any time, $2,000 wanted down,balnnee may remain on mortgage at 5 per cent. For further particulars apply to JOHN MOD OUGALL, Proprietor, or 28-2 F, 8, 80OTT, Auctioneer. Annual Meeting. She Annual Meeting of the Brawls Drtvirg Park Association for the election of oi6ours, the receiving of the report of the Dire Mors for the past year and moll other Nis meas as may bo lawfully brought before the ,Meeting,will be 01011 at the American Hotelon Isoodayevening, January 22nd, 1805,' at 8 o'elcek, B, SOUTT. HOUSE AND SIX LOT'S FOR 'Salo or to rant, being the property North of the railway, belonging to James' Smart, For • particulars as to pride and Mims, apply to ' WM. AINLEY, 1041 . Amen t's Factory,Brueeele, TENDERS WILL BE RBCEIV. 1 nn by the undersigned up to Jan. 1500, for the carpenter work,and furnishing a fur - lowest or anymtennder not nresidence. cessarily poo )IPE ed. Plans and specifications may be seen by applying to JOHN OUTT, Lot 5, Con. 1, Grey, Jamestown P. 0. I8S OLIVER, Fashionable DreeeandMantle Matter, wishes to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and vioinity that elle: has resumed business again atter an ab'senee of over two years in Toronto. Your patronage solicited.. Prices Moderate. -, Residence, Turnberry street South, -4 Brussels Cheese Factory. ANNUAL. -MEETING. Tbe annual meeting of Brussels Cheese Factory Will be held in the Town Ball,drue. eels, on Saturday, January loth, at 2 p.m. The Auditors'report will be presented and arrangements made for another year's busi- ness. All who are interested are requested HARRIS attend. HARRIS & MOLAUCHLIN• 25.2 Proprietors. SAW GUMMING.=THE UN DEDSIoNED bas his emery grinder in or- der for gumming saws at J & P. Amont'e fac- tory where, he will bo pleased to attend to the requirements of the public, All sorts of edge tnole, oarfuliy ground and sharpened, Anything from a pen -knife to a broadaxe can be put in order in a work-man-]ike' m aoner. Charge always reasonable, D. STEWART. THRESHING OUTFITgg'FOR his A bel • Engine nand iSeparator, both in good working order. He will also dispose of hie shingle mill. Reasonfor selling, ill health. A bargain will be given. For further particulars as to price, terms, 10., apply M RICHARD MITCHELL,. fi•tf Lot 10, Con. it, Grey, or OranbrookP 0 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the East Huron Agricultural Souiety will be .held Yu the Town Ha11, Brussels, on Wednesday, Jan,18, .1805, ut 1:90 o'olock,aharp. For the pur oae' of receiving the Auditors' report, electing officers for the eneuiugyear and transacting such 'other business as may come before the m elating. 1IERe isoN, D. STEWART, President. Bearetary, HOWIOR FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00. Notice hereby given that the Annual meeting of the Howlett Mutual Fire Ineur- aneego. will beheld inthe Towuebip Hall, Gerrie, on Friday, January Mb, 1805, at1 o'alook p.m., for the ipurpose of receiving the annual report, the election of two directors and one :anditor,and the transaction of any other business deemed necessary for the: welfare of the company. All members are requested to. attend, W. S. MoKnnoann, J,tg,s E00411, Secretary. President. REAL ESTATE. TIARMS FOR SALE. -'THE UN- sale and to rent, easy berme good ownehipe of Morrie and Grey, F S. SOOTT,Bruseela. ARMFORSALE OR TO neem.--Tbe undersigned offers hie 180 acre farm, being Lots 12 and W 418, Oon. 5, Grey, for sole. Onthe premises is a nom fortmble brick house, new bank barn, good orchard, wells, fence!), &a. 150 acres cleared. balance bush. A bargain will be given. If not soldthe farm wig be rented for a term Di years. Pm further partioularsae to price terme, &o., apply to ROI3T, M0IiEL, Proprietor, 11.8 Gordo, P. 0,,. or to 3AM168 A. FRAIN , Brussels.. - Card of Thanks. To the Electors of Brussels i We beg tg sincerely thank you for the hearty support ac- corded us at the recent Public School Trustee election, and we trust that your renewed declara- tion of confidence will be found to be justified by our actions on the 73oard during the additional terra of office to which you clave been pleased to elect us. Yours Respectfully, p y, ADAM REID, JOHN Ross, WM. aTtAHATI. ' ,cduac, Prices. 15sa'than (lost, IN order to olear out the balance of ole 4 we Holiday :-CO11n}o3d Toilhstl Cases thenext 52.00 for 3111,49 Celluloid Toilet Cases worth 51,75 for 51.24 ; Celluloid Shaving Setts, worth 52.50 for 91,78 ; Celluloid Sbavipg Setts, worth $2.25, for 51,581 Fine Plush Cuff end Collar Setts, words 51.25 for 70e. ; Beautiful Photo, Albums, 1500011 51:09 for 080. ; Beautiful Photo. Frames*, worth 25o. eaoh for 80e. per pair; Beautifpi Plush Manicure, worth $5.50 for 54,19. Odor Oases, •Jewel Cases, Gonte' Oompanioue, &o„ in same proper - tion. These prions are for the next 4 weeks only so now is your ohahco to buy a nice cheap birthday present at Fox's l;ru Store, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Bolioitorand Oonveyaaeer. Collec- tions made. OIIiee-Vanetene'e Block, Brue • eels. 21 -Sm YVM. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, llonvoyaneer,NotaryPub• lio, dee, Dillon-'vauetooe's Bleak, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, . Solicitor, F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Bao. pato 01 Darrow& Prondloot's Office, Goderioh,) Office. over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL. )1.D NTXaST: M. CAVANAGH, L- LL S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- veretty, OFFI0a-Oyer A. R, Smith's Store, Brusse,s, Will visit Wroxeter the let .and 8rd Mondays and Blyth the 201 and 4th Wedneedaye of each month, DR. 'DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental' Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a epeaialtyp Moder- al Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Once' over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry 8t,, Brus- sels,. VETERINARY. T D. WARWI0K, tl • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all Moues of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge d'urnilerry at., Brussels.' H. MOORE, V. S.,' H.M.,V-M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animale treated ou seientiflo principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a epeeialby.- Galla promptly attended to, Office, 'over Jobnaton & Coda - mare's marble works. Infirmary at Beattlo's livery barn, Brussels ,Oat. 26- IEfiEDICAL CARDS. JA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0. M., L. R. 0.P., `Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont. Residence and - office in Wileon'e Block, corner of Mill. and Tmmberry Ste.- T 11. ARMSTRONG,M. D. tJ • Pbyeioian, Surgeon, A000uober, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Phyeleiaae and Burgeons, Ont. GFFIOE-Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont.. BUSINESS CARDS. V Y • H. MoORAOKEN, Insurer ofillarriageLiceneee, office Wale Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. TbN. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. M. McNay & Oo'e hardware store. Ladle§'and ohiidrene hair eluting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE,. FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. TTLLINGTON MUTUAL IN- annANOE Oo, Established 1840, In- surances eifeoted on all. Town and Farm Property at very low rotes. J. A, CREIGHTON, 15.8m Agent, Brussels. A LEX. HUNTER, . Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Tneuranoe Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Collections made Office in 8male'e B look, Brussels. lt/rISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Tauter of instrumental 'nude on Piano or Organ. Will visit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of soh week. Rest dance on Princess Street, Brussels. TA. HAWKINS, M. C. S. M. • Organist In St. John's Church Brus.- eels and pupil, in the Art of. Teaching of A. W.'1'hayer,Mus ,Dom, New York, will give lessons to pupils either on piano or organ,. at 1110p arl or over A.B. Smnth'oetore,Brue- eels. Voealleseonealso given. Terms mod- erate. AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, Xi.. Auctioneer, le always ready to at- tend ,ales of farmo,.farm stock, &e. Terme cheerfully given. Orapbrook P. 0. Salve may be arras* ed at Tan PoeT Publishing House, Brussel o, KIRKBY, Moused Auetioneer, Salon oon ad on reasonable terthe, harms and obneka specialty, Orders loft at Tan Pubic thing House,Bra gaols, or eentto P.O., will rseeive prompt attention, IAVING TAKEN OUT L L SE as an Au801005e to eondaot sales of term stook Iala) prisms]. Knowing the 'standing every person l am In a position good marks and get good mourn, f ou credit.. Satisfaction uarant pie aoall. 82- F 8, 8071/