The Brussels Post, 1894-12-21, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
Cie N,roseis est
--I8 anable08p --•
flu time for the early maize) at
"The Post" Steam Publiahiug house,
The/MUNI ST„ Bnos0EM, ONT.
!008 I0 us. BDBaonr'T0ON.-0ne dollar and
a half a yearin advance. The date to which'
very subscription is paid is denoted by the
ate on Ilio address label.
Anyano;szNe RATES, -The following rates
will be ohurged to those who silver Tse by
the year
enACO 1 yen, 16 mo, .8 mo
O& a Oplamn, $90,00 822,00 82000
Darter " ,,,,,, .... 20,001 12,00 1200
Ralf s0.Q
12,00 $00
i li h ... .
hg t ,.,. „„ la,do' e.o I coo.
1 Di
'Eight oats per line for drat insertion, and
throe cents per line for each subsequent in.
eertion. AU advertisements measured as
Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch,
Business Cards, eight lines and under, 86
Per annum.
Advertisetnents without epeeiilo dime.
Mons, will be inserted until forbid, and
oharged a000rdingiy.
Instructions to obange or discontinue an
advertisement must be left at the counting
room of Tar Poo4 not later than Tuesday
of each `week This is imperative.
W. Ei. KERN„
blditor and Proprietor.
Mr. Bll Jeyceltelikes Itis Expe:rleuce,lilt
These Troubles—Could Not Retain rood
Mad was Thought to be Beyond Hope
or Cure—I4it Relief Came and 11018
Now a Well Masi.
From the Ooaticonk, Que., Observer,
The readers of the Observer have be•
come familiar with the remarkable cures
effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People through their recital
in these columns, as taken from other re-
putable newspapers. It is now our pur-
pose to tell them of a cure, hardly short
of miranulous, which was effected on a
person with whom many of our readers
are acquainted. We refer to Mr. Eli
Joyce, formerly of Dixville, but now liv-
ing at Averil, Vt. A. few days ago we
saw Mr. Joyce and asked him about his
recovery. He stated that for four or five
years he bad been afflicted with rheuma•
tiara and dyspepsia. He was laid up and
unable to do anything on an average four
months in a year, and was constantly
growing worse, although treated by good
physicians and trying numerous remedies
recommended. A year ago last August
be was taken seriously ill while at his
sister's, Mrs. Dolloff, of Dixville. He
could not retain anything on his stomach
and the physicians who attended him
were powerless in improving his condition.
One of them stated that he had a cancer
of the stomach and could not live long.
It was while in this precarious condition
that he determined to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and before long was able to
retain food on hie stomach. His pain
gradually became less and in six weeks
time he was baok to his home in Averil,
feeling that he had obtained a new lease
of life. He continued taking the Pink
Pills for some time longer and gained so
much in health and strength that he is
now able to do the hardest kind of a day's
work, and he frankly gives Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills all the credit for his rejuven-
ated condition, and says he believes their
timely use saved his life. The Observer
has verified his story through several of
his neighbors, who say that it was thought
that he was at the point of death when he
began the use of Pink Pills ; in fact when
we mentioned his case to one of the
doctors who had attended him be said be
snpposed he was dead long ago. When
such strong tributes as these can be had
to the wonderful merit of Pink Pills it is
little wonder that their sales reach such
enormous proportions, and that they are
the favorite remedy with all classes. Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills contain the elements
necessary to give new life and richness to
the blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are an unfailing specific for loco-
motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus
dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism,
nervous, headache, the after effects of la
grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous
prostration, all diseases depending upon
vitiated humors in the blood, such as
scrofula, chronic erysipelas, eta. They
are also a specific for troubles peculiar to
females, such as suppressions, irregular -
Ries and all forms of weakness. In men
they effect a radical cure in all troubles
arising from mental worry, overwork, or
exCe60es Of any nature.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are manufac-
tured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Brockville, Ont„ and Sohene0•
tady, N. Y., sold in boxes (never in loose
form or by the dozen or hundred and the
Ilublio are cautioned against numerous
imitations sold in this shape) at 50e. a
box or six boxes for 02.50, and may be
had of all druggists or direot by mail from
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, at
either address.
The Manitoba Government have issued
its last crop bulletin for thin year. It
shows that of wheat there was produced
in 1894 18,000,000 bushels in Manitoba
and 2,000,000 in the North-west territor•
fey, an average ,to the acre of slightly
over 17 baslsels. Nearly the entire wheat
crop graded No. 1 hard and Nn. 2 hard,
Of thathi8,000,009are00bushels
till inthe
t is sfa mated
hands for seed, food or future sale, The
oat crop was 12,000,000 bushels and the
barley crop8,000,000 bushels.
NOW building have been erected nu
Manitoba farms during this year to the
valve of •8800,000. Thirty-one thousand
acres tinder liar. yielded nearly 870,000
bushels, and for this 01 a bushel was
received, making flax a very profitable
Of potatoes there were 13,800 acres,
with 'en average yield per aare of 158 n
btlehela, and a total potato crop of 2,• he
030,000 bushels. There were nearly 8,000 Iii
acres of roots, with a yield of nearly gra
2,000,000. Twenty thoneand beehels of its
peas were raised and 00,000 bushels of psi
rye. The bulletin' shows that Manitoba's eve
export trade in cattle and hogs is rapidly ma
in i
m tlrtar
{f .co
p raising cin,
In round tigurex, during this year 12,000 Inc
cattle ,1nd 8,000 hogs were exported. eur
Poultry raising is also shown to be rapid. De
lydresuming impertanee; In dairy pro.
andtt1 great port of butter wilbeing
n the tsar
Suture become an important item. Of
butter over 2,090,000 pounde were diepoe.
ed of by farmers this year, with a total
Value of nearly 0400,000, It is predipted
bra8 neat year's orop area will bb much
larger than ever.
The Deoember Sessions,
At the Deoember 508510nethe following
gases were beard :—
Timmins vs. Honey, an action forgoods
sold and delivered. i3y consent the mat,
tors 3u question woe referred to 4, A.
Morton, of Wingbam, for enquiry and
report, P. Holt for pia ; E, L. Dickin-
son for deft.
Miller vs, Mutual 'Life Ina, Co„ an
action to recover the amount of a.promis-
sory note given by plff. After hearing
quite a number of witnesses and the ex-
amination of s large number of documents
the .case
mwas e withdrawn. at a saL. E settlement
for piff ; Mr. Prieto' for delis,
Scott vs. Geary, an motion for the price
of en organ. This case commenced at
0:80 on Wednesday and lasted until noon
Tharsday. The jury returned a verdict
for deft., and His Honor dismissed the
motion with hosts. Garrow and It. 0,
Hays for plff. ; R. H. Collins for deft.
Currie vs. Lnoknow, was an action fo
alleged negligence in the construction o
a crossing,
The grand jury presentment, reports
20 persons in jail, classified as follows
18 males and 8 females. Of the latter
are insane and waiting removal, basin
been reported 2 are committed for etre
walking and 3 as vagrants who are aged
and totally unfit to earn a living. Of the
males 3 are insane and waiting removal
ne under sentence for attempted rape,
nil awaiting trial, and 13 serving al vag-
ante, of whom 8 are aged and helpless.
The jury recommended as follows :
1. We would recommend that the in-
ane be removed as speedily as possible,
Si we are informed the new asylum at
rookville is completed and will leave
oro room in that of London and Hamd-
2. That the two old women, in for no
ther °Mtge but age and poverty, be re.
oved to more comfortable quarters up-
take, where we find two spacious rooms
n0ocupied ; we make this suggestion
for their protection, because they are at
resent a5eooiated with insane women
ho are at times violent.
3. We etroogly suggest that the
board of health of the town of Goderich
xeroise more vigilance regarding the
anitary condition 101 the premises of
e gaol, as we find the sewage in the
and emitting a most offensive effluvia,
hiob, in our judgment, contains, and
ill disseminate the germs of contageous
eeaee. In this connection we suggest
at a drain be made to connect with
e main sewer or the river.
4. We find the beds and delle iu 'a
irly good oondition and the floors and
aIle Olean.
5. We were courteously received by
e gaoler, Mr. Dickson, and the matron,
e wife, and we are of the opinion they
e discharging their duties faithfully.
Canadian Ne %le.
Col, Sooide has resigned the editor -
Ship of who Nor'-Woetor,- It, P, Roblin
has resigned the preeidenoy of the paper,
righting is reported to have taken
piece in Peru, victory reetiog with the
rebels, who are amid to be closing in on
timer the capital.
$amen rar; a well-known entertainer,
who was giving an entertainment in
rOy one n1 bt last week, was taken
ill and WAS brought to Toronto to the
general hospital, Monday morning it
was found he was suffering from small-
pox, and he was removed to the isolated
hospital. This is the first ease of this
disease in Toronto for come years.
R$Eusupprsu OnnEn IN A DAY, --South
American Rheumatic Onre for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically mime in 1
to 8 days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. 16 re-
moves at onoe the cause and the disease,
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefite. 75 cents. Warranted
Sty G, A. Deadman.
During a thunder storm which passed
over Delhi, Ont. Saturday evening, the
lightning struck a barn belonging to J.
Peacock, killing two horses and four
pigs. 16 then followed `the fence,
knocking the beams out of two ploughs
close by the fence and killed two obiokens
which were roosting in en apple tree
above the. ploughs. The barn was not
t 4
f Gorrie.
McLaughlin & Co. shipped over one
d I ton of dried apples last week to different
' pointe, for one firm.
The Presbyterians of Gorrie, will hold
g a tea meeting in the Town Hall on New
Pearl Soulee, a girl aged 13, is under
arrest at Brantford on the charge of set -
ling fire to the stable of James Mill.
Mrs, Coulter was oonvioted at Belle.
viiia on Saturday of stuffing geese with
stones before bringing them to market.
The Waterous Engine Oompany have
decided to remove from Brantford short.
ly, as that city is not a good shipping
p oint for their goods.
oTE6.—All caeca of organic or sympathetio
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quiokly cured, by Dr. Agnew'e Cure for
the Heart. One dose convinoes. Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
R. Brammer. a pioneer manufacturer,
and proprietor of the Victoria fonudry,
Orillia, was found dead in bed Thursday
morning. The deceased was at hie
place of business the day previous in ap-
parently good health.
A Rennin.) gbost-story has yet to be
attested ; but not so a genuine blood.
purifier. Over and over again it has
been proved that Ayer's Sarsaparilla
stands alone among medicines as the
most reliable touio-alterative in pbarm.
atty. It stood alone at the World's
The Goodridge, (NH.) Government
will send a d to
wise a loan f $1600,000ation ,oauthoriiy d at
the last session of the Legislature. It
is stated that London financiers refuge
to advance any funds to the Whiteway.
ites, on the ground that their corruption
while in office proves that they are unfit
to be trusted with the country's finances.
Not it Queok Nostrum.—Stark's
Powders cure sick or nervous headache,
neuralgia or bitiousnees. They will not
set a broken leg. If a man were de.
oaptiated, they will not give him back
his head. They are not a oure.all.
They are a epeoitle remedy for a given
number of afflictions. Stark's Powders
cure what they claim to curs promptly
and effectually. Only try them. The
result will surprise you. 28 menta a box,
Mayor Monteith, of Stratford, is in
receipt of a communication from W. H.
Biggar, assistant soikitor of the G. T. R.
iu which be Saye that city's. offer to com-
inste the company's taxes at $,9,000 for a
ear'e night, followed by a leoture in the
Mr. Goforth, a foreign missionary
from Conan, China, delivered an interest.
ing address in the Presbyterian church
on Wedueeday on foreign miesione.
One of the things to talk about bap.
pened at T. Renwiok's threshing the
other day. The men killed a rat and
found a five mint piece inside of it.
That's the -kind of rats to raise.
Alex. Orr has traded the Albion hotel
of this village to Geo. Brown, of Ford -
with, for his hotel in that village. Mr.
Brown will take possession about the
New year. It is not Mr. Orr's intention
to move to Fordwioh, but he will probab-
ly Bell the property.
Gode rieeh.
Frank Crabb has gone to Wiarton
where he has bought out a hardware stook,
and takes immediate possession.
J.'0. Clarkson, of Seaforth Collegiate
Institute and J. E. Tom, I. P. S. con-
ducted the model school examinations.
The exams. concluded on Friday.
John Knox was elected Drier of the
County Court by the magistrates present
at the quarter sessions. In selecting Mr.
Knox a very good choice was made.
After a long illness, John Pridham
passed away. The deceased had been in
a poor state of health for a number of
years so that death was not although un-
expected. The funeral services were con.
ducted by the A. 0. U. W. and the 0.0.
F„ and was largely attended.
A young man about 21 years of age,
dark complexioned and wearing agreyish
tweed suit, with cap to matoh, Dulled at
the residence of W. G. Smith and asked
for something to eat. His hunger being
appeased he left by the baok door, only to
make his way to the front of the house,
and entering the hall stole from a bat
rack a blank cloak, plaid shawltand black
Russel cord coat.
Lot 11UndereCon. 6lGrey,will keep for service at
'shite boar and agistered Berkshire the
latter purchased from J. O. Buell of bld-
mondton. Terms, 81.00 to be paid at the
tunas of service with privilege of returning if
necessary. ANGUS-SHAW,
10.4 Proprietor.
TNorth Ralf 0,00420 will 7,, for
bred Tamworth Boar, recently pprebased
from the well known breeder, Yap. Bell, Am-
ber. Alsoa Mester White Boar. Terms,
51.00 to be paid at time of service with priv-
ilege of returhiug if necessary.
00.00 8. WALKER, Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service, at
Lot 10. Con, 10, Grey, a thorn' bred yoseg
Berkshire boar, Pedigree may be seen on
of serVi00mwith privil81.00
ge of returning ift
essary. JNO, BROWN,
10 Sm l'roprietol•,
term of years 1s declined. Ile, however, BOAR FOR SERVICE+'. --TBE
still thinks the ofty Sad a0mpan can Undersigned Grey, keep for eerviee,on
some to an understanding without goin lot 1e, ono. 30, kshthe tto"Cran d3m-
to law, g Prave�T, white Yorkshire boar, ''Crnbfook
Duke," Purchased from Jobe Cousins k
Sona Horrteton, Terme—elan to be paid at
the time of tervloe with privilege Of return-
ing if necoeserv. Pedigree and stook may
bo seen on application,
1e 8m ,7A1101003 Id, KNIGHT,
been oun St.ert Mary's
inofeeeerohrnof hie
former hired man, who bad taken what
did not h to him
• The man had worked for anddecamped.
during the harvest, and had left when the
time expired. He arrived oetenoibly
on a visit at his former employer's
residence, Osborne, and staid over night,
but cleared out early in the morning.
After his departure a quantity of cloth.
ing was miened and 80 in cash from
the trouser pocket of Geo, Bightun, the
hired boy.
Rowse IN Six Room—Distressing kid
ey and bladder diseases relieved in six
rS by the "Great South American
duet/ Cure." This new lemedY le a
at surprise and delight on account of
exceeding promptness in relieving
n in the bladder, kidneys, back and
ry part of the urinary passages in
le or female. It relieves t•etsetin i of
ter arid pain 111 passing it almost
diately If you want guioli relief and
e this is year remedy. Sold by 0. A,
adman, druggist
Undersigned will keep for service o0
Lot 211 Onn, 0, Morrie, the there' bred int.
droved White Yorkshire Boar "Canada's
Prince," Dumb aged from the well•known.
breeder.,, 1e, ilrethonr, Oak Loose Farm,
Bhrfoi 1. Terms, $1.00 to be paid atthe
time of service with .privilege of le lsrning
if necessary. Pedigree may bo seen on SP -
I00BT, NI0F70L.
Tho undersigned will keep for eorvice, 011. lot
32, eon, 18, • Grey, a registered Tamworth
Boar, bred rrn
d b
John 1
related to his Y Rel , at mist
her, at the
Toronto redo etrie 4. Also Erin$ tore at elle
shire, bred by J. 0 rssncli registered 1 stela,of
Imported Stook. Those aro two d,'st•51dee
hogs, Terms—$1,6(1 of the time of enrvioe
with privilege of returning if accessary.
Pedivree4 of either can be ee8n mi sppli.
18.4 Welton;P, O.
A Centleman
who formerly resided In Co ileoticutbut
M'iio new reeldes In Honolulu, writes: 'Ter
20 years past, my wife
and l have used Ayer's
Balt Vigor, and we
attribute to it the dark
hair w111014 she and I
now have, while hun-
dreds ofour acquaint.
aneee, ten or a dozen
years younger than we,
are either gray -headed,
white, Or bald.. 'When
asked how our hair has
retained its color and •
fullness, we reply, .By
the 050 of Ayer's Hair
Vigor—nothing else."'
"In 1880, my affianced
Was nearly bald, and
the hair
kept fall-
ing out
day. I.
--- hortouso
Ayer's !fah- Vigor, and very soon, it 0500
only checked any further loss of, hair, but
produced an entirely now growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy' to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine heir -restorer. It is all
that it is claimed to be," -Antonio Alarrun,
Bastrop, Tex.
Certain In Its chaeta and never blisters.
Bead proofs below t
• Btrsrorar, L. L, N.Y., 250,10, 1894.
Dr. It T. Ksanra Co.
Gentlenlu,—I b0508 a -splendid bay horse some
time anggowith a Spavin. Igothlmfor$e0• Iuned
iCendall'e Spavin Oure, The dl,avin le gone now
and I have been offered $150 for the name horse.
I only had himnine weeks, so I got $120 for using
52 worth of Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Yours truly, W. s. laAESDEN,
Dr. B. J. KarinkLx, Co.$netar, Mice., nes 14, i808.
Sirs—I have used your Kendall's Spavin Cure
withood success for Curbs. on: two horses and
tt is thhe best Liniment I have ever used,
Youre truly, Anee6TFR0DEmc6.
Pries s1 her bottle.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
1040990 ROM FALLS. 01%
Shop o
Having moved to a more con-
venient stand, put in heavier
power and some new machinery,
lam now prepared to manufac-
ture, on the shortest notice,
Sleighs, &c.
Bodies and all kinds of wood
work supplied,
The "Omen Sense"
Mathes Dryer and
the Otter Cart,
Panel noon.
Wo keep constantly for sale a
Stock of Panel Doors of all Sizes
and Grades, manufactured by 0,
Lloyd & Son, of Wingham.
1 also do Oustom Planing, Matoh-
ing and Moulding.
Interest the young people at tomo in the
long evenings by proourimg one or
more of the renewing
Popular Games :
Catapult, , Croquet
Whirlpool, a Croquet,
Flips , Lotto,
L '
Checkers, Fish Fond,
Dominoes, Authors,
Bagatelle, Farmers at the Fair
Cut up Puzzle Pictures, &o..
All of these may
be had at
BUMS ONLY $1.00.
Post Bookstore,
AEU. 21, J.894
Mite Star Line.
ROf1wii Lir. STELMSIiitos.
Between New 'York and Liverpool, via
Queenetown,evorY Wednesday,
An the domains of Nile line carry Ealy a
etriotly ilmited number in the i'Ist5T a d
moon, erea ereminaed accommodations,
early ep
plication for bertha is necessary at this cop-
0011• For plane, rates, etc„ apply t0
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, rirnseele.
Any Amount of Money ,to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro,
llerty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required:'
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Covert Clerk, Brussels,
----IN--- •
MENS, 11
It will pay you to see the values we
will offer for the next two weeks.
Prices, Down 1 Down 1 Down !
Our General Stock is well els- New Prints and Freeb Gro
sorted and Values Right. carica for the Xmas Trade.
;Brussels Plle fgj1pflgy
Is now prepared to take Photos, of
every Description from the Small
Sunbeams to the
We have just received our
which is doing splendid work. Views of
Pic-nic Parties and Residences can be
taken on the shortest notice by applying
at the; Photo, Gallery.
Step in and give us a Call. Always welcome at
the old Reliable Photo. Studio in Stretton Block,
over Standard Bank.
D. aHOGG,let
Is Showing in his New Premises,
Opposite . Amnion, $otel
A Full Stock of MUP,I 1�j 114
All Finds of �1 FOR
Parlor, Bluing Boom, Bed Room or Kitchen.
.Picture Frcc7nin % attended to on short notice.
Undertaking Department.,
Special Attest
- -a
l A Full Supply of Funeral
Requisites Al ways in Stock.
ion given to Repairing,
D. G. HHOGa-, B3russeis.