The Brussels Post, 1894-12-28, Page 3DEO, 28, 1894 POST Tore Viroetory. .NRLVILn8 Ouoi ,-^Sabbath SerVlpes at 11 a m and 600 p. m, Sunday Soho l at 2:30 p m. lieu, John Roes, B Ap, pastor. llNox pnuaon,—Sabbath:$erviaos at 11 a m and 0:80 p m. Sunday $bhool at 2:80 p m, Rey, D, Millar, pastor. ST. Joss's Onongn,--Sabhath Sorvioee at 11 a °m and 7 p m, Sunday $ghool at 2:30 p. in. Rev, W. G, Reilly, inounu. bent. METHODIST Cnuno .—Sabbath Servioae at 10:30 a m and 6;80 p m, Sunday School at 2:30 p m. Rev. G, H, Cobble - dick, M A, B D, pastor. ROMAN SATICOLIC Cpunoa,--Sabbath Servioe third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALvAT1o, An:t. Servioe at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the weak at 8 o'olook, at the barracks. ODD FELLOwe' LODGE every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook, Maemixo LODGE Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield,blook, A 0 11 W LODGE on the 3rd Friday evening of each month, in 131as. hill's block. 0 O F LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of eaeh month, in Blashill's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 I, let Monday In every month In Orange Hall. Sons or' SCOTLAND, 18t and 8rd Tiien-, days ()teach mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Limon1st and 8rd Thurs. daya of each month, in Vanatone block. HOME CIRCLE, 2nd and 4th Friday even. logs in Blashill's Hall. Pori Oranoo.—Offioe hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. in. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. -Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 8 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw, Librarian. Tows Couxom. W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; W. H. MoOraaken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aseeesor and J. T, Rose, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. SCHOOL BOARD.—Bev. Rose, (ohairman,) Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A, Reid, A. Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sec..Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAM:MRS.—J. H. Cattt- eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Miss Downey andMiss Cooper. BOARD or HEeraa.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr, McNaughton, Medical Health Offioer. Exotor. There still remains $155.20 of this yeara' taxes unpaid. Last year at this period there remained $800. While Mies Ella Shapton, daughter of Thos. Shapton, a little west of the vil- lage, was engaged cleaning a window she accidentally forced her hand through a pane of glass, cutting her wrist badly and severing an artery. Medical aid was summoned and several stitches were re- quired to oloae up the wound. ' Whiteehurelll. H. D. Henderson was in Brantford last week attending a meeting of the Execu• ties Committee of the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which he is a member. The annual meeting of the White. church Creamery Company was held on Saturday, 22nd inst. The average price received by the Creamery Company for their butter this year is 207 Dents par Ib. The contract for the ereotion of the new Presbyterianohuroh has been let to J. H. Gay, of Dungannon. The brick- work will be done by Mr. Kirk, of Wing - ham, who has seoured the contract from Mr. Gay. The contract price for the work is $2,650, the congregation furnish- inga portion of the material. Goderich . Ed. Campaign, who has been retuning on express steamer on the Erie oanel, is home on a visit. Arrangements are being made to pot' the steamer Atlantic, of the Collingwood line, on the route between Detroit and Manitoulin next year. The Atlantic will oonueot with the Collingwood line and give tourists the privilege of having a more extended trip if they so desire. About a week ago a horse died on a lot, corner of. Lighthouse and Waterloo streets. The owner had the 'hide taken off and the caroms thrown into an old shed on the lot to feed his dogs for the remainder of the winter. Is it not astonishing that such a thing is allowed in almost every centre of the town., The Model School students, who have just completed their term, have made a kindly reoognition of the services of S. P. Halle, principal, during their course. The lata it seems, forbids the giving of presents to teachers, but the boys knew a way out of the difficulty, and Mr. and Mtg. Halls, on returning to their house after a trip up town, found a nosy and beautiful arm chair' ou their verandah, addressed to Mrs. Halls with compli- ments of the modelites. Gorriir,. James Walker has moved into his new quarters and will find blaoksmithing muoh more comfortable, this year than last. Rev. Mr. Detnill held forth in the town hall on Sabbath on the results of Bending Protestant girls be R. 0.00nvehtafor their education. Mr. Day's horse ran away/going out of the villagepollidingwith Mr. Peel's buggy 0ausing muoh leas damage than might have been expected. Seldom have municipal politiae been as quiet as this year, 'there is every reason to believe that Reeve Cook and Deputy.. Reeve Fergueen will again be returned by aoolammation, James MoLauohlin and Dr.•Armatrong attended Presbytery meebinglat Palmers• ton while their respective wives attended the annual meeting of the Preabyterial Society of the W. F. M. S. at the same time and place. The remains of Jas.j( Gilmore,' a' former resident of these parte, but lately of Toronto, arrived hero by train, andwas talr8n charge of by his Orange brethren. Funeral eormsn wed Preached by the Ret: W. F. Brownlee tnel'Stnday eyfinin j`,,ln tbeEpieaapal %fixorbb.' Robert Polloplt, who has baso engaged to teach' in No, 1 e'ohool, is vleltipg Meade here at present, llxra, Clegg or, had the mietortupe to fall the other day, in)nring hereeif so at to . MUM approbenalone of her recovery owing to her great ago (about 00), but we are pleased to any she is recovering. Be- fore the . apoiclent she Was 8•0 smart, as many 20 years younger. The dedidatipn of the Orange hall that was billed for Friday did not take plaoei 0wlug to the non•arrival of the high o iai fliv e of the order at: expected, The oonoert in the evening was prooeeded with; Mr. Fay taking Mr, Fax's part, he being ill with smallpox. Financially it was a success, the proceeds being about $7d. Clinton, The Clinton Gun Club will have its an. neat ghost, on its own grounds, on New Year's day. • The other day W. Gore oaughb a pretty weasel in a trap ; it was pure white with' a blank tail ; it afterwards mailed by squeezing through the wires of the page. A teat 00 strength between a team owned by J. Mair, Hullett, and J. W. Bossier, Colborne, took plaoe in Fair's mill yard, for $20, and was easily won by Mair. Mise Taylor, one of the efficient teach- ers of the public school ; has asked for three months' leave of absence, owing to e throat affliction ; 'it has been granted her, and Miss McDonald will take her place in the meantime. $srgt. Thos, Jaokaon, of No. 4 Co., 88rd Battalion, who was recently studying at Point Levi, has been granted a 2nd plass certificate ; at resent he is attending London llflitar College, and ex cote to Y gr p get a let, The Clinton Electric Lisle; Co. has purchased an additional dynamo, . and will have it in operation in a couple of weeks. This will give them facilities for 250 more lights, a number of which are already spoken for. 3: C. Miller, late of Grand Rapids, (and son of Jas. Miller, town) an experienced hotel keeper, has purchased the Grand Union, and took possession on Wednes- day ; the outbuildings at the rear will all be torn down, and commodious sample rooms erected in their place. Mr. Miller intends to puha bus on the road, and has engaged Mr. Hoflio)e to run it. :5eatorth The Agnes Knox concert netted the Christian Endeavor Society abort $45. Robert Armstrong got the thumb of bis right hand badly lacerated on a grov- ing saw in the Broadfoot de Box furniture factory., The commission appointing Dr. Camp. bell, of this town, surgeon for the Sea- ford' district of the. Grand Trunk 'Rail- way, io the place of Dr. Smith, resigned. H. T. MoPhillips, a former employee of The Expositor, has commenced the publication of a weekly paper at St. Paul, balled the Canadian Newe Budget. RRnberb'Dohgall, of t" a, West India Islands, who bas been a guest at the resi- dence of Robert Turnbull, MoKillop, the past several weeks, left for New York on Monday. G. H. Gihb met with a very painful accident recently. It seems that while he was out in McKillop deborning some cattle, one of them broke loose with the rope still attached, and while attempting to detach the rope, Mr. Gibb got his right knee badly squeezed againat a post. At the regular meeting of Lady Nairn Camp, bons of Scotland, the following officers ware eleuted for the ensuing year: Junior Past Chief, Andrew Scott; Chief, J. G. Wilson ; Obieftian, John Gillespie ; Chaplain, James Michael ; Beo.-Sea , J. Rankin ; Treas., T. Richardson ; Fin.. Sec., James R. Aitchison ; Marshall, J. F. Raid ; Standard Bearer, R. A. Scott ; Sr. Guard, Richard Common ; Jr. Guard, R. Broadfoot ; Piper, John McDonald ; Trustees, Wm. Ballantyne, James Mc. Michael, Alex Stewart ; Auditors, A. Scott, J. F.,Reid. Csr nadia,n Neiver.' James A. Laidlaw, of Hamilton, eldest son of Adam Laidlaw, has been appointed storekeeper at the Brockville asylum. HEART DI5EA80 RELIEVED m 30 1VIIN- o1Es.—All oases of orgaoioorsympathetio heart dieeaee relieved in 80 minutes and quickly cured, bry Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Oue dose convinces. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Itis understood that W. G. Murdoch, counsel for Clara Ford, is desirous that the trial of the young mulatto tailoress for the murder of Frank Westwood shall not take place untill the Spring Assizes, and the Drown will not insist that the trial go on at the Winter Assize° next month. RNxoatATIas CUBED IN A DAY.—South American Rhoumatio Cure for Rheuma• tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately' disappears. The first dose t greatly benefits. 75 oonts. Warranted by G. A. Deadman, Thos. `Heise, a farmer living near Shakespeare, was fined Wednesday and bound in sureties of 01,000 for aggravat- ed assault on the person of Dr. White- a man, of that village. The doctor has a badly damaged face and is in some s danger of losing one eye, which Weiss a tried to gouge out. u Married men are in the future to be v discriminated against in the Northwest 1 mounted polios force, which is controlled b by the Dominion •overnment, if the Saakatchewan Herald is to be believed. "In future," says our oonbemporary, "no married man under the rank of staff. o sergeant will be allowed to be taken on again at the close of his present engage- t monk This will throw out a number of the best men in the force unless they re. 1 naive promotion and so come within the i provisions of the new rule." At Revelstoke, B. J., E. S. Wilaou, o a miner, evidently bent on suicide, jump- ed into the Columbia River. A large e number of people gathered on the banks t of the river to aid in hisreline, but all c offers of asaietanoo were refs+ed. Andy i Whalen, Going that Wilson bad got into d the strong current end was _feet 'going down stream, pintigod into the river r but before he could reach Wilson the f letter hail ,disappeared. Whalen then R 0 Papb. John Iridgeon,; ,the millionaire' aapltaljep and abip-OW1:00, of Detroit, is dealt, Bo thorough le the exaellonoe At'tir'e Hair Vigor that it oar, be used with benefit b any., pexsop, no matter what may be the aondltion of the hair, and, in every Oath, It Qooaaions satiefeetion and pleasure, in addition to the beltellp that )0 invariably derived from its nes, To the aged, with their: poor appetite, feeble oirottlation, and impoverished blood, Ayou's Sarsaparilla is a boon beyond Floe. lin elfagt la to check the ravages of time, by invigorating every organ, nerve and Usage of the body? See Ayer'e Almanac for the new year, OA'sARaAH naLIpyED IN 10 To 60 Angoras,— One short puff Pt the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dana's Cabarrali Powder, diffuses this Powder over the aurfaoe - of the nasal passsgee, Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly ogres Catarrab, Bay Fever, Colds, Headaohee Throat, , Sore T Ina , Tonailibis and Deafness. 60 cent0 at G. A. Deadman's, Friday night Jamas Shane, a farmer living about a mile and a quarter from Mitchell, was arrested on the oharge of stealing sheep Pram a hook owned by Jno. White, of Mtboheil. The •depredations have been going on for some time. Mr. White bas about 500 sheep on his farm and a few taken from so many mush have escaped detection, but Shane was not eatiefied with a few. It is estimated 40 have been stolen. Of these 25 have been recovered, Roans IN Six Houns.—Dietresaing kid. nay and bladder dioceses relieved in six hours by the "Great South American KidneyCure." This new remedys i a great'shrpriae and delight on a000uht of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and. every part of the nrinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quirk relief and ours this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggieb. A Beaohville woman bade good-bye to her huebsnd from a oar window at the Grand Trunk depot Thursday evening as follows: "John, don't forget to skim the milk in them crooks down oellar—you'll find butter in the jar on the long shelf and bread in the can. Mind and strain the milk, and don't for. get to feed the ohiokens and shut' the coop ab night.. And, John you'll be sure and not leave the oat in the bowie— and you will find a clean shirt in the middle drawer. Now, John, be sure and don't forget. Take good oars of yourself till I Dome back, Good-bye.". A Toronto despatoh says :-' S. B. Leadbeater, principal of the Woodstock Beninese College, is miesing, and accord. ing to the story told by his partner, J. Kenney, his affairs are in a bad condition. When the echolaraassembled on Friday afternoon, Mr. Leadbeater, who acts in the capacity of principal and teacher, was not present to conduct the blase. En- quiries were set on foot, and it was found that he had skipped the town. Before he left he colleoted a considerable amount in fees from the students, with the intention he stated of paying therentbill. Instead of this he pocketed the dash and gave the landlord a note. Many creditors iu town are mourning his departure. His interest to the business will be sold, and Mr. Keonsy is now looking for a new partner." Truekey was hanged at Sandwich Fri- day morning last at 10.45 for the murder of Constable Lindsay. Jest before ten o'olook the Sheriff, Rev. Mr. Hind, Truskey'e spiritnal adviser, and Radcliffe, the hangman, entered the ward in which was the cell where Truekey was confined, Truskey had been freshly shaved and looked remarkably well. After a few words of greeting followed by a brief awkward silence, the prisoner wait made Ready for the gallows. The clergyman addressed a few words of comfort and en- couragement to the condemned man, and the march to the gallows began. As the mournful procession emerged from the condemned cell the tones of Mr. Hind were heard in the beautiful and impres• sive Church of England service for the burial of the dead. After these sentenoes followed the commendatory prayer for a person at the point of death. A hymn was sung after a brief pause. The awful silence was broken with the words of the Lord's Prayer, the last human accents which fell on the ears of the doomed man When the last Maass was reaobed, "But deliver eta from evil," the weight was re- leased and the body of Truekey shot up- wards. A convulsive shudder paned over the body and the sentence of the court was fulfilled. For 50 years the Weekly Globe, of Toronto has had an enviable reputation as the one great Liberal weekly of the Dominion. It has always been a high class journal, and a welcome visitor in thousands of homes. It was never better as a newspaper than it is to -day. The Globe's enterprise is proverbial. Its correspondents have traversed and writ- ten op almost every section of the coun- ty. All great events have been fully reported. The epeeohes of leading politicians, whether on the floor of Parliament or on the stump, have been presented as they were uttered, and all are fairly treated, whether Liberal, Con• ervative or Patron. The Globe is the only weekly paper in Canada that gives itch foil and fair reports of Parliament• ry proceedings, great church meetings, nd other similar occurrences of Pro- inoial and national interest. Among waling features of recent numbers may e mentioned speeches by Mr. Laurier, Sir John Thompson, Sir Richard Cart. aright, Mr. [darter, Mn Hayoock, members of the Ontario Cabinet,, and there ; letters from the members of the. Globe's editorial staff who. travelled hrough the Province of Qoeha° nod over the route of too Trent Valley Canal, nterviewe and lettere on that moat mportant question, the reform of the aw system, long reports. from the Beene f the Jessie Keith murder, the Mo. Wherrel trial, and other sensational. vents. The aim of the Globe is to be rustworthy. The Globe. hag the best able and telegraphic service obtainable ; to foreign,. American and Canadian eepatohes aro unexcelled, end every tvoea the whole world is brought tinder' eview, .The Agricultural department a right op to the thyme• the orop and market reports aro full and reliable. °atonable space is given tip each week o lighter rending, and good etude., are no of the Globe's attractions, Another popular feature is the Weekly oontrf. bution from the Khan's poetical pen. As a family uett•spaper the Weekly Globe is unrivalled. tried to make shore, but the strong current bad oaudhthim and before aa• sistanoe ouuid be tendered he disep. pearls] alto,' Wilson had been in a demented state of mind lately. HO had pi•evioualy tried to do away with him• eelt by hanging. 'White Star Lino,. ROYAi, MAID S'$ EAll$111PS.. Between New York and Liverpool, vla Queenatpwn,eyery Wgdoeeday, As the tteampre of bhia diupp o rry only a atrletlY limited number in the pons) and e1100Nn 04nrN a000mmodatlons, Intending passe gera005 reminded that an early up- plioa'lton for bertha le neoeesary at Mile sea- son. Per planp, rates, etc., apply to W, H, Kerr, } Agent, ldruesele. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels ijilliiery BELOW COST MISS MoPHERSON intends re- moving from' Brussels and will sell off her fine stock of Fashionable , Fall & winter Millinery Below Cost - To Clear Out 'Stock. This' is a Genuine Sale as the Ladies will prove by calling at the Store. SALE NOW GOiNG ON. Call early and see the Fashionable Display. Miss McPherson. Youirn LIEs AND QENTEIKEN I Setid 9 panto in etampe,.or 30 eeittp eilypr, and wp wfll mud you by rebyrn mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER, A neap littlo Gook being a Vprfeot Guide fu the art of Lotter V,iritiug, It pontains bet- ters of Love, Friendship, Business, oto., with valuable iostraettons and advlpe. Nver young man and woman 3160011 bays this BBook. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, 10 -dm INGERBULL, ONT. ALLAN LINE. Summer Sailings, 1894. MONTREAL Alin LIVERPOOL SERVICE. From . From From Liverpo'1 8TEAMsatps, Montreal. Quebec. Daylight. 8 a, m. Oct, 18 }Nnmidiaa Nov. 8 2e Parisian ...,10 Nova 1 Mongolian " 17 Nov. i1 18 I'Will 'not call at Rimouski or Movilie. Passengers embark at Montreal after 8 p. m. on Fridays. For further information as to rates, ,bo., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. McLEO D'S Systeme Renovator --m5 010000-- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist, Brussels. "For Years," Says CABBIE E. STOCKWELL, Of Chester - held, N. 11.; "I was afflicted with an extremely severe pain In the lower part of the chest. The feeling was as If a ton weight was laid on a spot the size of my hand. Dor. ing the attacks, the perspiration would stand to drops on my face, and it was agony for mo to make suilcient effort even to whin. per. They came soddenly, at any hour of the day or night, lasting from thirty minutes tq half a day, leaving as soddenly; but,for several days after, I was quite pros. 8,•abel and sore, Somethnes the attacks. were almost daily, then less frequent. After, about four• years Of flus_ suffering, I was taken down with bluets typhoid fever, and when I began to recover, I had the worst attach :Amy old trouble I over experienced. At the first of the fever, nay mother gave me Ayer'e Pills, my doctor recommending them as being better than anything he could. prepare. I continued taking -these rills, and so great was the bonen derived that during nearly thirty years I have bad but one attack of my fernier trouble, which yielded readily to Me same remedy," .. . AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Oe., Lowell, Made: Every Dose Effective When you want a Stove, Till or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware, Paints•& Oils, •--od2L. 30 --• HUNTER'S Hardware Store Where you will, from this date, get a DISCOUNT of NYE PER CENT. Offal! Cash Purchases. Fine Roman, Artists' Can- vas in Stook. A, HUNTER, i R WESTERN ADVERTISER. 16 -Page Weekly -96 Columns, ONLY • Yt ,a, 0 Now to Dec. 31, 1895. Balance of Year Free. LEADIND WEER" Cr THE WEST, NONE BETTER. FEW AS GOOD. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. Good Inducements to Agents. For Agents' Terms, etc., address— Advertiser Printing (;o. LONDON, ONT. GHTER OF NEW FURNTURE. Bankrupt Prices. HAVING BOUGHT Over $1,000 Worth of New Furniture At the Union Factory, Win„ ham, At 60 cents on the $, I and offering it -_At Less than Wholesale Prices. REGULAR PRICE OUR PRICE Fine Bedroom Suites $11 00 $7 50 Fine bedroom suits, with British bevel plate glass15 00 11. 50 A Fine All Maple Suite 12 00 8 00 A Fine Sideboard 9 00 7 00 Fine Sideboards 8 00 6 50 Fine Sideboards 16 00 12 50 Bedsteads 3 50 2 50 Lounges 7 00 4 50 Extension Tables 7 00 6, 00 These are the biggest bargains ever offered in Furni- ture in Brussels, and the prices can 'not be had . when this stock is said out, If you want anything in furniture c111 and goods and get prices before you buy. see these R. LE�TS�R�9L�. Bfti1SSLLS.