The Brussels Post, 1894-11-30, Page 3Zlov, 80, ' 1894
Town w Dr fox .
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MErvr4i.N OuPson,-Sabbath $ervioee
at 11 a m end 6:8Q p. m, Sunday Sohool
at 2:60 to w, Rev, JOhn hoes, 13 . A,
KNoxQuPd n— ubbnth Ser ioe eab
madp m n 6.80 SundaySohool at
2;30 p m. Rey. D. Millar,iUa OtOV, Vigea
BBT, Jolter!Onuacn,e-111a
et 11 a m and 7 p M. Sunday School
at 2:$0 p. m. Rev, W. G. Reilly, inoum•
METgopxsT CEPnon.-Sabbath SerVi00e
at 10:30 a m and 6:80 p m, Sunday
School at 2;30 p no. Rev. G, H, Cobble.
diok, M A, B D, pastor.
Roan CATQOpro On0aon..-.Sabbath
Saralee, third Sunday in every month, ab
10:30 a m. Rev Joseph Kennedy,
egronaipN Antic', -Servide at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and
every evening in the weak at 8 O'oloak, at
the barracks.
On FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
MASONIC LODGE Tuesday et or before.
full moon, in Garfield blobk.
A 0 U W Lomat on the 8rd
Friday evening of each month, in Bleg-
hill's block..
O 0 F LODGE 2nd and lust Monday
evenings of eaoh month-, in Blashill'a
I 0 F, 2hd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall.
L 0 L let Monday in every month
in Orange Hall.
Sons of lacca en, let and Ord Tiles.
days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows'
K.O. T. M. LODGE, let and 3rd Thurs.
daya of each month, in Vanotone blook.
Home Comm, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
Inge in Blashill's Hall.
Poev OFrxoe.—Omoe hours from 8 a.
m. to 7 p. m.
MEO1ANIae' INBTITPTE.—Library in
Holmes' block, will be open from 6 to 8
o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mies Dolly Shaw,
TOWN COPNoxr,-W. H. Kerr, Reeve ;
W. H. MoCraoken, Robert Graham, R.
Williams and S. Wilton, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ;. Thomas Kelly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Roes, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
Souoon BOARD. --Bev. Rose, (chairman,)
Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, A. Reid, A.
Hunter and J. N. Kendall ; Sec. -Treat.,
R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening
in eaoh month.
POBLI0 Soaoon Tneonnns.—J. H. Cam•
eron, Principal, Mies Braden, Mies
Downey andMiss Cooper.
BOARD OF HEALTH.—Reeve Herr,' Olerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. MaNaagbton, 'Medical
Health Officer.
A. gun club has been organized in town.
Mica Lottie Brown has gone to attend
the Conservatory of music at Toronto.
The Methodist Sunday school soholars
are preparing for a social and enter•
tainment to be given on Christmas
Thos. Sanderson, who hes been out in
Manitoba for the past two years, bas re-
turned home as hoe also Richard Mo-
Another large consignment of new
books have been added to the library of
the Mechanics' Institute.
Mr. McKenzie, of Teeswater, who is
working in H. Perkins' harness shop,
had the misfortune to bave an awl rim
through his left band.
The dedicatory service in the new
Orange hall will be held on Friday, Dec.
14th. In the evening a grand concert
will be held in the town hall.
Mrs. S. Greer and Mrs.. Sae. Perkins
were palled to B antford last week by a".
telegram 0nnoanoing the serious illness
of their sister, Mrs. Welsh, who died on
Wednesday morning.
The many friends of. Thee, Oerrigen,
of 13oiyrorei, 100 lest hie foot and a per.
top of hie leggin a binder accident about
three months ago were glad to see him
walking aboutthe, Streets of Lnoknow
without the aid 0f erutohes.. He had
just reoeivod an artificial feoll,
Thee. Lapelie now lone hie new been
nearly completed and ready for oxen.
Dr, Scott, of this town, has both ap-
pointed a Coroner for the County of
The , resignation of J. R, Lyons. as
councillor for the eoubh ward, bag been
Rev, Dr, A1vDonald preached a epoolal
sermon to the Society of St. Andrew, of
Mitchell, on Sunday.
Mies Sarabel McLean left ou Thursday
of last week for Stratford, where she will
take up kindergarten work.
fdre. (Rev.Dr,) Macdonald received the'
end intelligence of the death of her sister,
Mrs. Dalrymple, in Australia.
The afternoon train going east now
Invert at 2:38 instead of 8:05 and the
evening train going west leaves et 6:20 in
place of 6:30 as formerly,
J, Orr Rose, L. G. Van Hginond and
W. Ameut, of Shia town, witnessed the
exemplification of the 14th degree at the
Masonio temple, London, on Monday of
last week. Tbey also attended the grand
banquet in the evening which proved an
immense success,
The Seaforth creamery property, a
part of the Hannah estate, was sold at
publio auotion and was purchased by
Thomas Dioksan, of North Main street,
for $525. He has got a bargain, as there
is over an acre of land, and the buildings
and machinery were insured for 3900.
' A. Spicer has rented the old drill shed
on the Agricultural grounds and purposes
starting a skating rink therein..
A good driver belonging to Joe. Davie,
of O'Neil's Bank, was found lying stiff
in death in the stable. She was apparent-
ly all right the evening'previoue. Caste
Will Somerville, who, a few years ago,
worked in the Exeter grist mill, is now
confined to bis bed in Winnipeg, Mao.,
through typhoid fever and -is in a danger.
ous condition,
Thos. Handford, of Centralia, has per.
chased the premises owned and recently
vacated by Wm. Case, of the London
road, a little south, of the village, paying
therefor 61000.
Jas. Howard wee walking down street
from the Exeter foundry to the telephone
office, he had the misfortune to lose a roll
of bills containing $180, and has had no
trace of it since.
W. Tolland has accepted a lucrative
situation with a new firm just starting
np in Brantford, known as the Brant-
ford Roller Bearing Wheal Oo., Limited.
Mr. Folland will an in the capacity of
general travelling agent for the company
and Will start on his dhtiee shortly.
Wells and Edward Sholdioe, the
brothers charged with the robbery of
Muir's woollen mill in Exeter,. in May
last, were brought np at London on
Saturday to plead. Both pleaded not
guilty, and they eleoted trial by jury.
Tbey will consequently Dome up at the
Deoember sessions. Bail was ,,allowed
for she elder brother, Wells, himself in
3800 and two sureties of 3400 each.
Edward's ball was fixed at 3200 person.
ally, and one surety of $100. The
younger brother found bail, but Wells
will remain in jell.
Thos. Carling has bought over thirty
tons of dried apples during the past three
W. Cudmore, of Kippen, who has been
in the old country for a couple of months,
returned home.
On Monday afternoon of last week Jas.
Castles and wife left for their future
home at Ontario, pal.
B. W. Yeo, of town, who bought and
packed apples says that he packed Bald.
wine, in the orchard of Thos. McKee, 4th
con. of Goderich township, whioh weigh-
ed It lb. each.
W, E. Ramsay, ' is to present his
new produotion, "A trip around the
word" in the Town Hall,•Friday evening,
Deo, 7th, under' the anspioes of the Me.
ehunies' Institute.
Albert Jackson, who recently went into
partnership here with Jos. MoOlaoherty,
has withdrawn from the same, and ao-
cepred the position of ticket clerk with
the G. T. R. at Suspension Bridge.
The other day while that veteran hunts.
man, W. Foster, was out in the woods,
he captured a steeple of renew!, one of
whioh weighed aloe on to 80 lbs. A 20
Ib. noon is considered unusually heavy.
L.ucl,tno w.
'The contest for the wardship of Bruce
for 1805 will likely be between Reeve
Elliott, of Oheeley, and McIntosh, Reeve
of Arran.
ROv. G. L. McKay, D. D., Moderator
of General Assembly and the great mis•
siouary of Formosa, China, is expected
in LuoknoW:on Deo. 4th...
A obange has been made in the oarry-
ing of the Dunlop mail. Jonk Adams,
the old time driver of opposition coach
from Luoknow bo Goderich, now nae the
Wm. Mellis, for many years express
agent here, is lying dangerously ill in the
aity of Mexico. He had a severe attack
of typhoid fever and wax improving but
tae taken a relapse.
Dr, J. S. Tennant, of this village, re•
ceived notice from the High Secretary
that he had been elected by the Executive
committee, High Court Pbysioian of the
Independent Order of Foreetere in the
Province of Ontario.
D. Ritchie, 3. Fisher and W. MoDon.
ald recently set the machine and thresh•
ed for M. McQueen, 1020 bushels of grain
in five hours. The machine was then
mored three miles to another farm, rm•eet.
and threajxed 480 bushels of wheat, peas,
and oats inside of tour hours, or the.
whole work of the two thrashings Wag.
do110 in lege than nine hoers.
G ode rich.
A large number: of dressed hogs are be.
ing brought here by the farmers for ship-
ment to different pointe.
Friday evening the Sons of Scotland -
will celebrate St. Andrew's day ;with a
social gathering in Oddfellows' hall.
Chas, Bates took his son, Oharlie, to
Toronto to receive treatment,for an in-
s ;ury whin he sustained some years ago.
The steamer Monarch made her 20th
and last trip for 1894, the most success-
ful season in her history. Her last down
cargo amounted' to over 1,500 tons inolad-
ing 47,000 bushels ofwheat and 2,300
oases of canned salmon.
A Convention of Liberal Conservatives
of the west riding of Huron will be held
in McLean's opera house, Goderiob, on
Friday, Nov. 30, commencing at 1 o'olook
sharp, to nominate a oandidate for the
riding in the Dominion House.
Sunday evening about 6 o'clock the
girls Sproule and Durnin, who were com-
mitted by the P. M. for a term fur street.
walking, escaped from the jail. In some
way they obtained possession of the keys
and used them to advantage. However
at about 9 o'clock, Chief McLeod got
word of their whereabouts and soon had
them in custody.
On Sunday Rev. J. 'Edge aeked the
congregation of North street Methodist
church for a contribution of $140. The
response was liberal, and a few dollars
over the amount caked for was raised.
Rev. J. Livingstone, of Kincardine, oc.
=pied the pulpit at both serviette and
preached excellent discourses.
A gale blew down the large sign over-
hauging Pridham'e tailor store, and in
ire fail struck Miss Mary Webb, a young
woman of Saltford, who was passing with
her sister and another girl, She Wag
badly hurt about the head, besides a blow
on the arm, and at fret was thought tote
dead. Sloe was carried into Wilson's
drug store and then conveyed to her
Canadian Newra.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster'has gone to New
Brunswick for a week.
A Presbyterian ahurob, the firstin the
history of the village, is to be greeted et
O.H. Wood, of Maxville, Ont., wont to
Morrieburg, last Friday and drew $6,000
to pay patrons of his cheese factories.
On the way home two men robbed him
of the whole amount.
James Kerwin, water wheel tender in
the colored cotton mills at Cornwall, wan
naught by a belt last Friday and his
brains were dashed ant. lie loaves a
wife and family.
Three men were naught by the pollee•
of Windsor in a bush oast of the city on
Friday of last week, white engaged in
making arrangements to tap the G. NW.
Telegraph Cote wires).
The numerous cures of theumatism
by the use of the old standard blood.
purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, show oon•
olusively that ib is an effeabive remedy,
if not indeed the specie.) for this most
;painful ar:d persistant, of maladies.
What hag cured others will also ours
The Ifing's Daughters of Ingersoll are
Ably assisting the free night, eohool in'
tbab town.
Stratbroy poseeosoe a Dickens Club
the members et whioh have determined
*0 present an entertainmentn in the im..
mediate future,
There nae bo66,5013 Q s aare feet of
Dement walk laid in Berlin during the
past summer, at net of $1,500, for
wbioll debentures will be issued.
Town Clerk Mood received a few dayo
ago a letter enclosing $1, ooneoience
Money, whioh the writer sbated "right.
fully belonged to the Town of Galt,"
The St, George election in Newfound,
land has resulted in favor of the Govern.
ment. The parties in the Assembly will
stand 14 Government, 22 Whitewaylbes,
Between Teeswater and Glenannan Fri.
day a young mac tired a obarge of shot into
a 0.0t. passenger train. The obarge poen.
ed through the oar window and between
two ladin, but no one was hurt.
u its,—All 00888 of organic oreympathetio
heart disease relieved in 80 minutes and
quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew', Cure for
the Heart, One dose convinces, Sold
by G. A. Deadman.
A Bradford, Ont. despatoh tells how a
sport from Toronto on Thanksgiving day
mistook a black fur ,cap for a blank
squirrel and fired a load of shot into the
nook of a man named Bennett, who was
working in the woods.
Willie Cummins, of Flamboro Centre.
carries off honors from all comers in the
art of catching coons; He naught one
last week that easily vanquished the
dogs and wash good fighting trim when
nine rifle balls had pierced him, but the
tenth was fatal,
The °oft, rioh, glossy sheen so munh
admired in hair, oan be secured by the
nee of Ayer's Hair 'Vigor. All the as.
distance that nature requires t,o make
the hair strong, beautiful" and abundant
is supplied by this excellent preparation.
Michael Kavanagh, the Windsor
laborer, who comes into a fortune by the
death of a relative in Guelph, returned
from there the other morning and lost no
time in paying Chief Wills $10 be had
borrowed from the latter to go to Guelph.
Burglars forced an entrance into,
Law's drug store, Guelph, Friday morn-
ing and secured Dash and cigars amount.
ing in all to about $5. Of the money, $3'
was taken from the till in the bookstore.
ran by Mrs. Petrie. No clue has yet
been obtained as to the perpetrators.
Lord Aberdeen is expected to attend the
annual meeting of the Western Dairy
men's Association in. Stratford in Jan-
uary next. If the vice regal visitor
honors the great gathering with his
presence, the eity will entertain him to a
RHEDAr yeas CORED ne A Dir.—South
American Rheumatic Cite for Rheuma-
tism and Neuralgia radically mires in 1
to 3 days, Its action upon the eyetem
is remarkable and mysterione. It re-
moves at onoe the pause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first dose
greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
The last issue of Fair Play, the noted
English shipping authority, states that
the steamer Prince Rupert, recently
built at Dumbarton by Deny & Com-
pany, for the Canadian Pacific Railway,
to ply between Vancouver and Victoria,.
has been sold to the Chinese Government
to act as a transport ship.
A Boon To Honnaosee.—One bottle of
English Spavin Liniment completely re.
moved a curb' from my horse. I take
pleasure in recommending the remedy, as
it acts with mysterious promptness in
the removal from horses of hard, soft or
calloused lamps, blood spavin, splints,
curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEO.
ROBB, farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by
G. A. Deadman.
According to the Journal of Com-
merce a number of western Ontario
merobante have been nipped by sending
money to the pool brokerage firm of
Geo. M. Irwin & Co., of Pittsburg, for
investment. Irwin & Co. have jnst fail
ed' owing their depositors some 3800,000.
The Hamilton Spectator says several
Wentworth county men are among the
Miss Mary P. Arnold, book-keeper in
Chas. Raymond's office in Toronto, is the
plaintiff in an anion against the Toronto
Street Railway Co., for $1,000 damages
for injuries sastainen in getting off a oar
on the 80th of May last. Mies Arnold
claims that the motorman started the
oar before she bad lett the platform and
as a result she fell, and so seriously in-
jured her ankle that she has bad it under
message' treatment ever since.
High and low oburch.—Snrplioe or
blank gown. Church or nb church ; all
are working for the relief of suffering
humanity, they take different means
and methods, but arrive at the same
conolneion, to make men better and hap.
pier. So do Sterk'8 Powders,' they are a
new force in the battle against pain,
they work silently and immediately, and
mow down, as it were,. the ill weeds of
sick and nervous headache, bilioa.4ness
and neuralgia, and the pure grain of
health springs up. 25 Dents a box.
' Saturday morning at 3:10, a few
minutes after train, No. 6, east bound
had passed through Tilbury, a M, 0..
R. R. brakeman found the body of a
well dres•bd young man, aged about 25,
lying alongside the track. From papers
and cards found on his person, he le sup-
posed to he Thos. Hagedorn, of Orleans,
Mich. No money was found in hie
pookete, but in hie vest was a good gold
waren. It is supposed that he was steal.
ing a ride, and when the train was run-
ning over the water trough he became
frightened and jumped to bis death.
The Norwich Gazette says :—T.
Brown, solicitor for the corporation and
for the Traders' Bank, is said to have
purohased a horse at an auction sale in
tine neighborhood on Friday, and is re-
ceiving the congratulations of hie friends
onthis very practical evidence of ao•
cumulated wealth, The fact that the
pnrohase figure wag 25 cents does tot
detract from the importance of the
transaotioe, neither dose 10 argue that
the purchaser ie necessarily moving in
the direction of starting a livery stable.
A sad and fatal ebooting affair took
plane near Kelvin, Burford township, on
Saturday last, when the 5 year•old son
of William Thempeon lost hie lite by a
bullet from 0 Winchester rifle in the
hands of Amos Chapman, Saturday
armed with his Wincheaer repeater,
Chapman was on the look out for rabbits
on a property about 800 yards from the
house of Mr. Thompson, when a rabbit
jumped and ran rapidly in the direction
of the house. Mr. Chapman immed6
ebely sent. rt ball ;after it. ' The bullet
passed through the house and, struck the
boy in the nook, killing him instantly.
W. P, Pawer, Bettie of Bowmaaville
died in Englanilarelday morning,
According to the Ooverunlent insllsot.
or's report, nearly2,000 more oars of live
stook passed through Madan from the
West thio year than Mgt,
Hon, Thos, Ballantyne WAS re pleated
woof h it nt f h ' '
ae ed e o p a r r 1d
4 re t 1"amesBn or
twine Co, Brantfordr at the anneal Meet.
ing bold last week, and was also appoint-
ed a member of the executive board,
A Berlin citizen got up the other morn.
ing at two o'olook, bad his breakfeet and
left for hie work. On the way he was
considerably surprised to bear a Queen
street faotory bell strike two and on re.
tare * to the house found the hands of
hie cloak had naught and indioated 5:13
instead of 2 a. m, He went bank to bed,
Rev. J. 5, Scott, pastor of the Metho-
dist nburab, Galt, baa returned home
after a mentlr's well earned holidays,
wbiclr he enjoyed to the Mimed. Mr.
Soott hied himself to Mitchell Bay, • in
Kent county, where be spent the time in
daok Wonting, He killed in all about
250 duke, and brought home with him
about 100 members of the biped tribe.
Rohm on Sox Houos,—Distressing kid.
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight on account of
Itt exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary paesagee in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in patting it almost im-
mediately: I(
m-mediately.I( you want gaiok relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by G. A.
Deadman, druggist.
M. V. Straight, of Elmira, N. Y., shot
hie wife, her sister, Mrs. Whitford, and
himself, allfatally, on the street Friday
President Cleveland's next message to
Congress is expected to deal vigorously
with the tariff' reform as well as eurrenoy
Right Rev. John Claudius Neraz,
Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of San
Antonio, Texas, died at his home after
a long diluees. He was born in France
in 1823,
An attempt was made to rob Frank
Short, a money broker, at Buffalo, and
in a struggle with the would-be burglar
Short received injuries which may .prove
fatal. At midnight he was unconscious.
At Cleveland, Ohio, Friday morning
the first beesion of the \V. 0. T. U. Con-
vention opened, with the largest ab-
tendauce in the history of the union.
The session was devoted to the annual
address of President Franoes Willard
and the reports of committees.
Send 9 cents in stamps, or 10 (lents silver,
awl :we x111 send you by return mall the
A neat little Book. being a perfect Guido in
the art or Letter Writing, It contains Let-
ters of Love, Priced ship, Business, etc„ with
valuable instructions and advice. ldvery
young man and woman should have tlr.s
Book. Address,
o aaKnFc
an° <
8 lax °y,
B dd
b a m°,sot'
it C 3 V.A. IpIpv.''gs
ie. ,(tpwo7g p'l• " C
o y. n
Cy f W p.Bp a°'is a- .
noom6v,t.,°,ew'r6l' Q
R,:it&pp me "L°a'l' 3 c7p
.„ee0 {..
r5 !2E p. n C
ii , , 2aw>I sp• C
r raven ^cn,uti. a
Or La Grippe, tliodgh occasionally epi-
demic, is always more or lase prevalent.
The 'beet remedy for this complaint
Ayer's Cherry Postoral.
"Last Spring, 1 was taken down with
La Grippe. At times I was completely pros -
Seated, and so diffcult was my breathing
that my breast seamed as if confined In an
iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began
taking It than relletloilowud, I conrld iotbe.
Have Manic effect would be so rapid and the
cure so complete, Itis truly awanderful med.
loin."—W. H, WrnoxAtrt, Crook City, b. D.
Cherry Pectoral
f' rompttOact,Buretooure
"rte Star Line.
ft0XAli3nlAlir STBAIiISilit3,
aetweeu New York and ,Liverpool, '3e
ae rho eteamor of tit a line pe
strlobly limited nambor in the irxnmmpiand
enema 00130N aeeommodatlone, intoning
passengers, are reminded that an early 03.
plication for berths is necessary at this sea -
s011, Por plans, rates, etc„ apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussele,
Sumer• ■ .
Sa3 1 ,gS,
From From From
Liverpo'l BTEAMetxps.. Montreal. Quebec.
Daylight, ti a.m.
Cot. 18 +Numidian Nov. 8
Parisioli: 10 NOV.11
Nov: 1
IWill not call at Bimouski or Moville.
Passengers embark at Montreal after 8
p. m• on Fridays.
For further information ee to rates,
&o., apply to
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
'Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
boon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Manufaoturer.
Sold by JAMES FOX,
Druggist, Brussels.
Ktiploriss BODDIOK has boon
joined in the Millinery Business'
has had a nnmber of years' ex-
perience in Millinery,
Latest and nest Fashionable
display of Hats, Bonnets and
Millinery goods.
A Well Assorted stook of Fancy
Goode will also be kept, to.whicly
we invite the attention of the ladies
of Brussels and vicinity.
Our object is to Bell at ologe prioes
and Guarantee Satisfaction,
Call and see us.
Plisses Roddick & Smit
16 -Page Weekly
—,996 Columns.
ONLY 0. at
Now to Dec. 81, 1895.
Balance of Year Free.
avenin WSW of • THE ' ?I
Large Prize List.
Handsome Premium,
Good Inducements to Agents.
For Agents' Terms, ata, address—
Advertiser Printing Go.
- x II.
Opposite the Queen's Hotel, - Brussels.
A Full Stock of Fresh Groceries, Flour, Bread,
Crockery and Glassware always on hand
,fill Saleable Produce taker, at Highest .Market
,Prices, but no Credit yen,
Commissions of all kinds
Promptly Executed.
Remember the BREAD and
other Prices in Proportion.
Goods Delivered In any
part of the town.
Potatoes Wanted.
Any quantity of Poultry wanted, must be clry picked
and not drawn.
On the Sands
Of Time.” . . .
Looking at them closely it is not hard to be-
lieve that some of them might have been made by
ants, so very small their step and so crooked their
way ; excitable little creatures that with all their
flurry never seem to get anywhere in partienlar,
and whose whole interest seems to be that of turn-
ing aside from obstacles. Others again, in the
great length of their stride, remind One of the
mighty jump ofthd kangaroo. They are evidently
getting somewhere, and on reflection it occurs to
the observer that these must be, the tracks of those
shrewd•anerehants who 'got there' by jumping frons,
one advertisement in -TED BaussnLs Posr to anoth-
er, and as we ponder their .prodigious strides, these
beautiful lines of the poet come to mind
Footprints that perhaps another
Sailing o'er life's troubled main,
Some ft/rlorn and shipwrecked brother
Seeing may take heart again.