HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-1-11, Page 44 T11E BR SSS' LS POST Notice to Reformers. 411 Reformers of Brussels, Grey and Morris who have received from 17, L. Dfokinsen, or other party, notice el ap, plieatlon to atriite their names from the 'Vetere' List are requested to call on F. S. Soots or G, F. Blair, Brussels, without delay, where information as to the neoes. eery qualifioatioq will be given them, W. H. KERB, Secretary, New Advertisements, 1896—f. Gould & Co. Local—H. L. Jackson. Wanted—A. Straohan. Looals—H.'13r. Brewer. Looale—Dr. J. C. Ayer, At Oost—Pon:Booketore. Still Alive—H. R. Brewer. Girl Wanted—Mrs, Koenig. Cash Store— J. H. Thomson. Reduced Prices—James Fox. Annual Meeting—F. S. Scott. Lost—Poor Publishing House. Special Bargains -A, Straohan. Farm for Sale—John McDougall. Huron Ooanty Oounoii-W. Lane. Notice to Reformers -W. H. Kerr. Before Stook Taking—Smith & Mo - Laren. 1Itt n:ntsst1:a Moss, FRIDAY, JAN. 4, 1895. interests of the school. To attempt 2nd olaoo Work would net be Wiso nor is there ,giy necessity for it as the oa rdidat es, who tools 3rd class certificates last Summer• have been and aro now attending neigh. boring 9pllegiateo, The Truancy law ie not enforced striotly enough. There are several oases Where the law was not eons. plied with during 1894.This is a dint, cult part of school law machinery to run but in a land where oohool advantages are so freely offered those who are so careless me to neglect their duty to their children should be compelled to give them an education, Duren Muirswnw o1" AOAIOULTQJE JAMES proposes a very practical idea regarding the retaining of the good name Canadians have earned for fruit . shipments. He suggests that every man selling or smok- ing it bo compelled to put his name and address on eaoh package, thereby enabl- ing it to be traced hack to the first party in of fraud, or if satisfactory to give. the purchaser the opportunity of cor- respondence for other ordure. It ie a good idea and one that should be put in practice. Tam Toronto World, whose editor is an M. P., says the Dominion elections will be bald as soon as the new voters' lists are ready. QUITE a number of Patron candidates will be in the field in the forthcoming Federal eleotion. The N. P. pinches the farmer as well se the villager. LAsx year Mayor Kennedy, of Toronto, defeated Mr.. Fleming by 4,500 votes but in the contest this year the majority was reduced to 45. Just the two 00 off, that's all. It was quite a toboggan though. BYE ELECTIONS will shortly be held in Algoma, Kingston and Haldimand con- stituencies in connection with the On- tario Legislature. The Liberal candi- dates will be Messrs. Oonmee, Harty and Baxter, respectively. TILE Grand Old Man, Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, has celebrated his 85811 birthday, and on that occasion was the recipient of many congratulations, by.post and wire, as well as birthday presents from his friends. Mr. Gladstone is e marvel for his years. Tan Pon has much pleasure in nomin- ating Arch. MoMurchie, Reeve ofClfnton, for the Warden's chair in the year 1895. Mr. McMurohie is an old and worthy member who has rendered excellent ser- vice as a Co. Councillor and the Warden - ship is an honor be is wellldeserving of. Pnsilmu BownaL's illness at Halifax prohibited him from attendance at Sir John Thompson's funeral, and he return. ed home with as little delay as possible. Mr. BowelPs health has been somewhat impaired for quite a while, and as he is past his 71st birthday it will not be a surprise to know of failing powers, both mental and physical. The many cares and responsibilities borne by the Premier of this Dominion needs all the vigor of early manhood rather than the declining energies of old age. Atrono the Reeves who will be missed from the County Council this year will be the tall, athletic Griffin, of Ashfield ; the jocular Taylor of East Wawanosh ; the painstaking Milne, of Grey ; and the indomitable worker Proudfoot, of Gode- rich. With these Deputy Reeves Oliver, Dames, Bissett and a few others are missing also some of the "boys" will be rather lonesome for a time. Piurn.L Special Value in PLAIN and FANCY GLOVSS and HOSE Something sure to please in DRESS GOODS Our Granary Naked Contains a large stock of. Choice fresh Goods which cannot fail to suit the public. A SPECIALTY MACE OF PURE TEAS AND SPICES. We ask an inspection of our Stock and Prices. J31vth. We are sorry to hear that the wife of Jas. MoGee is indisposed at present. Mise Habkirk returned from Seafortb on Saturday where she has beau spend- ing her holidays. On Monday Mre. Sarah Foy returned to St. Agatha, Waterloo ooanty, to take charge of her Bohoof. On Friday evening onr band serenaded at the houses of the different aspirants for municipal Honors. Mise Moffatt returned to Chatham on New Year's day, to take charge of her position as teaoher in the Business Col- lege. ELECTION.—On Monday a well contest. ed eleotion was held in Industry Hall for municipal honors for 1895. At the close of the poll the following was the results :—Reeve, N. H. Young, 127 ; Reeve, F. Metcalf, 94 ; Counoillore, T. Ashberry, 125 ; W. Campbell, 124 ; Jas. McGee, 145 ; • Alex. McKenzie, 146 Andrew McNally, 155. In the evening the elected Reeve and Counoillore were drawn around town headed by the band. When they got to the square, speeches were made. THE Toronto Globe has given another exhibition of the energy which has char. acterized its managers for many years. Last Sabbath morning the Globe building was destroyed by fire, carrying away everything in the shape of type, type- setting maohines, presses, &o., yet on Monday morning, bright and early, a pa- per was issued as usual that would com- pare very favorably with the best city daily. The work was done in the office of the Empire, whose manager kindly placed it at the disposal of the Globe. Although the loss will be very heavy the Directors have all their plans arranged for a better outfit than ever for the pro. duction of the best daily and weekly in the Dominion. The people of Canada should be proud of the Globe and its able staff. Wime Harte. Jae. A. Cline & Co. have decided to adopt the oaeh system and in future will sell for cash only. W. F. Brookenshire has purchased the briok residence of Neil MoGregor, ou Franoie'street, at a fair price. Tnn STANn.-At the annual meeting of Wingham Curling Clab the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz.:—President, John Naelands ; Vfca- President, J. R. Macdonald ; Seo.-Treas., R. Venetone ; Committee of Manage- ment, E. L. Dickinson, Chas. Koeohtel and John Nichol. LmrnAL MEETING.—Arrangements are being completed for the Liberal meeting to bo held in Wingham this month. 1t is expected that it will be held about the 21st or 22nd inst.. The speakers will be Wm. Patterson, M. P., of Brant, one of the beet speakers in the Liberal ranks to- day ; Jas. McMullen, M. P., of Mt. Forest, an eloquent debater, and Dr. Macdonald, M. P. At the last regular meeting of Olivette lodge, No. 34, Daughters of Rebekah, I. 0. 0. F., the following officers were in- stalled for the current terns ;—N. G., Mrs. Sheffield ; V. G., tate Groves ; R. 8., Millie Robertson ; P. S., Mrs. Tipling ; Treas., Mrs. Brokenehire ; Warden, Mrs. N. MoGregor ; Con., Mrs. R. Green ; R. S. N. G., Mrs. W. Hough ; S. S. N. G., Litre. R. Mobtath ; R. 8. V. G., Emma Beck ; S. 8. V. G., J. Groves; I. G.,Mary Hunt ; 0. G., Amos Tipling. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church, Wingham, on Sab- bath, Jan. 13th, 1865. Rev. M. W. Gifford, Ph. D,, of the Detroit Conference, Michigan, and brother of the pastor of the church here, will preaoh both morn- ing and evening, and deliver n lecture on the following Monday evening. Dr. Gif. ford, is the author of several works, in- cluding a volume of sermons entitled, "Laws of the Soul," and is one of the most papular preachers in the Detroit conference. 0. 0. F.—At the meeting of Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term 0. R., D. Small ; V. C. R., H B. Elliott R. S., T. J. McLean; F. S D. M. Gordon; Treas., S. Gracey ; Chap., J. Nealande ; Wm. Stapleton ; J. W., Wm. Gray ; S. B., J. J. Kerr ; J. B., F. H. Roderus ; Examining Physicians, Drs, J. E. Tam. lyn, W. B. Towler, P. Macdonald, T. Chisholm, J. P. Kennedy. e In Aylmer there are 120 widows and spinsters entitled to exercise their franchise at the municipal elections. The village trustees of Otterville voted themselves each 525 as a renumeration for their services during the year. The Ontario Government intends making some extensive improvements at the Rood Dan Park. Men with port. able mills will be put at work sawing lumber for a now house for the, ranger. A dook will be constructed, pavilions for dancing, eto.; and a general cleaning up of the grounds begun. Robert Watt, a son of R. L. Watt, was found dead in the stable near Kincardine on Friday evening, about 6 o'clook. He bad been attending to the duffle and hod everything ib order for the night and wse apparently about to return to the house when he was stricken. .Mr. Watt was 82 years of ago. Heart disease is supposed to nava been the pause of death. Now that the School Board is once more settled for another year it would be well for them to relieve the minds of a number of parents on a few questions of special interest to them. let, In refer- ence to Third Class Teacher's work being continued in the school. Every Trustee may have his mind made up on this sub- ject but the public is not always aware of their opinions, and as their are some 15 or 16 resident pupils taking up this work at the present time it has a strong local bearing. We have not heard a member of the Board object to the Principal con. tinning this class nor would it be wise for them to do so, in our opinion, as that world place our school on a lower grade than any of the village schools around us, or in fact numerous rural sehools, in addition to largely increased expense to parents or guardians. 2nd, Tho non. resident pupils. The fees paid are said to be small but in some schools we know of otttsidors are charged the average cost per pnpil and thereby contribute the same amount as the resident pupil. The rate- payers aro not favorable to the opening of n 5th room, at lout under existing oir. cumstances, but the Trustees are pledged to do their very best in advancing the J. G. SKENE. sishionable T Tailoring 1' J. M'BAIN Is the man you should get to make your SUIT, OVERCOAT or TROUSERS. Nowa-days a garment should combine Correctness of Style, Perfect Fit, Good Workmanship, Aad Moderate Cost. You will find these Qualities. in Patronizing J. McBAIN, Next door to THE Poss, BRUSSELS. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR CASH IN ALL LINES OF WOOLEN GOODS. CLOTHING A. STRACHAN'SI i► oorrs ,A. N :x7 1 All the rrm est Brands Ate-= Very Cheap. Before Sioct Talill We will sell all winter Goods at 20 & 25 per cent. discount The very fine Fall and Winter has left us a big stock of heavy goods. Now the Low Prices must move. Boys', Men's and Children's Overcoats Men's, Children's and Boy's Suits Furs, Caps, Mitts, Gloves, Blankets and Wool Underclothing, Felt Boots, Long Boots, Boots all kinds, and Overshoes. Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths & Flannels Gloves, Hosiery and Wool Shawls. WE' WAR $2,500 BUM STOCK TAKING. We start this sale knowing that we will lose money, but goods will not pay our bills and we mean to get the money by offering special inducements in all Departments for rash. Special line in Velveteen. Eight different shades for 25c, worth 40o. Come in and compare prices and get your share of our loss. SMulli & McLareu1 Call and Examine our Stook and' Compare Prices. Wo will be pleased to show you the Goods. We have a man to attend to all REPAIRING IN Boots, Shoes and'tubber Goods, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. REPS SEWN FREE OF CHARGE. IN OUR HARNESS LINE We will be found, as in the past. to be fully up to the times with a full stook . of Light and Heavy Harness, the best that gold Workmanship and good Material can produce. Robes, Blankets, Bells, and everything to be found in a first-class Harness Shop, and all sold at Right Prices.. Repairs attended to Promptly as in the past. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. !, C. Richards. �HOGG, „Dc FURNITURE DEALE Is Showing in his New Premises, Opposite rE inerican Iiotol A Full Stock ofr,1;� All T finds of tli Parlor, Dinil,g Room, Bed Room or Kitchen. Picture'Tramin. attended t� on short notice. Undertaking Departmenti...11_., A Full Supply of Funeral Requisites Always in Stock, Special Attention given to Repairing. A CALL SOLICITED. — D. G. HOGG, Brussels. MeaaszonOrommemmescoarm AT COST Durinr January, To clear out our stock of Holiday Goods every line wile be sold at COST during the Month of January. Great Values in Albums, Toilet Cases, Books, &o. Boy's Knives from 5 cents up.. We want the Room' so Profits Must go, t� Post Bookstoi 331.ZUSSEI S.