HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-12-28, Page 5NO, 23, 1304 lzsl��zx tto5, II is 81.09 in advance will get Tule Boni for 3895. Subsoribe pow. David Green, of Wocdsbook, ie Visiting friende hero, J. A, Young made a business trip to our villagelast week. The elevator at the station storehouse is now in goad running order. Principal Dobeun and wife left ou Bat- urday laeb to spend their vaoation„ with . clown s friends d East, Misses Stephenson and Newcombe and Will. Newcombe are spending their Ohristmae vacation al their homes in Clinton. Mol II1op. Bell Brothers have finished a oon- traot of putting cordwood for J. J. Irvine. Henry Bennawiaa le prepairing to build a large addition to his barn the coming season. Mies Katie Kenny, the amiable young teacher at No, 8, retiree, her certificate having expired. The perpetrators of a vile and obsoene apt committed on the premises of one of our quiet and unaeenmsng farmers have been discovered. Sunday sohool entertainments are numerous. There ie one announoed for the evening of January, 1st at Walton ()burgh, and another the following even- ing at Bethel. Refreshments will be Served, followed by a program of read-" ings, recitations, singing, eto, VProxe*er. We regret to chronicle the death of Jae. Hazlewood, of Clifford, who died on Mon- day, the 17th inst., after a short illness of about three weeks. Deoeaeed was born in the Township of Young, in the County of Leeds, Ont., 1819, were he resided for seven years. He then moved to Howiok township and settled in Lakelet, remain- ing their for 21 years, during which time he performed the duties of Justine of the Peace. He moved from Lakelet to Wrox eter, remaining there for over two years and from Wroxeter he removed to Clifford. where he lived until the time et his death being the epfoe of five yeara. He•leavea five sons and one danghter to mourn their loss, viz. :—W. C., of Wroxeter ; Rev. J. H., of Ingersoll ; George, of Howiok ; R. M. and Ira, of Clifford, and Mrs. Mc Donald, of Wingham. Deceased was an motive temperance worker and a member of the Methodist ohttrah fur 65 years. The remains were interred in the Clifford cemetery on Wednesday of last week. , , Bel; rave. 81.00 in advance will get Tao Posx for 1895. Subscribe now, W. J. Russell, of Duluth, Min., is home for the winter. J. Porterfield, of Omaha,' Neb., is spending the holiday season at hie old home. J. M. Henderson attended the funeral of his unole, the late W. Henderson, 155 eon., Morrie, on Friday. E. Livnigston has taken the contract of supplying a large quantity of barrel beading to the oil refineries in London. There will be an exodus of our youth and beauty to the ball in Blyth on Friday evening, as a number of.invttations have been received in town. A very successful Christmas tree en- tertainment under the auspices of the Methodist Sunday school was held in the Foresters' hall on Christmas night. The Christmas tree and entertainment under the auspices of Trinity ohurch Sunday school, . which was held in the Foresters' hall on Thursday night of last week, was a grand success. A large crowd was in attendance. The program was something excellent and the tree was adorned with many beautiful and costly presents. Prooseds amounted to over 840. i H. E B B Y S S Y L s POST if the teacher took even one day to hiz. atilt he would have to givg Saturday in. Plead., Now we And in several inetanooe Ivo toatllere doing the work of one, with the pene already made, the headlines al- ready eet, and taking several woke to themeelvee:bosides Saturcllaye, The time has arrived when we [Mould' cat down 'Very uoeless item of expenditure, and I think all ratepayers in the eeotion will agree with me in saying there could be soma saving made in this instapoe. There Was not so many children to send as there were in past yore, and in the eummer time they are mostly small ones, Now what I would suggest ie to hire a male teacher for six months in the winter and have both teach as usual, and in the Summer when part of the attendanoe has dropped off the female teacher could do the rest ample justice. In eonolueion I may state that if there should be a good turnout at the eohool meeting to talk the `matter over and eee if there could be some arrangements made before the neat term of hiring. Yours reepeotfully, A RATntATEH. Orq►.nl'►roolc. R. P. Cameron, of Knox College, To- ronto, is home, 01.00 ih advance will get THE Pon for 1895. Subscribe now. Coon Raddatz, of Wingham, ate his Christmas turkey at home. Jacob Long and family took possession of the Beak Hotel this week. Principal Wynn ie spending his boli days at his home in Newry. A grand ball and supper will be given in Wiese' Hall on New Year's eve. Mies Winnie Bowerman, of Mitchell, was visiting at A. McNair's last week. Mins Annie Slemmon, of Toronto Ladies' College, is home for vacation. Mies Kate Foerater, teaoher et New Hamburg, and Adam Foeroter, of De- troit, are spending Xrnas vacation under the parental roof. W sal to ra. 01.00 in advance will get Tan Pon for 1895. Subaoribe now• Joe Oreig, who has been very sick with inflammation of the bowels, is slowly re. covering. Jno. Morrison is home from the Model and is ready to teach the young idea. He is engaged ab the Leadbury school for next year. W. Haokwell met with a paiuful aooi• dent while cutting straw last week. He got his index finger caught in the cog- wheel of the machine and it was badly crushed. He drove to Dr. Armstrong's office and had the injured portion taken off and dressed. Tx..snoErme.—A. very successful tea - meeting was held in Duff's church on Monday evening. After an excellent tea was served the program was proceeded with, which consisted of choice music ,by the ohoir and speeches by the follow- ing gentlemen :—Rev. Mr. Musgrave, of Winthrop ; Rev. Mr, Paul. of 'Brussels ; and Dr. McDonald, M, P., of Wingham. Rev. Mr. Forrest presided. The pro• oeede amounted to 040.25. A. 0. 13. W.—At the last regular meet- ing of the Walton Lodge, No. 805, A. O. 13. W., the following onions were elect- ed :—J. Rook, M. W. ; Chas. Ritchie{ Foreman ; Geo. Grigg, Overseer ; Rioh. Pollard, Recorder; Wm. Neal, Finan- cier ; W. Lawson, Receiver A. Carter, Guide ; J. Hewitt, L W. ; A. Gardiner, O. W. ; J. McDonald, Representative to Grand Lodge ; J. M. Armstrong, Medical Examiner. e PRESENTATION :—Prior to]' Mise J. B. Kirkby's departure on Wednesday after- noon of last .week, thepupiie of this wheel and a number of visitors aa• ambled in her room and presented her with an appropriately worded address: and a handsome preeent, consisting 8f a silver cake basket, a , silver butter dish and a silver napkin ring. It was a. beautiful gift and shown the high esteem in which Mies Kirkby was held by the pupils and parents. During the three yearsMiss Kirkby has berm here, elle has proven herself to be a faithful and energetic teacher, and all express their regret ab bee departure. School will rs•open an Thursday, Jan. 8rd, 1895. Dutton or THE POST.—Kindly allow res space in TUB RoST 88 say a few words in reference to what I ooneidee High Sobool taxes in S. 8. No. 11, Walton. My taxes this year on one hundred acres is 816.04, nearly ono half of the whole taxes. There are some people living in the eeotion who Wm well remember the time when one teacher could manage !rem 50 to 70 seholare ; 'make• and mend all the lulus out of goose quills;; r set all the bead -lines for eopiesend could ive, the oboists Gra, s' Munieipal nomination at Ethel next Monday. Jessie Cunningham hoe been on the siok list. W. A. Luke, of Toronto, was visiting at Jno. Hill's last week. • Bert. ancj, Ed. Hill are visiting at Clinton and Holmeeville this week. D. Ferguson, wife and children, of Teeewater, are holidaying with relatives. Christina Cutt, who has been quite ill is improving in health now we are pleas. ed to state. Mrs, Robert Harris and children left on Wednesday last for their home in Port Carling, Muskoka. Mies Bertha Ball and Dr. Hall's two eons, of Toronto, are enjoying a holiday week with the family of Henry Ball. Jae. Dark and family, of Neepswa, Manitoba, are home on a visit. Mr. Dark reports having had a'good prop this Year. There is some talk of another box sooiel to be held at Roe's appointment. They are "eooial" people if they can keep from "boxing." W. L. MaQuarrie, who is home for his Xmas vacation, accompanied his sisters to Kincardine to haus Christmas dinner with their grandparents. Will. is in for a good time. Bert. Hill, of Lnmeden, N. W. T., or - rived home last Saturday. The west appears to agree with him. His niece, Vera, accompanied him and will return in about two months. Last week fourteen bags of oats were gathered on the Bethel appointment for the minister. We shouldn't wonder if some of the young men, especially G. will expect a favor from the minister shortly. At the school meeting in S. 8. No. 1, on Wednesday of this week, John Grant was sleeted a trustee ma successor to Thee. Colder, whose term had expired. The latter was re•eleoted Secretary - Treasurer for 1895. WEDDING BELLS. -0a Christmas Day the home of Charles Rozell, 10th eon., Grey, was the ooene of a happy event, in the marriage of hie eldest daughter, Edith Iioeemond, to John Engel, of Paw Paw, Miohigen. The interesting cere- mony was performed by Rev. G. H. Oobbledick, B. D., in the presence of about forty mats. The bridesmaid was Mise Ella Plum, of Brussels, and the groom was supported by Wm. Bozell, brother of the bride. The bride and bridesmaid were attired in cream. The wedding presents were numerous and valuable signifying the esteem in which the bride is held by a large oirale of friends. After partaking of the wedding breakfast the happy couple left on the evening train to spend a few days in Toronto previous to starting to their future home, Paw Paw, a growing town 140 miles from Detroit, where Mr. Engel ia, parrying on a euooeesful business. THE Posy joins with the many well wishere of Mr. and Mre. Engel for a long happy and prosperous voyage over the matrimonial sea. Sancta ExeaorATtox.—A successful ex- amination was held in Shine's school bowie on Friday afternoon of last week. Although the weather was. rather dis- agreeable, quite a number of the parents were in attendance listening eagerly to the answers given by their children when questioned by the various teachers prey• tint. The blackboards were beautifully decorated with specimens of art drawing done by the different mile. At abont 1:30 no lees than twelve teachers had as- sembled to take part in the examination of the classes. As the program was rather lengthy, the latter part was . cur- tailed. However classes were examined by Misses Calder, McLauchlan, and Messrs. Dodds, Hill, MoLaachlin, Arm- strong and Moore, After OW an interest- ing program was rendered by the pupils as follows :—Solo, Allis Switzer ; oboiee of trades, six boys • recitationBessie Davidson ; recitation, Charlie Arm- strong ; singing, Bertha 111ilton and Jen - Ramie ; recitation, Allis Bwiteer ; reading, Joe Davidson ; reoitation Em- ma Cardiff ; song, Willie Farquharson ; recitation, Elton Resell ; recitation, Vine, Armstrong ; harmonica, Angus Molloy ; recitation, Aggie Caldor ; song, Jno. Orerar ; recitation, Annie Bozell ; ebair.- man's address by Rev. D. Millar. Short, pithy speeohes wore also given by Mines Calder' and .MoLauohlben, and Messrs. Kelly, Voktion, Wynn, Hill, Engler, Mo. Lenohlin, Dodds and Moore. After this somewhat lengthy program lunob was indulged in with right good will. Mr. Moore made a very suooeseful teacher, and his retirement is regretted by the truateee and parents of 8. S. No, 1 and the teaobers of the. surrounding schools who with him ene0e8e in hie. proposed each dray gesso nu to stapdy at home, and newspaper undertakiug, 81.09 in advance will set Tire POST 2or 1896. Subeorlbe now. Mrs. David McGuire and Herb, Fore% ter, of Puterboro', are visiting at S, Aman'. P44en1t111ie Edmunds, of 22ewkAsul110, ie a4 present the peat of her sister, 11Ire, A,1Powler• Last Wedneeday the annual 8011001 meeting was held in Smith's school hegmm. John Strachan woe elected truatee, his brother Jamee retiring. The wood non. tract was awarded to Oliver Smith at 81,18 per cord. An evening plass has been formed by the n t. 8 t the 0 eof o or h young S S. N purpose of receiving instruction in arith- metic and book-keeping. J. B, Stewart ie the teacher. Claes meets every Mon- day and Thursday evenings. All are weloome.. , Archie Hislop will remain in the field as a candidate for the Reeveehip. Thos.. Straohan will not run. For the Deputy Reeveshipo the namee of A. C. Dames, Edward Bryan, Jae. Turnbull, Jas. Lindsay, Wm, Brown, Time. Ennis, Jas. Ferguson, L. McNeil, Elias Diokeon and others are mentioned. It is quite prob- able that Reeve Milne will contest the honors again. HYMENHAD.—On' " Wednesday of last week Mr. Movettie, of Hgllett township; and Mies Jessie Johnston, were united in marriage, by Rev. D. Forrest, at the reel - donee of the bride's parents, 18th • eon. There were a large number of guests present and the wedding gifts bespoke the popularity of the nontraining parties, Mr. and Mrs, MoVettie will make their home in Hallett. They begin married life with the good wishes of a large circle of friends. On Friday evening last the Bethel Sun- day School gave a Christmas tree enter. tainment which proved to be a decided success. The children, under the train- ins of their teacher, Mr, MaQuarrie, and Mien Speiran, rendered their part moat creditably. }Lev. Mr. Waddell was elect- ed. Chairman. The following program the audienoe greeted with maoh applause : —Opening, recitation and song ; prayer by Rev. Waddell ; music by the choir reoitatione by W. Hanley and Hugh Mc- Kay ; music. Amelia Whitfield ; reoita- tione by Norma Sperling, John McKay and G. Frasier ; dialogue, "A pain in the side ;" music, Mrs. Waddell ; recitations by Frankie Harrison, Belle Molloy and Russell Robertson ; quartette, "Wait a Little," Miseee Speiran and Messrs. Mo- Quarrie and Speiran ; recitations by Wilber Harkness, W. Morrison ; music by the choir ; reoitatiooa by Nellie Mo - Naught and W. McKay ; dnett, Miss Speiran and Mr. Kelliugton ; recitations by T. Osborne and L. MoNaaght ; dia. logue, "Going to Mauro ;" recitation, Florence Robertson:; music, "Busy Gleaners ;"' recitation, Mary Meehan ; "Harkey Sermon," W, Bray musk, "Ring Merry Belle ;" recitation, Geo. McKay ; reading, Bertha Boyle ; recita- tion, Hattie Fraser ; singing by Sunday school eoholars. Mies Lizzie Speiran presided as organist in her usual pleasing manner. After the program considerable excitement was raised by the arrival of "Santa Claus" by way of a window. Af- ter tying bis reindeer his two attendants name in and gladdened many hearts by presents received from the ladened •tree. Proceeds amounted to 819.15. SEE OUR Ferris 47, Fliom Chicago to Brussels Loaded with .., Christmas Presents for Everybody. WHEEL iN AND BUY. T this gay and festive season of the year, when everybody is bubbling over with good feelings, because they intend to make a present to Louize, or Thomas, or father, or mother, we would remind you that we keep in stock Serviceable and Useful Gifts. We will name them for you :—Ladies' and Children's Gloves and Mitts • Ladies' Cashmere Hose • Ladies' Underwear and Corsets ; a nice Assortment of Hair Pins, Tie Pins, Brooches, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Purses, Mouth Organs, Thimbles, Collars and Cuffs. Gents' Ties, [Knots] for 20c, worth 35c, Silk Handkerchiefs for 25e, worth 50c, A. lot of Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 12'ic, 15c, 20c and 25c, Men's Underwear, all sizes and prices, away down, Top Shirts, a great variety, for 25c, 33c, 42c, 50c, 60c, 71c and $4c, WORTH Gents' Cashmere Mufflers 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, Ladies' Hem Stitched Ties, fancy ends, 30c, Silk Handkerchiefs, large size, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c, Men's Sox, Gloves and Caps at Exceedingly Low Prices, Ladies' Black Coney Muffs, $1,00, Ladies' Black Coney Collars, $2.110. TWICE THE MONEY. Our Blankets are still 40c per Lb. Less than mill prices. THE J. GOOD BUTTER WANTED. Don't Forget us when you are Filling the Stockings. GARFIELD HOUSE, BRUSSELS. HARD TX We want money and must have it, and to ac- complish our purpose we have decided to make a Big Reduction in our stook and have knocked down everything to nearly Half Price. If you want Bar- gains now is the time to get them. We can't quote prices so want you to come and look and compare our Prices with any store in town. We have too much stock and are bound to reduce it. Millinery, Mantles and Dress Goods MUST BE SOLD And no Reasonalle Offer will be refused. We have !also a lot of nice Silk AND Eandkerchiefs lai1c? Goods, Of every Description, suitable for XMAS PRESENTS And at Prices to suit the times. Santa Clans is coming and everybody can afford at the Prices we are selling at to remember hila at this Festive Sea- son. Come along, we will make it worth your while and save you money by making your purchases at Rogersx' BRUSSELS, Deo,'l7th, 1894. P. S. -We have a nice lot of Table Linen, Napkins, &c., suitable: for :Xmas at Greatly lteducecl Prices. Recollect everything iuust be sold Re- gardless of Cost, rr •86X 310, C6mmu,nt HOOD'S PILLS aro o rn1Li, ni '1e pate 404 emolont eAII1aru!. A11va1,, ollars Saved Al ®liars Gained The way to save money is to call on M, McKAT & CO. And see their prime stock of Hardware, &c., &c., before purchasing elsewhere. Cross Cut aws® We handle the Celebrated "Leader," the Galt "Lanes," and the Toronto "Blade." Satisfaction guaranteed in saws. We do a large trade in this line. Hanging Lamps. A Large and well assorted stock of Beautiful Hanging, Par- lor and Table Lamps that cannot fail to please purchasers. CUTLERY. Splendid stook of Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives and all other goods in this line. New, good and cheap. SILVERWARE • We have a yery superior display of Silverware suitable for Holiday or.13irthclay Gifts. Our stook is well assorted . and sold at Close Prices. Tip-top :Gine in New Emmen. Sleigh Bells, Whips, Chopping Axes and everything else usttally found in a first -plass Hardware Store. Strict attention to business, selling on close Margins autl giving satisfaction to our patrons are the lines on which we aim to gainand retainre�ttrade, e, r 'el t�JS,�,e9.veV CO,a,