The Brussels Post, 1894-12-21, Page 8Pre•euts for G en11eeii ).1'o you wanting a present foo a Gentleman 2 The following are a few of tele many we have in stock : Smoking Sete, .Letter Cages, Ttavelliug Oompanlans, Dressing peso, Writing Desks, Steresoopeg and Views, Fountain Pens, Gold or Nioksll .Fen Reeks and Pen Solders, Moustache Cups, Wallets, Toleeogoes, ' Manicure Settle, Magnifying Glasses, Field Glasses, Shaving 'Mirrors', Perfume Cases, Portfolios, Ink Stands, Paper Woighte,. Porridge Setts, Registering Thermometers, Silver Pen Trays, Books, Bibles, &o. Collar and cuff Boxes, in Celluloid, Leather and Plueh, Photo. Albume, in Leather, celluloid, Wood or Plash. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SU. PPLY YOU. G. A. DE',ADMAN, DRAxrGL'ANOY GOODS DOBIALEB, I For Suitable Presents for Ladies see last week's POST. . BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. e00TNERN EXTENSION W. G. &13, Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows; Go1Nd Boom, GOING Non7•H. Mail 6:84 a.m. I Mixed 9:45 son, Express 11:69 a,m, Mall 8:18 p,m. Mixed 9:00 p,r•,, Express ..,,.. 0:48. p,m, A x al Stirs Pins, A ehiel's amang ye takin' notes, An.' faith he'll prent it. RENEW. Forn ra Division Court on •Friday, 28th inst, Den you notice Gould & Co's. Ferris wheel ? Menne Christmas to our readers, one and all. 01.00 in advance will get THE Posr for 1895. Subscribe now. Punic schools close an Friday to re- open on Wednesday, January 2nd. Tnz report of the Quarter Sessions may be read on page 8 of this week's issue. Selman oommnniaations crowded out this week owing to prese'lre on our advertising columns. MESSRS. COCHRANE & JoarsTON received a car of granite this week. They do a Large business and 8rst.alase work. THE shorthand olase will be disoon• tinned during Christmas holidays. It will meet again on Monday, '7611 January 1895. SEND THE Posr for a year to your absent friends ae a Christmas box. They will thereby be pleasantly reminded of you 52 times a year. IN the last monthly report of Brussels Public School, Ella Lamont was not credited with her proper number of marks, as she and D. Strachan were ties. SUNDAY night was exceptionally dark and the want of the electric light was very manifest. Some peculiar and amus- ing incidents were on the program owing to the difficulty in navigating. Nam MCLAUGHLIN was awarded the tender for 60 cords of 2 foot wood for Brussels Public school at $1.48 per cord, Mr. MoLauoblin has purchased a piece of bush and will supply the wood from it. There were seven tenders. NEXT week telephone men will put in 8 local exahange in Brussels. Ten or a dozen instruments will be placed and others are likely to be added soon, The central will remain at the drug store of J. Fox, Graham block. $ $1.00 in advance will get TIM Poem for 1896. Sub.oribe now, Moweelm Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday, January 3rd. BnpssELS butehere are preparing a fine Christmas display of meat. Tag Midland fire engine is receiving an overhauling at the Ronald Engine Works. Lpcenow was assessed $200 in the suit of Mrs. Currie for injuries received, by failing over a gravel heap and break- ing her collar bone. ALEX. MoLAudHLroe, who recently sold hie property to bis brother, has purchas- ed the oottage and lot, North of tbe G. T. R„ from James Smart and will short- ly take possession. THE Free Reading Room is being well patronized. It is open every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'oloak. If you are in- terested in the daily and weekly news- papers call there and read them, Covaeu.Loa MoCHAOasN has been ap. pointed Deputy District High Chief Ranger for the Independent Order of Foresters kr this section as successor to J. T. Pepper, wbo removed to Waodetook, BEAummUL FLOWEI.—Mrs. John Down. ing, Brussels, is the proud possessor of a beautiful o'eander. It is about 5 years old and is 9 feet high. On it have been counted over 700 flowers of the richest perfume. THE Royal Templars of Temperance lodge here ,e disbanding, The members of the Select Degree will probably unite with Wingham lodge. Brussels temper. anoe people should feel proud of their enthusiasm in this work. Ir is reported that several parties are known to purchase liquor for persona prohibited from buying it themselves. These individuals leave themselves liable to a heavy fine for so doing and example will probably be made of a few of them, so it is said. BANoenoo.—A novelty may be seen at Hunter's hardware store in the shape of a kangaroo skin. It, along with others was brought from Australia by a Mr. Thompson, of Morrie townehip, who bas recently returned from that part of the world. Mr. Thompeon also has a few leopard skins. FINANCLIL STATEMENT.—In the financi statement of Brussels for this yea the total receipts are 010,216.35. In ad dition to the debentures, and eobool ex penditure, 0572.60 was paid in aalarie $239.71 in charity ; 0816.28 o street improvements ; $153.70 i Fire Department ; $99.74 in mitt cellansons ; $71.75 insurance ; 0180,2 street lighting • 0155.28 fuel ; 039.8 1- B I• L. JAMUNi JEWELLER._ CHRISM 1"R1SEF11. 11 8 Now Goods at Lowest Prices; Don't leave Brussels without geeing cur display of Watolree, 'Watch Mahn, pings, Brecelete, Ouf5Buttous, .Bal' Binge, Brooches, Silver Thimbles, Bar Pine, Ladies' Fobs., Sword Pins, Neck Chains, Baby Pius, Shirt Studs, Tie Pine, Collar Buttons, Society Pine, Lockets, Charms, Mouth Orgaue, Violins, Pipes, Silver Book Marks. Jewel Oases, Tie Boxes, Collar and Cub' Boxes, Photo. Cases, Toilet Cases, Pin Trays, Pin Cushions, Ink Stands, Treasure Boxes, Travelling Toilet Cases, Fine Ohina, everything in Silverware. We are selling, at closest Prices. Oall and see our 'Christmas NOVELTIES. H. L. JACKSON, JzwaaLun. OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL, $1,00 in advanoe will get Tile Poem for 1895. Subscribe now. TEE postofhoe will be open on Christ. nails day from 5 to 8 o'oloak for the dis- tribution of mail. Fixe MoLA1 was sentenced by Judge Chadwick of Guelph, to three years in the penitentiary, DON'T forget the lecture Christmas evening on "An illustrated evening in Old London," in the Methodist chard, by Rev. G, H. Oobblediok. New eubsoribere for 1895 are rolling in. $1.50 aecnree THE Poem and either the weekly Globe or Mail for the coming year. Send along your names. Ir is reported that Watson Ainley and Wm. Cameron have exchanged town properties, the latter paying the dif. ferenoe between the respective values. Ecripsns.—There will be three eclipses of 'he Nun and two of the moon in 1895. Twe eul,pees of Il•o moon will be visible in America, one on March 10th and the other on Sept. 8rd. Old Sol. will not present his program to this part of the North American Continent. Doxxo WELL.—The evening classes are doing well, the average in Principal Cameron's alas being 20, and all appear interested in the work. Owing to Christ- mas and New Tears coming on the class evenings there will be a holiday, but on Thursday evenings, Deo. 27th and Jane. ary 3rd, all pupils are expected to be in their places. Rev, Mr. Millar's short- hand class is making good progress with their interesting study, 20 persotls at. tending. BAD Bgerevxoun.—There is a company of young lade who frequent the streets after night fall, when they should be at home, and play all kinds of shabby tricks, so it is said, The constable bas been'in- etruoted to pilot every 'youth he finds in mischief to the look -up for a night'. lodg- ings from which resting place they will be dealt with according to their offence. Parente should see that the members of their respective families are safely housed al by 8 o'clock. " SABBATH SCHOOL OFFlazne.—The an- ' anal meeting of Melville church' Sab- • bath Sobool was held on Tuesday evening 8. when the following officers were elected a for the Doming year :—Hon. Snperinten- n dent, Rev. J. Ross; Superintendent, Elder Stewart ; asst., G. F. Blair ; Seo: Trea s., W. J. Stewart; asst., A. Ross; librarian, Will. Livingston; asst., Will. Cousley ; precentor, Mise Annie Stewart ; organist, Mies Jean MaLauohlin ; hymn book committee, Ken. Conley and Dan. Stewart ; teaobere, A. M. McKay, D. Stewart, Mre. Graham, Mrs. MoLaooh. lin, Peter Ferguson, Mise Jo. Rose, Mrs. Tufts, J. E[. Cameron, Mies Teenie Sinclair, Win. Taylor, Jae. Moore, G. F. Blair, Mise A. MCBain, Mies M, Cousley, Miss clary Rose (Primary Claes.) The school is in a healthy state and making progress. G. T. R.—Christmas passenger traffic promisee to be lively.—The Grand Trunk Railway has issued new regulations to all the conductors on their hue and the little white pasteboard ticket by which the conductor identifies his passenger will be no longer in use ; instead, printed destination tickets w:11 be used which will be punched at the beginning of the journey and oolleoted before the desti. nation is reached.—W. H. MCdraoken sbipped a oar of potatoes to Toronto this week.—Messrs. Stewart & Graham ship. ped a oar of shorts, 3 oars of oats and 5 oars of peas this week. The latter went to Portland for export. This firm has also brought in a oar of No. 1 Manitoba hard wbeat to mix with local Fall wheat for gristing purposes.—Mesere. Beaker & Vanstone are shipping several oars of grain Eae tward. ELEcrxos and installation of officers s for the coming year will take plane in tbe Workman's Lodge, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week. Deputy District le Patterson, of Seaforth, will be present. fa Every member is requested to attend. DEGREE TEAK.—J. Groves, of Wing - ham, wee in town for several days last week instructing a degree team in con- nection with Western Star Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Brussels, in the dramatized work. The persona interested proved themselves apt pupils and aro succeeding admirably. Mr. Groves is well posted in the work and hie visit was much enjoyed by the Odd Fellows here. rioting ; $75 Mechanics' Institute 472.50 legal expenses ; $159.98 hay dales ; $43.50 Town Hall. Sows oe Scornosn.—Election of °fdoers ere held in Camp Ben Lomond, S. 0, S., russets, this week and theresult was as Howe :— Rams' Meer.—The Seaforth Sun says :—We have seen a letter which Dr. Campbell, of this town, received from Dr. Graham, of Brussels, who was re- quested by the Sons of Scotland to invite Dr. Campbell to attend a Burne concert to come off on the evening of January 24th. We understand that the doctor has consented to attend upon that oc- casion and give the desired address. Mrs. McArthur, of Hamilton, and Mr. Cameron, of Toronto, will be the princi- pal performers upon the occasion. INTO AND ODT os TRo0RLE.—O,, Wednes- day morning of last week, about six o'. olook, Taylor, the Sheffield cutler, whose "Workshop on Wheels" is well known in the surrounding towns, got a sudden awakening. His caravan, with the boiler and engine that rune the concern, was placed on the platform beside the Wall- ace et. bridge, Listowel, and the rotten timbers of the support gave way and let the outfit descend toward the water. The old man, who sleeps in ' the wagon, came oat into the street without taking time to reflect that his attire wag not ex. aotly up to theusual standard of pro- priety. His wagon .wee removed to a vacant lot on Main street, and the pro- prietor's nerve ie still steady enough to do hie work as neatly as ever. OLn PRone. promises en open Winter. Walter H. Smith, of M „tree!, who has based his forecast upon soientifio prin- ciples, says of January ; —A cold, stormy month. Pieroing winde, disaetroue gales, heavy drifts, show blockades. I have in my mind's eye as I write the Januaries of 1888 and 1893. The first gave us a mean temperature at Montreal, the low. est for over twenty years; the second ,Dame very near doing the same. The inevitable "mild spell" or "January thaws" will be emphasized by the dis- agreeable aocompaoiment of rain and fog. Fog will be prevalent on the Atlantic 2, R 0010 during the month. Tornadoes are lati likely to occur in the Southern States grs and disastrous storms over the Atlantic puz Ocean. deoi Jas. McAlpine, Chief ; Dr. Graham, Chieftain ; Cohn Shaw, Past Chief ; D. G. Hogg, Chaplain ; A. Strachan, Recording Secretary; D. C. Ross, Finance Secretary ; A. Reid, Treasurer Malcolm Lamont, Marshall ; R. Miller, Standard Bearer ; Wm. Robb, Senior Guard; exohie Lamont, Junior Guard ; Thos. Ballantyne, Piper ; Dr. Graham, Dr. MoNaughton, J Physicians ; D. Stewart, Jno. Shaw, }Trustees ; D. O. Roes, Everything is progressing favorably for the coming annual concert in January. The talent engaged is Mrs. McArthur, J. H. Cameron, Dr. Campbell and, perhaps, W. E. Ramsay. Perez WINNEne.—considerable interest centered around the spelling contest in the Public School this week for the ownership of a Webster's unabridged, full calf bound, Dictionary, donated by Postmaster Farrow. The examination was in writing and the selection chosen was from the Christian Guardian oa "Armenian difficulties," In the first trial Leon Jackson, Ella Lamont, Frank Smith and May Shaw were the four high- eat, with others following closely. The second test was a tie between three of the four named, Leon Jackson winning in the third and last count. Theosophy or psychic submanifestation knotty ject that stopped the onward march the majority. Poesie Mitchell was awarded a pair of skates by A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, ae the best speller in Mies Braden's department. Priooi- pal Cameron offered a book to the pupil in eaoh Department presenting the beet apeoimen of vertical handwriting and we must say the work done by a number of the pupils was very creditable indeed. The result was as follows :—Room No. 3, Vinie Cardiff, closely followed by Luoy Sinclair, Poesie Mitohell, Ohrietina Milloy, Albert Putland and Willie Murr. A selection from the poem "Boadicea" was written. Room No, 2, Attie Irwin, with Fannie Thomson and Ella MoArtsr well to the front. Room No. 1, °lase 4, Erna Avery ; Claes 3, Ida Taylor ; class oy Pugh.,. If more of the adult pop. on adopted the vertical style of chiro- phy there would he fewer Chinese zle8 to worry over in attempting to pher handwriting. Business Locals. XMAS goods galore at McAlpine's. Dee 91075 wood for sale at MoOraok- en's. Punt American oil for 20 cents at B. Gerry's. CELERY, Cranberries and Cabbage at McAlpine's. HARNESS greatly reduced in prices at H, Donnie', Brussels. Lenon sweet Florida oranges 20 omits a dozen at Thomsons. GRAND Rapid carpet sweepers in fine finish and cheap at B. Gerry'.. R. LEATDERDALE is prepared to take any amount of goose feathers in trade. Banewes grow in far countries but we will have them for Xmas. McAlpine. CALL and see T. Fletoher'e beautiful Stook, everything in his line you want. A cow and a yearling steer for sale. Apply at Tern Pon Publishing House, LARGE stook of Horse Blankets and Robee at low prides at H. Dennis', Brus• sale. ORGANS cheaper than ever at Leather - dale's. Get prices and Dome and gee for yonreelf, Fan sale cheap, two second hand tete single harness, ono good ae new. I, C. Rmfians. HANGING and parlor lamps tor Christ., matt presents at a further reduction at B. Gerry'., ST ,DBC,' 2 ., L$94 4TI4,K0.4.Ca'D B4XR QF Ct4X4,1)4, a4Pmleoitrg;meP a.e7G. HEAP OFFIQE, •' TORONTO. ASSi4Tkf, . . (Seven Million ;Pollan) 07,000,000 OAPIT.AL (Authorized) $2,000,000 �lpengin in all,prineilai pintsin Ontario, Quake, 3f'alvilo'ta, United ,gtotes d l upland. A Gensrai Banking Realness Transacted. Farmers' Notes Dleeounted, Draf99 Issued and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SrnaIAL ATTENTION GIvgN TO THE COLLECTION OF FAounnna' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customary living at a dietanoo, ' J. A. STEWART Menenit, QILLIE$ & Ssi1 X i II, .®.shit' IEPB� ussELS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold of: a,11 points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. 5.2 MVCS° RAW DJdtaPal rarsarr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twioe a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Speedo.] Arrangements made for Time Deposita. ' Wo enact to Write insurance in 'old Enalioh or Canadian Colnlantce, or in glut. nal Companies as may be desired, AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE OANADIAN BANE 0P COMMERCE. SrxENnm stook of toys, POST Bookstore. Gaups, latent and beat, Poem Book- store. STooxINo easily filled at the POST Bookstore. Oun robes snd blankets are the cheap. est in the town. I. 0. Rionanne. A IIEADTIPCL bright mixed candy 5 dente a pound atThompson's. BEAUTIFUL Xmas,birthday and wed- ding presents from 25 cents up, at T. Fletcher's. THE celebrated Bermuda 000k stove is reduced in price for December month, at B. Gerry's. FINEST Floridn oranges; Wets. 80ote. and 40ote. per dozen at McAlpine's. Call and see him. A CART load of pipes. They make nice Xmas gifts snd there is so many to pink from at McAlpine's. Fon the largest assortment and best valve in groceries, orookery and glass. ware go to Thomeon'e. Hurn WILLIAMS ie prepared to do saw filing and setting at the livery barn, Satisfaction guaranteed to every ouetomer. Evonr 25 Cent purcl rise Calls for a coupon for the sugar walking stick at McAlpine'.. Ask for a coupon. CARPET WEAVING.—Mrs. T. McCrae does fine carpet weaving at moderate rates. Residence on Catherine street, Bruesele. Ir you want anything in the furniture line now is the time to buy. I have bought right and I can sell right. R. Lsatherdale. When we speak of our cigar stook we do so with pride having the largest and best stook in town. Try some of Mo- Alpine'e. CANDIES.—•0f them we will have plenty and to opera, cheap and good. Largest and beet stook ever ebown in Brussels Watch McAlpine'. window. WHEN we say that we have best oysters tere in town everybody believee it. We sell more so you oan depend on them being fAlreshpine.. Get yonr next -order from Mo. CARPET WEAvnto.—The undersigned ie prepared to attend to all orders for carpet weaving with promptness. Moderate chargee. Residence one door South of John Varooe's former stand. War. GRIFFITE, Henn is something else. There is nothing so nice at this time of year as Oranges. We have them beauties and cheap. Lemons this season's out, Dates,. Fige, Nuts and Maloga Grapes best quality and just lovely at McAlpine's: BNITTiNa,—Mary H. Howe, of the firm of Howe & Co., is prepared to take in knitting, or knit to order, soaks, stockings, cardigan jackets, &o. Will exchange goads for wool. Store, one door South of the Woollen mill, Brussels. Give us a oall. All kinds of saws oleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at the East end of Queen St., by saw filer, T. McGregor, Brussels. Saws may be left and arrangements made ea Malley & Oo'e. hardware store, Brussels Ont. STOVES, the cheapest ; ]amps, most brilliant; carpet sweepers, beautiful; saws, the keenest ; axes, guaranteed to out nails ; oil most illuminous ; belle, most musical ; whips, most elastin ; silverware, most handsome, at B. Gerry's, Brussels. E. J. Hollister, of Michigan, has par- e a arm on a e =well and will go into the growing of celery on a large scale. The land is said to be well adopted for that purpose. A ease involving $6,50 was tried in St. Thomas last week. There were four solicitors engaged in the case, the eerviose of a civil engineer bad been called into requisition, and the case lasted all morning. rhes d f L k B Heamrox.—Io Elma, on Sunday, Deo. 9th, the wife of Mr. John B. Hamil. ton jr., of 0 son. EAreon.—In Brnesele, on Doo. 17th, the wife of Mr. J. flamer of a daughter. DAMEe,—In Oranbrook, on the 14911 inst., the wife of Mr. Ohms. Dames of a eon. a)4Amar.x E7D:e, Guenesoo—Wmeoo.—In Listowel, on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. P. Parke, Mr, Richard Gilkinson, second eon of Mrs. A. Dodds, to Mise Maggie,. second daughter of Mr, D. Wilson, all of Tnrnberry, ERRINOTON—JEwxTT,—On Deo, 6911, at the reaidenoe of the bride'e parents, by the Rev. J. W. Pring, Mr, David S. Errington, of the. 2nd con, of Morrie, to Miss Olivia J, ,Jewitt, youngest daughter of Mr. Thos. Jewitt, of the Bluevale Road. SRELTON—HowLETT.—At the residence of the bride's father, Morrie, on Deoem• bar 19th, by Rev. George Buggin, Mr. Wm. Skelton to Mies Laving, daugh- ter of Mr. Chas. ,Howlett, both of Morris township. DANE—SANDEneoN.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's father, Wroxeter, on the 12th inet., by the Rev. W. F. Brown- lee, Mr. G. E. Dane, of Hamilton, to Mies Prudence, daughter of Mr. Wm. Sanderson. oxo=tri. HAZLEWooD,—At Clifford, Ont., on Mon- day, Deo. 17th, 1894, James Reale- wood, of the firm of J. & R. M. Hazlewood, merchant millers, aged 76 years, 7 months and 23 days. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oate Butter, tube and rolls Egge per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Salt per bbl., retail.,.... Hides trimmed Hides rough Sheep skins, eaoh Lamb akin. eaoh Apples per bbl.........., Hoge, Live Hoge, Dressed 64 56 64 56 36 40 69 64 26 28 14 15 14 00 3 00 8 60 30 00 7 00 00 1 00 00 8 2 2e 20 40 16 40 1 25 1 25 35550 375 4 75 4 80 Our Large As 00r91nen9 of Ii00ICS, ALBVMS, GAMES, CARDS,'. TOYS, BOOKLETS, DOLLS, NOTIONS, BLOCKS PERIPIIMES, TOILET SETS, FINE STATIONERY, PHOTO. FRAMES, SHAVING SETS BIBLES OF ALL 77 NDS, In fact everything for the Xmas Season AT Fox's Drug Store, ''We handle all the Daily and Weekly Papers and Magazines and will be pleased to receive your order for the coming. year. - LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. TIN L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • solicitor and Conveyancer, gone°. Mona made. O,filee—Vanetone'eBloe¢, Brun. eels.. 11-8m 'T• IVI. SINCLAIR, . Solidi/or, Oonveyaneer,Notarypub. lie, &e. Ocoee—'Vanetonets Blook, 1 door north of central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. �'t, F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &e. (late of Garrow & Prondfoo-t'e Onlea,. Goderloh,) OfOoe oyer GS]Uea & B Smith's auk, B'rnsels, Money to Loan, 47 DENTAL. DENTIST: M. CAVANAGH, L• D• S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of. Toronto Uni- versity. OFrroE—Over A.R. Smith's Store, 9 d sMondays andStBlyth Wroxeter and and Wedaesdaof eaoh month, D R. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal college. Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bride work a specialtyy. Moder- ate Fees. satisfaction Assured,. OfBoo over Barrett's barber shop, Tnrnberry 8t., Brun. eels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, t • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animate in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Omoe end infirmary—Four doors north of bridge •rurnberry at.. Brussels. H. MOORE, V. S. • H. M., V. M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollego..Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on soientifio principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a specialty. Calle promptly attended to. Otboe, over Sohnaton & Coeh- rane's marble works. Infirmary at Beattie', livery barn, Brussels, Ont. 26. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ?TURNIPS FOR SALE OR would exchange for Stook. Apply to WILLIAM WILSON, 21.8 Lot 17, lion. 9, Gray. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND lot for sale in Brussels. For further parts molars apply at Tem Posr Publishing House. STRAYED ON THE PREMISES 01 the undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 22, Grey, in October, a ewe lamb. Owner is re- queated to prove property, pay expenses and take hor'away. VALENTINE FORESTER, 29.4 Cranbrook, P. 0. HOUSE AND SIX LOPS FOR Bale or to rent, being the property North of the railway, belonging to James Smart. For particulars as to price and elms, apply to WM. AINLEY, 10-tf Amenb's Factory, Brussels. VV ANTED, -1,000 CUSTObI— Ens at our Drug, Book and Fancy Goods store to secure some of the many bargains wo are. offering in Books, Pandy goods, Chinaware, to's,&a. come soon and get your choice. G. A. DEADVIAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. SAW GUMMING.—THE UN - 0750100150 has hiaemery grinderin or- der for gumming saws at 1, & P. Anieut's fac- tory where no will be pleased to attend to the requirements of the nubile. All aortaof edge thole earthily ground and sharpened. Anything from a pen -knife to a broadaxe can be put in order in a work -man -like manner, Charge always reasonable. D. STEWART. THRESHING OUTFIT FOR ASale,—The undersigned offers for sale his hal Engiuo and Separator, both in good working order. no will also dispose of his shingle mill. Reason for gelling, ill health. A bargain will be given. or further particulare as toprioe,terms, &0„ apply RICHARD ,orOrbre.Lot 16,0.GGrry,o,k P 0 TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned, up to Dec, elet,at neon, for the erection ea Brick School House, at Cranbrook. Plans and specification may be seen on ap- plicatlon io the Secretary. Tboloweet or any tender not necessarily accepted, SA0013 IiBAIITElt, Seo. -Trees„ 8, 8.11o. 7, Grey, 21-2 Lot 20, aortal,'. Notice to Creditors, Ie THE Ee2ATE or J'onN H. SOMERVILLE, ON THE 'TOWNSHIP ON Mounts, YEOMAN, DECEASED, gg tate o .Sohn Mhnmilton Maims klate of Township of Morrie, Yeoman, deceased, aro required to send particulars of the same to one of the exocutore of said deceased, on or before the 17t1 day o2 January,1808. after which date the executors will distribute the estate among: the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claimsof which notice .hall then have been given, and after such diptribution the exoontora will not be roepon016l0 for any part o2 the assets o2 the oetata 13 any person of whose claim the y shall not have received duo notice. Dated Decelnber 18tb, INC DAVID G. HOGG, ono of the Executors, 211.8 Brussels P. O. MEDICAL CARDS. TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. tl • 0. M„ L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P. 3. Out, Residence and. oi0oe in Wileon'e Block,cornerof Mill and Tnrnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Graduate Physician, Toronto Surgeon y Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, OPPIOE—Next door to McDonald & Co,, Walton Ont. AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, to always ready to at- tend salve of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms cheerfully given, Orerbrook P.O.Sales may be arranged at THE PosT Publishing House, Brussels. 1 FORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Sales conduct on reasonable eamandrm' stock specialty. Ordure leit. at Tan PosT P ablishingZoe se,Bru seals, or sontto Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention, N.AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN-- en as an Auotioneer, Lam prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prises. knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and got good sonority when sold oneredit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a oall, 82- P S. SCOTT. - - BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MOORAOEEN, • Iesurer ofllfarriageLieen,e,. :moo at his Grocery,'1'urnborry, street,. Brussels. -p N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Nextdoor south 010. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Lathe sand ohildrene hair cutting a op oolalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM fOStIRANOE, FIRE AND MARINE,. GUELPH. TELLINGTON MUTUAL IN.. 6Ultenan 00. Eetabli.hed 1840, In.' suranees effected on. all Town and &arm P"Operty at very ]ow rates, 18.8m 7, Ac OREIGETON, :Agent, Bruekele, ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division boort Co, Huron, conveyancer, Notary Public Ladd Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds inveeled and to loan, Collections made OIDce in &tale's sleek, Bruesols. MISS O'OONNOR, R: T., Teacher of instrumental, must° on Piano dr Organ. Will visit Wingham Tues- day and Wednesday of eaoll week. Bed - donee on Princess Street, Bruseele. m A..HAWKINS, U. O. S. M. 1. • Organist In 8t. So ' hn a Oeachin Bras.' sole, and pupil, Dto the Art of :Teaching, i of give W,Thayor, Mus.Doo., New Rork, will give lesson to pupil,/ either on ianoororgan, eoellsesaser8Vaoonlo givTeme Mod- erato,