The Brussels Post, 1894-12-7, Page 2LJNAER A'CLOUD.
IT,.ING TAIX Or Trclil AN Lir
Ti10 wEpom'r0 phv.
Year weeks had panned siace Maleolra
SO/Meaner ineane attempt—four weeks of
an °hells preetratingillnesa from whieb he
s'aa slowly recovering, when, ono morning,
Guest entered the room where Brettioo
was seated by his friend's conch, and made
Tia ennoupcement which wrought a sudden
change in the convelee°ent.
"I expected tt:' he said quietly ; and
then. after a pause.' "'i will go with you."
finest opened and shot his month without
epmekfng fora few momenta, Then.
"Co -with me? Yon go with me? Why,
t would be madness.'
T,adlea, come of you --oh here fa my sister.
fiebeeea, go up to Mvra endpeep her tiu
bar room. A Ialio mistake; Barron baa
been called away—a beat/hese unateka.
Tell her to he NOW ow, Aire" he cried
sternly tie the officer, "youdo not feavo mg
gide. Mr. Guest come with am"
"Whereto, Sic Mark V' gold the manti
�iYoo, a bit : Guest ' nota bit. I'm efreld
pale as, his 'elf"( but locking proal, eager, : "Remise ise remd Yard."Ilt
d o e r4 its banded r¥I ra tote Lith yo me, air; it. , no t mistake.' ak you are floor
w lista, moat finer tele: out.'
sad ban a m , Y go. with you, of catrrst, but yoo will thaaft The dour wts reanhecd awl Sir Mark rot-
e carriage, me one of those days for beta; so prompt, tared•, a sighor eeitet,tor there waanaernwd
"The happy pews," whiapereml' Elle at You have been imposed upon ie 000 of tits. --oat a carriage to be, seen.; and, upon
she placed her little band upon Guests eieeerest acoaneeeis' et hem tee, .fames onteream the hoeseet, wasto and ;het every
that fs said agatna0 him. P'ihas
soy, air--wltab do yon soya•,'
"• Po you wtah me to speak, Sir em kV
"tkf' coneee;'
"Then 1 any that the man is act Utter
sanundrol ; tbat you boon been. horribly de-
ceivect and that'—there, I am making you
ern), "('et ma to the canisge please, ae s1eta frten,i and visitor had departed.
quickly as you can, or I shall cry and mak .•me. aaoxes Barron, =De, sir' merle strode in upright and firm, and
"!Yee, yes, be whispered back. "This
way ; brit Edit. , I've been looking all round
the church and oaa't see him. Dmd yon
teeth eight of Stratton ?"
"No," acid the girl with some asperity,
"it a, {lir Mark; dames Dale, Charge, i' :*oast stopped to gay good•by.
with swindling Otto Homier' Government ot "" io no, toy lad; ddon:'t leave me yet,
a tremeadoaasatn by the iesutn'g of forgery said the oht man. "Come up and face the
ruble notes." Iadies first,"
"What M" He led the way up into the Brewing room.
"And just. off to Bannon Ayres.'' export#ng to find Myra, prostrate; bat there
"and did not wish to. I could only see [' ""r'° the Kest Ladies, nam -4a his es. , was only one fiance togreet him—•hissister,
that poor girl going through the ceremony, tate." The door, bawever, had barely closed
and i felt all the time I could read her "yes, air,' said the man dryly; "he's befog Edie, who had been with her cousin,
thoughts, Q Percy Guest, if she ooiy had oing t0 his estate, bot it isn't there. ran into the room clothed and eager.
no', bad as moth pride, or Malcolm rural. g sir Jlark looked wfldty round at the ""tv here ee *lyra, 2"
ton had been as bold as he Wall shrinking crawl of friends who were irawipg swag, '"Iyfpg dawn, unefe Wo—auntie and
and strange, this never could have beep/'" and without Tooth".r word accompanied the I --persuaded her to go to her zoom."
Beck at Bonree Sgnaro with alt ofidoer 00 the carriage, where, as goon as "Is sire much broken down..-mueb.-'
the latter addressed "My dear Slack 1" cried his sister sharp-
ly, "Myra is a sensible girl Now, then,
don't keep as in auapeese. Tell me; is it
all true about teat man?"
"Yes, Rebecca. -1 mean no," cried Sir
""Idarinoss,. madness, old fellow," amid'the hurry and excitement of a they were atarted,
f3tratton feebly, "bat 1 tell you I are quite wedding wh mfrmtn Is, and S i�JIark wall aimseli to Guest, 00, 3+?mtral0 collgect
strong now." ea ernes to do the honors of his place thokgiaeobu corn, o begs to mooing bis
g flerriagm thronged the road- then ht but onlyto begin Damning. in -
'"Very far from ft," sm1d. Brettfsoo, well to all. g tentty.
"And 1 say so too," cried Guest, "look way ; a couple of policemen kept back the
"No mistake, sir;' said the officer. "1 ?ark furiously ; "af course not, and Nm
Imre, old feltew, doyou moan to assert that little proud, and the admimaI s 000060ta, wish for tee gentleman's sake there woe. going to instruct counsel and—damme, it's
h "re•eoforeed by ball a dozen of Gunter'e The prisoner has beencarrsiro an the game some gneiss work. rd pour ouch a
you are apropos mantis 2" men, had a busy time supplying the wants for a long time with a copperplate printer, broadside into him 1 Why, confound it
Of course," said Stratton, smiling. of the gue0la.a man named Henderson—Samoa: {fender. all l" he cried, as e. sudden thoagbt smack"Than 1 Bey you are not," cried Guest, " NV 611, yon two," said a vales, anddealy son. We took him an hoar ago, and it him, and he turned to Guest, "tbfa must be
mend ;.Ir. I3rettkaon will memo me, Yea behind Edie, who was listening to a remar- Was through a letter we found in his pocket some of your friend's work."
made by Guest, "don't look in that that ere knew, whet was.gofne,to on. here, and SirMarkl"
aro weak as a rat in molt', of all oar watch. dreamy way at everyone. I've been watch• arrived just fa time fpr the young la+ig." {'Oft, uncle'-"
tag, and leading, and care." frig you for ever so long. Don't yen know [,nest glanced at Sir Mark and met his ""Don't talk staff, Mark,"aried his sister
"Ml this long weary month," sighed that "this le the happiest day of elyra s eyes. almost at the same moment. "Mit Iikely?
Stratton. "hy "eaven bless you both for life"? • Quite the gentleman, our friend Dale," Then it is alt true. What an escape;
No sant," said Edie shortly ; da you:' °°nonage the officer, "Schoolmaster once Well, I'm glad it happened when .it did."
Mies .Jerold shrugged her,shonlders. I found. Speaks languages, playa and Sir Hark gave a furious stamp on the
"" loo and keep neer her, my dear, till niers, Great yachting moa. Deceive env- floor, but turned calmly enough on Guest
body bat his games up now. Coofdii t offering bis hand.
live in England as It was. Where did he Fou will exceme me now, Sir Mark."
say be was going—[Vest Indies, sir?" "Eh? What? Going? Well, if you
most. Bat don't leave one in thelarch,my
lad. Come back and have a bit of dinner
with me. I shall be v ry dull, No • I
won't ask you here. It will be miserable.
Meet me at the club."
Guest nromised, and then shook hands
with Miss Jerrold, who pressed his finger
warmly:but when he turned to say good
by to Edie she was not in the room.
"Too upset," he muttered 09 he went
down, "Slight have said good -by though."
Good -by, II:. Guest," came from the
little c0nserretory heli -way down to the
hall; and there was Edie waiting. " No,
no; don't atop me. I must run up to Myra.
Good -by, Percy. Oh, 1 am so glad."
"Goon -by, Percy—good'by, Percy."
Guestkept on saying to himself as he walk-
ed etowiy along one side of the square.
"Percy, nor the first time. Good Heavens,
Mal i'' he cried, starting as a head was
thrust under his arm—"you ? I was
belief that her cousin wooed gladly have corning on, I've something partinolar to
drawn hack but for her promise and her cell Mime
"Thank yon,"said Stratton quietly. ""I
know everythinst.'•
"What? I did not see you ae the
"So; I had not the heart to come. I
said I would, bat I stayed away."
what you have deux."
"Never mind ttbeut hiesainga ; be a little
grateful to Mr. 13rettiman, who has been they leave. 1 haven't the heart. Sate,
am 1 a wretchedly prejndieed old maid, or
like a hundred 6ospitnl nurses roiled into is there something not ecce about that
one, and give up this mad idea." man?" Gneat nodded.
"Boot tt is not ,nee," pleaded Stratton. I " Ah, there you are, Effie," cried the t G,,eell, he was going on farther south.
only want to go to the °burgh. I am quite o lmirat excitedly. " Myra t( just going He had taken tickets for the River Placa.'
to mit the cake. elm (Meet, take my crater
strong enough now. I want to see har and give her some champagne. Edie, my
married, that la all. Mr. 13row:mon, you dear, 1 don't like poor Myra's looks. 1
see how calm I am." must see to the people, and have a word
""Yoe, very," said the old botanist, omit- with James Barron before they start ; and
I've got to speak, too, and how to get
ing sadly. " Calm with your temples thra,agh it I don`t knew."
• throbbing and your veins too full. My "'Whited* you want me to do, uncle ?"
dear boy, if you go to that wedding, you "' What I told you, my dear,' cried the
wi❑ overexefte yo,rself sill we snail flava old map tastily. " (10 and keep with my
poor darling till the Mat.'
a actions 001010se." Edie crept to her cousin's aide and ntay
"111 do go?" said Stratita q t.•t
than certainly have it. 1 mean to gm"
• Bo rose from the couch on which he bad
beon lying, walked into the bedrootn, and
• cloned tee door.
"Did you ever nee such a male, etri :,ride raight slip away to Amiga her dress
P,rettl+en?" oriel finest n.0 soon n.0 thoy for the journey down to Southampton, the
woodenly; trip commencing the next day on
board the great %teamer outward bound
for the Weal,.
" (Meat, any lad," said the admiral,
drawing the yomtg man ankle, servants are
ab very well, but lel he thankful if you'd
see yourself that .01, Barron's carriage ks
ed there during the admiral's speech, one
which oontamed more heart than heed ;
listened with heaving breast to the toast
of the bride's health, and to the well-
aposen, manly reply made by .lames Bar-
ren. And 00 on till the time when the
were alone. "1 was a foal to come in an
tell him 1 waa ening ; but 1 thought ha
food gob over it, toad he knew it waa to-
"You aro going as Ann of the Mende?"
"yea, Mom Jerrold a+ske'l me," acid
f;nest, rather eonac;o0aty ; "'end of course
he wonid have known afterward, and re -up to the door in time. Myra is not well,
preached me for not telling him. What fa and a01, has sent a message to me to beg
to be done!" that 'he may be "ewe(' to slip away quiet
"(ertainlynotthwarthim,"roplterlL'reG ly with a few good-bye. I suppose the
Mem "1 was going out into the country • people will have ail tie matin clipper and
to.rlay." rice throwing tomfoolery."
"Collecting?" " You may depend upon me, Sir Mark,"
•"Yca, my dear air, a little, My great said (leent eagerly ; earl he 050 about his
bobby, Mr. (legal. But 1 will Dat g'. We teak at once, greatly to the butler's dis.
eboulddomere harm then good bystepping est.
him. (n I'll go to the church with illi' 6 The minutes wont swiftly then ; the
"1Ovt I dread a anent," said Guest. "Stip- ,testa atherin • on the staircase and
pose be should turn Wdd at agoing her ]ewf femme
the hall, while the wordage, with
ap the aisle. Fence the cousequencea. It ice 0ervanta, stood waiting, with ac avenue
would he cruel to the lady. It fn 1100 as tf of people down to the door.
oho had jilted him." (Mom was on the stepgeeingthat the
"Never cared for hien a bit, 414 she?" wraps and various littlarticls needed
whtepered Br010n0on. en the journey wore banded in. Barron,
""il', r Well, ,lr. 1. don't quite like to looking flnehod and proud, waa in the hall,
nal grasped by Ski Mark,
uapted thio Mr. Barron Wore poor std and n murmur of oxcltom¢nt and a
oh0er announced that the bride was corn•
ing down, when the bridegroom's oorriago
began to move on.
The sadden starting of the horses made
Guest turn sharply.
" Hi 1 Stop 1 Do you homr?" he shouted,
out -
"Bat the laxly?" and oevernl of the servants waiting out-
"Ilave no fear; "YInlcalm Stratton will, l side took up the cry, Comiug down."
lint the carnage moved on and a four.
• I em Duro, be gullty of n0 10010110 folly. I wheeled cab took' its, place, amid a roar of
know him better than you, durum. laughter from tate crowd,
" I think net," said the youeg man, At the Gama ,nomeut three baoineaslike
smiling. looking men stepped into the hall, and
"We Will not argue the point," replied before the butler and footmen could stop
Leo old bele"" t, . taking (lnegt'e' ben(1. them they were close up t0 the foot of the
• " Wo both think we know him hotter than staircase.
novena tiler, and niter all have not half Sir Mark turned upon them angrily,
say. At all events, Mias Myra Jerrold ac- with his ha
Mntenlrn "poke a word, and I am convinced
that she felt curtain he (lid not care for
"An unfortunate businoso, anent. Poor
led 1 poor lad 1 But there, ho recovorod
and any opposition would, 1 am sure
throw hurt back."
sounded the depths of hie nature." lint ono of them gripped his arm and said
quickly :
" Sir Mark Jerrold ?"
" Y. el hat is this intrusion?"
" Upstairs, sir, quick, Stop the young
lady from coming down.
The man's Malmo: woo so ionprosaico
that it forced {Mfr Mark to amt, sad he
shouted up the broad eteiroaee t
" Edits 1 one mmnent—eat yet."
Then, as if resenting the foot that ho
seated have obeyed this maie he termed
sharply in time to hoar the words
"James Dale—in the queen's name,
Hero is my immune No nonsense ;, we
are throe to one."
The bridegroom was struggling in the
policenen'o arms, and in the hand which
he freed there wan a revolver.
There was a alight struggle, the sharp
their of steel, and before ter Mark could
lino words to imprimis bin rage and amen.
iohtneet, Herron wan being hurried out of
the bail by two of the men who hood made
the unooremonions entry, while the two
policemen there for another purpose, in
avower to some freemenonry of the farce,
opened the cab door and saw the vehicle
driven off.
Sir Mark had meantime mule an effort
to follow, but ilio Mali who had spoken
barred his way.
"'You scoundrel) Who aro you?"
roared the admiral. "What dooe this
moan ?•'
"Superinteudont Abingdon, Groat Scot-
land Vera, sir," was the quiet r¢ply. "10
means, sir, that I've saved the young lady
from n painful mono, and you from u ter.
stile mishap.
" lint, oh, thereto/10M horrible blunderl
That is my friend, my oon•in-law, Mr,
IOvnblo. Barran."
'Ito utiejedged her again as he saw her "No, air, en Mian. ,lamps Delo, whom
Immo theoiurah lenatutg mom :roc husbands we have wanted for months. Dodged no
°dun, while now lie woo privileged to °001101 by to ping abroad. Cotlldn'trun hien to
t clic, one of the four brhlesinattle,hath to • marc}, before—mimed on the Continent
Bourne Square, and he waa oft throat: again, but we Smite
"She never would haus eitrni for peer Met in tine,
slid Maloohn," ire sold to himself as he ` 1 tell you,' thundered Sir Mark, "it
101101 1011 the newly married ooepla with is ahorrible mistake, Norm, (lttoet-rho
bid ay00, Marron careworn and nearly its carriage.: we mint follow them at mum,
" Well, 1 leave him to you," olid (Guest.
"I have no time to 'spare. I'm off now,
old follow," ha stead approaching the
bedroom door.
"All right," arforl Stratton choorfully
as he oamo back and held out his Mond,
" My kindest measla to {'Milo. Don't be
armee old fellow ; 1 am gong to behave
sensibly. You neon not fear a scone."
"ant 1--"
"Don't deny it, lad. Off with you," said
Stratton, smiling tit ilia friend's coofugion
and 110 accompanied him out on to the
landing. '"God bleu her I" be oeid. "I
with 'her every happiness with the man of
her'°holae. It's alt ovor now, and I aim
bear It like a man."
i'hey emelt hands and partod,ond whoa,
on hour later, Gime flaw Myra enter the
roam, whore he Wag Pad, snatchingg a hum
vied word with Effie, he Waa Startled at the
white, set face, mod strange, 1reemly eyes,
width looked in hie when he °poise to
tut what lied been a bitter fight was et
01111,1111(1 all i t00uoret0 hit -Menlo thali'rtde's
own brenat, For a time, a0 it had dewnot
nponher that, thoroway something warmer
than friendship in her looted, for Malcolm
Stratton, she ahrmnlr in horror from the
idea of pledging herself to the man she
ttetl rtucopted; ;but aloe Emelt t, with and
nettoftert dawn hor footings, Stratton muga,
ahs {011 (Wein her now, and oho woo
engaged to Barron. It wan her lather's
wish, and she hood promisee[ to be this men's
wife, while that he loved her Ito gave her
ri0 room to doubt.
" I will do my ditty by hila," she field
proudly to herself au ole took tier father's
001(11 and 40 Guest Witn driven in anothor
of olio earriagea to ten (hush, he thought,
to lila/molt Hutt Iola friend had hath itlind
in hie love, for Myra. woos hard turd un•
catotdonal n.0 her floosie was sweet and
Sir Mark started violently..
Teem was silence for a few momeots,aad
Guest's resentment against Siy_a d;od oat
ae he thought of the poor girl in the power
of a scoundrel thousands of miles from
'Lady has money, I 0099050 ?"
whispered the officer from behind ids hand.
Guest gave a short, sharp nod, and then
felt annnoyed with himself, but the officer
took no heed and went on:
"Of conrae she would have, sir. Well
my gentleman will not oe able to touch
that, and I suppose tbere will be no diffi-
culty about gettinga divorce."
At those words a flood of thought hashed
through Gu -Ac's brain, and he recalled con-
versetions held with Rile respecting the
marriage and the giri's boldly expressed
He wonlrl have harried off to Beorhera'
Inn with the information, hut ha was bound
to go on to the police office ani see the
matter through with Sir Stark; and in dee
time they reached Scotland Yard, to find f»od Right!. said Guest
Marron, or Date, in a kind of deak. listening "Bat. I waa obliged to come to seeker go
carelessly to the evidence given by that —for one ]anon obliged
officers who had helped to execute the g ,,,
"And you saw the arrest.
But the man's whole asps 1 changed as
he saw Sir mark and Guest enter.
"Hae f" be cried; "at last Now, Mr.
Inspector, or whatever you are, this is Ad-
miral Sir Mark Jerrold, my father-in-law.
The whole affair is one of miatakea identity.
For Heavoo'a sake, my dear sir, eatii4
these people as to my responsibility, ant
act as bail for myreappearance. Of course
there will be no Southampton today. How
door Myra bear the shock?"
Sir Mark's opinion veered toward the
speaker directly, and turning to the officer,
who had been hie companion from the house,
ho found him smiling.
"There, sir, I told you it was all a mis-
Yee, Sir Mark, you did," said the man
roepectfully ; and then to a ample of police-
men : "Tiring them in."
"The hsggago?" Dried (meatus he saw
what was being borne in by the men.
"Yes, air," said the officer. ,'I atepned
back to give instructions to our men to bring
on everything from the carriage, and the
trankapent on to Waterloo. They most be
searched for incriminating ovideneo. The
lady's luggage will be sent back to Bourne
Square at once."
l'he insolence of the scoundrels: cried
Barron. "My clear Sir Mark, pray get
this wretched business finished."
"I saw the struggle In the crowd. A
moa harried into a cab, which was driven
off. I was some distance away—in the
"Alt 1" ejaculated Guest, and then there
wasa panne, broken at last by Stratton,
who said solemnly:
"Saved from elite of misery and doper.
Thank (cod 1 thank God 1"
(TO TM CONTI: 1 ele
THE. ass
tom* !Law t,► LAr nowt IM.
rt PavYta. ITo,Mr.aatttaanrta' Witt+ti0.
tdtla tlnkctttntbR0.,
The fndtmstrial conelitioste in theState*
are smolt that timereamele of mete art Out of
week and the Moody forge army of ara,u+vrx
baagrowo tl r pheaonveuul elimeueienea 'Shea
would knot nsv er meta fee' me irk it worn not
that many of these tramps a:o $udin tittle
mO 810* 0000 1100 Wt0'NOV IOW ORtatiO touid ere to the osteit with 0
numbers un alt the (menet? mach, begaiai,
from house to house anal .atualffie when oho I
o vpio:tnnfte mk£er., Tune these vu itcra ate
g(viag the euoU0ry' authori1080 mw_Fi Gto:bie
can be easily belies ed, but what to a wi tit
them is the question. To distinguish the
professional tramp, who wouli not strocic if
he could get it, front
TAiO, TNIRO STC:tiI.TS wntu0 0JO r
who is forced by circumstances to walk frooe
place to place is diffieutt, and it would not
he right to class them all among the idle end .
worthleae, S:etsomethin gwilt Mime tobedone
to protect the•reeideate in rural parts item
a "male:ewe welch grows every ley more
unbearable. Men wsthout means of anbsize-
epee, wandering about the country, are
likely to become dangerous, and the many
crimes which we read oi are traceable to
this source. What is needed Ie tramp law
which will enable county authorities to
deal with these wanderers, so that it they
commit nay depredations obey can be easily
followed and apprehended. In the first
place, ole police at Sospension Bridge and
Windsor should be iestrueted to prevent
professional tramps from entering the pro-
vince. Officers accustomed to deal with
such cbaracters should be able to distinguish
the remoter hobo from the honest wayfarer,
and while- sneering the one to go hos way,
send the other back across the river whence
he came. Then thane should be a oyatem
of registration in towns and villages to
which all persona on tramp would be
compelled to couform, so that each tramp
could be traced from place to place if owe
emery. The man w ho
had haunted for weeks the part of the
country in which the crime was committed,
pottering here, and there, and ending with
the atrocity wbieh shocked the country.
Had there been any law by which the
county conscabnlarykept track of tramps
this man would have been sent along from
place to place and would not hove beenable
to commita crime without being instantly
apprehended. Tbia is a subject vriich
cells for immediate action on the part of
theanthoci0ies. Mea who, in many cases,
are vicious characters cannot be allowed to
prowl np and down the country committing
petty thefts and running to greater crimes
as the impulse takes them or 09 the chances
of detection diminish. Means moat be
devised of dealing with the evil and the
sooner the better
Tito Marr Famous eanderepe l'hntn_rapher
In Ilia 'World bled or Bright's Disease.
A despatch from Niagara Falls says :—
George Barrer, without doubt the most
famous landscape photographer in the
world, died here on Tuesday morning of
Bright's disease. Mr. Barker was educate
"I can save the gentleman a good deal of
trouble, Delo," said the inspector in charge.
"Ars you addressing me, sir?" said the
prisoner haughtily.
" Won't do, Dale ; the game's up," said
the inspector, smiling. Then to Sir Mack:
" I am sorry for you, sir, but this is no
case for ball.'
"But I will he his security for any
amount," cried Sir Mark, who crushed
down the belief that he had been deceived,
"Yee, of course, of course," cried the
"No good, Ur. Dale. You can renew
the application to the magistrate," eaid the
He made a sign, and after a furious burst
of protestations the prisoner gave up.
'Communicate with Garner of Ely Place
at once for me, Sir Mark," he said atpart•
ing. "It will be all right. Comfort ::lyra,
and tell her it's an abotird mistake," he con-
tinued as Guest wan looking ata letter the
dotootive officer held for his perusal ; and
thou he turned indignantly as Burrow held
out his hand.
St: Mark was about to take 10 when 00000
stench bio hand down.
"How dare you?" began the prisoner.
"Don't touch the soouu4rol, Sir Mark,"
cried Guest'fioreely. "It is all true"
"Von our 1" roared the prisoner. "You
turn against me? But, I know the reason
for that: our friend the rejected in 13erohera"
"Como away, Sir Mark," titled 01150t.
"Tho man is an attar knave."
"I will not believe it," cried Sir Mark.
"Read that letter, then,"said (1 ua0tgtiiet-
ly, "written on paper bearing your most,
from your own house, to Ina confederate,
Samuel Hendoroon, the printer of the forg-
ed Suasion uot¢o,"
Sit Mark mat silent and thoughtfe' in
the corner of hie eetria 0 n.0 he and Genet
were driven back, 1,011 they were near the
house, when h., turned suddenly 10 his
Tirane you, (Mese" he said warmly.
"Nothing rilc0 a friend,lo need. Bang it,
sir, I'd sooner take my' 01tip0 into notion than
again meet my Ciento here at hotrod. 1304 it
hay to be done," he said, "and one side
beaten. I will not believe that bir. Barron
le guilty, nor sot that I could ltavc been
matte a fool. '.Clio man is a gentleman, and
ed in the schools of London, and at an
early age developed a fondness for drawing
and sketching, For five years he studied
in oil and water colors and developed that
rare and artistic touch which in after years
gave him that reputation wbfah circles the
world. MIr. Barker came to the Falls from
London on July 30, 1902. fie secured a
pooitioa with a local photographer, and
conceived the Idea of paper photographs
of the falls, all pictures heretofore being on
glass. At all photographic exhibits in
thiacountry and abroad he was awarded
the highest medal for perfection of work
and artistic conception. Ile Was awarded
11 gold, bronze and diamond Brae prizes at
various competitions. Chief among these
were the St. Louis and Chicago meetings
of the Photographora' Aoeociation of Am-
erica. At Briton in 1359 he won a geld
modal at the Daguerre semi -centennial
exhibition of photography, and the first
bronze model at the Exposition Universale
at Paris in 1949; also to special prize medal
in Germany in 1 ile6, He passed the winters
of 188(3, 1.888 and 1891 in Florida, and the
photographs he made of the (oath have
never been surpassed.
Papez' to Prevent Forgery.
Itis very desirable that ditihoneot per
song be prevented from duplicating certifi•
motes of stock, bonds, draft°, and (ugh
valuable donumente; and mahy devteoa
have been ompinyed for thin purpose. A
new proems halt Diet been introduced for
making a paper which will at levet be
nett to to imitate ou0o05sfnlly, lee in applied
to a litltographio stone, apd auothor oimi.
Mr stone is placed art its face and the tWo
rubhod together Until the ink in go distri-
buted thata variegated deelgn is produced.
When the ink ie dry, the Basin its iratta•
feared to paper atter the metal manner in
lithographic printing. 0t charge rimy color
seam be aslooted for the init. It is manifest
also, that the dolga chum obeeplyproduced
can be varied indefinitely until alcaoin
or effective ono la obtained. A oounterft'ib
to detooted at ono° when compared with a
ournplo of the genuine paper.
Health Not Risked.
Mrs. Suburb-"' never notioed until
we movedinto tido house that the pump
is aufdooru." '
Agont.r,"'Picot's so rho water will be
nice aril coal In autmner, ma'am."
" 13ut 1 don't want to be running out•
doors iiozens of Limas a day in winter."
No need to, ma'am, Tito putnp alta
ways freezes rip in cold weather,',
IS OH a ON IN Tei: MR.
COPT IE'RS ft>t' Til}± OrLOBF,.
Col aro +Tetrtireriel Areal* of iniprea(
C(crotilete$ It rfelxy Inte;eallpg Hap-
penissxs or Recent. Dale,
SOull,.Austria owns: her awn railway
Members. of the Austrian Parliament get
p t per day.
Engl►ad expends anuoally on rioturesat
leuaI three nit/Uon pounds.
Prof, John Stuart Blackie. of Edinburgh+
hex passed Ma 95th birthday,
Street bands are not permitted' in Cisr-
many unless they accompany processions.
The little t oaatrp of Hayle owns two.
hundred and twenty-six miles of railroad.
Tie population of Perri under the Samoa
was twelve times 011000er them ie to to-
A statue of Marshal de Mmchon will be
enema at Mann. It is to be thirty feet
en ;lessee as in Prance, Italy and Spain,
titles emery no privileges either °MMetal or
Windsor Castle has been need for a royal
resideeee seven hundred and eigthy-four
The French Government is about to in-
troduce a bill fining railroad oompames for
ate trains.
The textile congress of Franco has deoid•
ed to adopt a standard liar of prices, lie in
The Netherianda own nearly one thou.
send miles of railroad, all in the hest of
A large per cent, of the railways of Italy
are owned by the Government and leased
to corporations,
The Grand Duke Paul of Russia is one of
the few living royal giant,. He is 7 feet 9
inches in height.
Victoria, Australia, owns all the railroads
in the colony, two thousand three hundred
and forty -ono miles.
Three hundred thousand dollars' worth
of Victor Hugo's worka have been mold
annually for the last six soars.
Governors of British West Indian colonies
are endeavoring to promote u federation of
,West Indian colonies.
The Crated Father mistime Ella Own Lite
in Attempt[ on to Rescue 111s Children
From the Flames, Rat Without Avail—
The Mother is Prostrated and Map Not
A Despstch from New Lowell, Ont.,
says :—The two baby children of James
cote, of Saonidale Township, were burned
to death on Monday night. The explosion
of a coal oil lamp is supposed to have start•
ed the fire.
Shortly after 7 o'clock in the evening
Iiia. Scott pat the two children, aged 2
and a years, sanely in bed. The clothes
were tucked closely around them with a
mothers's tender care. Then the lamp.
was turned low, and the wife and mother
went with her husband to look after the.
stock in a bam, about 150 yarda from the
They had been absent about 20 minutes,
when Mr. Scott noticed a glare in the win.
dews of the house. The whole room where
the children lay sleeping seemed to be in
flames. With quick perception the father
noted the fiery gleam and ran toward the
house. Bursting into the room he was at
first driven back by the smoke and flames
that gushed lorth, But the feeble cries of
Oho little ones imprisoned in the burning
bedclothes gave the father renewed courage
and he dashed once more Into the flames.
Bimded by smoke, bis head scorched by
the fire, be groped for the bed, and seizing
the two tote in their blazing nightgowns,
he dashed from the building. The two chil-
dren were very badly burood,and,although
everything was done to aid them, they
died in a few hours. Mr. Scott was severely
hurried in his brave attempt to reseuo his
little ones,
There was no one in the house when the
fire started except the two children. It is
supposed that the lamp exploded or else
was thrown to the floor by one of the child-
ren. The terrible affliction has seriously
impaired Mrs. Scott's health, and the is
now very ill,
Sectarianism in Canada
Mac O'Neil tells the following apropos
of the strietneos of the 00008 in Can-
ada t The keeper of a lodging'house, a
lady with very decided Presbyterian
Mown, only opened her house to those
whole orthodoxy was 00 unqueotinnablc as
her own. Iiowover, business flagged some.
what,, the house woo half empty, and site
pondered over many things, "Perhaps
be:Moose would mood if 'relaxed my view's
a Ileac," mho maid to herself. Ono day an
old gentleman prooent0 himself 60 ten door,
looks at the apartments and stakes choice
of some mono, "Pxoumo mo," oayo rho
landlady ; "before anything io decided 1
mltmt know whether you are a liriot
Presbyterian 1" "! F mearcoly undormtand
what You moan," replied the worthy man.
" Woll, for tustaneo, do you believe that
all children who die ubleoptkacil will be.
eternally burnt 1" " Upon my word," says
tie now lodger, his memory perhaps Might.
Mg ' upon soma unruly littlo hap of his
acquaintance, " I should scarcely litre to
gay all, but Homo will, no dotbt"' ' 1
will let you. the rcoin0," replied the good
woman 1 some is srareely io my liking
but at all event0 it is butter than 51000'
A tittle Dangeratts
The French people, it is amid, now pay
more attention to eating and drinking and
less to dancing than formerly.
Japanese workmen bathe the whole body
muco a day, and some of thorn twice. yobbo
Moths are provided on every street.
Mary ElizahetiiKyoi,a London lady who
passed the century mark four years amebas
slept 2(1,000 nights under one roof.
Queen Victoria always uses powdered
cipnamon onmelons, and the same favorite
spice is used in flavoring moat of her 'sweets.
The world's emote: fisheries produce an-
nually 4,439,000,000 oysters, half of which
are consumed within three days after being
There Ma movement in London to pro-
vide holp for the leas fortunate members of
the legal profession and their widows and
An Indian carpet, weighing three tons.
and made by the prisoners in the Agra jail
for Queen Viotoria, hag just been received
at Windsor Castle.
Hungary is about to hold o
historical relics to celebrate the millennial
aonlversary of the foundation of the king-
dom of Arpad in 894.
Pope Leo in 85 years Old and thin and
fragile physically, but his activity of mind.
and eagernoas for work seem rather to M.
crease than diminish.
A11 the Protestant churches in Prussia
will celebrate the four hundredth amiver-
sary of the birth of Gustavus Adolphus of
Sweden on December 9.
Itis reported that an extensive deposit of
auriferous stone has been discovered at
Mount Huxley, on the west const of Tas-
mania, in the Mount Lyell district.
The results of the recent expedition to the
polar regions prove that north of seventy
five degrees the ice over the whole surface
averages six thousand MOM thickness.
The highest spot inhabited by human be.
ings on this globe is the iluddhist, cloister of
Hanle, Thibet, where twenty-one monks live
at an altitude of sixteen thousand feet.
It is reported in London that when Am-
bassador Bayard returns to England honor•
ary degrees will be conferred 'upon him by
the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.
Five packages of nickel coins 1n transit
from Berlin to the Italian treasury were
stolen recently. They were part of the
$9,000,000, worth of nickel coin ordered
from Messrs. Krupp by the Italian (lovern•
A woman has been appointed keeper of
the Leaaowe lighthouse, near Lkverpool,wi th
a salary of 5395 a year, a house and garden
and an annual allowance of twelve tone of
Official statistics show that the total num.
her of blast furnaces blowing in the United
Kingdom is 374 out of a total of 719. The
pig iron trade is reported duller than ever
King Humbert is a royal eporteman of.un-
usual tikil( wait the rifle. He went out from
1t{g hunting lodge at Vette dee Orco one day
recently and killed 18 wild goats and 102
George Williams' is said to have founded
the Young Men's Christian Association,
with eighty of his aeeooiate0, in a .London
drygooda storo, In which he was then a
low salaried clerk.
A portrait °{ Charlet I., in art gallery
at Oxford, ie composed entirely of small
letters. The head and ruff contain the
Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Creed, and the
book of Psalms.
More than two hundred French cities have
already taken stops to ere0t0tatnea in Itouor
of the late Prominent Carnot andmany
others will do Hkowiee, while others will
have Carnot squares and avonusa..
Ohrista is the pet nam° of rho Queen He -
goat of Stain, a lady who has won the re.
apnea of tiro civillzod world for the perste.
tenon and high.mindodnoes with which she
Moe performed rho duties of her position,
Education Eltpensive in. Indiana.'
A Crnwfordsvilla, Ind„ man has Myer.
Hood hit home for talo, ail follow° : " In
order to raise 01111101ont fano to supply my
15.yoar•old daughter with all Oho tainted.
cry required by the high school faculty as t.
atnrtor for all education (20 in our boasted
Nae eduoational'institution I find time my
solely being in0nilieient, Ime eompotlerl to
loll my home, At the rata the sobool
(amity is going, en blur" won't turn out a
suholar with onough cotnmou 001100 left to
tot a dinner table,'
He (designingly)—" What a terrible
thing ft would be if Home rascal 0ltould
Marry elf for your money.
She j�tiisaonra,gbigly)�-- ' It would be fel'
m It out
1£ I found ,