HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-12-14, Page 8V M er FU Y In choosing a Present fora Lady Friend for Birthday, Christmas or New Years, do loot rack your brains over de- ciding what to get but read over the following list and you can readily decide. Dressing Oases, Work Boxes in Plush, Leather, Oak or Celluloid, atthdkerohief or Glove Boxes, Toilet Setts, Travelling Companions, Photo. end Autograph Albums; Ladies' Companions, Panay Silverware, Work Baskets, Fountain Pens, Fruit and Porridge Setts, Teapots and Stand's, Celery and Salad Trays, Musio Rolls, Rooke, Bibles, &o, Perfume Stands, Jewel Cases, Manioore Setts, $teresooltes and Views, Hand Mirrors, Satchels, Hand Bags, Photo, Holders and Frames,, "moaners() Tea Trays, China Flower Pots, Vases, &o., Card Reoeivere, Cups and Saucers, Batter and Cheese Dishes, . hose ;Bowls, i $lg Stands, Writing Deeks, Japanese Brackets. The above are a few of the many articles we keep in stock. G. A. DEADMAN DRUGGIST, BOOKSELLER AND FANCY GOODS DEALER. N. B.—For suitable presents for Gentlemen see next week's Po8T. .�. ..nes. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows ; GoiaO Soma, Gone NORTH. Mail 6:54 a.m. I Mixed 9,45 a.m. Express 1159 am. Mail 8:13 p.m, Hared..,,,,,,. 900 p.r. 'Uprose 9:41 p.m. Ito ,r al , ,CRUS terns. A chiefs amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Salmon Board meets Friday evening of ibis week. Bonreao bas been quiet in town but is livening up now. Jams WALKER has fitted up a oonvenient office in his wagon shop. Forma Division .Court will be hell in Brussels on Friday, 28th inst. Tars is a bad winter for carriage build. ers as far as outters and sleighs are con- cerned. Comma meets Saturday evening of this week:to prepare annual financial statement Tax broad ball way entrance at the American Hotel has been enclosed for the 'winter by door and windows. SETEnAL ofour townspeople went to Wiogilam on Tuesday to hear the politi- cal speech by the Conservative leaders. A PATRON Convention will be held at Gerrie on Saturday of next week to nom- inate a candidate for the East Riding of Baron. Tan Kiokapoo Indian Medicine Co. has gone to Wingham, closing an en- gagement of two weeks here on Monday evening. DB. MaNAUGHTON has moved to his lately purchased residence, Mill street, where we hope he and Mrs. MoNanghton, may enjoy many prosperous years. Tan electric lamp at the corner of Turaberry and Mill street fell to the ground last Saturday on account of the -rope breaking and was badly damaged. A PRITATE car was attached to the afternoon train on Tuesday for the ac- commodation of the gentlemen who were to speak at the Conservative meeting at Wingham. It made the return trip Wednesday noon. DOMINION VOTERS' LISTS.—The prelim- inary lists in connection with the Do- minion Voters' lists for the next Parlia- mentaryeleotion are out. Judge Doyle will bold a Court of Revision in the Town Hall, Brussels, for this municipal- ity, on January 17th. at 3 o'clock p. m. TEERE is no benefioiary assessment in the A. 0. II. W. for December, but a relief assessment of $1.00 each hag been made. Nomination and election of offs• hers for the next year will take plane in Brussels Lodge, No. 188, Friday evening of next week. Every member is requested to be present. D. A. Lower has purobaeed a very eligible aore lot from P. Ament, North- west corner of Turaberry and Queen streets, for which he paid $160. Mr. Lowry intends erecting a two story brick cottage upon it next season, and as he never does anything by halves, we ex- pect to see a fine residence when Com. plated. • OEMnoins. Robert Armstrong, oare- taker of Brussels cemetery, is the person to whom application should be made for thepurchase of lots or graves, or the dig- ging of graves. Mr. Armstrong does the collecting also for the same having a monthly report to make to the Secretary - Treasurer of the Board. ROBERT ARMSTRONG hag purchased the house and lot belonging to George Jamie - eon, oorner of John and Market streets. The price paid was 8245 wbioh is con- sidered low. Mr. Jamieson end family will remove to Wiarton, where he hoe a situation awaiting him, we understand. Mr. Armstrong takes possession about Christmas. AT the Conservative 101nb room last Friday evening the subject "Resolved that the expenditure of the Dominion Government was justifiable," was debat- ed. For the affirmative J. Moore, B. Gerry and J. Irwin spoke, and their arguments were combatted by W. H. 'Cloakey, Jas. Bowam and T. Farrow. Decision was rendered in favor of the affirmative by H. Dennis and W. F. Vanstene. LOG BnOrtin.—Thurs,1 sy forenoon a man went to D. Ewan's elaokomith ehop to have his horse shod. The animal proved ugly and in Mr. Ewan's efforts to retain bis hold on the horse's leg he was thrown down and tramped neon. The ,result was that his right leg wag broken 'below the knee in two places and worse than that the bone was considerably splintered, penetrating the flesh and skin, Mr. Ewan has suffered a good Beal of pain since, bat ig doing as well as •ooald be expected. It is rather nnfor. rlunata at this season of the yearbut what can't be prevented mot be endured.. We hope the patient will 'con be able to get about as of yore. EAST Huron Farmers' Institute meeting will be held on January 18th in Brussels. Meeeee SCOTT & Jones shipped a car of live hogs from Brussels Station on Tuesday. WESgEFDAe Soott & Jones shipped a car of wattle from bare to Eastern markets, CHEAP holiday fares on the railways during the holiday season. See advte, in this issue. ANOTHER fine Ronald Steam Fire En- gine has been completed and was taken to the market soles on Tuesday to be tested as to weight. Lan Fridayevening the decision at the Young Liberal's debate was a tie. This club is desirous of arranging a joint pub. lio debate with the Conservative Club at an early date. PoeTioAsvirn FARRow has donated a large dictionary as a prize to thepupil in Bras. eels Public school who passes the beet examination in spelling. The contest will take plane before school closes for the Enna holidays. 25 aeons were sold ab the Monthly Horse Fair last week. Next Fair will be held on Tborsday, Jan. 8rd. Don't for- get the date. There were 7 horse buyers at the last Fair which was a hip -top one for the first of the season. Two .of the vacant lots on Tnrnberry street between the bridge and Mill street were sold last week by the County Tress, suerfor taxes. They were bought by H. Either, Deputy Reeve of Stephen town- ship, and Lawyer Hays, of Goderioh. A., F. & A. M.—The following officers were elected last Tuesday evening, in o0nneetion with St. John's Lodge, Bras. eels :— J. T. Ross, Immediate Past Master ; H. J. James, Worshipful Master ; A. Coseley, Senior Warden ; S. Wilton, Junior Warden ; J. Shaw, Secretary ; T. Fletoher, Treasurer ; J. Y. S. Kirk, Tyler. The five remaining officers will be ap- pointed by the Master on the evening of installation, (St. John's nigbt) Thursday, Deo. 27th. L. 0. L.—The following officers were elected in connection with Brussels Orange Lodge at their meeting last Mon• day evening S. T. Plum, W. M. ; Joseph Bowman, D. M. ; M. M. Cardiff, R. S. ; Jno. Wynn, F. S. ; Geo. Cardiff, T. ; B. Gerry, Leek ; W. R. Mooney, Chap, ; • D. Smith, Dir. of Oer. ; Geo. Baelfer, let Committee man ; M. Wilson, 2nd H. Mooney, 8rd " " Thos. Maxwell, 4th " " M. H. Moore, V. 8., 5th " The lodge is in a thriving condition and is well officered. A. N. Large bas gone to Dundalk to fill a position in hie unole'e tailor shop. 00 Friday evening a party of young peo- ple, numbering 30 or 40, assembled et the residenne of R. and A. Sample and present- ed Mr. Large with a photo. group of thirty of the young men in Brussels, in an elegant frame, Jas. Ballantyne read a very suitable address and Jno. Mo - Alpine made the presentation. Mr. Large made an appropriate reply. The evening Wag spent very plangently with music, social games, &o. The ladies of the house prepared an elegant lunch, Mr. Large hoe made for himself many friends during his sojourn in Brussels who were sorry to see him leave town. He fa a splendid tenor singer, and took an active interest in tbe choir of the Methodist churoh and the Liberal Glee Club and was ever ready to aid in enter- tainments. We wish him success and a speedy return to Bruesele. Hawn STOLEN.—Tuesday evening of last week a young man named Frank MoLay, who formerly lived in Brussels, hired a horse and buggy from Williams' livery, abating that be wag going to visit hie wife near Harriston, who was ill, agreeing to be back in Brussels by Wed- nesday noon. At 7 o'olools p. in. of the same day the Chief of Polios, of Guelph, telephoned Mr, Williams enquiring if he had hired a rig to a man named McLean, ars a man was under arrest there who offered to Bell a borne to Jas. Palmer, a livery man in that city. Mr. Williams went to Guelph on the Thnraday noon train and recovered bits ontflt in good shape. 1V1oLay was brought before Polios Magistrate Saunders on Tbnreday and plead guilty. MoLay told Mr. Palmer that be was a resident of Elora for the pact 2 years and that be wanted to tell the beast aS he had a note to meet and would still bave another horse left. To the Chief of Police be said when be got to Harrlaton his wife had fled and taken his money with her and be wanted the price of the horse that he might fol. low her to the Staters. The prisoner took a dose of laudanum after his arrest and was anxious to end his days. h1e. Lay bag already served a term at the Central Prison for whip stealing it is said. FANaX,'.r� .4 firM BB u s1.7.gLN I Os,I. a L. JACK JO y JEWELLER ,0011*,, Bag a store full of Neve Goode Suitable for CHRISTMAS �RSEN�S, PRICES 4OWER THAN EVER. Ladies' Gold Filled Watohse, $12,00 ap Ladies' Solid Gold Watches, 22,00 up Gents' Gold Filled Watches, 15.00 up Silver and Silvering Watches, 5.00 up Butter Knives and Sugar Shells, 25 up Beautiful Silver Metal To Igneous,,., 600. PER 002. _ _ f All these Goods fully l l Warranted by ua. SILVERWARE We buy Meriden Britannia Sil. ver Plate and Toronto Silver Plate (Urea from the Manufacturers, and have a very large book on hand at the Lowest Prices. Engraving, done Free on any piece pnrohaeed from us. JEWELLERY. Our stook of Jewellery is nom plate, inoluding all the very latest Novelties. FANCY GOODS. Collar and Cuff Boxes, Necktie Boxes, Jewel Cases, Pin Caehione, Travelling Cases, Dressing Caeca, Pipes, Spectacles, Musioal Inatru- mente, &o., &o. H. L. JACKSON, JEWELDEn.. OPPOSITE AMEn1OAN HOTEL. Business Locals. Batas goods galore at McAlpine's. DRY Stove wood for sale at MoOraok- en's. Poon American oil for 20 cents at B. Gerr Cavay's. n, Cranberries and Cabbage at MoAlpine's. Hanna greatly reduced inprioes at H. Dennis', Brunets. GRAND Rapid carpet sweepers in fine finish and oheap at B. Gerry's. R. LEATnannALE is prepared to take any amount el goon? feathers in trade. BANANAS grow in far countries bat we will have them for Xmas. MoAlpine. a CALL and see T. Fletcher's beautiful stook, everything in his line yon want. SPLENDID Stock of toys, Poem Bookstore. Gams, latest and best, POST Book- store. STOCKING easily filled at the PosT Bookstore. Otte robes and blankets are the cheap. est in the town. L 0. B0004sDs. A cow and a yearling steer for sale. Apply at Tan PoeT Publishing House. Lamm stook of Horse Blankets and Robes at low prices at H. Dennis', Bros' cele. (Mama cheaper than ever at Leather. dale's. Get prices and come and see for yourself. Fon sale cheap, two second band sets single harness, one good as new. I. 0. Massone. BEAUTIFUL Xmas, birthday and wed. ding presents from 25 cents up, at T. Fletcher's. Esooma and parlor lamps for Christ- mas presents at a further reduction at B. Gerry's. THE celebrated Bermuda cook stove is reduced in priors for December month, at B. Garry's. A CART load of pipes. They make nine Xmas gifts and there is 6O many to pick from at McAlpine's. EDGE WILLIAM is prepared to do saw filing and setting at the livery barn. Satisfaction guaranteed tc every customer. MUST WEAVING.—Mrs. T. McCrea does fine carpet weaving at moderate rates. Residence on Catherine street, Brussels. IF yon want anything in the furniture line now is the time to buy. I have bought right and I can sell right. R. Leatherdale. When we speak of our Cigar stook we do so with pride having the largest and best etook in town. Try some of Mo- Alpine's. OANDIns,—•Of them we will have plenty and to spare, oheap and good. Largest and best stook ever shown in Brussels. Watch Mollpine's window. WHEN we say that we have beet oysters tere in town everybody believes it. We sell more so you wan depend on them being fresh. Get your next order from tfo• Alpine. CARPET WEAVING.—The undersigned is prepared to attend to all orders for carpet weaving with promptness. Moderate charges. Residence one door South of John Varooe'e former stand. W M,GRIFFITH. Hann is something else. There is nothing so nice at this time of year as Oranges. We have them beauties and cheap. Lemons this season's out, Ditto, Figs, Nuts and Dialogs, Grapes best quality and just lovely at McAlpine's, KNrrmmo,—Mary H. Howe, of the firm of Howe & Oo., is prepared to take in knitting, or knit to order, souks, atookioge, cardigan jackets, &o. Will exchange geode for wool. Store, one door South of the Woollen mill, Brussels. Give us a oall. All kinds of eaWS, cleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at the East end of Queen St., by saw filer, T. McGregor, Brussels. Saws may be left and arrangements made at MoKay & Oo's. hardware store, Braseeia Ont. STOVES, the cheapest ; lamps, most brilliant; carpet sweepers, beautiful ; eawe,the keenest; axes, guaranteed to oat nails ; oil most illaminoue ; bolls, moat musical ; whips, moat elastic) ; silverware, most handsome, at B. Gerry, Brussels. IT'S not a question of who would, but who can do your Gleaning and Dyeing in the moat satisfactory manner. What we do you can rely will be well done, and our prioea will be found as low as •the best work Can be done. Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. The very best of work is done at Parker's. Agenoy at Skene's Grocery Store. For 50 years the Weekly Globe, of Toronto has had an enviable reputation as the one great Liberal weekly of the Dominion. It has always been a high Mass journal, and a weldonio visitor an thousands of homes, It was never better ea lenowspaper than it 18 to -day. The Globe's onterpriee is proverbial. Its go, 14, 1894 A7 -14X1 4.R)) .1J4Jyj Or Crr.I %D4, Z18240= 4.272,. HEAD PFFICE, M TPRONTO. ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollars) 87,000,000 ( b ) $2,004,000 CAPITAL An,hariaed 490neies in all prinefpal palate in Ontario, Quebec, 38anitola, Ugitrki States cC Jindland, li%tl'raS°1$°AS DRAWL A General Banking Business Farmers' Dloonnted.pfe Issued anOollo'one made o1oiuta, SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to dabs of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPuoiAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Commnnnifin olr FastMBRs' San NOTES. Every facility afforded Onetomers living at a disbanee.. . J. A. STEWART MANAdna. DILLIES & Si91I11Is BAs6oY .LX .6EI3 BZR,TTSSMLS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISLOUNTRD. SALE NOTES AND, MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Strew s Bows. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twine a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of Ootober.and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write Insurance In old English or Canadian . Companies, or In Mut. Uiti Companies' a8 may be desired. AOENTe FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. oorreepondents have traversed and writ- ten up almost every section of the coon try. A11 great events bare been folly reported. The speeches of leading politicians, .whether on the floor of Parliament or on the stump, have been presented as they were uttered, and, all are fairly treated, whether Liberal, Con- servative or Patron. The Globe is the only weekly paper in Canada that givers soh full and fair reports of Parliament. ary proceedings, great churoh meetings, and other similar occurrences of Pro. vinoial and national interest. Among leading features of recent numbers may be mentioned speeches by Mr. Laurier, Sir John Thompson, Sir Richard Cart- wright, Mr. Harter, Mr. Haycock, members of the Ontario Cabinet, and others ; lettere from the members of the Globe's editorial staff who travelled through the Province of Quebec and over the route of the Trent Valley Canal, interviews and letters on that most important question, the reform of the law system, long reports from the scene of the Jessie Keith murder, the Mc- Wherrel trial, and other sensational events. The aim of the Globe ie to be trustworthy. The Globe has the beat i e obtainable r o cable and telegraphic bio aerr g P its foreign, American and CaRadian despatches are nnexoelled, and every week the whole world is brought under review. The Agricultural department is right Op to the times ; the Drop and market reports are full and reliable. Reasonable apace is given up each week to lightermeading, and good stories are one of the Globe's' attraotione. Another popular feature is the weekly contd. butions from the Hban'e poetical pen. Ae a family newspaper the. Weekly Globe is unrivalled. SOR.N Moboroea.—In Grey, on Dec. 413, the wife of Mr. John McIntosh, teaoher, of a daughter. EoxMIRE—SHARPE.—On the 12th inst., at the Meuse, Oranbrook, by the Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. William Eckmire to Mies Sarah Sharpe, both of Grey. Poramn_Cnanx.—At the Methodist Par. sonage, Walton, on Deo. 11th, by Rev, T. Wesley Oosena, Mr. Samuel Pollard to Miss Elizabeth Clark, both of Hallett. =amino_ FARNHAM,—In Hallett, on the 3rd inst., Allen Farnham, aged 57 years. THOMsow.—At 14 Nassau street, Toronto, on Sabbath, Deo. 9th, Prof. R. Y. Thomson, of Knox College, aged 37 years. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y:, Deo. 11.—Cattle —Forty-two oars through ; 7 on sale ; market steady for good bubohers ; slow and weak for common and heavy eteere. Hoge—Forty-six oars through ; 80 on gale ; market a shade easier for light grades ; steady for good medium and mixed ; galea, good heavy, $4.55 to $4.60; mixed and medium, $4.50 to $4,55 ; Yorkers, 84.85 to $4.40 ; pigs, $4.80 to $4.40 ; roughs, 82.50 to $4. Sheep and lambs—Offerings today, 42 oars, of which 20 oars were Canadian stook ; about equally divided between sheep and lambs. Market good for choice sheep, steady and a trifle higher for prime Can. ado lambs. Stook averaging 92 to 981be. sold at $4 to $4.10. Poorer grades Sold at 93.80 to $3.90, but the bulk of the Canada Lambe here went at about $4. Panay Canada sheep would probably bring $4.25 ; choice Belling at $4 to $4.15, with good at $3.75. Native stook nn. changed. Fair clearance, oonaidering the mild, wet weather and the approach of tbe holiday. The market will prob. ably be steady at about these prices for the balance of the week if the run of stook be not excessive. TORONTO ONT., Deo. 11.—At the western wattle market to•aay all told there was offered stuff which included about 000 sheep end Lambe, 400 hogs and about a dozen oalvee, Anything but extra choice cattle went slowly, as usual the market continuing somewhat weals, ow- ing to heavy offering's. Fanny cattle for Christmas beef sold readily at good figures, but a number of poor wattle wore left over and several loads were shigped back to the country. The drat load of Ohristmag beefere to offer 41113 season gold for 4}o per pound. Ae lov ars 2 Dents was offered and nooepted for some poor wattle ranging from tin to 294 per pound, with little buying, In etookere and feeders, only a few head were picked up at firm figurers. Moab of those taken were to sell again to farm• ers to feed for next summer. Prices ranged itom 2}o to 8o per pound. In hogs, there was a steady tone, and prime remain firm. Offerings were lighter. Good bacon hogs brought from 4o to 4io per pound ; tbiok, fat hogs, 890 per pound ; stores and light fat, 39a per pound. The prioea-were quoted for hogs weighed off oars. Not many oalves. Choice veal's are wanted. One bunoh of good vents, averaging 135 pounds each, sold for $5.50 per bead. Shoop were in good demand for shipping purposes, and prices were firm at 3o to 390 per pound. Lambe were improved con. siderebly. TORONTO, DRO. 11,—Market dull. Wheat -Eight oars of red and white Bold Weston a low freight at 57o; No. 1 hard Man. quoted at 810 on track at Owen Sound ; oars sold West at 74,1o, and 74o bid for a round lot ; oars sold on G. T. R. East at 75o ; on 0. P. R. East et 77o. Floor—Cars of 90 per Dent. patent sold West at 92.75 ; straight roller quoted at $2.75 to $2.80. Toronto freights. Barley—Round.lote of No. 1 quoted at 48o to 440 East, and No. 2 at 40e Weat ; some demand for oars of feed which Tasted at 370 West and 88o East. Oats —Mixed Bold West at 27o ; white quoted ,at 28o ; cars on track here quoted at 31o. Peas—Cars sold North and Weed at 58o and middle freights g to at 64a. John Swan & Sons,Liverpool, in their weekly report of No. 30t11 Bay :—The supplies of fat eattle this week have been fairly large all over, and trade throughout has been quite as good as good as last week. There was more de- mand on the part of the English buyers, and fat cows and everything meeting the requirements of buyers from the south were rather dearer. There were no Canadian okttle, and only 175 States at Yorkhill this week, and the latter, consequently made more money. Fat sheep were shown in about the same number as last week, the general quality being exceedingly good. An active trade was experienced and firm prices maintained. There was a fine supply of fat calves which easily realized the high prices of last week. Pigs were shown in larger numbers, and met a better trade. At Big Wednesday market there were only 751 store cattle, against 1,201 last year. There was a fair supply of store sheep shown and these have met a Raiok demand at more money. There were rather fewer snitch cows this week and the beet plass have made higher prices. Beet beef, 75 9d, to 85 ; secondary, 7s to 7s, 3d per stone. Beet mutton, 8d to 8dd per Ib. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TURNIPS FOR SALE OR 1 would archangel or Stook. Apply to ON 21.8 WILLILotAMWILE9, G,roy, COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND lot for sale in Brussels. For further particulars apply at Tan PoeT Publlshiag Sense, MOUSE AND SIX LOTS FOR Salo or to rent, being the pproperty North ofthe railway, belonging to Tames Smdr t. For particulars as to prion and terms, apply to WM. LESLEY, 1845 Ament'e Factory, Brussels, STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, Lot 30,0o11,5 Grey, on or about Nov, let, one owe and two iambs. 0 weer ie requested to prove property, pay expensee and take them away. 21-4 TORN LOWE. WANTED. -1,000 CUSTOM— nue at our Drug, Book and Fancy Goode store to emirs some of the many bargains we aro offering in Books, Panay goods, Chinaware, toys, &a, Come anon and got your ohoioo. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &a, SAW GUMMING. -.THE UN— DE men En has his emery grinder in or- der for gumming Sawa at J, &.P. Amett's fac- tory where he 'will be pleased to attend to the requirements of the public. All aorta of edge tools carfully ground and sharpened. Anything from a pen -knife to a broadaxe wan be put in order in a work_map-like manner. Charge always reasonable. D. STEWART, rr/RE SHIN El- FOR Sale.—The undersigned offers for sale his A bel Unglue and Separator, both in good working order. Be will also Itispoee of ,his shingle mill. Roaeon for selling, ill health. A bargain will be given. For further particulars as togrias berme, &a„ apply to RICHARD MITOI'3L1LL, 5.tf Lot 18,00u.0,Grey, or Oranbrook P 0 TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will be received by the uh- deraigned, up to Deo. Slet,dt noon, for the erection of a Brick School House, at Oranbrook. Plane and apeoifioattono may be seen on op - pit nation to the Secretary. Tho lowest or any tender nob neaesearily accepted. JACOB KRATYRER, S em, -Trona., 8, S. No, 7, Grey, 21.8 Lot 20, Don. f1, 'Our Largo Ars. sortment of DOORS, " A1.13•UMS, 0A.1111!10, CARDS, TOYS, BOOKLETS, DOLLS, " NOTIONS, DLOORS PERFUMES, . TOILET 1317TS, FINE STATIONERY, PHOTO, PRAMI1IS, SHAPING SETS BIBLES OF ALL RINDS, In fact everything for the Emas Season AT Fox's Drug Store, II•We handle all the Daily and Weekly Papers and Magazines and will be pleased to receive your order for the coming year. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING., LJL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, o Solicitor and Oonveyanoor. tlolleo- tions made. Oitloe—Vanetono'e Block, Brae. ee1e: 21.3m W M. SINCLAIR, rSolicitor, Uorveyaneer,NotaryPub lin, &o, Office—'yanstore's Blook,1 door, north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, BLAIR, BARRISTER, G•F. • Solicitor, &o. (late of Darrow & Proudfoot's Office, Goderioh.) Offiee over Giiliee & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47 DENTAL 3DElNT37 4 TI M. CAVANAGH, L. D• S., D. D. S, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeone, Ontario. and of. Toronto URi- verelty, OreroE—Over A.R. Smith's Store, Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the let and 8rd Mondays and Blyth the and and 4th Wednesdays ofeach month. DR, DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeonai Crown and Bridgework a specialty.Moder- ate Fees. Satisfaction Assured. Moe over Barrett's barber shop, Turnborry St„ Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 1J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oollege. ie prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galls promptly at- tended to, Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge ,Turnberry et., Brussel . 1VI• H. MOORE, V. S., • H. M., V. M. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on eaientiflo principles. Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a epeoialty. Calle promptly attended to, OMoo, over Tohnaton &.Ooeh- rane'e marble works. Infirmary at. Beattie'e livery barn,Brueeels, Ont. 26 - MEDICAL CARDS. T J • A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. 0, M„ L. R, 0.P., Edinburgh, M. O, P. S. Ont, Residence and 051oe in Wilson's Block, corner of Mill and Turaberry Ste. J• M. ARMSTRONG,M. D. Physician, Surgeon, 0000cher, etc. Graduate of Toronto University .Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. ODD/OE-Next door to MoDonald & 00„ Walton Ont. AUCTIONEERS. ALAYMAN N, • Auctioneer, Is always ready to at- tend Bales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms obeorlully given. 0ranbrook P. 0, Sales may be arranged at Tim POST Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Parma and farm stooka specialty. Orders left at Imo Pon P ubltehingBouse,Brussels, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN an as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prioes. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a .po altion to Bell to good marks and get good security when sold on oredit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give mea pall. 82- F 8. SOOTT. BUSINESS CARDS.. VYH. MoORA01IEN, • Inure!. of Marriage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, d'urnborry street, Brussels. R N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artiet' Shop—Next door south MA. M. Molloy & Oo'e hardware store. Ladies' and ohildrona hair cutting a epeoialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSDnANOo, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- EURANOR 00, 1110/0.1)11811.3d 1840, 1'n- euranaee effected on all. Town and Pawn Property at very low rates. J. A. OBRIGHTON, 15.3m Agent, Brussels. ALEX. :HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court 00, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publio Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Fonda invested and to loan. Collections made. OdlooinSmale'sBlock, Brussole, MISS O'CONNOR, R T., Toaoher of instrumental- music on Piano orOrgan. Will visit Wiugbam Tues- day and Wednesday of oaoh week. Rod - donee on Princess Street, Brussels, TA. HAWEINS, M. O S. M. • Organist in St. John's Ohuroh, Drug - sets, and ptippil, to the Art of !Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Doo„New York, will give Masons to pupils either on piano or Organ, at his parlor aver A.R. gmibh'g store,Brue- eels, Vooa1 leasone also gluon. Tormented. mato.