HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1895-1-11, Page 3JAN, 11, 1$95 210773:11 Directory, *Lathan Qauiueu,•-•;3abbath eervfeea at it a m and 0180 p.m, Sunday $ehool at 2:80 p nt, Rev, Wolin Rosa, pastor, KNox Ongnan.—Sabbath fierviees at a m and 6130 p in. Sunday eobeel 2;30 p m. Rev. D, Millar, pastor. Si. Joan's Cnpnon.—Sabbath Servie laaoh with the bonnet a' bine, Tartan arta blaolceook feather ; And evory Piper woe fon, Twenty Pipers together, 11x'itSEufope 1 John ItinuoyY bee bought the fermi of Airs, Kinney, Being fiftyaoresan the 12th at non., for 02,400.Wm. Pollard has alio purobaeod Geo. Moliinnoy's plane, on the of18th con, It oontains 37l aoree, and was purchase4 for 62,000. Land eelle well in - Mo1:ii.ilop. Mise Campbell, who for the past two 0 years bun taught in school Section N. y 4, MgKihop, has tendered her resignation e- to the bootees and purposes furthering her studies at Toronto Normal school. h Before parting from her pupils Mise t Campbell was presented with a handsaw, , gift, viz. : A ladies' companion, a silver napkin ring, and a atm and sauoor, ao. 1 companied by an address whioh stated d that their relations se teacher and pupils t had been of the most kindly nature, and that they would wish that pleasant mem• y Dries of their happy associations should always exist. That their teacher might re have some token' of their appreointion of her earnest efforts to advance them in• d telleotually, as well as by her example and precept, they asked her to accept theta small gifts, and they hoped that a kind Providence might guide, prosper s and bless her in all her future' under- ' takings. at 11 a In and 7 p m, Sanaa), Soboo at 2;80 p. mMinn. Rey. W. G. Reilly, bent, Mntenonnia Quenon,. --Sabbath Saralee at 10180 e. m and 6;80 p in, (3unda sobool as 2:30 p m. Rev. G. I3. Coffindick, M A, B 0, pastor, ROMAN OATuoLro Qnuno]l, 13abbat Servica third Sunday in every month, e 10:30 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy priest, SALVATION ARMY.—service at 7 and 1 a m' and 8 and p m on Sunday an every opining in the week at 8 o'olook, a the barragks. ' ODD FELLOwe' LODGE every Murano,evening, in Graham's blook, MASONIC L000la 'Tuesday et or befo - full moon, in Garfieldblook.. A 0 U W T,onoi o1i the 3r Friday evening of each month, in Blaa hill's block, 0 0 F LOOS, and and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaehitl'' block. I 0 F, and and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L U L let d1onday in every month in Orange Hall. Sons op SOOTLANx, lst and 3rd TUBS - days of each ,mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M, Lenexa let and. 9rd Thitre• days of each month, in Vauetone block. Roma CIRCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill'e Hall. POST Orurcu.-Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mammas' Ieeirruis,—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Town' Oouxom,—W, H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. B. Scott, Clerk; Thomas 'Helly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J' T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in eaoh month. Balloon Buena.—Rev. Rose, (chairman,) Dr. MoKelvey,Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sec, -Treat., tit. Roos. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. Puma Scowl, Tneonene.—J. H. Cam- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey andMiea Cooper. BOARD or HEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk: Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Rendall. Dr. MoNaugbton, Medical Health Officer. THE WEDDING OF SHON MAC - LEAN.' Prom Robert Buchanan's New Volume, "Ballads of Life, Love and Humor." At the wedding of Shon Maclean 'Twee wet and windy weather ! Yet tyro' the wind and the rain, Carne twenty pipers together I arach and Dougal Dhu, andy of Iola too, aob with the bonnet o' blue, Tartan, and blaak000k feather ; And every Piper was fou, - Twenty Pipers together 1 The knot was tied, the bleseing said,• Shen was married, the feast was spread. At the Head of the table, sat huge and hoar Strong Sandy of Isla, age foresoore, Whisker'd gray ne a Ha.kier seal, And olad fn crimson from head to beet. Beneath and around him in their degree Gathered the leen of minetrelsie, With keepers, galliee and lade and lasses, Mingling voices, and jingling glasses. At soup and haggis, at roast end boil's, Awhile the happy gathering toil'd— While Shon and Jean at the table ends Shook hands with a hundred of their friends, • Then same a bnsb. Thin' the open door A wee height form flashed on the floor,— The Duke himself„ in the kilt and plaid, With slim soft knees, like the knees of a maid. And he took out a glace, and he cried out plain, "1 drink to the health of Shon Maclean ! TO Shen the Piper and Jean hie wife, A olean fireside and a merry life 1" Then out he elipt and each man sprang To his feet, and with "h000h" the chamber rang 1 "Clear the tables 1" ehriek'd but one— A feap, 8 scramble—and it was done 1 And then the Pipers all in a row Turned their pipes and began to`bloo While all to dance stood fain ; Sandy of Isle and Darnall More, Dougal Dhu from Kilflannan shore, Played up the company on the Boor At 111e wedding of Shan Maolean. Clliuton. Howe & Wilson bays bought a very flue fox hound to replace the one recently stolen from them. The annual meeting of the West Huron Liberal Conservative Association will be 1 held at Clinton on Friday, Jan, 18th, commencing at 2:30 o'olook, A few day's ago, while returning Rroin school, Robbie Holmes hurt his knee by falling on a rusty nail. The injury seemed eo alight that nothing was thougbt of it, until a day or two ago, when a serious case of blood poisoning was de- veloped, by whioh he is confined to bed. In an action by G. Itumball against Jae. Scott, barrister, claiming moseys alleged to have been advanced to the firm of Manning et Scott for investment, Judge Doyle has given judgment kr the. defendant, holding, upon the evidence, that the moneys were advanoed to the late Mr. Manning and not reoeived by him as a member of the above named firm. Missionary sermons will be preached in both Ratbeubury and Ontario St. Metho- dist ohurohee on Sunday, Jan. 13th. Rev. Dr. Williams, of Mitchell, will preach in Rattenbury in the morning and in Ontario St. in the evening ; Rev. J. Learoyd, of Sarnia, will preach in Ontario St. in the morning and in Rat. tenbury St. in the evening. natheaiortla. A bookey alub is being formed in town. R. N. Brett has opened oat in it new bu.inees, He has oommeneed the color- ing of ilueep `skins for robes and mate. Thomas' Dickson, who purchased the Seaforth oreamerya abort time ago, in- tends running it himself with the aid of a firet•claee butter maker. Rev. Geo. Lockhart, who bas been halt- ing a postgraduate course at the ale. Cormio Seminary, Chicano, is at present visiting at the parental home near Sea - forth. ' The mein chandeliers of the electric lights in St. Thomas' oluiroh were lighted for the Bret time on Sunday evening of lath week and gave entire satisfaction. They are very handsome and greatly improve the appearance of the interior of the church. Beverly Ross, nephew of Mr. Har- ' stone, formerly of the Seaforth Collegi- ate Institute, who was spending his Christmas holidays at home in Port Hope, was seeing n young lady friend off on the Eastern express one night last week, and remained talkinguntil the train began to move, when he jumped ori. It was dark, and as he walked forward he tripped over the bar of the witch and fell headlong. His left arm went on the rail and two wheels of the last Pullman went over it. The arm had to be am- putated about two inohee below the el- bow. The many friends of the• young man in this town will deeply eympath• ise with nim in his sad accident. At the wedding of Shon Maclean Twenty pipers together Stood up with all their train Oleaeed to clatter and blether, Full of the mountain dew, First in their pipes. Mighty of bone and thew, R,ocl-oheek'd, with lungs of leather ; And every Piper was fou, Twenty Pipers together. Who led the dance? In pomp and pride The Duke'himeelf led out the bride 1 Great was the joy of eaoh beholder,, For bye wee Duke ' just reaohed her shoulder ; And they donoed, and turned when the reel began, Like a giantess and a faille man 1 But like an earthquake was the din When Shon uimerlf led lheDnohebs in! And she touk her place before him there Like a white house dancing with a bear I So trim and tiny, act slim and sweat, Her bine eyes watching Shon's great feet, With a smile that could not be•resieted. Site jigged and jumped and turned and twisted 1 Sandy of Lela led off tion reel, The Duke began it withtoe arid heel, They all joined in amain ; Twenty Pipers ranged in a row, I+ramsquinticg Shame to lama Kiloroo, Their cheeks like crimson bggan to blow, At the wedding of Shon Maclean. At the wedding of Shon Maclean They blow with their lunge of leather, And blitheome was the strain Those Pipers played together 1 Moist with the mountain dew, Mighty of bone and theta, Go de viola. Will. Gundry has a couple. of goats which he is breaking in for a sled,' Miss Mary Vibert LeTouzel has se- cured a situation as junior teacher at Crediton, Township of Stephen. The public flags were at half mast Wednesday of last week, the 000aaion be- ing the burial of Sir John Thomppon. W. R. Robertson, who has been for the past two years in British Columbia, conducted the temperance meeting lath Sunday. Chas. Batas has brought hie on Charles !home from Toronto. We are sorry to learn that it was found that medical treatment tannin not help the little fellow. M.' 0. Cameron, Q. 0., ex -M. P„ Moe. Cameron, Mies Cameron and Mies Mabel Cameron have left to spend t11e Winter in Florida, where Mr. Cameron has a large orae agrove. Mrs. R. B. Smith rooeived a telegram announcing the sad news of the death ofher son Charles; who has been living in England for a length of time. De- ceased was a favorite with all while hare, ' and the naive of his death, will be re- ceived with Bomar. The body will likely be interred in England. Governor Dickson %violin: to aoknowl- edge the receipt of a generous supply of fruits, rata, from C. A. Nairn, for the Christmas dinner of the inmates of the county jail, and also a basket of oranges from the King's Daughters, which made au acceptable addition to the New Year's dinner of the onfortanates in his charge. Both gifts were creditable to the donors. LlaeI ,ee , w. The Kickapoo Indian Medicine Om did A. successful businene in the Town Hall here. They 'were playing in Goderioh. Chia week. A. court to decide on the claims of THE 1 o 88. Edwards, of the stb rpm, of aw>lnoah, fell trent a al lir and broke a leg. T, N. 11'fathore, of Hinloee, left for British ogiumbia, where be nae .anoept. ed a Ipbrabive poeition, The Patrons of DaebBruoewill meet to npminate a Candidate for this riding on the third Thursday in Jan. The meeting will be held in Walkerton, The Lucknow Caledonian Society will eelobrato their twentieth anneal ball and Kipper in their hall on Friday evening, Jan. 26th, the anniversary of the birth of Scotland's National Bard. The annual meeting of Camp Alban Sons of Scotland, was held in the lodge room. The election of oilioers took plane and resulted ae follows :.-Past Chief, Finlay Molnnie; Chief, PeterMOKenzie; Secretary, P. A. Maloolmeon ; Financial Secretary, Secretary, J, Murchison ; Treasurer, D. R. ablatosli ; Chaplain, Wm. Anderson ; Marshal, John Mo. Dairmid ; Ebyeioian, Drs. Tennant and Gordon ; Inside Guard, D, McMullin Pipers, A. Anacreon and D, McDonald. Y7anadtesn Ne we s. Great destitution is reported in Now- fonndiand.. A. Skinner, a former resident of Melita, Mao., bas oommibbed snioide in England, Louie, the six-year-old' son of J. W. Thomson, of Winnipeg, was killed by the fall of a derrick. The Observer says there were 07 ap- plications for a position se teacher in the Tileonburg public school, Henry Kuntz, brewer, of Hamilton, bas begun action againstAld. Wm. Han- cookfor allegedslander, r de oli ' mm a 5 000 a $ , damages. Attorney -General Sifton, of Manitoba, says the Province will resent any'inter- ference by the Dominion in their school legislation. White Donald McLean, of Brookedale, was driving into Stratford with a load of hogs the other day he was jolted off the wogon and broke his jaw. Billy McClure, who threw a atone through the plate.glaas window of the Ingersoll athletic association, got a sentence of six months in Central Prison. HE.uw DrsneeE RELnwVEo IN 30 Mm- uius.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved' in 80 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. an agitation is in progress in Arthur to secure a branch of one of rule chartered banks for the convenience of the business men of the village and the farmers of the surrounding district. The Enterprise has taken up the subjeot and strongly favors it. RHEOMATIetf ORRED IN A DAY.—South American Ranumatio Cure for Rheum, tism and Nearafgia radically Duras in 1 to 3 days. Its notion npon the system is remarkable and mysteriono. 13 re moves at once the cause and the di immediately disappears. The first sdose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. Hon. Mr. Dryden announced at Gen- anoque Friday that the Ontario Govern- ment proposed to establish a pioneer dairy farm. A looation will be ohosen on the line of the 0. P. R. in Northwestern Ontario, where in one block will be found probably enough good land to make two or three townships, CATARRA8 RELIEVRD IN 10. TO 66 a1rNIITE3.— One short puff of the breath through the Blower, mnpplied with sash bottle of Dr, Agnew's Catarrab Powder, diffuses tbia Powder over the surface of the nodal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly cures Oatarrah, Hay Fever, Colds, Headaches, Sore Tbroat, Tonsilibie and Deafness. 60 cents at G. A. Deadman's. A Halifax deepaboh of last evening says. there is no foundation for the report of Sir Mackenzie Bowell's condition. He had a severe attack of coughing early Friday morning, but was decidedly better in the afternoon, and was able to the one or two friends. He remained in bed till mid-day. There was never any cause for alarm. John Ritzer, merchant tailor, Water- loo, says :—''I have given R. Stark's Powders 'for headache, biliousness and neuralgia, an extensive trial, and find them to give the greatest sabisfaotion in my family. I on very highly room. mend them. They are for ahead of any- thing I'bave ever need, and I have tried many remedies. Sold by all druggists 25 cents a box. Take no other, The Liberal Club of Montreal bas nom. plated arrangements for a masa meeting, to take plane in Windsor Hall on the evening of January 22. The speakers will be Hon. Wilfred Laurier, Sir Oliver Mowat and William Patterson, M. P., of Brantford. It will be the first of a series of meetings in the district whioh Mr. Laurier will address. Rama no Sax Houns.—Distro.sing kid• nest and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure," This new remedy is a great surprise and deligbt oo account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, baok and every part of the urinary passage, in male.or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. Tho provincial polios on Friday, at Victoria, B. O., made numerous arrests in connection with the strangest come in bite oriminal history of the provinoe. They claim that Peter Bellinger stole a child named ArthnrMoore from his home in Chanson, Michigan, some years ago, educated him as a thief, and finally sold him as a slave to the chief of the Dga• tcoizer Indians, the most degraded bribe in Iiribi.b Columbia. The police have recovered the boy, and claim to have sednred a chain of evidence in whioh there is not a misaing link. The bon tolls a story which is romantic io tbo extreme. St. Catharines Journal :—A good story is going the ronnde about one of our aldermen, It appears that on Christmas morning, when lie was wrapped in the mins of Morpheus, the Band of the Sal- vation Army Came in front of his rasa Oliesley and Lnukliow to the establish- deuce and strnok up apleasing air, whioh mast of Division Courts will be held in awoke him. • Thinking it was the Garden the 0ourb house, Walkerton, on Jan, City Band, he hastily gat .into his 8001, Sane throe or four , weeks ago afro. Hayes, of Palmerston, and mother of 0; W. Hayes, station agent, Luoknuw, while going into the; cellar of her home slipped on the sbtllrway and broke her log, from the effects of which she died. Tho dammed was in her 75th year, and the remains were inberrnd in 'rho family plot at 2V'ilettown near London, olothee,and opening the door invited the musicians in, When they cvereall seated ha asked them what theywould have to drink, and wasthunderatruak when told they, were all temperance people, but they would pray for his salvation. 'Wali boys," said he "here's h V, and be aura to keep on praying till after eledtion day, and bo sere to aalt that I shall • have a good majority." USSEL.S POST 'Whits Star M1fsL ie. itOTAL 1114,1r4 Botwoen NOV 'Rork and Liverpool, via Queenetoiyn, every Wednesrlay, Aa lire sboainpra of this line carry only a strlotly limited number in the than and ssogi?p VADIN a0Oamnlodablone, intending paseengers aro re:Dineed, that an early ap• plication for berti;s is necessary at this ova sen, - 1''gr 1)lana, rates, etc,, apply as W, I. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. NONE)/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty a,t 6 & 5i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required, Apply to A. Hunter, Division Covert Cle'le, Brussels. Millinery BELOW COST MISS MoPHERSON intends re- moving from Brussels and will sell off her fine stock of Fashionable Fall. Winter Millinery Below Cost To Clear Out Stock. This is a Genuine Sale as the Ladies will prove by nailing at the Store. SALE NOW GO/AfG ON. Call early and see the Fashionable Display. Miss McPherson. Youi Sums AND Gawn-a"ME'V d Sono 9 pante (IA stamps, 00 10 cents sayer, andwo }sill send you.»Y return mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER, A coat llttlo Book, being a peewit Guide in the all of Lotter Writing, ,It contains 1.s, ber 00 hove, Friondebip , Business, ere., with valuable instruction ' and advice, /Ivory young mall anal Woman should havo lli e ]lock, Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, 10,4m INGER811a,L,ONT. ALLAN LINE. Steamer Sailings, 1894. MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL SERVICE. When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware, Paints & Oils, HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a DISCEINT of FRI NB UR, OfFall Cash Purchases: From From Fm Liverpo'I Sxn0Msnxrm, Montreal. Quroebec, Daylight' aa.m. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- Oot,t$ Rumf3lan Nov.8 _vas 121 StOCIi. " 2G Rum ...,... . ]0 Nov.1 Moagoliau,,,,,, „ 17 Nov.18 Will no r nJ cC Mill roam atrk at ueki rore llaftere. , A 7 ` gr7`C rte%. Passengers embark at Montreal: anter 8 p, m, on Fridays, For further information as to rates, 450., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS, McLEOD'S System It+enovator --AND OTHER TESTEDREMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoveriebed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitic, Con. gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danns, Female irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY GD®ERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist, Brussels. WESTERN ADVERTISER. 61 -Page Weekly -96 Columns. ONLY Now to Dec. 81, 1895. Balance of Year Free. LUNG WSBKLY OF MS MI NONE BETrER. FEW AS GOOD. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. Good Inauoemento :fn Agents. For Agents' Terms, etc„ address -- Advertiser Printing On, LONDON, ONT. ga m dmen°ii 0 8 lili 1°! m^m p ,a w ga'4e,o ar yglimm e' 2 8dar p i.9-.1 Hpn °e5.,°•.@¢fir irb mn°'01:4/§R N4.7q / O mo 04.41,10Rik,;, i A 1.--7' c. 0 g Y ;,p,..gg.,9„.,o,A'rron01'D yC i' &°wE °E$ ,1 O C7 Saa'rm 12"agml4aZ 1 n ° U. baa ,vtp P404 G t=> r rsKIT ^fl kR4413 a O Only the Scars Remain, "Among the many tostlmonials which I see In regard to certain medicines perform- ing cures, cleansing the blood, eta,' writes .HRNRY liunsoar, Of the James Smitll Wonlon MRohinery Co„ Philadelphia, Pa., "none impress me more than my own case. Twenty yours ago, at the age of is years, I bad swellings come on Ina logs, width brake and beeanlo running sores. Ourtami ly physielan could dome -no good, and It was feared that the bones would beneeded. Attest, my good old mother urged me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I took tierce bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since.. only the scare remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done rue. 1 now neigh two h mired and twenty pounds, and. am In the best of health, 1 havo boon on the road for the pest twelve years, havo noticed. Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised in all parte of the United States, and always take pleas. aro in telling what good it did forme." For the byre of all diseases originating in impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by br. J. O. Ayer &Oo,, Lowell, 3tase. Cu res others, will cureyou dT Bankrupt rices. HAVING BOUGHT Over $1,000 Worth of New Furniture At the Union factory, Wingham, At 60 cents:on the $, I am offering it ' ._At Less than Wholesale Prices. REGULAR PRICE Fine Bedroom Suites $11 00 Fine bedroom suits, with British bevel plate Blas=15 00 A Fine All Maple Suite12 00 A Fine Sideboard 9 00 Fine Sideboards 3 00 Fine Sideboards 16 00 Bedsteads 3 50 Lounges 7 00 Extension Tables 7 00 OUR PRICE $ 7 50 I1 50 S 00 7 00 6 50 12 50 2 50 4 50 5 00 These are the biggest bargains ever offered in Fnrni ture in Brussels, and the prices can not be had . when this' stock is Bald out, If you want anything in furniture call and see these goods and get prices before you buy. 8, LAXLI.