HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1894-12-7, Page 88 T,LlE BRUSu.SE $ PAST' O VUT21 T 1 U• L. ITACK8O J ____%_____ ✓EWELLER,,.. ' It is Oonveniont to have Bee a Store tall of New Goode goods of the same price Suitable for put together so that you can choose more. readily„ CEMAS PRESINTS, This week we have one half of our show .window +'illed with 25e. ARTICLES While the other has con- tains a nice collection of 50c. ARTICLES, When passing take a look e,t them—the value Will surprise you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. soVTEERN EXTENSION W. G. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North nd South, as follows : GOING SOUTH, Gofuo Nouns. Mall 5:54 a.m,Mixed 9:45 a.. EEamon11:50 a,m, Im Mail 8:18 p.m. Ohxed .,.,,.... 9:00 p.m. Express 9:48 pan, axai avipains. A ohiel's amang ye ,akin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. DECEMBER. THE Reeve is attending Go. Council. DEBATE at Conservative Olub on Friday evening. For.nnae door key found. Apply at THE POST. THE Kiekapoos are remaining for an- other week. OPENING of Free Reading Room next 'Tuesday evening. Go. SEvenal, interesting matters are orowd- ed out this week owing to a rush of ad- vertising. Read every advertisement. ROBERT BURNS has purahaeed a I -)use and lot from Wm. Cornish, Bre-eels. Mr. Burne now ownes three houses in town. Wm, JAMES has been appointed Bare. taker of the fire engine during the winter months. He will also attend to the coal Ere in engine room. Wm. Holt, Grey, had a live wild oat in town on Wednesday afternoon. A. oord 'was tied round its neck and attaohek to a strong stick to keep it at proper listener:. A BEE was on the program last Monday by the members of the Methodist ohuroh who reside in the country in making some necessary repairs to the horse shed. It is now in good shape, the only trouble being the accommodation ie too limited. Miss DOLLY SHAW, Librarian, has been engaged to take charge of the Free Read- ing room in connection with the Mech. anics' Institute. It is an excellent choice, as Miss Shaw is so well acquaint - .ed with the library. WANTED.—Good eleighiug.—A. livening yip of basinese.—The cash system estab- lished.—More sobriety ou the part of some of our residents. -50 more mem- bers to the Mechanics' Iostitnte.—A. -purchaser for the woolen factory, -500 new subscribers to THE POST. THERE were 20 pupils at the evening classes last Monday night and 19 in the shorthand class. They met Monday so as to bave Tuesday clear for "A Trip round the World" There is plenty of room for 20 additional pupils yet and you mise it if advantage ie not taken of this opportunity. The Shorthand .lase will continue to meet on Monday. READING Room OPENING.—On Tuesday evening of next week the Directors of Brunets Mechanics' Institute invite the publio to visit the Library and reading room and see the preparations made for the Cumfort, convenience and profit of our citizens. An interesting program of vocal and instrumental mesio will be presented at intervals during the even. ing. All will be welcome to call and spend a few minutes. Rooms open at 7. A. O. 0. W.—The Grand Master of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, D. 1'. MaoWatt, of Barrie, writes :—"As certain reports have appeared in the daily press connecting the Ancient Order of United Workman with the Canadian Relief Society, now being wound up by the courts, 1 desire to say that the so- ciety known as the Anoient Order of United Workmen is not, and never bad any connection with the Canadian Relief Sooiety, and that its winding -up can in no way affect our membership or our Order. Further, that the Ancient Order of United Workmen is not con- nected with any other organization what- ever." "AROUND THE WORLD."—.W. E. Rem - say found a orowded house awaiting him at 8 o?aloalc Tuesday evening when be made his appearance in the Town Hall, Brussels, :leder the auspices of the Me- chanics' Institute. The entertainment was first -;lase in every rasped. The many fins lime light views, from New York city to Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Egypt, Monte Carlos, Russia, Venice, the Alpe, Rome, Gibraltar, Corea, China, Japan, British Columbia, Winni- peg, Niagara Falls, &o., were the finest ever seen here and the effects produced were beautiful, Mr. Ramsay Is a veri- tible storehouse of information concern- ing the many places touohed upon and his lecture was most instructive, To add to the pleasure of the audienoe be gang thirteen Bongs in his own inimitable style which captivated 1 "e large audienoe, who were not slow to sh.,.v their appre• ciation. Among the so.,ge were "For a girl," "Constantinople," "Private Tommy .Aitkine," "Trinity Church," "I can't change it," and 'Mesmerism." They were all new and particularly good, "Tommy Aitkins" being a gem, Mie. Ramsay contributed in no small degree 'to the pleasure of the audienoe in render- ing the National airs on the piano and playing the intricate adeompannmente for Iter husband. Ramsay is a great favorite 'in Brussels and always draws a full house, The prooeede amounted to $88.. 10, out of which the Institute will clear about $24,00, PRICES LOWER THAN EVER, ,'Ladies' Gold Pilled Watohee, 212,00 up Ladies' Solid Gold Watches, 22.00 up Gauls' Gold Filled Watohee, 16.00 up Silver and Silverine Watohee, 5.00 up Butter Knives and Sugar Shalle, 25 up Beautiful Silver Metal Tee Spoons,.. 60 C. PER DOZ.. {All these Goods fully Warranted by ue. }'— SI LVERW ARE' We buy Meriden Britannia Site ver Plate and Toronto Silver Plate direst from the Mannfaoturere, and have a very large stook on hand at the Lowest Prime. Engraving done Free on any pieoe purohaeed from us, JEWELLERY, Our stook of Jewellery is com- plete, .inoluding all the very latest Novelties. FANCY GOODS. Collar and Cuff Boxes, Necktie Boxes, Jewel Oases, Pin Cushions, Travelling Cases, Dressing Oases, Pipes, Speotaoles, Musical Instru- ments, &a., &c. H. L. JACKSON, JEwnnt sn. OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL. SoALEn.—The ase of the town scales for 1896 will be Bold by public auction at the Town Hall at 1 p. m. an Nomination day. JURORS.—A. M. McRay, W. Roddiok and J. McBein will attend the Quarter Seseione at Goderich neat week as jury- men. Pzesors who persistently drive over Brussels bridge faster than a walk will have no one to blame but themselvee if a heavy fine •e imposed upon them. THE Deputy Returning Officers for Brussels municipal and trustee elections will be Ronald MoNaughton and Wm. Aldridge and the polling places J. J. Gil - pin's office end the Council Chamber. Tun first monthly Horse Fair of this season was held in Brussels on Thursday of thio weer, and attracted quite a num• bar of buy, re and sellers. The next Fair will take ;lace Thursday, Januaay 3rd. DANIEL Downy, Queen street, has die- poeed of Iris eligible residence to Chae. Howlett, a well known Morrisite, for the sum of $1,200. Mr. Howlett is retiring from farming. Mr. Lowry will not re- move from Brussels. DEneoz.—At the Young;Liberal Club Friday evening of this week the subject "Resolved that centralization is not in the interests of business." A. M. McKay and H. L. Jackson will uphold the affirm. ative and F. S. Soott and G. F. Blair the negative. ALEX. STRACHAN was the unanimous choice of the Liberal Glee Club as sue- cee8or to Dr. Cavanagh in the leadership of the ;lob. Practice will be held each Monday evening in the OddFellows' Hall and new music will be prepared. There are a lot of excellent singere in the Club. TEn Kroaaroos.—Tho Kiokapoo Indian Medicine Company, under the manage. meat of Dr. Carl Hermann, have been giving entertainments in the Town Hall for the past week to large and enthusi- astic audiences. They intend, owing to the extraordinary success and inoreee- ing demand for the Indian remedies, to remain another week. The entertain- ments areeof a varied nature. and the fact that huudreds have been turned away, failing to gain admission, is suf- ficient evidence of the character of the conoerte• Dr. Carl Hermann, the man- ager and medical man of the Oompany, is a refined gentleman and fluent talker. He bas un office in the Hall from 10 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p. m., for advice and consultation, which is entirely free of charge. Ha also extracts teeth free of charge with neatness and despatch. Grand special programa are arranged for Thursday and Saturday night, when the admission fee will be but 10 Dents. Beautiful prizes are also given away. IT KEPT GROWING.—The Olinton New Era Bays :—They tell an amusing story concerning a well-known Liberal of London. On the evening of the election be had occasion to leave by train for Brussels before the polls closed. Being very anxious to know the result, he telegraphed back from the first station, and got in answer :—Hobbs, 100 ahead. He could hardly believe the report, and to verify it telegraphed back to London at the next station and received the re- ply, Hobbs, majority 800 and count not complete. This sent hie spirits away up into G, and at the next station the answer to his message was, Hobbe, majority 600 and two wards to. hear from. He was in justifiable ecstasies by this time, and when the train arrived in Brussels, and he learned that Mr. Hobbe was elected by 800 of a majority, he thus expressed himself :—By George, if I had only left London this morning, and Hobbs' majority had grown as it has been growing this evening, he'd hove lied 8000 of a majority. BIBLE SoOIETY CoLLEoxons.—Saturday afternoon last the Directors of Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible So - piety met et Tun Posr Publishing House and appointed the following oolleotora for the ensuing term :— Bruesele, East, Mrs. Dennis and Mise Shaw ; Brussels, West, Mrs. R. G. Wil. son and Mise Lizzie Ross ; Bruesele, North, Mies Menzies and Mise Minnie McNaughton. Morrie,Oon. 7, Miss E. A. Mo0oll ; " 0, Miss Smith ; " 5, Malcolm Blaek ; 4, Misses Black & Currie ; " 8,MieeeeIreland &Armetong; ' " 2, Misses Caldbiek & Wilson; ' 1, Mrs. L. Ruttan. Grey, Con.1 & 2, Misses Rae & Simpson ; " 8&4, " Strachan&Taylor ; " " 5&6, " Smith & McArthur; " " 74168, " Cardiff & Smith ; " 9&10, " MoQearrie&ilerar; " 11 & 12, J. T. Davidson ; 3.8 & 14,1Mia'e Ri'tehie & McNabb. Ethel, Mrs. Dr. ?ageism) & Mies Milne. The oolleotora are naked to kindly coin. plate their canvass berate February 1st, 1895. Rgauntlt meeting of Pruae0ls Salmi Board will be held thle (Friday) evening. Tnl9 nominations this ygar formunioi- pe1 elections will be on Monday, the 8190 day of December, and the, etootione on Monday t1 he 71b Say of January, • Bltgdsats Sone of Sootland belie on, gaged the well known and popular soloist, Mrs, McArthur, and the cotelo voosliat and impersonator, 'J, B, Cam, Peon, for their annual concert to be held on Thursday, January 2011, MEW/{LLE Chutl=P= ENDEAY0n,-5900. day evening the annual election 01 office bearers In oouneobion with Melville church Christian Endeavor was held with the following result;—Bon,.Pres., Rev, Jno. Rose, 1i, A. ; President, Mrs. R, G. Wilson ; Vioe.-Pres,, A. Grant ; Iteo..See., Mies Mary Rase; Cor, -Seo„ A; M. McJS.ay; Trawl. , Mae, J. Stew' art. Lookout oommitb00—J. H. Cam• Bron, Mrs.Jno, Stewart, Miss M.Cooper, Jae, Fox and D. Hogg Prayer -meeting committee—Mrs. Tufts, A. M. 010Ray, Mrs, B. Rosa, G. F. Blair and Win. ahiy. for ; Social committee—Misses Maggie (iousley, Mary Sample, M, Ferguson, M. Livingston and Jessie Crooke, R. M, Dickson and Jae. Moore ; Ploral commit- tee—Misses Jennie Forbes, L. Ainley, F. Pelton, Mies Barrie and Rob. Richardson. and Wm. Stewart ; Oolleotors—Wm. Livingston and Wm. Beasley ; Ushers— N. MoLauohlin and Jae. Ballantyne; Organist—Mise Jennie MoLauohlin ; Leader—Mise J. Rose. This organization ie doing good work and we wish it con. tinned prosperity, A GOOD 0rlivrot.—A Dungannon oor- respondent writes a9 follows to the Godo- rieh Signal concerning a Bruesele firm :— Messrs. W. and J. Holland having recently changed their family burying ground in Dungannon Cemetery and re. moved the remains of their departed' friends into a large and more commode - cue plot, have erected thereon a beauti. fur monument of Sweedish granite, exquisitely and attractively polIehed. As to beauty, design and proportion in form, it excels in quality and appear- anoe. The monument on the whole, refleete great credit to Messrs, Cochrane & Johnston, of Brussels, who filled the order to the perfect satisfaction of all concerned. 10 oost aboutfour hundred and sixty dollars' end is pronounced to be better value than some monuments in the cemetery wbioh cost more money. It ie also the most attractive in appear - anon, substance and style of design. Hoe land Bros, deserve speoial notice for the eboioe in thus having paid such a tribute of 'regret to their' friends. ADDRESS AND PRISSENTATION.—The Ram• iota (Manitoba) Hustler, says of Mies Emma Hiugston, daughter of Richard Hingeton, Brussels :—A very pleasant' evening was spent ab the Bradwardina Christian Endeavor Sooiety last Wednee• day night. After the meeting was olosed those present were asked to go down to the basement, where refreshments were awaiting. After calling the meeting to order, Mr. Hudson, president of the So- oiety, read the following address :— To Miss 1;, E. Hingeton We, the members of the Bradwardina Sooiety of Christian Eudeavor, desire to show our appreciation of your services, our esteem for you as a member, and to express our heartfelt regard for your . fu. tare welfare. You bave at all times will- ingly rendered valuable services in our choir and in our oburah work in many ways, and, which, while being duly appre- ciated by us and bringing to yourself the inward satisfaction of tieing your talents in the service of the Master, will reap its higher rewards in the courts above, where the true value and full measure are awarded for all our efforts. In recogniz- ing our own lose by your departure for Ontario, we feel assured that it will not be the Master's toes, but trust that the same efforts will be contributed in the good camel in some other locality. AB one of the active members of the Chrietian En- deavor Sooiety we feel the . closest ties towards you, and although you are re- moving yourself to new eoenes, new friendships and new duties, we shall feel that you are one of our ex -members, ex- tending your influence by the foroe of your own exempla and work, in the new sphere of life that will open before you. In wishing you Godspeed and presenting you with the accompanying writing desk and pen, it willgive us the greatest setts. faction in knowing that it will remind you that you ere allvaye included in the prayers of the Bradwardina Society of Christian Endeavor." At the close of the address, "Shall we gather at the river," was sung by the oompany, after which all did ample justice to the good things provided for the inner men. Mies Hingeton leaves this week for Holland, Man., where she will visit her brother before going to Ontario. Business Locals. Dar stove wood for sale at MaOraok- en's. Pune American oil for 20 cents at B. Gerry's. HABNEes greatly reduced in prices at H. Dennis', Bruseele. GRAND Rapid carpet sweepers in fine finish and cheap et B. Gerry's. R. LEATHEnoALE 10 prepared to take any amount of goose feathers in trade. SINGLE harnese away down in prioe. I. C. Richards. CALL and see T. Fletcher's beautiful stook, everything in his line you want. A cow and a yearling steer for sale. Apply at THE POST Publishing House. For robes, blankets, belle, fur coats and driving'mitts try us. L C. Richards. Lamm stook of Horse Blankets and Robes at low prices at H. Dennie', Brus. Bale. Omens cheaper than ever at Leather. dale's. Get prices and come and see for yourself. BEAUTIFUL Xmas, birthday and wed. ding pieeents from 25 cents up, at T. Fletob er's. H. R. Ream has a lot of elegant picture frames wbioh he is prepared to sell obeap. THE celebrated Bermuda cook stove it reduced in price for December month at B. Gerry's. RAG CARPET.—MPS. T. MoCeae does fine carpet weaving at moderate rates. Reeidenoe on Church street, Bruesele. .Gonn ring, plain band, lost on Turn- berry street, Thanksgiving day. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving at Tan Poo Publishing House. Beeves, the cheapest ; lamps, most brilliant; oarpst sweepers, beautiful; eawe, the keenest ; axes, guaranteed to out nails ; oil moat flinmfnons ; belle, most musical ; whips, most elastic silverware, meet handsome, at B, Gerry'e, Bruesele. 4924XD4RZ. B4✓ rl 41.!„" Qdx,41) r.4 , 0 7f3'2'.d.0374x15." , ":El: el 9.14 '2,.. I;#EAD OFFICE) " TORQN'i"O, ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) - $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) . / •1 22,000,000 AgsnOiss in 4001 principal points in Ontario, Qusbes, llfanitoba, fished Sta0se t5lang1an1' 11I'UiSSRAIS° DRAWS, A General Banking. Bueineee Transeoted, Pawners' Notes Diacouated, Drafte Issued and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed' on deposits of 21.00 and upwards from dat of deposit' bo, date of withdrawal and ogmpounded half yearly. S, rEOaL A'TTENTIott GIVEN TO THE CoLLEOTroN OF PAWNERS' SALE Nevis, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. J, A. STEWART MANnozn, QUM GILLIES & st8Y16e1r,t iff, BAtl6Y 1&CERS, E3R,LT.88.EL8, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND, MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Semmes Same 9.11PderdirliWn , Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates, Intereet Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Menthe of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Time Deposits. }{'e effect to write Inenraneoin old English or Canadian • Compenlee, or Yn Mut. nal Companies as maybe desired. AaENTe F01t CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANE OF COMMBROE. HANGING and parlor lamps for Chriet- mae presents at a further reduction at B. Gerry's. Hoon WILLIAMS is prepared' to do saw filing and setting at the livery barn. Satisfaction guaranteed to every ooetomer. BOABDERe.—Accommodation for two boarders at a private borne. . Reaeonable rates. Apply at THE Poem Publishing House. le you want anything in the furniture line now is the time to buy. I have bought right and I can Bell right. R. Leatherdele. Aux person purchasing 1 doz. cabinet photos. will receive free a life size port. reit of same, finished in crayon, India, ink or bromide. H. R. Brewer. H. R. BREWED does hothing but first- class work. Give him a Gall. Gallery, open every Saturday evening for the aonommodation of customers and visitors. KNrTTINo. Mary H. Howe, of the firm of Howe & Co., is prepared to take in knitting, or knit to order, soaks, stockings, cardigan jackets, &o. Will exchange goods for wool. Store, one door South of the Woollen mill, Bruesele. Give us a call. All kinds of saws cleaned, gummed, hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled at the East end of Queen St., by saw filer, T. McGregor, Bruesele. Sewn may be left and arrangements made at 1YIoKay & Co'e, hardware store, Brussels Ont. Morris Council Meeting. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in the Councilroom ;Morris, on Nov. 20th. Members all present, the Reeve iu the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. John Hanna claimed pay- ment for deepening a drain on con. 6, op- posite lot 15. On motion of Jas. Bow- man, seconded by Geo. Kirkby the reeve and Thos. Code were instructed to exam- ine said drain and report at next meeting respecting Mr. Hanna's claim, also re- specting the propriety of dispensing with two culverts opposite said lot. The fol- lowing deputy returning officers 'were ap- pointed in case a poll be required at the Doming municipal election :—Sub -division No. 1, W. C. Laidlaw ; No. 2, Alex. Mc- Call • No. 8, Chas. McCrea ; No. 4, M. Cardiff ; No. 5, Chas. Campbell ; No. 6, Joseph Bowman. By-law No. 11, 1894, confirming said appointments was duly read and passed. On motion of W. Isbis- ter, seconded by T. Code the following an- ooueits were ordered to be paid :—puff & Stewart, lumber $10.40; W. Henderson, dram on sideline, $5.80 ; Isaac Wilson, gravelling on 4th line, 520.00 ; Van. Von- normau, inspecting work, 76o. ; Garet Maxwell; filling washout and repairing Forbes' bridge, $2,50 ; N• H. Young, plank, $1.10 ; Elam Livingston, error in account, $1.00 ; L, McDonald, lumber, 211.19 ; Wm. Taylor, repairing culverts, $2.50 ; Jas. McArthur, gravel, 51.65 ; J. & P. Amort, lumber, $45.57 ; H. Sellars, digging drain, 53.25 ; A. Shaw, cleaning drain, $8.00 ; Robb & Thornton, .loaning drain, $4.00 ; Jas. Marshall, Engineer's fees, $22,50 ; Judge Doyle, court fees re Turvey & Hodder, drain, $8.50 ; Wm. Rutledge, digging drains, $8.50 • Thos. Warwick, lumber and culvert, 54.98 ; A. Brooks, ditch and gravelling on centro sideline, 591.85 ; Jas. Kearney, inspecting and spreading gravel, '50.00; J. Watson, equalizing Union SehooleSeatione, $2.50 ; Misses Exford, oharity, $6.00 ; D. Far- quhareon, gravel, $1.80 ; Geo. Grigg, cul- vert, $2.00 ; Robt. Young, digging a ditch, $5.00 ; Patterson, gravel, $1,80 ; P. Oantelon, keep of Fi er 410.00 ; R. Nichol, gravelling on 6th line, $27.56 ; Jno, Haye, keep of County ward, $10.50 ; T. Miller, wood and glass for Town Hall, $4.25 ; T. Russell, cleaning eita1, $2.50. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Deo. 15th. W. Crean; Clerk. Quitea sensation was created in Ole terville recently by a number of mix. chievous boys stealing a number of ducits which were intended for a feast to which a dumber had been invited. The feast had to be postponed. The ducks were subsequently returned to the owner. $0R=- Kee.—In Stratford, on Nov. 800h, the wife of Mr. A. M. Kay of a son. LeosIE,—On the 80011 November, at 88 Earl street, Toronto, the wife of Mr. 3. Leckie of a son. Genuese.—In Morrie, on Nov. 27th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Garnees of a son. PHALEN.—In Morrie,. on Nov. 24th, the wife of Mr. William Phalan of a eon. STRUM/Z.—In Morri., on Nov. 26th, the. wife of Mr. James Stratton, jr,, of a daughter. Elenxsmt.—In Bruesele, on Doo. 5th, the wife of Mr. Wm, Habkirk of a daugh- ter. M.ARRlemen. EfeeneN—PAosoar.=At the manse, Oran - brook, on Deo. 6'th, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Richard C. Hayden, of Turnberry, to Mise Jane Pausom, of Grey township. HAnma—Wmeare. At the residence of the bride's father, on Deo. 5th, by Rev. 117r. Musgrave, Mr. Oliver Harris, of Grey township, to Mise Maria, daughter of Mr. Jae. Wilteie, of McKillop. bTTCT201\T 00J I = TUESDAY, DSO. Deo. lith.—Farm stook. Lot 10, con. 17, Grey. Sale,` unreserved, at 1 p. m. A. J. Carter, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Aoct. THURSDAY, DEO. 18th.—Farm stock, N } lot 27, con. 5, Morrie. Sale unre- served, at 1 o'clock. Geo. Kirkby Aum„ Jas. M. Martin, Prop. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TURNIPS FOR SALE 011 would exchange for Stool. Apply to WILLIAM WILSON, 21.8 Lot 17, Oon.5, Grey. STRAYED ON THE PREM— nue of the undersigned, Lot 14, Con. 4, Morrie, on. or about Oct, 1st, a red .yearling heifer. Owner may have the some by prov- ing property and paying expenses, ALLAN SPEIR, 21.4 Brussels, P. O. STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the .undersigned, Lot 10, Oon. 5, Grey on or about' Nov. 1st, one owo and two lambs. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. 21-4 JOHN LOWE. ']'ANTED. -1,000 CUSTOM— Ens at our Drug, Book and Fancy Goode store to secure some of the many bargains we are offering in Books, Penny goods, Chinaware, toys, &e. Como soon and gat your choice, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. STRAYED ON THE PREM- 18es of the undersigned, lot 18, eon, 10, Grey, ou or about Oct. 190, 2 steers, red in color, ono lighter then the other, rising 2 years old. The owner's requested to prove property, pay expenses BROWthem 18.4 Proprietor. SAW GUMMING.—THE UN— DERBIONED has his emery grinder in or- der for gumming edws at J & P Amont'e fac- tor y where he will be pleased to attend to the requirements of the public. All sorts of edge thole aerially ground and sharpened, Anything from a pen -knife to a broadaxe eau be put in order in a work -manlike manner. -Charge always reasonSTEWable. D• ART. r LL ELBE SHIN G OUTFIT FOR Sale.—The undereie8ned offers for sale his Abel Engine and Separator, both. in good working order. Ho will also dispose of hie shingle mill. Reason for selling, ill health. A bargain will be given. Po: further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply to RICHARD MITCHELL, 0.1f Lot 15,Con.9,Grsy, 01 Cranbrook 7 0 TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned, up to Deo. 21st,at noon, fox the erection of a Brick School HOMO, at Cranbrook. Plans and peciilcatione may be seenon ap= pit cation to the, Secretary. The lowest or. any tender not necessarily aceeptod. , JACOB KRAEMER, Seo.-Treas., S. S. No. 7, Grey, 20-8 . Lot 20, Condi. REAL ESTATE. ,HARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - L DEnsreNab has several good Forme for sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships of Morrie and Grey, F S. SCOTT'Bramels, FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The undersigned offers his 180 sore farm, being Lots 12 and W t 18, Oon. 5, Grey, for sale. On the premises le a.aom. Portable brick hoes°, new bank barn, good orchard, wells,fonoes, &o. 150 acres cleared balance bush. A bargain will be given. If not sold the farm will be rented f or a term of years. Per further particulars as to pride terms, &o., apply to ROB,. MOI9EE,.Proprietor, 11-8 Borrie, P, 0„ or to JAMES A,FRAIN,Bruesele, rimy° GOOD FARMS FOR 1 SAx m.-8. l 85eon,11, Grey rnel:dP 00. acres, known as the toe Long homeetoed, all cleared,, good. cultivation, good frame house, frame bank barn and stable all in good order, 2t ranee from Cranbrook and Etb el station,eloe to church and school, good orchard, 2 wells, sumo fall wheat and fall plowing. A very desirable farm. Also. E. i ee, same conoca0ioa, GO acres, nearly all cleared, about 8 acres ashaud eerier, good orohaod, end frame barn, 8 acme of fall wheat and some fall plowing. These- laude must be told at onto in order to close up an estate and may be bought either en bloc or separately. Apply to A, HUNTER, 12-tt Braeeelo P. 0. DEO. i, 1894 lure biro Ie coining, Oh 1 but fen" t it EEP ; Iluy your geode at Fox's, Por he ie right 121 line With a very large aBooks, D ll, of Boo]tS, Mollse, Toys, Notions, Cards, Albums, Games,, Booklets, Perfumee, Pine Stationary, Bibles of all kinds,' Blocks, Toilet Sete, Photo. Frames, Shaving Sots, etc„ ate., in foot everything for the Xinas Seaton AT Fox's Drug 'Store, IBi"Wo handle all the Daily and Weekly Papers and,llfagazines and will be pleased to receive your order for the coming year. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor and Oonveyanoer. Collec- tions made, Office—Venetoue'e Bleak,. Brae. eels. ^. 21.8m M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer ,No taryPub• so, eke, Offiee—'Vanetone's Block 1 door north ofCentral Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, BLAIR, BARRISTER, GF. G. Solicitor, &e. (late of Garrow & Proadfoot's OlUee, Goderioh.) 00100 over Billies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan, - 47 DENTAL. 7J rsr ur z T :. M. CAVANAGH, L. D S., D. D. S., Gradeats of the Royal College of Dental Snrgeone, Ontario, and of Toronto Q1i1- varsity. Or'rroz—Over A. R. Smith's Store, Bruesele, WillvisitWroxetor the let and 8rd MondaviandBlyth the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons; Orowo and Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ateFees, Satisfaction Assured. Ofllae over Barrett's barber shop, Turoberry St., Brus- sels, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, t! • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner, Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. OOloe and Infirmary Pour doors north of bridge 'i'urnberry01., Bruesele. mfr H. MOORE, V. S., • H, 3f., V, 150. S. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesticated animals treated on ooientiflo principles, Horse dentistry and diseases of horned cattle a epeoialby. calls promptly attended to. Office, over Johnston & Coch- rane's marble works. Infirmary at Beanie's livery barn, Brussels, Oat. 20 - MEDICAL CARDS. J- A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0.m., L, B. U.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont, Residence and office in Wilson's Bleak, corner ot1fiU and Tornberry Ste. T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Physiolan, Surgeon, Accoucher, eta. Graduate of Toronto Unlvereityy Medical and Surgeons, Member of College of Phyoioians and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE—Neat door to McDonald & Co„ Walton Out. • AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, to always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &a. Terms cheerfully given. Cranbrook P.O. Sales may be arranged at THE Pon Publishing House, Brussels. ('i EORGE KIRKBY, edon Licensedereasonable tering. tering. Perrams andnfaarm stooks ep°Malty. Orders left at Tun Poen Publishing House,Bruseols, or sent to Walton P. 0.. Will reoaivo prompt attention, • HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- se as an Auctioneer., I am prepared to oonduet sales of farm stock at reasonable prices, Snowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position tosell to good marks and get good security when Bold =credit. .Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call. 82- F S. SCOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. ] H. Mo0RAOKEN, • Isomer of Marriage Lioensos. Office at his. Grocery, Turuborry street,-Bruseele. .LN. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south, of A. M. Molloy & Oo's hardware store. Lodi° a' and olrildrone hair cutting a epeelalty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INB0 etion, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. " ELLINGTON • MUTUAL IN- Vsnnenon Go, l0etabliehed 1840, In. surance0 °mooted on all Town and. Farm Property at vory low vitae, 1G -gm. J. A. CREIGHTON, Bruseele. A HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Divlsloi Court Go. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funde invested and to loan, Oollootions made °Mee in Smale's Block, Enfilade, ISS O'00NNOE, R. T., 1VI Teacher of instrumental 021Piann Organ;Will visit can Tues- day and Wednsdeyoeaeh week, Red,dance on Prineeee Street, W Brussels. TA. IILWKINS, M. 0. S, M. • Organist in St. John% 8 n e Church, Brue. Wl Tend puppil, , ;the Arte 7'ontc, 011 g ve W.Thayor,Mus,Doc. Now' York,. will give lesaone 00 .pupils either on p1ilane or organ, at his parlor over A, R, Smith's Stern, Brue+ sobs. Vocal loseonsaloe given, Terme mod- erate.