The Brussels Post, 1894-12-21, Page 5TUE BRITS SELS POST
15i5trid 11.0w5,
t lcentortle.
A moat melancholy and fatal aooldeut
occurred near Seaforth Monday evening,
in wliioh Wm, J. Chimney wee- instantly
kfnad, He ;vee in the sot of °loaning his
sbotgun, wbioh wee loaded, when ' it ao•
oidentally disohereed, blowing the whole
side of hie head off.
61.00 in advance will get Tire Pose for
1806. Subscribe now.
fumes Boyd ie me king preparations to
area a large barn next Bummer.
Oliver Turnbull, of Hartney, Mane
fa visiting hie brother, John A., on the
8th eon..
F; W. Kopee, tailor, formerly of
Atwood, tae bung up hie shingle in
Dr. Kidd has hada street lamp put
up opposite bis residents with hie name
on the glass,
George Longmire, who has ebeen
learning the operating with G. T. Ia.
agent Knox for the past year, has been
appointed to the position of Relieving
Agent until a station oan be gob for him.
He lett for Toronto last week.
The Elmo Cheese Co, Bold their
Sept. obeeee at 1016 per pound, and the
belanoe of the season at 10o. The price
is rather disappointing, but the English
cable has dropped again to 50e 6d., with
no immediate prospect of a raise.
$1.00 in advance will get 'rue PosT for
1895. Subeoribe now.
Miss Edna Curtis returned home from
a month's visit amongst hie friends in
'TheAgnes Knox concert, held in
Indnntry hall under the aOBpioes of the
Presbyterian Ohurob,was a grand success
financially and otherwise.
Our town flag is flying at half mast in
t memory of our late Premier, Sir John
Thompson. The news of hie sudden
demise caused quite a sad gloom amonget
our citizens.
On Tuesday evening a ninon meeting
of the Presbyterian and Methodist C. E.
Society was held in the basement of St.
Andrew's (Presbyterian) church. A very
pleaeant evening was spent.
On Monday evening Mrs. Jae. Potter'
arrived at the station from London, hav-
aying sufficiently recovered to be able to be
removed to her home in East Wawanoeb.
She bad been for eeveral weeks in one of
the hospitals in the oity, where ehe had
been undergoing an operation. Quite a
large number of friends were in waiting
at the station whet the train arrived.
At the last regular meeting of the
members of L. 0. L. No. 968 in the
Orange hall the following allure were
elected and installed for the ensuing
term :—Bros. T. 0. McElroy, W. M. ;
J. E. Taman, D. M. ; John Willford,
Chap. • Wm. Montgomery, R. S.; A.
McNally, F. S. ; Jas. McGee, Treae. ;
Geo. Maine, D. of C. ; R. MoOuminge,
About $50 has been forwarded to the
Treasurer of the Jessie Keith memorial
It ie almost an established fact that
the celebration of the Battle of the Boyne
will be held in Listowel the coming 1203
of July.
General Booth, of London, Eng.,
bead of the Salvation Army throughout
the world, accompanied by his eon and
Col. Lowly, private secretary, will pay
a visit to Listowel on the 2503 of January
next and will hold a mass meeting in
the Methodist church.
L. 0. L.—At the annual meeting the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year :—Charles Anderson, W.
M. ; H, C. Rioburdeon, TI. M• ; H. Wit.
loughby, Chap. R. Stanley, Reo. See. ;
Wm. Spears, Finance Secretary ; Wm,
MoKeever, Treasurer ; Thos. Later,
Lecturer ; Committee, W. E. Wakeford,
Ed. Terry. S. H. Richardson, S. Tre.
main, S. Strain.
Luo Dimes Sims swr.—The Banner
says :—Ten care of cheese were shipped
from the station here on Wednesday
and Thursday and two last Saturday,
making 6,488 boxes of cheese, for which
over $41,000 in oaeh bee been paid to
the farmers. Laird shipped ten oars for
Ballantyne & Booth, two oars for Riley.
The ehipments included 1,250 boxes
iifrom Molesworth, 1168 from Elma, 960
from Cleland's, 850 from Trowbridge,
790 from Elam and Mornington, 875
from Wallace, 600 from Fordwiob, and
200 from Gorrie. Cleland and Trow•
bridge have yet a balance to ship, the
other factories making the last ship-
ment of the season. The streets were
buoy looking with the scores of teams
which brought in the cheese.
Mr. McLean was in town on Tues.
day. •
Mr. Moore, of Brussels, was in town on
Mrs. Biokie, of Manitoba, arrived
boom last week.
Hugh Roes hoe sold Ms : houses 50
Geo. McDonald.
$1.00 in advanoe will get Trim PoeT for
1896. Subeoribe now.
Miss Ballantyne leaves for her borne
in Seafortb on Saturday.
George McDonald went home last
Saturday, his time having expired in the
sheen faotory.
,Rev. Mr. Buggin, of Blyth, preached
Educational sermons 00 Sabbath, in the
Methodist oburob.
The lriokepoo concert was a grand
themes in Bluevale and everyone seemed
to enjoy thetnelvea.
Mr. Dunn, of Gleual,en, a Burger
resident of Bluevale, was calling on
friends on Tuesday.
Mies Emma Jones intends going home
to Walkerton this week to spend her
Christmas belidays. '
Chas. Sewell, of Woodstock, is visiting
at Bev. A. Y. Hartley's, Itir. Sewell ie a
brother to Mrs. Hartley,.
Quite a crowd went to Wingham on
Saturday night to hear the Kiokapoos
and report a splendid time.
John Robertson and wife were at
Kincardine attending the house warm-
ing at their ;mice's, Mrs. Malcolm.
The young people of the Methodist
church intend having n Christmas Tree.
The little Mike are busy preparing for
Mies May Stott is away visiting
friends and relatives 10 Clinton, Stanley
and Soafortlt. She intende spending a
month, Lseaaa. t0> fka„
George Haney was in Godoritb for a
few days tine week.
Jolie Johnston, oR Ilodoriob, wee visit-
ing hie mother, Mrs, Stowe, this week,
Jobn.loolca splendid. Breezes off the
lake each, to agree with hire,
Edward Bailey,who is noww attending
the Model et Berlin, has boon engaged as
teacher in U. 8, S. No. 2, Elnsa and
Wallace. 1' Ie le a promising young man,
and should make' a emcee at hia Pro*
L. 0, L.—At the annual meeting of the
Bluevale Stodge, L. 0. L., No. 766, the
following oflioere were elected for the.
Seaming Year•Sa
m tI nldUiolc W
Wm Robb, D M, ; Wm. 3.
Chap% , Wig H Stewart Tress, ; Geo.
Onldbiols idea,; Wilson Thornton, Fin.
Seo. ; Jno, Gardiner, D. of 0„. Henry,
Robb, Leet,; Geo. Haney, let Commit-
tee man ; Geo, Peacock, 2nd Cern, ; /no.
Diemen,, 3rd Oam. ; Alex. Anderson, 40h
Com, ; Edward Jobneton, 6511 Com. M.
ter the officers ware duly fnetalled a
lunch was served to the brethren in the
iE tIllea1.
A. Fogal is borne from Muskoka.
Soboolcloses on Friday of this week.
Geo. Dobson resumed work lust' week.
61.00 in advance will get Tan Posx for
1895. Subscribe now.
Municipal matters are receiving con•
siderable attention just now.
Croup, sore throat, coughs and oolda
seem to be in order just now.
3. T. Cook returned to our village this
week. He is in the employ of Mr.
Rev. A. Henderson, of Atwood, preach-
ed in the Presbyterian ohuroh last Sab-
bath afternoon.
3. McCormick, of Trowbridge, thou -
pied the pulpit of the Methodist church
a week ago last Sunday.
A Debating Society in oonneotion with
the Meohanioe Institute is tallied of.
13y all meane form the society.
The lamp planed in the rear of the
Metbodiet church is a great convenience
to people having horses in the shed.
The Chriatmae tree entertainment in
the Methodist church next Monday
evening promisee to be a very interesting
R. J. Sharp, of Crystal City, Man.,
le expected home this week on a visit
after an abeenae of 6 yeare. There are
sixteen in their party coming East.
Some of the boys attempted to sere-
nade Mr. Eokmier and bride last Wed-
nesday evening. They were bought off
with a small sum, which was not spent
in a very creditable manner.
L. 0. L.—The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year in oonneo-
tion with L. 0. L. No. 651 :—Rob,. Barr,
W. M. ; Wm. Annet, D. M. ; S. Love,
Chap. ; Wm. J. Cooper, Rao. -Sea. ; Jno.
Vodden, Fin. -Sec- ; 0. Maynard, Treas. ;
Wm. Hollioback, Leat. ; Committee—J.
Hollinback, R. Mitchell, A. Hollioback,
W. Hamilton.
Wail Con.
THE POST is indebted to Mrs. W. Neal,
the painstaking Secretary, tor the full
report of the Sabbath School Convention.
John Mowbray is building a driving
shed on his lately purchased property
near Walton and will erecta fine rest..
dente next Summer. He will move into
the house on the Gardiner agate, pur-
chased by Henry Hamilton, until his
new house is ready.
Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of
Moleswortb, will preach the anniversary
sermons in Duff's oburoh in this place.
At the tea•meeting on Monday 'evening
addresses will be given by Rev. R. Paul,
Brussels ; Rev. P. Musgrave, Winthrop ;•
Dr. McDonald, M. P., Winghem, and,
others. Good music.
The revival eervioee at the . Bethel ap-
pointment. conducted by Rev, T. W.
Covens, have closed. Some 55 persons
professed conversion, 36 of whom have
already united with the Methodist
church. Several of the converts will join
the Presbyterian church. It was a fine
meeting and produotive of great good to
the neighborhood generally.
LADY Trion BLvae.--The °Mears of
Lady Sanderson Lodge, No. 16, L. T. B.,
Walton, are :—Mrs. Wm. Grieve, Worthy
Mistress ; Mrs. H. Hamilton, D. M, ;
Mrs. W. Neal, Chaplain ; Miss Maggie
Morrison, Recording Secretary ; Miss
Bessie Kelly, Fin. -Secretary ; Mies Jane
Kelly, Treasurer. This lodge le doing
well and pay liberally to the suatentation
fund of decearred brethren and sisters.
L. 0. L.—At the annual meeting of
Walton Orange Lodge, No. 252, the fol-
lowing offioore ware eleoted for the in-
coming year ;—Tboe. Oakley, W. M. ;
John Oakley, D. M. ; A. Morrison, Chap-
lain ; Obits. Case, Rec.-Seo. ; W. M.
Smith, Fin.•Sea. ; Duncan ohnston,
Treasurer ; Harry Hamilton, Director
of Ceremonies ; George Hamilton and
George Kelly, jr., Leoturere ; Committee,
Joseph Love, John Wren, Wm. Dennis-
on, Robt. Fraser and David Crawford.
Tbere are 44 members in good standing
and lodge improving.
$1.00 in advance will get Tan Pose for
1895. Subeoribe now.
There is not likely to be it municipal
fight in Morrie this year.
Jno. Bateman bad a wood -bee Wednes.
day afternoon of this week.
Dr. G. L. Ball, of Toronto will spend
his Christmas holidays with his parents.
Thine promises to be some lively times
in municipal affaire in Grey this election.
A wood•bee, followed by a dance, took
place at Wm. Rvid's, 651 oon. A11 had a
good time.
Revde. E. V. and W. A. Smith are
spending their Chriatmae holidays under
the parental roof.
• Sneak thieves are on the round. Mrs.
Harry Attwood, 6511 con., had a gem of
peaohte etoleu from her milk -house Fri-
day of last week,
Nomination for Municipal Council will
take plane at the Township Hall, Ethel,
on the filet inst., from 12 to 1o'oloak,
Election, if there is a p011, on January
Remember the social and Christmas
tree to be held in Shine's school house
on Christmas eve. A good program is
being prepared and a pleasant time is
expected. A oolleotion will be taken up
in aid of the Sabbath school.
The 551 and ale oonceseione are not to
be behind in building operatione next
year. Oliver Smith intende putting up
a mew barn with etOne stabling under.
neath, E. J. McArthur will move his
barns and put a atone basement tinder
them, and W. Reid will do likewise.
Harry Atwood is having atone Mulled for
a new collet and foundation under his
awaiting. --,,
George Ooombes ig,on the mink list with
eryalpalea In his head, Wimp he will
Poon be oonvaleasent,
The 100 aura farm belonging to the;
Jollu Long eetats, 12511 con„ hoe been
sold to John Tyorman, The pride paid
was $4,006,
Mrs, John Currie and dangllto,r
Melissa, left for Boiseevaiu, Man,last.
Tuesday to vioit roletivea. The 'rrmain-
der of the family may go Weeb next
Mrs, Wm. Rittman, Mrs. am Bate-
man and danghter Laura left this week
for Niagara, whore they will epeeid two or
three weeks, Nellie 3abeman their
granddaughter, who has been visiting
grandparents for the last three months,
accompanied them home.
T, A. Reid, Prinnipal of the Owen
Bound Model School, formerly a euoceea
ful teacher in this township, wee present.
ed witb an address and a haudeome
gold headed acne by the students, prior
to the oonolueion of the Pall term. The
address apeake in emphatic terms of the
devoted attention and interact evidegoed
by the practical and thorough manner
of Mr. Reid'e teaching abilibies. In the
address can be seen the students' ap•
predation of the efficiency of their
teacher. Mr. Reid, in accepting the gift,
appropriately replied..
Baneawos Ornman FAoTOnY,—Thia year
tbis.faotory has turned out 75,700 lbs. of
cheese from 854,155 lbs. of milk at an
average of 11.28 lbs. milk to lb. cheese,
and at an average price of 9.65 cents per
1b. Thia shows an increase of over 16
tong over last year, eo that while the
make was not very big, yet it ie a good
showing in such a poor season. The
firm have given, so far as we eau learn,
good eatisfaotion this year, and all be.
speak a better season for 1895. The an.
nual meeting will be held about the 10th
of Jan., when it is desited that all who
are interested should attend.
The report that the Indians around
Caledonia have a olaim of nearly $2,.
000,000 against the Canadian Govern-
ment is greatly exaggerated.
Deveaux College, at Niagara Falls, ie
said to have been closed owing to an out-
break of typhoid fever in the institution,
and over 100 students sent home.
Adam Beak's steeple, ohaser, "Laugh.
ing Stook," who was injured at Toronto
during the Fair, was shot Wednesday at
Glenmore. The animal was valued at
For the first time in the bietory of the
County of Perth, the Court of the
Qoarter Sessions whiob met Tuesday,
had no oases, either civil or criminal, to
deal with.
Twenty years ago Hon, Thos. Mc-
Greevy bad his life insured for $40,000.
The policy baa now expired, and be is
the fortuaate recipient of the amount in
bard cash.
A fakir dealing in silverware narrowly
escaped being pelted with atones at
Brantford Friday night by diagruotlod
victims. As it was several atones were
thrown at him as be drove off, but with-
out effeot.
Considerable disappointment ie eaves.
sed in Toronto that the boodle enquiry
will not be conoluded until after the
municipal elections. The investigation
resumed on Monday, bat very
little can be done in so aborta time—from
then to Deo. 31st.
From Chicago to Brussels Loaded with - .--
Ohristm,as Presents for Everybody.
T this gay and festive season of the year, when everybody is bubbling over with
good feelings, because they intend to make aP resent to Louise or Thomas or
father, or mother, we would remind you that we keep In stock Serviceable and Useful
Gifts. We will name them for you :—Ladies' and Children's Gloves and Mitts • Ladies'
Cashmere. Hose ; Ladies' Underwear and Corsets ; a nice Assortment of Hair Pins, Tie
Pins, Brooches, Collar and Cuff Buttons, Purses, Mouth Organs, Thimbles, Collars and
Gents' Ties, [Knots] for 20c, worth 35c,
Silk Handkerchiefs. for 25e, worth 50e,
A. lot of Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs
at 12'c, 15c, 20e and 25c,
Men's Underwear, all sizes and prices, away
Top. Shirts, a great variety, for 25c, 33c,
42e, 50c, 60c, 71c and 84c,
Gents' Cashmere Mufflers 20c, 25e, 30c, 35e,
Ladies' Hem Stitched Ties, fancy ends, 30c,
Silk Handkerchiefs, large size, 25c, 35c, 50e
and 75c,
Men's Sox, Gloves and Caps at Exceedingly
Low Prices,
Ladies' Black Coney Muffs, $1.00,
Ladies' Black Coney Collars, $2.U0,
Our Blankets are still 40c per
Lb. Less than mill prices.
Don't Forget us when you
are Filling the Stockings.
We want,money'and must have it, and to ac-
complish our purpose we have decided to make a
Big Reduction in our stock and have knocked down
everything to nearly Half Price. If you want Bar-
gains now is the time to get them. We caret quote
prices so want you to come and look and compare
our Prices with any store in town. We have too
much stook and are bound to reduce it.
Millinery, Mantles and Dress Goods
And no Reasonable Offer will be refused. We have
also a lot of nice
Silk AND Fancy
Eandkerchiefs Goods,
Of every Description, suitable for
And at Prices to suit the times. Santa Claus is
coming and everybody eau afford at the Prices we
are selling at to remember him at this Festive Sea -
ion. Come along, we will make it worth your mobile
and save you money by malting your purchases at
E. R�gcrs.'
BRUSSELS, Dec.17th, 1894.
P. S.—We have a nice lot of Table Linen, Napkins
&c,, suitable for Xmas at Greatly Reduced
Prices. Recollect everything must be sold Re-
gardless otLCost.
°liars Saved
®Afars aiued
The way to save money is to call on
And see their prime stock of Hardware,
&c., &c., before purchasing elsewhere.
Cross Cut Saws.
We handle the Celebrated `Leader," the Galt "Lance,"
and the Toronto "Blade." Satisfaction guaranteed in.
saws. We do a large trade iu this line,
Hanging Lamps.
A large and well assorted stock of Beautiful Hanging, Par-
lor and Table Lamps that cannot fail to please purchasers.
Splendid stock, of Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives and all
other goods in this lice. New, good and cheap.
We have a very superior display of Silverware suitable for
Holiday or Birthday Gifts. Our stock is well :tsaortedl
and sola at Close Prices.
Tip-top Lina in New ammo=
Sleigh Bolls, Whips, Chopping Axes and everything else usually.
found in a first-class I3ardware Store.
Strict attention to business, selling on close margins and giving
satisfaction to our patrons are the lines on wbi,ih
'We aim imyto gain and retain trade.
JA.. .'0o1'^�L T Ott CO