The Brussels Post, 1894-11-30, Page 8TI'IE BRUSSELS 'POST
It is Convenient to have
goods of the same price
put together so that you
can choose lucre readily,
This week we have one
half of our show window
Filled with
While the other half con-
tains a nice collection of
When passing take a look
at them—the value will
surprise you,
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains leave Brueeels Station, North
nd South, es follows:
GOING Solna. GOING Nouns.
Mail 0:54 a.m. Mixed 9:45 aim.
Express. ....11:09 a.m. Mail 9:18 p.m.
tamed 9:00 pals. Express ...... 9:49 p.m.
go r eI X.ebm litems.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
ADVERTISE your Christmas bargains. •
SEATneet at the dam on Thanksgiving
House Mitt on Thursday of next week
in Brussels.
MArrxANn Rink is being put in shape
for skating,
ad Do you want the news 7 If so subscribe
Onus three weeks from next Tuesday
until Christmas. •
Tan County Model school examinations
begin on Deo. 10th.
Hugon County Council will meet in
Goderiob on Tbnrsday of next week.
car of prime pork on Wednesday of this
A DOonLE decked car of live bogs watt
shipped from Brussels on Tuesday by
Messrs. Scott & Jones.
THE Pose gives the news. See the in-
side pages for Clara Fgqrd's aonfeesion,
taking of Port Arthur, DYstrirt news, &a.
Tao Kiokapoo Indian Medicine Co.
commenced e. series of entertainments in
the Town Hall, Brueeels, last Tuesday
evening, to continue for a week.
Wash a person talks abort, hearing
evidence when an offender pleads guilty
before he can be fined, he doesn't know
what he's talking about. There are two
sides to the assault bug -a -boo.
A. DEBATE is on the hoards at the Con-
servative Olub as to whether the large
expenditure of public monies by the Do-
minion Government is justifiable. Blue
books are at a premium just now in look-
ing up statistics.
TlarOER WANTED.—W. E. Balmer will
be at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on
Monday, Deo. 6th, (market day) for the
purpose of purchasing shipping timber,
oak,pine, ash, soft maple and rook elm,
for whioh the highest prices will be paid.
All parties having the same for sale are
respectfully requested to call and see him.
TUE following are the offioere in con-
nection with Brueeele Conservative Club
for the current year :—W. R. Mooney,
President ; Dos. Moore and L. Ball,
Vice-Presidente; W. F. Vanstone, Seore.
tary ; H. R. Brewer, Treasurer ; J. W.
Blashill, J. Moore and W. H. Oloakey,
Committee. Tba club will hold its
meetings semimonthly on the lot and
8rd Friday evenings.
EVENING OLA9eme.--Notwithstanding
the inclement weather.on Tuesday even-
ing, there were fifteen pupils in attend-
ance at the first lesson in conneotion
with the Mechanics' Institute evening
classes and all appeared to be well
pleased with the work outlined by
Principal Cameron. Young ladies will
be admitted on the same forme as the
sterner sax and there is no doubt a large
number will take advantage of this op-
portunity to "brush up." The olase
will meet on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings at 1:80 o'clock.
Robinson, for many 'years proprietor of
the Toronto Week, the leading literary
journal of Canada, has sold out the
publication to Week Publishing Company.
The new edition of the Week shows a
commendable improvement in type, ap•
pearance and general make-up.—W. M.
Dank, editor of the Kincardine Report.
er, is mentioned as a probable successor
to the late Mr. Gunn, as Clerk of the
Surrogate Court of Bruce " County.
This appointment would be a popular
one.—J.W. Green, formerly proprietor
of the Mildmay Gazette, is now the
travelling agent for the Toronto Mail.—
Evangelist Moody, before leaving To-
ronto, returned his hearty thanks to the
press for the splendid reports they had
given of the services,
Coeno0ENoB.—The following resolution
and reply speak for themselves and re-
quire no comment
x'e Stirs. James W'Liam and family :
The officers and members of Western
Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., Brus-
sels, desire to convey to you their sincere
Sympathy In your present bereavement,
While we feel deeply the loss of an old
and respected member r f our Lodge, we.
cannot but realize hors moth greater
;must be the lose to you and to yours of
one who was over a kind and affectionate.
husband and father, and realizing sue&
we would ask you to accept our warmest
and united sympatbiee in these your days
of sorrow. Signed on behalf of the
Lodge, B„ M. Dimon, Secretary.
Brussels, Nov. 15,'04.
To the members of Western, Star Lodge, X.
O. G. T., Ermaols
Tho family of the late rttmee Wilson
beg to acknowledge their gratefnlnese'to
you for your kind Sympathy and help in
their late bereavement, Signed on be.
half of the family, MRs. JAs, Wmeerg.
A 4 Jacou,
Is Offering Bargains in
Musical Instruments,
Violins, Irvin ;2 60 up.
Guitars) 1Q 5 00 "
Banjos, " 4 00 - "
Aeoordeons, " 2 50 `e
Mandolines, " 6 00
Auto -harps, " 8 00' "
Blow Aocordeons, 65
Mouth Organs, 10 "
Xylophones, Ocarinas, Fifes, Violin' bows,
Strings, Keys, Tail Pieces, Resin and
everything in the Illogical Line
at the Closest Prices.
WHAT about the organization of 'Bros.
sell Curling Club 2
Monrasa Council meeting will be held
next Monday evening.
Rev. Mn. ANntesoN'e paper promised
last week will appear in out next issue.
THE Young Liberal Glee Club was
photographed last Saturday forenoon by
H. R. Brewer. There were eighteen in
the group.
19 LOADED cars Were sent out from
Brussels G. T. R. yard during the past
week, comprising lnmber, salt, potatoes,
grain and hogs. This is a great shipping
DEBATE.—At the Young Mene' Liberal
Club next Friday evening, the subject,
"Resolved that centralization is not in
the best interests of Trade," will be die.
cussed. There will be three speakers on
esoh side,
THE Peer and the Weekly Globe or
Tin, POST and the Weekly Mail for the
small sum of 91.75 from this date to Jan.
lst, 1896. No snob offer was ever made
before. Send along your names and take
advantage nF this plum.
A sonsoan,ER wants to know whose bus-
iness it is to collect the letters in the
drop box at the depot and convey them
to the mail oar 7 He says small boys
standing by are sometimes employed who
are by no means able to attend to this
important duty as there is two much risk
in droppinr• mail matter.
PROPERTY Sono.—Alexaoder MoLauch•
lin has diap„sed of hie commodious resi-
dence and lot just North of Brussels and
the five acres across the street to his
brother, Thomas MoLauohlin. The lat-
ter will take possession next February.
Mr. MoLanchlin intends purchasing again
and will continue to reside here.
Tam Poem returns thanks for oompli
mentaries to the dedicatory exercises of
the new Orange Hall at Gerrie, on Fri-
day, December 14th, commencing at 8
o'olook. Addresses are expected from
Hon. Clarke Wallace, Robt. Birmingham
and others. At the concert in the
evening Jas. Fax, Miss Mawhinney
and the best local talent will
take part. W. H. Clegg is the chairman
of Committee.
DIED IN' 0ALr0osNIA.—On Thanksgiving
Day William Walker,son-in-law of Hugh
Williams, of Brussels, died at Riverside,
California, whither he had gone early in
October with the intention of improving
his health during the owning Winter.
He had been poorly for several years,
Buffering from asthma, and sold his farm
near New Hamburg, Waterloo County,
with the intention of trying to build up
his strength by seeking a warmer cli-
mate. Mrs. Walker and daughter ac-
companied him on the long journey,
which Mr. Walker stood first•olass, but
be soon went down and like many others
died far from home. He was married to
Miss Annie Williams ex years ago last
October. She and one child are left to
mourn the demise of husband and father.
Deceased was a member of the. Episcopal
church and also belonged to the Masonic
Order. The remains were brought to
New Hamburg for interment, the funeral
taking place on Thursday of this week.
Mr. Walker was very highly esteemed by
all who knew him. The many old friends
of Eire. Walker in this locality sympa.
thise with her in her loneliness. Coun-
cillor Williams attended the funeral.
"0" SeoIAL.—On the evening of
Thanksgiving Day the Epworth League
gave a "0" social in the Methodist church
in this place, whioh resulted most satis-
factorily in every way. Tables were set
in the Sabbath sohool room, at whioh
obliging waiters soon filled the orders
given from the unique bill of fare.
Everything commenced with the letter
0, the list being attached to a big 0.
The following is an example :—Oarte.--
Courses collated—Cereal compounds
choice compacted cream ; orisp oaravan
croakers ; compressed curds - cutely
conserved crablets • oakee—Oh000late,
Dream, cocoanut, cruller °ablate, country
cousin's crumbs of comfort ; choice
coffee capitally oon000ted ; cordiale (a la.
Adam) ; Careful conaiderate caterers.
The musical and literary program was
given in the auditorium of the church,
and was ae follows :—Opening Thanks.
giving hymn ; prayer by Rev. D. Millar;
chorus, by the choir ; recitation, "Jennie
MoNeil's ride," Nora Maunders ; duet(,
"Good•Night," Miss Lottie Hill and
Mise Annie Smith ; reading, Mrs, James
W. Blaehill , "Ramblee through Glas.
gow," by Rev. G. H. Cobblediok ; bar.
mown, selection, J. W. Blashiil "The
Trossacit's Tour," Mr. Cobblediok ; solo,
Miaa Lottie .Hill ; "Sights in Edinboro',
Mr, Oobblediak ; chorus by their. The
program was an excellent one, with one
fault, viz., its length. Mr. Cobblediok in
his addresses toughed upon Greenock,
Dumbarton Castle, Glaegow, its univer.
efties, and St. George's square ; Loob
Lomond, Stirling Castle, Bannoakharn,
Edinburgh, the Crown room, Sb. Giles
Hill, Holyrood palace, Prince Arthur's
seat, Burns' monument, Sir Walter Scott,
Jno, Knox. In his reference to the
Trossocks, he quoted largely from "The
Lady of the Lake." A cordial vote of
thanks was moved by Rev, Mr, Millar
and seconded by B. Gerry to the revere id
lecturer for his iostru9tive and interest-
ing address. The other person assisting
in the program wore similarity treated.
Prooeeda of entertainment amounted to
991.50, with an admission fee of 10 Dente,
The League is to be congratulated on
their 00ccees.
Clir!s1Ma GooVs
T. rLETO 1 f'o
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches, ,
$12 UP..
Gents' Watches from
$5 up.
Clocks from -
75 0. UP,
Special Line Sword Pine,
200, UP.
Everything In Novelties,
Sole Agent for Meriden Brit.
tania Goods, Alco carry To-
ronto, Simpson, Hall & Mrller'e
Plated ware whioh we sell at
low Prioee-
Great Bargains in China
and Fancy Goods.
A beautiful range in Gold
Spectacles. Dyes tested Fee
!''Issuer• of Marriage Licenses.
FIRE -alarm was rung last Saturday
evening but it fortunately turned Ont to
be nothing more than a burning ohimney
at Geo. Thomson's store.
Join the evening classes. Old and
young, male or female, will be weloomed.
Class meets Tuesday and Thursday
evenings in Prinoipal Cameron's room.
WE are sorry the Clinton Record don't
Like oar portraits appearing in THE POST
beoe.use,, of course, we are making every
effort to please him. The Reoord editor
will never get wealthy by minding his
own business unless he mends hie ways.
Eamon are warned against eaow.ball.
ing on'Turnberry street ae the so -sailed
sport's dangerous to the store windows
and often the cause of trouble between
the pdrtise concerned. More than this,
ve:y ofien, unmet -meting pere00a receive
the misfile intended for another, or hors-
es are frightened by the fusilade. Don't
do it.
A ORANGE TO DO 0000.—YOU can d0
good to humanity—to enffering little
children—if you like. Thousands' of
people have canned fruit this year in
your county or township. Now, if you
and your friends could collect a hundred
quarts of fruit and send them to the
Hospital for Siok Ohildren, College
street, Toronto, yon would oonfer a bles-
sing on the hundreds of sick little ones
eared for within its walls. Write .the
Secretary, Hospital for Siok Obildren,
College §tree(, Toronto, end arrange.
ments will be made to have the fruit
brought into Toronto, carriage free.
W. E. RAAIaAY.—A great treat is id
store for those who visit the Town Hall
on Tuesday evening, Dec. 4th, when W.
E. Ramsay will present his "Trip Around
the World." Speaking of the entertain-
ment the Toronto Evening News says
In Massey Hall last night five thousand
people gathered to have the inimitable
W. E. Ramsay take them for "A Trip
Around the World." He did, and every-
body had a happy time of it. The hall
presented a very brilliant sight, and the
Grenadiers are to be congratulated on
their success. Mr. Ramsay gave his first
presentation of ''A Trip Around the
World," showing a series of colored
scenes, and gave an intereeting desarip•
tion of them. During the course of the
trip Mr. Ramsay introduced a number of
new songs, and to say that they were
enthusiastically received . is patting it
quietly. Hie rendering of "Trinity
Church," "Fora Girl," and "Constant-
inople," being irresistible laughter pro-
vokers. "Private Tommy Atkins," with
"Grans" a000mpaniment will be popular
among the boys. All the songs were well
received and recalls werenumerous, Mr.
Ramsay's appearance last night but adds
another success to the many he has
achieved in Toronto and throughout On-
tario. Mrs. Ramsay was pianist and
ably accompanied the musical numbers.
Business Locals.
DRY stove wood for Bale at MoOraok•
Punk American oil for 20 Deets at B.
HAiusee greatly reduced in prices at H.
Dennis', Brunets.
GRAND Rapid carpet sweepers in doe
finish and oheap at B. Gerry's.
R. LuoxnnooALE is prepared to take any
amount of goose feathers in trade.
SINGLE harness away down in price.
I. 0. Richards.
A cow and 'a yearling steer for sale.
Apply at Thio Peer Publishing House.
For robes, blankets, bells, fur omits
and driving mitts try us. h. 0. Richards.
LARGE stook of Horse Blankets and
Robes at low prices at E, Dennis', Brus•
ORGANS cheaper than ever at Leather.
dale'e. Get prices and come and see for
H. R. BREWER baa a lot of elegant
picture frames whioh he is prepared to
eell cheap.
THE celebrated Bermuda cook stove
is rednoed in price for December month
at B. Gerry's,
Rae OARPRT.—litre. T. AIo0rae does
fine carpet weaving at moderate rates.
Residence on Church street, Brussels,
KNrrTING,—Mary H. Howe, of the firm
of Howe & Go., is prepared to take in
knitting, or knit to order, woks ,stockings,
cardigan jnokets, &o. Will exchange
goods for Wool. Store, one door South
of the Woollen min, Brasseis. Give 0e a
Ail kinds of eaves cleaned, gummed
hammered, jointed, set, filed and oiled
et the East end of Queen St., by saw
(iter, T. McGregor, Bruesele. Saws
may be left and arrangements
made at McKay & Co's. bardware store,
linnets Ont.
Brooks, bhe cheeped( ; Lampe, meet
brillianh; earpot sweepers, beautiful';
eawe, the keenest ; axes, guaranteed' to
out Halle ; oil moat illumioous ; belle,
most magical ; whips, meet elastic ;
silverware, most Handsome, at B.
Gerry's, Broseole.
Nay. 80, 1$94
ASSgTti, (Seven Million Dollars) 07,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) e 02,000,090
Apenoiss in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Vnitod States r9 I!nplanrf'
strosci,s edam.
A General Banking Business Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and compounded hall yearly,
Snorer, ATTENTION erv005 To Ton Cor oorro5 of VARIOUS' SALE. NQTRO.
D' very facility afforded Customers living at a distanoe.
Transact a General Banking Business.. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points }n Canada, United States and Great Britain.
; eraw f -s Dams D.Ep, gr °. ,1v'.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We affect to write insurance In old EndliAL or Canadian Companies, or in Mut.
• nal. Companies as may be desired.
RANGING and parlor lamps for Christ- JongeroN—In Turnberry, on November
mos presents at a further reduction' at 19th, Jane, daughter of Mrs. J. John.
B. Gerry's. aeon, aged 19 years, 10 months 20
Boos Wormtwe is prepared to do saw
filing and setting at the livery barn.
Satisfaction guaranteed to every customer.
BoAno0Re.—Accommodation for two
boarders at a private home. Reasonable
rates. Apply at. Tim POST Publishing
Is you want anything in the furniture
line now ie the, time to buy. I have
bought right and I, can sell right. R.
A0Y person purchasing 1 doz. cabinet
photos. will receive free a life size port.
rail of same, finished in crayon, India
ink or bromide. H'.11. Brewer.
H. R. BREWER does nothing but first-
eless work, Give bin a call. Gallery
open every .Saturday evening for the
-acoommodatioo of customers and visitors.
CARPET WEAVING.—The undersigned is
prepared to attend toall orders for car-
pet weaving with promptness. Moderate.
°barges. Resideooe one door South of
Jno. Varooe's former stand. War. Gum
THINKING Domes hard to some people,
especially in these hard times when
dollars are hard to get. It behooves
everybody to study economy, and there is
no better way than to have your Suite,
Dresses, Shawls, Wraps, Ostrich Plumes,
etc., gleaned or if faded:re-dyed right at
Parker's Dye Wotks, Toronto. Agency
at Skene's store.
F: 8. BooeTwill conduct any sale* of
Farm stook as auctioneer during the
months' of October and November for
95.00. Knowing the standing of nearly
every one he is in a position to sell to
good marks, and guarantees satisfaction,
He will also see that your notes are
promptly drawn and signed. Dates can
be arranged at Tam POST Publishing
House, Brussels.
look upon The Oanada Presbyterian as by
all odds the beat paper of its kind pub.
fished in the Dominion, and it compares
favourably with the foremost religions
journals of the Old Land and neighboring
Republic The Presbyterian family not
favored with its weekly visits is a 8eriona
loser in every way,—to the young espec-
ially, its educative influence for good can
not easily be overestimated. The Thanks-
giving number, issued last week, was a
thing of beauty," as well as a regular
store -house of valuable reading. Prom-
inent ministers and others contributed a
number of articles in prone and verse
suitable to the occasion. The principal
feature of the table of contents were a
story entitled "Farmer Sadleigh's Thanke-.
giving," by the well-known writer, Agnes
Maule Mather, of Kingston, and a poem,
"We Thank Thee," by the same lady ;
"A Summer's Work in Home Missions,"
by Rev. Prof. Baird, B. D., of Winnipeg ;
"Brother Grateful's Thanksgiving Ad-
dress," by "I{ooxonian;' "Chinese Work
in British Columbia," by 0. A. Coleman;
"The Philoeophy oC Thanksgiving," a
brilliant paper by Rev. W. T. Berridge,
B. D., Ottawa; and "Early Reminiecen-
eee of Queeo'e University, Kingston," by
Rev. Prof. Mowat, D. D. These are only
a few features of an admirable number,
full of readable articles. The cover,
printed in two shades of bine is especially
attractive. - It is understood that this
old.established paper offer a dollar rate to
clubs made up of ono -third the families in
each congregation of the church. This is
a marvellously low rate, oonsidering the
size and quality of the publication, and
should result in a largely increased oir.
°elation. 'The Presbyterian is evideot-
ly succeeding, It certainly deserves MO -
Scoop,—In Gerrie, on Friday the 16th
inet,. the wife of Mr. Benjamin
Soot( of a son.
ltbtfaooND.—In Gerrie, on Friday, lath
inst.,the wife of 111r. Wm. Ilam.
mond of a daughter.
Duro.—In Gerrie, on Sunday 18th .'net.,
the wife of Mr. Wm, Doig of a eon.
BRoons.—In Eaet Wawanosh, co Novem-
ber 16th, the wife of Mr. Jno, Brooks
of a gen.
Wmeox.—In Wingbam, on the 18th inet,,
the wife of Air. Jelin Wilson, V. S.
Of a 800,
AR11sr0oNo.—At Molesworth, on the 17111
inst., the wife of Mr. Henry Arm-
strong of a daughter.
Tao,iAe.—In Listowel, on the 17th inet,,
the wife of Mr. Elijah Thome of a
EbNn e. -1n Brussels, an Nov, 24th,
Samuel Hindes, aged 67 years, 10
menthe and 4 days.
WALEva,—Ab Riverside, California,. on
NOV. 22nd, William, Walker, aged 84
lot for sale in Brussels. For further
particulars apply at THE Poem Publishing
ww Better preparation than Dead -
man's Cough Balm. Recentehanges have
greatly 'improved - this valuable remedy.
Prepared only and for sale by
G., A. MADMAN, Druggiet, &o,
Sale or to rent, being the property
North of ,the railway, belonging to James
8m art. For particulars as to price and
for me apply to WM. daNLEY,
16-1,0 Ament's Factory, Brume's.
Fashionable Dre es and Mantle Maker,
wishes to intimate' to the ladles of Brussels
and vicinity that she has resumed business
again after an absence of over two years in
Toronto. Your patronage solicited. Prices
Moderate. Residence, Turnberry street
South. 104
Tenders will be received until December
14th; 1804, for the delivery of 80 cords of goad
sound green hard wood Beech and Maple,
all body waod,84 inches long, to be deliver.
ed at the Brueeels Publie School House be-
fore the 1st day of February, 1895.
Seo. Public) Sobool Board.
Brussels, Nov. 20,'94.
The Council of the Corporation of the
County. of Huron will meet i0 the Court
House in the Town of Goderioh,. on Thurs
d ay, the 811, Hay of beeember,. at 9 o'clock
p, M. 19-5 W. L 0o. Clerk.
Dated Nov. e-oth,1884.
Ins of the undersigned, lot 19, con. 10,
Grey, on or about Oct, let, 2 steers, red in.
color, ' one lighter than the other, rising 2.
y euro old. The owner is requested to proye
property, pay expenses and take them
18-4 Proprietor.
1. Sale.—The undersigned offers for sale
his Abel Engine and Separator, both in
good working' order. He will also dispose of
his shingle mill. Reason for selling, ill
health. A bargain will be given, For
further particulars ae to prioe, terms, &o.,.
541 Lot 18, Oon.9,Grey, or O rahbrookP 0
Dansr0NED haa several good Farms lor
sale and to rent, easy tame, In Townsbipe
of Morris and Grey. F S. SOOTT,Brussels.
we 160 aoroe, situated an Ms eon.
Turnberry, Huron Oo., 85 miles from Wing -
ham. Stone bank barn comfortable frame
Nous e, atone cellar, suitable for dairying
pure uses. Largo young.orohard, wall drain-
ed a ad's -named. for partiaulare address
Wingbam P. 0,
FARM — nORvdSAg a offers 180
sore farm, being Lots nand W 118, (100, 5,
Grey, for Bale, On the premisesis a nom.
0ortabie brick house, new bank barn, good
orchard, wells,tenaos, &o. Ste eons cleared
balances bush. A bargain will be given. If
not sold the farm will bo rented for a term
of. ye For further particulars as to pries
tormo, &o„ apply to
110139. MIMED, Proprietor, Gerrie, P. 0„
or to JAMES A. PRAXN,Brassels,
nantOGNED OMITS hie 100 Gere farm
being Lot 17, 0011.9, Grey, for sale, 78 auras
cleared balance port hardwood and swamp.
Frame house bank' burn, youngorchard,
good walla and other nooses cries, wamp fe'
ditched: 11 miles from Oranbrookvillage,
and 4 miles trom8russels, Possession given
in a month after sale. Pall plowingdone,
and nearly 8 acres of Fan wheat in, Half
the money °Mild stand for 10 years at 8 per
cent. For turtherpartioulare apply on the
meadows or address, Oranbrbok P. 0.
15.01 .' Proprietor.
1 26, con. 11, Grey townebipD
50 acres,. known as tint LOng homestead, all
tattered, good cultivation, good frame
bouee, fraena bank barn and stable
as in good order, 21 miles from Oranbrook
and Ethel etation,nloao to church and aobool,
good orchard, 2 walls, some fall wheat and
fall plowing, A veryy desirable farm, Mao
E. d 22, same eencOBSion, GO aoroe, nearly all
altered, about 8 scree ash and cedar, good
orchard, and frame barn, 8 corns of fall
wheat and some fall plowing, Thosebllaue flde
must. be hold at endo in order to oloso up nn
estate find may be bought either nu
Separately, Apply to A. HUNTER,
18 -Id Bxu4 ele0, 0.
Xmas time is
Q111 bat isn't it
fine ;
Buy your goods
at Fox's,
Vim lie is right
in line
With a very
large assortment
Of Rooks, Dolls,
Toys, Notions, Cards, Albums, Games,
Booklets, Perfumes, Vino Stationery,
Bibles of all kinds, Blocks, Toilet Sets,
Photo. Frames, Shaving Sete, etc,, etc.,
in foot everything for the Imes Season
Fox's Drug Store.
I "Wo handle all the Daily and , Weekly
Papers aid Magazines and will he
pleased to rooms your order for the
coming year.
L . Solicitor and Conveyancer. Colfeo.
Mons made. 011oe--Vanstooe'e Biook, Bros.
eels. 51.9m
• Solicitor, Oonveyanoer,Nobury Pub-
lio, &a. Oinoo—Vaustone's Block 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to
GF. G. Solicitor; do. (late of GamowProudfoofe O18ae, Goderieb.) Mee over
Gillies & Smith'e Bank, Brussels,
Money to Loan. 47
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. 8., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeon, Ontario, and of Toronto' Uni-
versity. OraocR—Over A.R. Smith's Store,
Brussels, Will visit Wroxeter the let and
8rd ?deadeye and Blyth the 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays of each month.
110110r Graduate Toronto roiversLty,
Licentiate Royal Oollege Dental 9orgoons,
Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Moder-
ate Fees.. Satisfaction Assured. Ofgoo over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry 8t„ Brus-
el • Honor Graduate oI the Ontario
Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals In a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentist%p% Calle promptlyat.
tended to. Office and loArmary Pour doors
north of bridge 'Pexnberry at., Brussels.
B', Sf., V. M. S. Graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of all
domesticated antmale treated on sofentifie
prineiplea. Horse dentistry and diseases of
horned cattle a epeetulty. Galls promptly
attended to. Office, over Johnston & (loch -
ran e'a marble works., Infirmary at Beattio'e
livery barn, Brussels, Ont. 28 -
LI • 0.M., L. R. 0.9., .Edinburgh, M. O. P.
8.Ont. Residence' and aloe 1n Wilson's
Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnborry Ste.
• Phyatolan, Surgeon Aeeoueber, ate.
Graduate of Toronto 'University Medical
Faculty, Member of College of Pbyeielans
and Surgeons, Ont. O1p10 —Next door. to
McDonald & 0o,. Walton Ont.
• Auctioneer, ie always ready to at-
tend sales of forme, farm stook,. &a Terms
cheerfully given. Oranhrook P.O. Sales
may be arranged at Tam Eon Publishing
Bourse, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stock specialty. Orders loft at Tae POST
PubliehingHouse,Bruseals,or matte Walton
P. 0„ will receive prompt attention,
90 as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to aoudad salesof farm stook at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly'
every perebn 1 am In a: position tO eell to
good marks and get good 9eeurity when e01d
onoredit. Satisfaotioo guaranteed. Give
tris a call. 82- F 8, SCOTT.
• InsurerofMarriage Licenses, O111oe
at his -Grocery, Turnberry street, Brueeels•
• TonsorIal Artist. - Shop -Nett doer
south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware atone.
Ladios'and elrildrone hair cutting a Specialty
trauma ca 11Stablielied 1840, In-
surances affected on all Town and Farm
Property at very low rates,
J. A. 003010HTON,
15,8m A Brueeele.
Clerk of the Fourth Dieselon Court
Oce Huron. 0onveyaneer,. Notary PantieLand Loan and Ineurnnoo Agent, Funds
invested and to loan, Oollections made
Office in 8malo'sBlook,Brisseele.
Mess O'CONNOR, R. T.,
'.Toaoher of instrumental music on
Piano, or Organ, 'will visit Wingbam Taos-
day and Wednesday of oath week, Reel.
dance An Prinoose Street, Brueeele,
111 A. HAWKINS, M. 0. S. M.
L • organiht In Bt. ,Toho'
n dhtshio Beal
solo, and Duo, fr, Mos, the Art of York,
of VO
lesonayo, upil oo, Now York, wit) give'
so s to pupalro.11, on plane or
at hie parlor Over A, R, Bmith'n store, Brea.
sale, Vooai lesson• elite *aeon. Terme mode