The Brussels Post, 1894-12-28, Page 6RLT � 0 '
eiy MXITS$CIO.,�t
tithe tor the early 14f410 o
Mrs. M, is e, doctoring luta she's cured
more'n a hundred ewe like 14 she tied
a• sills thread meow' the leg and read
.name verses out of fiie Bible," It is
needless to say the Patient diiiil, There
is a false and foolish belief among the
laity about "filo palate coming down,"
cf 71to ' Pad" z In some posterior Imes" and throat ia•
Statin i, ubligping H9113e, Aammations, there is a very serious
Tcannnlutr ST., Bnoserrs, Cul',.
Timms of $uneonrxwwoN,—One dollar and
a half a yyear, in advance. The ants 1)0 Which
oto on Subscription
lebel,ie denoted by the
Anvanaltusa N9ame. -The follewip rates
win be ollarged to those who advortieo by
the year t—
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One Column r -$000 ; $85.00 $2000
Half :,,..,., 1. 8060 20.00 1800
Quarter !' 11 20,19O 12:00 800
ighth 12,00 8,60 600
'nlght cents per line for nrst insertion, and
three cents per line for Baan iubeequeutin-
sortion. A11 advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the inoh, .
Ausinese Cards, eight lines and under, 86
per annum.
Advertieomente wP bnut epooitlo dime.
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged aoaordingiy.
Instructions to obauge or aisoontinuoan
advertisement must be left at the equating
room ofTna POST not later than Tuesday
of each weak This is imperative.
W. II. 1110111-1,,
Editor and Proprietor.
Old Superstitions, Popular Fal -
lades and Peculiar Ideas.
To:the Editor of TuE PosT.
Superstition is of great antiquity. The
young world was very ignorant and ignor-
ance is the foundation of superstition.
Unlearned men in the earlier ages of the
world, as well as some at the present age,
witnessing natural phenomena and not
being able to give a rational explanation,
attributed their occurrence to super-
natural causes. People are superstitious
on many subjects, but if they are super-
stitious on one thing more than another
it is sure to be in connection with sick
nese and medicine and medical subjects.
There is the old superotitious belief in
witches, ghosts and fairies, which is not
extinct yet in some districts. Then there
are the innumerable "signs" good and
bad. It
was a bad sign to see the new or
full moonthrough a tree top or through
anything that obscured it, but if you
could see it, for the first time, full and
fair over the right shoulder, it brought
good luck. It was a bad sign for any
member of the household to take up a
chair and twirl it round on one of its
legs. It was a bad sign for a male per -
eon to comp into the house with a hoe or
an axe on his shoulder ; he must go
straight through or back out the way he
came in and not take the implement from
his shoulder until outside. There was a
superstition in regard to crowing hens,
and bellowing cows. These hens and
cows were a great terror to the supersti-
tious, something was going to happen,
somebody was going to die, the hen must
be killed, the cow beaten away. It is a
fact that from some cause, asbreaking tip
her nest or the loss of her chickens, or
some such calamity that befalls her, a
hen will take it into her head to crow and
will go about crowing in a boisterous,
wild, insane way for days ; and that for
somesuch reason the cow will also try to
assume the functions of the male by go-
ing•about bellowing,. • Wo see the same
thing in certain women, who seem to de-
sire a to assume the functions of the strong -
hors h 1
o din a
prayer g h, because
er sex and they generallysucceed about P Y g posed chamber death, refuge from
as well as the hen and the cow. If a bird one has seen a bird (seeking refuge from
flew into a house it was a sign that some- a hawk) fly into the sick room or an in -
one was going to die. If a person was nocent dove, bereft of its mate, has cooed
sick and one of these messengers (taking in the vicinity, or a hen has crowed, or a
refuge in its terrorized fright from a cow has bellowed at the door. The train -
pursuing hawk, or something else) flew ed, intelligent, worthy young physician,
into the house, it was a bad sign for the who is struggling to earn his bread,
patient. If a funeral wore passing your
door and it stopped (from some irregu-
larity of movement in front) it was a sign
some one was going to die in your house.
There is always some old woman in your
neighborhood who"has sussed more sick
folks than anybody else" and is especially
experienced in doctoring children, "She
knows more about babies than the doc-
tors ; what does a man know about a
baby or about a woman either ?" She
always insists on givinggunpowder, goose.
oil, hot buttermilk, fat pork, saffron tea,
catnip tea and such like, and always
winds up with "I never knowed it to fail,
or if it don't do no good, it'1 dono harm."
There is always a naturally smart man
in your neighborhood, who is naturally a
doctor and doctors both man and animals
by experience ; in fact he it afflicted with
a peculiar insanity, manifested by symp-
toms of wanting to doctor people and
animals, Yon diagnose the disease for
him and he will always know an unfail-
ing remedy. .A. doctor prescribed lemons,
other fruit and vegetables for a patient
whom he knew had thatj peculiar blood
trouble called scurvy. That night the
husband killed a sheep and wrapped his
wife's limbs in the hide and apphed bite
of raww mutton aoroes ler forehead, under
her eyes, lips, chin and neck. Theyhad
a remedy as soon
as they were
Y told the
disease. The doctor told them that mut-
ton was a good thing but they applied it
to the wrong side—the outside. A physi-
choking sensation and in snail cases they
think the palate has come down. A boy
thus affiioted "get his palate down and
could not got it up." The amber arrived
and found en old woman with a stink six
moles long twisted into his bait: and
holding on, She said, '1 got it just so
fur and, couldn't get it any forder, so I.
jest hilt it there an' waited fur you to
come." The boy's fade was flushed, oyes
1protruding and mouth wide open, breath.
e05ly waiting for the palate to crook back
into its place, There are Sonic popular
fallooies regarding some medical subjects
which need correobing, There is a super-
stibion regarding the process of stopping
hemorrhages, nose bleeding, &o , The
charmer by a kind of ceremony and read-
ing a secret verse out of the Bible,
thought he or she could stop the bleeding.,
The faot is, meat small hemorrhages stop
of themselves after a time and then these
people succeed greatly "fn their minds."
Thousands have unbounded faith in car.
Iain harks, bub the virtue attributed to
thein is ridiculous. If peeled upwards,
the tea made of itwill act as an a mebio,
and if peeled downwards will ant, as a
cathartic. Many people have a tradition
of a silver plate being ilia in the skull in
place of bone lost ininluries. They know
nothing of the reformation of bone and
that it would be useless to try, and a
physiological impossibility to successfully.
use a silver plate. When a limb is am-
putated and theatient has pain in the
etump,.many believe it to be caused by
the uncomfortable position or injury to
the amputated portion, They know no-
thing of the functions of the complex
nervous system and that it isthe edn-
cated sensory and nerves referring the
pain bask bothe brain from the stump,
as though the limb wore still intact, the
amputated portion having nothing to do
with it. I need not enumerate the
many wart cures and charms believed in,
but only remind the superstitious that all
warts disappear without interference
through a physiological process of the
skin, and that these charms, &c., only
exist "in their minds," I might multi-
ply examples of these queer ideas and
superstitious ions nO
s ad infinitum. afinit
um. If
there were e lesssuperstition and 'a more
intelligent understanding concerning the
medical profession, it would relieve phy-
sicians of half the burden of its success.
Jul prosecution. Many people have in-
herited their queer ideas and notions from
their ancestors and will have it that there
is a great mystery hanging about the
profession. We find them still carrying
potatoes in their pockets or wearing a
gold ring to cure rheumatism, or a string
of beads for a thiok neck, or an extracted
tooth is carried in the pocket to prevent
having tooth ache, and insist on putting
their unbounded faith in such stuff as
burnt feathers, dog oil, coon oil, snake
oil, goose oil and fish worms for linf.
menta, and in charms by laying on of
hands, all of which are the groundless
notions of the ancients handed down
since the time of Aristotle.. They insist
that a man must die if he has the third
congestive chill or if be fall intothe water
and sink the third time they think be
must drown, though he may have been in
the water but one minute. It is a great
damper on the feelings of the young doc-
tor to have hispatient one day doing well
and return the next to find his or her
nerves knocked into "pi" and the neigh-
33erlin has a Saurkraut and Spare Ttib
Deborning cattle is becoming a general
prootine in ,Berth County,
The ',Manitoba Legislature will assemble
the first week of Irebruary.
Ald, William Davidson may be elected
nt'tlorB, Herb MerchasBok,
Hamilton, Imo been transferred to Galt,
There are l,O0d women in London en.
titled to vote at the municipal eleotione,
Henry Golding, of Thamosford, took 85
turkeys to market weighing 520 pounds.
-Chore pre no important developments
in the financial situation at St, Johns,
MaeWherrel is reported to be one of
the beet behaved convicts in Kingston
Archbishop Cleary, of Kingston, bas.
subscribed 650 to the ,Lady Thompson
testimonial fund:
Rave, Messrs, Hunter and Crossley are
meeting with conch eu0oees in thein worts
in St, Catharines..
An extension of the Brantford street
railway to Lovejoy's Park, near Cairns.
villa, bee been formally opened.
The Lake of Woods Milling Company.
will build three elevators in Manitoba
anti the Territories next Spring.
Lion. Dr. Montague is in very poor.
health, Re was accompanied from
Ottawa to Montreal byhis physician.
S. 13. Newman, of Owen,Sound,inked
some ripe strawberries of the Alpine'
species in his garden on Deo. 6.
It is announced that the old suspension
bridge at Niagara Palls is to be taken
away shortly, and a' new oantilever bridge
will replace it.
The rise in the price of Manitoba
wheat is explained by the fact that there
is very little high-grade left,' and the
millers are after it.
J. W. Little, of London, has consent-
ed to become a candidate for the Mayor.
alty,and will be opposed by Wm. Jones,
Water Commissioner.
Mrs. Charles Pollakowsky, of Mitchell,
is the owner of an orange tree. It is
bearing for the first time. Eight beauti.
ful oranges ,being suspended from its
As a specimen of the crooked nature
thelT, H. & B. line between Hamill
and Brantford, it is stated that at
paint it orosses the travelled road
times in two miles.
An exoursi
an train onU
t o Chicago and
Grand Trunk, loaded with Canadians
bound for Winnipeg, was wrecked at
Schooloraf1, Mich., the other day, but no
passengers were burl.
Dr. Smythe is willing to run again for
the Ontario Legislature in Kingston if
the Conservatives nominate him. Other-
wise it ie. possible that Hon. Mr. Harty
will be returned by aoolamation.
Isaac Church, of Hamilton, is aiming
Thos. Lawry for 65,000 damages for al-
leged malicious prosecution, this being
the sequel to the trial when Church was
acquitted of the charge of stealing pork
from Thomas Lawry & Son. .
The Rev. Dr. Chiniquy has written a
long letter to Archbishop Fabre, saying
that now that his health has been restor-
ed'be would be very glad to receive his
Lordship in his bumble home to discuss
with him the error of which hie Lordship
says be is guilty.
His Honor Judge McDougal sitting
last week as Laoal Judge in Admiralty
gave judgment inthe case against the
American fishing tug Grace, deolariog it
confiscated with its cargo and all its be-
longings for illegally fishing in waters
within Canadian territory.
Mr. R.13. Roeabaok, dry goods mer-
chant, Collingwood, Bays :—"I find
Stark's Powders, for sick and nervous
headache, neuralgia, biliousness, the
stomach and liver, the best preparation of
the many I have tried. They not only
relieve but completely cure. Stark's
Powders for sick and nervouss headache,
neuralgia and biliousness, the stomach
veer, are moa to
not be otherwise than chagrinned when he and take, immediate
sees people whose box sold by Two preparations ons in
P o practice ba ought to a a bo box sold by ell druggists at 25 cents
do, patronizing the most blatant quacks, a box.
quack institutions and sending away
large sums of money for advertised quack
nostrums, often losing both time and
money until it is too late to obtain re.
lief from its proper source. These peo-
ple put implicit faith in such humbugs as
the Indian Medicine vendor, with his
"passel of ysrbs"-which he states are so
harmless. I would remind such that the
majority of our most deadly noxious
herbs, sleaves r&o.,rand d fChoat allrthe rInds
en's herbs, &o., from the remotest parts
of the earth are better known in our
scientific laboratories than the simplest
of them are known to the poor untutored
rin man in the forest. Quacks and
swindlers advertise and reap fortunes. m
Physicians never do. 1. WHITE BOARS FOR
Cosmos Sioxsn.
Lot 11, Undersigned
Grewill keep for
White boar and a registered Berkshire the
latter purchased from 2. 0, Snell of 16d-
mondton. Terms, 01.00 to be paid at the
time of service with privilege of returning 11
necessary, ANGUS SEAW,
10.4 Proprietor.
The SERVICE. service
on o
North Half 008d20 Oona 7, Morris,ra thorn'
bred Tamworth Boar, recently purchased
from the well known breeder, Juo, Bell, Am-
ber. Also n Chester White Boar, Terms,
81.00 to be paid at time of service with priv-
ilege ofreturning if veaesearv.
59.11 B. WALI9:IBB,Proprie tor,
undersignedlll keep for service, at
Lot 19, Oon, 10, Grey, a thoro' bred y0uhg
Berkshire boor, Pedigree may he seen on
application. Terme $1.00 to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning if nec-
essary, JNO. BROWN,
19 Bin Proprietor.
Undersigned will keep for service, on
101 18, cin. 10, Grey, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire boar, Oraubroolc
11uks," purchased from Jahn Ooasins &
Sons, Harrlston. Terms -81.00 to be paid at
the time of service with privilege of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigree and stook may
be seen on npplioatio»,
12.8m Proprietor,
The corner -stone of all sin is unbelief.
We punish ourselves when we hate
other people.
A hypocrite never fools anybody but
God is di -appointed whenever a Christ-
ian is unhappy.
No<hing can use up worry so quiok as
trust in God.
man was once treating a patient for in- The keynote to the religion of Christ is
nomination of the lungs who was so seri- rinse'fisbnese,
nus as to be nearing dissolution, when one
of those "natural" doctors wlio always
hada remedy for everythinghappened in,
and, looking sharply from under his
heavy eyebrows asked, "Doctor did you
ever try black eat shin poultices for these
05053 ?" "Well," said he, it's a good
thing if yon can get a real black cat. It
acts like a charm." That night the boys
killed all the black oats in the neighbor-
hood and poulticed the patient with their
skins. Next day the patient died, but
the old fellow insisted that if he had got
there a little sooner and could have got
the "real black cat" lie could have saved
him. A doctor once said to an old pati-
ent who had rheumatism "Well William,
that last medicine did it's work did it ?"
"Naw, sin, it didn't do me no good, but I
found something that did," as he tri-
umphantly untied a rattle snake skin
from his waist, which he had been wear-
ing as an unfailing remedy, and of course
attributed the erre to it. A doctor was
attending a serioas case of extensive
cellulitis of the, thigh.. When the case
was at its worst and he expected to lance
it at his next visit, a lad came intothe
office •and said "Yoti need not come up to
No man is pure who is not filled with
love of 0511095.
That man has an easy place who loves
to do God'a will
A civil tontine will protect us where a
rev leer wouldn't.
God clan use a weak man, but he has no
use fora lazy one.
We cannot do our best for a cause we
are not sure is right.
If salvation did not depend upon lova,
it could not be eternal.
The faultfinder works at least ten
hours a day for the devil for nothing.
The joy of the Lord is the strength, of
the righteous. Have you got it 2
Ib means something when a cheerful
giver puts his band 1,1 his poeltet.
When we are doing right it is always
safe to count on God for Iota of Help.
Peop'e who try to serve God for gain
are glad to serve the devil for nothing.
We need more preaching that Will keep
sinners from going to sleep in Church:
Sell all vourironblas to God, and you
will soon have joys to tell 'o everybody.
Will, God's help the wioltetleat mous
can become as good as God wants him to.
Mr.' L.'a to -day," "Why," .asked the be,
doctor, "Is Mr, ,L. dead ? i "No,but a ea head isK reit is aimed miss
bhs l b,
the is pretty sure to mise.theUeart,
Undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 28 Con. 0,Morrie, the thorn' bred lin-
provedWhite Yorkshire Roar "Canada's
Prince,'' purchased from the well-known
breeder 2. TB. Brethtmr, Oa1 Laded Farm,
Burford, 'Perms, $1.00 to be paid ab the
time of service with privilege of returning
if noonseary. Pedigree may be even on ap-
The on undersignedwl kogtiot1,c.]8,Gy,seeiseredTa iwrh
Boar, bred. by him 11 ell,. of Amber, (dowdy
related to -hie celebrated' prise herd at the
Toronto Industrie I. Alan a registered. Berk-
shire, prod by 2, 0, Snell, Edmonton, of
Imported Stook. Those are two first.alaM
hogs. Terme—.91,!,5 at the time of Service
with privilege of ,turning if neoeseary.
Pedigrees of either can be seen oh app1l.
cation, DA; N,
18.4 0.
Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi-
demic, isn alwaye-more or less prevalent.
The best comedy for Ibis complaint
1s Ayerrs Cherry Pectoral.
"Last Spring, I was taken • down with
La Grippe. At times I was completely pros..
crated,;and 80 difdeult was my breathing
that my breast seemed as it confined in an
iron cage. i procured a bottle of Ayers
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner bad I began
taking it than relief followed. I ooirid notbe.
neve that the effect would be se rapid and.tbe
cure so complete. Itis truly a wonderful med.
loins:'—W- H, WIL1;p0MS, Crook City, 9. D.
Cherry Pectoral
Certain 1n 11a affects and motor blisters.
Road proofs below:
81.9sro0,T, L. L, N.Y., Jun 15, 1894.
Dr. B. J. Kas5ALL Co.
GenHomen—I boughta splendid harbors° some.
timedsorvith a Bpavin. Ieothlmfot•gsa Fused
aendatre eyes in 0ure, Tho zor to n ie goad now
and I have been offered 8150 for the mmo hone.
I only had him nine week,, so I got 81x7 for using
✓s2 worth of K k Spavin Cure.
Yours r. truly, W. S. Mennen.
Dr. B. J. RgxnAty Co.Beezny, Nice, Dec.10,1899.
Strs—I hare used your Kendalls Spavin cure
with good success for Ourbo on. two -horses and
His thge best Liniment I have °Ter used. .
Yours truly, Among yeascslce.
Price e1 per Bottle,
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
Dr. M. J. HL„1vbdbL COMPANY,
Time is MOM.
Pacific Express
Leaves Toronto 12:30, noon, by New Time
Table, now in effect.
Saves 12 Hours
A Through Tourist Car leaves Toronto
at 12:30 p. in. every Friday.
Interest the young people at home in the
long evenings by procuring one or
more of the Following
Popular Gaines :
Catapult, Croquet,
Whirlpool, Halms,
Flips, Lotto,
Checkers, Fish Pond,
Dominoes, ' Authors,
Bagatelle, Farmers at the Fair
Cut up Puzzle Pictures, &c.
All of these may
be had at
THE POST Bookstore.
BEDi7OE' ST0010.
BUMS ONLY $1,00.
Post Bookstore,
Arv. 28, t894
Giocerhy Store
Opposite the Queen's Befell Brussels,
A Full Stook, or Fresh Groceries, Flour,Bread,(rockery and Glassware always on band
Produce taken at .Highest .Markel enPrices
Exchange, but no- .Credit �' Lv. .
Commissions of all kinds
Promptly Executed.
Remember the Bien Opposition , d. oeltiel� is the '
pp li Lb of Badness.
Special Bargains TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS
of each week.
IPoultry Wanted when the weather is
steady, Dry Picked and not Drawn. I.
MENS, Y�lJ,pU Suits
It will pay you to see the values we
will offer for the next two weeks.
Prices, Down 1 Down 1 Down
Our General Stook is well As- New Prints/ and Fresh Gro -
sorted and Values Eight. aeries for the Xmas Trade.'
Brne1s Phete&rapliej'
Is now prepared to take Photos, of
every Description from the Small -"...�
Sunbeams to the
We have just received our
which is doing splendid work. Views of
Pic-nic Parties and Residences can be
taken on the shortest notice by applying
at the: Photo. Gallery.
Step in and give us a Call. Always welcome at
the old Reliable Photo. Studio in Sti-etton Block,
over Standard Bank.
Is Showing in his New Premises,
...®,Opposite American 1-Iote1,
A Full Stock pfn,
All Kinds of �: FOR
Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room or Kitchen.
Picture Framingattended
to on short nonce.
Undertaking Bepartnient, `e ,,,,
A Full Supply of Funeral
Requisites Always in Stock,
Special Attentioniven to Repairing, g palring, ,
HOGG•, Brussels.