The Brussels Post, 1894-11-30, Page 5Noy, 30, 1894 DISTRICT NEWS. iVlolehiwor•ltla; Met Annie MoKee was visiting friends in Bluevale last weak, Mies Hammond, of Atwood; spent a short time With friends in the village, Mies Maggie Livingstone was in town fcr a Few data among did acquaintances, 1131uev}r la. George MoDouald spent Sunday in Molesworth. George Heaney paid our town a dying visit on Monday. Miss Etta Saults, of Goderigh, is visit- ing her grandma, Mra. Stowe spent three days of last week in Goderioh. Mise Maggie Iebister was visiting Miss May Scott last week. Mies Gertie Roes, of Winghem, is visit- ing Mies Maggie Robertson. Mrs, Jos, Pugh spent three days visit. ing friends in Ripley last week. Mies Ballantyne was visiting her slater in Crediton on Thanksgiving day. The tax oojleotors of Morrie and Turn- berry visited our village this weak. Fred. and Miss Maggie Hartley were home on Thanksgiving day and did not return to Clinton till Monday. ,Vir oaceter Mre. Thos. Sage is visiting relatives in Miohigan. Miee Annie Sanderson is ont of town visiting her brother. Mire Eida Hazlewood is home from Harrieton Collegiate. Gibson Bros. bad a well dog on their property on Ann etreet Eaat this week." George Berrie jr. started work in W. J. Hoofer's shop ne blaokemith apprentice. The Presbyterians are building a com- modious woodshed to the roar of their church. The revival servicer a e oontinued thia week at Salem Methodist church with un- abated interest. Thanksgiving services were aonduoted in the Presbyterian church Thursday forenoon of leet week. Alfred Hobbs left for hit home in To. ronto on Friday aftera four month's visit with his slater, Mre. Ab. Paulin. Charley Kitchen, of Tarnberry, left Friday for California. He spent five years in the South returning home scarcely a year ago. He is greatly in love with the Golden state. Robb. Gibson, late of Robt. Biaok'e mill, has taken a situation as miller in Ayr. He left here Wednesday for his new borne. Robert leaves many friends in Wroxeter. We all wish him euooees. We regret to be called • to report the death of the infant daughter of R. H. Fortnne, V. S., whioh matured Monday. The funeral took plane Tuesday afternoon. We extend sincere sympathy to Dr. and Mrs. Fortune thus bereft of their only child. Grusabroolt. Butobering is the order of the day. Wm. Stelae and family have moved to Inborn. Three. weeks from Tuesday will be Christmas. J. Kreuter will be at this place on Deo. 4tb hustling in the taxer. Miss Jennie McNair is visiting friends in the vioinity of Walton. , The trustees intend to prepare for the erection of the new school at once. Mrs, Forrest, of Hioksoo, is renewing old acquaintances in the village this week. We wonder where Jaok is when he's not around the corner ? Must be out huntiog. R. F. Cameron returned to the Queen city on Monday, after spending a few days under the parental roof. JamesKnighthas gold his farm on the 9th non. and is at present canvassing for Brown Bros., nurserymen, of Toronto. Charles Raddatz and Edward Groth, of Detroit, were here last week attending the funeral of their grandfather, Mr. Sohreider. Fred. Zimmer, formerly of thin plane, now at Berlin Model eohool, bas secured a situation as teacher near Heidieberg, Waterloo Co. In last week's' issue of Tun Pon refer- ence was made to the death of Martin Raddatz. It should have read Martin Sohreider, the foot of the funeral taking place from Mr. Raddatz's, who is his eon -in-law, caused the error. A. meeting was held in the Methodist ahuroh on Tuesday evening for the pur- pose of organizing an Epworth League of Christian Endeavor. We hope to see the young people of this section take an active part in the meetings. Rev. D. B. MoRae occupied the pulpit in Belgrave Presbyterian oburoh last Sabbath. His place was ably filled by Rev. R. F. Cameron, who gave a very in• teresting disoonrae, taking for his subject "I am the door ; by Me if arty man enter in he shall be raved and shall go in and out and find pasture." Litatowel. Dr. H. R. Hay has purchased a practice and opened his office in the busy town of Elmira Ont. Dr. Philp has returned borne. from New York where he spent a term of six weeks at the poet-graduate`medioal col- lege, also ab the leading New York hos- pitals, A local gun dealer was "bowing a customer the beauties of a hammerless gull rho other day. He put a loaded cartridge in the arm, manipulated the safety pin, and explained how the gun could not then go off. But it did go off, right then and there, and very decidedly off, and oub of the window, glass and all, fortunately doing no human damage. The annual meeting of the Hockey Club was held at the Arlington Hotel when the following officers were elected Hon. Pres., H. B. Morpby ; President, A. G. Bastedo ; Vioe•Pres., J. W. Tre. leaven ; Seo,•Treaa., W. H. Climie Capt., H. N. Orr; Committee, A. S. Engelwood and Roy Hacking, 0nAornnnn's BnLArIvss.-Stratford Herald.—Malooim Macfarlane, bridge inspector of the G. T. R., recently rs. turned from a trip east, and while at St, Hyaointhe he met Eueebe Chattelle, half-brother of Almeida, or rather Alms. dee Cbettelle, now in jail here ,charged with murdering Jeaeje Keith. Eusebe koope a grooery store in St. Hyacinthe. 12110 half.brother Almedee, went from home when Eueebe was only two yoare old and did not return .till last Spring, an that their acquaintance With not very., great, Their father had been thrice married, the prieoper himself being a son of the second wife, and Epnebe a eon of the third., Almedeo hoe two full eintore, one df whom ie in a convent, There were oleo bw:o daughters by the Met marriage and one by the last, and all except the one in a oonvenb are mar. ried. Nothing hid been done yet to• warde arranglog for a defence otl Amedee, and the relatives seem to think it would be little use. Eueebe thinks Almodee perfectly sane end will likely dome up to,eee him. The news of the murder was a terrible shook ifo Chattelle'e people, who all appear to be reepeotable and bard.working folk. They felt. the blow worse after he had Dome home some month ago and became acquainted wlthahim, .E Lite 1. Quite a number here talk of bearing. Ramsay in bia "Trip around the world" at Brussels next Tuesday evening. Donald Lamont on his return from the land of the bonnie heather, brought home a beautiful set of silver mounted bagpipes for bis brother John, made to order by J. & R. Glen, Edinburgh. The annual meeting of the Bible So- ciety will be held here on Thursday. evening of next week. Rev. G. H. Cob. blediok, B. D„ of Brussels, agent of the .eooiet'y, and others will address the meeting. Principal Dobson has been off duty this week owing to a throat trouble interfering with his ability to talk. Mr. Sellars has been relieving him at the school. We bops Mr, Dobson will soon be all right. Walton. Mr. Ash and lady, of Brantford; are the guests of Mrs. Sage, of the Walton hotel. Mrs. Josiah Hewitt is on the sink list. We hope to hear of her speedy reoovery. Jos. Berry who recently returned from Manitoba, has been seriously indisposed. Our popular dootor appears to be quite busy. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Denni- son will be sorry to learn of her serious illness. A meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the residence of John Bellows Tuesday evening.' Thos. Johnston, of 17th Grey, has aur. chased the 1 Roe farm upon which he tn. tends to live. People of Walton and vicinity are anti- oipating a good bums at their Sabbath School Convention on Deo. 12th, having seoared such an able staff of speakers. Mies Nellie Richardson, of Brussels, has opened a dressmaking establishment on Front street. The ladies of Walton and vicinity will do well to give her a call. S. S Oonvzurxou.-Wednesday, Deo. 12th, is the date set for holding the annual union Sabbath School Conven- tion in Walton. There will be an after- noon and evening session On the pro- gram will be addresses from the Presi- dent, Rev. T. W. Cosens, W. H. Kerr, Miss Dick, P. Watson, .Rev. D. Forrest, G. F. Blair, Rev. A. K. Griffin and Rev. J. Ross. A union choir will supply suitable music. Thiswill be the fifth meeting of this Association. The sessions will be held in the Presbyterian church. Hann unix —One of those events that always pause a ripple of pleasure and excitement ocourred in our vicinity last Tuesday ib being the marriage of Miss Maggie Flannery, one of Mo$illop's most popular young ladies, to Mr. Mahar, of Dublin. After partaking of a sump. thous wedding breakfast at the home of the bride, the happy couple aocompanied by a number of friends drove to Seaforth, where the marriage ceremony was performed in the R. 0. Churob. A Bost of friends accompanied the happy twain to the station where they left for Toronto amid 'showers of rice. Still there is more to follow. Jiiorriaz. Geo. Henderson bad a fine young mart die of indigestion one day last week. Wm. Michis jr. Sundayed with friends in Turnberry township. Alex. MaLancblin has bis barn pulled down ready for rebuilding in the Spring. Reeve Mooney and Deputy -Reeve Kirkby will be on duty at the County Council next week. Bennet Farrow had the misfortune to'seriouely out his foot while chopping in the bush a few days ago. The pupils of S. S. No. 6 had a holi- day all this week through the ill - nem of their teacher, Jas. Rose. He was laid up with a severe cold. Donald McKenzie, 4th line, let his horse run away while driving home from Brussels the other evening. A broken pair of shafts was about the only damage done. Joseph Clegg purchased eleven fine hogs from John Mooney. They averaged $11.00 in price with an average weight of 271 pounds. Mr. Mooney bad them in prime condition. The other evening Thos. Maunders and good lady celebrated another matrimonial mile stone passed by a gathering of old friends at their comfortable home. May they long be spared. W. J. Sough "bot a wild ant on Wed- nesday of last week in Fraliok's swamp. This is the seoond oat that has bitten the Oust through W. J's prowess this year. They are becoming quite numerous. The united congregations of Belgrnve and Calvin church, haat Wawanosb, de- olared by a unanimcua vote on Sunday last their readiness tomoderate in a call to a minister, and a meeting of the raid congregations is aunounoed to be held in Knox church, Belgrave, on Monday next, Den. 8rd, at 2 O'olook p. in., for the pur- pose of naming the mai of their choice and the transaction of saoh bueinese as may arise in oonnootion therowibh. It Is desirable on euoh an 000aeion as the above that a large representation of the united bodiee in a united spirit be pres- ent. Ssn Tiouokre,—Saaroely do we glance over the pages of the Weekly papers without seeing some item which shooks our very that and fills oar hearts with sorrow. The article in last week'a issue of Tun Poar, and other prominent newspapers, referring to the sad, death of Miss Match and the oowa`rdly and deoeit- fuloondaot of the young man, Fenton gave rise to those unpleasant thoughts, so' oommenly experis Toed by all true thinking and true noting people. But although this ease is to ae a particularly rad one we cannot allow it to pane with, tilt offering a few words of comment. TuE BRUSSEI Both paxtiee ars to ua entire etrangerar bat the young man referred 10, .11 news. paper reports are to be relied upon, is nevertheless in our eyes anything bat a true gentleman and how the unfortunate young lady failed to nee him in his true eolere before it wan too late is to us a mystery, To aooept an offer of mar• nage on any snob conditions as report. ed allows a great weakness on the part of any young lady. It le true that a great amount of blame is attaobed to young men found guilty of suob conduob an that referred to in this particular cave, and it is quite right that such should be done. Indeed we feel that we oannot find lap - ginkgo to condemn :moll conduct OS ib deserves, but on bbe other band there ie always a tendency to exonerate the young ladies. We do nob purpose defending had oonduot, bub we intend to Jay the blame, or a share of it at least, on the weaker sox. We say let young men be what they may, let them aot aa they may, there is no reason why ayoung lady should not not in a ladylike manner. Judging from oiroumstanaea seen and rend of we are almost persuaded to be lieve that young ladies completely lose their reasoning powers when they become associated with the oppositeeex. Indeed. we are sorry to say of our lady friends that too many enjoy a trolio with men of such character as the young man above referred to, in fact judging from actions which speak louder than words, the more vulgarity a young man displays the more he is petted and fondled by . some young ladies. Suoh being the case is it any wonder that weebould ao frequently be galled upon to reoord snoh unfortunate and disgracefuloconrrenoes as that stated in the columns of so many papers a week ago. G orrie. W. H. and Jas. Tate spent Sunday at /Melbourne. W. J. McLaughlin ate bis Thankegiv- ing turkey with friends ab Harrisburg. Mrs. H. Days spent a few days last week with her sister-in-law, Mre. Jas. Armstrong, retarning home on Friday. Mre. 8. Greer and Wm. Dane were at Brantford last week attending the famoral of their sister, Mrs. Strong. Ws J. Greer also attended the funeral. ' A shooting mabeb and raffia was held by A. Orr, of the Albion, at whioh large numbers of turkeys were disposed of. While attending the funeral of her eider, Mra. Strong, Brantford, Mre. Jas. Perkins was taken i11 with inflammation of the lungs. Mr. Perkins was called to her bedside, returning on Tuesday. He reports Mrs. P. recovering. Thanksgiving. Day was observed by the bueinese planes being closed. Service was held in the Methodist and Episcopal churches. The service in the Presbyter- ian church was not held, owing to the illness of the pastor. He was able, how- ever, to take his work on Sabbath, though not very well. Gondaotor Snider delivered his leotnre "Life on the rail and the people we meet" in the Town Ball, on Friday evening, under the auspices of the 0. 0. F. There was a fairly good audience, wba appeared to be wall pleased with the lecture, whioh lasted fully one and a half hours. Re. oeipte kbout $46.00. Two organizers of the I. 0. F. have spent the last week or so endeavoring to work up a Court of tbat.Order. A meet- ing was held in the 0. 0. F. Court room on Saturday evening, and we understand another is to be held on Saturday of this week. Gorda, ie well stocked already with organizations of this kind. The 0. E. of the Presbyterian church met at S. T. Fennell'e on Tuesday even- ing and presented Miss E. J. MoLaugh lin, their organist, with a beautiful plat- form rocker and silver napkin ring. Mr. Toner read the address and Mr. Gambel made the presentation, after whioh tea was served and games, mask, &c., were indulged in till a late, or rather early boor, when all wended their way home well eatisfled with the eveniog'e perform- ance. Grre.w The inside of Hugh Cunningham's new house is completed. It is a fine build. ing. A new housekeeper is expected on the 4th Zine. It is said that she will oome from near Luoknow. Dame Rumor reports a wedding before the Winter is over. Parties in Oran. brook are also interested. Joel Panabaker has Bold hie farm, be. ing West half of lot 22, son. 11, to James Menzies, of Algoma, formerly of Ethel. Friday evening of this week, a box social will be held at the residence of Z. McKee. A good program will be provided. At the social held at the residence of Richard' Roe, Srd oat, over $7.00 was realized to be applied onobxroh improve- ments. The evening was very dark. We are pleased to welcome again to our midst Miss Celia Calder, who has been for the past three years teaching in Manitoba. Miss Calder looks well and likes the West splendidly. On or about. December 21st a Christ- mas entertainment will be held in the Bethel church, 16th con., for the Sabbath school. A Xmas tree with a real live Santa Claus will add to the interest as far as the little folks are ooucerned. Bethel 'chinch hes organized an Ep. worth League and will no donbt do good work with it. The officers are Smith, Pres. ; Mies Eliza Livingston and 0. King, Vioe.-Pres. Mise Tillie Speiran Seoretary ; Geo. Speiran, Treasurer. An excellent discourse was preached in Roe's oburoh last Sabbath morning by Rev. Mr. Waddell from the text "Whoso. breaketb an hedge a serpent shell bite him," Do, 10 and 8. The reverend gentleman is a splendid preach- er, Y. P. 0. S.—The annualhusidess meet. of the Young People's Christian Sooiety of Shine's eohool house, was held Nov. 28rd. The following officers were °loot. ed :—President, Mies Mary Calder • Vioe-Fres., J. Berrie ; secretary, W. J, Ritohie ; treasurer, Miss Bella Ballan- tyne ; Lookout ilommittee, Mies Bella Bob,hMina Atiuie MoLaohlan, D. Ritohie and J. Calder. Sonial Committee, W. G. Ritchie ; 3. Davidson ; Misses Bella Botz end Bella Ballantyne, 'Arawwxo.—Tbe London Free Press of Tuesday publiehee the following letter: — DEAn Srn,—In reply to Mr. Comstock, I will aooept his challenge to wrestle a mixed matoh, Gkmos-Roman and oatoh. as.oatoh•oan, for 6250 a aide, and have noted a forfeit of 660 in the bands of Mr. po d Beans, of the Royal Hotel. Aa soon as Mr. Cometoak forwards the flame amount, "then we can sign artiolee and hit;date of matoh. As he fa willing to wrestle in • • 00 POST 'N CO THE PRICE. OF .ATFL UNDERWEARAND TOP SHIRTS IN OUR STORE. T E • amar GOULD CO. Can't ' afford to wait until next January to have a Clearing - -� Sale, Wewant the Cash AT 0110E, and in order to get it we must reach your pockets by giving you our profits. at111'day5 Deco lst, P WE WILL GIVE ONE-SIXTH OFF All Our Wool 'Underwear and Top Shirts, Worth $1 25 Sale Price $1 04 li4 90 75 75 63 65 is 54 60 50 50 cc 42 45 'i 38 it 1 00 CC cc IC 51 CI" CC ii This Reduction Applies to the Ladies' Underwear as well, This Opportunity is worth Embracing, consid- ering our first Price was so very close, and then One -Sixth Off. LACE OURTAINS. Note the Reductions -- One -Fifth Off, Worth co. CC CC CC Ci CS CC $3'50, Sale 3 00 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 Price $2 80 " 2 40 it 200 51 41 it Li is 1 60 1 40 1 2u 1 00 80 Make a sensible and useful Christmas Gift. We have about 200 PAIRS Which we are offering at above prices. CARPETS—Union, yard wide, pretty patterns, our price 20c. per yd. THE J. All White Blankets 40c. per lb All Grey Blankets 371c. per lb GARFIELD HOUSE, BRUSSELS. London, Ingersoll or Port Huron, it is altogether likely the match will take plane in Ingersoll, or Port Huron. I will do my training with Mr. Richardson, of Ingersoll, the well.known meatier, now proprietor of the Thompson Hoose in that town. Yours, G. Fannin. London, Nov. 26, 1894. The medical men of Kant are about to organize a county medioal association. London, the Little, has a population of 88,427, an inorease of 856 over last year. It has an assessment of $15, 654,60D. It cost the county of Brant $87 to feed the jury in the Hartley trial. They bad three square meals per day at 40o per meal. It was a lovely time for the jury. Electric Light Plaint FOR SALE. The undersigned has decided to offer for sale the Brussels Electric Light Plant. A first- class investment can be shown. Easy terms ; good reason for selling ; full particulars cheer- fully furnished on application. W. M. SINCLAIR, Proprietor. Fa; hiei.ab1© Tailoring' J. M'BM Is the man you should get to make your SUIT, OVERCOAT or TROUSERS. Now -a -days a garment should combine Correctness of Style, Perfect Fit, Good Workmanship, Arid Moderate Cost, You will find these Qualities in Patronizing J. McBAIN, Next door to THE Poer, BRUSSELS. L>� LIGHTER ALE OF NSW FURNITURE AT Bankrupt Prices. HAVING BOUGHT Over $1,000 worth of New Furniture At the Union Factory, Wingham, At 60 cents on the $, I am offering it •_A.t Less than Wholesale Prices. REGULAR PRICE OUR PRICE Fine Bedroom Suites $11 00 $7 50 Fine bedroom suits, with British bevel plate glass15 00 11 50 A Fine All Maple Suite 12 00 8 00 A Fine Sideboard 9 00 7 00 Fine Sideboards 8 00 6 50 Fine Sideboards 16 00 12 50 Bedsteads 3 50 2 50 Lounges 7 00 4 50 Extension Tables 7 00 5 00 These are the biggest bargains ever offered in Furni- ture in Brussels, and the prices can not be had when this stock is sold out. If you want anything in furniture call and see these goods and get prices before you buy, a, LA?NflDAILBRLtiSL�LS.