HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-12-28, Page 8• B. ?OS DEO, 2S, 1894 e lor Genlle.eu. Aro you wanting a present for it Gentleman ? The ,following axe a few of the many we have lla t00'U 1. Smoking Seta, Letter Oases, Travelling Companions, Dresehig Cases, Writing Desire, Steresaepes and'giewe, Fountain Pens, Gold or Bloke!, ,Fen Raolcs and Pen holders, Moustache Gape, Wallets, Teleecopee, Manicure Setts, Magnifying Glasses, Field Glasses, Shaving Mirrors, Perfume Caees, Portfolios, Ink Stand, Paper Weighte, Porridge Setts, Registering Thermometers, Silver Pen Trays, Books, Bibles, &o. Collar and Cuff Boxes, in Celluloid, Leather and Plush, Photo. Albums, in Leather, Celluloid, Wood or Plush, WE Wuj.. BE PLEASED TO SUPPLY YOU, G. A. DEADMAN, DRANn P9N0Y GOOD(; Lldlt D19ALEIt, ff'For Suitable Presents for Ladies see lastweek's Peer. STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. i AminBnos, have purchased an acre of land from James Smart, South of their SOUTHERN. ExTENSION w. 5•dS mill yard. NEW subscriptions rolling in to THE Trains leave Bruseele Station, North Poem. .We give the news. Only $1.00 in and South, as follows : ndvanae for 1896. Goma Sown. M 1 ink am. I Mixed., 9:40 a,m. Express 11 59 a m. Mall 8:13 p.m. taxed .....,:. 9:00 p,a,. Express 9:40 p.m, GOING NonTa. ai rDta! ,esus reins. A chiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. RENEW. HAPPY NEw Yana. Mowmmir Horse Fair on Thursday next week. $1.00 in advance will get THE Pon 1895. Subscribe now. EAem Huron License Colnmissioue met in Brussels last Friday. EAST Huron Patrons did not nomina a candidate last Saturday at Gerrie. On page 6 of this belie may be ren, quaint communication dealing with o notions and fannies. Read it. THE skating rink is being got read If the cold weather continues there w be skating on Monday or Tuesday nig NEXT Monday will be Nomination da In addition to the municipal Council Brussels three persona will bernominat for Public School Trustees. CHANGED HANDS.—The Herald has be sold to James Moore, who has succee folly taught for nearly three years Shine's school. He will take poeseesi next week, we understand. It is said late editor will return to the dry goo business. WE have to thank the Pope Man honoring Company, of Hartford Co., f a copy of their tenth annual Columb Desk Calendar. Eaoh daily leaf teach its lesson on the value of better roa and outdoor exeraises, and especially th benefits of bicycling. COURTS for the revision of the Demi ion Voters' Lista, in East Huron, b Judge Doyle, Revising Barrister, will b held as follows :—Blyth, Jan. 16th Cranbrook, Jan. 17th ; Brussels, Jan 171h ; Ethel, Jan. 18513 ; Wingham, Jan 22nd ; Wroxeter, Jan. 24th. Other date will be given as soon as made public b Reviaing Barrister. HELLO I—The wire and other neoesear materialfor the local telephone circuits here and the linemen are expected dati the week. Instruments will be placed i Ament Bros.' faotory ;• G. T. R. depot J.D. Ronald's foundry ; American Hotel Williams' livery ; Beattie Bros., and W M. Sinelair'e residence. The central wil be 'J. Fox's drug store. Www YEAR'S Rev. ME. Cobblediok wil give an illustrated evening for the Sab bat sobool in the Methodist church commencing at 7:30 o'clock sharp. A nuouber of new views will be presented together with some of the best of London. Silver collection at the door. The pro- ceeds will be applied to improvements in the Sabbath school room in tho way of providing more aaoomodation for the school. Everybody welcome. of for 1•11to la dd 111 h5, n ed en e. In 0n the ds or is es de n - y e y A sunsoersEa writing to Tun Poem Saye :—I receive it every week and oould not possibly get along without it. Wal. MuSGnovI has purchased the residence on Flora street belonging to his brather.law, W. A. Edgar. Having secured the nage we suppose the other adjunot will shortly follow. ()Emmaus GIFTS. -'The $4.00 received from the sale of a small organ, belonging to the Band' of Hope organization, was expended in a Christmas gift of 250 pounds of flour among five families and others necessaries. FINGERS BROKSN,—Last Saturday morn - Ing while J. R. Smith was handling some barrels at the hardware store he had the misfortune to have hie right band caeght between two of them resulting in the breaking of two fingers. The injured digits were soon dressed but were very painful. A. 0. U. W.—Friday evening of last week the following officers were elected in connection with the A. 0. U. W., No. 188, Brussels :— Jno. R. Smith, Master Workman ; A. Hunter, Past Master Workman ; Robb. Armstrong, Foreman ; Jas. Cardiff, Overseer; W. H.. Herr, Recorder ; J. A. Creighton, Fiaanoier ; A. Romig, Receiver ; Joe. Cardiff, Guide ; George Birt,. Inside Watchman ; Wm. Ainley, Outside Watobman ; Dr. MoKelvey, J. A. Creighton and W. H. Herr, Trustees ; 3. R. Smith, representative to Grand Lodge ; J. A. Creighton, Alternate, Deputy District Grand Master Patter. son, of Seaforth, was present and de. livered a very interesting address on the past, present and future of the A. 0. U. W. Order. He stated that two new lodges had been established in his distriot daring the past year. The present membership of the Order in On- tario is 25,884. The Grand Lodge will meet in Toronto on the third Wednesday in February, Brussels lodge has 35 members. y ENTERTAINHENT.Aeoording to an- . nounoement the primary clave of Melville .Sabbath school gave an entertainment in nn the basement of the church Friday even- ing. The children excelled themselves and presented the different pieces on the i program in a most amusing and interest- ; lug manner. The songs, "Good morn• ing, Tommy Tomkins" and "The. Little l Shaking Quakers," as well as a number SuooseeroL.—The St. John's Sabbath school 'entertainment given in the Town Hall last Friday evening attracted a large aodienoe who enjoyed the varied and interesting program very much. About.50 voices rendered the cantata "Santa Olaue' Delight," in a very satis- factory manner. Other "items of interest was the Broom Brigade, in which 12 young ladies, clad in uniforms of red and wbite, executed various graceful move- ments'; the fan drill by 12 girls and a pretty tableaux, "Tenting to -night on the old camp ground," Miss O'Connor, to whose energy and untiring exertions the program was brought to such a successful issue, was presented with an easy ohair by Rev. A., K. Griffin as a mark of their appreciation of her services. It was well deserved. The proceeds of the evening, $25.00,. will be devoted to S. S. purposes. Mies O'Connor has been asked to repeat the entertainment, KNIGHTS OF THE CLEAVER.—With the Christmas tide came the spleudid display ofmeate by our local butchers and this season, as in former' years, the exhibit was well worthy of the attention bestowed upon it. At A. Currie's mart there web on exhibition two 2 year old heifers fed by Chas. Howlett, Morrie township, dress. ing 600 and 550 pounds, respectively; one fed by A. Carrie that dressed 700 pounds ; 3 Spring pigs, fed by A. Currie, which averaged 250 .pounds ; 3fed by Samuel Crawford, Brussele ; a Iamb fed by H. Lamont, Grey, d„•saed 70 pounds. Sausage, sausage meat. bologna, blood pudding, white pudding, haggle, chopped. suet, lard, turkeys, gases and ducks, Beautiful flowering planta of various kinds,' evergreens, circ., added their adorn- ment to the Beene setting it off in fine. style.—A tip-top display was made at Wm. Blashill's shop, of beef, pork, Iamb, poultry, the. &o. The Rat did not dome to hand, so we cannot give it. Jae. Blaehill had several unique designs in the .haps of a pig and Santa Olaue in sausage meat, The exhibition wee. decorated with tissue paper flowers and evergreens and was very tastefully ar- ranged. of recitations, were particularly amusing, "The Qnakere" being called bank a Seo and time. Jimmie Thompson deserves special mention, as hie part in the "Quaker" song was done perfectly. Frank Smith aoted as chairman and 1 B performed his duties well. The follow. ing is the program :—Opening ohorue, w "The Ohildren's Sabbath" ; Teo., "(heer- r fat Givers," Ida Taylor ; reo., "Little Brook," Frank Wilson ; reo., "Writing to Banta Claus," Harold Richards ; song, "The Owl," Nellie Irwin, Winnie Ma- guire and Bella Richardson ; res., "Janne IL L• J.A,LAK6ON, COMAS MOM New Goods at Lewoet Prices• Don't leave Brussels without seeing Per display of Watches, Watch Chains, Binge, Bracelets, Cuff Buttons, Bar Rings, Brooches, Silver i,'himbloe, Bax Pins, Ladies' Fobe, Sword Pins, Neck Mame, Baby fine, Shirt Stade, Tie Pins, Collar Buttons, Sooiety Pins, Loollols, Chorine, Mouth Organs, Violins, Pipes, Silver Book Marks. Jewel Cases, Tie Boxes, Collar and Ouff Boxes, Photo. Cases, Toilet Cases, Pin Trays, Pin Cushions, Ink Stands, Treaeure Boxes; Travelling Toilet Cases, Fine China, everything in Silverware. We are selling at Olesest Prices. . Call and see our Christmas NOVELTIES. H. L. JACKSON, JEwermen. OPPOSITE AHnRIo.N HOTEL, People We Snow. S. B. Smale was in town this week. Freddie Gilpin is visiting in Guelph. Jno. Drewe, of Paris, waeholidayingin town. Mrs. Jae, Herr is here on a visit from Iowa. Mre. J. Gould, of London, Sundayed in Brussels. Thos. Roan was "home from Cbeeley for %mea. Ben. Davies, of Woodstook,wae in town this week. J. Gould was in the Forest city for Christmas. Will, Rose, of Fergus, was in town for Christmas. W. A. McLean is visiting at his home in St. Marys. P. G. L. Balt. of Toronto, was here for Chri Imes, Harold Creighton, of Guelph, was in town thie week, Miss Ethel Creighton is home for her Christmas vacation.. Barn. Rameay, of Tavistook, was in town for Christmas. Dr. and Mre. MoNapghton were in Sea - forth for Cbrietmas. J. Londesboro' and wife spent Chriet- mae at B, Leatherdale'e. Mies Emma Hingston arrived home this week from Manitoba. Mies Smalloomb hi visiting Miss Rilla Hnnter, Alexander street. Mise Frank Pelton is visiting relatives at Woodstock and ]anality, Mrs. Wm. Walker and daughter are visiting at Hugh Williams'. Reginald Fletoher Ohrietmassed with his grandparents at Lnoknow. , Mre. Eastman is the guest of Mrs. T. Kelly. The ladies are sisters. Jno. 1'. MoOrae, of Toronto, smiled on hie Brussels friends this week. Master Georgie Ron has been on the sick list for the past week or so. The parents of Mrs. A. K. Griffin spent Christmas with their daughter. Miss Dolly Shaw is enjoying a holiday visit with friends at Cookstown. G. F. Blair ate his Christmas turkey and cranberry sauce at Goderioh. Mise Lillie Bendall is home from Detroit on a visit to her parents, Mise Jennie' Cunningham, of Streets - villa, is visiting at J. G. Skene's. Rev. W. E. Kerr wife and son, of Wrox- eter, were in town on Christmas. Thos. Curry and family spent Christ. was with re]ativeo near Listowel. Chas. Sheriff, of Toronto, is holidaying among old friends in this locality. George Sandere,.of Flint, Mich., and wife, are visiting at Hugh Williams. A. Eeetan, of Rockwood, was visiting at the Methodist parsonage this week. T. A. MoLnuehlin is home from racefield for his Christmas vacation. Onpt. Roe is visiting at Watford this eek where his brother was getting mar- led, Robb. Roes was home from St. Oath - !nines on a visit to hie parents and friends. Albert Woods, of St. Helens, has been slating Jas. Fox during the holiday aeon. D. McKenzie, wife and son are enjoy - g a holiday week with relatives in seawater, A. G. Deadman and wife, of Delaware, ere the guests of their eon, G. A. Dead. an, tbie week. Reuben Jewitt arrived home on Satin. ay. He will teach at Button's a obool use next year. 0. E. and Mrs. Turnbull, of Guelph, re visiting friends and relatives in wn this week. Peter Stewart is home from Dakota on visit to relatives, 'Ie will remain for a mule of m " bide us shine," Annie Martin ; Teo.,"The so farmer's boy," Ronald Sinclair ; reo., Mageie Ament ; song, "The old five dol- in lar bill," Willie Ainley and Louie Reid ; rd, reo., "The broken pitcher," Jean Austin; rec., "The kittens," Lavine Sinclair ; Tea., w Graham Currie ; rec., "Papa's little n, helper," Bella Benderson ; rec., "Spell- ing kitten," Winnie Maguire ; ohorue, d "Gifts for' Jesus" ; ohorue, "Once in ho Royal David's oity" I dialogue, •'Cbriet. mae stockings," by eight of the children, we Katie Smith representing a "Christmas to fairy," dressed in white, wearing a wreath of evergreen and holiing a wand, a Fanny Thomson representing"Poverty," dressed as a poor girl ; Teo., "Flo.'s let- ter," Georgie Rose ; rec., "Her first party," Jennie Armstrong ; res., Stewart Scott ; character and action song, "The little SbakiogQuakers" ; res., Arthur Smith ; res., "]ferry little men," May Skene ; res., "Little robin red -breast," Nellie Irwin ; song, "Good morning Tommy Tomkins," Roy Ainley, Norman Maguire, George and Jimmie Thomson ; rec., '"Bout a million," Gregg McLen- nan ; Teo., Aileen Scott ; rec,, "ur. prising secret," Winnie " A s Maguire ; song, Christmas chimes, Fanny Thomson ; Teo,, "Soaring Santa Claus," .Ronald Sinolair ; ren., Ada Rose ; res "Christ - Mae bells," Emma Taylor ; song, "Krie Kringle is coming," May Skene and Mag. gie bloLauoblin--Chorus by the olase. Immediately after this song, Santa Claus made his appearance and surprised the children by bringing with him a Christ- mas tree laden with candy bags, which be distributed among the little ones. When Santa was taking his leave the children threw "snow balls" at biro, after which they sang "Hang up the baby'e stocking" and brought a very interesting program to an and by waving their hand- kerohiefe and repeating in concert ^ "Mer- ry Christmas to all, and to all good- night." The primary class teacher, Mies Mary Rue, deserves great credit for the suoaees of the gatberiug, Robt. Nott and Miss Dora arrived in town on Monday from the land of the stare and stripe.. Mise Mina Trunbull has taken a situa- tion in Wellesley as tailoreas and left Breeesls this week, Dr. J. W. Shaw, formerly of Brussels, has been elected Worshipful Master of Clinton Masonic Lodge. H. Donnie and daughter went to To• ronto last Saturday to oonenit a pity physician relative to Edna's health. Grimoldby Bros., of Owen Sound, are spending a holiday week with their broth- er, Edward Grimoldby, John street. Miss Smyth, neige of Rev. W. Smyth, formerly of Bruseele, has been appointed head nurse of Cleveland "Hospital at a good salary. Mrs. John Wilkinson and daughter, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, are visiting W. Jewittand family in town. Mrs. Wil- kinson is Mr, Jewltt'e daughter.' Mrs. W. Colwell, wife of the editor of the Paris Review, and'sieter to Mre. Jno, Grewar, Brussels, has received a nice little legacy from an aunt in the Isle of Wight. A Varna, correspondent sage —The Varna Royal Templare Council had, se - oared the serving of Prof. Hawkins, of Brueeels, for the occasion and it is need - lose to say that his part on the program was much appreciated, $T4XD41U 14X4 OF 14/4VY4Dill, Pie"*i°.•AX.I.+' ss=xrla? 9.47'.7'3„ HEAD OFFICE, - TORO,NTO. ASSETS, '(Soven.Million Dollars) ' $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorised) • • , 02,000,000 Agsnoist ilt ail principal points in Ontario, Qesirse, 2Uanitobsa, Unitetf Mates t0i5fapia A General flanking Buelnese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discount Drafts leaned and Colleotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of+01.00 and upwards frons dat of deposit to da, withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Snout, ATTENTION 021015 TO THE 00Lf,s03I0N'03' FAnannts' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distancia. S. A. STEWART MANAeun drifted LIE$ & $filfd•rf i 2I, .D• 1' l , 1lilid. ,i f Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts ,Bought and Sold all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FAME NOTES DISCOUNTED.' SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIAL' &WINGS BAR �J�b'. ver.,5 awn. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rattle. Interest 0.- pounded Twice a Pear, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months f October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita. w e effect to Write Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or In 11 nal Companies as may be desired. AGENT5 EOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANK OF C00IantROS. Louis Shreader, wife rand children, of (Mosley, were visiting! relatives in Brue. sale this week. T. Wateon and wife,of Belleville,form. er well known residents of Bruseele, were renewing old friendships in this locality this week. Marshall Worth and daughter, of Chi- cago, and W. H. Willis, of Seaforth, were the guests of B, Gerry and family, for a few days this week. Dr. McDonald, M. P., of Wingham, was in town on Monday and called on a number of our residents. He was on his way to Walton .Presbyterian tea meeting. Principal Cameron' is visiting at Luoknow ; Miss Braden is enjoying her holidays at Peterboro' ; Mies Downey, at Hanover,land Mise Cooper at Clinton. Christmas brought' Jas. Roddick and wife, of Toronto ; Mrs. Morrison and daughter, of Michigan; and Mre, Addie, of Stratford, as visitors to Mre. W. Bal. lantyne'e. Thos. Hoechtel has taken a eohool at Lambton Mills, York County, and on Wednesday of tbie week moved there. RUTHERFORD—MAYEna.—At the reeid e .. of the bride's parents, Holland, M ., by Rev. D. Campbell, Mr. A- - Rutherford, formerly of the Blue e road, to Miss Lottie Sayers. ENGEL—Rozerz.—At the home of e bride's parents, on Dee, 25th, by e Rev. G. H. Oobblediok, M. A. B. ., Mr. John Engel, of Paw Paw, 661 to Mise Edith Rosewood Ro I, eldest daughter of Mr.' Chas. Ro• 1, of Grev. Mxaa. BRANT. -In East Wawanosb, on Deo' - ber 15th, Archibald Brant, aged 5 years. LuiaoLN. In Turnberry, on Dec. 1 John Lincoln, aged 65 years. HENDER5ON.—In Morris, on Deo, Wm. Henderson, aged 71 years :d 6 months. FAEQunAneoN.—Ip Morris, on Sund , December 23rd, Thos. Farquhare,, aged 79 years. , Mr. Kneahtel is a good teacher and we u3Rirmm z e ss a �tgbzs have no fear of his future success. Fall Wheat W. A. Edgar and family left Brussels 54. ,. on Wednesday for Culloden, Oxford 0o., Barley Wheat 6¢ where Mr. Edgar will take charge of the peas butter and cheese factory. We are sorry Oate to lose them from town but wish them Butter, tube and rolls14 every success in their new home. Eggs per dozen14 Business Locals. Flour per barrel 8 00 Potatoes 30 Hay per ton 7 00 Lae goods galore at McAlpine's. 'Salt per bbl„ retail.,.,,, 1 00 DRY stove wood for sale at McOraok• Hides trimmed 3 en's. Hides rough 2 PURE American oil for 20 cents at B. Sheep skins, each 20 Gerry's. Lamb skins each ,15 OCLEnv, Cranberries and Cabbage at Apples per bbl1 26 MoAlpiue'e. Hogs, Live 8 50 HARNzse greatly rectooed in prices at H. Hoge, Dressed 4 75 Dennis', Brussels. LARGE sweet Florida oranges 20 cents a 53 26 dozen at Thomson's. GRAND Rapid carpet sweepers in fine finish and obeap at B. Gerry's. R. LEATHzn0ALE is prepared to take any amount of goose feathers in trade. BANANAs grow in fax countries but we will have them fax Xmas. McAlpine. LARGE stook of Horse Blankets and Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Bros. eels. Comm cheaper than ever at Leather. dale's. Get prides and come and see for yourself. HANGING and parlor lamps fax Christ- mas presents at a further reduction at B. Gerry's. THE celebrated Bermuda coop stove is reduced in price for December month, at B. Gerry's. 6153583 Florida oranges, 20ote. 80ota. and 40ots. per dozen at McAlpine's,' Call and see him. A caw load of pipes. They make nioe Xmas gifts and there ie so many to pick from at MoAlpine'e. Fon the largest assortment and beat value in grooeriea, orookery and glass- ware go to Thomson'e. T1Y off for your b is and shoos. All the best brands and very obeap. I. 0. Richards, Hoon WILLIAMS is preparedtodo saw filing and Betting at the livery barn. Satisfaction guaranteed to every customer. EVERY 25 Dent purchase calla for a coupon fax the sugar walking stiok at Mc Alpine's. Ask for a coupon. Ronss, blankets and fur coats reduced 1 in price. Single harness very cheap. I. C. Riebards. CARPET WEAVING.—MPs. T. Moaraedoes fine carpet weaving at moderate rates. Residence on Catherine street, Bruseele. When we epeak of our cigar stook we do so with pride having the largest and best stook . in town. Try some of Mo- Alpine's. WANTED :—An agent to take orders. for life size portraits. For terms write to W. W. Bargees, Photog', Elite Studio, Mitchell, Ont. OANn0ne,--Of them we will have plenty and to spars, obeap and good. Largest and best stook ever shown in Brussels, Watch MoAlpine'e window. Wine we say that we have best oysters tare in town everybody believes it. We sell more Bo you aan depend on them being fresh. Get your next order from Mc- Alpine. CARPET WEAVINo.—The undersigned is prepared to attend to all orders for oarpet weaving with promptness. Moderate charges., Residence one door South of John Varooe's former ataud, Wo,. Gencrun. Thum is something thee, There is, nothing so nice at ibis time of year as Oranges. We have them beauties and obeap. Lemons this season'e out, Dates, Figs, . Nuts and Maloga Grapes best quality and just lovely at McAlpine'e. 6 6 0 55 8 16 00 50 00 00 00 2 40 40 25 75 80 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. C OMFORTABLE HOUSE A D er Og glalot re appfor salyle in Rruseeln. Fox fur 0181115 at THE 2051 Pablie Hound. STRAYED ON THE PRE MIS 5 Grey,oin Octoundersigned,e, o mb, OwLot ner is e on ' questedto prove property, pay expo see and take her•away. VALENTINE POER$TER, 28.4 Oranbrook,P.,. 'OUSE AND SIX LOTS F R Sale or to rent, being the prop ty North of the railway, belonging .to Ja ea Smart. For partioulars an to price nd ems, apply to WM. AINLEY, 10-tf Amen t's.Tfaotory, Brume . NV -ANTED. -1,000 OUST01wII— rtRB at our Drug, Book and dFq,oy Goods store to seeing some of the my bargains wo are offering in Books, Paley goods, Chinaware, toys,&a, Come eoou t,nd get your choice. G. A. DEADHAN, Druggist, Bookseller, d SAW GUMMING.—THE UN— DERB1ONED has his emery grinder in or- der for gumming saws at J, & P. An/oat's fee. tory where he will be plased to attend to theroquiremeute of the. public. All,aorteof edge tech aerially ground and sharpened. Anything from a pen -knife to a broadaxe can be put in orderin a work-man•lilce manner. Charge always reasonable, D. STEWART. THRESHING OUTFIT FOR ASals.—Tho .untie reigned offers for sale his bel Engine a nd Separator, both in good working order. He will also dispose of hie shingle mill. Reason for Belling, ill health. A baigoln will bo given, For further particulars aa toprioo,lanais 40, apply Lot 15,RICHARD ,rrey, ox Oranbrocli 10 Teacher Wanted, Teacher wanted dor S. S. Ho. 1, Grey town. ship,male, Zed class certificate preferred. Applicant to state salary. Applications re- ceived either personally or la writing up to: 2.p. m„ January MIO.. '2508. CALDER, secretary, Cranbfooh P, 0, Good Farm for Sale. For Bale by tender N d Lot 20 Con.' 5, town- ship of Morrie, Co, of Huron, 100 acres more or less. About 90 acres cleared in good en1- tivatlon, nearly all in grass, a aeree in Fall w heat • good orchard ; frame house 24x80 ; fr ante bank barn 00x01, part new and all new roofed, and other outbuildings, Favorably elltuated within 2 miles of Brussels, On the place 15 a good profitable sand and gravel pit, Tenders will be reesiVed by the undersigned at Brueeole P. 0. up to JAIIOARY 10th,1805. The lowest er' any tender not ne aemaaray mooted. Possoesion can be given by let of Feb.,1805,if needed, Address JAS. MARTIN, I; F. 0 , 24.2 or"A. HUNTER, SZZ Our Lara As, 5ortmon pP BOOKS, ALBUMS, GAMES, CARDS TOY, ) BOOKLETS, DOLLS, NOTIONS, • BLOCKS PERFTJMES, TOILET SETS, PINE STATIONERY, PHOTO, FRAMES, SHAVING SETS BIBLES OP ALL KINDS, In foot everything fox the Xmae Season AT Fox's Drug Store, f"We handle all the Daily and Weekly Papers and Magazines and will be • pleased to receive your order for the coming year, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collett - Mons made. Oihoe—Vanstone's Block, Bras. sale. 21.8m M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Uonveyanoer,NotaryPnb. lis, the. 0ifloe—'austone's Bloch, 1 door north of Central Hotel. Private Funds to Loan. .. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SoHoitor, &o. (late of %arrow Prales & Smith's noderish,) Otfoe over Gililos & Smith's Bgak, Brussels. /Honey to Loan. 47 DENTAL. 31.3i .LNI '30 X '4 'I' M. CAVANAGH, L. D.S., D. D. S„ / Graduate of the Royal collage of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Termite Uni- versity. *anon—Over A, R. Smith's Store, Bruesets, Will visit Wroxeter the tat and Srd Mondays and Blyth the Ind and 4th Wednesdays of each month. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeoue. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Fees, Satisfaction Assured. Ofce over. Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, t/ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domestioated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors .north of bridge. ^Turnberry et., Brussels, M H. MOORE, V. S., H. 31.,V. M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of an domestioated animals treated on scientific principles. Horse. dentistry and diseases of attended to. Offince,,c'overr�Jo1 Calle promptly rane's marble works. Infirmary. at Beattie's livery barn,Brnseele, Ont. 28. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGf3TON, 1101. D. U.M., L• R. U.P., Edinburgh, If. O. P. S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson's Block, corner of 112111 and Turnberry Ste. J• M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physician, Surgeon, Am:goober, etc, dical Facult. Graduate: Member of Colo lege University and Surgeons, Ont, OrMIOE—Next door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont.' • BUSINESS CARDS. H. McCRAOKEN, dle at his Grocery, 2urnberrygstreet. Licenses, 11-4 N. BARRETT, southTonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door of A. M. Malfay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohildrene hair nutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURAN0E, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. TATELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- suRANOE Co.- Established 1840, In. surances effected on all Town and Farm Property at very low rotes. 15.8ta A. CREB eese's. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Oonveyanoer, Notary Public Land, Loan' and Insurance Agent,. Funds invested and to loan. Colleetione made OIIloe 1,, Smalo's Blook, Brussels. MISS O'CONNOR, R. T., Teacher of instrumental nude on Piano or Organ. Will vieit Wingbam Tues- day and Wednesday of each week, Rest - donee on Princess Street, Brussols. T A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M. Brus- sels, and Organist in the John's of:Teachihng of A. W.Thayer,.Mt1e,Dom, New York, will give lessens to pupils either On piano 01' orggan, at his parlor over A,R, Smith'e etoro,Brue- eels. Yoe alIoaeons also given. Terme mod- erate, Notice to Creditors, In THE E5TATE Or Jona H. Sot1ERVILLE, Or THE TOWNeIIIP Or Monate, YEO0,AN, DECEASED, All persons having chime against the me tate of John Hamilton Somerville, late of Township. of Morrie, Yeoman, deceased, are required to Bend particulars of the same' t0 one of the executors of said deceased, on or before the 17th day of January,1890, after whish data the executors will distribute the eatate among theparties entitled thereto, having reference any to the olaime of whieh notice shall then have been given, and atter sash dietributioh the exocutore w111.n of b0 respbneible 301• any part of the asoete of the estate to any pe:nod of whose claim they Mull net have received due notion, Dated December 18115,1094. DAVID G. HOGG, one of the Exeontore 28.5 ' Bxut on 11. 0,