The Brussels Post, 1894-12-7, Page 3PC, 7, 1894 TRE BitussELS Q $.'.I To= .rMa» DIMva oyory, fries wreen Otivttetl,—Saljbu,tp. Serviosa At 11 a m and 8189 p.ar, Rtlpde,y Settee( a 2:80 p m. Rev; Johu Ross,B A, peter. a m auHoH, 6pbbath S .yioee at 11 RHO 0:80p m; Sitiiday &'ohooi at 215.9 p m, Rev. D, bfiilar, pastor, ST, Jong's Ouuaau,--Sabbtttkt Servioee et 11 a m and 7 p: m. Sunday School: at 2;80 p. na. Rev. W. G. Reilly, incum- bent, METnonloT Ortunou,—Sabbath Services at 10;30 a m and 8;80m. m. Sunday l3ohoel at 2:30 p m. Rev. G, H. Cobble- dick, Df A, B A, pastor, ROMAN OATnoLTo Gnome—Sabbath 10;305 athm. Sunday 1 Joisants Kennedy, prieab, SALVATION ARMY, --Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'aleok, at the barracks. Onn Femmes' LODES every Thursday evening, in Graham'sblook. MAsoulo Looms Tuesday at or before fall moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 U W LODGE on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Bias. hill's block. C 0 r LODGE 2nd and last Monday evenings of eaob month, in Blashifl's blook. 1 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L lot Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONS OP SCOTLAND, let and 8rd TESS. days of each month, in Odd Fellows' $all. K. 0. T. M. LODGE, 1St and ata Thurs. days of each month, in Vanstone bleak. Boma Crams, 2nd and 4113 Friday even. Inge in Blaenill's Efall.. POST Orient.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. MECHANICS' INSTITuTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 8 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Dolly Shaw, Librarian. TOWN CouNOIi,.-W. H. Kerr, Reeve W. H. McCracken, Robert Graham, R. Williams and 8. Wilton, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the let Monday is eaob month. SosooL BOARD. -110V. Rose, (chairman,)1 Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, a Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sec.-Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Puma: &cnooi. TEeonene.—J. H. Cam. eron, Principal, Miss Braden, Miss Downey and bliss Cooper. BOARS of 5EALTn.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaugbton, Medical Health Officer. Liberal Platform. who are sincerely deairaue of promoting a treaty on terms honorable to both countries I that a fair an liberal reeiprom ity treaty Weald develop the grsot natural reea0r505 of Canada, would enOr, mealy 41cr048e the trade and oomnieeee botweeu the two eountrioe, would tend to eneourase friendly relations between the two peoples, would remove many oauee9 which have in the poet provoked irritation, and trogble to the Governments of both countries, and would promote those kind- ly relations between the Empire and the Republic whiob afford the beet guarantee for pewee and prosperity ; that 8118 Setief~orth. Thee, Carie has pltrabased the pork pa fling establishment of the Robb Bees, and will begin worll in it at once. Wm.1)oig,,of Tuoliersmith, has been appointed Prueolpai of Harriebon Public School for next yeape D, Doran °, the l� present Principal, goes to lxspworth, l las In order tosupplythe demand for smonth year. cuff. 1 a y r. The imports,amaunte lore, =there, relieve and other agrioul- t0 858,081,874, Against 65l 785,822, p d the most total implements the Coleman foundry If you are anxious to 'fin has been obliged to work overtime the reliable blood.periflert read in Ayer's past few weeks. Almanac the testimonials of those who 3. A. Clark, of the Star Bakery, Sea- have been oared of egoh terrible diseases forth, has aold hie large St, Bernard dog as catarrh, rheumatism', andsorofula, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Then govern yourself accordingly. Miss Ida Pletcher, of Lambeth, hoe a ohar01 of nearly 8,000 buttons, all of diff• from maany npparah of the rand othe United States, Exports of merchandise from the U, S, during Oetober amounted in value to #8,= 588,872, a ainet.C37,675,841 fox the same Liberal party is prepared to enter into to O. F. Baker, of the Commercial Hotel, negotiations with a view to obtaining suo a treaty, including a well considered list of menulaotured ertiole0, and we are satisfied that any treaty so arranged will reoeive the assent of Her Majesty's Gov- ernment, without whose approval no treaty oan bo made. Adopted by, ab0 National Liberal Conceit - sten, Ottawa, June, 1893. We, the Liberal party of Canada, in convention aesembled, declare : 1.—FREE TRADE—000000D TAXATION. lit.—PURITY OF ADMINISTRATION — COEDS IN CORRUPTION. That the Convention deplores the groom corruption in the management and ex- penditure of public .moneys whiob for years past has exiated under the rule of the Coneervativ'e party, and the revel. atlone of which by the different parka. mentary committees of inquiry have brought disgrace upon the fair name of Canada. The Government, wbich pro- fited politioally by these expenditures of public moneys of which the people have been defrauded, and which, nevertheless, have never punished the guilty parties, must be held responsible for the wrong. doing. We arraign the Government for retaining in office a Minister of the Grown proved to have aooepted very large con- tributions of money for election purpoeee from the funds of a railway company, which, while paying the politioal contra botions to him, a member of the Govern- ment, with one hand, was receiving Gov- ernment eubsidee with the other. The conduct of the Minister and the approval of hie colleagues after the proof became known to them are calculated to degrade Canada in the estimation of the world and deserve the severe condemnation of the people. Galt, 108 handsome sum. no is a very fine animal of the kind. Aft: Hneohtel, of Chicago, who is at present on a visit to his brother in town, states the firm for wbioh he works bas recently'reoeived orders. for 20,000 Mow- ers, 12,000 pony binders and 12,000 regu .lar reapers. George Patterson has- started out on his ' annual visit to the different lodges' la this district, oomprieing twenty-two, eight of which he has already visited. The contest for the broom banner, now held by Mitchell, is a hot one this year between Gorrie and Smith's Hill, 4.—uaDIAND STRICTEST ECONOMY—DEGREASED EXPENDITURE. We cannot but view with alermthe large increase of the public debt and of the controllable annual expenditure of the Dominion and the consequent nndus taxation of the people under the Govern - menta that have been continuously in power sinus 1878, and we demand the strictest eoonomy in the administration Of the government of the country. 5.—FOE RESPONSIBLE 00VERNMENT—IIfDE- PENDENOE OF PARLIAMENT. That the Convention regrets that by the action of Ministers and their support. ere in Parliament, in one ease in whiob serious charges of misconduct in' office against Ministers of the Crown, investi• gation was altogether refused, while in another .,case the chargee preferred were altered and then referred to a commission appointed upon the advice of the Ministry, contrary to the well settled practise of Parliamentary affairs; and this Conven- tion affirms :—That it is the'anaient and undoubted right of the House of Commons to inquire into all matters of public ex. penditnre, and into all eharges of mis- conduct in office against Ministers of the Crown, and the reference of snob matters to royal commissions oreated upon the advice of the accused is at varianoe with the due responaibillty of Ministers to the House of Commons, and Made to weaken the authority of the House over the Executive Government, and this Oonven. tion affirms that the powers of the people's representatives in this regard should on all fitting occasions be upheld. 6.—TIIH LAND FOB TIIE SETTLER—NOT FOR TRE MP000050OR. That in the opinion of this Convention the Bales of public lands of the Dominion abonld be to notual settlers only, and not'to epeoul'atore, upon reads noble term', of settlement, and in such as can be reasonably oocupiad and cultivated by the settler. 7.—OPPOSE THE DOMINION FRANCIIISE ACT -- FAVOR TEE PROVINCIAL FEANO0ISE. That the Franchise Ant siuoe its intro- daotion hoe Dost the Dominion Treasury over a million donors, besides entailing a heavy expenditure to both political parties ; that each revision involves an additional expenditure of a further quarter of a million ; that this expenditure has prevented an annual revision, as origin- ally intended, in the absence of which young voters entitled to the franobise have, In numerous instances, been pre- vented from exercising their natural riebte ; that it has failed to secure mil. formity, , which was the principal reason assigned for its introduction ; that it bae produced gross abuses by partizan revis- ing barristers appointed by the Govern- ment of the day ; that its provisions are lees liberal than those already existing in many Provinces of the Dominion, end that in the opinion of this Convention the Aot should be repealed, and weahould revert to the Provincial Franchise. That the customs tariff of the Domin. len should be based, not as it is now, upon the protective principle, but upon, the requirements of the publio service ; That the existing tariff, founded upon an unsound principle, and used, as it has been by the Government, as a oorrnpting agenoy wherewith to keep themselves in office, has developed monopolise, trusts and combinations ; it has decreased the value of farm and other landed property ; it has opposed the masses to the enrich. molt of a few ; it has cheoked immigra- tion ; it bee caused great loss of popula- tion ; it bas impeded commerce ; it has discriminated against Great Britain. In these and in many other ways it has oc- casioned great public and private injury, all of which evile must continue to grow in intensity as long as the present tariff system rematne in force. That the high• est interests of Canada demand a removal of this obstacle to our country's progress, by the adoption of a sound fiscal policy, which, while not doing injustice to any class, will promote domestic and foreign trade, and hasten the return of prosperity to our people ; that to the end, the tariff should be reduced to the needs of honest, economical and effioient government that it should be so adjusted as to make free, or to bear LS lightly as possible upon, 'the necessaries of life, and should be so arranged as to promote freer trade with the whole world, more particularly with Great Britain and the United States. We believe that the results of the protective ayetem have grievously disappointed thousands of persona who honestly supported it, and that the coun- try, inthe light of experience, is slow pre• weltered to declare for a sound fiscal policy, The issue between the two poli- tical parties on this question isnow clear- ly defined. The Government tbemeelvee' admit the failure of their fiscal polioy, and now profess their willingness to make some changes; but they say that suoh changes must be baeod.oniy on the prin- ciple of protection. We denounce the , principle of protection as radically un- sound, and unjust to the tnaseee of the people, and we declare our oonviotien that any tariff changes based on that . principle must fail to afford any substan- tial relief from the burdens under which the oountry labors. This issue we un- hesitatingly aooept, and upon it we await with the fullest confidence the verdiob of the electors of Canada. 2.—ENLAu0E0 menti es—RE0I01000Pr0. Thet, having regard' to the prosperity of Canada and the United states as ad- joining eopnteies, with many mutual in. tereets, it is desirable that there should be the most friendly relictions end broad and liberal trade lntern00150 between then: ; that the interests alike of the Dominion and of the Empire wouldbe materially advanced by the establishing of such relations ; that the period of the old reoiproeity treaty was one of narked prosperity to the British North American colonies; that the pretext 'under which the (ioveenmenteppeeled to the country in 1801 respectinlg, negotiation for a treaty with the United States VMS misleaditig and dishonest and intended to deceive, the electorate ; that uo,sinc0re effort has been made by them to obtain a treaty, but that, on the contrary, it 10 manifest that the present Government, sOutrolled ne they are by monopolies and combines, are not deeiruua. of awning snob a treaty ; that the kat step towards obtaining the end iu view, ie to phtoe a party in power CAUSE= RELIEVE/51N 10 T000 MINUTES.— Ops abort puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with eaob bobble of Dana's Oatarrah Powder, diffuses this Powder over the sgrfaoe of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to nee, it relieves instantly, and permanent- ly cures Caterrab, Say Fever, Colds, Headaobee, Sore Tbtoat, Toneilitie and Deafness. 60 Dents at G. A. Deadman's. Some of the Renfrew young ladies have bib upon a rather novel plan for amuse. meat during the Winter, They bath organized what is known as "walking, parties" and the idea is becoming de- oidedly popular there, Last week about eighty invitations were issued for one and out of that number there were eeveaty accepted. Altera good brisk walk the. party returned to the home of their hostess for refreshments.: Olin tors. Dr. Moore leaves town to take up his residence in Toronto. Mr. Carling shipped a ear load of dried apples to Greenway last week. Mies Stinson, of town, has a chrysan- themum which has on it 175 blossoms. J. E. Holmes, son of Rev. J. W. Holmes, has bought the dental business lately carried on by Dr. W. R. Wilkin. son, London. The Bishop of Huron has appointed Rev. L. W. Diehl to the charge of Ailsa Craig, and it is likely that he will enter upon the worlc there as soon as hie enc- oeaeor here is appointed. A meeting, was held in the Attorney - General's office, Toronto, the other day to divide the Stavely estate between the would-be baize and Clinton ; Clinton's interest was looked after by Mr. Garrow, The amount allotted Clinton is not yet made public. Fruit growers have this year done con- siderable grumbling at the low prices paid for apples, and no doubt they thought they were justified in so doing, bat they may be thankful they fared as well aa they did, for some buyers are los- ing thoasande of dollars on their ship- ments to Liverpool. Fire was discovered in the wainscotting of a room in the third story of the Grand Union hotel, and was quickly put out with a few pails of water. It had evi- dently been burning a considerable time, as there was no fire in the furnace for a day previously. The fire apparently started by the bricks of the chimney 'be- coming hot. General News. Sunday delivery of milk in Belleville is to be stopped. About 025,000 worth of milk is sold is Woodstock every year by the licensed dealers. Doge kilted about forty chickens be. longing to Mrs. John Bisoh, Linwood, the other night. A Ridgetown correspondent says that an average of three carloads of beans per day are being shipped from there. An Orangeville boot and shoe maker bas just completed a pair of long boots for a Mono farmer, which, when plaoed tandem, measure over 26 inobes. W. S. Burkholder, of South Norwich, hasa radish of the Summer variety, which measures 25 inches in length and 29 inobse in nircumferenee and weighs 18 lbs. 1 oz. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MIN. UTES.—All oases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and quickly oared, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces: Sold by G. A, Deadman. A young gentleman from Ingersoll who attended a rural hop Last week had the spokes of bis buggy out by a jealous swain, on whose rights he bad trespass. ed. The damage cost the perpetrator a round 010. As an emergency medicine, Ayer's Cherry Peotoral takes the lead of ell other remedies. For the relief and cure of croup, whooping cough, sore throat, and the dangerous pulmonary troubles to which the young are so liable, it is invaluable, being prompt to act and sure to mire. 101EOMATI510 CURED IN A DAF.—South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Nearelgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days, Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 18 re- moves at once the pause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted by G. A... Deadman. At Jueob's opera house. Syracuse, N. Y., Saturday evening, during the exhibi. tion bout which is arranged to oonolude the performance to bring before the audi- ence the would-be champion of the world, Robert Fitzsimmons, Oon, Riordan, Fitz- stmmone's sparring partner, was struck by Fitzsimmons, and the result of the blow was death. Rtordan,it de claimed, had been drinking heavily.He gave evidence of the condition as he walked on to the stage, but despite this he was allowed to eater the bout. There were a few exchanges, and then Fitzsimmons, with a qutotl pass, landed on Riorden's jaw with his right. There are differences of opinion as to the force of the blow, but it was eutlialent. Riordan reeled and fell to his knees ; then he toppled over like a dead man. The audience was worked up to furore of excitement; boye and men stood up in their seats and shouted. Back in the wing the unoon eoious man lay in his ring costume, with two physicians vainly endeavoring to bring him back to oonsoionsness. Rior- dan remained nnooneeions despite every effort to revive him. The probable fatal results were announced after midnight by Dr. Tetouan, and Fitzsimmons was promptly placed under arrest, The in- jured man breathed hie last at 8;80 o'• clock Saturday morning, About 2:15 o'clock Captain Quigley ,took Fitzsinl- mons to polios headquarters. The middle -weight champion seemed to ex- pect what wee cunning and did not even cha sed color, Sullivan was with him and tried to go hie bail which the police would not 'Wow untried. Dr. Fred S. Fag, who woo the first medical ratan Bel- led, testified Butt be believed death to have resnhed from apoplexy. Ile bad heard that the Muni man had been drink. The City Council was like a Bear Garden.—The aldermen seemed to be aotuated by the demon of antagonism, they wrangled, they fought, hurled abuse et one soothes, but one quiet, thoughtful member introduced a resolution which Calmed the troubled waters and all was pesos. So itis when the whole system is troubled, disturbed and agonized by the attacks of elolt headache, billousnese and neuralgia. Stark's Powders bring immediate relief and pleasure in place of pain. BELIEF IN SIX Hoops.—Distressing kid. ney end, bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure," This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of rte exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quiet; relief and sire this is your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman, druggist. 8.—AGAINST THE GERRYMANDER -- COUNTY 000NDA0IES SHOULD= TRESEEVED. That by 'the Gerrymander Ants, the electoral divisions for the return of mein• bars to the House of Commons have been so made as to prevent a fair expression of the opinion of the country at the general elections, and to seems to the party now in power a strength out of all proportion greater than the number of electors sup- porting them would warrant. To put an end to this abuse, to snake the House of Commons a fair exponent of public; opinion, and to preserve the bistonlo con- tinuity of counties, it is clesiroble that in the formation of electoral divisions, county boundaries should be preserved, and that in no ease parts of different eannti05 should be put in one electoral division. 9,—TBE SENATE DEPH0T1VE—AMEND THE CONSTITUTION. The present oonetitutiou of the Senate ie incoueistent with the Federal principle in our system of government, and ie to other respects defective, as it makes the Senate independent of the people and nn- oentrolled by the public opinion of the country, 0,0d ehould be so amended as to bring it into harmony with the principles of popular government. 10.—gu11ss10N or 01)01413111000—A DOMINION PLER150I0n. net whereas public, attention is at present much directed to the consider, anon of the admittedly µµreal evils of ha t doh that the mind temperance, i 19 - of the people should bo clearly aseertained ing for some tiro••, and he certainly had P on means ehowh it. All who saw the blow, said YOUMI LBIE8 AND GENTLEMEN 1 Read 9 cents in stamps, or 10 cents silver, eta Star Iatire RURALIMAIL S'A'R4MSlf fl'%. flobween New York cad Liverpool, 4ueonstown,eveXy Wednesday,. via As the etesmore of dile line carry only a strictly limited number in the AIRS, alio intoorD *ABM scoommodatione,. intending 0505802815 are reminded that an. early rep. piisatlon for berths is necessary at this sen' eon. For plane, rates, oto„ apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. and we eill.fiend you. by return mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER, A neat little Book, being a perfect Guide in the art of Letter Writing. It contains Let- ters of Lave,Pricudghip, Business, etc., with valuable instructions and advice, Avery young man and woman should have tlk.s Book. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, 10 dm INGEIISOLL, ONT. On the (meat of rohibiawu by ' of a,Lominidn Plebiscite. Dt, Fag,eay it wits only a tap, ' THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND :.C.RGE1T SALE I19 GAN3DA. Difbilret ALLAN LINE. Scare oner Sailings, g, 1894. MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL SERVICE. When you want a Stove, Tin or Granite -ware. or Hard- ware Paints & Oils, t —CALL AT -- HUNTER'S Hardware Store Whore you will, from this date, get a nISOD R of FIVE FEE C' NTI Offal! Cash Purchases. Prom Prom From Liverpo'l ETEAISSUIPe. Montreal, Quebec. Daylight. 0 a.m. Oet.IS 1Numidiao NOV. - Fine Roman, Artists' Can- " 25 Parielaa... " 10 28ov,11 • Nov. 1 Mengallau .,17 " 18 vas in Stock. Mill not call at Rimonski or Moville. Passengers embark at Montreal after 8 p. m. on Fridays. For further information as to rates, sto., apply to Sold in Brussels. by C. A. DEARMAN, Orngaist. SURES OTHERS W1LL CURE yOU CLER SKIAN» ME18tTAL ENERGY • 80204 LO NG LIFE y{�digs 0\gtl ls, STRONG NERVES AYER9S SARSAPARI LLA W. H. KERR, AGENT,BRUSSELS. 111cLEO D'S System stem. Renovator --AND OTHE0---- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For. Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpeta- tionof, the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. 13i1187. LABORATORY GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by JAMES FOX, Druggist, Brussels. 74.liarnmerly a well• cnown buslnees pian of Hillsboro, va„ sends this toatlmony to tko merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: Several retie ego, ln'toerysipelas.leg,tttintyleftvI s a sore which led were. extreme, n1V lug, from the knee to the ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex - teed to other parts 0f the body, Aftortrying various nominee, 1 Megan .taking Aser's Sarsaparilla, and, bolero I had enishOd tate first bottle, 1 exper erloed groat tenet; 8110 motetbottle effected a complete cure.' Ayer's Sarsaparilla "rnpnrcd by Dr. J. O. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mases . cs t'es ottters,wf al cure yotil A. HUNTER. WESTERN ADVERTISER. 16 -Page Weekly -96 Columns. ONLY a li Vi v ir-'ji Now to Dec. 31, 1895.5.. Balance of Year Free. !ADM Y LY Or MB WEST, NONE BETTER. FEW AS GOOD. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. Good Inducements to Agents. For 11911040' 110108, etc., Od:fress— Advertiser Printing Co, LONDON, ONT. T A Y L O c SMILLI Opposite the Queen's Hotel, - Brussels . A I?ull Stock of Fresh Groceries, Flour, Bread, Crockery and Glassware always on hand CHEAP AS EVER FOR CASH. All Saleable Produce taken at -Highest Market Prices, but 720 Credit Given.. Commissions of all kinds Promptly Executed. Remember the BREAD and other Prices in Proportion. Goods Delivered in any part of the town. Potatoes Wanted, Any quantity of Poultry wanted, must be dry picked and not drawn. TAYLOR & SMILLIE. "Footprints . On the Sands Of Time." Looking at them closely it is not hard to be- lieve that some of them might have been made by ants, so very small their step and so crooked their way ; excitable little creatures that with all their flurry never seem to get anywhere in particular, and whose *whole interest seems to be that of turn- ing aside from obstacles. Others again, iu the great length of their stride, remind one of the mighty jump of the kangaroo. 'llhey are evidently getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to the observer that these must be the tracks of those shrewd merchants who `got there' by jumping from one advertisement in kill] BRUSSELS POST to anoth- er, and as we ponder their prodigious strides,these beautiful lines of the poet come to mind : Footprints that perhaps another Sailing o'er life's troubled main, Some forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing may take heart again.