HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-12-28, Page 7;Diwgikf l4'`Il 28, 1894 aro THE B B TJ SS> "THE TEECJTCWRtefdoogditbobrtnovrhlkuha 7f Oalnntone, onN pec Ae the' 1.equeet of Sir Charles Tappper, kir, Wil)iom Iteynelds•Sepbene attd Mr There to a demand for dwelling beetles iaieseph Whitehead eteoli took e plaetoroas,t 'Owen Sound. if the face of the lots Sir John Thompson George Ifoover, a notorious 41140, WOO the piu•pese of making a bust, been jailed at Brookville, The authorities of Sootlaud Yard say Jonas ICneehtel, a prominent arohiteet of tore 10 no truth in the statement regard. Xierllu, Ont„ is dead from typhoid fever. lig the visit to E' ngieud of a wo l•known Tho lata John T. Warrington, jr., ofriah murioan extrenieb,with the view of ed ab 820,000,`tvxvin4g Fenianiom England, lq The autltoritieeof Liver ooihave.decided Belleville, loft an estate vale The Bank of MonEreal will, it le said p •open branch et Se. dohn'e, N.owfouudlaud o red.goe idle dock and town aetten duos A toot of Life new as well ae Lenfn ton, t et rr to mhot oho oompetitlon of Man B g hooter, to which town raw cotton laden •Ont„ chows a flow of one million oublo foot gamer, are going Brost by the new ship per da The,teeeeaed value of property In Lou, nal, den, Ont„ le $15,328,710, $250,700 higher than last year, The Montreal Exhibition Company has orld'. .andoreed the r •o .of holding a W s v o4 p J r m h ' 90 I at at c it t y in18 , Ton thousand dollars has already been .subscribed in Montreal alone for the tea• tirnonial to Lody Thompson. Lieut. -Col. Massey, of Montreal, has been elected preideut of th3 Dominion Cemmercial Travellers' Association, President Ogilvie, of the Ogilvie Milling. Company, has deoided to erect six new ale. vatore in Manitoba in the spring. The Kingston Dairy school was opened on Thursday, Professor Robertson, Domin- i, Dairy Oommieeioner, giving the open' lecture. ' Thomas 0. Radcliffe, chief of police, of Thomasville, Ont., dropped dead in Mr. C. A. afayhew's store there on Saturday night. Heart disease. Mr. David Stewart, a well known oiti- zea of Paris, Ont., while in his barn taking bay from a farmer's waggon, fell and died from heart disease. I'rzhodda and Happka, the two Poles charged with a vicious attack on Mr. Wild - fang, of Berlin, Ont., some days ago, have been committed for trial. The insurance companies in Winnipeg, which raised thereto twenty-five per nett. on account of the recent fires, have restored them tothe old figure. Mr. W. W. Ogilvie, president of the Montreal Board of Trade, has telegraphed from Winnipeg; offering a subscription of two thousand five hundred dollars to the. fund for the benefit of Lady Thompson., Bishop Rogers, of St. John, went to Newcastle, N. 13., on Sunday and was be- ing driven home over, the lee, whent he rig broke through, and his lordship wits in the water half are hour before being rescued On Friday night three robbers entered the house of Mr. John Misner, aged about "70, near Troy, Ont., tied the old gentleman and hie wife, ales the hired man, and ran- sacked the houee, securing a gold watch and chain and about 5100 cash. The following telegram has been received by Hon. Mr. Bowell : " The Canadian Pa• aafic Telegraph Company will be pleased to transmit free all telegrams in connection with the proposed national aubeoription. (Signed) 0. R. Roemer." The committee on the national testimon- ial to Lady Thompson consists of Hon, Messrs. Bowell, Ives and Angers. Mr. Foster ie treasurer. Mr. Bowell re. ueived ,letter from a Montreal gentleman subscribing 51,000 to the fund. Mr. John Whyte, of Mitchell, Ont., has had about forty sheep stolen out of a herd of about five hundred, and on Thursday night James Shane, a farmer living about e mile and a quarter from Mitchell, was arrested on the charge of stealing the sheep, of whioh about twenty-five bave been recovered. The Quebec Treasury has received'a cheque for fifteen thousand dollars ae an inheritance taxon the late Duncan Mc Intyre's estate in that province. The estate in the Province of Quebec was appraised at $1,045,610.10, but asone-half belongs to Mrs. McIntyre, the succession duty of three per cent. only applies to the balance. Joseph Truekey was hanged on Friday at Sandwich, Ont„ for the murder of Con- stable Lindsay at Comber, Ont., on January 20th last. Truekey committed the crime in revenge, Constable Lindsay having had him arrested for cruelty to animals in Ootober, 1893, of which charge Truekey was found guilty and fined eixty dollars and costs. The Rev. E. J. Feseenden, rector of Trinity church, Ohlppawa, Ont., has com- menced an action and issued a writ to recover his salary as the motor of that congregation since 1891. The vestry passed n resolution in 1891 stopping Mr. Fessen- den's salary, after their .request to have him removed had been refused by the Bishop, but 14r. Feseenden continued in charge, being supported by a few of his faithful parishioners. onEAT ntrTAIN. The London money market was easier leer week. Lord Braesey is spoken of as the coming Governor of Victoria, Australia. The Bonk ofLnglaud'e-rate of discount remains unchanged at 2 per cent. Glasgow has one underground railway in operation and two more under construc- tion. A despatch from London says a detective has been epeoially told off to protect the Queen. business troubles at St John's Nfld., By a collision of sable ogre in the Wash - Tho have not had any effect on London com_, fngton street tunnel, Chicago, on Wednee• menial aisles: daa evening, one man was killed, seven pleThe Prince of Wales will go to Oconee in pPeo oars tookseriously injur and there wasand others acarol ed January to rage his yacht, the Britannia, in pa e o g the regatta there, The Dowager Marina will visit England Col. Alexander, who is on terms of great in March.: the intimacy with Gen. $enjumin Harrison, During her stay she will be asserts positively that the General will not guest of the Prince and Princees of Wales; The London Times announces the death under any circumstances be a candidate for of Lord Charles Pelham Clinton, eon of the lite Presidency of the United States in 1896. fourth Linke of Newcastle, and unole of Eugene V. Debs, who has been sent to the present duke. gaol for his eonneetion with the Chicago It 10 stated on good authority in London strike, ,nye if Judge Woods' docieioa is a that the object of Sir William Van Borne's 'onrreot interpretation of Maslow, all labour visit is not financial, but entirely for the organizatioue may ae well disband, as, benefit of his health. according to him, every strike is conspiracy During the resent floods in the Thames and is unlawful. volley soup was made daily at .Windsor Before the Lexow Committee in New castle for the eufferere. The inundation York, on Friday, Police Captain Creedon was the greatest since 1742. made a confession, implicating a number of Serious depression prevails iii English the kiglierpolice ofiiaiaie.073iestory caused. an immense sanitation, and the investigators alkali trade,' The United Alkali Company's warmly congratulated him upon his works have been shut down and several straightforward stand. thousand mon aro idle. to Canada next spring. The Dukoof York ie making arrange- t In the United States House of Represen insole for a visi6ativee on Thursday Mr. Dingley asked for fters endin g some time in the Dominion information aa to' the wop of the A 4 mining Sea regulations for the. proteetton the Duke will prooeed to Australia, of seal life. Ro believed that the three In view of .he agitation concerning the hundredthousand dollars of expense an. Lo:ns atiantic,maile, Galway ie pre: slug her snaky jammed by the United Mates bone. claims as offering the best, the safest, the fits Canadian eealers along cheapest, and too quiujteet route to the new world. ttltNltiUt . Letters from Lord Randolph Churchill Late etatisticsshow 148,609 more females received in London state that hie health to thah•males ih Sweden. L m oro r William, as a descendant of the at King whose life Carlyle so vividly d nobly deeoribed, bee contributed one ndred pounds to the fund for baying r] le a house 1o Chelsea and oo v aria4 into a museum. Mies Thompson, daughter of rite dead envier, by Royal request was presented i the Queen on Saturday. Noticing the al's grief, the Queen took her 1n her same d kissed her on both cheeks, and consoled Ir like an alfeetionat mother,. On Wednesday in. Chester, wiht full oral service, Prince Adolphus of. Teck ie married to Lady'Margaret, the third ,ughter of the Duke of Westminster. to attendance was very fashionable, the eesee elegant, and the gifts .magnificent. A despatch from Auckland, New Zea• ad, tells' of the death there of Robert mis Stevenson, the novelist. He was rn in Edinburgh in 18E0, and was a ember of the Soottish bar. "Treasure land" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Iiyde" 4 among his writings. to an interview on Friday in London, lits W, 13. Percival, the Agent -General of law Zealand, said that New •Zealand is tat anxious for direst, steamer and sable c nmunioatian with Canada,and if the Im- TaialGovernment does er share New Gland will not bo backward. Mr. Walter farce, the Agent -General of Natal,:aaid' hthougho there wore many obetaolee fu ti way of odtrying out the Earl of Jet, t%'e proposals. nNIMED STATE& 1 heavy snowstorm has crippled railway blinese at Carson, Nevada. )he new United States oruiser Minna. pie has been placed in commission, ,ewis T. Ives, a well-known lawyer and mist, of Detroit, died on Friday. Ldjutant-General Josiah Porter died in Nw York on Friday night, of apoplexy. :he Boston city elections on Tuesday milted in an overwhelming Republican vbory. )aniel M. Robertson, a wife murderer, us hanged at New Bedford Mass., on Fdtty. ienediet & Fowler, New York lumber Balers, have assigned. Liabilities,1140,000; asst,, 520,000. iamuel O. Seely, the New York Shoe and Lither Bank defaulter, is now in Ludlow stoat jail in that city. lugene V. Dabs, the leader of the great A1.11. strike at Chicago, has been sou• tend to six months' imprisonment. , Washington deepatoh to a Buffalo pa peaaya president Cleveland is a very sick ma. Gout is said to be the malady. heCommeroial Bank at St.Joeeph, hat gone into the hands of an aeelgnee. Aeste, 8320,000; liabilities, 5270,000. besident Cleveland has issued an order plaing the entire internal revenue service unor the provisions of the civil service law 'avenue College at Niagara Falls is said to live been olosed owing to an outbreak of tphoid fever in the inatitution,and over ]00itudente sent home. Andy Bowen, the pugilist, who fought Lavgne, of Saginaw, at New Orleans on Flries, night, has died from the effects of thesommelmg he received. 4 number of printers who left Winnipeg recently on account of the introduction of madams have been arrested in Grand Forts under the alien labor law. Alone highwayman held up the stage eiglt miles from Fora Thomas, Arizona, on Emmy night, and secured the mail pouch, suplosed to contain a large sum of money. F. S. Fogle, a fireman on the Penney'. vani, railroad, was blown from his engine nearliew Florence by the gale which rag. fall. ed .Vednesday night eon was killed by the John Garvey, the tramp who entered the Astir mansion on Fifth avenue and took a lee,in one of the beds there, has been eeounced to ono year's imprisonment in the penitentiary. Fi'ty-two indictments against ex -county oOichls and members of the Board of Sup- ervisors have been returned by the grand jury of Sioux City, Iowa. The county has beenrobbed of 5900,000. David G. Spragg, an insane man, living near Ridgeway, Mo., on Tuesday evening killed his wife and two children, fatally wounded hie two step children, and then committed suicide.. The clay tower pipe companies of the United States have combined with head- quarters at Pittsburg. They will nut in harmony with the Akron, Ohio, trust, and 1t is said prices will bo advanoed. Barin and Vienna, whioh are four hundred and thirty miles apart, ate note oounooted by telephone. A report that Field Marshal Yamag ata, oosnmander of the fleet Japanese army, wits dead, is oifioially declared to be untrue, Prince I•Iohoulehe, the Now Genova Chancellor, le 111 and soufined 19 hod from it cold, Unusually severe and repeated earth- quake shrieks have been experienced in Rangoon, Britiell /dumb. A conflict has arisen between Brazil, the .Argentine Ropublio ani , Uruguay ou the subject of quarantine. News ices been reoelved in Paris of the defeat of the detachment of French troops near the Grand Bassam river, is West Erie A v. Tbe'Bourss Gazette, of Se, Petersburg, says that the now Russian loan of 15,000,- 000 roubles has been subscribed for 40 times over, In Prague there lives a Jewoes named Sall Rudolf who has Attained her one hun- dred and fifth year. She is in humble oiroumetanoee. The French expeditionary force in Madagaooar occupied Tamabaveon Tuesday. Three ehelle dislodged the Roves, wile retreated hurriedly, Numbers of stoned have been found at Corrina, Tasmania, which, have been proved to be diamonds. There is much excitement over the discovery. It is reported that the Pope is euffering from oatarrhal symptoms, and that he hoe been forbidden by tie: physician to leave his private apartments, The King of Italy has conferred the. knighthood of the, Crown of Italy on several members of the Talion colony at Salonioa. Six of the new knights are Jews. The budget for 1895.96 was presented to the Italian Chamber of Deputies on Thursday by Signor Soapino, ldinieter of Finance. It shows a deficit of seventy million lire. It is expected that the German Sooialiet Deputies who remained seated in the Reichstag when cheare for the Emperor were called for will be prosecuted for lese. majeete. The Dunkirk(1france) Chamber'of Com- merce, in response' to au appeal from Montreal, has decided to do everything possible. to establish a direct steamship line between France and Canada. • A British resident in Pekin says the feel- ing against foreigners is =reaming in bitterneee, and he feels convinced that when the Japanese conte within sight of the capital every foreigner will be mase- ncred. . The Pope is said to be anxious tobring about a union of the Western Churches, and he intends drawing together at the Vatican a number of Catholic prelates of I7ngleud and America; in order to confer with them as to the best means of realizing his hopes. The Court of Enquiry held at Auckland New Zealand, has found that the steamer Wairarapa, whioh was wrecked on Great Barrier island in October, with the loss of more than eighty livem,wes lost through the fault of captain aticlntosh, who was among the drowned. The funeral of Count de Lesseps, the eminent French engineer, who died on the 7th fast., took place on Saturday at the Church of St. Pierre de Ohaille, outside of Paris, and was largely attended. 'The German Reichetagon Saturday by a vote of 168 to 58 deoided to accept tate re- port of the special committee refusing permission to the Public Prosecutor to take action against the Socialist members who recently remained seated when cheers for Emperor William were called. THE CHINESE TROUBLE. The Japanese Steadily Advancing—Cee enlar Guards Removed (rain Tonin A despatch from London says. -The Times publishesa despatch from Shanghai stating that the Chinese Government has intimated to the foreign Ministers its objection to re- ceiving militartt guards in Pekin, the Gov- ernment answering for the efficient protec- tion of the Legations. Accordingly tine guards,numberingfifty each, at the British, Nrenob, German, Russian, American, Ital. inn, and Spanish Legations, have been ordered to remain during the winter at Tien-Tein, where are also stationed the war• ships of Great Britain, Franco, Germany,. Russia, and the United States. A despatch from New -Cheng says that a force belonging to toe Japanese army, con. mended by Field Marshal Oyama, has arrived within 16 miles of thot plane. It is stated here that Ohan-Pei-Lung, the eon. in-law of Viceroy Li -Hung -Chang, has been arres'ed on the charge oftheft, and that his property has been confiscated. Few Women Bald. "Few women are bald, and I never heard of a bald-headed Indian. The headwear of women tends to make their hair grow. Indians wear no headgear except as they become civilized. In my opinionnature intended us to be bareheaded. The ancienta wore light wrapsaround their heads, There is no record chat I know of whioh refers to any heudwearworn by Christ and his dis- aiples. I have been.waiting for you to aslt me if men's"hair would grow as long as women's if the men did not spoil its growth byauttiog it. I answer yea, provid- ed the dieeaeeo of whioh 1 speak do not in- terfere to prevent. Singeing hair to prevent its growth is a. barber's humbug, started to turn an extra quarter." "What is the proportion of bald men to bald women 1" "Five hundred to one. I have saki in a given time 513,000 worth of medicine to raise hair. Of that amount 5100 was paid by women." SEVEN PEOPLE DROWNED. The lee Gave any and a Dona Teeple Were Thrown Into. the Water. Adespatcls from Oelwein,Iowa, says:— At Littleton, a little town in Buchanan county, bud children aged'° and 12, were ekatiug on a mill pond, and failing to return within reasonable timet the mother became alarmed and went in search of then, but could not find them. She returned to tows and gave the alarm: A crowd gathered about the pond about dusk and many pee. pie ventured en the ice, It suddenly broke through, precipitating 12'porsou0 intothe water: Of Oda number, in the darltnose of night, moven wore roscued. The bodies of five others, in addition to the oorpsoaof the two children, wero found nextntorniag under the ice, some diatomic front the stens of the drowning. ' THE CRUEL WAR IS OVER, THE DISPUTE BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN SETTLED. Desnntebes Etieelyad In 'London From Tanya Which Are Nail la Indicate cloudy That Om Weir 111 ibeSuet line Vractlettlly Irertttlnuted, A deopatoh from London says 1—Imporo tont despatches have been received here from Tokyo indicating clearly that the war be. tweeze China. and Japan has practically ended. Whatever inetructione have been convey o tothe e cornmande a of the res olive d It r e military and naval foveae from the govt. erning powers of the two empires le not told in the advices, but aosuraneee are given in quarters known to be thoroughly cogni- zant ni- zttnt of diplomatic affnira that the Emperor of China lune been prevailed upon to hasten oommlesionere to Japan, and that thesi envoys have each powers of concession as will, without doubt, enable them to bring about an Immediate and thorough end of hoetilities. The details of their authority aro not given, but the presumption in dip• lemma() quarters is that the oonceseions asked by the Japanese Government have mea with the oauieeeence of the reigning powers of Obina. CREDITED IN WASIIINgTON. A despatch from Washington says :—The late hour at which cable advises `from Lon• donavere received in this oity on Thursday night, indicating at least a cessation of hostilities in the field between the Govern. manta of China and Japan, preclude a very thorough canvass of diplomatic quarters to the tenor of advices reeeivedby the officials of the foreign Governments. Direst quem. trona as to thesubjeot muter were evasively et but reticence::not m bu re was so complete as to in any particular lessen the importance of the London despatch showing the near- ness of a peaceful solution of the question between the contending powers. MANITOBA CROPS. Wheat nailed :Over 13 ttushels le Ile Aere-Other-Crops Yielded TIelL A despatch from Winnipeg says :—The Manitoba Government has just issued its last crop bulletin for this year. It shows that of wheat'there was produced in 1894 18,000,000 bushels in Manitoba and 2,000,• 000 in the North-West territories, an aver age to the acre of slightly over 17 bushels Nearly the entire wheat crop graded Nal hard and No, 2 hard. Of this 20,000,000 bushels, it estimated that 6,000,000 are still in the farmers' hands for seed, food, or future Bale. The oat crop has 12,060,000 bushels and the barley crop 3,000,000 bushels. New buildings have been erected nn Manitoba farms during this year to the value of 5800,000. Thirty-one thousand acres antler flax yielded nearly 370,000 bushels, and for this 51 a bushel was re. calved, making flax a very profitable Drop. Of potatoes there were 13,300 acres, with an average yield per acre of 153 bushels, and a total potato orop of 2,036,000 bush- els. There were nearly 13,000 acres of roots, with a yield of nearly 2,000,000 bushels. Twenty thousand bushels of peas were raised aad 60,000 bushels of rye. The bulletin shows thatManitoba'e export trade in cattle and hogs is rapidly rivalling in importance wheat raising. In round figures daring this year 12,000 cattle and 8,000 (togs were exported. Poultry raising is also shown to be rapidly assuming import. once. In dairy products great advance- ment is being made, and the export of butter will in the near future become an important item. Of butter over 2,500,001 pounds were disposed of by farmers this year, with a total value of nearly 5400,- 000. 10 is predicted that next year's prop area .will be mnoh larger than ever. A THRILLING ESCAPE. Attempt to Blow Enmlly Into Eternity. The Crime Frustrated by Presence or Mind. A despatch from Toledo, Ohio, ,aye:—On Saturday night au effort was made to blow up the residence of David Hart, father of Charles Hart, the Paulding murderer. About midnigh t Mr. Hart was awakened by the barking of the family dog, chained at one corner of the houee. Lookingoua of the window, he saw sparks flying. Stepping to the door, heolutched the burning material and threw it as far as he could send it. As it struck tate ground a terrible explosion ejiook the earth for rods around. Upon investigating it was discovered that three dynamite cartridges had been placed near the door, and a s000nd later the entire house and occupants world have been blown to pieces. Hart's people were then satisfied they wore in danger if they re- mained in the neighborhood, and decided to leave. The neighbors raised a purse, and the family removed to the home of a brother of Mr. Hart's, in Indiana. Sheriff Staley is now satisfied he will not dare to bring young Hart into Paulding county for trial. Not a Bit of It. "Ther,'' remarked Dismal Dawson, "ther goes another of the fellers that is livin' off of us pore workingmen." " He don't look like no plute," said Everett Wrest. " He ain't. He'e one of them joke writ• ere." arge as a Dae Wore the scrofula sores on my poor little boy, Sickening and disgusting. They were esp. Wally severs on his legs, bank of lils ears and on his head. Itis hate was so matted that combing was sometimes lmpossi. hie. His legs were so bad that sometimes he could not sit down, and when he trial to wullt his legs would crack Jos, linty, openand the blood start. Yltysiclantt (Minot 'afoot cadre. ' S decided to give lilm hood's Sarsapee Alla. In two weeks the soros tentmeneod to heal up; the soaks camp a0' and allover his When L 11na taken 11, , betties of M° formed. ...;pads Sarsaparilla he was entirely fres from eons:, IJAnrts' 1C.. Runt, Box hoe, Columbia, Pennsylvania. Ho00'8 PILLS aro a tnlld, gentle, painless, sate and eeicieut cathart' u. Alwiys rellau,t, lOe ran,, A t4Ir M�f�Ry1rnm,, m m rn OXFORD vw � Qt�tr/� and... FURNACES m. .. Fpfi AL1. SIZE¢ Or 801LIRNCBs, Capaci#p from 10,000 to 80,00 el biC drool itCYCL ONES $T1304 RADIATOR" WOOD FURNACE iRAVY BRATD, ori eola13y adaptedforwood burning Heavy Steel PiatePire Box Dome unel Radiator, whioh Beat (picker aad aromoro durable RAtlon and q eaatt Heating Power LARGE ASH P1T COAL F NACE uR Largo Combustion Chamber tong FireTravel,oneIrolingrad*ater Large Heating Surface Food Large F Door r Q Baotisnal Fire Pot Rotating Ear Dumping Orate DEEP ASH PIT OXFORD WOOD PURNACS FUli Guaranteed CapacitycClty OATALOCUC and TESTIMONIAL GOOK. �^- ....Manufactured br.... FThe GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. • ies i y.teres OF i s? to The latest divcovery in the scienti- 8o world is that nerve centres located in or near the base of the brain con- trol all the organs of the body, and when these nerve centres are deranged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or nerve force, are also deranged. When is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal cord will pause paralysis of the body below the injured point, because the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the para- lyzed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the nerve centres will cause the derangement of the various organs whieli they supply with nerve force; that is, when a nerve centre is deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to supply the same quantity of nerve fuzee as when in a healthful condi- tion ; hence the organs which depend upon it for nerve force suffer, and are enable to properly perform their work, and as a result disease makes its appearance. At least two-thirds of our chronic diseases and ailments aro due to the imperfect action of the nerve centres at the base of the brain, and not from a derangement primarily originating In the organ itself. Tihe great mis- take of physicians in treating these Siemens is that they treat the organs and not the nerve ,entree, which era, the cense of the trouble. The wonderful cures wrought by the Great South American Nervine Tonic are clue alone to the faoi, that ' this remedy is based upon"the fore- going principle. It cures byrebuild- ing and strengthening the nerve centres, and thereby increasing the supply of nerve force or nervous energy. This remedy has been found of infinite value for the Dura of Nervous- ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous: Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful.. nese, 'Mental Despondency, Nervous- ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Sick Headache, Heart .Disease. The Brat' bottle will convince anyone that it cure is pertain.. South American Nervine is with.. out doubt the greatest remedy eves discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach Troubles, because it acts through the, nerves. It gives relief in one day, and absolutely effects a permanent sure in every instance, Do not allow your prejudices, or the preja- slices of others, to keep Sou front using this health -giving remedy. Ir is based on tate result of years of scientific research and study. .4 single bottle will oonvinoe the mosi' incredulous. A- DRADUAY Witole9ale and,ltotnil Agent for Brussels Decline of Farm Lands In England. A recent rental of a farm in the County of Suffolk, England, illustrates iu a practi• nal way the surprising decrease in the value of farm lands in England, A few week agofarm consisting of 130 acres was put up for rental at attrition in Ipswich. the auction system of lease was resorted to, as the proprietor had been unable to obtain a tenant by any other rneane. The auctioneer anuotrntied his upset price, and asked for bids. lie received 1110 above this Spiro, and the farm was lot. for 460, the laatilord undertakingat the same time to do certain repalrs,whieh brought the het rental down to 435 a year. Por twelve yeare previous to 1879 the farm.brneght the owner 5900 clear yearly, after all expense had been paid. The decline in prices, theeefere may Confessed Train Robbers. A despatch from Oswego, N.Y.,'sayer•u« Three young .men, Frank Varnum, 13 ' Ingersoll and Charles Nelson, arrested !rya the (hargoof train wreaking on the 1)ole.?, ware, Lackawanna and Western railroad,., near L mosherry station, a few miles ween,:: of this place, have oonfeesed to being morn, boys of an organized gang, whose object„ WAS train -wreaking' and robbery, They, made three uusuoceeslul attempts during the last year, the engine emelt time throw- ing the obstructions off the track, w.thoui, serious oousequenoee. The young leepera- does waited each time with masked faces, dark lanterns and the most approved dims novel equipments. be gauged by ;6200 fn .1879,ts agarose 3135 '`Father Donut, director of the Vatican. thing to parallel this observatory, died on Friday of apoplexy - in 1894. We have no in Canada. , after an audience with the Pope, t.