HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-1-11, Page 5Ag. 1 i$95 DIST ICT N 5# 131114eavta i i, tl'ehn Monier ie home on it of , , ¢ir, Horden, druggist, of eft, Wes in town oil, Toeeday. ' klieg Widdovie, of St, ITherese, ie the jgaeet 0( 11011. Aft/Pherson, ifogn Jolinston, of Goderlobi was giv. in's the town a living visit, Mre. Ailioen, of 1Nioghein, WI<e visiting Mrs, John lloDouald on Tuesday.. ,Annie Stowe ilea gone to Goderieb for few weeks to visit her eiater, Mrs. Salts, Mies Baxter, who has been visiting at Aire, Stewe'o for the poet three weeks, returned to her home on Tuesday, Li MtO W es II. At Gnnther'e prize drawing No. 119 held by George Klapp, drew the fleet ptizo-a gold watch. The second prize, a music box, 'wag drawn by No, 118; Of the suooesofui Modelitee from the Listowei High Sonora!, the following have enured positions as teachers ;-Percy Feld, at Haysvilie; Mies Clare Iloadard, 01Floradale ; Mies Lily Forbes, Ord line Maryboeough ; 1111a Jennie Armstrong, at Grand Valley ; John MoOutoheon, at ¶'rales ; Frank, Ballard, in Grey town. ship. 0. 0. 1'. -The following are the alone elected for the ensuing term in Court Royal Oak, No. 26, 0, 0. F.: --D. Wild. fang, P. C. R. ; John Torrance, 0. R, ;. J. A. Tremain, V. 0. R. Hy. Willough- by, Chap. ; R. T. Kemp, Ree. -Soo. ; G. H. Edgoombe, Fin. -Seo, ; Jas. Lee, Treasurer ; Sidford Tatham, S. W. ; W. H. Gardiner, J. W. ; Jas. Martin, S. B. ; Jas. Evans, J. B. MAeonro.-Following officers were elected for the ensuing term ;-M. MoD. Fleming, 1. P. M • B. F. Brooks, W M.; H. B. Morphs 8.W. ; Wm. Irwin, J. W ; Rev. A. Stevenson, Chaplain J. Foster, Seeretaty ; J. Happier, Treas. ; F. Rogers, 8. D ; F. R. Blewitt, J. D, ; G. H. Edgoombe, L G. ; B. B. "Barna, D. 000, ; T. M. Ballantyne and. James. Torrance, stewards ; J. Seaburger, Ty- ler. yler. Walton. Lilino McLeod is on the oink list. Mise Govenlook is 'visiting at the Methodist parsonage. $1.00 in advance will get Tam PosT for 1805. Subscribe now. o Joe Cumberland and Jae. Humphries Suhdajed in Wawanosh, Miss Bella McKibben is borne from Toronto for her holidays. The Royal Hotel has been sold, Geo. MoKinn being the purchaser. Rev. T. W. Coons has been indisposed this week from a sire throat. Daniel Johnston, who has been spend. Ng his holidays under the parental roof, • returned Wednesday to pursue hie studies at Knox College, Toronto. William Pollard, 18th con., McXillop, has pnrobased the McKim property, be. log 87f acres lying between the par• chaser's two Iota.^Floe price was $2,050. This gives Mr. Pollaid 175 acres now. 0. 0. F. -At the regular meeting of Court Walton, No. 172,0. 0. F., on 29th alt., the following officers were eleoted : C. R•, J. M. Armstrong, M., D. ; P. 0. R., Geo. Smith; V. C. R., John Bennet; Fin. -Seo., Jno. A. 1VioDone.ld ; 000, -Sao., R. Campbell ; Treas., A. Moauaig ; Chap. W. M. Swallow ; Sr. W., Joe Ben - ;,Jr. W., D. Johnston; Sr. B., Hy. Homey; Jr. B„ John MaArter ; Phyei• Dian, J. M. Armstrong. Nnw YEAa'e Tit -The' Methodize Sabbath school entertainment was held on New Year's evening and was a deoid. ed stones[. Superintendent Pollard took the ohair at 7:30 and an interesting pro- gram of reoitatione, dialogues, music,. &s., was presented. Dr. Armstrong and. Rev. Mr. Ooaene gave suitable addressee. The tree was unloaded by Santa Claus, every alild receiving 4 -present. Sarah 1,' Driscoll and Getty Rollins received re• wards for teenier attendance, having .1 been present every Sabbath daring the peat year. Proceeds amounted to $19.00, fR. which .was good considering that the pupils were admitted free. The annual meeting of the Sabbath school was held on the Thursday evening following, when all the officers and teaobere were re- elected. Atwood. It is said that R. M. Ballantyne is about to purchase the furniture business from William Forrest, and devote hie at. tension in the future to that lineof buef- nee6. J. A. Klump took a caul from the stomach of a heave that weighed 47 pounds. A beast must be well fattened to weigh 27 pounds and exceedingly' well fattened to weigh 47 pounds. W. R. Erskine has eurobond Mrs. Johnston's nook of dry geode, and grocer. les, and oleo the balding from R. M. Bsllantyne'for 91,200, and will take pos- session in the course of two or three weeks. Having disposed of all be busi- neee intonate in Atwood, Mro, Johnston will return to England, her former home, nest Spring. ANNnnn 11iswxu,-The annual dinner of the pioneers of the 11th eon. of Blma was given on December 6111 at the reel. - donee of John Little. At 7, p. m, a bountiful repast was served up by Mae. Little and her daughter. To this re- past seven genblombn applied their . gas. tronomival abilities with marked success. Sit of those who partook of the hospital- ity of Mrs. Little were pioneers, Masers, Otuden, Lawrenoe, Little, Love, Rioh• mond, the seventh, Mr. Brooke, of Fullerton, being present es to gueet of the host, After full justice had been done to thegood things ppovided, the friends adjourned to the parlor and spent the remainder of the evening in eooial aonverae, ate. Ilfrs, Little in her usual pleasant spirit of eooiability, had melted several of her young Maude to be present and thee° young ladies and gentlemen contributed in 00 small degree to the entertainment of the evening by giving choke selections of vooai and instrument- al mesio. Their efforte were highly appreciated by the pioneere, the mantel.. are being repeatedly enoored. Al 12 o'• aleck an elegant oyster supper was env. ed, to which all the guests present did ample justice. After epending a pleas. ant evening, during wbieh taloa of thril- ling interest were told by the several pioneers present, a hearty vote of ,thanks was tendered to the host and hostess and a pleasant evening was brought to a' °lose by singing "Auld Lang Syne." The next annnal dinner will he given at, the toeideuoo of Mr, Dungatt (7 e'aatitbf'rtolc.. J W. Knight, of London, is home en a visit The night sohool has re -opened after the vacation. Skating is the chief attraction with the young of our village, Mies Florence Hueter, of Bruoeele, Is visiting her grandaroma. Mrs, Traver, of Stratford, 10 vieiting her mother, Mre, Jos. Knight, Mies Maggie Robertson, of Paisley, ie renewing aoqquaintanoee in this vioiriity, Dominion' Vetere' hist Court will be held next Thursday forenoon, at 0'a. m,, in Elie place. Preparations for the ereotion of the new school house have begun as the eon: tractors are busy banding the material to the lob. Tho Epworth League of Quiotian Ba- der/Nor was led last Tuesday evening by Messrs. Wynn and Knight, and all pre')• ent went away highly pleased with the addressee given. Y, P. 8. C. E. -A [moiety of Ohrietian Endeavor has been organized in connec- tion with Knox church. The following officers wore elected for the coming term;' -Hon. Pres., Rev. D. B. McRae ; Pres- ident, Wm. Cameron ; Vine -President, Mina Mary Ritchie ; Ree.-Seoaetar Mee Etta McNair ; Treasurer, Miss Maggie Reymann. The society hold their meet. ings on Sunday evening, Milne $1.00 in advance will get Tire Posen for 1895. ,Subscribe now. Oonnoillor Lindsay will represent Ethel in the new Council for 1895, Dominion Vetere' List Court • wilt be held here on Friday of next week, com- mencing at 9 a. m. Ben. Davies spent a few days in this vicinity. Re has been with J. T. Pepper, druggist, of Woodstock. • Fred. Laird returned on Monday to Detroit to continue the study of medicine at the Detroit Medical College. Eleotionreburne were received at the Township Hall on ` Monday night. We expect to bear good :reports of Mr. Lindsay's ability in the Council. Mr. Kleiuscbot has ,moved into the house owned by Mr. Diemet, near the station. D. Balmier moved into hie re• cantly purohaeed residence this week. School re•o erred on Thursday of last. P Y week with Prinoipel Dobson and Miss Stephenson in charge. These teachers have now entered upon their third year in this school. Andrew Eokmier, atter an absence of five years in the 'state of Washington, re- turned borne last week. He looks well and Uncle Sam's domains seem to have agreed with him. Dian. -Mrs. Charles Rose departed this life on Friday of last week, at the early age of 28 years, 8 months and 18 days. She had been ailing for some time, which illness she patiently bore. The funeral took place on Saturday, the interment being made at Brussels came. tery. Rev. D. 13. Meli;ne oonduoted the service. DEnuTE.-An interesting and well eon. tesled debate was held in oonneation will. the Epworth League last Monday evening. The subject wee "Resolved that the Prophet Elijah was greater than Elieha." For the affirmative Mies Doherty and Robb. MoKay presented an excellent ease, while the negative was well looked after by Mies Holloway and ' Sam'l. Ohambere. Rev. Mr. Kellington °coupled the chair very satisfactorily. A good program of music, recitations and readings was also given daring the evening. G c• ea. •••• The new Council will assume office on the 21st. $1.00 inadvanoe will get Tun Pon for 1896. Subscribe now. Mrs. McIntosh, of Michigan, was visit- ing relatives in this township. Mice McDougall, who has been in Da- kota for the past five months is here on a visit. Miss Maggie Taylor, of Wardeville, is the guest of Mrs. James MoNair, 15th cod. Jas. Edwards and slater, of Chicago, were visiting at 0. Hutchinson's last week. Mies Martha Smith is visiting her eie• ter, Mrs. James Brown, of the Star Mills. Rev. E. V. Smith has returned to Col.. lingwcod Collegiate and W. A. to College at Montreal. Mrs. Cuthbert Hutchinson and child - ran are visiting relatives and friends in Goderich and vicinity. Jno. Stewart, mason, 16th eon., who hae been 111 for some time, is not lin- proving muoh in health. Joseph Whitfield made a big ran for a new man in the municipal' race seat Mon- day, securing on•day,securing 211 votes. Revival eervioes ere being held at Roe's ohsroh,'8rd lino, by the pastors, Revds. Waddell and Keilington, Mies Lizzie Ellie was "home for a few weeks from Goderiob visiting her parents and attending her sister's wedding, Dougald MoTnggart was elected True• tee in 8. 8, No. 8 as suooeaeor . to Alex. Brown. Neil MoTagoart was awarded the wood centred. Jno. Oliver has given up the Jno, Sam- ple farm he bad rented and it has been leased to Moses Doll, of Wallace, who will take poseeeeion this month, Robert Work, of Dalton, 1 enjoying a holiday visit with relatives .and friedda in this locality. He bee hum in the West for a number of years and has been pros pared there. Fanny GATnonlso.--On NOW Year's day a family 'rs .inion wile held at the bomavof Oliphant Smith, 6th con., where anenjoyable time was spent. There were font generations represented, the old people being Mae. ,MoVey, aged 66 years, and Mr. Ireland, 86 years of age, and the youugeet was the infant. son of the boat and boetese, Mre. Oliver Smith, the great.graudmother, is 80 years of age and enjoying good health. 'Mr, Smibh died 10 years ago. ' TEAouEn, IINanc0n. Tho Trustee Board of Shine'e school have engaged W. H. Stewart, of Bluevale ae successor to Jae, Moore, resigned, Theta were 80 applicants, the 501801ee asked ranging from $876 to $420. Mr, Stewart is an experienced teacher holding a let elan aertiflcate, and las had splendid encoase in hie work. Ile will re00iVe 9420 per annum. S011o01 re.opene ou Monday of next week,' THE I3RUSSA+:J4S P'QST ma14,poi mrm v.zrus..,, J, Dried otnd bride left for their home in Saw Paw, Michigan, lent hfondty. Kano -ea Wonnene;-•'Phe fifth annual meeting oe the King's Worker') Seeieby woe held at Lower Grange reeidence, off Thursday, the pa int., when the foliose ing ooere were elected for the year President, Mise M P, Mltnbell Vies Pres, Mre, Giaesler Treasurer Afro, Calder; Steeord,ng-Secretary, Miss An- nie MoLttchiin ; Oorreeporidhtg•Seere.• tory, Miss B, Bon, Onrr.-A.9 the Bun was Betting in the evening of New Year's day the epirlt of Jennie MaNair, daughter of las, McNair, 10th oon„ took its flight. She tools ill in Toronto, in whiol oity she bad rodded for the previous six years, lash August aua for a time was in the General Respi- te!, but acme home on the 16th of Oot, Her strength gradually failed and her dieease-quick consumption -+soon did its work, During the menthe of her illness she never complained and found great comfort in. the Christian faith. The deceased wee a consistent member of the Presbyterien church for many years, The funeral was very largely at- tended, 76 riga being wanted in the pro• oeseio0. Rev. D. 13, Molten, of Oran - brook, eondnobed the service, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.!' Reeve„ T. Straohan ; lst DepatyReeve, A. Hislop ; 2nd DeputyReeve, Jas. Turnbull, all by aoolamation. The fol. lowing was the vote for. Councillors on election day ;- >' m e en vin • m `q e S wPi a M rA Es Division. No. 1 .. 26 16 12 17 8 10. No. 2 8 81 5 25 11 S No. 3 -_, 25 4 5 44 78 10 No.4 14 2 6 28 23 78 No. 5 47 8 90 2 41 Nob 107 1 91 10 3' 8 No 7 12 20 '25 48 40 61 Totals .... 239 112 284 169 153.211 Messrs. Brown and Lindsay were sleet. ed. The former was a member of the Oonnoil for several years before and made agood Councillor. Siolrri a: 91.00_ in advance will •get Tan POST for 1895. Subscribe now. Wm. Miohie has already an addition of five oalvea to hie herd of cattle. Mise Kate Swift, of Stratford, ie visit- ing at Thos. Russell's thie week. Mrs. Bloomfield is away at Owen Sound visiting her eon and daughter. John Mille, of Auburn, was visiting at Wm. Midge's on Tneedayof.this week. Mise Lizzie Michie is staying with her graudparente,in Turnberry for the win - Bennet Farrow, 8rd line, left for, Or. angeville on Tuesday to look up a situ• ati0n. Mr. Stroud, of Lnoknow,• is staying with his daughter, Mrs. John Johnston, at present. Revival services are in progress at the Jackson church, being oonduoted by Rev. Mr. Buggin, Robertson Farrow, of Ashfield town• ship, is visiting his brother, Willows Farrow, this week. John Johnetou, who has been sick for over a year with spinal disease, is, we are sorry to say, gradually sinking. Jamee Proctor, who has been ill for some time, does not improve needy so fast as bis friends would desire. Revival services are being held in Johnston's church by Masers. Viner and Biddingefleld. We wieh them Buenas. Charles Fraser, who hae been spending hie vacation at home, returned to Toron• to the week, to resume hie studies at the University. John Campbell, of the West gravel road, has a large quantity of brick al- ready on the ground for hie new dwelling to be ereoted next summer. Judging from the attendanoe at the an- nual meeting of Knox church, Belgrave, on Tuesday last there isnotmuch inter- est taken in ohnroh matters. Frank A. Wood, of Hensel], spent hie Christmas holidays at Mr. Rameay'e on the let con. It seems there is still a little magnetism which draws Frank to this locally. Poor Fnozan,-Jamee Johnston, eon of G. Johnston, of McKinley, Minnesota, had hie foot frozen in the lumber camp, on Deo. 271b, and is likely to be laid up the moat of the Winter. Jas. Tbyne, of the Ord line, and Miss Annie Oink, of the 5th line, were united in marriage at Belgrave, by Rev. J. H. Dyke, on New Year's day. May their fottire be happy and prosperoae. James Span disposed of a fine short horn bull, 3 years of age to his brothers Allan and John. The animal was a let prize winner' four times out of five times'- exhibited. He was bred by Alcott Broe., Tuckeremith township. . Mr.. Speir has two belle left yet in his herd. Francs Baines has leased his farm to A. G. °Broom for a term of years, in the hope of regaining his health, whioh has been poor of late. Mr. Baines will bold an auction sale on Thursday of nexb week. He and hie good lady will continue to reside on the farm. DM)-Earlylast Sabbath morning Charles, youngest eon of Jelin Skelton, 8th line, passed away after a brief illness at the early age of. 16 years. Deoeased had never been in very robust health, but hemmorrhage sot in speedily followed by death, The funeral took place on Mon• day afternoon, Rev. Geo. Buggin con- ducting the service. Von Arraxrtvs.-A certain young man belonging to this township, who by the way has allowed hie affections to oentre upon -a certain young ltdy, happened to be visaing by the cottage wherein, dwells the pride of hie bears, with a load of wood, and no doubt thinking that a few kind words and a fond embrace from his sweetheart would suffice to oheer and strengthen him on his way, heacoording- ly left hie team and load on the road while he went in pursuit of his desire within, afterwards proceeding on his way rejoining. We pride minden in attn. fleeting to business but we confess our inability 3o Dope in this respect with some of the young men on the 011 line. James Comae has been again nomi- nated hi West Algoma. Henry Ronne, of Rogersville, 'awl. gently had not much faith in 'Janke as he kept his money 111 0. glass jar itt a eup. board under the stairs. Re left the. hoaae alone and without any apparent dietnrbanoe of the door and window fastenings some one stole the money, 0160 in gold end 6350 in bank notes. •00 01000 r axi •�saaa�u Izu.oA oq, eq, ram qi 'ling pug ztioR 1,SUr u nova 310011IS aRV0Z 001 -FDRIOD S'Ji\1I1I► HILL III1S 011 S' DIM !&0o llt� SQC®-D X' TQ '`cIOl3 '3SfoH O1 fldJVD 03 tL'lllOfl T QIft SDN®rIaSaDVcTS SIM 9.14 . . IT IS World Knowing THAT A Tourist - Car LEAVES. TORONTO Every WEDNESDAY AT 7;50 P. M. For CHICAGO, connecting directly with Through Care for Southern Cali- fornia every FRIDAY ATW. For the PACIFIC COAST via North, Bay. Read "Winr 18 a TounisT CAB," Free on Application to any Agent. T. FARROW, AGENT, BRUSSELS. Burns' Anniversary. Third Grand Annual CONCERT -Under the Auspices of the - Soles of Scotland. TOWN HALL Thursday, BRUSSELS, ,Tai,, 21 The following Talent will take part :- MRS. McARTHUR, - Scotch Vocalist of Hamilton, J. H. CAMERON, - Enmorist and of Toronto. Elocutionist MISS GRACE MoFAUL, Soprano of Seaforth. DR. CAMPBELL, Ralf hour's talk of Soaforth. tvith Burne Tho Bast Tat. -- Don't Mics bt For particulars 800 small bilis, ?',th. i•0F HALL AT FOX'S D1tD STOIOB, THE ONE CASH STORf, GROCERIES, I am now selling 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 26 lbs. Bright Yellow Sugar for $1 ; 4 lbs. No. 1 Currants for 25c ; 4 lbs. No. 1 Raisins for 25c ; 25 lbs. Rice for $1, and everything else in Grocery Line Accordingly. Boots & ShoesI have a very fine stook of Boots and Shoes, from the t Best Makers, at Lowest Prices. DRY GOODS.tonade I commenmade, cefor25Dreso.s Ga oodsd at 5e.myrna ; East BlaCot- yar; Sn- kets only $1.00 a pair ; Grey Cotton from 4c. a yard up ; Men's Gaps, 20c. up ; Best Cotton and Prints in Bee stole for 10c, a yard ; 20e, Sateen Print for 15o. IN HARDWARE I oarry everything that a fanner needs. Here are a few snaps :-Clop- per Tea Kettle, only $1.25 ; Copper Tea Kettle, Nickeled, only 91.50; Royal Tin Tea Kettle, copper bottom only, 75o. I also brave the best Washing Machine in the Market, and at a Lovr Price. My Customers clan depend on my Hardware being lower th,•n yon can buy anywhere else. TEEMS -CASH OR TRADE. Butter 16a., Eggs 15c. Jin Hs THOMSON, H Hi\TF�-5z-iv. WE ARE Ainterm STIP L ALIVE -SIN THE PHOTO. LINE We are second to none and intend to keep up to date.. Wo can make Photos. any size you want them from the Sunbeam to the Life Size Photo. Copying Pictures is done on the shortest Notice, making then any size you wish. We are prepared to enlarge any Photo. to Life Size in Crayon, India, Ink or Cioloro& In the most Artistic Manner. All our work is from Finely Finished Negatives, is of the Best and: Latest Styles, and is Warranted First- class. No Photos. made that are not satisfactory. Give us a call. Always welcome at the old Reliable Photo, Studio. .Gallery over Standard Bank, .Brussels. H. R. a Be !, EWE , Photo Artist.